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Happy And Mighty Beltane To All Of Our SS

Happy Beltane!

Indulge and enjoy yourself!

Hail Satan!
Happy Beltane to everyone! Thank you Hooded Cobra & HP Maxine including father Satan & The Gods . Thank you all so much! Ever since I discovered the JoS it’s been a beautiful blessing for me & many of us on here, once again Thank you Satanic Family I don’t feel alone anymore . Hail Lucifer! Hail the Gods!🖤❤️
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
This time feels particularly important to me as I've been plagued increasingly so by personal faults and failings that have and continue to hold me back, in response to which I often feel unhelpful self-loathing. I'm very much prone to the feeling of "I can't bother the Gods for help, I don't do enough yet; gotta work harder and then I'll have grounds to request help." More and more I feel it internally that such a thought, common to many others, is enemy-induced and designed to cut Satanists down by diminishing their chances of a stronger relationship with the Gods. Hopefully this post will have a similar effect for others as it did for me in realizing this and making plans to reach out more and not be paralyzed with trepidation.

Happy Beltane, everyone. Hail Satan!

This is the reaction of a self aware and responsible nature, but don't let this drag you down and approach them.

While this is healthier than the mumbo jumbo when people say X God drinks coffee with them, it can be equally delusional to be hard in non engaging the Gods, since it is the responsible natures they like to help a lot on top of it, too.
Happy Beltane in Israel.

“At least 38 people were killed at overcrowded festivities in northern Israel, according to Israeli ambulance service Magen David Adom estimates. At least 50 people are injured and around 20 in critical condition.”

StraitShot47 said:
Happy Beltane in Israel.

“At least 38 people were killed at overcrowded festivities in northern Israel, according to Israeli ambulance service Magen David Adom estimates. At least 50 people are injured and around 20 in critical condition.”


*the awkward moment when just some low ranking Demons hang around in Israel: 38 jews dead*

Fake news, I heard it was 6 million that died. If jews ever die even from their own, it can never be less than 6 million.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Happy Beltane in Israel.

“At least 38 people were killed at overcrowded festivities in northern Israel, according to Israeli ambulance service Magen David Adom estimates. At least 50 people are injured and around 20 in critical condition.”


*the awkward moment when just some low ranking Demons hang around in Israel: 38 jews dead*

Fake news, I heard it was 6 million that died. If jews ever die even from their own, it can never be less than 6 million.

There will be more, I doubt the 20 in critical condition all pull through.

They literally stampeded their own to death;
"Since the site was so densely populated, search and rescue authorities say they struggled to evacuate trapped people. The stampede was caused after some revellers slipped on steps, causing dozens more people to fall over, according to police sources."
StraitShot47 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:


There will be more, I doubt the 20 in critical condition all pull through.

They literally stampeded their own to death;

"Since the site was so densely populated, search and rescue authorities say they struggled to evacuate trapped people. The stampede was caused after some revellers slipped on steps, causing dozens more people to fall over, according to police sources."

They are lower than animals this is well known. And I suppose when they saw other jews falling, how happy, they stepped on them just to kill them or something.

It's really wrong that this race of people is actually anywhere at this point but we'll correct that with the rituals and the Gods will help us.

This cannibalism that is reflected here is also how they generally run everything they touch, it's cannibalism based.
Happy Beltane everyone and many satanic blessings!

(New logo looking really nice :) )
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
This time feels particularly important to me as I've been plagued increasingly so by personal faults and failings that have and continue to hold me back, in response to which I often feel unhelpful self-loathing. I'm very much prone to the feeling of "I can't bother the Gods for help, I don't do enough yet; gotta work harder and then I'll have grounds to request help." More and more I feel it internally that such a thought, common to many others, is enemy-induced and designed to cut Satanists down by diminishing their chances of a stronger relationship with the Gods. Hopefully this post will have a similar effect for others as it did for me in realizing this and making plans to reach out more and not be paralyzed with trepidation.

Happy Beltane, everyone. Hail Satan!

I feel exactly the same about the thought of not asking the Gods for help, pretty sure now that it's enemy induced. I may not be the most psychic person ever, but when I asked the Gods for unmissable signs that I could easily see and understand they never failed me. :)

Happy Beltane to all of us, in the Joy of Satan family.

StraitShot47 said:
Happy Beltane in Israel.

“At least 38 people were killed at overcrowded festivities in northern Israel, according to Israeli ambulance service Magen David Adom estimates. At least 50 people are injured and around 20 in critical condition.”


The RTRS are working 😍👌😂😂
Funny thing: We here in Finland celebrate a holiday of the working class on this same day, #May Day"... Is there some similarities? Or is it just a coincidence?
Hail Satan! Hail Beelzebul!

Happy Beltane everyone :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

There will be more, I doubt the 20 in critical condition all pull through.

They literally stampeded their own to death;

"Since the site was so densely populated, search and rescue authorities say they struggled to evacuate trapped people. The stampede was caused after some revellers slipped on steps, causing dozens more people to fall over, according to police sources."

They are lower than animals this is well known. And I suppose when they saw other jews falling, how happy, they stepped on them just to kill them or something.

It's really wrong that this race of people is actually anywhere at this point but we'll correct that with the rituals and the Gods will help us.

This cannibalism that is reflected here is also how they generally run everything they touch, it's cannibalism based.

If I read this correctly.

It'll de-kaballatize their so-called special-ness and re-kaballatize their ancient-ness of self-destruction?

In other words had mass communication existed in the past or an easier method by which people communicated. They would have always been at the end of a sword or hoisted by their own petards, correct?

I've mentioned this before but one thing that pisses me off about jews is how nice and civilizational they are. For example someone a few years ago did an ignorant message on some newspaper saying hospitals kill people in Israel and the jews got pist off he apologized and they flew him to Israel to view the hospitals and all the "modern" equipment.

I've always gotten annoyed with jews mentioning how "industrious they are and how life is hard and we put hard work to "help" mankind". For example I recall a family member of mines a jewish cocksucker basically praising jews for most modern inventions, he's a stupid xtian but non-the less one of these philo-semitic xtians. And he states reading Clarin X Argentinian newspaper he stated "If it weren't for the jewish woman in the 1930s and 1940s, we'd never would have discovered Wi-Fi signals".

And I ask myself WHY should WE have discovered Wi-Fi signals in the first place. For all intents and purposes Wi-Fi is COULD be harmful to our health. It's like one member stated "Why is it that all of humanities technologies rely on wave propogation". For example we talk about EMF(Electro-motive forces) and EM(Electro-magnetic) fields. People are irradiated with waveform technologies. Shouldn't this stuff be driven through the background radiation of the Aether so we are using Akashic technologies to propagate our inter-communication devices?

Anyways HP.Cobra pardon the long rant but is there any way to counter the whole "Industrious jew helping jewmanity and humanity?"

Is there any good method I've had a few thoughts that maybe a lot of the inventions made by jews are actually bought out by a large company and they state "Oy vey look at us we "created" this product". Not surprising using money to buy and market technology created by (((them))) but it seems like all the technology that jews create or we currently have is like a mix of Nazi, Communist, Orion, Draco, human, and jewman mixed technologies. No wonder in Sci-Fi and Sci-Fan adventures humanity is considered "scrappy" and "backwoods planet" and a "technology finder, reverse engineerer, and copyer or innovator of other's technology".

Seems like Sci-Fi/Sci-Fan books paint humanity as jews or something unable to create our own incredible stuff merely just copy, paste, re-arrange of others technologies.

Anyways any way to counter- this rhetoric by people and jews in general?
I wish you all the best in your endeavors this year. It's easy for myself to get lost in the negative whirlwind of things, especially being around other people all the time. Wonder how the romans felt when people in their governance pushed a kike religion by fear of jewish terrorism and slowly watching as your empire crumbled and no one to trust for fear of being disclosed as a non-christian.
Why must the weak hold so much power and authority over us
The jews got Rekt today. I'd say it's a fitting Beltane present.

I'll quote from a motivational video I'm absolutely in love with

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHewrTYVUcs said:
I focus on the storm
I am the storm
The voice of the sky fights through me (...)
We are sons of the thunder and the morning light.
We are the charge of the light brigade.
Chargers of the pantheon's light brigade.
Luminous, bright, and trememendous, we are the warrior elite.
Redeemed in thunder and the morning light.
We are sons of Thors, the lightning God of war, valour and victory.
We are trained right, we are raised right, we are in every way exceptional.
We are born and bred to be champions.
No excuses: be an absolute all-out champion today! (...)

Happy Beltane everyone! I personally celebrate when the Sun is half-way through Taurus, but nothing wrong with doing it today.
Oh I'm late to wish everyone but happy Beltane! Blessings to all.

I made a decorative wreath to hang on my door :)
First of all, I would like to wish ALL of The JoS SS Brothers and Sisters and Clergy Happy Beltane and Satanic Blessings to ALL! This for me,personally,is a milestone in that I year ago today,I dedicated my life to Father Satan and plan this evening to spend time in prayer tonight before and after Meditations and Spiritual Warfare to thank Father for the empowerement and evolution AND knowledge he has given me so far which has changed EVERYTHING for the better in so many ways! The peace and understanding he has revealed to me so far on how to travel this Path is indescribable and for me personally there is no longer any fear,confusion,or uncertainty in life that I am not able to deal with while keeping in Father Satan's instructions and meditating AND above all, destroying the enemy with unrelenting warfare many times daily! So,in closing,I would especially like to wish MANY Satanic Blessings to HP Hooded Cobra for his knowledge and inspiring sermons and for keeping the JoS and access to Father Satan's knowledge going strong! Also,there can never be enough thanks given to HPS Maxine for all the hard work and sacrifice and for founding the JoS! Father Satan's Blessings upon her Forever!!! Once again,Happy Beltane,Happy Satanic New Year, and Father Satan's blessings to ALL SS Brothers and Sisters everywhere! Hail Father Satan! Hail Beelzebul! Heil Hitler! Hail HPS Maxine! Hail HP Hooded Cobra!
To al my brothers and sisters a happy Beltane.
The gods are always near on Beltane i was honored with a visit from Lilith
And let my room smell with roses i was very thankful for that.

Hail Father Satan And the Gods Of Duat
DragonWarrior666 said:
To al my brothers and sisters a happy Beltane.
The gods are always near on Beltane i was honored with a visit from Lilith
And let my room smell with roses i was very thankful for that.

Hail Father Satan And the Gods Of Duat

Wait . It happened to me too! I smelled some flowers but I couldn't tell, I don't now flowers, I know it was very sweet and refreshing. Nice.. know maybe I know..
DezFranky said:
I wish you all the best in your endeavors this year. It's easy for myself to get lost in the negative whirlwind of things, especially being around other people all the time. Wonder how the romans felt when people in their governance pushed a kike religion by fear of jewish terrorism and slowly watching as your empire crumbled and no one to trust for fear of being disclosed as a non-christian.
Why must the weak hold so much power and authority over us

I'm wondering how the Vikings even crumbled. One day you're invading England, the next day you're Christianized despite living a life holding the philosophy that a man is judged by his prowess in battle, for he fights for Odin and the chance to see Valhalla. That's more shocking than the collapse of Rome in my opinion.
Happy Beltane to you too as well High Priest! I hope all SS have an amazing and powerful day today! Celebrated it in big!
Happy Beltane and Hail Baalzebul! :)
Gear88 said:
Anyways any way to counter- this rhetoric by people and jews in general?

Another related point is the fact of where humanity is now vs where it could be. We could be a trillion times more advanced than today had it not been for them, so any modern tech is relatively worthless in comparison. And like you mention, the majority of the tech, if not all of it, was only put in place as a means for our future enslavement. It is also done all wrong: globalized, polluting, harmful to health, etc.

Overall this is a harder point to counter just because it requires a very broad view of Jews and similar topics. I think one is better off focusing on their weak points and just hammering home there. For someone who doesn't understand the big picture, or any other way of living, they aren't going to really understand attacking the Jews and their tech "contribution".

Focus on the main points that most people are aware of, plus other stuff from exposing kabbalah. Rely more on the spiritual warfare for these broader conclusions to be made, like as the population shifts back to nationalism and racialism. Then they will be more able to understand why the tech was worthless.
ShadowTheRaven said:
DezFranky said:
I wish you all the best in your endeavors this year. It's easy for myself to get lost in the negative whirlwind of things, especially being around other people all the time. Wonder how the romans felt when people in their governance pushed a kike religion by fear of jewish terrorism and slowly watching as your empire crumbled and no one to trust for fear of being disclosed as a non-christian.
Why must the weak hold so much power and authority over us

I'm wondering how the Vikings even crumbled. One day you're invading England, the next day you're Christianized despite living a life holding the philosophy that a man is judged by his prowess in battle, for he fights for Odin and the chance to see Valhalla. That's more shocking than the collapse of Rome in my opinion.
Some Vikings got tortured for accepting rabbi Jesus. Probably much more of them but history was written by xians. Than there are the Greys.
What is more shocking to me is after the Enlightenment, all the Satanic people kind of disappeared. You had the Revolutionaries in France and the US, the Philosophes and the Enlightenment Absolutists. They were surrounded by Luciferian Freemasonry. They inflicted a huge blow on Christianity but after them there wasn't much Satanism. Nationalists in Italy and Germany are the exceptions.
I wish a happy Beltane to all true SS.

I am very honoured and proud to be a SS. We represent and are nature and freedom. Infinite honour and respect for the Ancient and Eternal Gods.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
