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For Emos; Emotional People; Water Signs Persons; Cowards; Wimps; and the like

Larissa666 said:
As a Gemini (Libra ascending), it is so depressing to read this. Apparently, I am just lying, two faced piece of sh** and nothing else?

Hurts, but then again, is this all written in stone? Or are there deviations from a rule? I never understood horoscope, although I am trying to, because Satanists should understand and use it.

Please re-read my posts before you start hurting. :D This whole topic turned into people complaining over simplified interpretations, but it had died out for a few days. You can go to the astrology forum if you want help learning astrology.
Larissa666 said:
As a Gemini (Libra ascending), it is so depressing to read this. Apparently, I am just lying, two faced piece of sh** and nothing else?

Hurts, but then again, is this all written in stone? Or are there deviations from a rule? I never understood horoscope, although I am trying to, because Satanists should understand and use it.

Real astrology is here: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Astro_index.html Sun signs aren't usually as important as mainstream astrology would want to make people believe with undue oversimplification. With real astrology, you can pinpoint everything about a person, down to their very physical appearance if you want to, without ever seeing the person.
I am really ready and happy to give my life to Satan forever but I don't know where to start
AncientShadow666 said:
Aquarius said:

same here, i used to be extremely sensitive and emotional, but i also had many problems in the past and i could only deal with them after becoming SS, before that i was just being emo :lol: today i am both, sensitive and strong but i dont hide my sensitivity, if i have a need to let it out i just do it, but that doesnt change the fact that i also have the strenght which developed over the years, lets just say a perfect balance, and both is in a positive way

Guess that makes us kind of alike.
Wildfire said:
AncientShadow666 said:
Aquarius said:

same here, i used to be extremely sensitive and emotional, but i also had many problems in the past and i could only deal with them after becoming SS, before that i was just being emo :lol: today i am both, sensitive and strong but i dont hide my sensitivity, if i have a need to let it out i just do it, but that doesnt change the fact that i also have the strenght which developed over the years, lets just say a perfect balance, and both is in a positive way

Guess that makes us kind of alike.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
What is her signature?

Neoma Isadora said:
Enough with the bullshit. Where is the delete account button ? Please ban me and delete all my posts.

Looks like she is acting on the criticism in all the wrong ways. Very Xian in the sense that she would rather just give up than bother consulting it. Maybe she would make a new account and do it in her own way? Who knows, maybe that's it-but I hope not over something so petty.

Saytan Abbrasa
Neoma Isadora said:
"For thick, insensitive, boastful, aggressive, blunt, abusive, stupid and bad mouthed fire signs people; reckless, gorillas, bullies, low lives and the like"
I wonder if that one would have passed as well... I have the feeling it would have not.
Moon is in Aries.. Hmm makes sense.

I'd love it if someone sheds light into this. Sometimes, I just need to keep myself out of trouble. Heeheehee!!
13th_Wolf said:
What is her signature?

Neoma Isadora said:
Enough with the bullshit. Where is the delete account button? Please ban me and delete all my posts.

Looks like she is acting on the criticism in all the wrong ways. Very Xian in the sense that she would rather just give up than bother consulting it. Maybe she would make a new account and do it in her own way? Who knows, maybe that's it-but I hope not over something so petty.

Saytan Abbrasa

Well, sometimes one needs to take a step back and try to understand things on their own, rather than being overwhelmed with the opinions of many people. Still better than completely abandoning one's path and emailing members about nonsense how "Satanism is only for a group of 16 people" or "SS is just as useless as Xianity" and other royal-grade shit, as it happened recently to me with a kid named "Cernunnos" on the forums, formerly Abdiyel or whatever crappy Jewish name.
Neoma Isadora said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
Neoma Isadora said:
- Secret agent : let's say you want a secret agent, now you could go with Gemini they are great at lying and appearing inoffensive, the problem is that they might very well double cross you if they get the occasion. If you go with Aries it's pretty much 100% mission failure (lacks finesse). If you go with Pisces they will lack the nerve to act under pressure. If you go with Scorpio and the Scorpio agent is loyal to you then you have the best odds of success.

This is not true. People with Gemini emphasis are often terrible liers.

I just have to say this. Since this topic was derailed, there have been countless of grandiose interpretations of the signs and elements and of vaguely described combinations. Most of them are completely wrong. You can't take anything by itself. I'm not trying to be rude, but reading many of these posts is like reading the interpretations of the daily newspaper 'horoscopes'. It's also obvious some people here don't have any experience with actually invoking the elements, or with astrology for that matter. You should really have practical experience with something before passing it off as a fact. Otherwise it just gets cringy and embarrassing to read.
All you have said in this long ranting is "please notice me I can write empty paragraphs."
It's obvious people here blablabla [insert random filler attempts of moralizing and condescending sentences].. cut the crap already, thanks. You are feeling embarrassed at yourself because you can't state strong opinions and assume them ? Too bad for you.
Here is a strong opinion and completely assumed : Unless they have some serious water or air influence (eg moon in a water sign will save them) Aries majority people (aries stellium type) are a bunch of despicable and dumb meatheads. There is no point in trying to bit nicer with them, they will take any attempt to be more humane towards them as weakness. They react like wild beasts ; in their childhood they were the school bullies, when they grow up physically they end up detestable people, they know only the law of the jungle all their life. They are completely untrustworthy and will try to walk over you whenever they get a chance. The reason the universe gave them a lot of physical strength is that they are so horribly disabled and backwards on a character and mind level that nature truly took pity on them. Yes it is the stupidest and least evolved sign, the only possible saving grace is having some key planets in other signs.

You know, I have to say, despite this post being quite old at this point, I do like to throw in my two cents here and there.

You've actually, just awakened me to this, that I am one of those Fire people, very athletic, very strong. But not what you've implied at all of a Fire person, now, I'm not insulted in any way, nor would I be, as I have no idea who you are to consider this an insult, nor will I be insulted on what my astrological signs are.

But, I think just because you've had a few bad experiences with Fire sign people, does not dictate how all fire sign people are. I have other signs and planets that cause me to be quite a conscious and spiritual person as well, with my own issues and things to overcome, which as a result, caused me to be harder on myself than other people. But, when I am hard on someone, it is an attempt to give them the passion to try as hard as I do, as I see quite a lot of people who are too complacent and need a good kick in the ass, much like how I used to be. And this is either successful, or a drag, but more often than not it is a success, though not always lasting, as people will go on to do as they please, but for a moment, they will see with Fire's eye's, and act accordingly; it's inspiratory in that sense.

But, I am also a firm believer that we as SS, have the power to overcome whatever we're displeased with within our Natal chart, and have the ability to change what we don't like about ourselves, whether it be through Runes and magickal workings, or Sanskrit, these are all tools we use to better ourselves and to stop from being complacent and to make things happen in our lives. I've done it, and it is possible for everyone. I feel like being overly complacent is a result of Xian programming, because even people who are very emotional, can trasmogrify these emotions into a more potent emotion such as anger, and take the chi of anger and use it to incite action, or an event, or whatever you want really, one just has to do this.
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At the request of OP Fancy Mancy, I am obligated to post the effects of the elements on my emotions and personality.

Now, I do have to note, that I am a Fire Sign individual. So, I'm not exactly an emotional person other than you know, what I like to call passion. But nevertheless invoking the elements can really effect you as an individual, and this is meant to be an educational post, not a suggestion of what you should do.

First off, I'll start with an experience I have had recently:

I was on a run one morning, and stopped at a lake to take a rest and meditate outside, something I hardly ever get a chance to do. It also happened to be quite a windy, and beautiful spring day down in the tropics, so I took it as an opportunity to invoke the element Air. And boy was I in for a fucking ride dude. A week long, emotional roller coaster ride.

Now, this was all my doing, it was my ignorance, and has since been corrected by my GD because I couldn't handle it, and he's like a brother to me, and helped me out vastly. I invoked air 13 times, now it doesn't seem like a lot, but the suggestion is 7, the most I've gotten away with without too much discomfort was 8, and I got carried away and invoked air 13 times. Now, at first, I was fine, I felt light, airy, and intelligent, I thought I was a badass. WRONG A few hours later whilst I was at work, I had an anxiety attack. All that was wrong, was that I was crashing from caffeine, and had a belly ache from the protein shake I drank, within the same 20 minutes as the energy drink, bad idea. But other than that I was fine, but i was so nervous, and anxious from the excess Air that I wasn't used to, that I had spun myself into an anxiety attack and ended up going home early. I even had to take the next day off of work because I couldn't get myself to calm down.

Now, of course, when you retain an element, your body adjusts to it over the course of a few days depending on how much you take in. So I was getting more and more used to it every day and was chilling out enough to be able to work. But still had minor anxiety attacks every morning, even this morning before I decided to get help from my GD and fix this shit because it was effecting my exercise (which is second most important to me next to being an SS, and my family), as well as my appetite.

Ways I was able to fix this was by invoking Earth of course, the 'opposite' to air, which helped to offset the excess air, but also created a backlash of the dominant Air element, so I was still feeling a little anxious, but I was more 'down to Earth' about it, and wasn't so flighty. Invoking Earth was one of the most comforting feelings I've had the past entire week. Like holy shit, it was like taking a chill pill made of dirt fellas, no kidding.

Another way I was able to help with ridding myself of the anxiety and feeling mentally shitty and exhausted over all was by invoking Fire. It gave me a feeling of happiness which helped to better support my down to Earth feeling as well. You see, without Earth to sustain Fire, fire just burns out. Fire needs tinder, but fire also consumes oxygen (air) so it will offset the effects of the air element. At least that is what I experienced, but the effects of the elements also depends on your own personality and who you are as a person, so it is best to know a lot about yourself before you go messing around with elemental magick. With that in mind, I have had anxiety attacks in the past, but for good reason, not because I had the shit sweats from protein and energy drink not sitting well in my gut, as well as some "probably-way-too-much-taurine-in-a-given-amount-of-time" seeing as how the protein shake also had a lot of taurine as well, because it is an amino acid and is relatively good for you. But there is an excess to everything of course.

Invoking and condensing the elements into your chakras however is much different, and has far less effects on your emotions and personality. So, doing that is much safer than doing what I did. Like I said, it was my ignorance that let this happen, I wasn't taking the necessary precautions to invoking the elements. Fuck, I didn't even think to exhale the air after I invoked it because I thought I was cool. So, like I said, this is educational, take it or leave it. I am of course going to adjust to the air I invoked, probably well within the next week as long as I invoke fire and earth as well, being my more dominant elements on my natal chart, this will over power the air.

So, let's review the elements' effects on me.

Air- Nervous, irritable, paranoid, anxious.
Fire- Sexy, strong, happy, and oh, did I mention strong?
Earth- Disciplined, consistent, and 'down to Earth.'
Water- Compassionate, and loving. Buuut, I hardly ever invoke Water, so I don't know every single effect it has on me, but I do know that it is present in my more emotional side, which presents itself in my beliefs and my loyalty to the people (or Gods) that I love.

Moral of the story here today brothers/sisters, is to be careful when you invoke the elements, especially the more Emotional members here, because it can really fuck with your head if you over do it.

PS. I also did this on the same day that the Jews burned a bunch of children in Russia, 5 days before passover. Which helps explain some of the bull shit I felt, as enemy energy was abundant.
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What you’re describing is exactly how it’s supposed to be. Everyone has a a different chart with a different elemental make up. Everyone has different talents and such and different things to offer. By no means will balancing the personality take away from what they have to offer. You’re misunderstanding. It’ll increase what they have to offer. Balance is needed for advancement. It’s like if you go to the gym and work on only one arm, you’re limiting yourself.
People, do not reply to Neoma Isadora, do not quote her posts anymore.

She left the forum months ago.
Neoma Isadora said:
Adagio // said:
What way to display your ignorance and disrespect water sign people's.
Coming from an individual who talks like a wimp all the time too. Water is a cosmic principle of fidelity, honour and bravery. It can also induce feelings of submission and fear depending on how and which nature of it a person embodies. Of course water comprises a great plethora of different energies. My apologies for heating up a bit this comment section, but this wimp needed a good truth slap.

To develop,

- Air signs think they are the best, too bad they are completely deluded. These are the worst people to have as family, friends or lover. Unreliable, superficial, treasonous and manipulative without being provoked, cheating, deceiving, a huge entitlement complex, on top of being full of cowardice. They pack the most flaws of all the zodiac but manage to deceive others with their cheap tricks and superficial charm (only works on fire and earth of course, water can see through the crap)

- Fire signs try to make others believe they are the best because they are completely insecure inside and need others having a high opinion of them to function. But they will never admit that of course. Actually Saggitarius is the most secure fire sign and Aries is the least secure sign of the entire zodiac. Aries is so insecure and threatened by others, and dependent on others approbation that they are compulsed to argue and fight with everybody constantly so they can feel good about themselves. Pathetic :roll: . Leo is very pride dependent and needs to show off constantly but is more secure then Aries, because they don't feel the need to bully and put others down to feel secure, they are content with just bragging in a vain manner and showing off constantly.

- Earth know better then to have urges to show off like kids and also have the same adjectives as the air signs but the opposite good qualities instead of flaws. These are great people although they are plain/too material focused and they can be too dependent on others judgment.

- Water signs are just awesome. They have the best qualities. They will do what needs to be done but not waste energy. They don't show off or need approval because their sense of self worth is completely independent of others approval. You can hate, despise and mock them it will only make them stronger and more resolute. Another perk is living life to the fullest with all emotions stronger so highs are amazing and lows are pretty bad but they are part of the journey too and are interesting and remembering them makes one happy in comparison. And sorry not sorry Aries, being constantly angry at everyone and everything is not experiencing emotions, it's having a brain disorder :)

If anything in the original post was "bullying", the content of the above is pretty much the same thing.
YoakeHoshi said:
FancyMancy said:
Hello, [everyone].


I will neither confirm nor deny it, but please tell me which Sign you think I am, based on how little or how much you know about me or think you know about me, and how little or how much you know and understand about the Signs.

I see some Fire characteristics and some of Air too but I'm not sure... Talkative, objective, sociable.
Maybe if it's not Air, you could have a well placed Mercury :p

I think your Sun sign and Ascendent could be Sagittarius and Aquarius or one of them is Leo.
Or your Mercury is in Sagittarius or Aquarius. Or your Mars is in Gemini :?: mmh...

But yeah, I think you're a Fire-Air person! :mrgreen:

That's very old, but I agree! The first sign that came into my mind was Sagittarius. You must have a strong Sagittarius influence somewhere in your chart, maybe even a Jupiter/Mercury influence. I do have this.

You also remind me of Aldrick, the way he proposes constructive challenges, reflection about things and ideas, etc. Which is something I admire.
You know, every element and every sign has its specific flaws and weaknesses, which can be more or less manifested in different people.

If one or two Capricorn people have very pronounced typical flaws/weaknesses of Capricorn and this makes these two people complete assholes, that does not mean that all Capricorn people are assholes. Every sign of the zodiac can be an asshole if a person of that sign has its flaws and weaknesses more pronounced than normal.

We, and especially we, as Satanists, should not create hangups about any signs of the Zodiac because any person of any sign can be a bad person. The common weaknesses of each sign can be different from each other, and you may even think or know for sure that certain types of weaknesses can be more tolerable for you than others, but in the end, they are still weaknesses. And weaknesses are not really something to embrace and appreciate. Weaknesses are bad.

This makes me think of the "nobody's perfect" bullshit. Sure, most of us are far from being perfect. But first, this saying is basically an excuse for people to no longer put any effort in doing their best and becoming their best, because "we are not perfect". So they become lazy, conform to a bad reality and do nothing about it. Also, they may use this to excuse bad behavior such as doing drugs and anything degradable. Poor they. It's just their flaws, nobody's perfect right? And second, people end up unconsciously creating the false idea that we must be acceptive of flaws and weaknesses, that they are something to always be forgiven or even accepted as something "good", because "they are in everyone and they are inevitable".

So, my conclusion of all this:
It takes maturity and realism to know that everyone can have their flaws and weaknesses, but it takes even more maturity and realism to realise that flaws and weaknesses are still bad.

It's like taking on the responsibility of washing the dishes everyday because it has to be done, but still being realistic enough to admit that washing the dishes fucking sucks.
Dypet Rod said:
but still being realistic enough to admit that washing the dishes fucking sucks.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dypet Rod said:
You know, every element and every sign has its specific flaws and weaknesses, which can be more or less manifested in different people.

Perfectly said~!~! <3
Thank you ;)

HailMotherLilith said:
Dypet Rod said:
but still being realistic enough to admit that washing the dishes fucking sucks.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dypet Rod said:
You know, every element and every sign has its specific flaws and weaknesses, which can be more or less manifested in different people.

Perfectly said~!~! <3
Dypet Rod said:
Also, they may use this to excuse bad behavior such as doing drugs and anything degradable.

Dypet Rod said:
YoakeHoshi said:
FancyMancy said:
Hello, [everyone].


I will neither confirm nor deny it, but please tell me which Sign you think I am, based on how little or how much you know about me or think you know about me, and how little or how much you know and understand about the Signs.

I see some Fire characteristics and some of Air too but I'm not sure... Talkative, objective, sociable.
Maybe if it's not Air, you could have a well placed Mercury :p

I think your Sun sign and Ascendent could be Sagittarius and Aquarius or one of them is Leo.
Or your Mercury is in Sagittarius or Aquarius. Or your Mars is in Gemini  :?: mmh...

But yeah, I think you're a Fire-Air person!  :mrgreen:

That's very old, but I agree! The first sign that came into my mind was Sagittarius. You must have a strong Sagittarius influence somewhere in your chart, maybe even a Jupiter/Mercury influence. I do have this.

You also remind me of Aldrick, the way he proposes constructive challenges, reflection about things and ideas, etc. Which is something I admire.
I still won't admit nor deny either way, for important reasons, of course, but that's interesting.

I do find it stimulating, and I'd also say important, to have these types of topics, as you say. You might have noticed/agree that I posted some controversial things once or twice, or the style and way I post sometimes might be a bit uncomfortable. I'd hope people would see that and not be upset about a style of posting for certain topics, but just chill and read, understand, and reply. Maybe I shouldn't use cooking oil to power my engine, while others use petrol/desiel, but why not? There's no need to be offended because of it. Just improve the design of the engine, and...save the environment? Shock, horror!

I would like to do more such topics, but I think because of the type (controversy) it would need to be done carefully. In that sense, I'd also like to do a topic on something or other in which I might take the stance deliberately of something that most would disagree with, and more-than-likely accuse me of agreeing with myself (which may or may not be the case, of course). (Such topics might not be approved, though! Lol.) Plus I don't think they are needed. I'd do it just to get people to think and consider, but I don't think they're required here very much, regardless.

Regardless, I think I could get people discussing/debating on topics. People, with their strong right or wrong opinions must share them, and other people with their strong right or wrong opinions must share theirs back.

You could say the energies of Person A (with their strong right or wrong opinions) and Person B (with their strong right or wrong opinions) in this context clash, or are not quite in harmony, and that because like attracts like, the stimulating debates or the crying arguments and fights between A and B, or A-types and B-types, are to find that all-important in-group - fellows. However, something I say below, and with us Gentiles, we are inclined Naturally to build each other up; we might not agree about whatever, but we can see others' opinions, ideas, and things, and can adjust to make ourselves better, and support those with better knowledge and understanding. The jew on the other hand...read below.

The jew uses this, as well as opinion surveys and all manner of data mining the Big Data, to do you in. Ignorant people think they are helping, by debating (with the Lefty Left always shutting you down if you're not Left), but it's a waste of energy - and the emotions spent, and brainings, etc., is mo' money (well, energy, then money, thus power and control), mo' energy, mo' energy for the dudujew Peughmans. The p00z laughs at you, calling you a stupid Goy, or stupid Goyim, for telling and helping the jew how to make your life worse. I concur, to a degree, but I know those 'Without' are ignorant and lost. The jew wants more faeces; I intend to provide a bit of discomfort, when necessary, in a Spiritual Satanist/National Socialist setting and context. Perhaps one day, we can use these topics and upsetting debates and discomforts in a chronology - they're like items in a time capsule in a way - for posterity, to give future Children an understanding of what things were like for us here and now, this very moment, on this forum and in this jew-raped, jew-usurped world.

In my last few paragraphs now - it might have been controversial and upsetting in my OP, but...well, initially it wasn't intentional, but as everyone read, I changed my mind quickly to make it be a bit uncomfortable. At the risk of sounding arrogant - if I, or anyone else, hadn't have made this thread nor replied in it... what?

At the moment I am considering topics, debates, conversations... to be circles; each type, style, or genre of topic, debate, argument is a different colour and the thickness of the circles. Some of the circle edges have groove lines, others are smooth, others have dotted/bobbly edges. The more replies with answers, are bigger circles, larger diameters. The incorrect things; trolling; spamming; offense-taking; etc., are coloured flecks or patterns within it, embossed on it... Put loads of circles next to each other in a square or circle or whatever, and there'll be gaps. Filling those gaps in might not be nice sometimes, but...well...it's done now - I think it's required.

It wasn't nice, but it wasn't exactly horrible and nasty, but some understood my meaning, which I am glad about. More can understand. I noticed a bit of a gap, and while this circle might overlap several others (topics, knowledge, understandings...) it reiterates those, corrects/clarifies others, builds greater knowledge and deeper understanding more...I hope. It might have been offensive at first, but once we get past the initial upset and then use our Brains, then we can learn, by bouncing things off others here who are intelligent, more so or less so than ourselves. Thus, we are greater than the sum of our parts.

Due to their make-up/constitution, some need these types of topics while new or having not advanced very far yet. This use of controlling our emotions and using our brains more is not to try and make ourselves devoid of having and using emotions. It's to have more a balance. Many argue in emotions, such as muh feminizums (a feminist attacking a man who was agreeing with her...);  muh bronyizums; going to their molly-coddled muh "safe places" while being wrapped up in cotton wool, incapable of defending themselves; etc., instead of with enough brainpower. Sometimes, when balance is trying to be achieved, the pendulum swings back and forth until the equilibrium is found (more emotions, less critical thinking; less emotions, more critical thinking; then a correct balance, eventually.) With jew shit, things are pushed to the extremes, and with that, the opposite extremes are lacking; thus, things are lost in trying to form a semblance of an answer.

Regrettably, a bit of friction (which causes heat and scrapes, cuts, and bruises - and virtual black eyes!) is needed in this world at the moment. Anyone reading this might think I, FancyMancy (sorry - I just had to say it like that, lol), am a this, that, or the other, but fine. Once they get past that, they might realise a thing or two or more, I hope.

I am glad I started this topic now and that everyone in it replied, and replies in the future; and every Gentile who has read it reads it - and more than just reading/replying but also uses it to help positively; and I hope it helps anyone.
FancyMancy said:
Dypet Rod said:
YoakeHoshi said:
I see some Fire characteristics and some of Air too but I'm not sure... Talkative, objective, sociable.
Maybe if it's not Air, you could have a well placed Mercury :p

I think your Sun sign and Ascendent could be Sagittarius and Aquarius or one of them is Leo.
Or your Mercury is in Sagittarius or Aquarius. Or your Mars is in Gemini  :?: mmh...

But yeah, I think you're a Fire-Air person!  :mrgreen:

That's very old, but I agree! The first sign that came into my mind was Sagittarius. You must have a strong Sagittarius influence somewhere in your chart, maybe even a Jupiter/Mercury influence. I do have this.

You also remind me of Aldrick, the way he proposes constructive challenges, reflection about things and ideas, etc. Which is something I admire.
I still won't admit nor deny either way, for important reasons, of course, but that's interesting.

I do find it stimulating, and I'd also say important, to have these types of topics, as you say. You might have noticed/agree that I posted some controversial things once or twice, or the style and way I post sometimes might be a bit uncomfortable. I'd hope people would see that and not be upset about a style of posting for certain topics, but just chill and read, understand, and reply. Maybe I shouldn't use cooking oil to power my engine, while others use petrol/desiel, but why not? There's no need to be offended because of it. Just improve the design of the engine, and...save the environment? Shock, horror!

I would like to do more such topics, but I think because of the type (controversy) it would need to be done carefully. In that sense, I'd also like to do a topic on something or other in which I might take the stance deliberately of something that most would disagree with, and more-than-likely accuse me of agreeing with myself (which may or may not be the case, of course). (Such topics might not be approved, though! Lol.) Plus I don't think they are needed. I'd do it just to get people to think and consider, but I don't think they're required here very much, regardless.

Regardless, I think I could get people discussing/debating on topics. People, with their strong right or wrong opinions must share them, and other people with their strong right or wrong opinions must share theirs back.

You could say the energies of Person A (with their strong right or wrong opinions) and Person B (with their strong right or wrong opinions) in this context clash, or are not quite in harmony, and that because like attracts like, the stimulating debates or the crying arguments and fights between A and B, or A-types and B-types, are to find that all-important in-group - fellows. However, something I say below, and with us Gentiles, we are inclined Naturally to build each other up; we might not agree about whatever, but we can see others' opinions, ideas, and things, and can adjust to make ourselves better, and support those with better knowledge and understanding. The jew on the other hand...read below.

The jew uses this, as well as opinion surveys and all manner of data mining the Big Data, to do you in. Ignorant people think they are helping, by debating (with the Lefty Left always shutting you down if you're not Left), but it's a waste of energy - and the emotions spent, and brainings, etc., is mo' money (well, energy, then money, thus power and control), mo' energy, mo' energy for the dudujew Peughmans. The p00z laughs at you, calling you a stupid Goy, or stupid Goyim, for telling and helping the jew how to make your life worse. I concur, to a degree, but I know those 'Without' are ignorant and lost. The jew wants more faeces; I intend to provide a bit of discomfort, when necessary, in a Spiritual Satanist/National Socialist setting and context. Perhaps one day, we can use these topics and upsetting debates and discomforts in a chronology - they're like items in a time capsule in a way - for posterity, to give future Children an understanding of what things were like for us here and now, this very moment, on this forum and in this jew-raped, jew-usurped world.

In my last few paragraphs now - it might have been controversial and upsetting in my OP, but...well, initially it wasn't intentional, but as everyone read, I changed my mind quickly to make it be a bit uncomfortable. At the risk of sounding arrogant - if I, or anyone else, hadn't have made this thread nor replied in it... what?

At the moment I am considering topics, debates, conversations... to be circles; each type, style, or genre of topic, debate, argument is a different colour and the thickness of the circles. Some of the circle edges have groove lines, others are smooth, others have dotted/bobbly edges. The more replies with answers, are bigger circles, larger diameters. The incorrect things; trolling; spamming; offense-taking; etc., are coloured flecks or patterns within it, embossed on it... Put loads of circles next to each other in a square or circle or whatever, and there'll be gaps. Filling those gaps in might not be nice sometimes, but...well...it's done now - I think it's required.

It wasn't nice, but it wasn't exactly horrible and nasty, but some understood my meaning, which I am glad about. More can understand. I noticed a bit of a gap, and while this circle might overlap several others (topics, knowledge, understandings...) it reiterates those, corrects/clarifies others, builds greater knowledge and deeper understanding more...I hope. It might have been offensive at first, but once we get past the initial upset and then use our Brains, then we can learn, by bouncing things off others here who are intelligent, more so or less so than ourselves. Thus, we are greater than the sum of our parts.

Due to their make-up/constitution, some need these types of topics while new or having not advanced very far yet. This use of controlling our emotions and using our brains more is not to try and make ourselves devoid of having and using emotions. It's to have more a balance. Many argue in emotions, such as muh feminizums (a feminist attacking a man who was agreeing with her...);  muh bronyizums; going to their molly-coddled muh "safe places" while being wrapped up in cotton wool, incapable of defending themselves; etc., instead of with enough brainpower. Sometimes, when balance is trying to be achieved, the pendulum swings back and forth until the equilibrium is found (more emotions, less critical thinking; less emotions, more critical thinking; then a correct balance, eventually.) With jew shit, things are pushed to the extremes, and with that, the opposite extremes are lacking; thus, things are lost in trying to form a semblance of an answer.

Regrettably, a bit of friction (which causes heat and scrapes, cuts, and bruises - and virtual black eyes!) is needed in this world at the moment. Anyone reading this might think I, FancyMancy (sorry - I just had to say it like that, lol), am a this, that, or the other, but fine. Once they get past that, they might realise a thing or two or more, I hope.

I am glad I started this topic now and that everyone in it replied, and replies in the future; and every Gentile who has read it reads it - and more than just reading/replying but also uses it to help positively; and I hope it helps anyone.

Now that was a deep message xD But you have a big point there. The point of this kind of topic being uncomfortable is exactly to encourage people out of their comfort zones, thus easily encouraging something out of them and out of most people who read it.

And we can see this kind of topic stays alive for a long time and still catches people's attention even months or years after being created, even when it has been dead for a while. Centralforce666, HailMotherLilith and myself replying to this thread and reviving it, is a small proof of this.

And you're right, the jews using this as a strategy to negatively manipulate people is something highly recurring in Facebook and other social media. I'd see a lot of that on Facebook when I still used it up to three years ago. On the comments section of popular pages, which is full of random people, you don't know anyone else, no one else knows you and people don't know each other, and this makes it easy for people to resort to personal insults and muh feels and start to rip each other apart with controversial topics like that.

I guess the reason this kind of discussion can be done in a more constructive way here in our forums is that we know we're all Satanists here - we're all people of Satan who are constantly trying to improve. We know this, and so we naturally have respect for each other, even when others expose different opinions. There is respect above anything else. Which there isn't in such jewish controlled social media.

And this also takes us back to one of the biggest concepts of National Socialism: We are among our own here. Like Japanese people are among their own in Japan, we are among our own people in these forums. When people are among their own, they have a much higher sense of respect for each other and a much higher sense of union.
Dypet Rod said:
And we can see this kind of topic stays alive for a long time and still catches people's attention even months or years after being created

While most other topics, such as "I did the dedication ritual", "something I'd like to share" and others which could be given more consideration, usually die in one or two days, with few exceptions. They only bring something out of people up to a certain point.
Thank you so much JOS help me lot , I new I learning every single day !
Salve padre satanas!! Pura vida !
desde Costa Rica:)

time=1509678872 user_id=88]
There are many jew infiltrators coming and registering here and on the Yahoo! Groups, trying to start shit. Some of them might be pretending to be poor, lonely wimps with overly-emotional dispositions. Some persons joining are genuine non-jew persons of these types. I want you to read these below, not to upset or offend you-- well, actually, yes; to upset and offend you, but for a better reason and purpose - to help. You might be a wimp, a coward, or whatever. Read them still.

These are threads I have replied to recently.
When registering email addresses, never use nor say anything which can identify you.

Purpose of Humanity?

Banned from ancient forums!

Well...what now?

You should also read through this -
Why is There Suffering? Satan Gives Answers

Why is There Suffering in the World? Satan Gives Answers

There is a lot to go through, but relax and take your time! Unlike the "god" of whichever bible you might have read, Satan both does exist in actuality and does care in actuality about you; He understands. He is 500 thousand years old, so He has a lot of understanding and wisdom! As you shall discover while reading through the materials, there are reasons why things are so shit - and both we as a whole and also you as an individual can and must improve things, both for all of us and for yourself. Consider this your goal, purpose, reason in life. You are not shit. You matter. For you as an individual - we care, Satan cares, and more importantly - you care. You may or may not realise that or believe it or want to hear (read) it, etc., but you are not shit; you do matter, and you do care. Hell - I have been of the attitude and state that I care too much. At least now I have the proper, actual information, which I am using as knowledge, which is turning into understanding, which can then transform into wisdom so that I can channel such care and Spiritual practices, thanks be to LORD Satan, so that I can help in my own ways. So can you. Don't be bogged-down with speed and competing progress with others; we're all individuals and we go at our own speed.

People need tough love - especially these days. You can't bake tasty bread by patting it lightly on its "head"; you have to knead it and fold it with pressure. You can't build Buckingham Palace or the Taj Mahal by tickling it with mortar; you have to slap that mortar on, between the bricks after having built a solid foundation. The bricks must be treated and heated, so that they are worthy of being a part of, and helping to sustain, a beautiful, majestic, architectural building.

I can't speak for you or anyone else, but I prefer a hard truth if it hurts than a soft lie if it tickles.

I wish I could take you all and give you great, big cuddles in the middle of a busy shopping centre - that would embarrass you! ;-) :p

Make sure you have decided to dedicate yourself genuinely to Satan - when you are ready. This is a genuine, serious decision to make, so do it when you are ready.

This is for further learning for now or for later. These are all related, but you can choose which interests you more or which you are more bothered about, but I would recommend the first two definitely, if none of the others -

Joy of Satan

Exposing Christianity

Exposing Islam

Death of Communism

The Real Holocaust

Holocaust Denial Videos

Also - see the links in my signature below.
xXx-s4t4n-sc3n3-xXx said:
wait. you mentioned emos.
Im emo-scene (if u go through my posts u can obs tell)
wait my dumbass is confused.
Im emo, so am i one of these idiots?
I just like the part of the emo scene fashion/music where its about accepting yourself and partying.
Alot of people get confused and think emo is about being miserable and hating satan-
only posuers and stuff are like that, we are all pretty accepting except if your an industry jew, or a corperate fatcat.
sorry for the dumb question....
Im pretty devoted to satan and stuff, as well, dont worry.
Hey. I don't follow any 'trend' or 'style' or 'fashion' myself, but just between you and me (and everyone reading this!) I love emos! When mentioning emos, I was referring to being... well... emo-tional all the time. You do whatever you want to do and you be whatever you want to be. My post was intended to mean that it is known that emos and goths and scenes and grebos are supposed to be moody. I just was referring to that. I've known some emos in the past. They were fine, and I expect that if I got into any of these sub-cultural groups, I reckon it would have been something along the lines of emo, goth, scene or grebo myself. (I say "I love emos", but I didn't learn the differences between emos and goths and scenes and grebos, so I like some things of the others, as well.)

By the way, if I may ask - do you have lips like morphine? ;-)
xXx-s4t4n-sc3n3-xXx said:
ohhh okaayyyy...
Also i do have lips like morphine fyi ;P
In that case, from now on I'm going to call you Hannah - but don't worry, I won't kill you. (Wait - are you Boy or a Girl? I don't know the Boy version of Hannah, nor if there is one!)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
