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FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

Artanis said:
Sazande said:
Artanis said:
´´sixty-second demon of the seventy-two`` as in... 72 names of YHVH? :lol: :lol:

You do know that like 99.99% of people here know about the 72 names of Kikeveh right? :?

I swear, the more we progress brothers and sisters, the more pathetic (and entertaining :lol: :lol: ) these things(inflitrators) get
Now what's funny ... let's not ruin the name of Satanism, when you don't know something, don't comment, has anyone forced you?If I wrote this, it was just because I was confused, are you laughing instead of guiding me? I'm sorry for you.
We satanisms must all be united. Not to make fun of each other.

And im sorry if you are a slow reader or something, but i apologized already.

+ You have only done a few posts, your question sounds extraordinary weird and it held the number 72(which we talk a LOT about of it, regarding the Enemy).

Even though it was about the ´´72 Great Demons``, from which the Enemy got their ´´72 names of YHVH``(Which i dont remember reading at ALL and for which sermon im STILL waiting the link to :roll: ), i think that im not the only one who would have at first thought about the Enemy.

But as i already stated, i apologized for taking you as an inflitrator.

You don't need a sermon to understand something that logical.
Stormblood said:
Artanis said:
Sazande said:
Now what's funny ... let's not ruin the name of Satanism, when you don't know something, don't comment, has anyone forced you?If I wrote this, it was just because I was confused, are you laughing instead of guiding me? I'm sorry for you.
We satanisms must all be united. Not to make fun of each other.

And im sorry if you are a slow reader or something, but i apologized already.

+ You have only done a few posts, your question sounds extraordinary weird and it held the number 72(which we talk a LOT about of it, regarding the Enemy).

Even though it was about the ´´72 Great Demons``, from which the Enemy got their ´´72 names of YHVH``(Which i dont remember reading at ALL and for which sermon im STILL waiting the link to :roll: ), i think that im not the only one who would have at first thought about the Enemy.

But as i already stated, i apologized for taking you as an inflitrator.

You don't need a sermon to understand something that logical.

Oookk... What ever happened to The "do your own research And never blindly belive Even us", not that i have ANY reason to doubt any one of you, but i would like to still read it myself.
Artanis said:
There are exactly 72 main Goetic Demons listed on our website. You can go to https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONIV.html/ and count them there.

I don't have a specific sermon where this was mentioned (it definitely was mentioned many times) but it should be easy enough to confirm it for yourself with the link above. :)
Shael said:
Artanis said:
There are exactly 72 main Goetic Demons listed on our website. You can go to https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONIV.html/ and count them there.

I don't have a specific sermon where this was mentioned (it definitely was mentioned many times) but it should be easy enough to confirm it for yourself with the link above. :)

Thanks, it looks like there are those ´´72 Great Demons`` :lol: :roll: Havent never really counted them all before
Just wanted to add something I just tried, I don't know if it may be of help or not but it worked greatly for me.

I usually do at least 2 RTRs a day (morning and evening), and I speak the words out as loud and powerfully as I can, to where I feel them having an effect on my chakras.
Today I asked Father Satan and the Gods of Hell to help me out as I know I have some blockages and I can't see to dislodge them by myself (no need for the "How to open blocked chakras" page, I tried them all for a lot and althought I notice something happening, I haven't been unblocking the Crown chakra after all this time).
So I asked for help. I don't know if I got this by myself or it was external help from our Gods, but I felt like "thinking" the words with powerful inner voice instead of chanting them by voice.

At first I just 'vibrated them' with my thoughts, 9 times each (or more.. I started to repeat them 9 more times every time I noticed my concentrationg wavering).
Then I started something that had great effect: around "FUUK", I begun mentally vibrating the words INTO my chakras while visualizing them lighting up like small white Suns from the 1st to the 7th.
I immediately noticed some very evident power at work. Especially in my head chakras.

Then (and this is the thing I want to share with you Brother and Sisters) I begun taking advantage of the number 9 by mentally vibrating (you can still do this by voice of course, I'm going to try this again by voice later) EACH of the 9 repetitions into EACH chakra, starting from the first and not stopping with the 7th/Crown but vibrating the word into the two upper chakras that most of us (beginners at least) I think don't use much yet.

This produced a good effect that expanded the energy from my third eye and sixth chakra to the upper part of my head, "lighting it up" in a way that felt useful for activating other chakras.

I hope that was clear to understand, do ask if I didn't make myself very clear. If it is of any use in our war, I'm sure Father Satan wants me to share it.

I added a "Sushumna effect" (expanding the chakras alignment towards the outside) for an increased effect. For some reason I kept thinking greys were trying to get me to distract myself but none succeeded and I just repeated the word (x9) every time I felt I wasn't giving it all I've got.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Just wanted to add something I just tried, I don't know if it may be of help or not but it worked greatly for me.

I usually do at least 2 RTRs a day (morning and evening), and I speak the words out as loud and powerfully as I can, to where I feel them having an effect on my chakras.
Today I asked Father Satan and the Gods of Hell to help me out as I know I have some blockages and I can't see to dislodge them by myself (no need for the "How to open blocked chakras" page, I tried them all for a lot and althought I notice something happening, I haven't been unblocking the Crown chakra after all this time).
So I asked for help. I don't know if I got this by myself or it was external help from our Gods, but I felt like "thinking" the words with powerful inner voice instead of chanting them by voice.

At first I just 'vibrated them' with my thoughts, 9 times each (or more.. I started to repeat them 9 more times every time I noticed my concentrationg wavering).
Then I started something that had great effect: around "FUUK", I begun mentally vibrating the words INTO my chakras while visualizing them lighting up like small white Suns from the 1st to the 7th.
I immediately noticed some very evident power at work. Especially in my head chakras.

Then (and this is the thing I want to share with you Brother and Sisters) I begun taking advantage of the number 9 by mentally vibrating (you can still do this by voice of course, I'm going to try this again by voice later) EACH of the 9 repetitions into EACH chakra, starting from the first and not stopping with the 7th/Crown but vibrating the word into the two upper chakras that most of us (beginners at least) I think don't use much yet.

This produced a good effect that expanded the energy from my third eye and sixth chakra to the upper part of my head, "lighting it up" in a way that felt useful for activating other chakras.

I hope that was clear to understand, do ask if I didn't make myself very clear. If it is of any use in our war, I'm sure Father Satan wants me to share it.

I added a "Sushumna effect" (expanding the chakras alignment towards the outside) for an increased effect. For some reason I kept thinking greys were trying to get me to distract myself but none succeeded and I just repeated the word (x9) every time I felt I wasn't giving it all I've got.

interesting, i always felt the effects the most when i feel the vibration in my soul, i will try specifically into each chakra. thanks.
eternal666light said:
interesting, i always felt the effects the most when i feel the vibration in my soul, i will try specifically into each chakra. thanks.

This is really weird. I thought that it would be powerful when I spoke the words in a quick enough sequence (I could finish the entire RTR with 9x in like 10 minutes or less. Then I took my time with this mental chanting into each chakra (like VAHT into the base chakra, VAHT into the sacral, and so on until the second one above the Crown chakra) and it felt so strong I wondered if I was being targeted by greys or something.

Today I already did a second RTR but tried something different.
Instead of focusing on my soul, into each chakra, I 'mentally vibrated' each word into the entire Planet, as if the Earth were a huge chakra, and lighting it up with white brilliant energy.
I'm STILL feeling the incredible energy in my head chakras, I feel like I tapped into something huge here. Don't know what, but it feels immensely positive.
Do try if you want, and let me know if it's the same effect for you.

Hello comrades, through sheer good luck and the grace of our Lord, Satan, I found JOS in 2016. At the time Satan had me breathing in the energies of many stars and planets that had me feeling a tad crazy. He finally told me it is time to breathe them out and release them, as many of them were surrounding regal and artistic energies. (I am one of the most talented rappers there is as I can mimic any artists' style, that being said, I do not plan on pursuing a career in the arts, it was just something I had to do for me). The regal and millitaristic aspects were mainly to gather a following on the astral, whom I have directed towards the worship of Satan, (in a healthy way of course). This was not without difficulty I must say, I am one of Satan's elite warriors reincarnated from one of his spirit realms. Long story short, now it is time for me to do the RTR's! I plan on going non-stop from this moment on. The enemy is FEARFUL. I must reiterate that, we are in a position to make a huge impact if we act decisively and act now without cowardice. Forward, comrades and HAIL SATAN!
lalapalooza said:
Hello comrades, through sheer good luck and the grace of our Lord, Satan, I found JOS in 2016. At the time Satan had me breathing in the energies of many stars and planets that had me feeling a tad crazy. He finally told me it is time to breathe them out and release them, as many of them were surrounding regal and artistic energies. (I am one of the most talented rappers there is as I can mimic any artists' style, that being said, I do not plan on pursuing a career in the arts, it was just something I had to do for me). The regal and millitaristic aspects were mainly to gather a following on the astral, whom I have directed towards the worship of Satan, (in a healthy way of course). This was not without difficulty I must say, I am one of Satan's elite warriors reincarnated from one of his spirit realms. Long story short, now it is time for me to do the RTR's! I plan on going non-stop from this moment on. The enemy is FEARFUL. I must reiterate that, we are in a position to make a huge impact if we act decisively and act now without cowardice. Forward, comrades and HAIL SATAN!

Heeey, nice to hear you have got good directions form our Father. Keep up the good work and blast those enemies to smithereens! :D

Hail Satan!
lalapalooza said:
Hello comrades, through sheer good luck and the grace of our Lord, Satan, I found JOS in 2016. At the time Satan had me breathing in the energies of many stars and planets that had me feeling a tad crazy. He finally told me it is time to breathe them out and release them, as many of them were surrounding regal and artistic energies. (I am one of the most talented rappers there is as I can mimic any artists' style, that being said, I do not plan on pursuing a career in the arts, it was just something I had to do for me). The regal and millitaristic aspects were mainly to gather a following on the astral, whom I have directed towards the worship of Satan, (in a healthy way of course). This was not without difficulty I must say, I am one of Satan's elite warriors reincarnated from one of his spirit realms. Long story short, now it is time for me to do the RTR's! I plan on going non-stop from this moment on. The enemy is FEARFUL. I must reiterate that, we are in a position to make a huge impact if we act decisively and act now without cowardice. Forward, comrades and HAIL SATAN!

Isss... This legit?? Could someone(perhaps someone as intelligent in these things as a HP :? ) confirm this? :shock: :shock:
Artanis said:
lalapalooza said:
Hello comrades, through sheer good luck and the grace of our Lord, Satan, I found JOS in 2016. At the time Satan had me breathing in the energies of many stars and planets that had me feeling a tad crazy. He finally told me it is time to breathe them out and release them, as many of them were surrounding regal and artistic energies. (I am one of the most talented rappers there is as I can mimic any artists' style, that being said, I do not plan on pursuing a career in the arts, it was just something I had to do for me). The regal and millitaristic aspects were mainly to gather a following on the astral, whom I have directed towards the worship of Satan, (in a healthy way of course). This was not without difficulty I must say, I am one of Satan's elite warriors reincarnated from one of his spirit realms. Long story short, now it is time for me to do the RTR's! I plan on going non-stop from this moment on. The enemy is FEARFUL. I must reiterate that, we are in a position to make a huge impact if we act decisively and act now without cowardice. Forward, comrades and HAIL SATAN!

Isss... This legit?? Could someone(perhaps someone as intelligent in these things as a HP :? ) confirm this? :shock: :shock:
No he is deluded as fuck and maybe on drugs too who knows. Artanis here's a quick suggestion, if someones says strange things about being some kind of super mystical being bla bla bla you should know that they're delusional.
Artanis said:
Isss... This legit?? Could someone(perhaps someone as intelligent in these things as a HP :? ) confirm this? :shock: :shock:
It's of course not legit. But regardless of any fantasies this individual may have, if he/she is willing to do the RTRs then what's the harm?
Artanis said:
Isss... This legit?? Could someone(perhaps someone as intelligent in these things as a HP :? ) confirm this? :shock: :shock:

Artanis, I'm just imagining your face when you read that :lol:

Let say this...
IF I was a reincarnation of someone who already had the strongest relationship with Father Satan and KNEW that I am a powerful spiritual warrior with abilities, monogamous succubus wife and whatnot, I WOULDN'T say it all the exact moment I introduced myself to strangers online, much as I feel they would understand.
I'd eventually just tell the closest people AFTER I get to know them long enough and prove I'm not a deluded fuck.

Not saying the man is a deluded fuck by any means here, just that I don't know as I never met him before.

Personally, I'd just keep fighting for Satan and for us all without disclosing too much, especially if I know many would think I'm lying or retarded and so on.

Someone who wants to aid us in our fight and help Father Satan is good enough for me.
txg said:
Shael said:
Artanis said:
Isss... This legit?? Could someone(perhaps someone as intelligent in these things as a HP :? ) confirm this? :shock: :shock:
It's of course not legit. But regardless of any fantasies this individual may have, if he/she is willing to do the RTRs then what's the harm?
why are you saying rude things about him? he seems pretty cool. just because you have no personality doesnt mean you have to insult other members to feel good about yourself.

I dont know what you take as "insulting", but that wasnt that.
Ok sorry people for being a little dumb-dumb. :lol: :lol: because of the motivational things he/she said in the end, i thought that he/she could have been talking truth. :?
TheFlea said:
Wow how cool! Off to buy a printer that can connect to my phone :cool:

At Easter I did RTR - final 108 times for each letter
that is, 11,556 times.


Hail Satan.
txg said:
Shael said:
Artanis said:
Isss... This legit?? Could someone(perhaps someone as intelligent in these things as a HP :? ) confirm this? :shock: :shock:
It's of course not legit. But regardless of any fantasies this individual may have, if he/she is willing to do the RTRs then what's the harm?
why are you saying rude things about him? he seems pretty cool. just because you have no personality doesnt mean you have to insult other members to feel good about yourself.
Do you live in fantasy land? Being deluded doesn't mean to have a "cool" personality, Shael's got much more personality than you if you think that idiot is actually cool.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:



High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
. I need guidance from our high priest I'm under attack from the Angels of Light and there Spaceship ufos...they tell me the war is not over and that the light is here i cannot defeat them on my own even with these retro day and night the Angels of God are not defeated is the battle beginning a new war it can't be over BCUZ so many angels and the hosts of God his spaceships are so much in power...the darkness is still waxing but I need help from the clergy I need answers from the wise priests and high priestess I been visited and attack and abducted by angels and ufos that are jehovas and they keep abusing me telling me that the light has returned and the end times are here giving me visions of what is to come and warned me that there is not much time and I must make my final decision God or Satan. I'm being threatened and abused. Please bestow me with your wisdom and advice high priestess. Is this all in my head. Is the war really already won by the Satanae darkness. Am I the only one who sees these things. Do I need to go to the mental hospital. Please help clergy I have been with you for many years
Stephen Crowder, "Yes, Hitler was a socialist."

He is meaning to act like this is a bad thing, but everything he says is pretty good. Every example he gives is social programs that Hitler started to take care of all Germans. Includes a nice speech at the end.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stephen Crowder, "Yes, Hitler was a socialist."

He is meaning to act like this is a bad thing, but everything he says is pretty good. Every example he gives is social programs that Hitler started to take care of all Germans. Includes a nice speech at the end.

He doesn't understand that NationalSocialism is not the same as socialism but nice speech, of course. It would be like comparing a gymnast (National Socialism) with a skinny, malnourished person (Socialism), while comparing National Socialism to Nationalism is like comparing a gymnast (NatSoc) to a bodybuilder, weightlifter or an obese person (Nationalism and Capitalism).
Kassiyas Lytenhardt said:
I need guidance from our high priest I'm under attack from the Angels of Light and there Spaceship ufos...they tell me the war is not over and that the light is here i cannot defeat them on my own even with these retro day and night the Angels of God are not defeated is the battle beginning a new war it can't be over BCUZ so many angels and the hosts of God his spaceships are so much in power...the darkness is still waxing but I need help from the clergy I need answers from the wise priests and high priestess I been visited and attack and abducted by angels and ufos that are jehovas and they keep abusing me telling me that the light has returned and the end times are here giving me visions of what is to come and warned me that there is not much time and I must make my final decision God or Satan. I'm being threatened and abused. Please bestow me with your wisdom and advice high priestess. Is this all in my head. Is the war really already won by the Satanae darkness. Am I the only one who sees these things. Do I need to go to the mental hospital. Please help clergy I have been with you for many years

What are you serious? If you've been here for years you would understand "god" is just a jewish thought form along with angels or their archangels. God in Judaism is the jews/the Torah.

If you're not trolling you need to do some serious deep cleaning and detaching from the enemy. Banishment and protection ritual if you are not very advanced. If you're literally being ABDUCTED you need to do the dedication ritual immediately.

Judging from the way you type like a madman however, maybe you should seek psychiatric help. As you seem very deranged and out of touch with your reality. Go have a laugh with a good mate or find something to ground you to the physical realm.
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stephen Crowder, "Yes, Hitler was a socialist."

He is meaning to act like this is a bad thing, but everything he says is pretty good. Every example he gives is social programs that Hitler started to take care of all Germans. Includes a nice speech at the end.

He doesn't understand that NationalSocialism is not the same as socialism but nice speech, of course. It would be like comparing a gymnast (National Socialism) with a skinny, malnourished person (Socialism), while comparing National Socialism to Nationalism is like comparing a gymnast (NatSoc) to a bodybuilder, weightlifter or an obese person (Nationalism and Capitalism).

Did he really just say nationalism equates to socialism. Unless he misspoke but If he didn't then I'd like to see what his supporters who are openly supporting nationalism have to say about it lol.

I believe a good way to debunk him real quick in this case is to say that Hitler wasn't for open boarders. The socialist want everyone and anyone (well mostly if they're non white or at least self hating whites) to flood the nation while Hitler only wanted Germans. Racist? He let a very small minority of blacks stay in Germany if they stuck with their own and that's it. Expanding state? You mean him bringing in people who were originally Germanic back into Germany and that's it?

So many years watching Crowder and he still leaves out critical information that I know he has to know with how much information he gives about the subject and all to paint his narrative.

This whole, "you're a Nazi" "nuh uh you're a Nazi" is getting old and I see more and more people are getting tired of it whether or not they support Nazis.

Both sides call each Nazis without knowing in depth historical facts (mostly based of weak minded fear) and the only difference is that one side does it cuz muh emotions while the other side does it in an more articulate way even though they don't know what they're talking about which isn't hard to do.

Anyways, I like the comparisons with the body types. Real spot on.
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stephen Crowder, "Yes, Hitler was a socialist."

He is meaning to act like this is a bad thing, but everything he says is pretty good. Every example he gives is social programs that Hitler started to take care of all Germans. Includes a nice speech at the end.

He doesn't understand that NationalSocialism is not the same as socialism but nice speech, of course. It would be like comparing a gymnast (National Socialism) with a skinny, malnourished person (Socialism), while comparing National Socialism to Nationalism is like comparing a gymnast (NatSoc) to a bodybuilder, weightlifter or an obese person (Nationalism and Capitalism).


It's funny you mention that analogy of skinny, gymnastic, buffed for the different things. As in the 11 hour documentary on bitchute, Europa: The last battle.

A picture of the three was placed Communism: A holomdor victim, Capitalism: a fatty singing in American Idol or Got talent, and finally the Nationalism: NS teenage girls performing gymnastic movements.

Of course what you said is better cause Nationalism isn't exclusive to NatSoc as there might be certain capitalist and even communist nationalist organizations believing that such Governance is appropriate for mankind without understanding they fell for the old jewish trick of combining Nationalism with an ideology of a [racial-ethnocentric jewish ideology] against Gentile racial-ethnocentric ideology.

So to put it:

Communism(judeo-bolshevism both political and religious): Week, meek effeminate soyboy beta cuck loser in most cases or in the cases of normal people a skinny, malnourished person. Whichever delivers to the communist, the state first.

Capitalism/Nationalism(also a form of judeo-bolshevism)(both parties vying for the attention of the chosen): fatties on one side, skinny malnourished on the other; week, meek on the other, and finally the bro crowd of the opposite message pain is temporary, pride is eternal which is the opposite message as pain is eternal and pride is temporary. Most people are unaware or uncaring about anything political and believe the non-sense of politicians(or people whom have been payed by the jewish to deliver their nation to the communist).

National Socialism:(Gentile economics and Gentile political-religious organization): A gymnastic, yogistic body. Strength through Joy in an effort to recapture a "Strong mind requires a strong body" mentality. Perhaps some body building in terms of providing positive reinforcement to certain bodies of strong citizens.

Either way right now the World is in need of strong, independent leaders and a unified front. Which is probably why the jews are wanting the virus to exist as long as possible. Luckily for us Trump for all the ass kissing he has been doing. Has at least prevented ISIS, Al-qaida, and other communist enforcers from setting up shop in the middle east and at least everything has been going well for Syria due to our rituals.

At least the things being hidden by the jewish media with this covid-19 fear mongering not to downplay it as it's serious but not as serious as it truly is for a bio-weapon. At least they've been held in check and prevented from continuing on such as Oded Yinon plan bullshit.
ModernMage said:
Kassiyas Lytenhardt said:
I need guidance from our high priest I'm under attack from the Angels of Light and there Spaceship ufos...they tell me the war is not over and that the light is here i cannot defeat them on my own even with these retro day and night the Angels of God are not defeated is the battle beginning a new war it can't be over BCUZ so many angels and the hosts of God his spaceships are so much in power...the darkness is still waxing but I need help from the clergy I need answers from the wise priests and high priestess I been visited and attack and abducted by angels and ufos that are jehovas and they keep abusing me telling me that the light has returned and the end times are here giving me visions of what is to come and warned me that there is not much time and I must make my final decision God or Satan. I'm being threatened and abused. Please bestow me with your wisdom and advice high priestess. Is this all in my head. Is the war really already won by the Satanae darkness. Am I the only one who sees these things. Do I need to go to the mental hospital. Please help clergy I have been with you for many years

What are you serious? If you've been here for years you would understand "god" is just a jewish thought form along with angels or their archangels. God in Judaism is the jews/the Torah.

If you're not trolling you need to do some serious deep cleaning and detaching from the enemy. Banishment and protection ritual if you are not very advanced. If you're literally being ABDUCTED you need to do the dedication ritual immediately.

Judging from the way you type like a madman however, maybe you should seek psychiatric help. As you seem very deranged and out of touch with your reality. Go have a laugh with a good mate or find something to ground you to the physical realm.

This person uses drugs a lot they admitted it in a post. This is the prime reason people should say no to it because it weakens the aura and opens people up to attack. This person probably literally has entities attached to them along with other problems with their mind.

They will get out of this once they stop using drugs and maybe yes this person may need to get psychiatric help at least until they are off this stuff for awhile and working on healing and protection.

A helpful meditation is this Munka x111 or 216 starting moon in Aquarius each day with affirmation “I am completely and totally free of all connections and influences to the enemies of Satan right now”.
slyscorpion said:
ModernMage said:
Kassiyas Lytenhardt said:
I need guidance from our high priest I'm under attack from the Angels of Light and there Spaceship ufos...they tell me the war is not over and that the light is here i cannot defeat them on my own even with these retro day and night the Angels of God are not defeated is the battle beginning a new war it can't be over BCUZ so many angels and the hosts of God his spaceships are so much in power...the darkness is still waxing but I need help from the clergy I need answers from the wise priests and high priestess I been visited and attack and abducted by angels and ufos that are jehovas and they keep abusing me telling me that the light has returned and the end times are here giving me visions of what is to come and warned me that there is not much time and I must make my final decision God or Satan. I'm being threatened and abused. Please bestow me with your wisdom and advice high priestess. Is this all in my head. Is the war really already won by the Satanae darkness. Am I the only one who sees these things. Do I need to go to the mental hospital. Please help clergy I have been with you for many years

What are you serious? If you've been here for years you would understand "god" is just a jewish thought form along with angels or their archangels. God in Judaism is the jews/the Torah.

If you're not trolling you need to do some serious deep cleaning and detaching from the enemy. Banishment and protection ritual if you are not very advanced. If you're literally being ABDUCTED you need to do the dedication ritual immediately.

Judging from the way you type like a madman however, maybe you should seek psychiatric help. As you seem very deranged and out of touch with your reality. Go have a laugh with a good mate or find something to ground you to the physical realm.

This person uses drugs a lot they admitted it in a post. This is the prime reason people should say no to it because it weakens the aura and opens people up to attack. This person probably literally has entities attached to them along with other problems with their mind.

They will get out of this once they stop using drugs and maybe yes this person may need to get psychiatric help at least until they are off this stuff for awhile and working on healing and protection.

A helpful meditation is this Munka x111 or 216 starting moon in Aquarius each day with affirmation “I am completely and totally free of all connections and influences to the enemies of Satan right now”.

That amount of reps is not for a beginner. They should start from 36/40 or how many they can do at their level. One mantra per breath, with full slow vibration.
I don't know how to open a new and separate topic.When two lovers, one is an SS and the other is against any religion but does not want to dedicate himself to spiritual satanism ...I really don't understand this choice, from choosing to continue to be NS instead of choosing to become an SS when your girlfriend is an SS and you have all the indisputable evidence put in front, the advantages and freedom gained being SS, but sometimes you are NS, you turn to help, even the protection of an SS.I really don't understand this situation, I'm not trying to convert my boyfriend but he clearly saw the difference between religions, the distinct difference between being a dedicated spiritual pagan and a paid one without the ritual of initiation, dedication.What is his real problem? What convinces or keeps him from becoming an SS? But when he needs my help, he turns to me, but here he is wrong, I can't always be by his side to give him the necessary support and I'm not a deity ...
The guy is not jewish, I would have known that a long time ago, he also has no jewish relatives. I hated jews deeply long before I discovered JoS and I'm obviously not jewish, infiltrated or trolled. I need an opinion from you because my boyfriend has some strange experiences, sometimes I have to get involved to help him, and he told me at one point that he does not want to be part of a cult and prefers to stay away from any religion as much as possible, believe in balance and common sense and told me that he is not an atheist, believe in what I believe but do not feel the need to take this step like me, but look, he needs my help, having Since we have been together for 5 years, it is logical to offer the necessary support, but in this situation he could help himself, choosing the same path as me. He told me that he did not feel this call like me .... I told him that it is not necessarily about the call, but about the truth and to be able one day to live in a world and in a beneficent society, something totally utopian today.The cult terminology bothered me because we spiritual satanists are not a bunch of uninformed and brainwashed dizzy people without their own reasoning and some weird ones.
wariorSS said:
I don't know how to open a new and separate topic.When two lovers, one is an SS and the other is against any religion but does not want to dedicate himself to spiritual satanism ...I really don't understand this choice, from choosing to continue to be NS instead of choosing to become an SS when your girlfriend is an SS and you have all the indisputable evidence put in front, the advantages and freedom gained being SS, but sometimes you are NS, you turn to help, even the protection of an SS.I really don't understand this situation, I'm not trying to convert my boyfriend but he clearly saw the difference between religions, the distinct difference between being a dedicated spiritual pagan and a paid one without the ritual of initiation, dedication.What is his real problem? What convinces or keeps him from becoming an SS? But when he needs my help, he turns to me, but here he is wrong, I can't always be by his side to give him the necessary support and I'm not a deity ...
The guy is not jewish, I would have known that a long time ago, he also has no jewish relatives. I hated jews deeply long before I discovered JoS and I'm obviously not jewish, infiltrated or trolled. I need an opinion from you because my boyfriend has some strange experiences, sometimes I have to get involved to help him, and he told me at one point that he does not want to be part of a cult and prefers to stay away from any religion as much as possible, believe in balance and common sense and told me that he is not an atheist, believe in what I believe but do not feel the need to take this step like me, but look, he needs my help, having Since we have been together for 5 years, it is logical to offer the necessary support, but in this situation he could help himself, choosing the same path as me. He told me that he did not feel this call like me .... I told him that it is not necessarily about the call, but about the truth and to be able one day to live in a world and in a beneficent society, something totally utopian today.The cult terminology bothered me because we spiritual satanists are not a bunch of uninformed and brainwashed dizzy people without their own reasoning and some weird ones.
Many people fall on the inferiority side of the scale, it's just like that, no matter how much truth you can tell them, they just prefer living in their little comfortable shitty world.
If I vibrate more than 9 times, do I need to start again or not?
Targ said:
If I vibrate more than 9 times, do I need to start again or not?

No. It just adds more power to it. You can do multiples of 9 as well. But if you are trying to do 9, try to concentrate on doing just 9. It adds more power when you put your mind into it.
Targ said:
If I vibrate more than 9 times, do I need to start again or not?

9 is a power number. A number of endings. Any multiple of 9 works wonders.

I have personally vibrated more than 9, and have not had any worries about it, but precision is always better.
Can you do Final RTR mentally? If not then is there any way I can do to help. My meditation has halted its process since I can no longer continue past the mind chakra opening part of 40 days program since I cannot seem to say it correct to get correct vibration. I have done Final RTR, but have to stop it shortly after lockdown begins and school closed since that means I watched 24/7 by my family who does not tolerate anti-sematic in any way or shape. They are very kind to humans, the problem is that they do not recognize Jews as nonhuman and refused to do so. So I have to stop verbal final rtr to avoid getting caught for satanism, they suspect me of one but they ultimately do not care as I never truly show any "evil signs" of being the biblical satanist. If I can do it mentally, altogether I can understand if it has little power compared to actually speak it. it is still something I can do at least. If you decide that it offers nothing of practically uses by mentally final rtr, then anything I can do to help. I am deaf, so I am not able to pronounce anything correctly both for the opening of mind chakra and final rtr, so if I need to say final rtr correct then welp, look like I did nothing before lockdown as I have hope.

Please respond as I do want to help this community but are entirely unsure of how to do so under-watched by a family that stays home 24/7 until school opens up and job return or my deafness prevents me from assisting anything that requires correct pronunciation. I have attempted to try it within my lucid dream but come across with the problem or try to memorize the whole final rtr and then other problem of actually recall them within a lucid dream.

Please help, I do want to help this community and not be a "lost cause" just because my body are too damaged to truly help humankind from the like of parasitic jews.
Stay strong with doing visualization exercises, yes, you can do the RTR mentally. Try to utter sounds that you read, and it should suffice.

You can also do some breathing exercises such as before bed.

The only impediment would be lack of willpower which you are clearly not lacking and have plenty of. You can definitely help.

Necrorifter said:
Can you do Final RTR mentally? If not then is there any way I can do to help. My meditation has halted its process since I can no longer continue past the mind chakra opening part of 40 days program since I cannot seem to say it correct to get correct vibration. I have done Final RTR, but have to stop it shortly after lockdown begins and school closed since that means I watched 24/7 by my family who does not tolerate anti-sematic in any way or shape. They are very kind to humans, the problem is that they do not recognize Jews as nonhuman and refused to do so. So I have to stop verbal final rtr to avoid getting caught for satanism, they suspect me of one but they ultimately do not care as I never truly show any "evil signs" of being the biblical satanist. If I can do it mentally, altogether I can understand if it has little power compared to actually speak it. it is still something I can do at least. If you decide that it offers nothing of practically uses by mentally final rtr, then anything I can do to help. I am deaf, so I am not able to pronounce anything correctly both for the opening of mind chakra and final rtr, so if I need to say final rtr correct then welp, look like I did nothing before lockdown as I have hope.

Please respond as I do want to help this community but are entirely unsure of how to do so under-watched by a family that stays home 24/7 until school opens up and job return or my deafness prevents me from assisting anything that requires correct pronunciation. I have attempted to try it within my lucid dream but come across with the problem or try to memorize the whole final rtr and then other problem of actually recall them within a lucid dream.

Please help, I do want to help this community and not be a "lost cause" just because my body are too damaged to truly help humankind from the like of parasitic jews.
Necrorifter said:
Can you do Final RTR mentally?
Yes, it can be done at whisper-level and even mentally with strong intent. The RTR can and should be done under any conditions.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
