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Happy Holidays & War World 3

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
First of all, I want to tell to everyone happy holidays for today, and to always remain Satanic, strong, aware, and spiritual. Remember that we are eternal and so are the Gods, and to always strive forward for your goals. Happy Autumn Equinox.

For newer SS, refer here: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOLIDAYS.html

Looking at the recent events, everyone here should understand why the latest schedule was issued. We have to do what we have to do.

Planetary energies have since 2021 pointed to the eventuality of major wars, but also, pandemic. The latter happened, the first has not occurred.

If you see in the schedule, I highlighted specific days.

If you watched the news with Putin, the United Nations, the FED and FOMC and so on in the USA [bad news short term, good long term], Europe was informed about energy "problems" etc, you know why I highlighted these days now.

Do participate please. Gotta avoid. Thanks.

Recently, the Queen of England died. Many "conspiracy theorists" have also mentioned that this is a "key event" for future actions by the enemy.

I have to add here, the whole situation is nothing but a large Ritual that takes place from the enemy, who tries to use this at their advantage. They are "timing" events as per usual. We know their mode of operation.

In regards to "how we got here", we have to laugh out loud at this too. For a 0,001% death rate virus, the US and other economies were brought to their knees because of printing infinite money, which mostly accumulated itself from the rich, who later on pulled out of the stock market, leaving the masses in more and more debt.

I have related to you in previous topics the events exactly as they unfolded. Some things months and years in advance, such as the Market and how it would go as early as November 2021.

First, economic destabilization, which would cause financial woes worldwide because of the new new flu, and then, Nations who would start picking wars on each other. The latter is happening now, approximately one year later.

Every generation has it's challenges and things to overcome. We have become collectively too stupid. This is the price to pay.

We Satanists will be fine through all this, but about the world, they are opening pandora's box again. We are not responsible for this. We are trying to help if anything by doing the Rituals and so on.

Even our personal meditative work as individuals, helps to bring spiritual light into this world, that desperately needs it. Yet, most of the world remains decisively blind. And there is a price to pay. We cannot pay this price in full even if we wanted to. We can only help to an important extent.

Albeit certain people like Adolf Hitler have warned the world about the aims and purposes of the enemy, the world still tolerated them to be the ticks that rule them. The world as always focused on the unimportant things of this, such as what the jews said. They didn't look at reality.

He told everyone that they were the enemies of humanity, and that they are bloodthirsty and evil. Almost nobody listened because jews lied about him and called him "Evil", no different than Satan, who warned us all and gave us the spiritual knowledge to advance.

Now, we live in the reality he predicted. They bring us before WW3 and nobody really knows 'why'. The bill from the muh virus is on the trillions, global financial woes, certain countries faced with famine and so on, so forth.

Most Nations will fare fine here, but we have to be alert during these times.

People are told this is all coincidence, but everyone here knows it's all planned by the enemy. They are trying their best. We know, and we do not deserve anything that comes as a group. Therefore, the Gods give us protection and Rituals so that we will be fine in our own terms and within the confines of metaphysical laws.

But the society is not exempt from this. 80 years after Hitler, they gradually gathered power physically and spiritually, and with the slaves worshiping their programs and consuming their mind-washing, they are trying to manifest their longterm dreams of world annihilation and domination.

Certain people still might doubt the JoS, but the Joy of Satan has said the Truth all of these years, and YEARS in advance.

Yet, many idiots still wonder. Doubt it if you will, but all the Joy of Satan says is the one and only Truth of the matter.

Humanity might temporarily escape and feel uneasy, due to discomfort of realizing it's own mistakes, but the outcome will be what the Truth has mentioned.

We have not dealt with the issue of the enemy. They have gained a lot of power. But they are pushing because they are losing it, and to consolidate it before it's too late for them. Therefore, chaos ensues. But chaos is necessary for change.

If it all happened from the backdoor, which they tried, all would be lost.

What is even worse, they have related their whole plans, from Klaus Schwab and his gang, all the way to the first jews who wrote the "Revelations" that speak about mass genocide.

In the end, these will not succeed, but the chances are rising and rising the more people are oblivious and willingly so. When civilizations become so oblivious, and they allow jews in power, this is what jews do.

If anyone say Putin's latest speech, this rings the bell for readiness for WW3. When people hear about WW3, they think it will all burn, but this likely wont' be the case. What will happen is however great instability. The extent of this might range all the way from regular combat, all the way to greater levels of war.

SS will be protected through any of these events, even if they happen or not. But one must not abuse their chances. Do your meditations as the Gods have instructed and focus on your life.

Because the Joy of Satan members are from many locales and regions worldwide, there cannot be a singular line of approach here.

If you live in New Zealand with your parents, you will likely be fine. But if you live in Russia and you might get drafted, it's important to prepare and position accordingly.

In my opinion, you must do ANYTHING to NOT get drafted, except of actions that might lead to prison. If you are drafted, go for positions that are not frontline. We know we can fight wars.

But the important thing now is to LIVE FOR SATAN AND THE GODS, AND THE FUTURE. Do not die for the games of the enemy, no matter how much one wants to jump on the guns to defend their Nation, do not fall into this emotional trap at this point.

The leadership of these Nations does not work to serve any of us, but rather, the agenda of the enemy.

No matter what happens, most civilians will also be fine. But the situation is not looking well for the general gist of things.

If you are in the military as quite a number of our own are, start doing x3 times the protection you do daily and clean thoroughly every single day. Do NOT ignore this advice.

The world is currently in difficult times. Difficult does not mean "it's over" or anything like this, it just means difficult or uncertain. It means the stronger of mind will become stronger, while the "average" person will start having meltdowns over believing in lies for too long.

We do not have that problem whatsoever here. We are calm, aware and resolute.

Lastly, the New Rituals who will be up now will sustain and support emotionally and in the spiritual level so everyone not only pulls through, putting the hand of the Gods on everyone, but that we grow from this patch of human history.

Think positively, and always do your best.

May the Gods be with us all and the Joy of Satan,


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's baffling how so many people are willing to deceive themselves about Christianity and Islam, all because of 'muh feelings and muh reputation.' Bike riding today, I'm seriously thinking about writing a post about why people deceive themselves.

Then there's another thought I have in my head recently: Why should I care about my reputation when an audience consist of pieces to be discarded from the chessboard? The Jews have demonstrated countless times that they really don't care about their audience; they'll ignore the audience's criticisms and just move on. It's really easy to forget that an audience can be deceived, something the Jews do very often.
Of course they will use such a powerful day to pull their disgusting things...hopefully we can stop most of the bad things.
Thank you HP. I needed to hear this.
The events jews set into motion would have me sickened with rage if it wasn't for JOS and your wisdom and advice.
It saddens me to hear locals talk politics and about the wars and pandemics in their ignorance. I would be alongside them if not for Satan and JOS knowledge. If not for the mental conditioning and truth of JOS I would have already wasted my future fighting this stuff physically and extremely.
I look forward to the day when I can meet the Gods, and in the meantime will live every single breath in mindfulness of Them and Father Satan.
I give my all in our rituals and war schedules, and continue to work towards Godhead by self empowering daily.
Hail the Gods.
Hail Satan.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Planetary energies have since 2021 pointed to the eventuality of major wars, but also, pandemic. The latter happened, the first has not occurred.

Do participate please. Gotta avoid. Thanks.

If you are in the military as quite a number of our own are, start doing x3 times the protection you do daily and clean thoroughly every single day. Do NOT ignore this advice.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes ! I read a lot and understand things are serious :( everyone must participate.

But, 3 times AOP :eek: :eek: :eek:
That shocked me ..
the enemy tries to take us down
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
First of all, I want to tell to everyone happy holidays for today, and to always remain Satanic, strong, aware, and spiritual. Remember that we are eternal and so are the Gods, and to always strive forward for your goals

Looking at the recent events, everyone here should understand why the latest schedule was issued. We have to do what we have to do.

Planetary energies have since 2021 pointed to the eventuality of major wars, but also, pandemic. The latter happened, the first has not occurred.

If you see in the schedule, I highlighted specific days.

If you watched the news with Putin, the United Nations, the FED and FOMC and so on in the USA [bad news short term, good long term], Europe was informed about energy "problems" etc, you know why I highlighted these days now.

Do participate please. Gotta avoid. Thanks.

I was wondering what exactly you meant by extra effort on those days. Now I understand the bold days basically mean prioritize these days, don't miss them. I have to work around a roommate, but I think the Gods are helping me out with that so I can have time to do the rituals at least once per day. I can do mental vibrations, but they don't work as well as vocal ones.

The Gods have told me the protection I've been receiving is a combination of my own power and theirs. It's nice to know I'm not totally "helpless" during all this, and that my daily money workings actually do work. I only work part time, but the money is enough pay my bills.
blueFlame666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Planetary energies have since 2021 pointed to the eventuality of major wars, but also, pandemic. The latter happened, the first has not occurred.

Do participate please. Gotta avoid. Thanks.

If you are in the military as quite a number of our own are, start doing x3 times the protection you do daily and clean thoroughly every single day. Do NOT ignore this advice.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes ! I read a lot and understand things are serious :( everyone must participate.

But, 3 times AOP :eek: :eek: :eek:
That shocked me ..
the enemy tries to take us down

Here I meant the physical military, not the spiritual, BUT regardless, one must do extra protection during schedules.

Shadowcat said:
We have to remain strong through thick and thin. The enemy holiday is also coming up starting the 25th to the 27th. Will we be doing something extra for these three days?

25th is marked in the schedule. The rest is not as much perilous. By the end we will have undone a lot of their utter crap. 25 - 28 for them is rooted in what they accomplish for the bold dates of 21-25. Then the window closes. This is astrological this year.

Ursa Minor said:
I was wondering what exactly you meant by extra effort on those days. Now I understand the bold days basically mean prioritize these days, don't miss them. I have to work around a roommate, but I think the Gods are helping me out with that so I can have time to do the rituals at least once per day. I can do mental vibrations, but they don't work as well as vocal ones.

Bold days mean: extra focus of quality in the Rituals and if possible, more times done.

If in a regular day one does a Ritual once, its good to do 2 or 3 times for the bold dates, or adding the recommended for max repetitions.

If increase of quantity is not possible, then increase of quality should be done.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
blueFlame666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Planetary energies have since 2021 pointed to the eventuality of major wars, but also, pandemic. The latter happened, the first has not occurred.

Do participate please. Gotta avoid. Thanks.

If you are in the military as quite a number of our own are, start doing x3 times the protection you do daily and clean thoroughly every single day. Do NOT ignore this advice.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes ! I read a lot and understand things are serious :( everyone must participate.

But, 3 times AOP :eek: :eek: :eek:
That shocked me ..
the enemy tries to take us down

Here I meant the physical military, not the spiritual, BUT regardless, one must do extra protection during schedules.

Shadowcat said:
We have to remain strong through thick and thin. The enemy holiday is also coming up starting the 25th to the 27th. Will we be doing something extra for these three days?

25th is marked in the schedule. The rest is not as much perilous. By the end we will have undone a lot of their utter crap. 25 - 28 for them is rooted in what they accomplish for the bold dates. This is astrological this year.

Apologies for missing the detail, that's right. Work has my mind running lately. Luckily it only gets worse for them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bold days mean: extra focus of quality in the Rituals and if possible, more times done.

If in a regular day one does a Ritual once, its good to do 2 or 3 times for the bold dates, or adding the recommended for max repetitions.

If increase of quantity is not possible, then increase of quality should be done.

Understood sir, I'll do what I can.
I've been hearing talks about September 24. Does that have any significant date in Shemitah Year? Will the Jews cause an international blackout on that day?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SS will be protected through any of these events, even if they happen or not. But one must not abuse their chances. Do your meditations as the Gods have instructed and focus on your life.

Because the Joy of Satan members are from many locales and regions worldwide, there cannot be a singular line of approach here.

If you live in New Zealand with your parents, you will likely be fine. But if you live in Russia and you might get drafted, it's important to prepare and position accordingly.
But the important thing now is to LIVE FOR SATAN AND THE GODS, AND THE FUTURE. Do not die for the games of the enemy, no matter how much one wants to jump on the guns to defend their Nation, do not fall into this emotional trap at this point.
Thank you Hoodedcobra666. I don't live my life like others, but it doesn't matter, to overcome the occasional feeling of hunger, I went back to my drawing classes. It gives me solace and as a way to learn about the world. I started doing it for Satan and the Gods as well. I don't know how the future will turn out, but it's the right decision.
Thank you for the words of courage and motivation, I am very grateful for all of this Family here, it gives me hope for the future, where none would exist otherwise. I know we will build a better future for Humanity.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst... I have a feeling that it will all get worse before it gets any better... it is usually how it happens with diseases... we will end the jewish disease no matter the cost... we will never give up, never stop fighting for one day.

Happy Fall Equinox everyone!
If you haven't seen the movie "Speak No Evil", please do. Some idiots on the internet have said that the movie is boring and a waste of time. You can't explain the realities of the world to people who can't even understand such a clear message in this movie. In short, it is an incredibly disturbing movie that perfectly captures the current state and possible future of white people.
Happy Holidays, Stay Strong. Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have related to you in previous topics the events exactly as they unfolded. Some things months and years in advance, such as the Market and how it would go as early as November 2021.

At least 10 years ago we could already see the third world war as a fact. It was also clear that the two most likely fronts were Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region.

In economic terms, there has been a world war since at least 2013. Recall the sanctions against Russia. And recall that China stopped buying US Treasuries in December 2013, so it stopped financing the US debt. Even then, there was talk of creating a Russian-Chinese credit rating agency and of the yuan replacing the dollar.

The current situation is a consequence of events 10-15 years ago. And the Russians have been saying for a very long time that their first priority in the event of war, because of NATO facilities, is a nuclear strike against the Baltic States and Eastern Europe. The right decision was made by those who had long ago liquidated their previous life and started a new one, for example in Chile.

In the event of a nuclear war, Southeast Asia, Africa and South America would probably survive:


And because of the Jews there is a great chance of nuclear war. The idea of the destruction of the world and of nature has been an integral part of Jewish occultism from the beginning. This idea was behind the development of the atomic bomb by the Jews. And this idea was also the reason why the Jews handed over the technology to the Soviet Union. The aim was to have nuclear weapons for more countries, because an actual nuclear war emergency is only possible with more parties.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Think positively, and always do your best.

May the Gods be with us all and the Joy of Satan,


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'll try, even if I am at risk of getting dropped out if I fuck up my next grading like the first. All I can say is, I'm gaining all this technological awareness and skill so I can be more useful around here than just sitting here doing RTRs and meditating. I decided to get cybersecurity skills after the basics are done.

I'll do my best, it's not like I just made an all-or-nothing decision for myself. I fuck up then I don't know what to do with my life anymore.

I'm too angry to fail
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because the Joy of Satan members are from many locales and regions worldwide, there cannot be a singular line of approach here.

If you live in New Zealand with your parents, you will likely be fine. But if you live in Russia and you might get drafted, it's important to prepare and position accordingly.

One frontline is Eastern Europe, the other is the Mediterranean. Here in Hungary we cannot stay out of war: either we face a nuclear strike or war. My family and I cannot leave Europe (or Hungary).

I can no longer handle this situation.
Let the fools die so we might start a new I feel much closer to my gods much more closer then what I have for many past lives keep your eyes to the horizon as after doing all this work and suffering and fighting you would nit wish to miss our rise after all.
A few days before this schedule my environment got more and unpredictably hectic. I've been doing them and I apologize if the quality is not the best, but I am and will keep doing my best!
Happy holidays, Hp

the ww3 has been plannedThe numerology of the previous 2 wars and the date Putin attacked, are reduced to 5. It's extremely worrying. Hopefully we will prevent it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Even our personal meditative work as individuals, helps to bring spiritual light into this world, that desperately needs it. Yet, most of the world remains decisively blind. And there is a price to pay. We cannot pay this price in full even if we wanted to. We can only help to an important extent.

Thanks HP for your wise words and engagement as usual.
This is what inspired myself to name myself Pillar, someone who holds the world "together" on his back., through his spiritual force. Your words lead me to think I am right, be it my effort minor compared to the mass effort and the Gods' effort in this fight, I am still happy and proud I am doing that.
Everyone counts here, in anything we do to help, from simply existing and meditating, to more elaborate help!
If you are in the military as quite a number of our own are

Why arent they resigning?
Why cant they get out of the military?
Or are you referencing to the Nations like Russia and Ukraine, which there is mandatory for the men to get into the war to kill themselves?
I saw 6 million being used again, often.

“6 million in Ethiopia in dire need of help”
“6 million people affected by Pakistan floods”
“Biden: about 6 million Venezuelans to enter USA”

…and couple more, those are just few examples. They are definitely trying to raise energy for something.
Nothing sounds worse than getting drafted in a war that is instigated by Jews, to fight for a country I don't believe in, and to potentially die for almost nothing but Jewish games.

These rituals will save us from this potential fate, I hope everyone who can do these is doing it.
In my country, war can be happend by any time . Myanmar's mortal firing is sign for war in Bangladesh for reason.

I am doing present schedule ritual. Can someone suggest me what I should preparation before war happen? I am afraid right now. My dad also afraid .
Happy Mabon, my brothers and sisters in Satan!

Hail Satan!!!
Do you know how bad it is astrologically for France? As in chances of France getting involved in the war w/ Russia, as the country has a long history of going to nearly every war ever.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In my opinion, you must do ANYTHING to NOT get drafted, except of actions that might lead to prison. If you are drafted, go for positions that are not frontline. We know we can fight wars.
If you are in the military as quite a number of our own are, start doing x3 times the protection you do daily and clean thoroughly every single day. Do NOT ignore this advice.
Could you please delete my other *5 same* posts? :lol: :lol:
There seems to have been an bug or something :?
A modern nuclear war would wipe out the entire human race. Then how would reincarnation continue?
I don't know what to do anymore, I'm stuck. I made many mistakes on my way here. My beginning is unworthy of this path. Now I don't know how to get out of my own misery. I don t know what to do. Can I start meditating without learning anything by heart and without asking for divine approval? Maybe I should just stick to the documentations, maybe I should leave the meditations for later, maybe I should stay for a while just learning by heart and trying to understand things and leave the meditations for much later? But how to do the rituals without any power? I'm in a hurry for this. I don t know what to do
Artanis said:
If you are in the military as quite a number of our own are

Why arent they resigning?
Why cant they get out of the military?
Or are you referencing to the Nations like Russia and Ukraine, which there is mandatory for the men to get into the war to kill themselves?

When you enlist you have to serve your term, I don't know of a military that allows its soldiers to just pack up and leave.
Dark Lawyer said:
A modern nuclear war would wipe out the entire human race. Then how would reincarnation continue?

It is doubtful that would happen. But the fact some of those in power are demented enough to entertain this and fluff feathers on it is a whole other topic.

Shiva666 said:
In my country, war can be happend by any time . Myanmar's mortal firing is sign for war in Bangladesh for reason.

I am doing present schedule ritual. Can someone suggest me what I should preparation before war happen? I am afraid right now. My dad also afraid .

Do the Rituals, they help. Because the people doing them are also starting points for the protection, they can protect you even if an event happened. The scenario is invalided starting and affecting also the person doing them.

Even if the world goes insane we have to do our best to stay safe if in it, or entirely out of it.

Artanis said:
If you are in the military as quite a number of our own are

Why arent they resigning?
Why cant they get out of the military?
Or are you referencing to the Nations like Russia and Ukraine, which there is mandatory for the men to get into the war to kill themselves?

In many Nations it's part of being a man to have to go into compulsory military service. This practice has discontinued in many Nations in the late decades.

One being below 30, is always a target for being drafted militarily. The same goes for healthy people or at least those who can handle warfare.

Nations exist because certain people protect them, and among these are the military people. In times of peace, serving in the military is very different than doing so in times for war.

After you fulfill your sentence, you become a reservist. Other people do the military in the form of work and serve it for moral, financial security, or affinity reasons, or honor reasons.

It's part of the many jobs one can have like firefighter or policeman. Some people are cut for it. It is an empowering profession that has many perks; but it also carries the risk of having to go to war. Of course, many warriors do not see this as a risk, but rather as a necessity or an ample opportunity to prove themselves and to defend their homeland.

If during times of war people just "get out", they generally might be thrown into prison or a court. Even if people do not want to fight, the State has powers it can use to force them to fight, such as making one choose between 10 years in prison and going to the front.

It is not absolutely certain one will die in a war, but the situation is that they will definitely lose important things.

Egon said:
Do you know how bad it is astrologically for France? As in chances of France getting involved in the war w/ Russia, as the country has a long history of going to nearly every war ever.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In my opinion, you must do ANYTHING to NOT get drafted, except of actions that might lead to prison. If you are drafted, go for positions that are not frontline. We know we can fight wars.
If you are in the military as quite a number of our own are, start doing x3 times the protection you do daily and clean thoroughly every single day. Do NOT ignore this advice.

Astrologically affairs look like they could be "peaceful" or at least that they can be used for peace for the next 15-25 days or so. Any attempts to cause big escalation are lessened in effectiveness. But they push it anyway.

But after this, the situation changes. Most places do look like they will remain unaffected or not participate.

In the specific situation of France, it all depends if France's interests are going to be violated. Macron is handling this relatively well until now, being firm but also not forcing the escalation of tensions.

If push comes to shove, the EU or NATO members may get affected, and in this case, all NATO Nations will have to respond as part of a multi-lateral agreement. At this point France will have to send military. But they generally send trained soldiers there.

However, if this event were to happen everyone should be certain that we are not talking of a "Russian" war anymore, but just a plan of annihilation of everyone like Russia, US and EU.

If Russia pushes further outside Ukraine, we are talking of a whole different situation such as a backdoor attempt to create another USSR.
Florina 22 said:
I don't know what to do anymore, I'm stuck. I made many mistakes on my way here. My beginning is unworthy of this path. Now I don't know how to get out of my own misery. I don t know what to do. Can I start meditating without learning anything by heart and without asking for divine approval? Maybe I should just stick to the documentations, maybe I should leave the meditations for later, maybe I should stay for a while just learning by heart and trying to understand things and leave the meditations for much later? But how to do the rituals without any power? I'm in a hurry for this. I don t know what to do

The rituals work regardless of power level, even if you can't feel energy, the intentions behind whatever rituals you do still prevail. Feeling energy comes with practice, you can try feeling your own aura first. When you can feel it, try to "feel" what color it is and visualize it. After that, you can clean it by "melting" the grime off it and either let the grime dissipate or return it to it's sender.

Don't worry about 24/7 divine approval, the Gods will attempt to gently correct you if you wander off your Path. They don't micromanage people like Jewhovah. Also, if you feel the need to call on them for help then go ahead, they will answer.
Florina 22 said:
I don't know what to do anymore, I'm stuck. I made many mistakes on my way here. My beginning is unworthy of this path. Now I don't know how to get out of my own misery. I don t know what to do. Can I start meditating without learning anything by heart and without asking for divine approval? Maybe I should just stick to the documentations, maybe I should leave the meditations for later, maybe I should stay for a while just learning by heart and trying to understand things and leave the meditations for much later? But how to do the rituals without any power? I'm in a hurry for this. I don t know what to do

Sister, many of us came here from hardships and generally awful situations like abusive relationships and addictions, or lack of direction in life. There are some of us that joined solely for the need of power and joy, but many have/had to overcome the burdens using what the JoS teaches. You do not need approval to meditate, the Gods gave us all these information to use it, and they are more than glad if our people start making use of it to elevate themselves.
Don't stress about it. You don't need to memorize meditations. You will naturally learn everything by heart on the way, without even trying. Reading posts is not enough, Meditation and RTRs are of primary importance (we're at war, remember) and should be done daily - in the beginning especially don't question yourself if you're doing it right, or cause yourself a breakdown due to doubt etc, just do your best, and it will all clear up in the future. Do the Rituals as you can. Don't delay them. Over time, you'll be much more powerful and will be able to do them at the intensity you want.
I saw that the jews are planning to shut/close down the bunkers everywhere so that people will have nowhere to hide,
if that event happens.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dark Lawyer said:
A modern nuclear war would wipe out the entire human race. Then how would reincarnation continue?

It is doubtful that would happen. But the fact some of those in power are demented enough to entertain this and fluff feathers on it is a whole other topic.

Repost on How the Jews Use Nuclear War to Destroy Planets They Fail to Take Control Of (HP Maxine Dietrich, 2020. 01. 08.)


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
