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Greek Philosophers Learned from the Egyptian High Priests!


Active member
Oct 2, 2017
Taken from : EGYPT & INDIA and The Origins of Hinduism, Yoga, Buddhism and Dharma

Thales was the first Greek philosopher of whom there is any knowledge, and therefore he is
sometimes called the “Father of Greek Philosophy.”
After studying in Egypt with the Sages of the Ancient Egyptian temples, he founded the Ionian school of natural philosophy which held that a single elementary
matter, water, is the basis of all the transformations of nature.
The similarity between this teaching, the
Ancient Egyptian Primeval Waters and the creation story in Genesis may be noted here.

The ancient
writings of the Greeks state that Thales visited Egypt and was initiated by the Egyptian priests into the
Egyptian Mystery System, and that he learned astronomy, surveying, engineering, and Egyptian Theology
during his time in Egypt.
This would have certainly included the theologies related to Asar, Amun and
Pythagoras was a native of Samos who traveled often to Egypt on the advice of Thales and received
education there.

He was introduced to each of the Egyptian priests of the major theologies which
comprised the whole of the Egyptian religious system based on the Trinity principle (Amen-Ra-Ptah).
Each of these legs of the Trinity were based in three Egyptian cities.
These were Heliopolis (Priesthood of
Ra), Memphis (Priesthood of Ptah) and in Thebes (Priesthood of Amen {Amun}) in Egypt.
In reference to the Ionian school that Thales founded after his studies in Egypt, a student from that
school, Socrates, became one of the most famous sage-philosophers.
Socrates (470? -399? B.C.E.) was
regarded as one of the most important philosophers of ancient Greece.
He ended up spending most of his
life in Athens, however, he was known to have studied under the Ionian philosophers.
This establishes a
direct link between Socrates and his teaching with Ancient Egypt.
Socrates had a tremendous influence on
many disciples.
One of the most popular of these was Plato. Plato in turn taught others, including Aristotle
(384-322 B.C.E.) who was Plato’s disciple for 19 years. After Plato’s death, Aristotle opened a school of
philosophy in Asia Minor.

Aristotle educated Philip of Macedon’s son, Alexander (Alexander the Great),
between the years 343 and 334 B.C.E. Aristotle then returned to Athens and opened a school in the
Lyceum, near Athens; here Aristotle lectured to his students. He urged Alexander onto his conquests since
in the process, he, Aristotle, was able to gain in knowledge from the ancient writings of the conquered

After Alexander’s conquest of Egypt, Aristotle became the author of over 1,000 books on
philosophy. Building on Plato’s Theory of the Forms, Aristotle developed the theory of The Unmoved
Mover, which is a direct teaching from Memphite Theology in Ancient Egypt. Among his works are De
Anima, Nicomachean Ethics and Metaphysics.

I will definitely be spending alot of time studying Aristotle in the near future.
It has been always the fact that Ancient people were sharing knowledge between them and each developed then inependtly and with little help from the others.

The times that are now making society to be like an endless energy abyss that is preventing us to have energy, both spiritually and physically and also make a very useful contribution in the universe.

We, speaking about the majority of course, are currently at a very low level of knowledge related to spirituality and we are having a lot of problems in finding uncorrupt information, in various domains.

From simple Mathematics and languages, to Medicine, Astrology, Chemistry, Alchemy and other liberal sciences, we are always constantly affected by corrupt information that was either created with the purpose of not informing the individual, or worse, to make the individual go into very dangerous things to be realized like harming one's self and soul.

We tend to seek help from that supposed Deity the Xians have and tend to worship it like a an actual God, unknowingly losing energy and putting ourselves in very dangerous spiritual situations, only to find that we are doing this over and over again.

Searching for Truth, the real Truth is so easy to do if one wants it, and instead, we today lose a lot of time on social media and not evolving.

Having the same economical problems and no one takes attitude to do a money working, from example.

We need for sure to overcome those things.

With the help of you and other people's work, we will sure have a very good time in the new, future, and eternal world Father created for us himself, along with the Gods.
Big Doggo Boy said:
With the help of you and other people's work, we will sure have a very good time in the new, future, and eternal world Father created for us himself, along with the Gods.

I went from believing I am building a Pillar or foundation, to believing I am building a Great Pyramid.
When I do the rituals, I always see the Gods shining through my own soul, through my conscious effort I bring the Gods back into this planet.
It is my responsibility to find new and advanced ways to teach, and this is also very fun for me.
I believe most people can find "truth", but the truth we need is a seeking for the Gods.
People are intelligent, but intelligence is not enough.

A quote I read just last night from Cicero De Natura Deorum:
On the other hand, in an empty and artificial pretence of faith piety cannot find a place any more than the other virtues; with piety it is necessary that holiness and religious obligation should also disappear, and when these are gone a great confusion and disturbance of life ensues; indeed, when piety towards the gods is removed, I am not so sure that good faith, and human fraternity, and justice, the chief of all the virtues, are not also removed.
it doesn't have much connection with your post, BUT…

Phaedo by PLATO

i haven't read everything, but it's absurdly good and you, as SS practitioners, can't help but be enchanted, it's about the soul

Yes, reviving is a fact, the living come from the dead, the souls of the dead exist, the luck of the good ones being better and the bad ones worse.

Isn't what we call learning the recovery of knowledge that is very much ours? And are we not using the correct expression if we call this process reminiscence?

Consequently, he continued, when you see a man revolt at the moment of death, isn't that proof enough that he is not a lover of wisdom, but a lover of the body?

while mentally reading i express myself like this and sometimes i do this in real life :lol:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
