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Happy Samhain Beloved Satanic Family, And A Joke

Happy Halloween everyone :D
I somehow managed to avoid all xianity in my life. Was never taken to church as a kid, was able to avoid mandatory religion classes in grade school, never was bothered by any xian garbage in my youth.

I had a teacher who was a jewhova witness in highschool, but they never mentioned anything about this to me.

Somehow any xian people around me had always kept this quiet around me, and I was able to avoid it entirely, I did always give of a strong aura of disinterest and disgust for xianity and religion in general, subconsciously opposing it.

Unfortunately that means I don't have any amazing trolling stories like HP HoodedCobra's, but I take the fact I avoided all xianity, or perhaps xianity avoided me, as enough evidence to my Satanic soul.

I wish all our SS brothers and sisters a blessed Samhain, to keep growing and moving up forever, and find increasingly greater success as we continue to move up as a whole.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Will we have the updated race awakening soon?
I thought we usually did this on Samhain.
I remember once when I was like 21, I joined this work exchange program and met some people there who invited me to a party. I said okay. Then they said we’re going to go to church first. (Should of been the first warning sign it wasn’t going to be a good party) So I went and I said I’m gonna bring a tablet and watch a movie in the back while they do their thing. Turned out to be a huge mega church and I didn’t have a phone so I had to sit with them. They sat in the very front. It was auditorium style. The rows of seats ascended from front to back. I decided to watch the movie The Wolf of WallStreet. If anyone’s seen the movie. There’s scenes of Leonardo DiCaprio snorting cocaine off of a hookers ass and many scenes of debauchery, nudity and drugs. Everyone could see me watching this movie. And the lady behind me kept asking me to turn it off. I remember just looking at her and simply saying no and then continuing to watch. Then the church music starts playing and everyone is singing. The lady behind me starts aggressively kicking my chair in rhythm to the music. She keeps screaming to me to turn it off. Finally the preacher notices and stops the music and the band. He walks off of the stage and comes to me and asks what’s going on on the microphone for everyone in the maga church to hear. He sees the movie and says it’s horribly inappropriate and I should turn it off. I then just look at him and say no. The whole church goes silent. He didn’t appear to know what to do. He looked very shocked and then just went back on stage and continued with service. The lady behind me looked more and more annoyed. Finally he stops service for a second time. And the same thing happens. He asks me to turn the movie off. I say no. My new ‘friends’ are shaking their heads with embarrassment. The preachers face gets red with rage and he says “Do you speak English son??” Finally a word aside from no comes out of my mouth and I say “yes”. He says okay then turn the movie off. I say no. The crowd gasps in shock. He says fine I’m going to have to ask you to leave. Security comes and aggressively grabs me and escorts me off the premises. Then once I was out of the main room, they all started being really nice to me and saying they would love for me to come back and offered me water and food.

Then I went to this party. And it was a room full of a adult people drinking apple juice and watching the Disney channel for hours. Weirdest thing I had ever seen up to that point in my life. I forgot about that story until now. Oh how we behave in our youth! Probably would never do that now. But I suppose it was funny at the time. Lol. Happy Halloween everyone!

Oh and stormblood, it wasn’t me who stole your candy but I do have many left over if you’d like some. And actually, I even have organic Reces Peanut Butter cups if you’d like. And yes that’s actually a real thing and they taste excellent.
VoiceofEnki said:
I somehow managed to avoid all xianity in my life. Was never taken to church as a kid, was able to avoid mandatory religion classes in grade school, never was bothered by any xian garbage in my youth.

I had a teacher who was a jewhova witness in highschool, but they never mentioned anything about this to me.

Somehow any xian people around me had always kept this quiet around me, and I was able to avoid it entirely, I did always give of a strong aura of disinterest and disgust for xianity and religion in general, subconsciously opposing it.

Unfortunately that means I don't have any amazing trolling stories like HP HoodedCobra's, but I take the fact I avoided all xianity, or perhaps xianity avoided me, as enough evidence to my Satanic soul.

I wish all our SS brothers and sisters a blessed Samhain, to keep growing and moving up forever, and find increasingly greater success as we continue to move up as a whole.

Hail Satan!

It is a very good thing that most of Europe right now is moving away from that. In fact, so many countries could now give a shit less about this odious program.

In regards to highschool, I have other stories, because there I would literally harass the whole classroom exposing Christianity all day. My vitriolic hatred for this was something I did express very openly, even when unprovoked.

Some things I saw in my very early teens, where I met two people who were viciously raped and abused by xians, left me with seething hatred for xianity and the related. These people were underage at the time. Generally people can be deceived by the false front xianity presents, but I came to see all of it, including some very unusual and disturbing things.

The average xian, if they knew even half of this, they would abandon xianity immediately. I was always well protected, and no matter what I saw, it never touched me emotionally or affected me in anyway, however increased my hatred exponentially.

In some places of the US and even Europe, compulsory xianity is a situation that is has been until recently quite enforce. There are literal xian schools that brainwash children that evolution does not exist.

The calmer the better, looking back at it. This program is definitely odious.

HPS Maxine has had to go with way more opposition than I on that regard, simply because the xian program is a harassment program. Quite a few people here who lived in the Bible belt and in non lax places of Europe, have until the late decade been experiencing major harassment.

The peak of this harassment was from 1990 to 2000, then xianity experienced a little "up" and then started collapsing after 2002, we all know why. Now it's literally waving a GBLT flag just to survive the next day, because everyone starts to understand it's all a hoax.

I think even the most backwards countries have now been slowly ditching the incessant promotion of kike-ism, with even removing compulsory Christian studying from schools.
Eric13 said:
I remember once when I was like 21, I joined this work exchange program and met some people there who invited me to a party. I said okay. Then they said we’re going to go to church first. (Should of been the first warning sign it wasn’t going to be a good party) So I went and I said I’m gonna bring a tablet and watch a movie in the back while they do their thing. Turned out to be a huge mega church and I didn’t have a phone so I had to sit with them. They sat in the very front. It was auditorium style. The rows of seats ascended from front to back. I decided to watch the movie The Wolf of WallStreet. If anyone’s seen the movie. There’s scenes of Leonardo DiCaprio snorting cocaine off of a hookers ass and many scenes of debauchery, nudity and drugs. Everyone could see me watching this movie. And the lady behind me kept asking me to turn it off. I remember just looking at her and simply saying no and then continuing to watch. ...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Hail Satan!

It is a very good thing that most of Europe right now is moving away from that. In fact, so many countries could now give a shit less about this odious program.

is the same happening to islam and buddhism and the leading piece of shit odious program judaism?
Crystallized Mushroom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Hail Satan!

It is a very good thing that most of Europe right now is moving away from that. In fact, so many countries could now give a shit less about this odious program.

is the same happening to islam and buddhism and the leading piece of shit odious program judaism?

Islam, all you have to do is watch some documentaries. It's about 20 times worse than xianity. It's arguably the most brutal of these programs, because it's also the "youngest", being only 800 or so years old. The kind of evil of Islam is one of brutality and bloodshed, and constant abuse.

Xianity takes a covert stance on the evil it does, while Islam is a literal brutalizer type of program, they have no qualms in many cases to even beat people senseless or kill them. Christianity killed all of Europe but it's older, and has established itself of enough corpses and blood, so now all their evil takes place in a more discreet fashion.

Islam, it's basically the same writings as "Christianity", but essentially xianity with the aspect that the European soul calmed down to a "livable" extent. Europeans made their own version of the virus, sort of how an infection is tried to be calibrated by the immune system so the person can live, even if they are ill.

Xianity before Europeans was like Islam or even worse than it. After all, it was this program of death that then gave birth to the other jewish program of death, that of Islam.

Europeans after they were mass killed, they literally made their own somnambulist version of Xianity [a pure self created lie that has nothing to do with real xianity] which was nothing else but a barbaric enslavement program of death and death by the sword from the Middle East, coming out of the jews. Since Europe was left without culture after it's passing, people also had no other choice.

Actual Xianity is what the testaments and old testament says. Kill the witches, burn the scientists, the list goes. Pure xianity was applied when xianity was making it's first spreading on the surface of the world like the virus spore that it was.

In Judaism, since I have made extensive research for warfare efforts, evil, crimes, drug dealing and all sorts of other things one would never imagine are simply out of control. Even kikes cannot tolerate most of this, so they try to run away. They keep their own as lower than dung and slaves, especially where their communities are very uptight and closed.

In some jewish communities, they don't even allow people to use a computer, calling it "Of the Devil". This is in the 21st century United States, in places like the the Jewish ghettos. There are documentaries online about that type of stuff and Orthodox Jews.

All these programs are of death and the amount of evil is to an extent the average person cannot really understand.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Hail Satan!

Here's a story of mine. I ended up going to church at 15 at this really powerful church. Allegedly they be exorcising demons out of people bodies and interview them. They claimed to be Lucifer and Baalzebul etc. And claimed to want to hurt and make the hosts suffer. (Only for it to be a lie, as those were probably Greys). The church did some extensive Bible studies about the Vatican and Rome, and even Greek and Sumerian mythology when talking about certain Bible verses. But something inside me felt like something was off, and the pastors knew something was sorely amiss about me, like I either knew too much, or thought I was going to leave church and abandon "God", especially when they found out I was doing research on sacred geometry, and when they found out I was gay. It was after various hypocrisies that I left, but only after leaving did everything went downhill. I kid you not, the people transformed into something quite...weird, after I left. I left at age of 20, so basically 5 years. There's this one time where they played a video presentation about the "Holy Trinity" and they pulled up Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, and something about Shiva, and Zeus called my attention even then. And here I am, at 24 years old, 9 years later. It's insane just how even the church was doing me a favor to point me to Satan and here eventually. That's the joke.

We keep Moving forward ,forever and ever to avenge all of our brothers and sisters from years past. You know if you know.

Happy Samhain. Hail Victory.
Kevin Hernandez said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Hail Satan!

Here's a story of mine. I ended up going to church at 15 at this really powerful church. Allegedly they be exorcising demons out of people bodies and interview them. They claimed to be Lucifer and Baalzebul etc. And claimed to want to hurt and make the hosts suffer. (Only for it to be a lie, as those were probably Greys). The church did some extensive Bible studies about the Vatican and Rome, and even Greek and Sumerian mythology when talking about certain Bible verses. But something inside me felt like something was off, and the pastors knew something was sorely amiss about me, like I either knew too much, or thought I was going to leave church and abandon "God", especially when they found out I was doing research on sacred geometry, and when they found out I was gay. It was after various hypocrisies that I left, but only after leaving did everything went downhill. I kid you not, the people transformed into something quite...weird, after I left. I left at age of 20, so basically 5 years. There's this one time where they played a video presentation about the "Holy Trinity" and they pulled up Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, and something about Shiva, and Zeus called my attention even then. And here I am, at 24 years old, 9 years later. It's insane just how even the church was doing me a favor to point me to Satan and here eventually. That's the joke.

Sounds like a super weird church. However, many of these Christian "clergies", also brag literally for having killed these people and having replaced their culture. Part of this bragging is how they brag to have Christianized Africa, Latin America, Europe and the whole planet. Whatever they looted, they kept hidden in the Vatican.

The Pagan marbles they keep on the Vatican are literally stolen after they literally burned the temples of the Pagans, raped and flailed them alive. Then they kept these there as some sort of dictionary for the "Dead Gods".

Most of these people and especially these "pastors", past a point, know they are all literally lying to people. They have full access to texts and other knowledge that proves this beyond a doubt. But they willingly serve that evil, even if they know it's all stolen and so on.

Most Christian pastors also past a point, literally are given Jewish cursing manuals and a lot of other things, which I saw at church. Nothing made sense at the time, but everything made sense to me later.

They know for example kike Jesus never existed, or that the story of "Jewsus" is just an alchemical story that was stolen of the Pagan Gods, they know the Trinity was stolen from Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and all of this. And that all of this is a literal giant hoax upon which the world is literally being destroyed. But they are just entirely corrupted and couldn't care less.

Many of them are also racial jews, and those that aren't, are spiritual kikes as if they are possessed with some sort of unclean spirit of death [If you are psychic you know what I mean here, you might have felt this foul energy], which they spread on humanity based on the lie.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is a very good thing that most of Europe right now is moving away from that. In fact, so many countries could now give a shit less about this odious program.

is the same happening to islam and buddhism and the leading piece of shit odious program judaism?

Islam, all you have to do is watch some documentaries. It's about 20 times worse than xianity. It's arguably the most brutal of these programs, because it's also the "youngest", being only 800 or so years old. The kind of evil of Islam is one of brutality and bloodshed, and constant abuse.

holy shit thats really disturbing and evil i knew the kikes hated us Gentiles(Superior Species) and even other kikes but i thought they would be a little friendly to their own guess there evil has no bounds from what i heard and read never seen it myself other than my dad being muslim and trying to justify it and me and my brothers being circumcised and trying to convert us when we were younger but hes mostly calmed down and kept it to himself one of my brothers is a muslim and his personality wouldn't fit at all with how evil shitlam is but hes worried me and the rest of my family that isn't muslim "won't go to heaven with him" its really sad.

also the fact kikes treat their own like that sounds funny would love to see parasites harm parasites instead of descent species like us Gentiles and animals .

also is buddhism and sikhism and jainism similar in evil like is there documentarys about those evil programs?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Will we have the updated race awakening soon?
I thought we usually did this on Samhain.

Be a little comfortable with being at ease, because I guarantee you, there is a 100% change of affairs that will catapult us and help us tremendously incoming, in the close future. We have also done great offences, like the previous one, which did even more fatal damage to the enemy.

Enjoy the few days we will have without the schedule and updates and recharge.

There is a new schedule incoming any-day now, and then new Ritual release. It just needs to be made more practical, because it has to be easy to be done.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Will we have the updated race awakening soon?
I thought we usually did this on Samhain.

Be a little comfortable with being at ease, because I guarantee you, there is a 100% change of affairs that will catapult us and help us tremendously incoming, in the close future. We have also done great offences, like the previous one, which did even more fatal damage to the enemy.

Enjoy the few days we will have without the schedule and updates and recharge.

There is a new schedule incoming any-day now, and then new Ritual release. It just needs to be made more practical, because it has to be easy to be done.

i know this is off topic but how will financial matter change in the United States which is where i live will there be more terminating kike financial control rituals also what would regular jobs that pay non living wages be like and rent and housing prices be like without US capitalism? you did reply about this on a post i made one time but it never shoed up so i don't know what you wanted to post to me.
Happy Samhain everyone! :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Be a little comfortable with being at ease, because I guarantee you, there is a 100% change of affairs that will catapult us and help us tremendously incoming, in the close future. We have also done great offences, like the previous one, which did even more fatal damage to the enemy.

Enjoy the few days we will have without the schedule and updates and recharge.

There is a new schedule incoming any-day now, and then new Ritual release. It just needs to be made more practical, because it has to be easy to be done.

Thank you very much brother. Just in the last few days, I felt that an enormous barrier has been mostly removed and I felt that our gods are much closer with us now than ever before. Maybe this is part of what you are hinting about.

I will try to relax and be comfortable, but you know how I am. There are some important people who I love, and I am always feeling an infinite drive to protect them in every way. I need our people to be safe and protected.
Quick story too:

Back in 2015, I was in my school cafeteria studying on the JOS when some guy came up to me to ask if he could charge his phone. He wanted to use the power outlet that I was sitting by. I said yes and he just happened to glance at the JOS text on my phone so he asked what I reading about. At the same time I pronounced, "I'm reading about the joy of Satan." I noticed the crucifix around his neck. It was kind of funny but he literally was like, "Oh." And then disconnected his charger and walked away..

For the rest of the week, I would notice him occasionally staring at me and obviously I would just reflect anything negative he'd send me. And one day, I was in the chess room just enjoying my time when he suddenly came up to me and literally said, "I'll challenge you." I told him ok and when I ended up beating him in under 10 minutes, he begrudgingly said, "You're better than I thought." All I told him was, "Satan One. God Zero!"

It was a pretty fun day.. Happy Samhain everybody :)

Hail Satan!
Ayleth said:
Happy Samhain!

I can add a little story as well. My mom told me a few years ago that I wasn’t even baptised with my actual name because the mmorpg pope did not like it, it was not christian enough. :lol: :twisted: I’m not going to reveal it here obvs but it is close to a Demon name.

Who would’ve ever thought :cool:
Hail Satan!
Happy Halloween! Can you, please, return my snake now?
13-04-2021... Do this date mean something for you?

Choosen and protector... Do this words mean something for you?

I don't expect an answer, but if everything is what I think it is there's no need to be clear, just a little signal is all I need
Eric13 said:
Then I went to this party. And it was a room full of a adult people drinking apple juice and watching the Disney channel for hours. Weirdest thing I had ever seen up to that point in my life. I forgot about that story until now. Oh how we behave in our youth! Probably would never do that now. But I suppose it was funny at the time. Lol. Happy Halloween everyone!

Oh and stormblood, it wasn’t me who stole your candy but I do have many left over if you’d like some. And actually, I even have organic Reces Peanut Butter cups if you’d like. And yes that’s actually a real thing and they taste excellent.

lol that's funny. Next project should be to hack into the church's speakers and set them to play the final RTR recorded or even the HPS Maxine's recording of the 72 Names or HP HC's recording of the third part of the reverse greek ritual lol

I'll get your candies when we meet in 9 years lol
Happy Samhain Bro :cool:

That is some sermon as per, also the instagram analogy made me lol :lol: :lol:
My parents were agnostic. I only went to church about 5 times in my life, when my Grandpa made us go when he was visiting. I didn't even know what a jew was until finding the JoS.

I once stood at the top of a steep decline, like a hill that had a slight echo, and I yelled "HELL!" I had a super-xian friend who nearly had a stroke. We were only like 12 or so.
Eric13 said:
Oh and stormblood, it wasn’t me who stole your candy but I do have many left over if you’d like some. And actually, I even have organic Reces Peanut Butter cups if you’d like. And yes that’s actually a real thing and they taste excellent.

That is hilarious, the woman kicking your chair.

As for those chocolates, can I have some too :p? Stormblood and I can share. I only had one bar, dark chocolate with some strange flavorings, it was an artisan chocolate bar or whatever they are called. I haven't had Reeces in years, would love to try the organic ones.
You reminded me of my mother telling me of the stories when I was just a baby. I was born blonde haired and blue eyed, very unusual for a mexican baby, which would sadly darken as I got older, but this made my grandma, my fathers mom, become really attached to me for some reason. My mom would tell me she wouldn't even want to let go of me, and look for any excuse to be my babysitter.

All this, and she would tell my mother "He's going to be a little devil when he grows up" before I could even walk.

I only hope I can live up to those expectations. I don't know what compelled her to tell my mom that, being a xian woman herself like most mexicans, but I'll be damned if she wasn't right. :D
Happy Samhain Brother! :) This day is always particularly special to me and something good always comes with its arrival.

Stormblood said:
Serbon said:
Happy Samhain!
When I was little, I once said in my religion class in school "Im now on Satans side" only out of fun cuz I was bored. The teacher looked in my eyes shocked af and talked to me the next day I think, and asked if I was serious :D

When I was in the military, I whispered RTRs during Christmas mass they had us partake in. In religion class in high school, I would pretend I was saying the prayers in Latin and instead tell quite a few blasphemies.
I know i'm a bit late, but happy Samhain anyway!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Judaism, since I have made extensive research for warfare efforts, evil, crimes, drug dealing and all sorts of other things one would never imagine are simply out of control. Even kikes cannot tolerate most of this, so they try to run away. They keep their own as lower than dung and slaves, especially where their communities are very uptight and closed.

In some jewish communities, they don't even allow people to use a computer, calling it "Of the Devil". This is in the 21st century United States, in places like the the Jewish ghettos. There are documentaries online about that type of stuff and Orthodox Jews.

All these programs are of death and the amount of evil is to an extent the average person cannot really understand.
Wow, so this is were Amish and Medievalist Xians took their ideas from. :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most of these people and especially these "pastors", past a point, know they are all literally lying to people. They have full access to texts and other knowledge that proves this beyond a doubt. But they willingly serve that evil, even if they know it's all stolen and so on.

Most Christian pastors also past a point, literally are given Jewish cursing manuals and a lot of other things, which I saw at church. Nothing made sense at the time, but everything made sense to me later.

They know for example kike Jesus never existed, or that the story of "Jewsus" is just an alchemical story that was stolen of the Pagan Gods, they know the Trinity was stolen from Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and all of this. And that all of this is a literal giant hoax upon which the world is literally being destroyed. But they are just entirely corrupted and couldn't care less.

Many of them are also racial jews, and those that aren't, are spiritual kikes as if they are possessed with some sort of unclean spirit of death [If you are psychic you know what I mean here, you might have felt this foul energy], which they spread on humanity based on the lie.

Unfortunately, they just don't lie about their favorite Rabbi existing. They also tend to constantly lie about the West being "Built by Xians". And their sheeple will repeat every lie they tell them all the time. They are so annoying. :x
Aquarius said:
Happy Samhain Brothers and Sisters!
My only funny story is that when I was little my family would joke about me having "666" engraved on my scalp, because of how energetic and naughty I was.

Also for some extra laughter, a nun was passing by my house, I started screaming all kind of italian blasphemies to their jewish god. Funny, lol.

It's always nice to know you repulse the enemy. I personally think "snake" is the best compliment one of them could ever give me...it is after all only natural a jew would be repelled by a serpent...on top of that being a sacred animal of Satan. It made me lmao.

Any SS or HP(s) that has been slandered by any of them are doing their job. They should feel flattered more than anything.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Hail Satan!

It is a very good thing that most of Europe right now is moving away from that. In fact, so many countries could now give a shit less about this odious program.

is the same happening to islam and buddhism and the leading piece of shit odious program judaism?

Oh my Gods your sig...coolest thing every i love crystals!
Lydia said:
Eric13 said:
Oh and stormblood, it wasn’t me who stole your candy but I do have many left over if you’d like some. And actually, I even have organic Reces Peanut Butter cups if you’d like. And yes that’s actually a real thing and they taste excellent.
That is hilarious, the woman kicking your chair.

As for those chocolates, can I have some too :p? Stormblood and I can share. I only had one bar, dark chocolate with some strange flavorings, it was an artisan chocolate bar or whatever they are called. I haven't had Reeces in years, would love to try the organic ones.
Aaaaah, I don’t have them anymore :(
But hey I’ll get you some!! Don’t worry. It’s after Halloween, so everything’s on sale and of course the only thing left is the organic stuff anyway, so no worries, I’ll get plenty!
Lydia said:
Eric13 said:
Oh and stormblood, it wasn’t me who stole your candy but I do have many left over if you’d like some. And actually, I even have organic Reces Peanut Butter cups if you’d like. And yes that’s actually a real thing and they taste excellent.

That is hilarious, the woman kicking your chair.

As for those chocolates, can I have some too :p? Stormblood and I can share. I only had one bar, dark chocolate with some strange flavorings, it was an artisan chocolate bar or whatever they are called. I haven't had Reeces in years, would love to try the organic ones.

ill share my cookies and home made taffy :D
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:

I remember being a child and we had gone for Catholic mass. Everyone was taking the sacrament thing and ingesting it. I put mine in the pocket while everyone watched and left the 'altar', it was so hilarious. :lol:

Oy vey, the Satanic instincts are too strong in this one, a million oy vey's were done on that day.


I was always making a scene in church and the pastor would get pissed along with everyone else. I think everyone hated us there. Even as a kid i just couldn't help but offend the awful energy they raised even without trying :roll:
Shadowcat said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is a very good thing that most of Europe right now is moving away from that. In fact, so many countries could now give a shit less about this odious program.

is the same happening to islam and buddhism and the leading piece of shit odious program judaism?

Oh my Gods your sig...coolest thing every i love crystals!
thank you :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: i get called cool by alot of coworkers
OfficerAnglo said:
I have to say fam, I fucking love the whole Crystal theme you have going on, I’m blown away by that picture of selenite or whatever; makes me think you’re going to see some emerald water of Agatha ‘DC Lazarus Pit) bubble up of you cut one out. That’s mad fucking rad [insert hand horns tan-white skin, black heart, cheers w/ beers and fire emojis here]
I don’t drink but yeah cheers hail Satan!!

Crystallized Mushroom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Be a little comfortable with being at ease, because I guarantee you, there is a 100% change of affairs that will catapult us and help us tremendously incoming, in the close future. We have also done great offences, like the previous one, which did even more fatal damage to the enemy.

Enjoy the few days we will have without the schedule and updates and recharge.

There is a new schedule incoming any-day now, and then new Ritual release. It just needs to be made more practical, because it has to be easy to be done.

i know this is off topic but how will financial matter change in the United States which is where i live will there be more terminating kike financial control rituals also what would regular jobs that pay non living wages be like and rent and housing prices be like without US capitalism? you did reply about this on a post i made one time but it never shoed up so i don't know what you wanted to post to me.

thank you :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Happy Samhain to all SS!

Thanks HP Cobra for sharing that funny story. I'm sure all of us ex-xians have some insane church stories to tell. For me, I have always been fairly open to energy, and I could barely sit through 5 minutes of a church service before I was squirming all over the place. I frequently got nosebleeds in church too. It was the strangest thing. It felt as if my soul was being attacked. Imagine that... :roll: I was quite surprised to read a logical explanation for this on the JoS website that described what I had felt for years. My soul was being attacked, and xianity was disgusting and evil. Now with my third eye slightly open I can actually see the grey energy all over that church.
I remember as a child I was sitting in a chair at kindergarten and I pulled my hair up in two parts and pretended they were horns and the teacher freaked out because she was very religious and told me to stop it. So I waited for some time and did it again lol.
I actually at that age enjoyed pushing the boundaries. I didn't understand why people said Satan was evil. I asked so many questions to the adults that it actually worried them and they got upset and told me to stop it. I remember saying that I believed "the devil was good" and "I think you have it all wrong" I said I felt bad for him and that he was so hated. It made my parents very upset. They ended up reading the Bible shortly after out loud. I remember trying to ignore it and was just day dreaming. I loved my parents it's not their fault how they were raised but somehow it didn't effect me and my beliefs too much. Anyway, hope everyone had a great Samhain!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
