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Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

Thank you for the links and advice. I have had to have many shots and vaccines during the military and had no idea how bad they really were before it was too late. Just walking in a line of 100 people getting a shot in each arm at the same time twice in a row... :x I wish I knew then what I do now. I will definitely avoid it as long as possible but I have a bad feeing 2 years is enough time for them to mandate it for all government and military employees. I'm not sure what Ill decide if that time ever comes...
I am going a bit off topic, but do we really need to wear masks in public is it really safe? I would seriously like to know, I feel a bit lost & confused honestly. Hail Satan!
duckymonster500 said:
Thank you for the links and advice. I have had to have many shots and vaccines during the military and had no idea how bad they really were before it was too late. Just walking in a line of 100 people getting a shot in each arm at the same time twice in a row... :x I wish I knew then what I do now. I will definitely avoid it as long as possible but I have a bad feeing 2 years is enough time for them to mandate it for all government and military employees. I'm not sure what Ill decide if that time ever comes...
:lol: I assumed automatically that you were in the US military. My bad if you weren't haha. I pretty much did a stereotypical american thing, were I assume the default country for everyone is the US.

Can't blame me though, the universe revolves around us.
Pumpkinking1992 said:
I am going a bit off topic, but do we really need to wear masks in public is it really safe? I would seriously like to know, I feel a bit lost & confused honestly. Hail Satan!
A mask does nothing to protect you. The point of the mask is if you are sick, it will help a very small amount to help prevent you spreading it to other people. So if you are not sick, there is no reason for it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Pumpkinking1992 said:
I am going a bit off topic, but do we really need to wear masks in public is it really safe? I would seriously like to know, I feel a bit lost & confused honestly. Hail Satan!
A mask does nothing to protect you. The point of the mask is if you are sick, it will help a very small amount to help prevent you spreading it to other people. So if you are not sick, there is no reason for it.

Exactly, and wearing it in public all day is an easy way to make oneself sick. Especially if one is out walking and exerting themselves. I rip the damn things off as soon as I walk out of stores because it's so stupidly hard to breathe in them. I don't know how people are putting up with that.
And you know what's even more insane? I've seen people on trails through the woods with no one around for miles, and they're wearing the mask! I couldn't believe it. It doesn't get much more stupid than that (I hope). The fear and paranoia levels are out of control. Just madness...
jrvan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Pumpkinking1992 said:
I am going a bit off topic, but do we really need to wear masks in public is it really safe? I would seriously like to know, I feel a bit lost & confused honestly. Hail Satan!
A mask does nothing to protect you. The point of the mask is if you are sick, it will help a very small amount to help prevent you spreading it to other people. So if you are not sick, there is no reason for it.

Exactly, and wearing it in public all day is an easy way to make oneself sick. Especially if one is out walking and exerting themselves. I rip the damn things off as soon as I walk out of stores because it's so stupidly hard to breathe in them. I don't know how people are putting up with that.
And you know what's even more insane? I've seen people on trails through the woods with no one around for miles, and they're wearing the mask! I couldn't believe it. It doesn't get much more stupid than that (I hope). The fear and paranoia levels are out of control. Just madness...
I will wear a mask if I go in a store, just because it makes people feel better. I don't think that it actually does anything, but I don't want to make anyone feel bad.

But there is no reason to wear one outside. Or even worse, those dumb people who wear a mask in their car while they are driving. A couple people have died because they wore a mask while driving and they could not breathe, so they lost consciousness and crashed their cars.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
A mask does nothing to protect you. The point of the mask is if you are sick, it will help a very small amount to help prevent you spreading it to other people. So if you are not sick, there is no reason for it.

Exactly, and wearing it in public all day is an easy way to make oneself sick. Especially if one is out walking and exerting themselves. I rip the damn things off as soon as I walk out of stores because it's so stupidly hard to breathe in them. I don't know how people are putting up with that.
And you know what's even more insane? I've seen people on trails through the woods with no one around for miles, and they're wearing the mask! I couldn't believe it. It doesn't get much more stupid than that (I hope). The fear and paranoia levels are out of control. Just madness...
I will wear a mask if I go in a store, just because it makes people feel better. I don't think that it actually does anything, but I don't want to make anyone feel bad.

But there is no reason to wear one outside. Or even worse, those dumb people who wear a mask in their car while they are driving. A couple people have died because they wore a mask while driving and they could not breathe, so they lost consciousness and crashed their cars.

Ah yeah. It's only for appearance and nothing else. I was joking with Tabby a while back that I could walk around with it on top of my head as long as people see it. The clerks half the time have it down around their chins with their mouths uncovered. Personally I don't care what mask fanatics think of me and I don't do it to appease them. Rather, I was wearing them into stores because of the ridiculous state mandates after I got bitched at for not wearing one. I couldn't care less about making the crazies comfortable because I'm the type that would cough near them on purpose. I'm not antisocial, but I can't tolerate their level of foolishness. Like... where I'm from everyone is pretty hardy and has tough immune systems, and nobody is freaking sick at this time of year. When we get to summer I'll probably be yelling at people over it lol

I didn't hear about that. That's disturbing. The kosher media and medical establishment will have to answer for all of this soon. I know it's self responsibility to a certain extent on the part of the sheep, but filling everyone with that much fear and paranoia when they know full-well that everyone is indeed really that gullible - that's just sick. Day of the rope is coming for those shabbos servants.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I will wear a mask if I go in a store, just because it makes people feel better. I don't think that it actually does anything, but I don't want to make anyone feel bad.
Oh oly, where have thou testicles gone? This is such a motherly/general womanly “let’s all get along and make everyone comfortable” way of thinking, and that way of thinking is understandable when you are my grandmother who has said that exact same thing before even though she knows that it’s a hoax.

I only “wear” a mask when I’m with family and don’t want to cause an altercation for their sake, and still it is ALWAYS below my nose or hanging from the chin with my face exposed. But where I am there’s no mandates and no one cares anymore. I have never once breathed through a muzzle.

But you like to make people comfortable so why not make them even more comfortable by doing these simple tricks.

1. You can receive experimental MRNA gene therapy in the name of getting back to normal (but jewboy fauci still says wear a mask.)

2. You can accept having your son seized by the state to become trans because that’s what his woke mother wants (James younger).

3. You can get on your knees with a fist in the air to proclaim that “Black lives matter” even though negroes and antifa would kill you in a second if they could get away it. (It would make the woke mob comfortable, maybe they won’t burn your house down.)

These are just a few things to improve your social credit score. It would really make Bill gates and his WEF cronies comfortable if you lived in a pod and only ate bugs for the rest of your life.

Or you can stop caring what others think because they are stupid goys and live your life in the way that you really want to live it.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Don't make a mountain from a mole hill.

If I am buying food from a store, I don't need to have old people freaking out and acting like I have the plague because I don't have a mask on. Actually, my local grocery store does not allow anyone without a mask anyway.

I got a box of blue masks from a guy at work for free. So didn't need to waste any money on masks. They are the stupid little blue paper ones so they don't block any of my breathing, it is not at all uncomfortable and doesn't cause any harm. It really is not a big deal to put it on for 5 minutes in the store then take it off when you're walking out the door.

Is this really your line? Is this the battle you want to fight? Because I really think there are more important things for you to care about.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I will wear a mask if I go in a store, just because it makes people feel better. I don't think that it actually does anything, but I don't want to make anyone feel bad.
Oh oly, where have thou testicles gone? This is such a motherly/general womanly “let’s all get along and make everyone comfortable” way of thinking, and that way of thinking is understandable when you are my grandmother who has said that exact same thing before even though she knows that it’s a hoax.

I only “wear” a mask when I’m with family and don’t want to cause an altercation for their sake, and still it is ALWAYS below my nose or hanging from the chin with my face exposed. But where I am there’s no mandates and no one cares anymore. I have never once breathed through a muzzle.

But you like to make people comfortable so why not make them even more comfortable by doing these simple tricks.

1. You can receive experimental MRNA gene therapy in the name of getting back to normal (but jewboy fauci still says wear a mask.)

2. You can accept having your son seized by the state to become trans because that’s what his woke mother wants (James younger).

3. You can get on your knees with a fist in the air to proclaim that “Black lives matter” even though negroes and antifa would kill you in a second if they could get away it. (It would make the woke mob comfortable, maybe they won’t burn your house down.)

These are just a few things to improve your social credit score. It would really make Bill gates and his WEF cronies comfortable if you lived in a pod and only ate bugs for the rest of your life.

Or you can stop caring what others think because they are stupid goys and live your life in the way that you really want to live it.

I'll let him defend himself, but I just want to make a suggestion. There's ways of saying the sorts of things you said without using women as a comparison for a put down.
It's also not logically correct to say that being a peacemaker is exclusively a female thing. Not everyone prefers conflict whether they're male or female.
I happen to love it, but that's just my personality. I find it hard to get along with people who shun conflict. I see conflict as a very necessary thing that more people should spend the effort to get comfortable with. If one tries to make peace between peoples by not confronting the problems and just saying "let's all put our differences aside and get along" then it's just shelving the issues and pretending that they don't exist. I believe it's better to push through the problems with all the chaos involved so that a true resolution can be found on the other side. It doesn't always work, but I think it's the only path to true interpersonal solutions, Dr. Phil style. Or Jerry Springer, even better.

But yeah it's not exclusive to women. And not everyone is like me, unfortunately :lol:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Pumpkinking1992 said:
I am going a bit off topic, but do we really need to wear masks in public is it really safe? I would seriously like to know, I feel a bit lost & confused honestly. Hail Satan!
A mask does nothing to protect you. The point of the mask is if you are sick, it will help a very small amount to help prevent you spreading it to other people. So if you are not sick, there is no reason for it.

Thank you so much
jrvan said:
I'll let him defend himself, but I just want to make a suggestion. There's ways of saying the sorts of things you said without using women as a comparison for a put down.
It's also not logically correct to say that being a peacemaker is exclusively a female thing. Not everyone prefers conflict whether they're male or female.
I happen to love it, but that's just my personality. I find it hard to get along with people who shun conflict. I see conflict as a very necessary thing that more people should spend the effort to get comfortable with. If one tries to make peace between peoples by not confronting the problems and just saying "let's all put our differences aside and get along" then it's just shelving the issues and pretending that they don't exist. I believe it's better to push through the problems with all the chaos involved so that a true resolution can be found on the other side. It doesn't always work, but I think it's the only path to true interpersonal solutions, Dr. Phil style. Or Jerry Springer, even better.
But yeah it's not exclusive to women. And not everyone is like me, unfortunately :lol:
No one said it was exclusive to females but this instinct/mentality is very strong in most women especially mothers which is fine as long as there is a strong father to balance this. If it’s something like a single mother than the Male child will receive an overload of the female energies and take on that identity and become unbalanced.

When I was young before puberty I didn’t stick up for myself. No one showed me how to fight or piss standing up. I wasn’t made to do physical things like sports or yard work and in those days I never reached my full potential because of it and I didn’t really start to grow up until 15-16.

Now I’m out of that position and learned how be a man on my own, and thanks to the curses being removed and looking within myself I have found the “other” side that I hope to properly express one day. That’s all.
On the subject on face masks:

Facemasks are designed to prevent people from breathing in larger toxic particles, and to prevent breathing destructive particles on for an example on patients at risk of becoming ill. This can be a patient who has a critical disease, or is lying on an operation table wide open. Face masks are only 30% effective. This is because smaller particles such as viruses may infect another person through penetrating the mucous membranes of the eye(s). If you wear a mask and another does not, and you stand one meter a part or are in the same room, chances are you may become infected as long as the virus or bacteria is in his/her saliva (secretions). Most people doesn't wear the face masks in correct terms, which makes them 0% effective.

I have seen thousands of people wearing face masks incorrectly, and they wonder why they become infected???
Putting the mask under the chin and then on. So on, and then off, and repeat a hundred times. Touching the mask whilst touching the gods knows what.

Please do take this seriously, we all know this virus was created in a laboratory in Wuhan in the world largest virology centers. We do not know what the long term damage of Covid-19 is, and that is a fact. Viruses are known for causing great deal of physical damage i.e. CANCER. This may not happen at first, but viruses is highly likely to cause mutations within cells that turn out for the worse. Positive mutations rarely happens. Luckily meditations actually do change this.

As for the breathing part. It all depends on what type of mask you are using to begin with. Some face masks aren't really proper for use, are they? Surgical masks are only effective if you use them correctly. So are any other for that sake. Adults who are fully grown have fully developed respiratory system. The masks are safe to use for them breathing wise. Children should avoid using them as their respiratory system is undeveloped, it is at a critical stage. Children should only use this if they are in a place and situation that is more dangerous for them not using one, but then one should also try to leave that situation.

Exercise helps to develop a better respiratory system by expanding the lungs and improving the oxygen uptake. Power breaths and breathing meditations does this as well. Playing instruments such as brass instruments also improves the lung capacity (remember to clean the instrument now and then).

If you have underlying diseases I can only recommend to protect yourself by using masks in public areas such as bus transport, shopping centers and the like. Or avoiding these places all together if possible. I do recommend the same for the healthy ones.

When it comes to the numbers of deaths, I do not know the correct answer here. I also do not know if the virus is just like a regular flue that is accused here. My note is, this is only a conspiracy, and I know also people here do take conspiracies a little too serious and loose track of reality sometimes. For all I know, I could be wrong. But, I do believe the virus is more destructive than the flue physical wise (I have witnessed many, many cases). Also, many people have died from Covid-19 as there are mass graves. This may be because many people have underlying diseases and so on, but that doesn't explain why a healthy 21 year old with perfect health just dies from the virus. Maybe this may be astronomical? I do not know.

I just feel strongly to advice people being careful, the enemy is desperate. They pushed a vast problem, people are desperate, so they now push the solution, the vaccines. But then again, we are lucky that the Jews don't have completely control of everything, and they never will. Sadly, I do believe this is only the beginning of something far more sinister from the enemy, so watch out.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I will wear a mask if I go in a store, just because it makes people feel better. I don't think that it actually does anything, but I don't want to make anyone feel bad.
Oh oly, where have thou testicles gone? This is such a motherly/general womanly “let’s all get along and make everyone comfortable” way of thinking, and that way of thinking is understandable when you are my grandmother who has said that exact same thing before even though she knows that it’s a hoax.

I only “wear” a mask when I’m with family and don’t want to cause an altercation for their sake, and still it is ALWAYS below my nose or hanging from the chin with my face exposed. But where I am there’s no mandates and no one cares anymore. I have never once breathed through a muzzle.

But you like to make people comfortable so why not make them even more comfortable by doing these simple tricks.

1. You can receive experimental MRNA gene therapy in the name of getting back to normal (but jewboy fauci still says wear a mask.)

2. You can accept having your son seized by the state to become trans because that’s what his woke mother wants (James younger).

3. You can get on your knees with a fist in the air to proclaim that “Black lives matter” even though negroes and antifa would kill you in a second if they could get away it. (It would make the woke mob comfortable, maybe they won’t burn your house down.)

These are just a few things to improve your social credit score. It would really make Bill gates and his WEF cronies comfortable if you lived in a pod and only ate bugs for the rest of your life.

Or you can stop caring what others think because they are stupid goys and live your life in the way that you really want to live it.

WTF is this
Here in Italy it's obbligatory, though the law doesn't specify how you need to wear it, so I just have it under my chin all the time unless I go inside a shop or something.
Darkpagan666 said:
On the subject on face masks:
I have seen thousands of people wearing face masks incorrectly, and they wonder why they become infected???
Putting the mask under the chin and then on. So on, and then off, and repeat a hundred times. Touching the mask whilst touching the gods knows what.
Yeah it’s ridiculous that the maskholes use them improperly but then say that they help stop the spread.

Please do take this seriously, we all know this virus was created in a laboratory in Wuhan in the world largest virology centers. We do not know what the long term damage of Covid-19 is, and that is a fact. Viruses are known for causing great deal of physical damage i.e. CANCER. This may not happen at first, but viruses is highly likely to cause mutations within cells that turn out for the worse. Positive mutations rarely happens. Luckily meditations actually do change this.
This is the most pathetic illness ever even more so if it came from the wuhan lab. Soo deadly that you can test positive and have zero symptoms. This entire situation has strengthened my belief in terrain theory.
Children should only use this if they are in a place and situation that is more dangerous for them not using one, but then one should also try to leave that situation.
Children should NEVER be made to use them because it is abusive and inhumane to restrict breathing over something that has a 0% chance of harming them even if the masks did work.

Exercise helps to develop a better respiratory system by expanding the lungs and improving the oxygen uptake. Power breaths and breathing meditations does this as well. Playing instruments such as brass instruments also improves the lung capacity (remember to clean the instrument now and then).
Good advice but unfortunately the JSM and health departments won’t tell people this.

If you have underlying diseases I can only recommend to protect yourself by using masks in public areas such as bus transport, shopping centers and the like. Or avoiding these places all together if possible. I do recommend the same for the healthy ones.
Living in a bubble will only make one sicker.

Also, many people have died from Covid-19 as there are mass graves.
What mass graves? Can you send me the address to one?

This may be because many people have underlying diseases and so on, but that doesn't explain why a healthy 21 year old with perfect health just dies from the virus. Maybe this may be astronomical? I do not know.
There has been no healthy 21 year olds dying. The JSM has said there was, but in that case one of these people was a literal cancer patient with leukemia and the other was a major fatass. Funny how after a year ago we never saw anymore stories like this.

EnkiUK3 said:
WTF is this
Who asked you to respond with a rude one word answer? Take care.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
I'll let him defend himself, but I just want to make a suggestion. There's ways of saying the sorts of things you said without using women as a comparison for a put down.
It's also not logically correct to say that being a peacemaker is exclusively a female thing. Not everyone prefers conflict whether they're male or female.
I happen to love it, but that's just my personality. I find it hard to get along with people who shun conflict. I see conflict as a very necessary thing that more people should spend the effort to get comfortable with. If one tries to make peace between peoples by not confronting the problems and just saying "let's all put our differences aside and get along" then it's just shelving the issues and pretending that they don't exist. I believe it's better to push through the problems with all the chaos involved so that a true resolution can be found on the other side. It doesn't always work, but I think it's the only path to true interpersonal solutions, Dr. Phil style. Or Jerry Springer, even better.
But yeah it's not exclusive to women. And not everyone is like me, unfortunately :lol:
No one said it was exclusive to females but this instinct/mentality is very strong in most women especially mothers which is fine as long as there is a strong father to balance this. If it’s something like a single mother than the Male child will receive an overload of the female energies and take on that identity and become unbalanced.

When I was young before puberty I didn’t stick up for myself. No one showed me how to fight or piss standing up. I wasn’t made to do physical things like sports or yard work and in those days I never reached my full potential because of it and I didn’t really start to grow up until 15-16.

Now I’m out of that position and learned how be a man on my own, and thanks to the curses being removed and looking within myself I have found the “other” side that I hope to properly express one day. That’s all.

That's in the context of raising children though. What I'm speaking of is the way people choose to deal with problems. Everyone has their own preference. Ol Argedco Luciftias doesn't like to waste his energy butting heads with civilians (especially because he knows that nothing good or productive will come from it) which is very wise. Whereas you have me, I can't help myself. I just want to slap the stupid out of people, verbally or... otherwise :twisted:
Darkpagan666 said:

Please, avoid spreading misinformation.

:arrow: The death rate of covid is ~0.001%. Nothing. Many death attributed to covid in reality are of people who never had it in the first place. Not covid-19 (the illness) nor Sars-CoV-2 (the virus).
:arrow: Cases are also very low. A real case is someone who has covid, not just sars. Asymptomatics only have Sars but it does nothing to them because it's either inactive or they have antibodies.
:arrow: ~95% of the results from tests are false positives that happens because:
1. They do not know the full genetic make-up of the virus
2. They use tests that cannot tell the difference between active and inactive virus
3. They count asymptomatics, which is unprecedented in history.
:arrow: Hospitals are not full/overcrowded. Going to all hospitals in your area you could see it for yourself. Also, speaking to trustworthy people who work in healthcare, civil protection, law enforcement and certain specialties of the military (nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants). Trustworthy means:
1. You know them very well (e.g. family members, relatives, real friends)
2. They have FIRST-HAND experience, instead of spreading gossip
:arrow: Marks do not save you from the virus, because:
1. The virus is not airborne
2. The virus is small enough to pass through FFP3 masks

Nobody goes into pandemic mode for a super weak virus. It is clear the majority of alleged deaths comes from patients who actually have seasonal flu and other unrelated pathologies.

HPS Maxine's advice on stocking up was not because of a non-existent virus but because of the unjustified measures applied (and soon-to-be-applied) by the enemy and the mass hysteria from the people (especially in the USA where NPCs are the most gullible and most easily weaponised on the planet). For the last claim, compare the damage done by terrorist organisations in the USA (i.e. BLM, antifa, lgbtq+) with the damage done in Europe and other parts of the world. In other words, unjustified violence and vandalism VS polite, respectful protests. In most of Europe, there was never any food shortages during lockdowns with the current measures. Virtually non-existent cases of assaulting supermarkets, as well as virtually non-existent cases of hoarding food all at once, because most people do not think only of themselves but are aware other people exist too and they need supplies too.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I will wear a mask if I go in a store, just because it makes people feel better. I don't think that it actually does anything, but I don't want to make anyone feel bad.
Oh oly, where have thou testicles gone? This is such a motherly/general womanly “let’s all get along and make everyone comfortable” way of thinking, and that way of thinking is understandable when you are my grandmother who has said that exact same thing before even though she knows that it’s a hoax.

thy* not thou. Thou = you

Don't you have indoor places that are obsessed with masks? Here you are not allowed indoors unless you put on a mask before entering. Absolutely ridiculous.
Stormblood said:
Darkpagan666 said:

Please, avoid spreading misinformation.

:arrow: The death rate of covid is ~0.001%. Nothing. Many death attributed to covid in reality are of people who never had it in the first place. Not covid-19 (the illness) nor Sars-CoV-2 (the virus).
:arrow: Cases are also very low. A real case is someone who has covid, not just sars. Asymptomatics only have Sars but it does nothing to them because it's either inactive or they have antibodies.
:arrow: ~95% of the results from tests are false positives that happens because:
1. They do not know the full genetic make-up of the virus
2. They use tests that cannot tell the difference between active and inactive virus
3. They count asymptomatics, which is unprecedented in history.
:arrow: Hospitals are not full/overcrowded. Going to all hospitals in your area you could see it for yourself. Also, speaking to trustworthy people who work in healthcare, civil protection, law enforcement and certain specialties of the military (nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants). Trustworthy means:
1. You know them very well (e.g. family members, relatives, real friends)
2. They have FIRST-HAND experience, instead of spreading gossip
:arrow: Marks do not save you from the virus, because:
1. The virus is not airborne
2. The virus is small enough to pass through FFP3 masks

Nobody goes into pandemic mode for a super weak virus. It is clear the majority of alleged deaths comes from patients who actually have seasonal flu and other unrelated pathologies.

HPS Maxine's advice on stocking up was not because of a non-existent virus but because of the unjustified measures applied (and soon-to-be-applied) by the enemy and the mass hysteria from the people (especially in the USA where NPCs are the most gullible and most easily weaponised on the planet). For the last claim, compare the damage done by terrorist organisations in the USA (i.e. BLM, antifa, lgbtq+) with the damage done in Europe and other parts of the world. In other words, unjustified violence and vandalism VS polite, respectful protests. In most of Europe, there was never any food shortages during lockdowns with the current measures. Virtually non-existent cases of assaulting supermarkets, as well as virtually non-existent cases of hoarding food all at once, because most people do not think only of themselves but are aware other people exist too and they need supplies too.

Also, masks are not safe to use long-term. Studies rightfully point at lung damage. More than 50% (the majority) of the medical community agrees on this. They are just scared to talk, seeing what happens to those who do: deplatforming, unlawful termination of employment, drastic wage cuts, all the way to personal and family threats (including injury).
Stormblood said:
thy* not thou. Thou = you
My proper English isn’t touched up very well. The last time I saw Romeo and Juliet was ELA class my freshman year.

Don't you have indoor places that are obsessed with masks? Here you are not allowed indoors unless you put on a mask before entering. Absolutely ridiculous.
There’s some places like big box stores that say masks required and employees wear them but things indoors like restaurants are fine. Our mandate was lifted recently but even before then no one cared or was gonna hassle you over not wearing one. Going into a restaurant with the purpose of eating with a mask on is fucking ridiculous anyway.
jrvan said:
That's in the context of raising children though. What I'm speaking of is the way people choose to deal with problems. Everyone has their own preference. Ol Argedco Luciftias doesn't like to waste his energy butting heads with civilians (especially because he knows that nothing good or productive will come from it) which is very wise. Whereas you have me, I can't help myself. I just want to slap the stupid out of people, verbally or... otherwise :twisted:
Except conceding doesn’t solve the problem. It’s the typical cycle of abuse in this case abuse by the enemy with masks.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
That's in the context of raising children though. What I'm speaking of is the way people choose to deal with problems. Everyone has their own preference. Ol Argedco Luciftias doesn't like to waste his energy butting heads with civilians (especially because he knows that nothing good or productive will come from it) which is very wise. Whereas you have me, I can't help myself. I just want to slap the stupid out of people, verbally or... otherwise :twisted:
Except conceding doesn’t solve the problem. It’s the typical cycle of abuse in this case abuse by the enemy with masks.

I don't disagree with you on that, but he also is SS which means he's too precious to be getting into any sort of potential trouble or causing problems for himself. He does things his way according to his own judgement and assessment of situations. If we all could afford to be making symbolic stands in public then we would, but instead we do RTR's and wait for the goyim to stop being goyim. We're very lucky to be able to do what we do, and to be able to even make symbolic stands for freedom in small capacities. In the middle ages, a Satanist wouldn't be able to leave the shadows at all. Dissent wasn't an option.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Darkpagan666 said:
On the subject on face masks:
I have seen thousands of people wearing face masks incorrectly, and they wonder why they become infected???
Putting the mask under the chin and then on. So on, and then off, and repeat a hundred times. Touching the mask whilst touching the gods knows what.
Yeah it’s ridiculous that the maskholes use them improperly but then say that they help stop the spread.

Please do take this seriously, we all know this virus was created in a laboratory in Wuhan in the world largest virology centers. We do not know what the long term damage of Covid-19 is, and that is a fact. Viruses are known for causing great deal of physical damage i.e. CANCER. This may not happen at first, but viruses is highly likely to cause mutations within cells that turn out for the worse. Positive mutations rarely happens. Luckily meditations actually do change this.
This is the most pathetic illness ever even more so if it came from the wuhan lab. Soo deadly that you can test positive and have zero symptoms. This entire situation has strengthened my belief in terrain theory.
Children should only use this if they are in a place and situation that is more dangerous for them not using one, but then one should also try to leave that situation.
Children should NEVER be made to use them because it is abusive and inhumane to restrict breathing over something that has a 0% chance of harming them even if the masks did work.

Exercise helps to develop a better respiratory system by expanding the lungs and improving the oxygen uptake. Power breaths and breathing meditations does this as well. Playing instruments such as brass instruments also improves the lung capacity (remember to clean the instrument now and then).
Good advice but unfortunately the JSM and health departments won’t tell people this.

If you have underlying diseases I can only recommend to protect yourself by using masks in public areas such as bus transport, shopping centers and the like. Or avoiding these places all together if possible. I do recommend the same for the healthy ones.
Living in a bubble will only make one sicker.

Also, many people have died from Covid-19 as there are mass graves.
What mass graves? Can you send me the address to one?

This may be because many people have underlying diseases and so on, but that doesn't explain why a healthy 21 year old with perfect health just dies from the virus. Maybe this may be astronomical? I do not know.
There has been no healthy 21 year olds dying. The JSM has said there was, but in that case one of these people was a literal cancer patient with leukemia and the other was a major fatass. Funny how after a year ago we never saw anymore stories like this.

EnkiUK3 said:
WTF is this
Who asked you to respond with a rude one word answer? Take care.

Ha ha not bad bro :lol: one thing i like very much is the badge SWG

Werwolf cant say i was a member of that ever over here as that would be against the law.


Few books on it The Last Nazis. The book is the real Werwolfs Uk just a new thing that didnt last long.

also my man take care
Stormblood said:
Darkpagan666 said:

Please, avoid spreading misinformation.

:arrow: The death rate of covid is ~0.001%. Nothing. Many death attributed to covid in reality are of people who never had it in the first place. Not covid-19 (the illness) nor Sars-CoV-2 (the virus).
:arrow: Cases are also very low. A real case is someone who has covid, not just sars. Asymptomatics only have Sars but it does nothing to them because it's either inactive or they have antibodies.
:arrow: ~95% of the results from tests are false positives that happens because:
1. They do not know the full genetic make-up of the virus
2. They use tests that cannot tell the difference between active and inactive virus
3. They count asymptomatics, which is unprecedented in history.
:arrow: Hospitals are not full/overcrowded. Going to all hospitals in your area you could see it for yourself. Also, speaking to trustworthy people who work in healthcare, civil protection, law enforcement and certain specialties of the military (nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants). Trustworthy means:
1. You know them very well (e.g. family members, relatives, real friends)
2. They have FIRST-HAND experience, instead of spreading gossip
:arrow: Marks do not save you from the virus, because:
1. The virus is not airborne
2. The virus is small enough to pass through FFP3 masks

Nobody goes into pandemic mode for a super weak virus. It is clear the majority of alleged deaths comes from patients who actually have seasonal flu and other unrelated pathologies.

HPS Maxine's advice on stocking up was not because of a non-existent virus but because of the unjustified measures applied (and soon-to-be-applied) by the enemy and the mass hysteria from the people (especially in the USA where NPCs are the most gullible and most easily weaponised on the planet). For the last claim, compare the damage done by terrorist organisations in the USA (i.e. BLM, antifa, lgbtq+) with the damage done in Europe and other parts of the world. In other words, unjustified violence and vandalism VS polite, respectful protests. In most of Europe, there was never any food shortages during lockdowns with the current measures. Virtually non-existent cases of assaulting supermarkets, as well as virtually non-existent cases of hoarding food all at once, because most people do not think only of themselves but are aware other people exist too and they need supplies too.

Misinformation? Can you please send me links showing this virus not being dangerous at all? Are your sources legitimate?

The virus is destructive in other terms yes, if not as deadly. Why do many people suffer from lingering physical issues months after? Do you know the long term damage of this? No one does. I could say someone issued me the consequences of being infected. But why would I?

All viruses are airborn from what I gather, it is tiny particles that float through the air while we speak for an example because we spit. The virus is contained in small saliva particles that spreads like any other small particles with extremely low weight. This is basic science. And just for the sake of it, the particles doesn't "float" endlessly. They will fall on the ground eventually. Like a feather.

Ask a doctor or healthcare worker as a legitimate source? Fine, i'll be asking my colleages then. I am a healthcare worker and has seen the impact of the virus at first hand.

I know as well as many here the enemy hypes up the numbers of deaths. I said I do not know the exact number, but there are mass graves from people dying - Covid-19 is just a cofactor ending an ill persons life. So is a machine gun, as well as the person holding the machine gun. Your argument is baseless and poor.

Also, the 21 year old girl who died had perfect health. I know that for a fact. Avoiding bus transport and shopping centres aren't being anti-social.....lol. (this was really a comment to that "white" dude).

Take my words as fact, it is just as legitimate as yours. I don't mean to be rude or actually spread misinformation, but people should be on alert. Taking precautions, that is all.

Yeah, I remember what Maxine said.
Stormblood said:
Stormblood said:
Darkpagan666 said:

Please, avoid spreading misinformation.

:arrow: The death rate of covid is ~0.001%. Nothing. Many death attributed to covid in reality are of people who never had it in the first place. Not covid-19 (the illness) nor Sars-CoV-2 (the virus).
:arrow: Cases are also very low. A real case is someone who has covid, not just sars. Asymptomatics only have Sars but it does nothing to them because it's either inactive or they have antibodies.
:arrow: ~95% of the results from tests are false positives that happens because:
1. They do not know the full genetic make-up of the virus
2. They use tests that cannot tell the difference between active and inactive virus
3. They count asymptomatics, which is unprecedented in history.
:arrow: Hospitals are not full/overcrowded. Going to all hospitals in your area you could see it for yourself. Also, speaking to trustworthy people who work in healthcare, civil protection, law enforcement and certain specialties of the military (nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants). Trustworthy means:
1. You know them very well (e.g. family members, relatives, real friends)
2. They have FIRST-HAND experience, instead of spreading gossip
:arrow: Marks do not save you from the virus, because:
1. The virus is not airborne
2. The virus is small enough to pass through FFP3 masks

Nobody goes into pandemic mode for a super weak virus. It is clear the majority of alleged deaths comes from patients who actually have seasonal flu and other unrelated pathologies.

HPS Maxine's advice on stocking up was not because of a non-existent virus but because of the unjustified measures applied (and soon-to-be-applied) by the enemy and the mass hysteria from the people (especially in the USA where NPCs are the most gullible and most easily weaponised on the planet). For the last claim, compare the damage done by terrorist organisations in the USA (i.e. BLM, antifa, lgbtq+) with the damage done in Europe and other parts of the world. In other words, unjustified violence and vandalism VS polite, respectful protests. In most of Europe, there was never any food shortages during lockdowns with the current measures. Virtually non-existent cases of assaulting supermarkets, as well as virtually non-existent cases of hoarding food all at once, because most people do not think only of themselves but are aware other people exist too and they need supplies too.

Also, masks are not safe to use long-term. Studies rightfully point at lung damage. More than 50% (the majority) of the medical community agrees on this. They are just scared to talk, seeing what happens to those who do: deplatforming, unlawful termination of employment, drastic wage cuts, all the way to personal and family threats (including injury).

Well, yes that may be. So long I haven't noticed any diffirence like impaired cognition or headaches nor reduce of lung capacity.

I wore a face mask for 15 hours everyday for 16 days in a row due to lockdown at work. No changes physically, but maybe I'll get a lung damage later as I still wear face mask 8 hours+ at work. No one else of my colleagues has issued any complainments about this. So it will be interesting to see what happens in a year from now.

Again, yes I know the enemy hype the deaths and so on. Control the media and these lockdowns and so on and so on. I was really talking about the damage the virus inflict upon people physical wise, as I know that is a real issue for sure.
Stormblood said:
Stormblood said:
Darkpagan666 said:

Please, avoid spreading misinformation.

:arrow: The death rate of covid is ~0.001%. Nothing. Many death attributed to covid in reality are of people who never had it in the first place. Not covid-19 (the illness) nor Sars-CoV-2 (the virus).
:arrow: Cases are also very low. A real case is someone who has covid, not just sars. Asymptomatics only have Sars but it does nothing to them because it's either inactive or they have antibodies.
:arrow: ~95% of the results from tests are false positives that happens because:
1. They do not know the full genetic make-up of the virus
2. They use tests that cannot tell the difference between active and inactive virus
3. They count asymptomatics, which is unprecedented in history.
:arrow: Hospitals are not full/overcrowded. Going to all hospitals in your area you could see it for yourself. Also, speaking to trustworthy people who work in healthcare, civil protection, law enforcement and certain specialties of the military (nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants). Trustworthy means:
1. You know them very well (e.g. family members, relatives, real friends)
2. They have FIRST-HAND experience, instead of spreading gossip
:arrow: Marks do not save you from the virus, because:
1. The virus is not airborne
2. The virus is small enough to pass through FFP3 masks

Nobody goes into pandemic mode for a super weak virus. It is clear the majority of alleged deaths comes from patients who actually have seasonal flu and other unrelated pathologies.

HPS Maxine's advice on stocking up was not because of a non-existent virus but because of the unjustified measures applied (and soon-to-be-applied) by the enemy and the mass hysteria from the people (especially in the USA where NPCs are the most gullible and most easily weaponised on the planet). For the last claim, compare the damage done by terrorist organisations in the USA (i.e. BLM, antifa, lgbtq+) with the damage done in Europe and other parts of the world. In other words, unjustified violence and vandalism VS polite, respectful protests. In most of Europe, there was never any food shortages during lockdowns with the current measures. Virtually non-existent cases of assaulting supermarkets, as well as virtually non-existent cases of hoarding food all at once, because most people do not think only of themselves but are aware other people exist too and they need supplies too.

Also, masks are not safe to use long-term. Studies rightfully point at lung damage. More than 50% (the majority) of the medical community agrees on this. They are just scared to talk, seeing what happens to those who do: deplatforming, unlawful termination of employment, drastic wage cuts, all the way to personal and family threats (including injury).

Added note:
Most medical facemasks contains or are treated with polypropylene and silver chloride. Meaning you inhale microplastic and toxic. Dic copper oxide blur is used in reusable copper mouthpieces. The substances are hormone-mimicking and carcinogenic as well as destructive for the lungs (and the body in entirety). On my note, this is theory and need further investigation as it is not scientifically proven. It needs more study. But it is interesting and alarming nonetheless.

I am not in a position to claim it is proven. I just can't. I will not go into the why here for personal matters. Whoever wants to do that, fine for them.



This may be why people report issues from wearing the masks. Again, I myself and the rest of my colleages have not experienced any breathing issues or any other "symptoms" from wearing these masks 8 hours + 5 days a week for over a year now. I will report it here on the forums if it so happens.

Again, the amount of deaths I do not argue as I do not know that. I am however extremely certain of the long term lingering physical issues caused by covid-19 as I see that everyday. I am also certain the risks of taking the vaccine.

Darkpagan666 said:

The body will compensate with energy from the rest of the body. Healthier people can negate most of this, since they have the energy to spare. This is likely the case for you. Elderly people would be more susceptible, for example, as they generate and store less energy. Everyone will have a reduced energy production rate from restricted oxygen, however.

This general concept goes for all things. It is why sometimes people get cancer after an exposure to something and others don't. Health is really a case-by-case basis.
Blitzkreig said:
Darkpagan666 said:

The body will compensate with energy from the rest of the body. Healthier people can negate most of this, since they have the energy to spare. This is likely the case for you. Elderly people would be more susceptible, for example, as they generate and store less energy. Everyone will have a reduced energy production rate from restricted oxygen, however.

This general concept goes for all things. It is why sometimes people get cancer after an exposure to something and others don't. Health is really a case-by-case basis.

Absolutely, yes. Thanks!
In my country they are now running commercials with CHILDREN saying you know, how this little girl wants to go to back to school and she can't of because muh people don't vaccine...be a pal and get the shot c'mon man...they are literally trying to MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY AF FOR NOT DOING IT

THE GOVERNMENT IN MY COUNTRY IS NOW DOING CHALLENGES like the fking ice bucket challenges...what the vaccine means to you and then you know tv stars get to say stupid things like freedom and then pass the challenge on

Ok, I hate the oy vey people and I hate their lackeys, but I HATE even more the normies that really really believe in this and think they do good

Little by little they are going to add restrictions everywhere, cause you know if you didn't get the shot you are a danger to others and can spread the virus....fukkkk I hate these people so bad :evil: :evil: :evil:

And don't even get me started on SS who willingly went on and took the shot, because of you mugs, things will never go back to normal, you sold us all so that you can party in the club or watch a stupid football match

I know it's wrong, but I just wish those side effects happen already and all of you sheep just bleed on a hospital bed, I'm not saying I wish you dead, I just want you to suffer for your own stupidity for once and the way I see it if this keeps going it will be us who don't want to do it in the end....so BETTER YOU SUFFER FIRST AFTER ALL YOU DO LOVE THE NEEDLE

Yes, I'll just leave these awful words in here, the mods can delete them, but I had enough of this shit. We have tons of commercials of garbage: drink sodas, smoke (in the past), alcohol, credits and "free" loans, fluoride tooth paste and the list goes on and on. Now we have commercials with sticking a needle into your arm? The level of insanity is unprecented. And when did all these things did you any good ?


Sodas - insane amount of sugar that just destroys your system and causes obesity among other issues
Beer,party commercials - it starts so innocent, but do you know how many alcoholics are out there destryoing others in the process ?
Loans - you borrow while they print money out of thin air, great deal
Junkfood - just go and party man, eat 10 burgers and be cool
Weed - it works best with alcohol and then you can promote to the good stuff coke,heroin etc.
Betting and Gambling casinos - do you know how many addicts are out there???
The needle - you want to escape the boogey man, get the shot, bring your kid as well he is so sad can't you see goy?


Children in the commercials, what's next they'll offer you a hooker and a night at the casino if you just take the shot :lol: :lol: :lol:
Immortal said:
I know it's wrong, but I just wish those side effects happen already and all of you sheep just bleed on a hospital bed, I'm not saying I wish you dead, I just want you to suffer for your own stupidity for once and the way I see it if this keeps going it will be us who don't want to do it in the end....so BETTER YOU SUFFER FIRST AFTER ALL YOU DO LOVE THE NEEDLE

I am not sure if it's wrong to say this. I was thinking the exact thing a few minutes ago since they are trying to force everyone, and I don't freaking want to take that shit. When I talk about how the vaccines can be harmful, I bet that most people think I am stupid. So, I don't care of the people who would laugh at me just because I don't take the vaccine. They think that all people in the world cares about humanity xD
The whole vaccination ordeal, and the JWO shit plan, appears to have considerable issues in many places. This is great news.

On the other hand, none of this is done yet, so we ought spam the rituals as always, because this situation has been programmed by the enemy for decades now, and they are still greatly surprised it is getting derailed and so many are waking up, and not only this, but choosing resistance and to show willpower rather than end up as slaves.

This whole situation has unveiled itself from the false pretext that it's simply a shot, into a game of obedience and enemy vs humanity type of thing. The whole cover is completely blown for the enemy.

Reading any non kosher news and seeing the situation, this is being understood as being simply a battle between the JWO and humanity, if anything else.

The fact that quite a few people worldwide are actively deciding their rights and freedom, over even their so called fake promise of a "life through a vaccine", shows that humanity still has some fighting spirit, especially considering the people who are not agreeing with these methods out of inner principle.
I have seen clips on social media of people being given free weed to take the vaccine in some places like America. If this is not desperation, I don't know what is.
Some doctors would refuse to provide care/see patients who has not gotten the jab. This happened to my mother. And she doesn't know any better either, let alone can even understand/comprehend medical talk. At any rate, she got it so she can travel outside the country. This is her main reason.

Meanwhile, there is news around that nurses are suing the hospital/facility they work at - pushing back against them mandating nurses to get the vxx.
Well the whole vaccination plan is really ridiculous... Here in my country celebrities promoting vaccine, commercials in radio and tv... but things go even beyond that! They even done a lottery for those who are vaccinated! Besides that people who are vaccinated are not counted for example on parties and I think this is only the beginning... On the other hand my coworkers took the vaccine and are really proud of that and here's what pisses me off they are literally implying that they should get more privileges!

I even accepted the fact that I could be forbidden from going to studies. Now my plan for future is preferably get a remote job so I'm stockpiling on stuff like electronics and for health I got a bike so I can be independent from other means of transport.
HPS Shannon said:
It is a tough situation indeed. You have to make the best choice for yourself but think long and hard before you get it. Save up while you can.

** Due to legalities I will just say this is my own opinion (even though science and commonsense shows that its not just opinion) but sure..this is my own opinion**

We already know that the "vaccine" is part of the agenda, They are biological warfare against gentiles. Its not about money since the jews own and control the monetary system. Bill Gates made gentiles in Africa and Indian infertile and diseased because of the shot. Anyone who does research on vaccine and the history of vaccines would know its to harm us. Do you know how many people, kids and babies have been killed and or mental destroyed because of these shots? And the new vaccine is an MRNA vaccine, if you do the research, it can have unknown effects on the dna and cells of the body. Gentiles are the guinea pigs.

I would not get the shot at all. I refuse to...over my dead body.

You should ask the gods about this really. Who knows what is in the shot. You shouldn't ask us, just ask the gods because the gods will know best at this point. The shot could harm you or not (just build up in you over time to create the desired effects the jews want.)

They want people to get the vaccine more than once as they keep the lie about Covid going. Covid is just an excuse to spread communism all over the world. This was never about a virus. I knew it was a hoax all along. China stopped testing, lockdowns and everything. Like nothing happen. Life is normal. That means this was a scam to communize the world faster and China is the model for that, as couple politicians admitted.

Be careful about what you are going to do. You should also do research because I read that you can get out of taking a vaccine if you have allergies and other problems that vaccines can make worst.

Keep up your protection up and cleanse your blood and body too.

Be well.

Dear High Priestess, I asked Father Satan last week through my tarot cards. Card number 15 (the shadow side) and queen of swords were those i’ve picked. That means clearly saying no in my opinion. I wish I had the psychic opening to talk to our gods. My mom never wants me to get vaccinated. Doctors and many people in Turkey humiliate those who view the vaccine as suspicious and put the anti-vaccine stigma. I do not know what to do. My aunt was hospitalized after the second dose of sinovac because it triggered her illness. Other doctors are responding to scientific oppositions about vaccines and their explanations are convincing because I don't know medicine. I have no idea what to do.
Why do we have people like lunar dance who happen to call everyone who's anti restrictions and anti vaccinations lunatics
Henu the Great said:
idiocy smasher said:
Why do we have people like lunar dance who happen to call everyone who's anti restrictions and anti vaccinations lunatics
Why do you always try to instigate something, or seemingly create discord
She called somebody a lunatic for articulating the real risks oddly
~ As far as covid-19 vaccines are concerned, a nurse at a doctor's office that I was scheduled to get surgery with tried to attempt to violate them, by saying in order for me to get a surgery that I may need done, I have to be tested and get the vaccine for covid-19 before having the procedure done. I told her this is against human rights and that they weren't going to push that on me, and I walked out of the building. I do have other specialists that my neighbors referred me to that I can see for this procedure, and they don't even bring the requirement for getting tested for covid-19, or covid-19 vaccines up. I only went to this doctor in the first place because the emergency room referred me to them by an appointment already scheduled by them. But my main point is for those of you who are told you need to get the vaccine in order to have surgeries, or an medical procedure done, even at that emergency room, this is a lie, and please be aware they will try to convince you otherwise and even keep pushing you to do so. Keep doing your research before making any serious decisions, and know your rights beforehand.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
