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Happy Samhain Beloved Satanic Family, And A Joke

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Years ago, I reminiscence we were celebrating 666 members in the Yahoo Group on Samhain. This happened exactly on this date. We knew back then with the same certainty that the Gods were with us, like we do today.

We exchanged wishes, but these wishes felt warmer than what one might feel from their own family or even human contact. Indeed, we were small back then, but so big at the same time.

Now, we are here, multiplied so many times over in power, wisdom and understanding. In the beginning everyone else was attacking us, since we were on unthreaded territory. Surely and certainly now our path is more open than ever ahead of us.

One cannot help by feel blessed with all this. It's certainly a rocky road, and as with any other upwards road that one wants to take in life, it's not the easiest road.

Often times I also receive this other thing in my e-mail, which is some complaints. Enemy this, enemy that, my ass this, my ass that. Stop there for a moment, no matter how you feel, and ask yourself why is the enemy against us and why they fight us?

They fight you because you are moving up. Every day, little by little. We are rising, not falling, moving upwards and not downwards. So keep moving up family, that's all there is to it.

I enjoy it when Rabbis will be breaking their keyboards while reading this. They must be thinking to themselves that there is indeed some supernal force in this world that is closely watching them. They live under the illusion that they have "escaped", and that all these attacks against everyone is not going to be paid.

One Jew even messaged me, telling me my end will be like that of Hitler. Do these jews not understand what a great compliment that is? When they tell me things like this how can I not take them seriously? We all know what actually happened to Hitler.

So since we are in a light mood in Samhain, I want to also write about a little personal story. When I was like 5 years old, like everyone here, I was dragged into church. There was a big holiday where all the bishops and arch-bishops and all these pedophiles were assembling, like they do on the stolen celebration of Easter. The Mega Church, golden inlaid chairs, morbidly obese priests and all.

Because my family was a very "Christian" family, and a very pious family, they decided to go that early on the church, to make sure they wouldn't lose one second of Jewish Cultural Advertisement that takes place in churches, based on the Hebrew Bible. They wanted to hear how evil being born a Goyim is, and how that is a major sin, and how you must repent by giving inordinate amounts of money at the church. Sort of like the Sin of being born White and how you must repent and atone for it.

There we go to the church about 20 minutes earlier, and because I was bored I just left to go around and look at the church, skipping my family at the entrance when my dad was opening his wallet to throw the biggest bill he could inside the donations box.

After a good amount of walking in the Mega Church, I found this throne, sort of like this papal throne inside this church, and sat on it. For a throne that expensive, this worthless throne didn't even have a proper cushion. It was rather flat.

Family spent around 10 minutes straight looking for me - you know, if you lose a child inside a Christian Boyscouts Union or the Church, you might never see it again, for reasons well known to anyone who knows anything about the Christian Church and it's "Ministers". But people bring their children there anyway since "God Knows Best", how to appoint pastors that will violate their children, I suppose? Anyway this "God" knows a lot of stuff, don't question him.

After pointlessly trying to look for me, the litany was about to start and the arch bishop with the golden sceptre, full on rubies and gold inlaid cloth, wanted to sit on the chair. They dress like video games characters in the Christian Churches, because they think this gives them some sort of power or something. It's the religion of the poor after all, and their attire must cost something north of 100,000 USD.

Those of you in the Western Hemisphere might not be familiar with this nonsense, but you are all familiar with the 100,000 USD attire of the "People of God", who claim that after all [to their followers only], that money is the root of all evil.

It depends on the power of the cloth, maybe it gives them +15 intellect when they wear it. The true religion of the spiritual is this, and remember, if you got two coats, donate one to your local 1 billion per year mega-church to atone for being human, ok? So back to our situation, I was merely sitting there stuck on the throne.

A morbidly obese jew with a big nose was coming there, decorated like a spiritual prostitute about to please the most expensive client, the jewish throughform that pimps all these guys. He told me to "get up" and included the corny "my son" in it. But since I wasn't his son I wasn't getting up. He was sitting there for the first minute, and then rapidly losing his fatass patience.

Then he said "Please someone remove this child from the chair so that we begin", but I was sitting there clinging on the chair and looking at the bishop straight in the eyes flinging legs back and forth and laughing at the same time, with both hands on the sides of the chair which was for 10 times the size as I was.

But I was insisting on sitting on the chair, and nobody was removing me, sitting there, looking at the bishop, flinging legs back and forth and laughing. I had to climb at this chair to get up, because it was considerably big. After delaying the liturgy for a good five minutes sitting there looking and trolling at the bishop, my old mother came in and pulled me from the chair, apologizing to the bishop for this great insolence this child hath done.

My old father back then considered this an "Omen" that I was going to become a top Clergy or person of great pastoral ability, and therefore I was harassed for many years to become a "priest", which I refused as much as a present day Instagram girl refuses to take a picture without a filter. And both our reasoning is valid, because we cannot be seen away from the best version of ourselves.

Felt great to steal the throne of the Jew, that was indeed stolen back from me. Didn't Odysseus also get taken out of Ithaca, and then retook it?

For years later, this nonsense was trying to cling on me. I was always people's "priest". Indeed, there were times that I thought why I didn't become a "Christian" pastor, you know, like these assholes you saw in American TV in the 80's where they scream nonsense and they get 100 millions yearly for this.

My inner Demon wouldn't let me, however. He reviled in these ideas of mortality and pushed me further, and to a direction where your inner Demon is also pushing you today.

But I wanted to have a soul and I was in full disagreement with these people, I hated them since the time I remember myself with a great hate. We are at war now, and did their prophecy also not come true?

Indeed, here I am, and I am a "Priest". The Demon spoke truly, more true than even the observable reality.

The bishop was so old that lives now in memories of his related pedo priests [nobody remembers these people anyway], is now probably dead in some golden inlaid coffin. The millions out of corrupting human souls in their exchange didn't really save him, did they? And no wonder, where their soul is, or where their soul was all their life? Probably nowhere.

This relationship all Christians have with this though-form, and the jews behind it, has helped nobody. Not even them. But that is besides the level of honesty most Christians have. One really needs to be attracted to the universe that they call "God", to want to see this - it also takes even more courage to turn back after you have been deceived from it.

They are all deceived, but in love with this deception because it's easy and requires nothing of the person. You just "believe" into something, and you continue on with being a literal nothing. They call this a "relationship" with "God".

Their desperation in trying too much to cling to one another, and the lowest nonsense they try to accredit to "God". They find their car keys, wow, the God of the universe must have done that. Gotta advertise on Instagram.

Their "God" is as stupid as they are. Anyone is very lucky to have escaped from this nonsense. How lucky is a soul that in all this mess has actually an opportunity to find the real Godhead within?

The same Gods that will lay their hands on you on this night of Samhain, will guide you in this path. Some of you will understand this, and some of you will not. The key here is to keep this reality in mind and not forget it. We are fighting against our own ignorance and forgetfulness.

All what I am doing here is trying to get you out of this mindset of cowardice, hopelessness and all this related garbage. The Joy of Satan teaches you that you have a soul, to use it, and to fight this game of life.

Other "religions" remain on bullshit theory and bullshit morality, filled with nonsense and lies.

Nothing has led of these to people to their own "Godhead". People claim that they believe in "God" but they are godless and they know it. They have not really seen the "Creation". Under Satan's guidance, I have. It is sometimes very sad that this beauty has been dismissed from this world, and that is why we live in an ugly world filled with lies.

We turned the Truth into our enemy, and it takes so much courage to turn the Truth into a friend. But this is going to change for the world too - yet the important thing is that it can change for you if you let it happen. "Through yourself, you shall know the whole world".

When I understood this too, then everything made sense and it fell in place. And they hide from you that you can see it too, because indeed you can. You're very close if you are in this place, all you need is to apply what you are given.

This is by the enemies of humanity to just break your resolve and your soul. You came here with a soul, and they want you to lose it. You cannot really lose it, but you can forget about it. You can also remain powerless because this gift of the Gods is hidden from you, but that cannot be forever.

The knowledge of the soul has become petty marketing, pointless "opinion" and other garbage that is based on "worship". Joy of Satan teaches you what it is directly, without the falsity involved.

But you have a soul and you are building it everyday. Then what can they really do to you, but delay you or try to deter you? Not much. What can they do to the Gods? At best hide them from you, but that's about it.

In this Samhain you must remember to be thankful that the hand of the Gods is upon us all. I truly wish everyone the best.

Sit down on a chair today somewhere, and think to yourself, if you are new, what great opportunity is in front of you. And if you are older or of many years here, reminiscence and build your faith for what is coming in the future. You're going to advance, so enjoy the process.

Love and advancement to all of our Demonic and Satanic family.

Happy Samhain to all of you, family of Spiritual Satanists,

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Happy Samhain Brothers and Sisters!
My only funny story is that when I was little my family would joke about me having "666" engraved on my scalp, because of how energetic and naughty I was.

Also for some extra laughter, a nun was passing by my house, I started screaming all kind of italian blasphemies to their jewish god. Funny, lol.
Happy Samhain everyone!! :D
Hahaha, I really love to read this kind of personal stories. :lol: :lol:
How fate works and how we decide to change our lives (and how others interpret our actions and decisions) is always fun to listen to.
Thank you for sharing!

Happy Samhain! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Happy Samhain everyone!

I remember being a child and we had gone for Catholic mass. Everyone was taking the sacrament thing and ingesting it. I put mine in the pocket while everyone watched and left the 'altar', it was so hilarious. :lol:
Hail Satan, Hail the GODS, HAIL COBRA,

thanks for the wishes

happy samhain to u too

:lol: :lol: the story.
Aquarius said:
Happy Samhain Brothers and Sisters!
My only funny story is that when I was little my family would joke about me having "666" engraved on my scalp, because of how energetic and naughty I was.

Also for some extra laughter, a nun was passing by my house, I started screaming all kind of italian blasphemies to their jewish god. Funny, lol.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

lol you actually reminded me of how when I was little, my mother used to tell me that I was "Satan's child" because I was very rebellious and not listening to her. Who would have thought! :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
Blackdragon666 said:

I remember being a child and we had gone for Catholic mass. Everyone was taking the sacrament thing and ingesting it. I put mine in the pocket while everyone watched and left the 'altar', it was so hilarious. :lol:

Oy vey, the Satanic instincts are too strong in this one, a million oy vey's were done on that day.
Aquarius said:
Happy Samhain Brothers and Sisters!
My only funny story is that when I was little my family would joke about me having "666" engraved on my scalp, because of how energetic and naughty I was.

Also for some extra laughter, a nun was passing by my house, I started screaming all kind of italian blasphemies to their jewish god. Funny, lol.

I am sure if we shaved or looked on your scalp we might see an actual 666 up there somewhere, evil one. How dare you oppress this little nun, so 666 of you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Happy Samhain Brothers and Sisters!
My only funny story is that when I was little my family would joke about me having "666" engraved on my scalp, because of how energetic and naughty I was.

Also for some extra laughter, a nun was passing by my house, I started screaming all kind of italian blasphemies to their jewish god. Funny, lol.

I am sure if we shaved or looked on your scalp we might see an actual 666 up there somewhere, evil one. How dare you oppress this little nun, so 666 of you.

OfficerAnglo said:
Aquarius said:
Happy Samhain Brothers and Sisters!
My only funny story is that when I was little my family would joke about me having "666" engraved on my scalp, because of how energetic and naughty I was.

Also for some extra laughter, a nun was passing by my house, I started screaming all kind of italian blasphemies to their jewish god. Funny, lol.

I like you brother, you make me laugh. For all I know you could beat my ass and stand over me and say whatever you want- 'How's that feel Officer* Asshole?, too pussy to control yourself?' Rhetorical statement; have a good night !
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Happy Samhain!
When I was little, I once said in my religion class in school "Im now on Satans side" only out of fun cuz I was bored. The teacher looked in my eyes shocked af and talked to me the next day I think, and asked if I was serious :D
Serbon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Happy Samhain!
When I was little, I once said in my religion class in school "Im now on Satans side" only out of fun cuz I was bored. The teacher looked in my eyes shocked af and talked to me the next day I think, and asked if I was serious :D

The level of trolling with this is hilarious.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I was listening to this

Then read your Sermon while listening. Trying not to cry. You are right, the power to change everything is in our hands...... Happy Samhain to everyone. Wishing everyone happiness. The Veil is thin tonight. Going to connect to the Divine. We all fight and give so much to see a new world. Let the power and wisdom of the Gods flow through us, may we grow to be more as they.
Happy Samhain!
Hell's blessings to all of you :)

And may Jack bring you many pumpkins
Happy Halloween HP HC.
Happy Samhain Brothers and Sisters
Happy Halloween family
Satanic Blessings on us all
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In this Samhain you must remember to be thankful that the hand of the Gods is upon us all. I truly wish everyone the best.

Sit down on a chair today somewhere, and think to yourself, if you are new, what great opportunity is in front of you. And if you are older or of many years here, reminiscence and build your faith for what is coming in the future. You're going to advance, so enjoy the process.

Love and advancement to all of our Demonic and Satanic family.

Happy Samhain to all of you, family of Spiritual Satanists,

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Happy Samhain!

Lately i have really been able to taste the fruits of my own tree that i have sown some years ago, The first two years was extremely taxing for the little sapling for the ground was filled with dross. But in the last year the sapling sprouted exceptionally fast and strong, This is trough all the work that i put into healing the soil, The gods have supplied me with everything i needed, And you were there to make me see that the little sapping would be able to grow big and strong given enough time.

I adore the gods with my whole heart, And i have a great deal of respect towards you for showing me that the little sapling were to thrive.

I have never thanked you, But now that i am sitting in this chair reminiscing, It ought to be time for me to thank you for all you have done. So thank you High Priest Hoodedcobra
Happy Samhain bros and sisters.

Unfortunately, I didn't do much to celebrate it. As I was busy and am really exhausted right now.

But honestly, the energy is amazing. My head chakras keep exploding with bliss even though I haven't felt it in months. I can also feel my soul and bio-electricity better. Comparing the energy at Samhain and at jewish holidays and the difference is vast.

Hail Satan Forever!!
Hail Queen Ishtar!! Godess of Godesses!
Reminds me a little of my grandma always thanking "jewsus" for a break in traffic. Crazy old hag would close her eyes and pray to it whenever she was driving around a roundabout on the road. I don't know how she isn't dead yet for that.

Growing up my family didn't celebrate Samhain. I remember my father had a thing against it for some reason, not sure why (maybe something to do with my grandma). The first time I ever got to have the "Halloween experience" was late teens with some friends who were a little too into the horror genre at the time. It's now one of my favorite holidays and I'm glad I get to celebrate it with everyone here and the Gods.

So a very Happy Samhain to everyone!
Serbon said:
Happy Samhain!
When I was little, I once said in my religion class in school "Im now on Satans side" only out of fun cuz I was bored. The teacher looked in my eyes shocked af and talked to me the next day I think, and asked if I was serious :D

When I was in the military, I whispered RTRs during Christmas mass they had us partake in. In religion class in high school, I would pretend I was saying the prayers in Latin and instead tell quite a few blasphemies.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:

I remember being a child and we had gone for Catholic mass. Everyone was taking the sacrament thing and ingesting it. I put mine in the pocket while everyone watched and left the 'altar', it was so hilarious. :lol:

Oy vey, the Satanic instincts are too strong in this one, a million oy vey's were done on that day.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

~Inspiring sermon for Samhain and a great story. Thank you for sharing it with us. Happy Samhain to you, H.P Hooded Cobra and everyone here with the Joy of Satan.

Lady Bellatrix
Satanic Warrior
Hail Satan/Lucifer!
Happy Samhain!!🎃 Hail Satan!!🦚
Happy Samhain to all SS!

I'm glad I avoided christian priesthood as well. (So I actually read the bible, and with a critical eye unlike most christian cucks) Turns out demanding answers to the contradictions and lies in the bible from the pastor was because "Satan is too powerful in me". I wouldn't accept "only jewhova knows" "or god works in mysterious ways" bullshit.

lol the old man thought I would replace him.

Hail the power of Satan within!
Happy Samhain!

I can add a little story as well. My mom told me a few years ago that I wasn’t even baptised with my actual name because the mmorpg pope did not like it, it was not christian enough. :lol: :twisted: I’m not going to reveal it here obvs but it is close to a Demon name.

Who would’ve ever thought :cool:
Hail Satan!
I remember when I was a kid I watched this cartoon about the story of jews in Egypt, all the story was supposed to make you feel bad about the jews and hate the Egyptian but I was so obsseses with Ancient Egypt that I was on their side lol the brainwashing did not work on me :lol: ....Happy Samhain!!!
Happy Samhain to everyone as well! You're all my Satanic family, the best family in the world.
Thanks for share the story HP, i wish everyone happy Samhain !

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
