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Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

Wonderful! O wonderful indeed!

Seeing those rituals unfold upon us, from the very start, unmaking and reverting the world towards a better future - a sight to remember.

These rituals, as in case of all the schedules, are so sacred and powerful, that it's hard to realize first. Their effects are quite something, that shall last through years to come. The Divine Plan behind this is tremendous.
It is a good example of how many writers of the renaissance era worked their hidden messages into their novels and stories.
Hail Focalor!
Hail Lucifius Focalor, be He restored in the hearts of Men
I used to think about Gods a lot.
And once in a while I thought that if there was a ritual of a certain God, I would translate it into Hungarian in his honour.
This is what happened with Lucifius Focalor, and he seems to have meant it.
So I had to do it.

Lucifius Focalor Hungarian version pdf:

I also promised Goddess Lilith.
So I also had to translate His ritual.
I did it 3 times the first day. I did it automatically with 10 repetitions. Then I noticed that 5.
Anyway, here is the ritual of Goddess Lilith in Hungarian pdf.:

I waited almost the whole day until it got nighttime so I could do the ritual.
But it was damn worth the wait.

These rituals are always blessings to us.
At first I was uncertain if I can do the full ritual but did it anyway and what an absolute bomb of energy this was (in a good way obviously).
Every time when I did affirmations I could feel very positive energies and at some point almost tears of joy could be felt but yeah, I cannot wait to do it over again tomorrow.

I'm literally blooming from positivity right now, gonna feel like sweet dreams tonight.

MANY thanks again HPHC for these wonderful rituals, they always come in right time.

And Hail Lucifius Focalor!!
In one ritual Lux x10 in another x 3 how right?

As explained and cited, the etymology on why it is negative. On the original topic it is written. In Latin it also exists as Lucifugus which means "the one who shuns the light".

It means he who flees and leaves the light, and Rofocal is related to the word of reversing Lucifer. It comes from a term they used in the Middle Ages, "Reficul" which is an inversion of Lucifer's name, with different vowels. Rofocal has a blasphemous undertone.

Lucifius Focalor, not Rofocal. About the Luficius, He self defined that way. From what I gather, the Lucifius means "He of the Lux", or "Friend of the Light", defining the name Focalor, which comes from Focalis which means both "Tied to", "Tied to the Light".

That he gave me first and I checked it up later. The two meanings are literally anti-thetical, one "fleeing from the light" and "shunning it", and the other being about belonging as someone who is friendly to it, or belongs to it.
Amazing Ritual. Thank you for this and for the sacred information on Lucifius Focalor. I remember several years ago I was quite interested in Him, but the information online didn't feel right.

Thank you for your hard work in restoring the lost knowledge of our Ancient Gods, reuniting them with mankind once again.
As explained and cited, the etymology on why it is negative. On the original topic it is written. In Latin it also exists as Lucifugus which means "the one who shuns the light".

It means he who flees and leaves the light, and Rofocal is related to the word of reversing Lucifer. It comes from a term they used in the Middle Ages, "Reficul" which is an inversion of Lucifer's name, with different vowels. Rofocal has a blasphemous undertone.

Lucifius Focalor, not Rofocal. About the Luficius, He self defined that way. From what I gather, the Lucifius means "He of the Lux", or "Friend of the Light", defining the name Focalor, which comes from Focalis which means both "Tied to", "Tied to the Light".

That he gave me first and I checked it up later. The two meanings are literally anti-thetical, one "fleeing from the light" and "shunning it", and the other being about belonging as someone who is friendly to it, or belongs to it.
The names feel completely different to read. They are definitely giving anthithetical vibes even if you don't know the meanings. His true name is much more positive.
This is a really beautiful Ritual. I am glad that we are able to contact our Gods in a respectful manner again and to learn what they truly stand for ❤️

According to Wikipedia, the etymology for the name "Mephostopheles" is given as "not loving light". I can not confirm if this interpretation [μή () – „not“, and φῶς, φωτός (phōs, photós) – „light“] is true, but it seems in line with the meaning of the slanderous names explained in this Sermon.

The origin of Mephistopheles is assumed to be the earliest "Faustbuch" (Faust-book), containing stories of the real historic person Johann Georg Faust who was "a German itinerant alchemist, astrologer, and magician of the German Renaissance". There we find the first version of the well-known story of the "pact" of Faust with Mephistopheles.

Later, the Name of Faust went on to become a folk legend and synonym for Alchemist or Magician. Indeed, this Johan Faust seems to have made an impression on many minds in his time - especially as he seemed to be quite open about his abilities. Faust is supposed to have boasted that "he could easily reproduce all the miracles of Christ". Needless to say, xian clerics did not like this.

There are many other "Faustbooks" which are said grimoires. In German these books are called "Höllenzwänge". Hölle = Hell. "Zwang" or "Zwänge" meaning something like compulsion, obligation or coercion (by force). You can probably guess what the content of these books was....
Some are published long after Faust's death - so his name was sometimes used like a "branding" or advertising, I guess.

Althrough I can not say if this original Faust was simply a product of his time (using practises that we now know to be blasphemous out of lack of knowledge), if he knowingly did these certain practises or if his name has also been (mis-)used for countless grimoires to sow confusion.

Concerning Johan Wolfgang von Goethe, he was said to have read the "Volksbuch vom Dr. Faust" (one of the stories that were about the life of Faust) when he was a child.
That later inspired him to write his own Work that we now know of.

Goethe was also a known freemason and has been critical of christianity and islam.
He was also a documented member of the illuminati under the Name of "Abaris" (Abaris the Hyperborean was a Priest of Apollo).
Through there are writings to suggest he figured out the deceptive nature of the illuminati after some time. (They tried to entice away several successful freemasons while trying to keep them blind of their real aims).

Goethe seemed to have a deep Love for Nature, Life and Studies of diverse Arts and Sciences. To me it seems likely that he might've been a Disciple of Satan, even if much of the information available at his time was pretty corrupted.

Looking at all this I am once again happy to see the veil of corruption and confusion being lifted more and more. Thank you dear HP HoodedCobra666 for shining the Light on the Truth!

Hail Lord Lucifius Focalor, He who is of the Light! 🌟🔥☀️⚡
Thank you for this ritual. 🙏🙏

I am very happy that we get to know our Gods and Goddesses' true names, as well as their incredible and wonderful, magical nature.

Upon focusing on Focalor's sigil, I saw a forest of fir trees. Are they related to him in any way?
View attachment 1974

This post requires an introduction, because Lucifuge Rofocal has went under extreme amounts of slander, which I will rectify, bringing Him back to proper stature. For those in rush to do the Rituals, scroll on the bottom of this post.

Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

Those who know about the mass desecration of the enemy to our Gods, also know they have perverted their Names. Baal-Zebul went from being the Head God of Ekron, to being the “lord of the flies”, because of blasphemy in regard to flies against Him. While Beelzebul was driving flies and pestilence away, that was perverted.

Recovering the factual reality of these topics, one of the most slandered entities by Name alone, is “Lucifuge Rofocale”, which is mentioned in enemy doctrines as the “Representative of Satan”. That is a code. But going on strictly by the name, we deduct the following ultimate corruptions:

“Luci-Fuge” comes from two elements: Lux, meaning Light in Latin & Fuge comes from the Ancient Greek word “Φεύγον”, meaning, “He who runs away from”. In modern English, we have this root appearing in the word “Fugitive”, or someone who is on the run. Lucifugus also exists in Latin, literally meaning "He who shuns the light".

The second aspect of this name, is “Rofocal”, which is a code for the word “Reficul”, coming from the inversion of the word “Lucifer” in Latin. It’s very plain to see here, that there is not only major blasphemy and distortion about this being, but there is also a literal inversion of the being’s Name.

"In fact, Rofocal(e) is a code for “Reficul” – or “Lucifer” written backwards. And this makes sense, since Lucifuge means “he who flees from the light”, while the opposite (“reverse”) is Lucifer, the “light-bearer”. So basically, “Rofocale” means the same as “Lucifuge”." - From ---- (PDF) On Rofocale & Focalor, or the Riddle of Lucifuge | Luís Gonçalves - Academia.edu 1

Another situation is that Lucifuge Rofocal, ended up to become the inspiration of the character "Mephistopheles", the representative of the Devil. Albeit these stories are filled with enemy content, they still have a sweet artistic tone about them, with Mephistopheles going in adventures and teaching Spiritual Knowledge to Faust, in Goethe's works. However, these are still written to conform with the Christian narratives, which are fully errant and contain many elements from Jewish Kabbalah and Christianity. That aside, they are still works of art and they inspired many people over the past, to seek the Demons again, even for the entirely wrong reasons based on the conceptions of the time.

Goethe's masterpiece, was a pivotal turn for the Dark Ages, as he essentially re-introduced the worship of the Demons as a pursuit of the wise people who were curious about the occult. Goethe still is considered a Satanist by the Christian Church for that reason, and he most likely was a disciple of Satan, despite the confusion of the age he existed in. In his works, Mephistopheles is interesting, hyper-intelligent and speaks many factual truths about "God", his work having a covert but polemic character against the wrong conceptions of the church at the time.

View attachment 1975

Now, we are moving past these historical topics onward to the occult topics of the subject.

In occult terms, Lucifuge Rofocal, is essentially a representative of Lucifer, holding the position that is equal to a “Presidential Court Envoy”. As Lucifer is our God [the most well known epithet ascribed to “Satan”, or “Light Bringer”], when “Lucifuge” was given an edict from the Light [Lucifer] he had to leave the light [of Lucifer] deliver this edict. As to leave this higher state one must divulge into the lower realms, the legendary Mephistopheles was also associated with “Lucifuge Rofocal”, being the “Representative of the pacts” towards Satan Himself. Mephistopheles is simply another name for Lucifuge Rofocal.

He is an intermediary that must go to the light and “flee from it”, in order to deliver Satan/Lucifer’s messages as a representative or mail-man would do. He is also listed as being the friendliest and most compassionate to human beings. I have communicated with Him before and all these evil descriptions of the enemy are complete slander. Others know that as well from here.

In traditional “Grimoires” of the Dark Ages, many people were influenced by “Pope Honorius” who wrote that slander, to attempt regardless of the evil illustrations to strike pacts with Satan for numerous purposes, ranging from knowledge, supernatural understanding or abilities, or material riches. The Dark Ages were rife with hidden disciples of Satan, who were nevertheless trapped into the negative paradigms and false notions of the enemy. The Gods helped them regardless and many of these people became later the paragons of the “Enlightenment” or the downfall of the Dark Ages, restoring civilization.

Lucifuge Rofocal is also given two powers: One is to bestow riches, power and prominence, based on Satan/Lucifer’s divine edicts, things that concern the lower material realms. The second as “Focalor” is written about how he has a malevolent aspect that can cause shipwrecks and destruction. As the latter world comes from the inversion of Lucifer, it’s no wonder that this was used to slander him in a malevolent manner.

Lucifuge Rofocal, in the texts even admitted of such by the enemy, they write that “He is in charge” of transferring the “pacts” people want to do, to Satan/Lucifer. That is because of his position as a representative.

Albeit all of this is gross corruption, there are still clear meanings if one can draw them out. His other name is Focalor, rooted in the Latin word Focalis, which means Fire. Fire is associated with the Astral element of the Light, again related to this.

In plain, as one would be called “He who leaves the President”, is carrying a message from the President they just met, they must go away in order to deliver that message. In order to rectify this, I contacted him directly to ask Him, since the above is wholly corrupted, what his Name is and how he would like to be addressed.

The public name with which he will be known from now on, is this: “Lucifius Focalor” or simply Focalor. Another name that can be used, is His Mesopotamian name “Isimud”, or “Usmu”. In the epics surviving from his Mesopotamian identity, it’s very much illustrated that he has the same function, always being with “Enki” on his side as an envoy, delivering messages and passing down the edicts of Enki.

Astarte, Beelzebul and Azazel also have their own “representative envoy” in the same manner, which are other Gods from the Goetia. In the case of Zeus/Beelzebul, that is Thoth.

About this topic of “messengers”, a well known God of messengers is Hermes. Hermes was the messenger of Zeus, transferring his edicts to mortals and the Gods. In Ancient Babylonia, this position was called a “Sukal”, and these entities were recognized to have that role.

Lucifuge Rofocal and other names that are pure slanderous to the Demons, are removed from the Demon’s section, as they do not represent the Pagan Gods and we should entirely avoid using abhorrent titles for our Gods.

They will be kept there as part of historical review, but they will no longer be used from now on, as they equate as someone inviting someone in their house and using swearing to bring them in. That was the case in the medieval times, where the factual topics were forbade of discussion and the Gods had to undergo severe slander and persecution, therefore, they answered inquiries even from blinded people. But that is not the case anymore at all.

The Ritual given here is for Lucifius Focalor and this Ritual represents his absolution from historical lies, slander and falsehood, and a kind re-invitation of human beings to associate with this most important deity.

Links to the Ritual:

Ritual is to be done until May 22nd.

I've always been interested
In Demons since I have was
Younger and I am glad where
Not using the blasphemy names and using the real name's
A thought that is not expressly stated is not a fact. Avoid making statements analysing reactions and change of attitude in certain contexts by forum members, basing on a limited perspective and knowledge of facts.
View attachment 1974

This post requires an introduction, because Lucifuge Rofocal has went under extreme amounts of slander, which I will rectify, bringing Him back to proper stature. For those in rush to do the Rituals, scroll on the bottom of this post.

Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

Those who know about the mass desecration of the enemy to our Gods, also know they have perverted their Names. Baal-Zebul went from being the Head God of Ekron, to being the “lord of the flies”, because of blasphemy in regard to flies against Him. While Beelzebul was driving flies and pestilence away, that was perverted.

Recovering the factual reality of these topics, one of the most slandered entities by Name alone, is “Lucifuge Rofocale”, which is mentioned in enemy doctrines as the “Representative of Satan”. That is a code. But going on strictly by the name, we deduct the following ultimate corruptions:

“Luci-Fuge” comes from two elements: Lux, meaning Light in Latin & Fuge comes from the Ancient Greek word “Φεύγον”, meaning, “He who runs away from”. In modern English, we have this root appearing in the word “Fugitive”, or someone who is on the run. Lucifugus also exists in Latin, literally meaning "He who shuns the light".

The second aspect of this name, is “Rofocal”, which is a code for the word “Reficul”, coming from the inversion of the word “Lucifer” in Latin. It’s very plain to see here, that there is not only major blasphemy and distortion about this being, but there is also a literal inversion of the being’s Name.

"In fact, Rofocal(e) is a code for “Reficul” – or “Lucifer” written backwards. And this makes sense, since Lucifuge means “he who flees from the light”, while the opposite (“reverse”) is Lucifer, the “light-bearer”. So basically, “Rofocale” means the same as “Lucifuge”." - From ---- (PDF) On Rofocale & Focalor, or the Riddle of Lucifuge | Luís Gonçalves - Academia.edu 1

Another situation is that Lucifuge Rofocal, ended up to become the inspiration of the character "Mephistopheles", the representative of the Devil. Albeit these stories are filled with enemy content, they still have a sweet artistic tone about them, with Mephistopheles going in adventures and teaching Spiritual Knowledge to Faust, in Goethe's works. However, these are still written to conform with the Christian narratives, which are fully errant and contain many elements from Jewish Kabbalah and Christianity. That aside, they are still works of art and they inspired many people over the past, to seek the Demons again, even for the entirely wrong reasons based on the conceptions of the time.

Goethe's masterpiece, was a pivotal turn for the Dark Ages, as he essentially re-introduced the worship of the Demons as a pursuit of the wise people who were curious about the occult. Goethe still is considered a Satanist by the Christian Church for that reason, and he most likely was a disciple of Satan, despite the confusion of the age he existed in. In his works, Mephistopheles is interesting, hyper-intelligent and speaks many factual truths about "God", his work having a covert but polemic character against the wrong conceptions of the church at the time.

View attachment 1975

Now, we are moving past these historical topics onward to the occult topics of the subject.

In occult terms, Lucifuge Rofocal, is essentially a representative of Lucifer, holding the position that is equal to a “Presidential Court Envoy”. As Lucifer is our God [the most well known epithet ascribed to “Satan”, or “Light Bringer”], when “Lucifuge” was given an edict from the Light [Lucifer] he had to leave the light [of Lucifer] deliver this edict. As to leave this higher state one must divulge into the lower realms, the legendary Mephistopheles was also associated with “Lucifuge Rofocal”, being the “Representative of the pacts” towards Satan Himself. Mephistopheles is simply another name for Lucifuge Rofocal.

He is an intermediary that must go to the light and “flee from it”, in order to deliver Satan/Lucifer’s messages as a representative or mail-man would do. He is also listed as being the friendliest and most compassionate to human beings. I have communicated with Him before and all these evil descriptions of the enemy are complete slander. Others know that as well from here.

In traditional “Grimoires” of the Dark Ages, many people were influenced by “Pope Honorius” who wrote that slander, to attempt regardless of the evil illustrations to strike pacts with Satan for numerous purposes, ranging from knowledge, supernatural understanding or abilities, or material riches. The Dark Ages were rife with hidden disciples of Satan, who were nevertheless trapped into the negative paradigms and false notions of the enemy. The Gods helped them regardless and many of these people became later the paragons of the “Enlightenment” or the downfall of the Dark Ages, restoring civilization.

Lucifuge Rofocal is also given two powers: One is to bestow riches, power and prominence, based on Satan/Lucifer’s divine edicts, things that concern the lower material realms. The second as “Focalor” is written about how he has a malevolent aspect that can cause shipwrecks and destruction. As the latter world comes from the inversion of Lucifer, it’s no wonder that this was used to slander him in a malevolent manner.

Lucifuge Rofocal, in the texts even admitted of such by the enemy, they write that “He is in charge” of transferring the “pacts” people want to do, to Satan/Lucifer. That is because of his position as a representative.

Albeit all of this is gross corruption, there are still clear meanings if one can draw them out. His other name is Focalor, rooted in the Latin word Focalis, which means Fire. Fire is associated with the Astral element of the Light, again related to this.

In plain, as one would be called “He who leaves the President”, is carrying a message from the President they just met, they must go away in order to deliver that message. In order to rectify this, I contacted him directly to ask Him, since the above is wholly corrupted, what his Name is and how he would like to be addressed.

The public name with which he will be known from now on, is this: “Lucifius Focalor” or simply Focalor. Another name that can be used, is His Mesopotamian name “Isimud”, or “Usmu”. In the epics surviving from his Mesopotamian identity, it’s very much illustrated that he has the same function, always being with “Enki” on his side as an envoy, delivering messages and passing down the edicts of Enki.

Astarte, Beelzebul and Azazel also have their own “representative envoy” in the same manner, which are other Gods from the Goetia. In the case of Zeus/Beelzebul, that is Thoth.

About this topic of “messengers”, a well known God of messengers is Hermes. Hermes was the messenger of Zeus, transferring his edicts to mortals and the Gods. In Ancient Babylonia, this position was called a “Sukal”, and these entities were recognized to have that role.

Lucifuge Rofocal and other names that are pure slanderous to the Demons, are removed from the Demon’s section, as they do not represent the Pagan Gods and we should entirely avoid using abhorrent titles for our Gods.

They will be kept there as part of historical review, but they will no longer be used from now on, as they equate as someone inviting someone in their house and using swearing to bring them in. That was the case in the medieval times, where the factual topics were forbade of discussion and the Gods had to undergo severe slander and persecution, therefore, they answered inquiries even from blinded people. But that is not the case anymore at all.

The Ritual given here is for Lucifius Focalor and this Ritual represents his absolution from historical lies, slander and falsehood, and a kind re-invitation of human beings to associate with this most important deity.

Links to the Ritual:

Ritual is to be done until May 22nd.

Hail Lucifius Focalor! o/
View attachment 1974

This post requires an introduction, because Lucifuge Rofocal has went under extreme amounts of slander, which I will rectify, bringing Him back to proper stature. For those in rush to do the Rituals, scroll on the bottom of this post.

Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

Those who know about the mass desecration of the enemy to our Gods, also know they have perverted their Names. Baal-Zebul went from being the Head God of Ekron, to being the “lord of the flies”, because of blasphemy in regard to flies against Him. While Beelzebul was driving flies and pestilence away, that was perverted.

Recovering the factual reality of these topics, one of the most slandered entities by Name alone, is “Lucifuge Rofocale”, which is mentioned in enemy doctrines as the “Representative of Satan”. That is a code. But going on strictly by the name, we deduct the following ultimate corruptions:

“Luci-Fuge” comes from two elements: Lux, meaning Light in Latin & Fuge comes from the Ancient Greek word “Φεύγον”, meaning, “He who runs away from”. In modern English, we have this root appearing in the word “Fugitive”, or someone who is on the run. Lucifugus also exists in Latin, literally meaning "He who shuns the light".

The second aspect of this name, is “Rofocal”, which is a code for the word “Reficul”, coming from the inversion of the word “Lucifer” in Latin. It’s very plain to see here, that there is not only major blasphemy and distortion about this being, but there is also a literal inversion of the being’s Name.

"In fact, Rofocal(e) is a code for “Reficul” – or “Lucifer” written backwards. And this makes sense, since Lucifuge means “he who flees from the light”, while the opposite (“reverse”) is Lucifer, the “light-bearer”. So basically, “Rofocale” means the same as “Lucifuge”." - From ---- (PDF) On Rofocale & Focalor, or the Riddle of Lucifuge | Luís Gonçalves - Academia.edu 1

Another situation is that Lucifuge Rofocal, ended up to become the inspiration of the character "Mephistopheles", the representative of the Devil. Albeit these stories are filled with enemy content, they still have a sweet artistic tone about them, with Mephistopheles going in adventures and teaching Spiritual Knowledge to Faust, in Goethe's works. However, these are still written to conform with the Christian narratives, which are fully errant and contain many elements from Jewish Kabbalah and Christianity. That aside, they are still works of art and they inspired many people over the past, to seek the Demons again, even for the entirely wrong reasons based on the conceptions of the time.

Goethe's masterpiece, was a pivotal turn for the Dark Ages, as he essentially re-introduced the worship of the Demons as a pursuit of the wise people who were curious about the occult. Goethe still is considered a Satanist by the Christian Church for that reason, and he most likely was a disciple of Satan, despite the confusion of the age he existed in. In his works, Mephistopheles is interesting, hyper-intelligent and speaks many factual truths about "God", his work having a covert but polemic character against the wrong conceptions of the church at the time.

View attachment 1975

Now, we are moving past these historical topics onward to the occult topics of the subject.

In occult terms, Lucifuge Rofocal, is essentially a representative of Lucifer, holding the position that is equal to a “Presidential Court Envoy”. As Lucifer is our God [the most well known epithet ascribed to “Satan”, or “Light Bringer”], when “Lucifuge” was given an edict from the Light [Lucifer] he had to leave the light [of Lucifer] deliver this edict. As to leave this higher state one must divulge into the lower realms, the legendary Mephistopheles was also associated with “Lucifuge Rofocal”, being the “Representative of the pacts” towards Satan Himself. Mephistopheles is simply another name for Lucifuge Rofocal.

He is an intermediary that must go to the light and “flee from it”, in order to deliver Satan/Lucifer’s messages as a representative or mail-man would do. He is also listed as being the friendliest and most compassionate to human beings. I have communicated with Him before and all these evil descriptions of the enemy are complete slander. Others know that as well from here.

In traditional “Grimoires” of the Dark Ages, many people were influenced by “Pope Honorius” who wrote that slander, to attempt regardless of the evil illustrations to strike pacts with Satan for numerous purposes, ranging from knowledge, supernatural understanding or abilities, or material riches. The Dark Ages were rife with hidden disciples of Satan, who were nevertheless trapped into the negative paradigms and false notions of the enemy. The Gods helped them regardless and many of these people became later the paragons of the “Enlightenment” or the downfall of the Dark Ages, restoring civilization.

Lucifuge Rofocal is also given two powers: One is to bestow riches, power and prominence, based on Satan/Lucifer’s divine edicts, things that concern the lower material realms. The second as “Focalor” is written about how he has a malevolent aspect that can cause shipwrecks and destruction. As the latter world comes from the inversion of Lucifer, it’s no wonder that this was used to slander him in a malevolent manner.

Lucifuge Rofocal, in the texts even admitted of such by the enemy, they write that “He is in charge” of transferring the “pacts” people want to do, to Satan/Lucifer. That is because of his position as a representative.

Albeit all of this is gross corruption, there are still clear meanings if one can draw them out. His other name is Focalor, rooted in the Latin word Focalis, which means Fire. Fire is associated with the Astral element of the Light, again related to this.

In plain, as one would be called “He who leaves the President”, is carrying a message from the President they just met, they must go away in order to deliver that message. In order to rectify this, I contacted him directly to ask Him, since the above is wholly corrupted, what his Name is and how he would like to be addressed.

The public name with which he will be known from now on, is this: “Lucifius Focalor” or simply Focalor. Another name that can be used, is His Mesopotamian name “Isimud”, or “Usmu”. In the epics surviving from his Mesopotamian identity, it’s very much illustrated that he has the same function, always being with “Enki” on his side as an envoy, delivering messages and passing down the edicts of Enki.

Astarte, Beelzebul and Azazel also have their own “representative envoy” in the same manner, which are other Gods from the Goetia. In the case of Zeus/Beelzebul, that is Thoth.

About this topic of “messengers”, a well known God of messengers is Hermes. Hermes was the messenger of Zeus, transferring his edicts to mortals and the Gods. In Ancient Babylonia, this position was called a “Sukal”, and these entities were recognized to have that role.

Lucifuge Rofocal and other names that are pure slanderous to the Demons, are removed from the Demon’s section, as they do not represent the Pagan Gods and we should entirely avoid using abhorrent titles for our Gods.

They will be kept there as part of historical review, but they will no longer be used from now on, as they equate as someone inviting someone in their house and using swearing to bring them in. That was the case in the medieval times, where the factual topics were forbade of discussion and the Gods had to undergo severe slander and persecution, therefore, they answered inquiries even from blinded people. But that is not the case anymore at all.

The Ritual given here is for Lucifius Focalor and this Ritual represents his absolution from historical lies, slander and falsehood, and a kind re-invitation of human beings to associate with this most important deity.

Links to the Ritual:

Ritual is to be done until May 22nd.

It's a wonderful ritual, I did it today 😃
View attachment 1974

This post requires an introduction, because Lucifuge Rofocal has went under extreme amounts of slander, which I will rectify, bringing Him back to proper stature. For those in rush to do the Rituals, scroll on the bottom of this post.

Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

Those who know about the mass desecration of the enemy to our Gods, also know they have perverted their Names. Baal-Zebul went from being the Head God of Ekron, to being the “lord of the flies”, because of blasphemy in regard to flies against Him. While Beelzebul was driving flies and pestilence away, that was perverted.

Recovering the factual reality of these topics, one of the most slandered entities by Name alone, is “Lucifuge Rofocale”, which is mentioned in enemy doctrines as the “Representative of Satan”. That is a code. But going on strictly by the name, we deduct the following ultimate corruptions:

“Luci-Fuge” comes from two elements: Lux, meaning Light in Latin & Fuge comes from the Ancient Greek word “Φεύγον”, meaning, “He who runs away from”. In modern English, we have this root appearing in the word “Fugitive”, or someone who is on the run. Lucifugus also exists in Latin, literally meaning "He who shuns the light".

The second aspect of this name, is “Rofocal”, which is a code for the word “Reficul”, coming from the inversion of the word “Lucifer” in Latin. It’s very plain to see here, that there is not only major blasphemy and distortion about this being, but there is also a literal inversion of the being’s Name.

"In fact, Rofocal(e) is a code for “Reficul” – or “Lucifer” written backwards. And this makes sense, since Lucifuge means “he who flees from the light”, while the opposite (“reverse”) is Lucifer, the “light-bearer”. So basically, “Rofocale” means the same as “Lucifuge”." - From ---- (PDF) On Rofocale & Focalor, or the Riddle of Lucifuge | Luís Gonçalves - Academia.edu 1

Another situation is that Lucifuge Rofocal, ended up to become the inspiration of the character "Mephistopheles", the representative of the Devil. Albeit these stories are filled with enemy content, they still have a sweet artistic tone about them, with Mephistopheles going in adventures and teaching Spiritual Knowledge to Faust, in Goethe's works. However, these are still written to conform with the Christian narratives, which are fully errant and contain many elements from Jewish Kabbalah and Christianity. That aside, they are still works of art and they inspired many people over the past, to seek the Demons again, even for the entirely wrong reasons based on the conceptions of the time.

Goethe's masterpiece, was a pivotal turn for the Dark Ages, as he essentially re-introduced the worship of the Demons as a pursuit of the wise people who were curious about the occult. Goethe still is considered a Satanist by the Christian Church for that reason, and he most likely was a disciple of Satan, despite the confusion of the age he existed in. In his works, Mephistopheles is interesting, hyper-intelligent and speaks many factual truths about "God", his work having a covert but polemic character against the wrong conceptions of the church at the time.

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Now, we are moving past these historical topics onward to the occult topics of the subject.

In occult terms, Lucifuge Rofocal, is essentially a representative of Lucifer, holding the position that is equal to a “Presidential Court Envoy”. As Lucifer is our God [the most well known epithet ascribed to “Satan”, or “Light Bringer”], when “Lucifuge” was given an edict from the Light [Lucifer] he had to leave the light [of Lucifer] deliver this edict. As to leave this higher state one must divulge into the lower realms, the legendary Mephistopheles was also associated with “Lucifuge Rofocal”, being the “Representative of the pacts” towards Satan Himself. Mephistopheles is simply another name for Lucifuge Rofocal.

He is an intermediary that must go to the light and “flee from it”, in order to deliver Satan/Lucifer’s messages as a representative or mail-man would do. He is also listed as being the friendliest and most compassionate to human beings. I have communicated with Him before and all these evil descriptions of the enemy are complete slander. Others know that as well from here.

In traditional “Grimoires” of the Dark Ages, many people were influenced by “Pope Honorius” who wrote that slander, to attempt regardless of the evil illustrations to strike pacts with Satan for numerous purposes, ranging from knowledge, supernatural understanding or abilities, or material riches. The Dark Ages were rife with hidden disciples of Satan, who were nevertheless trapped into the negative paradigms and false notions of the enemy. The Gods helped them regardless and many of these people became later the paragons of the “Enlightenment” or the downfall of the Dark Ages, restoring civilization.

Lucifuge Rofocal is also given two powers: One is to bestow riches, power and prominence, based on Satan/Lucifer’s divine edicts, things that concern the lower material realms. The second as “Focalor” is written about how he has a malevolent aspect that can cause shipwrecks and destruction. As the latter world comes from the inversion of Lucifer, it’s no wonder that this was used to slander him in a malevolent manner.

Lucifuge Rofocal, in the texts even admitted of such by the enemy, they write that “He is in charge” of transferring the “pacts” people want to do, to Satan/Lucifer. That is because of his position as a representative.

Albeit all of this is gross corruption, there are still clear meanings if one can draw them out. His other name is Focalor, rooted in the Latin word Focalis, which means Fire. Fire is associated with the Astral element of the Light, again related to this.

In plain, as one would be called “He who leaves the President”, is carrying a message from the President they just met, they must go away in order to deliver that message. In order to rectify this, I contacted him directly to ask Him, since the above is wholly corrupted, what his Name is and how he would like to be addressed.

The public name with which he will be known from now on, is this: “Lucifius Focalor” or simply Focalor. Another name that can be used, is His Mesopotamian name “Isimud”, or “Usmu”. In the epics surviving from his Mesopotamian identity, it’s very much illustrated that he has the same function, always being with “Enki” on his side as an envoy, delivering messages and passing down the edicts of Enki.

Astarte, Beelzebul and Azazel also have their own “representative envoy” in the same manner, which are other Gods from the Goetia. In the case of Zeus/Beelzebul, that is Thoth.

About this topic of “messengers”, a well known God of messengers is Hermes. Hermes was the messenger of Zeus, transferring his edicts to mortals and the Gods. In Ancient Babylonia, this position was called a “Sukal”, and these entities were recognized to have that role.

Lucifuge Rofocal and other names that are pure slanderous to the Demons, are removed from the Demon’s section, as they do not represent the Pagan Gods and we should entirely avoid using abhorrent titles for our Gods.

They will be kept there as part of historical review, but they will no longer be used from now on, as they equate as someone inviting someone in their house and using swearing to bring them in. That was the case in the medieval times, where the factual topics were forbade of discussion and the Gods had to undergo severe slander and persecution, therefore, they answered inquiries even from blinded people. But that is not the case anymore at all.

The Ritual given here is for Lucifius Focalor and this Ritual represents his absolution from historical lies, slander and falsehood, and a kind re-invitation of human beings to associate with this most important deity.

Links to the Ritual:

Ritual is to be done until May 22nd.

Months ago I kept making Characters with variations of the name Luciae Aeterniae, Astrea Aeternia.

Little had I known, or perhaps i "knew" all along, I was calling out to Lux Aeternae.

I did always find the name Mephistopheles brilliantly intriguing and enticing.
His energy is so...calm and soothing yet precise and sagacious. Amplifies ones loyalty and drives to please the Gods. What an awesome experience it is to participate in these rituals.
Lucifius Focalor's ritual was extremely empowering and blissful. He is a very powerful Demon indeed. I have been longing for his ritual for a very long time. He have helped in the past with certain matters. My deepest gratitude to Him! He is truly an amazing Demon, a great Friend.

Thank you, HP Hooded Cobra!

Hail Lucifius Focalor!
The ritual confirmed what I felt... his energy is so familiar to me. I felt wrapped in an energetic cocoon from the first minutes of the ritual. ❤️
I am very happy that Lord Focalor's ritual has been published. I had a dream about him when I first became SS, he is so cheerful and gentle. I can still see his smile.

When I did the ritual, I felt very peaceful and loving. He is really a very powerful God, I wish we can be closer to him.
That's interesting, I had a dream about him after doing the ritual
Thank you HP. This is a dream for me most times. I am living " the life".
I just saw this ritual. Can I do it even if it's late?
Lol,, wishing too there was an extra day for it,,got so terribly pre-occupied with the most mundane things,
Did 5 vibrations for the runes and now feel like I missed it :(
I just saw this ritual. Can I do it even if it's late?
You can do any of the rituals for any of the gods at any time. There does not have to be a schedule for it.

Read the list of gods that have specific rituals. Read descriptions of these gods. And if you feel drawn to any of them, then you should do the ritual. Your soul is being guided to what it needs, and you will be drawn to the gods who can help you with what your soul needs.
You can do any of the rituals for any of the gods at any time. There does not have to be a schedule for it.

Read the list of gods that have specific rituals. Read descriptions of these gods. And if you feel drawn to any of them, then you should do the ritual. Your soul is being guided to what it needs, and you will be drawn to the gods who can help you with what your soul needs.
I wanted to ask because the HPHC Ritual said it would be completed by May 22nd. Thank you for your comment, when I look at the list I feel exactly as you described. :)

Lol,, wishing too there was an extra day for it,,got so terribly pre-occupied with the most mundane things,
Did 5 vibrations for the runes and now feel like I missed it :(
Unfortunately, I have not been able to visit the site much due to my complicated agenda. You can do it again exactly if you feel bad. I will do it too.(y):)
What these gods' rituals do is they bring this god to have more influnce into our world. Humanity in general has previously been blocked from the gods not because the gods themselves were blocked, the gods were not personally affected. But humanity was cursed and limited, and humanity was made to forget about the gods. And history was all erased to remove the memory of the gods from our civilization. If all people have forgotten the gods and don't know about them, then they will not call to them and will not work with them.

The purpose of these rituals is to bring back the memory of these gods back to humanity. And bring the knowledge and existence of these gods to be known by all of humanity, both consciously and subconsciously. And when all of humanity is knowing these gods and working with them, the gods will guide them and will be able to help improve all of the world by working through all of the people who are being directly helped and educated and guided. And besides directly guiding individual people, the gods will also be able to guide and direct the entire shared public consciousness that runs throughout the society, all of the knowledge and feelings and influences which are shared subconsciously between all of the people.

For this reason, every time a new god ritual is created, it is extremely important for all of us to participate in the schedule to bring the influence of this god back into humanity. This work is the most important, and we all need to participate to ensure that this is accomplished. When we do workings in our own personal souls, this work echoes outward in an expanding pattern that affects other people. Our family and friends who are close to us are subconsciously influenced by being exposed to our shining and healing souls. The larger energy field of the whole family's soul are all affected. Then larger, the shared racial soul which all people of the same race are all subconsciously linked together through this connection. The work we do to improve ourselves echoes outward into the shared racial soul of the entire race, and helps all of them to all improve. Then larger, the shared energy field of all of humanity and all of this planet is also helped and influenced to become healthier, as all of the people are individually improving.

When we do the dedication ritual to Satan, the purpose of this is that all of our souls are joined and linked together with each other, and with the gods. As each of us advances, it helps and uplifts everybody else also. As the gods are becoming stronger, they are helping us to also become stronger.

It is like a body. One cell on its own is very weak, but the whole body is a powerful force. One cell becoming healthier helps all of the surrounding cells to become healthier, which helps that organ to become healthier. This organ working better helps all of the other organs, and helps the whole body to become strong and healthy. Then when the entire body is healthy, the soul and the immune system are shared between all cells in the body. And if there is any cell that is weak, this shared immune system will assist it and help it to become strong.

The gods are here to help all of humanity and all of this world like a shared immune system. As each one of us is working with the gods, advancing our souls, and becoming greater, we will create a new Shared Global Consciousness which is formed in the image of the gods, and which all is devoted to being strong, healthy, moral, and good for all of humanity.

You can do any god ritual at any time, and this god's influence will be stronger directly into your own life. The god will assist you to heal, and to grow, and to become the best that you can be. Your life will improve, and so will your body and soul. And as you are becoming better, you will be one of the first healthy cells which leads eventually to the entire healthy body. You are helping yourself, and helping all of humanity at the same time, by increasing the connection and influence of these gods into the world so that they may be more effectively able to help us all.

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This post requires an introduction, because Lucifuge Rofocal has went under extreme amounts of slander, which I will rectify, bringing Him back to proper stature. For those in rush to do the Rituals, scroll on the bottom of this post.

Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

Those who know about the mass desecration of the enemy to our Gods, also know they have perverted their Names. Baal-Zebul went from being the Head God of Ekron, to being the “lord of the flies”, because of blasphemy in regard to flies against Him. While Beelzebul was driving flies and pestilence away, that was perverted.

Recovering the factual reality of these topics, one of the most slandered entities by Name alone, is “Lucifuge Rofocale”, which is mentioned in enemy doctrines as the “Representative of Satan”. That is a code. But going on strictly by the name, we deduct the following ultimate corruptions:

“Luci-Fuge” comes from two elements: Lux, meaning Light in Latin & Fuge comes from the Ancient Greek word “Φεύγον”, meaning, “He who runs away from”. In modern English, we have this root appearing in the word “Fugitive”, or someone who is on the run. Lucifugus also exists in Latin, literally meaning "He who shuns the light".

The second aspect of this name, is “Rofocal”, which is a code for the word “Reficul”, coming from the inversion of the word “Lucifer” in Latin. It’s very plain to see here, that there is not only major blasphemy and distortion about this being, but there is also a literal inversion of the being’s Name.

"In fact, Rofocal(e) is a code for “Reficul” – or “Lucifer” written backwards. And this makes sense, since Lucifuge means “he who flees from the light”, while the opposite (“reverse”) is Lucifer, the “light-bearer”. So basically, “Rofocale” means the same as “Lucifuge”." - From ---- (PDF) On Rofocale & Focalor, or the Riddle of Lucifuge | Luís Gonçalves - Academia.edu 1

Another situation is that Lucifuge Rofocal, ended up to become the inspiration of the character "Mephistopheles", the representative of the Devil. Albeit these stories are filled with enemy content, they still have a sweet artistic tone about them, with Mephistopheles going in adventures and teaching Spiritual Knowledge to Faust, in Goethe's works. However, these are still written to conform with the Christian narratives, which are fully errant and contain many elements from Jewish Kabbalah and Christianity. That aside, they are still works of art and they inspired many people over the past, to seek the Demons again, even for the entirely wrong reasons based on the conceptions of the time.

Goethe's masterpiece, was a pivotal turn from the previous conception of the Dark Ages, as he essentially re-introduced the worship of the Demons as a pursuit of the wise people who were curious about the occult. Goethe still is considered a Satanist by the Christian Church for that reason, and he most likely was a disciple of Satan, despite the confusion of the age he existed in. In his works, Mephistopheles is interesting, hyper-intelligent and speaks many factual truths about "God", his work having a covert but polemic character against the wrong conceptions of the church at the time.

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Now, we are moving past these historical topics onward to the occult topics of the subject.

In occult terms, Lucifuge Rofocal, is essentially a representative of Lucifer, holding the position that is equal to a “Presidential Court Envoy”. As Lucifer is our God [the most well known epithet ascribed to “Satan”, or “Light Bringer”], when “Lucifuge” was given an edict from the Light [Lucifer] he had to leave the light [of Lucifer] deliver this edict. As to leave this higher state one must divulge into the lower realms, the legendary Mephistopheles was also associated with “Lucifuge Rofocal”, being the “Representative of the pacts” towards Satan Himself. Mephistopheles is simply another name for Lucifuge Rofocal.

He is an intermediary that must go to the light and “flee from it”, in order to deliver Satan/Lucifer’s messages as a representative or mail-man would do. He is also listed as being the friendliest and most compassionate to human beings. I have communicated with Him before and all these evil descriptions of the enemy are complete slander. Others know that as well from here.

In traditional “Grimoires” of the Dark Ages, many people were influenced by “Pope Honorius” who wrote that slander, to attempt regardless of the evil illustrations to strike pacts with Satan for numerous purposes, ranging from knowledge, supernatural understanding or abilities, or material riches. The Dark Ages were rife with hidden disciples of Satan, who were nevertheless trapped into the negative paradigms and false notions of the enemy. The Gods helped them regardless and many of these people became later the paragons of the “Enlightenment” or the downfall of the Dark Ages, restoring civilization.

Lucifuge Rofocal is also given two powers: One is to bestow riches, power and prominence, based on Satan/Lucifer’s divine edicts, things that concern the lower material realms. The second as “Focalor” is written about how he has a malevolent aspect that can cause shipwrecks and destruction. As the latter world comes from the inversion of Lucifer, it’s no wonder that this was used to slander him in a malevolent manner.

Lucifuge Rofocal, in the texts even admitted of such by the enemy, they write that “He is in charge” of transferring the “pacts” people want to do, to Satan/Lucifer. That is because of his position as a representative.

Albeit all of this is gross corruption, there are still clear meanings if one can draw them out. His other name is Focalor, rooted in the Latin word Focalis, which means Fire. Fire is associated with the Astral element of the Light, again related to this.

In plain, as one would be called “He who leaves the President”, is carrying a message from the President they just met, they must go away in order to deliver that message. In order to rectify this, I contacted him directly to ask Him, since the above is wholly corrupted, what his Name is and how he would like to be addressed.

The public name with which he will be known from now on, is this: “Lucifius Focalor” or simply Focalor. Another name that can be used, is His Mesopotamian name “Isimud”, or “Usmu”. In the epics surviving from his Mesopotamian identity, it’s very much illustrated that he has the same function, always being with “Enki” on his side as an envoy, delivering messages and passing down the edicts of Enki.

Astarte, Beelzebul and Azazel also have their own “representative envoy” in the same manner, which are other Gods from the Goetia. In the case of Zeus/Beelzebul, that is Thoth.

About this topic of “messengers”, a well known God of messengers is Hermes. Hermes was the messenger of Zeus, transferring his edicts to mortals and the Gods. In Ancient Babylonia, this position was called a “Sukal”, and these entities were recognized to have that role.

Lucifuge Rofocal and other names that are pure slanderous to the Demons, are removed from the Demon’s section, as they do not represent the Pagan Gods and we should entirely avoid using abhorrent titles for our Gods.

They will be kept there as part of historical review, but they will no longer be used from now on, as they equate as someone inviting someone in their house and using swearing to bring them in. That was the case in the medieval times, where the factual topics were forbade of discussion and the Gods had to undergo severe slander and persecution, therefore, they answered inquiries even from blinded people. But that is not the case anymore at all.

The Ritual given here is for Lucifius Focalor and this Ritual represents his absolution from historical lies, slander and falsehood, and a kind re-invitation of human beings to associate with this most important deity.

Links to the Ritual:

Ritual is to be done until May 22nd.

Shine with your Name Lord Lucifius Focalor !

Hail Lord Lucifius Focalor !
I should of posted this ages ago, but I kept forgetting.

Lord Focalor's name sounds like Folklore. I just couldn't get it out of my head. I wonder if that's where that words comes from?

What do you guys think?
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Această postare necesită o introducere, deoarece Lucifuge Rofocal a fost supus unor calomnii extreme, pe care le voi rectifica, readucându-L la statura potrivită. Pentru cei care se grăbesc să facă ritualurile, derulează în partea de jos a acestei postări.

Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Acum LIVE!

Cei care știu despre profanarea în masă a inamicului către zeii noștri, știu, de asemenea, că și-au pervertit Numele. Baal-Zebul a trecut de la a fi Dumnezeul Cap al Ecronului, la a fi „stăpânul muștelor”, din cauza blasfemiei cu privire la muștele împotriva Lui. În timp ce Beelzebul alunga muștele și ciumă, asta a fost pervertit.

Recuperând realitatea faptică a acestor subiecte, una dintre cele mai calomniate entități numai după Nume, este „Lucifuge Rofocale”, care este menționat în doctrinele inamice drept „Reprezentantul Satanei”. Acesta este un cod. Dar continuând strict după nume, deducem următoarele corupții finale:

„Luci-Fuge” provine din două elemente: Lux, care înseamnă Lumină în latină și Fuge provine din cuvântul grecesc antic „Φεύγον”, adică „Cel care fuge de”. În engleza modernă, avem această rădăcină care apare în cuvântul „Fugitive”, sau cineva care este pe fugă. Lucifugus există și în latină, însemnând literal „Cel care ocolește lumina”.

Al doilea aspect al acestui nume, este „Rofocal”, care este un cod pentru cuvântul „Reficul”, care provine din inversarea cuvântului „Lucifer” în latină. Este foarte clar de văzut aici, că nu există doar blasfemie majoră și distorsiune cu privire la această ființă, dar există și o inversare literală a Numelui ființei.

De fapt, Rofocal(e) este un cod pentru „Reficul” – sau „Lucifer” scris invers . Și acest lucru are sens, deoarece Lucifuge înseamnă „cel care fuge de lumină”, în timp ce opusul („revers”) este Lucifer. , „purtător de lumină”. Deci, practic, „Rofocale” înseamnă la fel ca „Lucifuge”.” - Din ---- (PDF) Pe Rofocale & Focalor, sau Ghicitoria Lucifugei | Luís Gonçalves - Academia.edu 1

O altă situație este că Lucifuge Rofocal, a ajuns să devină inspirația personajului „Mefistofele”, reprezentantul Diavolului. Deși aceste povești sunt pline de conținut inamic, ele încă au un ton artistic dulce despre ele, Mefistofel mergând în aventuri și predând cunoștințe spirituale lui Faust, în lucrările lui Goethe. Cu toate acestea, acestea sunt încă scrise pentru a se conforma cu narațiunile creștine, care sunt complet rătăcitoare și conțin multe elemente din Cabala evreiască și creștinism. Pe lângă asta, sunt încă opere de artă și au inspirat mulți oameni în trecut, să caute din nou Demonii, chiar și din motive complet greșite bazate pe concepțiile vremii.

Capodopera lui Goethe, a fost o cotitură esențială față de concepția anterioară a Evului Întunecat, deoarece el a reintrodus în esență venerarea Demonilor ca o urmărire a oamenilor înțelepți care erau curioși de ocultism. Goethe este considerat încă un satanist de către Biserica Creștină din acest motiv și, cel mai probabil, a fost un discipol al lui Satana, în ciuda confuziei epocii în care a existat. În lucrările sale, Mefistofel este interesant, hiper-inteligent și spune multe adevăruri reale. despre „Dumnezeu”, opera sa având un caracter ascuns, dar polemic împotriva concepțiilor greșite ale bisericii de atunci.

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Acum, trecem de aceste subiecte istorice și trecem la subiectele oculte ale subiectului.

În termeni oculti, Lucifuge Rofocal, este, în esență, un reprezentant al lui Lucifer, deținând o poziție egală cu „Trimisul Curții Prezidențiale”. Întrucât Lucifer este Dumnezeul nostru [cel mai cunoscut epitet atribuit lui „Satana” sau „Aducător de Lumină”], atunci când „Lucifug” a primit un edict de la Lumină [Lucifer], el a trebuit să lase lumina [Luciferului] să dea acest lucru edict. Pentru a părăsi această stare superioară trebuie divulgat în tărâmurile inferioare, legendarul Mefistofel a fost asociat și cu „Lucifuge Rofocal”, fiind „Reprezentantul pactelor” față de Satana Însuși. Mephistopheles este pur și simplu un alt nume pentru Lucifuge Rofocal.

El este un intermediar care trebuie să meargă la lumină și „să fugă de ea”, pentru a transmite mesajele lui Satana/Lucifer, așa cum ar face un reprezentant sau un mail-man. El este, de asemenea, enumerat ca fiind cel mai prietenos și cel mai plin de compasiune cu ființele umane. Am mai comunicat cu El și toate aceste descrieri rele ale dușmanului sunt o calomnie completă. Și alții știu asta de aici.

În „Grimoires” tradiționale ale Evului Întunecat, mulți oameni au fost influențați de „Papa Honorius” care a scris acea calomnie, pentru a încerca, indiferent de ilustrațiile malefice, să încheie pacte cu Satana în numeroase scopuri, de la cunoaștere, înțelegere sau abilități supranaturale sau bogățiile materiale. Evul Întunecat a fost plin de discipoli ascunși ai lui Satan, care au fost totuși prinși în paradigmele negative și noțiunile false ale dușmanului. Zeii i-au ajutat indiferent și mulți dintre acești oameni au devenit mai târziu modelele „Iluminismului” sau căderii Evului Întunecat, restabilind civilizația.

Lui Lucifuge Rofocal i se acordă, de asemenea, două puteri: Una este să acorde bogății, putere și proeminență, pe baza edictelor divine ale lui Satan/Lucifer, lucruri care privesc tărâmurile materiale inferioare. Al doilea ca „Focalor” este scris despre felul în care are un aspect răuvoitor care poate provoca naufragii și distrugeri. Deoarece această din urmă lume provine din inversarea lui Lucifer, nu este de mirare că aceasta a fost folosită pentru a-l defăima într-o manieră răuvoitoare.

Lucifuge Rofocal, în textele chiar admise de inamic, scriu că „El este responsabil” de transferarea „pactelor” pe care oamenii le doresc să le facă, lui Satan/Lucifer. Asta din cauza poziţiei sale de reprezentant.

Deși toate acestea sunt corupție grosolană, există încă semnificații clare dacă le putem scoate. Celălalt nume al său este Focalor, cu rădăcinile din cuvântul latin Focalis, care înseamnă Foc. Focul este asociat cu elementul astral al Luminii, din nou legat de acesta.

În mod clar, așa cum s-ar numi „Cel care îl părăsește pe Președinte”, poartă un mesaj de la Președintele pe care tocmai l-au întâlnit, ei trebuie să plece pentru a transmite acel mesaj. Pentru a remedia acest lucru, l-am contactat direct pentru a-L întreba, deoarece cele de mai sus sunt complet corupte, care este numele lui și cum ar dori să i se adreseze.

Numele public cu care va fi cunoscut de acum înainte, este acesta: „ Lucifius Focalor ” sau pur și simplu Focalor. Un alt nume care poate fi folosit este numele său mesopotamic „Isimud” sau „ Usmu ”. În epopeele care au supraviețuit din identitatea sa mesopotamiană, este foarte ilustrat faptul că el are aceeași funcție, fiind mereu cu „Enki” de partea lui ca trimis, transmiterea mesajelor și transmiterea edictelor lui Enki.

Astarte, Beelzebul și Azazel au, de asemenea, propriul lor „trimis reprezentativ” în același mod, care sunt alți zei din Goetia. În cazul lui Zeus/Beelzebul, acesta este Thoth.

Despre acest subiect al „mesagerilor”, un cunoscut Dumnezeu al mesagerilor este Hermes. Hermes a fost mesagerul lui Zeus, transferându-și edictele muritorilor și zeilor. În Babilonul Antic, această poziție era numită „Sukal”, iar aceste entități au fost recunoscute ca având acest rol.

Lucifuge Rofocal și alte nume care sunt pur calomnioase pentru Demoni, sunt eliminate din secțiunea Demonului, deoarece nu reprezintă zeii păgâni și ar trebui să evităm în totalitate să folosim titluri dezgustătoare pentru zeii noștri.

Ele vor fi păstrate acolo ca parte a revizuirii istorice, dar nu vor mai fi folosite de acum înainte, deoarece echivalează cu cineva care invită pe cineva în casa lor și folosește înjurături pentru a le aduce înăuntru. Așa era cazul în epoca medievală, unde subiectele de fapt au fost interzise de discuție și zeii au trebuit să sufere calomnii și persecuții severe, prin urmare, au răspuns întrebărilor chiar și ale oamenilor orbi. Dar nu mai este cazul deloc.

Ritualul dat aici este pentru Lucifius Focalor și acest ritual reprezintă absolvirea lui de minciuni istorice, calomnie și minciună și o re-invitație bună a ființelor umane de a se asocia cu această cea mai importantă zeitate.

Link-uri către ritual:

Ritualul urmează să fie făcut până pe 22 mai.

I would like to feel its power and a little of the wealth it possesses, to feed my soul and annihilate poverty, but no matter how long my meditations and rituals are, they still lead to failure.
I know it's not ok, but I can't lie to myself with different statements, this is the truth
I would like to feel its power and a little of the wealth it possesses, to feed my soul and annihilate poverty, but no matter how long my meditations and rituals are, they still lead to failure.
I know it's not ok, but I can't lie to myself with different statements, this is the truth
Omule, nu-i o munca de cateva zile sau saptamani, e vorba si de cum te aplici tu insu-ti, zi de zi. Fa RTR-uri , curata-ti Aura, Chakre-le, in pralel observa metode practice sa te ridici, ce poti face ce poti invata. Nimeni nu-ti da nimic in mana trebuie sa faci tu efortul necesar. Daca esti intr-o situatie jalnica , da , cere ajutor unui Demon, normal, dar din nou, demonstreaza efort, demonstraza ca intr-adevar vrei. Arde-ti limitele nu te lasa cotropit de jale sau alte emotii. Aici toti luptam intr-o maniera sau alta si suntem rasplatiti pe masura.

"Man , this is not a working of a few days or weeks , it's also about how one applies himself day by day indefinitely. Do the RTRs , clean your Aura, and chakras, find also practical ways of lifting yourself , to find what to do or learn. Nobody gives you anything in your hand, you must put in the necessary effort. If you're really in a bad situation , of course go ahead ask the help of a Demon, but again, you must show you're willing to fully apply yourself. Burn your limits and don't let bad emotions get to you. We all fight here in a way or another and we are rewarded accordingly."

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
