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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Update: the Joy of Satan Spiritual War Room has been updated;



Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

Before anything else I would like to mention something here. Some SS generally keep saying over and over again how "a Temple or Church" is needed. Certainly so, but let us look further to see what truly exists, to understand what is needed, and what must be done.

Before one gets disgusted at the word "Church", is yet another stolen testament of our own Ancient Pagan faiths. Like all of them. Don't think the enemy has anything of their own, or that these retards actually invented anything because they never did. They just stole it baked and ready from previous civilizations like thieves would, never making their own dough and bread.

The Ancient Greek word for this, is "Eklesia", or an amassment of people who do Rituals to the Gods to glorify the Gods and grow spiritually. The Joy of Satan is the one and True Church of our Gods. This is what truly happens here.

The schedules and the communal existence, that keeps us mutually supported and gives us the motivation that others walk the path, is a giant aspect of this. It's already here, and it exists.

Besides marbles, temples, and places where people mostly go to show off their favourite apparel or comparatively measure egoistical nonsense while equally doing nonsense...Which alright, is part of human necessity, we must look a bit on the essence and the essential things upon these were based.

As time will bring what it will, it's important to keep this Truth strongly in mind. The Spiritual Truth, meditations, spirituality, advancement, growth of self, these come first than any marble or stone.

If you have paid any attention to the enemy programs, the only thing people don't do in any of their "Church" is actually anything spiritual. Houses of empty stone are rife with them, almost one every other corner at this point in time, yet devoid of anything spiritual and spiritually dead.

We do not have halls of marble and stone right now, but we are a million times more powerful in conviction and resolution. The faith of one Satanist in our Gods actually surpasses millions of Christians, who are all idle talk and have no spiritual experience whatsoever.

The enemy is the living testament of this, and everyone here left them for that reason. That awareness has to sit in our heads and hearts, and we must never deviate from this path, because it's the path of reality.

The enemy also has empty houses of stone that are filled with endless things, but to what end? Just to masquerade around and nothing else. Big jesus here, giant statue there, but "Jesus" is nowhere.

The force that we call "God" or the Gods has left these systems and was never present in them in the first place. They were built only on the innocent blood of people and stupidity. They won the marbles but are devoid of any soul. Never had any.

In our case, they destroyed everything material, because actually wherever we existed physically, we also existed spiritually.

At the current trajectory with the bogus lies of the enemy, even if not one single church was touched, they are already dying at the rapid pace. It will die anyway. They are just trying to delay it if they can by the purchasing of poor souls by enslaving them. But that's about it. It's all props at this point for them.

While the spirit and matter do build upon one another, the PROPS can never replace the ESSENCE. Stone can never replace the Truthfulness of the heart.

But one must remember, Spiritual Satanism is about meaning in life, not just spectacle. The enemy is filled with endless spectacle, but they have no spirituality. One leaves because of this. As it's written about the Rituals, the "props" are only that: PROPS. The mind, heart, soul and deed is behind that.

If one is actually interested in Father Satan and the Gods, and their "Church", the "meeting place" of spirits is actually the Joy of Satan as it is right now, and will remain so forever. We are already manifest.

If one waits to get serious because of seeing a temple, you might have lost decades or a long time by then. We are not seeking to "impress" people in this manner. You can be impressed today, and inspired to do great works and take part of the assembly with us to build great things for the Gods, today, and without hesitation and delay.

You can engage with your brothers and sisters in every activity, even from your house or a field, because we are all ONE spiritually.

Bowing in front of statues, lighting fires, whatever, that is aspect of communal worship, yet we have to understand that the real "EKLESIA" is the invocation of the Gods and the collective focused will that we project into this world through what we do here, the Joy of Satan.

Yet, at the same time, there are endless tasks for us to do to reach further fulfilment. But even here and now, we are complete.

We will build the greatest things - but we must be aware, the real foundation and the real building is our assembly here, nowhere else, and in the spiritual existence with the Gods. The heart must never be forgotten.

It's hypocrisy to wait for a large church with statues and endless Mercedes Benz's to take you around so you can "worship", we have to do what we have to do now for the sake of the eternal Sanatana Dharma as it's expressed by Spiritual Satanism.

Yes, forms might change in the future, where other things might be available, but we are strongly placed upon the firmest rock of the Truth of the spiritual essence.

Clearly, it's equally hypocritical to sit on the sidelines and constantly claiming one helps "Spiritually" while doing no spiritual or material task and deed. Spiritual Satanism is the real faith and the reality of the world is that actions are required in this world. You are reading this message physically not in the astral.

As any entity needs a soul and a material body to survive, such is the case here.

Taking the above out of the way, remember, our Church and our opportunity to build the greatest spiritual place of learning is here and now, not "tomorrow". We exist today in this form and we must extend our own hand to do whatever we can do in our power.

Going to another topic now...

Now and for quite sometime, Mars is retrograde. This means we can do certain rituals up until a time and not others, unless there is an emergency. Planetary setups is the important reason Rituals like the Anti-Islam are not out yet. Workings done "against" the planets will generally fail with great certainty.

The upside as anyone can see if you read the news, is that many jews are biting the dust right now and collectively too.

As one should be aware of, there are times for war and calmness in life. During this time, everyone should focus on cleaning, protection, and focus to advance and purify themselves, before the next year of approximately beginning of 2023.

Most enemy and aggression based Rituals cannot fare well in this environment, and that is imposed, not chosen by anyone. Taking time outs is necessary to achieve these tasks, while keeping the necessary pressure and not more pressure, let alone anything that can actually do more harm than good. It's part of the actual winning to be able to do this. The enemy, curses their heavy curses 3-4 times per year too as they know this.

Of course, when they have "problems", they go out of their way, but the reality of the above remains the same. Therefore in the below schedule you will see rather constructive Rituals.

The Schedule below will be for the next 8 days [total] and will be focused on lightweight but most important things:

[The Final RTR is a given and implied, should be done whenever we have time to put one and then one more.]

22. Wealth And Prosperity Ritual, JoS Protection Ritual, Race Awakening Rituals
23. Wealth And Prosperity Ritual, JoS Protection Ritual, Race Awakening Rituals
24. Wealth And Prosperity Ritual, JoS Protection Ritual, Race Awakening Rituals
25. Wealth And Prosperity Ritual, JoS Protection Ritual, Race Awakening Rituals
26. Wealth And Prosperity Ritual, JoS Protection Ritual, Race Awakening Rituals
27. Satan's Ritual
28. Beelzebul's Ritual
29. Astarte's Ritual
30. Azazel's Ritual

Below the Links to the Rituals

White Race Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/RaceRitual.html
Black Race Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/BlackRaceRitual.html
JoS Protection Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/JOS_Protection_Runes.html
SS Prosperity Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/ProsperityRitualRunes.html
Satan's Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Satan_Absolution_Ritual.html
Astarte's Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Astarte_Power_Ritual.html
Baalzebul's Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Baalzebul_Power_Ritual.html
Azazel's Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Azazel_Power_Ritual.html

Here you can enter the War Room For the Rituals:


The Rituals are timed and done by people every-time this ticks 1:00:00 and 0:00:00


Wealth and Prosperity Ritual Missing here.
The idea of what a temple represents it’s already here, it’s us. Thank you so much for this! :D
I’m glad we have a new schedule
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

fuck yes i'm so excited for this. this perfectly lines up with everything I am trying to accomplish.
if we had a church, an actual organization, one could loophole a lot of fda regulations, for example the 1st admentment would protect anyone who wanted to practice natural medicine, healing, and open up on a holistic, alternative to kike big pharma clinic, using private memberships, and keywords like

spiritually based- integrated indigenous native and natural healing, wellness and traditional medicine, chirothesia, etc.

I know of a few organizations that go under the guise of native American tradition and heal using thai yoga therapy and nutrition, and have won every single court case. the only shit thing is they are loosely deluded by xianity and the beliefs..

this honestly has come a lot faster than I have thought, and makes me extremely happy to know that we are talking about this.

and is definitely the will Satan and the Gods.

I'm glad for seeing this. But I have a question High Priest... About the Race Awakening Rituals... I myself barely know my own ancestral heritage to be honest...
How am I supposed to know which Race Awakening to do, as a middle eastern man?
I guess I should go with White..... but I'm not exactly European white or anything. I would say that I look mixed Mediterranean and Persian... I have one grandfather who is white skinned and blue eyed, but short and stout. The other grandfather is a bit taller than me, with a bit darker, more tan skin.

Any ideas?
Caspian said:
I'm glad for seeing this. But I have a question High Priest... About the Race Awakening Rituals... I myself barely know my own ancestral heritage to be honest...
How am I supposed to know which Race Awakening to do, as a middle eastern man?
I guess I should go with White..... but I'm not exactly European white or anything. I would say that I look mixed Mediterranean and Persian... I have one grandfather who is white skinned and blue eyed, but short and stout. The other grandfather is a bit taller than me, with a bit darker, more tan skin.

Any ideas?

There is nothing to worry about here.

The "white" extends way beyond skin color, it goes further into the soul. Persian is actually a heritage that is mostly White, if you look Persian, do the White Ritual. Persians are Middle Eastern and among the Whitest in the region.

Aleksandre said:
If i am black. I do race ritual for blacks or the both ones.??

Focus on the Black Ritual.
I can just imagine the number of attacks and infiltration that a physical SS Church would go through, we'd very likely be seeing instances of "Christian jihad" in the U.S., especially the account of the kikes and xians trying to fire-bomb HP Maxine's vehicle come into mind. It's bad enough there's all these fake JoS and infilitrator groups operating on Facebook, Fandom, Discord, Twitch and etc. We'd be constantly pouring in money for repairs due to damages. Building a physical church, or buying a former Xian church and re-transforming it for Satan is a nice idea "in theory" at the moment, but when it comes to practicality of the reality of the situation, shows a radically different pictures.

All these other physical "Satanic temples" like CoS or Temple of the Horned God are only standing unharmed 'cuz they preach fake Satanism, atheistic emo BS or Grimoire nonsense.

I heard somewhere that "church" is actually from Old Germanic "kirk", and indeed a pagan term, although the author who posted it was a stupid wannabe jew ("messianic jew") Gentile traitor conspiracy theorist who was going off on a rant against "Gentile Xianity", sold his soul to jew-hova and "converted to judaism".

I always felt in my spirit too that "Church" is just another hijacked Pagan term, there was a point when I originally hated using Semitic words because of the hijacked association with judaism, but changed my views, given that much of it is non-jewish in origin, especially names ending in "El" (Immanel, Joel, Ishmael, and etc., even Israel itself, last but not least, our Lord Azazel), since "El" is just the Semitic Pagan Most High God.

Anyhoo, I wonder whatever happened to our Asian HPs, our Oriental subforum seems to be the least active of the ethnic/racial subforums, as I see there's a White and Black Awakening ritual, but lacking an Asian or Native American Awakening. From what I read - the Chinese alphabet in its origins was very similar to the Germanic Runes, same with the old Turkic/Mongolian script. I know Satan expects people to fight for their own races, and Whites and Blacks can't do everything for everyone.
My mention for a Temple has nothing to do with those reasons, with respect. I don't know if you have seen my message yet but while I haven't been the most devout and I could be diligent. I haven't just waited. I've followed my instinct and passion to point out Truth when others expect me to except their idea or general world ideas that are fictional. It's not about props or showing off clothes or anything such thing. It's immersing oneself, learning from peers, utilizing our skills in ways to aid our allies and most certainly a place to fall back or catch ones breath away from normies, the unenlightened and space from the attacks of our enemies especially when those become excessive or more coordinated. It's place for hands to keep, refine my understanding of the arts and more. If anything some kind of exchange? Apprenticeships, ritual of course, even a work exchange. Thank you for your time.
Hail Father Satan.

Yes sir.
Remainder: The Kikes loves to attack and shut down our RTR-websites, so recommend bookmarking https://archive.org/
Use that, when the sites are down. Just copy+paste the ritual-site to the "enter URL or keywords" press enter, click on the highlighted day number and click the timestamp.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

I love easy rituals that are very enjoyable like these
I am Bangladeshi.

Which race awakening ritual should I do ?
My dad's clan are white skin and my dad's skin color is brown .
My lovely mother is white skin.
My cute brother is white skin.
But I am golden brown skin

I am confused :cry:
I translate Wealth And Prosperity Ritual into Bangla language. I translated the prayer into Bangla language . Will my prayer be accepted of Satan and Satan's Gods?
Shiva666 said:
I am Bangladeshi.

Which race awakening ritual should I do ?
My dad's clan are white skin and my dad's skin color is brown .
My lovely mother is white skin.
My cute brother is white skin.
But I am golden brown skin

I am confused :cry:

The people of Bandladesh and India are awake because of the work of their Racial level that is. So you are in fortune to not have to worry. The same goes for Asians who are not under the risk of any extinction currently.

The Rishis in India have done a lot of work there, albeit the issue remains that due to kike disinformation, Hinduism is bleeding from a few parts, which will be rectified by the FRTR and cultural changes that will emerge out of the power of the Gods that will ascend.

In India, you have less problems to worry about, because the blessings have been strong and the enemy was far.

Rest back and thank the Gods and the people who strongly maintain your culture, so that you can live a life where you were not a victim of this.
Which race awakening ritual I should do?I am Indian with dark brown skin.

BabySatan said:
Which race awakening ritual I should do?I am Indian with dark brown skin.


Greetings, I have answered above. Soon, the Indian community will be helped tremendously by doing the Anti-Islam Ritual to drive back the cultural invasion there, but from a population and race mixing perspective, you are all on an excellent condition. Compared to others that is, who are on the spiral into damnation due to direct attack.

Just do the RTR's and the Anti-Islam ones [when they will be out], because India is already on a very great trajectory, and many curses of the kikes did not find a very fertile ground to take over there.

One must rejoice in this fact.

If you want to help, you can do either to help others. I oftentimes do this to accelerate the help and waking up of others without the need for "personal gain".
patrioticgentile_666 said:
I can just imagine the number of attacks and infiltration that a physical SS Church would go through.

Absolutely none such disgusting and putrid aura would be sensed long before it's disgraceful existence even realized there was a door. Let alone a building or a place and even if they got a wiff of such a space that is where the gate-keepers come into play. Black magic has many uses do not underestimate the capability or potential of these gifts that Father Satan has genuinely given us. For each of us that is born new infinite potential and possibilities enter the world and with the spark of Truth we ignite our path to omnipotence. As painful and challenging the path, long before it's end we know we are not the impossible but those that make all things possible. Glory to the Gods Glory to the Truth we know Father Satan Glory to the Gentile people and Behold the age of Truth for with it comes the morning of a new age. Hail Satan.
A good time to bless up before my final exams. Ladies and gentlemen *loads up intellectual enhancement spells with extended studying periods*, this is Wildfire's...finest...hour....and may the suns, moons, and stars of Hell be in my favor...may I come out of this victorious.
Thank you for the schedule and wonderful sermon. Lots of good information.

As a quick note, the number of days from 22-30 is actually 9 rather than 8. I think the first day perhaps wasn't counted in the total.
SATchives said:
if we had a church, an actual organization, one could loophole a lot of fda regulations, for example the 1st admentment would protect anyone who wanted to practice natural medicine, healing, and open up on a holistic, alternative to kike big pharma clinic, using private memberships, and keywords like

spiritually based- integrated indigenous native and natural healing, wellness and traditional medicine, chirothesia, etc.

I know of a few organizations that go under the guise of native American tradition and heal using thai yoga therapy and nutrition, and have won every single court case. the only shit thing is they are loosely deluded by xianity and the beliefs..

I so-agree with you on that one! In regards to the indigenous Americans of the USA and Canada (specifically), I been working on some projects revealing their Satanic origin - since there's just this common lie and the myth that the Native Americans of the USA didn't worship our Gods or bullshit like that, or that they were Lost Hebrews who followed Hebrew religion, because the so-called "tales and legends" that most Native American organizations like to push around is absolutely distorted beyond belief. Most of our Gods have been slandered in the form of anthropomorphic animals, or "evil animals" or BS like that, like Uktena of the Cherokees, supposedly an "evil serpent", but Uktena in his true identity is Satan. They still celebrate Winter Solstice, which is as Satanic and Gentile as you can get, in spite of the jews hijacking it to perform their heinous rituals. They even celebrate it in on the site of an ancient Native American pyramid.

The Natchez too, whose ancestors built pyramids, certain chiefs and factions were aligned with Azazel, and didn't practice blood sacrifice or any of that shit. The ones truly aligned with Azazel (the real one, not the imposter), had peaceful relations with French Satanists, who were astounded by their knowledge of herbs.

The "Manitou", or "Monetoo" of the Algonquian and Iroquois-speaking peoples, is actually just their word for the Akasha/Aether life force of creation, and the light-dark, feminine/masculine balance is described between "aasha monetoo" and "otshee monetoo". churches distorted and stole this concept, and now it's been pushed around as "Native American translation of Jewhova", and the churches also re-defined aasha/othsee monteoo as being "good vs. evil" BS.

With this Native American project, I do hope to get more indigenous USA/Canadian natives on board.
can i vibrated the runes given in the germanic way instead of Icelandic
Ok so I have two questions:
First off, why dont we also have an Oriental Race Awakening ritual?
And secondly, if I recall correctly, High Priest, you said that the reason for the anti islam rituals not being here yet is because of the planets(?) or mars retrograde. Well, if that is so then doesn't that mean we should not do FRTR either? since I believe, the basis of both anti islam rituals and RTRs are on the same thing which is reversing... unless there is some actual cursing in the anti islam rituals...

Wait, is Mars sill in retrograde?
A jew appeared to me and asked me what is it that i want/need, why i do this etc. anyone else?
What a joke.
Caspian said:
Ok so I have two questions:
First off, why dont we also have an Oriental Race Awakening ritual?

And secondly, if I recall correctly, High Priest, you said that the reason for the anti islam rituals not being here yet is because of the planets(?) or mars retrograde. Well, if that is so then doesn't that mean we should not do FRTR either? since I believe, the basis of both anti islam rituals and RTRs are on the same thing which is reversing... unless there is some actual cursing in the anti islam rituals...

Wait, is Mars sill in retrograde?

30 October to 12 January 2023 is Mars Retrograde. The Final RTR is not a direct destruction or hate based Ritual, it is a reversal Ritual that we have done and started years ago. Mars has to do with engagement too, making the situation different.

There is yes, in fact, there might be 3 Anti-Islam Rituals, which will be in parts. Part 1 will be released before the other two.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
SATchives said:
if we had a church, an actual organization, one could loophole a lot of fda regulations, for example the 1st admentment would protect anyone who wanted to practice natural medicine, healing, and open up on a holistic, alternative to kike big pharma clinic, using private memberships, and keywords like

spiritually based- integrated indigenous native and natural healing, wellness and traditional medicine, chirothesia, etc.

I know of a few organizations that go under the guise of native American tradition and heal using thai yoga therapy and nutrition, and have won every single court case. the only shit thing is they are loosely deluded by xianity and the beliefs..

I so-agree with you on that one! In regards to the indigenous Americans of the USA and Canada (specifically), I been working on some projects revealing their Satanic origin - since there's just this common lie and the myth that the Native Americans of the USA didn't worship our Gods or bullshit like that, or that they were Lost Hebrews who followed Hebrew religion, because the so-called "tales and legends" that most Native American organizations like to push around is absolutely distorted beyond belief. Most of our Gods have been slandered in the form of anthropomorphic animals, or "evil animals" or BS like that, like Uktena of the Cherokees, supposedly an "evil serpent", but Uktena in his true identity is Satan. They still celebrate Winter Solstice, which is as Satanic and Gentile as you can get, in spite of the jews hijacking it to perform their heinous rituals. They even celebrate it in on the site of an ancient Native American pyramid.

The Natchez too, whose ancestors built pyramids, certain chiefs and factions were aligned with Azazel, and didn't practice blood sacrifice or any of that shit. The ones truly aligned with Azazel (the real one, not the imposter), had peaceful relations with French Satanists, who were astounded by their knowledge of herbs.

The "Manitou", or "Monetoo" of the Algonquian and Iroquois-speaking peoples, is actually just their word for the Akasha/Aether life force of creation, and the light-dark, feminine/masculine balance is described between "aasha monetoo" and "otshee monetoo". churches distorted and stole this concept, and now it's been pushed around as "Native American translation of Jewhova", and the churches also re-defined aasha/othsee monteoo as being "good vs. evil" BS.

With this Native American project, I do hope to get more indigenous USA/Canadian natives on board.

Thanks for sharing this! maybe you can make a post to further share all of the knowledge you have found about these connections in the future.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is yes, in fact, there might be 3 Anti-Islam Rituals, which will be in parts. Part 1 will be released before the other two.
I am really looking forward to do these rituals whe they come out but I would also like a clarification.
I remember HPS Maxine *stating back at 2019 that Lord Azazel told her that due to the impact our RTRs had, Islam is likely going to collapse on its own.Has anything changed since then (did the Islamic problem got worse?) or are we just going to do these new rituals to speed up its collapse?

*here is the post I am talking about
patrioticgentile_666 said:
SATchives said:
if we had a church, an actual organization, one could loophole a lot of fda regulations, for example the 1st admentment would protect anyone who wanted to practice natural medicine, healing, and open up on a holistic, alternative to kike big pharma clinic, using private memberships, and keywords like

spiritually based- integrated indigenous native and natural healing, wellness and traditional medicine, chirothesia, etc.

I know of a few organizations that go under the guise of native American tradition and heal using thai yoga therapy and nutrition, and have won every single court case. the only shit thing is they are loosely deluded by xianity and the beliefs..

I so-agree with you on that one! In regards to the indigenous Americans of the USA and Canada (specifically), I been working on some projects revealing their Satanic origin - since there's just this common lie and the myth that the Native Americans of the USA didn't worship our Gods or bullshit like that, or that they were Lost Hebrews who followed Hebrew religion, because the so-called "tales and legends" that most Native American organizations like to push around is absolutely distorted beyond belief. Most of our Gods have been slandered in the form of anthropomorphic animals, or "evil animals" or BS like that, like Uktena of the Cherokees, supposedly an "evil serpent", but Uktena in his true identity is Satan. They still celebrate Winter Solstice, which is as Satanic and Gentile as you can get, in spite of the jews hijacking it to perform their heinous rituals. They even celebrate it in on the site of an ancient Native American pyramid.

The Natchez too, whose ancestors built pyramids, certain chiefs and factions were aligned with Azazel, and didn't practice blood sacrifice or any of that shit. The ones truly aligned with Azazel (the real one, not the imposter), had peaceful relations with French Satanists, who were astounded by their knowledge of herbs.

The "Manitou", or "Monetoo" of the Algonquian and Iroquois-speaking peoples, is actually just their word for the Akasha/Aether life force of creation, and the light-dark, feminine/masculine balance is described between "aasha monetoo" and "otshee monetoo". churches distorted and stole this concept, and now it's been pushed around as "Native American translation of Jewhova", and the churches also re-defined aasha/othsee monteoo as being "good vs. evil" BS.

With this Native American project, I do hope to get more indigenous USA/Canadian natives on board.

Many Satanist occult groups of that time were interconnected, for example I know that the first Spanish republic was directly linked with the French Enlightenment and the second French republic and also with the Masonic founders of the United States, The leader and founder of the first Spanish republic Estanislao Figueras had close contacts with the French Enlightenment.
The patron goddess of the first Spanish republic and that appears as a banner in his drawings and illustrations is the goddess of justice Maat, who apart from Athena I think was also known as Themis.

Wotanwarrior said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
SATchives said:
if we had a church, an actual organization, one could loophole a lot of fda regulations, for example the 1st admentment would protect anyone who wanted to practice natural medicine, healing, and open up on a holistic, alternative to kike big pharma clinic, using private memberships, and keywords like

spiritually based- integrated indigenous native and natural healing, wellness and traditional medicine, chirothesia, etc.

I know of a few organizations that go under the guise of native American tradition and heal using thai yoga therapy and nutrition, and have won every single court case. the only shit thing is they are loosely deluded by xianity and the beliefs..

I so-agree with you on that one! In regards to the indigenous Americans of the USA and Canada (specifically), I been working on some projects revealing their Satanic origin - since there's just this common lie and the myth that the Native Americans of the USA didn't worship our Gods or bullshit like that, or that they were Lost Hebrews who followed Hebrew religion, because the so-called "tales and legends" that most Native American organizations like to push around is absolutely distorted beyond belief. Most of our Gods have been slandered in the form of anthropomorphic animals, or "evil animals" or BS like that, like Uktena of the Cherokees, supposedly an "evil serpent", but Uktena in his true identity is Satan. They still celebrate Winter Solstice, which is as Satanic and Gentile as you can get, in spite of the jews hijacking it to perform their heinous rituals. They even celebrate it in on the site of an ancient Native American pyramid.

The Natchez too, whose ancestors built pyramids, certain chiefs and factions were aligned with Azazel, and didn't practice blood sacrifice or any of that shit. The ones truly aligned with Azazel (the real one, not the imposter), had peaceful relations with French Satanists, who were astounded by their knowledge of herbs.

The "Manitou", or "Monetoo" of the Algonquian and Iroquois-speaking peoples, is actually just their word for the Akasha/Aether life force of creation, and the light-dark, feminine/masculine balance is described between "aasha monetoo" and "otshee monetoo". churches distorted and stole this concept, and now it's been pushed around as "Native American translation of Jewhova", and the churches also re-defined aasha/othsee monteoo as being "good vs. evil" BS.

With this Native American project, I do hope to get more indigenous USA/Canadian natives on board.

Many Satanist occult groups of that time were interconnected, for example I know that the first Spanish republic was directly linked with the French Enlightenment and the second French republic and also with the Masonic founders of the United States, The leader and founder of the first Spanish republic Estanislao Figueras had close contacts with the French Enlightenment.
The patron goddess of the first Spanish republic and that appears as a banner in his drawings and illustrations is the goddess of justice Maat, who apart from Athena I think was also known as Themis.


Oh yeah, I also heard about the Statue of Liberty being Libertas, Goddess of Liberation. I got no doubt it's of the French Satanic gift, and proves that New York City - like all else, was a Gentile trading city hub before you know.....the "chosen race" took over it.

In the history of all these "colonial empires" I often see that there were "peaceful factions" - those who got along with the indigenous and established trade networks with them, due to the knowledge of the Gods, and then there were the "murderous factions" - who were obviously Kikes, under Kike orders.

I know that the Founding Fathers didn't hate the indigenous, as the liars and cuckspiracy theorists like to claim (although presidents after them did, since succeeding presidents sold out to jewhovah and became involved in blood sacrifice, the usual shit you hear about in all these conspiracy forums). As a matter of fact, the Founding Fathers knew that the Native Americans built the mounds, and tried to delve into their Satanic origin, unfortunately by the time that the FF encountered the indigenous peoples, most of them have been followed cuckified and distorted forms of spiritual religion, courtesy of the greys and reptilians.

In regards to the Spaniards, I often wonder whether their Kings/Emperors were Gentiles, Satanic or Kikes. Another SS mentioned that the conquistadors themselves were kikes, not sure if that was you. I have heard that the current royal family of Spain are Lizards.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
