Adolf Hitler's birthday in the 20th of April every year reminds us of positive thoughts and it tends to be a date of fear for people who have tied into too much on the slander about this Great Man. For those who have educated themselves on actual history, it is only a date of respect, admiration and hope for the future.
Millions still worldwide [and even more as time goes by and he is proven right] understand that Hitler was right, that things said against him are only focused slander, and that ironically so, it all happened exactly as he warned and predicted would happen. He was made into a global figure of dread by jews, because that what his goal was to save the European people and later on humanity at large.
Hitler holds exclusively this: He destroyed all the enemy's attempts to enslave humanity in the 20th century, and foiled these attempts on all sides. Naturally, he remains "hated" by those who were machinating to make this happen, and slandered by them in a shadowy and sly inferior war of consistent lying.
The biggest complaints of the enemy about Hitler revolve around the fact that he loved his people and his people loved him back. This bond was so powerful that internal or external propaganda, disinformation, and slander, could not affect this bond in anyway. You see even today books written by jews complaining about how much Hitler was loved by the people, and how willing were the people, like a species healing itself by making the right choice, to walk the path of saving and healing themselves by following a proper leadership for once.
Another thing that causes grief and hate of the enemy, is when leaders actually care for the people that they lead. Hitler set an example that was difficult for the jews to deceive other Nations over, as everyone had seen Germany's revival, and everyone understood that meaningful leadership of non jews, non cartels, and based on proper standards, is the way forward. It all still remains true for this day.
In Hitler's words he wanted to be someone that protected his people and altered them to things of potential danger, but only with these goals in mind: To solve these and to overcome these. Nowadays, when people are altered about danger, it is only so that their fear is being used and siphoned by the alien lifeforms and inferiors that have sat upon mankind as parasites.
Hitler warned of some things that we see manifested today, and he fought against these almost a century ago, under different forms and circumstances. For all intents and purposes, the final victory will belong to our side. As Amdusias stated, the enemy will manifest blatantly as the earth reaches the climax of our cause - that is already at hand, we are living it. This world war of spirit has been ongoing for centuries - forces involved go beyond this world, and beyond earthly and material years.
Hitler fought against the same universal forces of decay, that have nothing natural, positive, or good about them, but are entirely alien and hostile to mankind. He fought against Communism of the mind and spirit which we see yet again as a viable danger to society in the world's most powerful country which is the United States.
He fought against the jewish control of the press and it's use against a people, which we can see now evidently with the Co-Vid, or how politics and entertainment new have lost all meaning, but to serve specific interests, of nobody else's interest. How many people are shaking in their boots and taking pills right now because they are mortified by what is going on through this global crisis? The same overlapping pattern of intended collapse is again manifesting itself through this day.
According to Hitler, the press had to change, because the press was not serving the people, but specific donors and people with an agenda [such as for example today, "Globalists"], use of terror and disinformation is required to cause the necessary "Changes" the jews want to see done on this world. Still, the same situation happens today, and "Mainstream News" only relate the common and consistent pro Israel and "never transparent" types of news.
Humanity worldwide has entered a stage of bankruptcy worse than the Great Depression, experts say, twice the size of the Great Depression. Much of this has had to do with the news, with specific individuals who want to wrestle humanity into making it a cattle farm [with a specific jewish agenda to manifest in mind]. It is the second time 1920's are being repeated, only this time in the 2020's. The enemy's plans remained unchanged since Hitler's time and have progressively worked their way through the public eye.
The News guides the attention to people either into nothingness, or blatantly lies at people, and is readily being used as a tool towards deception and manipulation. The manipulation reached an all time high that we can observe now with the Co-Vid situation. Many news are so fake anymore. They do not bother to even say partial truths. it's all no different than hollywood, provided only they want to promote their specific jewish in this case, agenda.
Another warning of Hitler was the warning of maintaining one's race, not for trivial hate or trivial reasons, but to indeed, secure one's own existence, as it would be the healthy and sane thought for any self respecting being to do. Nowadays, the United States experiences what Hitler predicted which is a downfall, it is almost ripped apart by hatred and disunity created by Jews, who engage people in hate and race bait, teasing them to destroy the Nation in which they live, only with the goal to rip the United States apart, benefiting nobody else but jews.
The people who created this country, are being forced to enter into demographic twilight, and are now being told by the Media, Press and Academia, that it's a very good idea they all give in and disappear, and just throw their country away to anyone who wants to seize it, because that is the "moral" thing to do. Every logical person looks at this and freezes on the spot at this audacity. Everyone understands that this is not a joke and that they are going to be next in line.
Warnings issued about the enemy are nothing less but their enemies relating to people that are in danger of the enemy's plans. There is no conspiracy theory anymore. Just a plan to replace and corrupt mankind, the Gods and their creations which have been the best of all, for jewish hatred and nothing else. Jews in SPLC are keeping track of the declining rate of White people, enjoying the sight, and proving Hitler right on all fronts for once again...
Hitler warned of how politicians are becoming eternal slaves to Jews and are forced to promote Jewish agenda, which has nothing got to do with the Nation or the People or bettering their life. Every American or other President has to kiss the wailing wall, has to dance to the tune of Israel, and has to basically promote all the Israeli agenda of miscegenation, destroying your own people, and replacing them, deceiving them, and whatever else is asked of someone. What was once called a "Conspiracy Theory" is in the end only this: The Kalergi Plan to replace the inhabitants of Europe. Since 2015, we have seen this manifesting in full speed, to the extent that some countries in Europe are now half replaced.
The same plan has been practiced in many other countries and many other Races, in primary, to dilute the blood of every race. Even the mere word "Race" has taken on a transformation to a negative buzzword, due to the Jews. Meanwhile, the jews understand only one thing: The Jewish culture and the Jewish race. Everyone else is promoted to values that cripple the abilities of species to advance and evolve, and respect, and remain within their own kind.
Imagine brainwashing bees to attack flowers and lounge close to fire...And telling them these are "great moral" values to follow - great enough to get them all killed, and that this killing is the highest form of "morality". A brainwashing of a similar type has now happened towards White people, by the means mentioned above, which Hitler had the "audacity" [according to jews] to uproot them from positions of being able to do.
The Jews branded this as an "Attack towards Humanity", and they never could fully fathom that Hitler, or "A goyim", or "A slave animal" [as Gentiles are called in Jewish culture] would ever do such a thing to "Them", the "the true human beings". Still to this day the jews understand fully what happened back then, which was only the immune system of mankind reacting against them and re-asserting itself, to save itself from damnation that we see today strangulating our world.
A fair warning Hitler issued was also a warning of moral degeneracy. As Hitler explained, the moral and spiritual degeneracy comes from the collapse of inner values that a people has. The vilified symbol he chose for the National Socialist Party and New Germany, was the Swastika, which is an ancient symbol that extends to the Golden Age cultures, worldwide. It's a symbol that holds the message of the Gods and is a deeply spiritual symbol, having it's ties to the Ancient religion followed by the people during the Golden Age.
Hitler, when asked about the meeting of the British and the Hindu people during the colonization, said explicitly, that the White Britons had really nothing cultural or religious to offer [except of materialism] to the Hindu people. As such all that India kept from these values that they were exposed to, very few. Nobody became a Christian, as Christianity was evidently retarded to follow. The only thing that came out of the meeting of the two was a relation of building up material structures or a little more focus on building aspects of civilization materially. The Hindus were already beyond the Britons in the spiritual regard. The Hindu spiritual caste and spiritual moral values, even at a partly degenerated state, were by far, superior to those who were forcibly enforced on the British people by Jews.
At the same time, with the emerging of the Britons, so did emerge the jews who were closely behind them and controlling them deeply by the engrossment of the Brits to these decadent jewish imposed values. Values that when taken to extreme are degenerate, such as excessive and animal like materialism, have been the controlling values of mankind for a very long time. These coupled with fake spirituality which was also excessive, are certain to drive a people into destruction. The disasters and manifestations of this degeneracy we can already see everywhere we turn our head, exploitation and destruction is a main theme for humanity, which takes a wrong example out of the Jews that have temporarily ruled.
Hitler was however not only a man to issue empty warnings, but rather, a person of action, that all points of his life tried to do what was within his power to even out wrongs. He followed a noble path and a life more dangerous than most people would ever imagine of even following. At all points of his noble life, he made use of the abilities at his disposal to do the right thing.
In the end, he remains the Best Man of the 20th Century, a man that walks in the Pantheon aside Hercules and the Demigods, centrally responsible for the recent seeds of the awakening of mankind and it's recognition of the danger we are all together exposed to during these times.
In the future, the full meaning and the full dealing with the above problems will be manifested. And then the Sun of the Gods will shine once again, both with kind warmth, and powerful solar flares...
Millions still worldwide [and even more as time goes by and he is proven right] understand that Hitler was right, that things said against him are only focused slander, and that ironically so, it all happened exactly as he warned and predicted would happen. He was made into a global figure of dread by jews, because that what his goal was to save the European people and later on humanity at large.
Hitler holds exclusively this: He destroyed all the enemy's attempts to enslave humanity in the 20th century, and foiled these attempts on all sides. Naturally, he remains "hated" by those who were machinating to make this happen, and slandered by them in a shadowy and sly inferior war of consistent lying.
The biggest complaints of the enemy about Hitler revolve around the fact that he loved his people and his people loved him back. This bond was so powerful that internal or external propaganda, disinformation, and slander, could not affect this bond in anyway. You see even today books written by jews complaining about how much Hitler was loved by the people, and how willing were the people, like a species healing itself by making the right choice, to walk the path of saving and healing themselves by following a proper leadership for once.
Another thing that causes grief and hate of the enemy, is when leaders actually care for the people that they lead. Hitler set an example that was difficult for the jews to deceive other Nations over, as everyone had seen Germany's revival, and everyone understood that meaningful leadership of non jews, non cartels, and based on proper standards, is the way forward. It all still remains true for this day.
In Hitler's words he wanted to be someone that protected his people and altered them to things of potential danger, but only with these goals in mind: To solve these and to overcome these. Nowadays, when people are altered about danger, it is only so that their fear is being used and siphoned by the alien lifeforms and inferiors that have sat upon mankind as parasites.
Hitler warned of some things that we see manifested today, and he fought against these almost a century ago, under different forms and circumstances. For all intents and purposes, the final victory will belong to our side. As Amdusias stated, the enemy will manifest blatantly as the earth reaches the climax of our cause - that is already at hand, we are living it. This world war of spirit has been ongoing for centuries - forces involved go beyond this world, and beyond earthly and material years.
Hitler fought against the same universal forces of decay, that have nothing natural, positive, or good about them, but are entirely alien and hostile to mankind. He fought against Communism of the mind and spirit which we see yet again as a viable danger to society in the world's most powerful country which is the United States.
He fought against the jewish control of the press and it's use against a people, which we can see now evidently with the Co-Vid, or how politics and entertainment new have lost all meaning, but to serve specific interests, of nobody else's interest. How many people are shaking in their boots and taking pills right now because they are mortified by what is going on through this global crisis? The same overlapping pattern of intended collapse is again manifesting itself through this day.
According to Hitler, the press had to change, because the press was not serving the people, but specific donors and people with an agenda [such as for example today, "Globalists"], use of terror and disinformation is required to cause the necessary "Changes" the jews want to see done on this world. Still, the same situation happens today, and "Mainstream News" only relate the common and consistent pro Israel and "never transparent" types of news.
Humanity worldwide has entered a stage of bankruptcy worse than the Great Depression, experts say, twice the size of the Great Depression. Much of this has had to do with the news, with specific individuals who want to wrestle humanity into making it a cattle farm [with a specific jewish agenda to manifest in mind]. It is the second time 1920's are being repeated, only this time in the 2020's. The enemy's plans remained unchanged since Hitler's time and have progressively worked their way through the public eye.
The News guides the attention to people either into nothingness, or blatantly lies at people, and is readily being used as a tool towards deception and manipulation. The manipulation reached an all time high that we can observe now with the Co-Vid situation. Many news are so fake anymore. They do not bother to even say partial truths. it's all no different than hollywood, provided only they want to promote their specific jewish in this case, agenda.
Another warning of Hitler was the warning of maintaining one's race, not for trivial hate or trivial reasons, but to indeed, secure one's own existence, as it would be the healthy and sane thought for any self respecting being to do. Nowadays, the United States experiences what Hitler predicted which is a downfall, it is almost ripped apart by hatred and disunity created by Jews, who engage people in hate and race bait, teasing them to destroy the Nation in which they live, only with the goal to rip the United States apart, benefiting nobody else but jews.
The people who created this country, are being forced to enter into demographic twilight, and are now being told by the Media, Press and Academia, that it's a very good idea they all give in and disappear, and just throw their country away to anyone who wants to seize it, because that is the "moral" thing to do. Every logical person looks at this and freezes on the spot at this audacity. Everyone understands that this is not a joke and that they are going to be next in line.
Warnings issued about the enemy are nothing less but their enemies relating to people that are in danger of the enemy's plans. There is no conspiracy theory anymore. Just a plan to replace and corrupt mankind, the Gods and their creations which have been the best of all, for jewish hatred and nothing else. Jews in SPLC are keeping track of the declining rate of White people, enjoying the sight, and proving Hitler right on all fronts for once again...
Hitler warned of how politicians are becoming eternal slaves to Jews and are forced to promote Jewish agenda, which has nothing got to do with the Nation or the People or bettering their life. Every American or other President has to kiss the wailing wall, has to dance to the tune of Israel, and has to basically promote all the Israeli agenda of miscegenation, destroying your own people, and replacing them, deceiving them, and whatever else is asked of someone. What was once called a "Conspiracy Theory" is in the end only this: The Kalergi Plan to replace the inhabitants of Europe. Since 2015, we have seen this manifesting in full speed, to the extent that some countries in Europe are now half replaced.
The same plan has been practiced in many other countries and many other Races, in primary, to dilute the blood of every race. Even the mere word "Race" has taken on a transformation to a negative buzzword, due to the Jews. Meanwhile, the jews understand only one thing: The Jewish culture and the Jewish race. Everyone else is promoted to values that cripple the abilities of species to advance and evolve, and respect, and remain within their own kind.
Imagine brainwashing bees to attack flowers and lounge close to fire...And telling them these are "great moral" values to follow - great enough to get them all killed, and that this killing is the highest form of "morality". A brainwashing of a similar type has now happened towards White people, by the means mentioned above, which Hitler had the "audacity" [according to jews] to uproot them from positions of being able to do.
The Jews branded this as an "Attack towards Humanity", and they never could fully fathom that Hitler, or "A goyim", or "A slave animal" [as Gentiles are called in Jewish culture] would ever do such a thing to "Them", the "the true human beings". Still to this day the jews understand fully what happened back then, which was only the immune system of mankind reacting against them and re-asserting itself, to save itself from damnation that we see today strangulating our world.
A fair warning Hitler issued was also a warning of moral degeneracy. As Hitler explained, the moral and spiritual degeneracy comes from the collapse of inner values that a people has. The vilified symbol he chose for the National Socialist Party and New Germany, was the Swastika, which is an ancient symbol that extends to the Golden Age cultures, worldwide. It's a symbol that holds the message of the Gods and is a deeply spiritual symbol, having it's ties to the Ancient religion followed by the people during the Golden Age.
Hitler, when asked about the meeting of the British and the Hindu people during the colonization, said explicitly, that the White Britons had really nothing cultural or religious to offer [except of materialism] to the Hindu people. As such all that India kept from these values that they were exposed to, very few. Nobody became a Christian, as Christianity was evidently retarded to follow. The only thing that came out of the meeting of the two was a relation of building up material structures or a little more focus on building aspects of civilization materially. The Hindus were already beyond the Britons in the spiritual regard. The Hindu spiritual caste and spiritual moral values, even at a partly degenerated state, were by far, superior to those who were forcibly enforced on the British people by Jews.
At the same time, with the emerging of the Britons, so did emerge the jews who were closely behind them and controlling them deeply by the engrossment of the Brits to these decadent jewish imposed values. Values that when taken to extreme are degenerate, such as excessive and animal like materialism, have been the controlling values of mankind for a very long time. These coupled with fake spirituality which was also excessive, are certain to drive a people into destruction. The disasters and manifestations of this degeneracy we can already see everywhere we turn our head, exploitation and destruction is a main theme for humanity, which takes a wrong example out of the Jews that have temporarily ruled.
Hitler was however not only a man to issue empty warnings, but rather, a person of action, that all points of his life tried to do what was within his power to even out wrongs. He followed a noble path and a life more dangerous than most people would ever imagine of even following. At all points of his noble life, he made use of the abilities at his disposal to do the right thing.
In the end, he remains the Best Man of the 20th Century, a man that walks in the Pantheon aside Hercules and the Demigods, centrally responsible for the recent seeds of the awakening of mankind and it's recognition of the danger we are all together exposed to during these times.
In the future, the full meaning and the full dealing with the above problems will be manifested. And then the Sun of the Gods will shine once again, both with kind warmth, and powerful solar flares...