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For Emos; Emotional People; Water Signs Persons; Cowards; Wimps; and the like


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
There are many jew infiltrators coming and registering here and on the Yahoo! Groups, trying to start shit. Some of them might be pretending to be poor, lonely wimps with overly-emotional dispositions. Some persons joining are genuine non-jew persons of these types. I want you to read these below, not to upset or offend you-- well, actually, yes; to upset and offend you, but for a better reason and purpose - to help. You might be a wimp, a coward, or whatever. Read them still.

These are threads I have replied to recently.
When registering email addresses, never use nor say anything which can identify you.

Purpose of Humanity?

Banned from ancient forums!

Well...what now?

You should also read through this -
Why is There Suffering? Satan Gives Answers

Why is There Suffering in the World? Satan Gives Answers

There is a lot to go through, but relax and take your time! Unlike the "god" of whichever bible you might have read, Satan both does exist in actuality and does care in actuality about you; He understands. He is 500 thousand years old, so He has a lot of understanding and wisdom! As you shall discover while reading through the materials, there are reasons why things are so shit - and both we as a whole and also you as an individual can and must improve things, both for all of us and for yourself. Consider this your goal, purpose, reason in life. You are not shit. You matter. For you as an individual - we care, Satan cares, and more importantly - you care. You may or may not realise that or believe it or want to hear (read) it, etc., but you are not shit; you do matter, and you do care. Hell - I have been of the attitude and state that I care too much. At least now I have the proper, actual information, which I am using as knowledge, which is turning into understanding, which can then transform into wisdom so that I can channel such care and Spiritual practices, thanks be to LORD Satan, so that I can help in my own ways. So can you. Don't be bogged-down with speed and competing progress with others; we're all individuals and we go at our own speed.

People need tough love - especially these days. You can't bake tasty bread by patting it lightly on its "head"; you have to knead it and fold it with pressure. You can't build Buckingham Palace or the Taj Mahal by tickling it with mortar; you have to slap that mortar on, between the bricks after having built a solid foundation. The bricks must be treated and heated, so that they are worthy of being a part of, and helping to sustain, a beautiful, majestic, architectural building.

I can't speak for you or anyone else, but I prefer a hard truth if it hurts than a soft lie if it tickles.

I wish I could take you all and give you great, big cuddles in the middle of a busy shopping centre - that would embarrass you! ;-) :p

Make sure you have decided to dedicate yourself genuinely to Satan - when you are ready. This is a genuine, serious decision to make, so do it when you are ready.

This is for further learning for now or for later. These are all related, but you can choose which interests you more or which you are more bothered about, but I would recommend the first two definitely, if none of the others -

Joy of Satan

Exposing Christianity

Exposing Islam

Death of Communism

The Real Holocaust

Holocaust Denial Videos

Also - see the links in my signature below.
"For thick, insensitive, boastful, aggressive, blunt, abusive, stupid and bad mouthed fire signs people; reckless, gorillas, bullies, low lives and the like"
I wonder if that one would have passed as well... I have the feeling it would have not.
Moon is in Aries.. Hmm makes sense.
You got me wondering what Air and Earth signs would have issues with, and what their "title description" would be XD. I am an Air sign myself, tho have no clue as to what weak areas would pertain to it other than lack of self discipline.

Saytan Abbrasa
I am not an expert on the Elements at the moment, so please don't think that I am! This is just my own understandings, experiences, and observations!!

Neoma Isadora said:
"For thick, insensitive, boastful, aggressive, blunt, abusive, stupid and bad mouthed fire signs people; reckless, gorillas, bullies, low lives and the like"
I wonder if that one would have passed as well... I have the feeling it would have not.
Moon is in Aries.. Hmm makes sense.
Hey, why not? Add your own knowledge & experiences regarding Fire; anyone else can for all the Elements. I didn't think that, but yeah, why not?

13th_Wolf said:
You got me wondering what Air and Earth signs would have issues with, and what their "title description" would be XD. I am an Air sign myself, tho have no clue as to what weak areas would pertain to it other than lack of self discipline.

Saytan Abbrasa

If I am not mistaken, those with a lot of Water might also have quite a bit of Air. Emotions and flight of fancy go well together - Water = emotion, Air = well, 'airhead', fanciful imagination, rather than, as you say, Earth, being down to Earth. This could then get into the Signs and further Astrology - I think it was sister Lydia who said on the other forum that she tried invoking Taurus, to test the Signs, and she was just sat there like a bull, not doing anything. I didn't read everything about invoking the Signs, but with the Elements, invoking one could bring in a backlash of the other for a while.
I don't actually hate fire signs but I guess you are a sagg or aries so I replied with that. The only sign I hate is aquarius really. Other signs are either good or at least bearable most of the time.
What annoyed me is the bullying part especially the title. Any form of bullying always pisses me off.

FancyMancy said:
I am not an expert on the Elements at the moment, so please don't think that I am! This is just my own understandings, experiences, and observations!!

Neoma Isadora said:
"For thick, insensitive, boastful, aggressive, blunt, abusive, stupid and bad mouthed fire signs people; reckless, gorillas, bullies, low lives and the like"
I wonder if that one would have passed as well... I have the feeling it would have not.
Moon is in Aries.. Hmm makes sense.
Hey, why not? Add your own knowledge & experiences regarding Fire; anyone else can for all the Elements. I didn't think that, but yeah, why not?

13th_Wolf said:
You got me wondering what Air and Earth signs would have issues with, and what their "title description" would be XD. I am an Air sign myself, tho have no clue as to what weak areas would pertain to it other than lack of self discipline.

Saytan Abbrasa

If I am not mistaken, those with a lot of Water might also have quite a bit of Air. Emotions and flight of fancy go well together - Water = emotion, Air = well, 'airhead', fanciful imagination, rather than, as you say, Earth, being down to Earth. This could then get into the Signs and further Astrology - I think it was sister Lydia who said on the other forum that she tried invoking Taurus, to test the Signs, and she was just sat there like a bull, not doing anything. I didn't read everything about invoking the Signs, but with the Elements, invoking one could bring in a backlash of the other for a while.
Neoma Isadora said:
I don't actually hate fire signs but I guess you are a sagg or aries so I replied with that. The only sign I hate is aquarius really. Other signs are either good or at least bearable most of the time.
What annoyed me is the bullying part especially the title. Any form of bullying always pisses me off.

But Satan's coming age is Aquarius XD. I know it's more on a personal level for you, but I can get from a more Water point of view why Aquarius's would not always be enjoyable. They always seem to have you up and down, want to learn shit about you and poke fun. It doesn't really bother me if my mind is right for it and can be enjoyable, especially for some fire signs. It is understandable why a water sign that enjoys calmness would be provoked by their constant buzz for information.

They also tend to dig Gemini's quite a bit I've noticed, I believe it's because they usually have a lot to say.

Saytan Abbrasa
Neoma Isadora said:
I don't actually hate fire signs but I guess you are a sagg or aries so I replied with that. The only sign I hate is aquarius really. Other signs are either good or at least bearable most of the time.
What annoyed me is the bullying part especially the title. Any form of bullying always pisses me off.
Thanks for confirming part of or one of my accomplishment/s. Before you ask what, let me tell you - getting upset about a word or something which has been said is pointless. As I said in a reply, it shows a subtle point which I am not about to reveal. ;-)
Bear in mind that not everyone needs to be 'upset' in order to see the truth. There are people out there who are confused and lost, but who are of a very different disposition than crude, coarse and blunt. If they are presented with the truth, they might investigate and learn. The way the truth is presented matters, though. I have noticed that the discussion on primarily the Yahoo groups is sometimes of a very crude nature. Things like using obscenities in every single sentence one writes deters many people, not necessarily because these people are emotional wimps or cowards, but because they simply don't like it or are not used to it in their daily lives. Or, they are unable to look beyond the obscenities and then mistake these for a prevalent attitude among the members. And then leave because they find it unserious. And yes, some people are sensitive.

I am not directing this towards anyone in particular. It is more of a general observation based on several years of lurking on the Yahoo groups. But I hope this will change. It seems many people forget the 8th rule of the groups/forums- to be polite. And I honestly wish this would be enforced more often. It really makes a difference.
FancyMancy said:
I am not an expert on the Elements at the moment, so please don't think that I am! This is just my own understandings, experiences, and observations!!

Neoma Isadora said:
"For thick, insensitive, boastful, aggressive, blunt, abusive, stupid and bad mouthed fire signs people; reckless, gorillas, bullies, low lives and the like"
I wonder if that one would have passed as well... I have the feeling it would have not.
Moon is in Aries.. Hmm makes sense.
Hey, why not? Add your own knowledge & experiences regarding Fire; anyone else can for all the Elements. I didn't think that, but yeah, why not?

13th_Wolf said:
You got me wondering what Air and Earth signs would have issues with, and what their "title description" would be XD. I am an Air sign myself, tho have no clue as to what weak areas would pertain to it other than lack of self discipline.

Saytan Abbrasa

If I am not mistaken, those with a lot of Water might also have quite a bit of Air. Emotions and flight of fancy go well together - Water = emotion, Air = well, 'airhead', fanciful imagination, rather than, as you say, Earth, being down to Earth. This could then get into the Signs and further Astrology - I think it was sister Lydia who said on the other forum that she tried invoking Taurus, to test the Signs, and she was just sat there like a bull, not doing anything. I didn't read everything about invoking the Signs, but with the Elements, invoking one could bring in a backlash of the other for a while.
I understand the elements deeply, i work with them on a weekly semi daily basis and i am deep into astrology so ive grown an intuition.
Water are emotional and sensitive, that is obvious but its the other combinations.
They love living outside of reality. They have their comfortable world *out there*. Mentally escapists... Always wanting a way out and what triggers their tendency for freedom are usually feelings of opression or misunderstanding. A lot of them want to helo theirselves but are lost and inconsistent despite being told *how*. I speak from experience here. Water and air people LOVE color, usually blue and purples and whites and greens. Ive noticed the deepest of water and air people are impressed by natural spectacles like a night sky. Essentially creative and find inspiration in emotions and emotion in inspiration.
Water and Earth are conformitists. Some are so sensitive theyre the typical conform to not get hurt. Others can be focused on a foundation based on comfort and are devastated when they dont have it(i.e. broken homes, discord in the family, tension at workplace). Watee and earth are in tune with the esrth and nature and definitely comprise yhose who would hate living in a place thats ugly or uncomforting. Spiritually, water and earth can become very knwonledgable witg their level. Like say in the aspect of witchcraft where herbs and essences are involved in working with the earth and stuff of the earth. Not always in the sense of being wntirely knowmledgable of these things. Theg just know ehat *works*(this carries over a lot of personal things).
Fire and air:
Egotistic intellectuals, strongly opinionated or otherwise gonna catch some sarcastic arguements in important topics. Very detached but when it comes to things that involve them or decisions that affect them, they wontr conform or otherwise are NOT gonna take the fsct that your gonna do something that will affect them and not consult with them. When a fire and air appear to be emotional, its really cuz you arent gonna talk about them and get away with it. Fire and air are compulsize in the way that the dare theirselves and can push theirselves and it works for them. They usually cme out a lot of things unscathed. "Jump that burning bridge?" get me some sunscreen B.
Fire and Earth:
Materialistic, sensual, when i think of fire and esrth i think of an athlete that settles down and will fight for their home. They dont like one disrespecting what belongs to them. They dont like someone telling them what to do in their personal lives or important desicions that will affect their loved ones(even of its their family telling them what not to do). Spiritualy, fire and earth can have strong sexual energies and focus.
Astrology is fucking badass. Hope i didnt miss any.
Hail satan!
FancyMancy Im being serious here. You sound like youre 3 years old :(

Seriously I swear Im not trying to make trouble but your like one of those really really poor motivational speakers that think hes changing lives "for emos eeerrrr cowards and waterys typeses bleerrrpp" I am a water type and frankly I bet if you had to fight for your life you would pussy out and I would be the one taking up arms. Do you even know any water types.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (since there are no facepalm emojis that long sad ass fucking sigh will have to do) if water types are emo its cause there are we have to read shit like what you posted. Yeah. You would pussy out. :roll:
FancyMancy said:
If I am not mistaken, those with a lot of Water might also have quite a bit of Air.
Completely depends on the person. There are people who are Water dominant with no Air, or with some Air, or Air as their other dominant element. It all depends on the chart. But Water and Air are not always linked.

As for the Taurus, I was like a bull made of lead! I didn't move. I just sat there, sitting.

As for the title of this post, are you insinuating that someone with a heavy Scorpio emphasis is wimpy and cowardly? I should think not!

Also, not everyone learns in the same way. Some people need different approaches. The best teachers, are those who tailor their methods to fit the student. Being blunt works best for some, being soft and gentle works best for some.

Ave6Hail6Heil6 said:
[...] Hope i didnt miss any.
You did miss 2 combinations: Water + Fire, and Air +Earth.
Thanks for the replies.

I'm 3 years old because of the title or the body of my OP, saying that such people are important?

The way I show myself is just myself; I don't represent each person here. Reading the other threads I replied to, I said about taking people out and hanging out with them, if that were possible. A bit of tough love is not always bad. There are a small number of people I interact with who I'd prefer not to, in that they are OK in small doses, but I recognise things in them, and I am still civil but honest with them, sometimes blunt with them depending on the situation and context. When I am not playing and joking, then you won't get any bullshit from me.

I know not everyone learns in the same way. I just based my post on my own experiences and how things have been for and around me. If not everyone learns the same way, then some will take this and learn that they do matter and are worthy. That was my point - they are important. Instead of "coward" call it "cowardly" and instead of "wimp" call it "fearful, frightful individual", then, if semantics/synonyms upsets you.

As for the combinations - how likely is it to have 3 dominant Elements, or 2 main dominant ones and a 3rd secondary, with the 4th being lesser; and then the entire reversal of this?

Furthermore, I'd like to ask opinions and experiences as to what makes a "soft" "coward" "wimp" person weak or strong, if Spiritual Satanism is not for the weak but is for the strong? Define "SS is for the strong". Some "softy" people could let their emotions not go to waste (of course, they might not know how to yet), but use them in magick and meditations instead - these persons and types of persons do matter and they are important. Bear in mind, the words and phrases I've been around during my upbringing come out, of course. In one context, "fanny" means "bum" in America, but means "vagina" in England, and in another context it means "silly billy" or similar. Does "coward" and "wimp" upset and offend everyone?

As a last phrase, shall I repeat? - Take it as you want it.

As a last couple of sentences - for any new person here of any "soft" or "hard" or "realistic" or "fantasy" or whatever disposition, please reply and let me know if I upset you or encouraged you. It's all for help, as I said originally. I go about things the wrong way, or I go about things my own way. - Others coming here would certainly identify with me in that...
Lydia said:
As for the Taurus, I was like a bull made of lead! I didn't move. I just sat there, sitting.
How did you manage to undo it? Did you let it wear-off, or did you realise quickly that there was a problem, and then counter it?
Lydia said:
FancyMancy said:
If I am not mistaken, those with a lot of Water might also have quite a bit of Air.
Completely depends on the person. There are people who are Water dominant with no Air, or with some Air, or Air as their other dominant element. It all depends on the chart. But Water and Air are not always linked.

As for the Taurus, I was like a bull made of lead! I didn't move. I just sat there, sitting.

As for the title of this post, are you insinuating that someone with a heavy Scorpio emphasis is wimpy and cowardly? I should think not!

Also, not everyone learns in the same way. Some people need different approaches. The best teachers, are those who tailor their methods to fit the student. Being blunt works best for some, being soft and gentle works best for some.

Ave6Hail6Heil6 said:
[...] Hope i didnt miss any.
You did miss 2 combinations: Water + Fire, and Air +Earth.
Lol fire and water are in a relationship. So are earth and air. Usually one is more dominant in another. But some people have them balanced. What i mean to say is usually someone either has a lot of fire or a lot of water. One of them dominates over the other for better or worse and the distance between them is individual. Its sort of rare to see someone with a near balance of both.
FancyMancy said:
Thanks for the replies.

I'm 3 years old because of the title or the body of my OP, saying that such people are important?

The way I show myself is just myself; I don't represent each person here. Reading the other threads I replied to, I said about taking people out and hanging out with them, if that were possible. A bit of tough love is not always bad. There are a small number of people I interact with who I'd prefer not to, in that they are OK in small doses, but I recognise things in them, and I am still civil but honest with them, sometimes blunt with them depending on the situation and context. When I am not playing and joking, then you won't get any bullshit from me.

I know not everyone learns in the same way. I just based my post on my own experiences and how things have been for and around me. If not everyone learns the same way, then some will take this and learn that they do matter and are worthy. That was my point - they are important. Instead of "coward" call it "cowardly" and instead of "wimp" call it "fearful, frightful individual", then, if semantics/synonyms upsets you.

As for the combinations - how likely is it to have 3 dominant Elements, or 2 main dominant ones and a 3rd secondary, with the 4th being lesser; and then the entire reversal of this?

Furthermore, I'd like to ask opinions and experiences as to what makes a "soft" "coward" "wimp" person weak or strong, if Spiritual Satanism is not for the weak but is for the strong? Define "SS is for the strong". Some "softy" people could let their emotions not go to waste (of course, they might not know how to yet), but use them in magick and meditations instead - these persons and types of persons do matter and they are important. Bear in mind, the words and phrases I've been around during my upbringing come out, of course. In one context, "fanny" means "bum" in America, but means "vagina" in England, and in another context it means "silly billy" or similar. Does "coward" and "wimp" upset and offend everyone?

As a last phrase, shall I repeat? - Take it as you want it.

As a last couple of sentences - for any new person here of any "soft" or "hard" or "realistic" or "fantasy" or whatever disposition, please reply and let me know if I upset you or encouraged you. It's all for help, as I said originally. I go about things the wrong way, or I go about things my own way. - Others coming here would certainly identify with me in that...
You are correct in regards to emotional people necessary in satanism. As much as we hate or would dislike someone who is sensitive, it's emotions that drive us. Of course, one would need to control this but once there is that control... Its directiom can determine many future outcomes.
If we watch our children burn, get raped, molested or otherwise abused and not feel any sadness, it would make it hard to turn it to anger. Of course wallowing isnt what im insisting here but to focus sadness or fraustration accordingly requires to actually feel that first.
And i dont believe there would be three elements dominant i think it would be a situation where one relationship(fire-water, air-earth) is balanced and the other relationship has a dominant. In other words you'd LACK one element. Having two dominant elements is almost normal. I had air and water as dominants. I think i got a little tied around the question. I think for a relationship to be balanced on a chart, there would have to be at least two planets in their ruling house and their home signs on the cusp and the other beinf the same magnitude of these influential planets but of the other relstionship. Sort of like a clash between air and earth that are balances so theres that *focus* on them and then that one planet that belongs to the element of fire and is in its place accordingly or where there isnt a watee relationship. That would be a lack of water. So, a focus of air and earth and theyre balanced AND fire on the sideline but no water or otherwise couldnt make it.
Btw i used to be emo and im not really all that offended by "coward" or otherwise the tough love. Sure its behind me (sort of not im merely attracted to dark humor or morbidity like pronogrind) but its otherwise not a big deal. Im sure someone could skim throufh to the point or you could make your point without the extra stuff from other people.
Hail satan!
Ave6Hail6Heil6 said:

Man, that was confusing! Bless the day, and the days after, of the advent of the New Golden Age!! I think the only confusion then and thenafter among Gentiles would be misunderstanding how we managed to be so incredibly low and uncertain.
Ave6Hail6Heil6 said:
Lol fire and water are in a relationship. So are earth and air. Usually one is more dominant in another. But some people have them balanced. What i mean to say is usually someone either has a lot of fire or a lot of water. One of them dominates over the other for better or worse and the distance between them is individual. Its sort of rare to see someone with a near balance of both.

You are incorrect. 8 planets, 2 luminaries, and AC, across 4 elements. There are many combinations. I have personally studied hundreds of charts of SS alone, never mind of other people as well. It is very common to see someone with 1 Air, 1 Earth, and the rest in Fire and Water, for example. It is just as common for someone to be dominant in both Air and Earth (or Fire and Water), as it is for someone to be dominant in Air and Water (or Air and Fire, or the other combinations).

Look, I only skimmed your previous post but noticed you saying "hope I didn't miss any". So I pointed out that you did.
FancyMancy said:
As a last couple of sentences - for any new person here of any "soft" or "hard" or "realistic" or "fantasy" or whatever disposition, please reply and let me know if I upset you or encouraged you. It's all for help, as I said originally. I go about things the wrong way, or I go about things my own way. - Others coming here would certainly identify with me in that...

From the perspective of someone whom is both A Libra and A Virgo, born on the Fall Equinox just as the Age of Aquarious began I can say that I'm absolutely and positively NOT offended in any way shape or form and find your post to be completely honest, sincere and FIRM. I give this thread 5 out of 5 stars because it is less filling and tastes great!!! :D

:idea: Sometimes when you are hysterical you need A good slap to the face! :mrgreen: In my case A good slap to the ASS, and then I will probabbly look back to the woman and say, "Thank You Maam! May I have another?" :p

I find that when conversing online many people take things far too literally and just think that, well those mean people are picking on poor little me instead of taking it as constructive criticism. It is also good to weed out those whom are here for the wrong reason, not just for our own sake but also it may even stop them from NOT being fully dedicated and hurting themselves as well. I typically find most questions answered in posts and I just usually prefer to confer with my Daemons.

I dedicated in '04! It can be hard to swallow all at once, so you may need to break it up into bite sized pieces. All I can say to new people is, "DON'T STOP" and "Don't ever quit!". You can focus on speed once you get the motions and the power right. I've found even before I was here (started out in COS when I was 10) that I have to be very carefull with my emotion and thought because it can carry over and hurt the uninteded or do far more than what you ask. They don't always come when you want it or intend it either as far as requests, but also be carefull what you ask for. You don't even have to ask sometimes. Just DESIRE! :shock:

Hail Satan, Beelzebub, Astaroth and Azazel!!!
Hail Balaam!!!
Hail Hanbi, Humwawa and Pazuzu!!!
Ave6Hail6Heil6 said:
FancyMancy said:
Thanks for the replies.

I'm 3 years old because of the title or the body of my OP, saying that such people are important?

The way I show myself is just myself; I don't represent each person here. Reading the other threads I replied to, I said about taking people out and hanging out with them, if that were possible. A bit of tough love is not always bad. There are a small number of people I interact with who I'd prefer not to, in that they are OK in small doses, but I recognise things in them, and I am still civil but honest with them, sometimes blunt with them depending on the situation and context. When I am not playing and joking, then you won't get any bullshit from me.

I know not everyone learns in the same way. I just based my post on my own experiences and how things have been for and around me. If not everyone learns the same way, then some will take this and learn that they do matter and are worthy. That was my point - they are important. Instead of "coward" call it "cowardly" and instead of "wimp" call it "fearful, frightful individual", then, if semantics/synonyms upsets you.

As for the combinations - how likely is it to have 3 dominant Elements, or 2 main dominant ones and a 3rd secondary, with the 4th being lesser; and then the entire reversal of this?

Furthermore, I'd like to ask opinions and experiences as to what makes a "soft" "coward" "wimp" person weak or strong, if Spiritual Satanism is not for the weak but is for the strong? Define "SS is for the strong". Some "softy" people could let their emotions not go to waste (of course, they might not know how to yet), but use them in magick and meditations instead - these persons and types of persons do matter and they are important. Bear in mind, the words and phrases I've been around during my upbringing come out, of course. In one context, "fanny" means "bum" in America, but means "vagina" in England, and in another context it means "silly billy" or similar. Does "coward" and "wimp" upset and offend everyone?

As a last phrase, shall I repeat? - Take it as you want it.

As a last couple of sentences - for any new person here of any "soft" or "hard" or "realistic" or "fantasy" or whatever disposition, please reply and let me know if I upset you or encouraged you. It's all for help, as I said originally. I go about things the wrong way, or I go about things my own way. - Others coming here would certainly identify with me in that...
You are correct in regards to emotional people necessary in satanism. As much as we hate or would dislike someone who is sensitive, it's emotions that drive us. Of course, one would need to control this but once there is that control... Its directiom can determine many future outcomes.
If we watch our children burn, get raped, molested or otherwise abused and not feel any sadness, it would make it hard to turn it to anger. Of course wallowing isnt what im insisting here but to focus sadness or fraustration accordingly requires to actually feel that first.
And i dont believe there would be three elements dominant i think it would be a situation where one relationship(fire-water, air-earth) is balanced and the other relationship has a dominant. In other words you'd LACK one element. Having two dominant elements is almost normal. I had air and water as dominants. I think i got a little tied around the question. I think for a relationship to be balanced on a chart, there would have to be at least two planets in their ruling house and their home signs on the cusp and the other beinf the same magnitude of these influential planets but of the other relstionship. Sort of like a clash between air and earth that are balances so theres that *focus* on them and then that one planet that belongs to the element of fire and is in its place accordingly or where there isnt a watee relationship. That would be a lack of water. So, a focus of air and earth and theyre balanced AND fire on the sideline but no water or otherwise couldnt make it.
Btw i used to be emo and im not really all that offended by "coward" or otherwise the tough love. Sure its behind me (sort of not im merely attracted to dark humor or morbidity like pronogrind) but its otherwise not a big deal. Im sure someone could skim throufh to the point or you could make your point without the extra stuff from other people.
Hail satan!
I am very emotional and sensible, though I look very cold very often, I have a balance in this, sort of like a defense, but I know how to react to emotional stimulus(like when to accept hard cold facts and when to actually feel insulted, the way I wrote it seems robotic but I had no better words to describe this haha) I used to be very femminine, not in the sense that I looked gay or anything but mostly a person who was excessively emotional towards people and could get manipulated easily, this stopped a lot after many love fails(because girls my age didn't want emotional guys but rather retarded people). Now after joining Satan ,2 years, I am very sensible again but know who to be sensible with and who not to.
Ave6Hail6Heil6 said:
Btw i used to be emo and im not really all that offended by "coward" or otherwise the tough love. Sure its behind me (sort of not im merely attracted to dark humor or morbidity like pronogrind) but its otherwise not a big deal.
ShadowSmoke said:
Well, thank you.

I'm glad that some people agree and understand. This shows that there is enough diversity already; raping White countries with non-Whites is not diversifying at all; it is out-breeding and destroying. It's a known fact, by those who use their brains, think, and learn, that the White Race is the smallest after the 1% kike. The kike is a literal, actual disease - small bits and pieces of bacteria or viruses cause widespread damage to the entire system. The RTRs, and the Natural Nature of Humanity (Nazism) which cannot be kept down eternally, is the medicine. The RTRs are an extra dose, or an accompanying other medicine, which hurts the jew a lot more.

Some people are more sensitive and emotional by Nature, and that is 100% fine; however, many people have become over-sensitive, and that spells trouble or disaster. Enemy entities steal any energy they can - and emotional/hypersensitive people are a breeding ground, a fat-and-lard feast for these entities to steal energies from us.
Aquarius said:
Ave6Hail6Heil6 said:
FancyMancy said:
Thanks for the replies.

I'm 3 years old because of the title or the body of my OP, saying that such people are important?

The way I show myself is just myself; I don't represent each person here. Reading the other threads I replied to, I said about taking people out and hanging out with them, if that were possible. A bit of tough love is not always bad. There are a small number of people I interact with who I'd prefer not to, in that they are OK in small doses, but I recognise things in them, and I am still civil but honest with them, sometimes blunt with them depending on the situation and context. When I am not playing and joking, then you won't get any bullshit from me.

I know not everyone learns in the same way. I just based my post on my own experiences and how things have been for and around me. If not everyone learns the same way, then some will take this and learn that they do matter and are worthy. That was my point - they are important. Instead of "coward" call it "cowardly" and instead of "wimp" call it "fearful, frightful individual", then, if semantics/synonyms upsets you.

As for the combinations - how likely is it to have 3 dominant Elements, or 2 main dominant ones and a 3rd secondary, with the 4th being lesser; and then the entire reversal of this?

Furthermore, I'd like to ask opinions and experiences as to what makes a "soft" "coward" "wimp" person weak or strong, if Spiritual Satanism is not for the weak but is for the strong? Define "SS is for the strong". Some "softy" people could let their emotions not go to waste (of course, they might not know how to yet), but use them in magick and meditations instead - these persons and types of persons do matter and they are important. Bear in mind, the words and phrases I've been around during my upbringing come out, of course. In one context, "fanny" means "bum" in America, but means "vagina" in England, and in another context it means "silly billy" or similar. Does "coward" and "wimp" upset and offend everyone?

As a last phrase, shall I repeat? - Take it as you want it.

As a last couple of sentences - for any new person here of any "soft" or "hard" or "realistic" or "fantasy" or whatever disposition, please reply and let me know if I upset you or encouraged you. It's all for help, as I said originally. I go about things the wrong way, or I go about things my own way. - Others coming here would certainly identify with me in that...
You are correct in regards to emotional people necessary in satanism. As much as we hate or would dislike someone who is sensitive, it's emotions that drive us. Of course, one would need to control this but once there is that control... Its directiom can determine many future outcomes.
If we watch our children burn, get raped, molested or otherwise abused and not feel any sadness, it would make it hard to turn it to anger. Of course wallowing isnt what im insisting here but to focus sadness or fraustration accordingly requires to actually feel that first.
And i dont believe there would be three elements dominant i think it would be a situation where one relationship(fire-water, air-earth) is balanced and the other relationship has a dominant. In other words you'd LACK one element. Having two dominant elements is almost normal. I had air and water as dominants. I think i got a little tied around the question. I think for a relationship to be balanced on a chart, there would have to be at least two planets in their ruling house and their home signs on the cusp and the other beinf the same magnitude of these influential planets but of the other relstionship. Sort of like a clash between air and earth that are balances so theres that *focus* on them and then that one planet that belongs to the element of fire and is in its place accordingly or where there isnt a watee relationship. That would be a lack of water. So, a focus of air and earth and theyre balanced AND fire on the sideline but no water or otherwise couldnt make it.
Btw i used to be emo and im not really all that offended by "coward" or otherwise the tough love. Sure its behind me (sort of not im merely attracted to dark humor or morbidity like pronogrind) but its otherwise not a big deal. Im sure someone could skim throufh to the point or you could make your point without the extra stuff from other people.
Hail satan!
I am very emotional and sensible, though I look very cold very often, I have a balance in this, sort of like a defense, but I know how to react to emotional stimulus(like when to accept hard cold facts and when to actually feel insulted, the way I wrote it seems robotic but I had no better words to describe this haha) I used to be very femminine, not in the sense that I looked gay or anything but mostly a person who was excessively emotional towards people and could get manipulated easily, this stopped a lot after many love fails(because girls my age didn't want emotional guys but rather retarded people). Now after joining Satan ,2 years, I am very sensible again but know who to be sensible with and who not to.
I can totally relate. Do you have a prominent mercury in an air sign or s prominent moon? I see the emotions as a controlled clash instead of a balance. Like theres a deep prominance on both sides instead of an extreme swing or high strungness. Not judging, im this way as well.
Aquarius said:

same here, i used to be extremely sensitive and emotional, but i also had many problems in the past and i could only deal with them after becoming SS, before that i was just being emo :lol: today i am both, sensitive and strong but i dont hide my sensitivity, if i have a need to let it out i just do it, but that doesnt change the fact that i also have the strenght which developed over the years, lets just say a perfect balance, and both is in a positive way
I have been working with the Fire element for the most part. I work all 5 elements each day. But the Fire mostly, as this gives Power (Sniffff ! ) and Glory ( lots of Right Guard ).
Okay, so, moving beyond double digit I Q comedy, , , The Fire element gives me more energy, makes my fingernails, and hair grow faster ( I'm 46 ), and gets me hyper, if I am not careful. The Power Meditation volume 3 gives descriptions of the elements. Being the "Creative Principle" and "the key element to empowering the soul", I use it the most. I even feel a little physical heat from it sometimes on my back and my hands and feet.
Even a hot flash up the spine a couple years back and liquid fire in the back at chest and neck level a year ago.
Waking up saved me both times.
As far as the Jewish infiltrators,,, when someone is whining and asking for you to help them, do a ritual for them, CURSE SOMEONE FOR THEM,,,, I have learned to watch out. At least once on Facebook this guy wanted me to help him curse his pedophile Christian Preacher Father ! Something ( 6th sense, intuition ) warned me to be careful with him, from the start. I gave him some info to use to hex the pedophile preacher. He then asked me if I would hex him. I did NOT go that far. Anyway, for some reason my Facebook account was terminated. Hmmmmm.
I got a new one of course. Lesson learned.
Which is why I direct these types of people the the Power Meditation, and Satanic Witchcraft ebooks. I direct them to the Source of the knowledge, and let them pick and choose whatever they need for themselves.
Keeps me out of their way, and them out of my way. Works for everyone.
Ave6Hail6Heil6 said:
Aquarius said:
Ave6Hail6Heil6 said:
You are correct in regards to emotional people necessary in satanism. As much as we hate or would dislike someone who is sensitive, it's emotions that drive us. Of course, one would need to control this but once there is that control... Its directiom can determine many future outcomes.
If we watch our children burn, get raped, molested or otherwise abused and not feel any sadness, it would make it hard to turn it to anger. Of course wallowing isnt what im insisting here but to focus sadness or fraustration accordingly requires to actually feel that first.
And i dont believe there would be three elements dominant i think it would be a situation where one relationship(fire-water, air-earth) is balanced and the other relationship has a dominant. In other words you'd LACK one element. Having two dominant elements is almost normal. I had air and water as dominants. I think i got a little tied around the question. I think for a relationship to be balanced on a chart, there would have to be at least two planets in their ruling house and their home signs on the cusp and the other beinf the same magnitude of these influential planets but of the other relstionship. Sort of like a clash between air and earth that are balances so theres that *focus* on them and then that one planet that belongs to the element of fire and is in its place accordingly or where there isnt a watee relationship. That would be a lack of water. So, a focus of air and earth and theyre balanced AND fire on the sideline but no water or otherwise couldnt make it.
Btw i used to be emo and im not really all that offended by "coward" or otherwise the tough love. Sure its behind me (sort of not im merely attracted to dark humor or morbidity like pronogrind) but its otherwise not a big deal. Im sure someone could skim throufh to the point or you could make your point without the extra stuff from other people.
Hail satan!
I am very emotional and sensible, though I look very cold very often, I have a balance in this, sort of like a defense, but I know how to react to emotional stimulus(like when to accept hard cold facts and when to actually feel insulted, the way I wrote it seems robotic but I had no better words to describe this haha) I used to be very femminine, not in the sense that I looked gay or anything but mostly a person who was excessively emotional towards people and could get manipulated easily, this stopped a lot after many love fails(because girls my age didn't want emotional guys but rather retarded people). Now after joining Satan ,2 years, I am very sensible again but know who to be sensible with and who not to.
I can totally relate. Do you have a prominent mercury in an air sign or s prominent moon? I see the emotions as a controlled clash instead of a balance. Like theres a deep prominance on both sides instead of an extreme swing or high strungness. Not judging, im this way as well.
My mercury is in a water sign but yeah somewhere in my chart I have it that I am very high strung..
FancyMancy said:
[...] You can't bake tasty bread by patting it lightly on its "head"; you have to knead it and fold it with pressure.

Speak for yourself. I use a bread maker. ;)
13th_Wolf said:
You got me wondering what Air and Earth signs would have issues with, and what their "title description" would be XD. I am an Air sign myself, tho have no clue as to what weak areas would pertain to it other than lack of self discipline.

Saytan Abbrasa

Earth signs have problems with being too materialistic and rigid. Air signs have problems with being too futile.

Remember that the ascendent/raising is the most important giveaway for your character as its sign tells you your chart ruler. When people refer to their "zodiac" they usually talk about the position of the sun (solar chakra) at the time of their birth. The placement of the other astral bodies gives further information about the frequency of your chakras and aura:

Crown chakra: Jupiter, tin
Sixth chakra: Moon, silver
Throat chakra: Venus, copper
Heart chakra: Mercury, quicksilver
Solar chakra: Sun, gold
Sacral chakra: Mars, iron
Root chakra: Saturn, lead
Pluto rules the aura, one's generation and sympathy.

The northern moon node (Rahu in Sanskrit) rules the forces that bring havoc over your life.

The southern moon node (Ketu in Sanskrit) rules your spirituality and may give psychosomatic issues.

Such associations might differ a little bit from culture to culture. Also the planets obviously have different qualities depending on the signs and houses they are in. Go to "Azazel's Astrology for Satanists" for much better information.
Edelwise said:
FancyMancy said:
[...] You can't bake tasty bread by patting it lightly on its "head"; you have to knead it and fold it with pressure.

Speak for yourself. I use a bread maker. ;)
I have not yet met an analogy which worked 100%!
SS322 said:
The northern moon node (Rahu in Sanskrit) rules the forces that bring havoc over your life.

The southern moon node (Ketu in Sanskrit) rules your spirituality and may give psychosomatic issues.

Such associations might differ a little bit from culture to culture. Also the planets obviously have different qualities depending on the signs and houses they are in. Go to "Azazel's Astrology for Satanists" for much better information.
Unfortunatly there is no info on these in the jos astrology pdf.
What are their positive effects ?
And what would be the good or bad position couples per sign and/or house for these ?
Let's say Rahu is in 2nd and Ketu in 8th house, what would that mean ?
Neoma Isadora said:
SS322 said:
The northern moon node (Rahu in Sanskrit) rules the forces that bring havoc over your life.

The southern moon node (Ketu in Sanskrit) rules your spirituality and may give psychosomatic issues.

Such associations might differ a little bit from culture to culture. Also the planets obviously have different qualities depending on the signs and houses they are in. Go to "Azazel's Astrology for Satanists" for much better information.
Unfortunatly there is no info on these in the jos astrology pdf.
What are their positive effects ?
And what would be the good or bad position couples per sign and/or house for these ?
Let's say Rahu is in 2nd and Ketu in 8th house, what would that mean ?

Azazel's astrology focuses on classic western astrology. Rahu and Ketu are from "jyotish" (Vedic astrology), which is slightly different. In the jewtube link below I will post a playlist about the navagraha ("nine planets" = sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, rahu ketu). They talk about which mantras to sing to strengthen these planets in your "kundali" (= birth chart) and also about the relations of these planets. Check out the other playlists on that channel "astrobix" as well, if you want to know more about Vedic astrology. It is very similar to western astrology but has a lot of slight differences. There are many more good channels and videos about this. I tend to get my information by websites in German language, so they wouldn't be such a great help to you I think.

I don't know why some people take the title too personally... the element doesn't make the person... It should be clear even to people that are new to Astrology. There are tendencies, yes, but again, it doesn't make the person.

Yes, it could be a bit hard for someone but hey, it's FancyMancy, a dedicated Sister that would never insult another Brother or Sister for the only purpose of starting a fight... -.- As she stated, it's for HELPING.

Then if someone wanna start a topic on fire signs I would be happy! Yes, I'm bad mouthed, exaggerated, most of the times I bite and I'm angry and nervous. I love fire, I love Mars, I love red :D
I don't care about what people could think and I'm soooo stubborn that I'm almost proud :cool: But I also have defects... :mrgreen:
YoakeHoshi said:
Yes, it could be a bit hard for someone but hey, it's FancyMancy, a dedicated Sister

Fancy Mancy is a Brother :lol: i also thought HE was a woman until i read other posts of his so :lol: :lol:
Does anybody have any tips for an emotional person to be.. not so emotional all the time? Like to control their emotions better, or put the to good use? I know void meditation helps a lot, but is their anything else?
AncientShadow666 said:
YoakeHoshi said:
Yes, it could be a bit hard for someone but hey, it's FancyMancy, a dedicated Sister

Fancy Mancy is a Brother :lol: i also thought HE was a woman until i read other posts of his so :lol: :lol:

Ohhh okay, epic fail for me :D
Idk why I thought him to be a woman :mrgreen:
AncientShadow666 said:
YoakeHoshi said:
Yes, it could be a bit hard for someone but hey, it's FancyMancy, a dedicated Sister

Fancy Mancy is a Brother :lol: i also thought HE was a woman until i read other posts of his so :lol: :lol:
I'm a bitch
I'm a lover
I'm a child
I'm a mother
I'm a sinner
I'm a saint

Well, actually, I'm a male. :p

Kieith666 said:
Does anybody have any tips for an emotional person to be.. not so emotional all the time? Like to control their emotions better, or put the to good use? I know void meditation helps a lot, but is their anything else?
This might not be what you want to hear (read), but in my own experience, I had to just go through it. A lot of this was before coming to Spiritual Satanism, but it is learning. In the simplest sense - it's just a choice. It's simply a choice. It's merely a choice. I do know that it's not always easy, though - and believe me, I do know. Sometimes someone might say or do something which "should" offend me, but then I realise that I used to be similar. At the time, they might have thought it was funny, but then the outcome would be different, but the intention wasn't to offend (I expect). It might offend/upset me immediately, but then I just shrug it off - at that point, we grow! (Then, the enemy entities have difficulty stealing our strong emotion energies! ^^)

You could always use Runes to help you, but aligned and balanced Chakras and Elements would help, certainly. That could take time, though. I don't mean to end the point negatively, but realistically - I don't want to give you false hope. Expectations (can) lead to failures, which lead to disappointments.

Maybe you could try lolling internally when something upsets you, for example. Your brain and current-self will fight back, undoubtedly, because "no-one likes change", sort of thing. I think that's why - or one reason why - we have to take our time in things that we do; we must chill and be Slothzy. Go steadily. In a couple of examples - we have to learn preschool before we can be a grand master PhD in something! We can't start on the heavy weights until we've built up strength with the lighter weights. We can't run before we can crawl. However long this takes is individual - there's no "rule" or "law" or "obligation" as to how quickly or slowly we must go, other than making sure we do do positive, beneficial work on ourselves.

I've realised, and I keep realising more and more, that most people are still slaves to the jew. That is so obvious now that it goes without saying, but they still "have to" do things or this or that. They are brainwashed into whatever. A lot of people are too weak for another reincarnation; thus, they will most likely dissipate into nothingness... We must work on our Souls. Like attracts like. Remember that! If you ever wonder about something going wrong, it might be because like attracts like. There are, of course, other factors involved, but we, as Spiritual Satanists, can learn and understand these and maipulate them to 1) our personal, 2) our Race's, and 3) our Humanity's advantage.

If we were to know each other in the physical world, we could go about. There'd be times that I'd be hard on you/whomever deliberately - again, the tough love - which you might not believe at the time but you would, most certainly, thank me for later! :p For now, though, we have this online 'meeting' - that would be easier on you! ;-) :p I might not know you very well at all, but later, once we're all Gods and Godly, I'll be checking up on you! ;-)
What way to display your ignorance and disrespect water sign people's.
Coming from an individual who talks like a wimp all the time too. Water is a cosmic principle of fidelity, honour and bravery. It can also induce feelings of submission and fear depending on how and which nature of it a person embodies. Of course water comprises a great plethora of different energies. My apologies for heating up a bit this comment section, but this wimp needed a good truth slap.
Kieith666 said:
Does anybody have any tips for an emotional person to be.. not so emotional all the time? Like to control their emotions better, or put the to good use? I know void meditation helps a lot, but is their anything else?

Use void meditation and be aware of your environment (in a spiritual sense, energy and stuff), use 'voiding' as a tool, not just a meditation session, if any of the thoughts or emotions pops up void it out, if it doesn't help; cover yourself in Ether. Be used to this, let it become second nature.

You say Spiritual Satanism is your everything, if I remember correctly you've also said you many RTR's daily, and what I've seen on the "What Today Needs" thread as soon as you come in your an "over achiever".

So it is cause to believe your under attacks.

Try the usual banishing with blue flames, vibrating Vinasa, and cleaning your aura. Sometimes if that isn't enough you should call upon Satan or your Guardian Demon/ess.

I know the above isn't anything new and it's repeated ad naseum, same with building your aura of protection daily, but this is the usual procedure.

Also check out your Lunar and Solar returns, watch out for Saturn if it's in hard aspect to the ruler of the chart IF you have time and reserve energy you should do a Sun or Jupiter square (I say if as you should not overdo yourself with workings, Lydia already mentioned this).

Anyways, if anything else comes up just mention it, it's important to socialize and good :)
Kieith666 said:
Does anybody have any tips for an emotional person to be.. not so emotional all the time? Like to control their emotions better, or put the to good use? I know void meditation helps a lot, but is their anything else?

You should read the post regarding Saturn by HPS Maxine:

Fate and the Soul

Knowledge regarding the soul has been vehemently suppressed for centuries. Ignorance is required in order to be victims/slaves. What is within the soul determines our fate and YES, much of life IS fated. This can readily been seen in astrology charts when one is accomplished at reading them. Nearly every event that occurs within our life is fated. This is within our souls. Just as nearly everything here begins with an idea first- your house, your PC, your car, buildings, etc., the soul is what determines the quality of one's life and the events that occur therein.

Before any occurrence, such as an oncoming illness, this shows up in the aura. For example, one about to become ill, will have a grayish tinge to his/her aura foranywhere from 1-4 days, depending upon the severity. The same goes for accidents and other unfortunate events- they can be seen in the aura several days before they occur. This does not only apply to negatives, but also with good things, as they appear in the aura as well, before they happen.

Many psychics claim there is no 'time' on the astral. This is not true at all. They are seeing the past, present and future with their own soul and within the souls of others. All of this has to do with past lives.

Events are recorded within the chakras and stored there as what some term as 'seeds.' This is because they have not yet manifested. I wrote of this beforemany who have problems in their love lives, made heart-felt commitments in past lives, such as being with the lover/partner in the past 'forever.' When that lover is gone, and the person has entered a new life, the commitment, which was impressed upon the soul, still remains and affects the current love life, hampering and/or ruining it. In some cases, both lovers will meet in a future lifetime, but the majority of the time, this results in hard luck for the affections. People who have this are then often born with Saturn in Libra, and/or have other astrological nasties that work to wreak havoc on the love life.

Another theme is punishing one's self and self-hatred, which is totally exploited by the Christian program, which works relentlessly to keep everyone damned. The results from this are accidents and other bad events. Going on, our souls connect with other souls who are close to us. For example, sharing the same beliefs as another and being in close contact will establish a connection to both peoples' throat chakras. Unless the contact [seen astrally as a cord] is broken and make sure it will no longer connect, this is often dragged into a future lifetime, where both parties meet again. Strong emotions also factor in for better or worse. When strong emotions are released, this also in many cases, establishes a connection.

These seeds are dormant and it can be more than one lifetime before they blossom into actual events. There are things the average person isn't even aware of or why they do certain things. This is within the soul. When the conditions are right, the seeds blossom and then fated events occur. This is also a part of how those near death have had experiences of their entire lives passing before them. The entire life is recorded within the subconscious mind and the soul. One of the major goals of power meditation [kundalini meditation and yoga] are to BURN these seeds before they have a chance to manifest; to destroy them so one is finally free. This can also be seen in the astrology chart. This is gradual and I speak from experience here, but when you know your own chart and are very competent in making predictions- this includes reading solar and lunar returns and what you know and see in the chart does not occur, this is a sign you are burning the seeds of so-called 'karma.'

For example, I had a horrible month on a lunar return chart. One can predict a horrible month when Saturn makes a hard aspect [the closer and tighter the aspect, the worse it is] to the ruler of the lunar return chart. Mine was exact. Well, with daily meditation, hatha, and kundalini yoga exercises, nothing bad happened and the month was quite pleasant. I was shocked, but now I understand. I have seen more of this as well.

When our life energies are higher, things in our lives go much better. Kundalini meditation amplifies the energies, and must be done consistently to fix them at a higher level. When one's energies are low, this is the time problems manifest in the life, anywhere from illness to catastrophic bad luck in some cases.

Hatha and Kundalini yoga along with breathing exercises [breathing exercises fan the flames of the serpent] keep one's soul strong and protected. As I have mentioned again and again, when one's energies are amplified, one must think positive thoughts and dwell on positive things, as thoughts will tend to become reality much quicker, in this lifetime. Those with weaker/average souls, some negative thoughts, especially repeated ones remain upon the soul through lifetimes and then, manifest into reality.

Satan shows us how we can become free. Yes, it is hard work, but it pays off in your freedom and in being able to be your own god and control and direct your own fate.

It's found in Satan's Library:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich's 2010 Sermons.pdf

Adagio // said:
What way to display your ignorance and disrespect water sign people's.
Coming from an individual who talks like a wimp all the time too. Water is a cosmic principle of fidelity, honour and bravery. It can also induce feelings of submission and fear depending on how and which nature of it a person embodies. Of course water comprises a great plethora of different energies. My apologies for heating up a bit this comment section, but this wimp needed a good truth slap.
Like, ouch. My experience is false, is it? Maybe you can go into my experience and experience it correctly for us both.

Ninja 666 said:
I thought the Astral 'cord' was an analogy and was corrected, because an estranged member tried scaring people into worrying about having the cord be severed with a cutting tool, i.e. visualising a cutting tool to cut it from your Chakra.
Adagio // said:
What way to display your ignorance and disrespect water sign people's.
Coming from an individual who talks like a wimp all the time too. Water is a cosmic principle of fidelity, honour and bravery. It can also induce feelings of submission and fear depending on how and which nature of it a person embodies. Of course water comprises a great plethora of different energies. My apologies for heating up a bit this comment section, but this wimp needed a good truth slap.

To develop,

- Air signs think they are the best, too bad they are completely deluded. These are the worst people to have as family, friends or lover. Unreliable, superficial, treasonous and manipulative without being provoked, cheating, deceiving, a huge entitlement complex, on top of being full of cowardice. They pack the most flaws of all the zodiac but manage to deceive others with their cheap tricks and superficial charm (only works on fire and earth of course, water can see through the crap)

- Fire signs try to make others believe they are the best because they are completely insecure inside and need others having a high opinion of them to function. But they will never admit that of course. Actually Saggitarius is the most secure fire sign and Aries is the least secure sign of the entire zodiac. Aries is so insecure and threatened by others, and dependent on others approbation that they are compulsed to argue and fight with everybody constantly so they can feel good about themselves. Pathetic :roll: . Leo is very pride dependent and needs to show off constantly but is more secure then Aries, because they don't feel the need to bully and put others down to feel secure, they are content with just bragging in a vain manner and showing off constantly.

- Earth know better then to have urges to show off like kids and also have the same adjectives as the air signs but the opposite good qualities instead of flaws. These are great people although they are plain/too material focused and they can be too dependent on others judgment.

- Water signs are just awesome. They have the best qualities. They will do what needs to be done but not waste energy. They don't show off or need approval because their sense of self worth is completely independent of others approval. You can hate, despise and mock them it will only make them stronger and more resolute. Another perk is living life to the fullest with all emotions stronger so highs are amazing and lows are pretty bad but they are part of the journey too and are interesting and remembering them makes one happy in comparison. And sorry not sorry Aries, being constantly angry at everyone and everything is not experiencing emotions, it's having a brain disorder :)
Fancy, although taken back at first by the title lol, as a water sign I am not offended at all by your post after I read it, and you make some good points.

Neoma, as someone with many air sign family members, I can't say I agree with your profiling of air sign people, or of your description of any of the elements, really. You may have some truth in there, but maybe some of it is just coming from anger?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
