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Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

These isms are memetic pollution. They cannot make any contribution to social progress. On the contrary, this kind of isms are tearing apart human civilization step by step, making them more aggressive, distrustful, and hateful of each other. However, fools cannot see the conspiracy behind it, but instead crazily promote the development of these pathological doctrines. These doctrines use people's thoughts on safeguarding their own rights to divide and provoke confrontation.
Mgtow // Not quite like that. the equation has many variables. on a personal level, that guy who has problems with relationships DOES have problems.

There are some stances in all of these groups which are justified when you are looking on it from a limited side of what a person has experienced, even Feminists might have experienced discrimination at work, or MGTOW may have been trolled by many Tinder matches and objectified by people without proper behavior. But still these are based on not clear mentalities.

The mind has to be clear, and then the above problems you will see as social, but you will know how to solve them without accumulating many wrong perceptions that are far off.
Good god that cover photo....I can't stand women who think that having boy hair is some kind of requirement to be lesbian. I mean, I don't know how SS in general feel about women who get boy hair or pixie cuts (I hate it, take that as you wish), but to have it become the "norm" to show off your lesbianness is just ultra-unnecessary.
Having any hairstyle isn't some requirement. Masc lesbians in particular though often have medium to short hair. I simply stopped growing my hair long because I was done being ashamed of my strong jawline. I've had it shorter for sometime now and I actually just got it cut yesterday again. Ewe to the dye tho ugh never.
All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.

Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.

All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.

These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.

Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.

Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.

Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),
Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades,
MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have
Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.

We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.

Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:

Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)
MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)
Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)

But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.

All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.

All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.

Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.

Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.

Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.

For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.

The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.

Each take a weapon and start fighting each other, to justify their case and due to the rationality of what they consider is evil. All of this fragments and ruins society and keeps creating more and more problems.

In all these wings they have moderate members and then pure terrorists like the Feminists who write dialectics to exterminate men, or like MGTOW who claim all women are by definition to have no rights and to be pimped.

It's all basically hate and confusion based and attention whoring based. In the members of all these categories, they are essentially doing it for social validation and attention, and to maintain imbalanced courses of action in their life and that of others.

All these people have one thing in common: Instead of resolving the chaotic situation inside them by improving, they instead start blaming society and other people and proceed to attack everyone else. This only recreates more of the same.

That's why Spiritual Satanism will make the case of the existence of any of these irrelevant, because as people heal, advance and learn communication, the order of things will be restored. The incel will get up his ass and go to the gym, the feminist will understand that not all men are criminals when she has a good conversation with a high level male, the MGTOW victim will find a better wife than the previous one who made them into this, the GBLTQAI will no longer think imaginary persecution is on every corner in Florida and pretend as if they are living in Saudi Arabia.

Spiritual Satanists should stray from all of these as they represent insanity extremes which only perpetuate eternal problems for society without an end, and they also damn the individual with a victim mentality that makes them paralyzed to solve any problem.

The satisfaction of victim status and anger these groups provide, does not really fundamentally give anyone a solution, nor the people in these, nor the broader society. Spiritual Satanists don't need victim mentality like the members of these "ideologies". They have nothing to provide to any developing human being that seeks to advance and solve these problems, which these places claim should always be part of people's identities.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You’re actually wrong. “Inceldom” is caused by a lack of quality people, not on the “incels” behalf. It’s like comparing Mormon birth rates to satanists birth rates, explain why Mormons have higher birth rates, because they reject your “sex worker” degeneracy and focus on their goals. That’s all MGTOW promotes as well, men to work on their goals rather than be caught up in a world of night club one night stands with women who don’t even want to have kids. Sex only has one purpose: to have kids. Birth control, promiscuity, etc. causes low birth rates.

Women don’t deserve love or appraisal. I had a girl carve my name in her ass, what type of achievement is that? Some stupid little girl wanting to have sex with me?

Your belief system and ugly face is why there’s low birth rates.

Any Mormon family would blow your sex life away with a family of 5-7 by being an “incel” till marriage. Same thing with Hispanics, Catholicism is a direct cause of their high birth rates because they don’t follow your same hedonistic thought process.

Oh yeah and nobody’s stealing anybody’s bitches in the Mormon faith, what a great achievement bro
All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.

Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.

All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.

These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.

Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.

Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.

Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),
Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades,
MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have
Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.

We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.

Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:

Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)
MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)
Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)

But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.

All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.

All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.

Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.

Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.

Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.

For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.

The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.

Each take a weapon and start fighting each other, to justify their case and due to the rationality of what they consider is evil. All of this fragments and ruins society and keeps creating more and more problems.

In all these wings they have moderate members and then pure terrorists like the Feminists who write dialectics to exterminate men, or like MGTOW who claim all women are by definition to have no rights and to be pimped.

It's all basically hate and confusion based and attention whoring based. In the members of all these categories, they are essentially doing it for social validation and attention, and to maintain imbalanced courses of action in their life and that of others.

All these people have one thing in common: Instead of resolving the chaotic situation inside them by improving, they instead start blaming society and other people and proceed to attack everyone else. This only recreates more of the same.

That's why Spiritual Satanism will make the case of the existence of any of these irrelevant, because as people heal, advance and learn communication, the order of things will be restored. The incel will get up his ass and go to the gym, the feminist will understand that not all men are criminals when she has a good conversation with a high level male, the MGTOW victim will find a better wife than the previous one who made them into this, the GBLTQAI will no longer think imaginary persecution is on every corner in Florida and pretend as if they are living in Saudi Arabia.

Spiritual Satanists should stray from all of these as they represent insanity extremes which only perpetuate eternal problems for society without an end, and they also damn the individual with a victim mentality that makes them paralyzed to solve any problem.

The satisfaction of victim status and anger these groups provide, does not really fundamentally give anyone a solution, nor the people in these, nor the broader society. Spiritual Satanists don't need victim mentality like the members of these "ideologies". They have nothing to provide to any developing human being that seeks to advance and solve these problems, which these places claim should always be part of people's identities.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Feminism just caused women to think promiscuously. I think a lot of your arguments are debunked by the simple fact that Mormons don’t have sex or kiss until they’re married, traditionally and have higher birth rates, because they focus on their goals before having sex and make their kids wait till they’re 16 years old to even date, you don’t see them turn into a bunch of prostitutes or sluts. Talk is cheap buddy and it looks like you might have Asperger’s

You talk a big game but you don’t have kids for example, because no one wants to have kids with you, delusional idiot.

Take your Greek birth rates, compare them to Mormon birth rates and tell me why there shouldn’t be a Mormon temple built at Parthenon.

I had a girl carve my name in her ass, what an achievement, won the likes of some stupid fucking girl, amazing achievement bro! Her gullibility! That’s what happens when you date before 16, oh and she wanted to have my kids? Almost like all you have to do is have good genetics and say “let’s get married.” You’re probably a lot uglier than me, probably haven’t had girls come up to you asking for your Snapchat or getting ignored by you because it shows the same judgment as the sluts I used for examples below. Tell me why you’d be pissed about me saying “have sex virgin” or you being bullied everywhere you go on the internet or if you’re honest as a single man, getting picked on by Mr gets a lot of pussy.

Oh yeah and I don’t think men should be treated like predators for being single and choosing not to have sex, because that’s what’s called “incel.” Just causes young men to dislike it. There’s nothing wrong with avoiding temptation/lust btw, it’s called discipline . Just like saving up money or doing anything in moderation, that’s a flaw in your “satanic philosophy.” It seems like you’re trying to make up for a lack of masculinity, there’s nothing divine about your community. Seems like it was based on the internet entirely rather than reality.

I could get a girl on the streets to suck my cock by handing out cigarettes and weed, doesn’t make it some outstanding accomplishment. A lot of these “incels” single men, they’re actually accomplished, a lot of them. There’s just a lack of quality people. I don’t think satanism promotes people to be quality people either. Your people told me I deserve to be miserable, Mormon church just had a bunch of people walking up to me and introduce themselves to me like I’m family at a wedding. Difference is I don’t care about acceptance by your ugly people and I feel the same way about anybody I don’t like or talk to.
Go for long enough and it’s “oh hey would you like to meet my daughter” regardless of what you provide, as long as you’re genetically fit, like I look better than for example, you’ve talked about being ignored before I’ve seen and how to cope with it. Most women have enough for themselves to provide for themselves. A lot of “incels” are just made into outcasts by Society itself and probably grew up being bullied, like my friend Kevin, the Mediterranean who slit his wrists when I would take his girls. There wasn’t anything wrong with him either, he tried to be nice to girls, they didn’t like it. They preferred me because I was a douche bag and would make a joke out of him to them. It was my “shitty attitude” and my dick size that attracted them. Look at all you incels seethe with that same reaction to my “Mediterraneans aren’t white” post. I won over sluts and they made fun of my autistic Mediterranean friend as a result. That doesn’t mean I accomplished shit just because I attracted some stupid girls by being a piece of shit. Some ghetto spic might look up to that, because even a guy with a Xanax prescription that lives on the streets can get more girls than a guy with a job and a car. That’s why these poor beaners are coming from Mexico and having families families of up to 10, while I bully some white cuck that doesn’t have kids and say “you’re going extinct” and he just responds “I know,” he’ll just keep tugging. These are all personal examples of you being full of shit and women just being attracted to any douche bag that acts in charge or was born with a good face, like me, probably why hooded cobra hasn’t had kids yet. All talk no bark. Your genetics just suck dude 😂

Reminds me of why a lot of incels are incels, because of genetics. And Kevin’s dick wasn’t as big as mine so he slit his wrists because women are soulless judgmental whores to him and submissive skanks to me.

Because women are cold hearted fuckin whores. “Insult virgin men and don’t expect them to lash out” that’s kind of what’s going on with them. Anybody who does that is like a sexual predator looking for a vulnerable kid to kidnap or a bully looking for @TheWhiteGiant

Don’t think women are anything but soulless sluts waiting to take advantage.
Feminism just caused women to think promiscuously. I think a lot of your arguments are debunked by the simple fact that Mormons don’t have sex or kiss until they’re married, traditionally and have higher birth rates, because they focus on their goals before having sex and make their kids wait till they’re 16 years old to even date, you don’t see them turn into a bunch of prostitutes or sluts. Talk is cheap buddy and it looks like you might have Asperger’s

You write in a very confused manner and in a very bitter manner. Glad you have had a girl carve your name in her ass, it's probably one of those that do this for 20 bucks and a cigarette.

I can also tell you never had any decent woman in your life, because essentially you find what you match with. Just hanging around drudges and worthless beings like yourself is all you have ever known. Worms do flock with worms as the statement goes. That's why you cannot be a Spiritual Satanist or with us, because you are a living worm. That place is not for worms.

Non useful births like you is why countries have to beg people with larger brains and higher IQ's to make sanitation systems in their country, because you only have a penis and you don't even understand to not piss inside a river and turn your living habitat into a wasteland. You piss in there and you believe you are marking your territory, then you get diseases and you die like flies, begging the rest of the planet for "humanism" to save you.

You betray your suicidal friend and you think you're the man for it, lol. Going lower is impossible for 'people' like you.

The level of misery most of your bunch exists into, isn't even worth mentioning. You live inside your own waste product. Problems of population in the West have to do with the fact people seek to not live inside their waste product, and they have high level problems that you clearly cannot process. So yes, life can be more difficult if you don't plan to live inside your own produced waste.

The less of you in the planet, the more the earth will breathe out.
All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs,
can confirm! i remember when something sexual traumawise happened to me, back in october, and when my dad was abusing me heavily, i was HEAVILY sucked into the radical feminist circles, and constantly beaten and brainwashed with their jewish beliefs.these groups FEED and take advantage of trauma. sickening.
great sermon as always.
can confirm! i remember when something sexual traumawise happened to me, back in october, and when my dad was abusing me heavily, i was HEAVILY sucked into the radical feminist circles, and constantly beaten and brainwashed with their jewish beliefs.these groups FEED and take advantage of trauma. sickening.
great sermon as always.

Women who have been abused, or had negative experiences (everyone can have these, man or woman), generally tend to go to these circles out of anger about these. Then they lock down, while in fact they should be healing and elevating their ability to make proper partner choices.

That move to go into feminism then multiplies the problems by 10x, making women even more angry, bitter and disconnected, and further away from their real intention which is to find proper partners and improve.

Worse thing is that all the traumas of others in these places keep adding up and then larger blockages such as "all men are pigs" get created in their mind. The worst thing is that this trauma accumulates and then when they attempt to make relationships, they can actually get even worse than the primary traumatic ones.
can confirm! i remember when something sexual traumawise happened to me, back in october, and when my dad was abusing me heavily, i was HEAVILY sucked into the radical feminist circles, and constantly beaten and brainwashed with their jewish beliefs.these groups FEED and take advantage of trauma. sickening.
great sermon as always.

Avoid putting yourself as your profile picture.
Would you believe that the homeless people, crackheads, drug zombies, and other nearly dead failures, that many of them are having sex almost every night? It is a crackhead with another crackhead, a zombie with another zombie. They find partners who are equally as broken and worthless as themselves. It is not so difficult.
Would you believe that the homeless people, crackheads, drug zombies, and other nearly dead failures, that many of them are having sex almost every night? It is a crackhead with another crackhead, a zombie with another zombie. They find partners who are equally as broken and worthless as themselves. It is not so difficult.
This is very true. Ugly and fat people can find someone to have sex with, too. A lot of people have delusions about how they will only date "perfect 10s" when they themselves are like 4 at best, so they can't find a partner. People just need to be realistic, and put in effort to find someone.
This is very true. Ugly and fat people can find someone to have sex with, too. A lot of people have delusions about how they will only date "perfect 10s" when they themselves are like 4 at best, so they can't find a partner. People just need to be realistic, and put in effort to find someone.
That also happens because of the poison called pornography, that makes people thinks they must look like perfect in order to have sex.
That also happens because of the poison called pornography, that makes people thinks they must look like perfect in order to have sex.
Good point, that's true too.
Would you believe that the homeless people, crackheads, drug zombies, and other nearly dead failures, that many of them are having sex almost every night? It is a crackhead with another crackhead, a zombie with another zombie. They find partners who are equally as broken and worthless as themselves. It is not so difficult.
We should not imply for people as a solution to finding a mate, they have to take drugs and degenerate, if they are hopeless.😂

If one is really hopeless I suggest, just go out and imagine yourself successful. Talk to at least 10 interesting people, don't feel a rejection as failure, see it as good learning steps towards the right person. Statistically speaking you will find someone. Always be nice even if rejected. Like "Thank you that you are honest with me, can I talk to you again later? Again no, "Ok have a good day." Move on.
a bully looking for @TheWhiteGiant
LOL i swear when i was reading your first sentences i knew that you were the same "lol kid u got bullied haha" guy that keeps popping up in my mail and look! here is my mention

Damn, are you sure you're straight, lil bud? because you're rolling around another mans name in your mouth a lot like a man's.... you know....

like, take me out for a date? you're literally OBSESSED, and i think you need at least SOMEONE to give you some form of love your parents never gave...

Oh wait I forgot, I'm fifty leagues above dead skin cells like you.

I imagine you to be something like this in real life:


This you?

honestly, the more and more i realize, that there truly IS a difference, even between the souls of xian slaves like you, compared to even regular agnostic people. a BIG difference that only gets wider the higher you go on the ladder...

You made me laugh harder than anyone else here. When somebody came home and found a turtle inside the house and was asking if it was a sign from the gods. Everybody was saying what they think turtles are symbols for.

You said "Door was open. Living in a Turtle area."

And the guy called Gray12345678910. When he said to me "You're just a worm that's pretending to be a snake."
LOL i swear when i was reading your first sentences i knew that you were the same "lol kid u got bullied haha" guy that keeps popping up in my mail and look! here is my mention

honestly, the more and more i realize, that there truly IS a difference, even between the souls of xian slaves like you, compared to even regular agnostic people. a BIG difference that only gets wider the higher you go on the ladder...

I didn't know in 2024 if you make any correction to anyone you are "bullying them" even if they do x10 times worse to you after this, I'll keep that in mind. It's all bullying now, unless people don't express a thing.

Maybe if you tell a school shooter to not do it in 2024 you are also a bully. I don't know the details. I'm getting very 2024 "bullied" by the Gods on the daily, might be why I am actually improving or getting there. Damn these bullies are everywhere today.
I didn't know in 2024 if you make any correction to anyone you are "bullying them" even if they do x10 times worse to you after this, I'll keep that in mind. It's all bullying now, unless people don't express a thing.

Maybe if you tell a school shooter to not do it in 2024 you are also a bully. I don't know the details. I'm getting very 2024 "bullied" by the Gods on the daily, might be why I am actually improving or getting there. Damn these bullies are everywhere today.
lol that wokeness crap seems to be going around a lot. also Sir I tried to read your latest article- the one with the thinker pic on it and it kept redirecting me to the article about faith in the gods. just thought to let you know- i'll check back on it later.

Hail Father Satan
You write in a very confused manner and in a very bitter manner. Glad you have had a girl carve your name in her ass, it's probably one of those that do this for 20 bucks and a cigarette.

I can also tell you never had any decent woman in your life, because essentially you find what you match with. Just hanging around drudges and worthless beings like yourself is all you have ever known. Worms do flock with worms as the statement goes. That's why you cannot be a Spiritual Satanist or with us, because you are a living worm. That place is not for worms.

Non useful births like you is why countries have to beg people with larger brains and higher IQ's to make sanitation systems in their country, because you only have a penis and you don't even understand to not piss inside a river and turn your living habitat into a wasteland. You piss in there and you believe you are marking your territory, then you get diseases and you die like flies, begging the rest of the planet for "humanism" to save you.

You betray your suicidal friend and you think you're the man for it, lol. Going lower is impossible for 'people' like you.

The level of misery most of your bunch exists into, isn't even worth mentioning. You live inside your own waste product. Problems of population in the West have to do with the fact people seek to not live inside their waste product, and they have high level problems that you clearly cannot process. So yes, life can be more difficult if you don't plan to live inside your own produced waste.

The less of you in the planet, the more the earth will breathe out.
"The less of you in the planet, the more the Earth will breathe out". Excuse me but what the actual fuck?

Is this an indirect avocation for genocides? Although many people are flawed, let nature do its business.

I find it not reasonable at all and makes me think if coming (me) back to Satanism would be a good thing as so far, I am seeing that I am circled by madmen, or fools, or idiots in the least harmful degree.

Note, I don't agree with the OP SSres but I don't think that what you said is good to do.
And no, I won't do any work for the JoS. Have suffered a lot of energetic illnesses from the RTRs and all the other problems that you have mentally caused me.

I've been very paranoid because of the RTRs.

Tried to have normal conversations with people (and I am not insecure), I would immediately stutter and feel energetically bad after RTRs
I hope everyone else will hear this and rather stick to Unitarian Universalism rather than Satanism.

So far, it is proven here that most of Satanists either come from extremist groups or circle themselves with a lot of hate energy
lol that wokeness crap seems to be going around a lot. also Sir I tried to read your latest article- the one with the thinker pic on it and it kept redirecting me to the article about faith in the gods. just thought to let you know- i'll check back on it later.

Hail Father Satan

Thank you for the heads up, fixed. Sometimes the issue is that it doesn't update instantly, needs to be redone. All good now.
"The less of you in the planet, the more the Earth will breathe out". Excuse me but what the actual fuck?

Yes, the less retards procreate, the less problems and the more breathing air for the planet. What's the problem here, are you a retard and you feel like you must practice solidarity to the troll above, that says things such as how he is proud of the suicide of his "friend" and how this is very manly of him?

And no, I won't do any work for the JoS. Have suffered a lot of energetic illnesses from the RTRs and all the other problems that you have mentally caused me.

I've been very paranoid because of the RTRs.

Tried to have normal conversations with people (and I am not insecure), I would immediately stutter and feel energetically bad after RTRs

I will bring you a pair of diapers immediately, did you stutter after the RTR? That's extremely horrible, so scary, and terrible. You will need a double diaper for this.

Dude you are saying that you have problems because you are weak and frail, and you blame the JoS for this. Fair enough. Why is your pencil neck still around? To flame and to threaten us? You clearly have no functioning through process.

You don't like this, you leave. What's your business here?

I hope everyone else will hear this and rather stick to Unitarian Universalism rather than Satanism.

So far, it is proven here that most of Satanists either come from extremist groups or circle themselves with a lot of hate energy

I am all up for Unitarian Universalism, now sell your house and donate everything to the Joy of Satan to practice what you preach, on premium interest. Eat your veggies, never procreate, and eat the bugs from Klaus Schwab as well. As part of your new beliefs, your belongings are actually everyone elses and must be sent to others. Don't be an oppressor of others, you want Unitarianism and Universalism.

After all, we are all equal, it's the moral thing to do. So as a final testament to your great beliefs, you should do this as a last statement to the world before you eat your bugs and get to your pod. Get in that pod with the Israeli Flag and make sure to never complain about Israel because anyone who ever criticized everyone has committed a holocaust of 60,000,000,000 people (Jews are the only people of the planet, write this on your pod as you are getting in).

Love your enemies and love us too, there's no distinction to anything. Please don't make discrimination against Spiritual Satanists, don't bully us and don't speak ill of us, we are all Universal Unitarianists.

Don't forget to become a Vegan, so the planet will breathe better. Writing in the JoS also spends you calories so that might make you fall down on your computer, it's very difficult. And never do the RTR because you actually stuttered with people, that's the most terrible thing that can happen to a person.

Don't forget to use non plastic straws while you drink your bug juice, and don't enter this website, there are many evil people here, and this can cause you a potential seizure if you read anything humorous or factual.

If one dislikes Israel as we all know they are always extremists, whomever is with Israel and abets whatever they do, are good and moral people always.

Don't hate on my comment as this will surround you with hate energy. That's very dangerous and you might stutter or something. That's very damning and negative. Don't be an extremist.

Oh and one last thing you should really take in consideration removing the @lilith_fangirlo9a user. O9A as it is stated is Enemy of the JoS. That changed while I was away? So to say

And here the coward goes to attack another person randomly for no reason so they are "removed" after they themselves attack randomly, by creating false arguments, after they make insane comments and straw man arguments.

Remember what I said about how the planet will breathe better? As a good universalist, listen to my advice, and give life to others the soonest you can. And use plastic straws, don't forget that.

Don't forget that I am also a bully and stuff because you people just randomly attack me and I respond to you, 10 out of 10 times out of creating nonsense and writing lies about me. My other comment to the other retard also did cause a genocide of 60,000,000,000,000 jews in the process, because I said it like it is to my attacker, for example.

What an evil world we are living in! Much hate...
You made me laugh harder than anyone else here. When somebody came home and found a turtle inside the house and was asking if it was a sign from the gods. Everybody was saying what they think turtles are symbols for.

You said "Door was open. Living in a Turtle area."

And the guy called Gray12345678910. When he said to me "You're just a worm that's pretending to be a snake."
I was once in an area where turtles would just cross the streets, also the house I was staying at, had a wild permanent turtle in the garden, so the thought came natural to me. :LOL:
All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.

Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.

All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.

These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.

Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.

Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.

Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),
Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades,
MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have
Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.

We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.

Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:

Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)
MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)
Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)

But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.

All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.

All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.

Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.

Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.

Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.

For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.

The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.

Each take a weapon and start fighting each other, to justify their case and due to the rationality of what they consider is evil. All of this fragments and ruins society and keeps creating more and more problems.

In all these wings they have moderate members and then pure terrorists like the Feminists who write dialectics to exterminate men, or like MGTOW who claim all women are by definition to have no rights and to be pimped.

It's all basically hate and confusion based and attention whoring based. In the members of all these categories, they are essentially doing it for social validation and attention, and to maintain imbalanced courses of action in their life and that of others.

All these people have one thing in common: Instead of resolving the chaotic situation inside them by improving, they instead start blaming society and other people and proceed to attack everyone else. This only recreates more of the same.

That's why Spiritual Satanism will make the case of the existence of any of these irrelevant, because as people heal, advance and learn communication, the order of things will be restored. The incel will get up his ass and go to the gym, the feminist will understand that not all men are criminals when she has a good conversation with a high level male, the MGTOW victim will find a better wife than the previous one who made them into this, the GBLTQAI will no longer think imaginary persecution is on every corner in Florida and pretend as if they are living in Saudi Arabia.

Spiritual Satanists should stray from all of these as they represent insanity extremes which only perpetuate eternal problems for society without an end, and they also damn the individual with a victim mentality that makes them paralyzed to solve any problem.

The satisfaction of victim status and anger these groups provide, does not really fundamentally give anyone a solution, nor the people in these, nor the broader society. Spiritual Satanists don't need victim mentality like the members of these "ideologies". They have nothing to provide to any developing human being that seeks to advance and solve these problems, which these places claim should always be part of people's identities.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A very important and correct article (y)
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, thank you very much :)
Inceldom is a entirely western phenomena.You have to ask yourself 'why'.

in Eastern europe,latin america,africa and east asian countries not westernized there are no incels and getting dates with women is very easy.
Inceldom is a entirely western phenomena.You have to ask yourself 'why'.

in Eastern europe,latin america,africa and east asian countries not westernized there are no incels and getting dates with women is very easy.
Tell this to Japan. They have the same problem, and their population is collapsing because of this.

It's a strange thing. No matter what country, most of the incels are all watching the same japanese anime shows. Maybe this started in Japan, and it is spreading through those animations.
Maybe, but I feel like most people in Japan understand better to not procreate if they are low quality people. Unlike most of the world where the lowest of the low are having babies. Add it with too much consumerism and people wanting an over abundance of comfort/lack or responsibilities then result is what is what we see there.

At least thats my opinion on how it started over there.

The differences between the incels there and every where else is that it started as a choice to want to have a waifu and watch anime all day instead of finding a woman to have kids with whereas in the western world the incels was not much of a choice and the latter has many influences as to why from lack of self care to feminism etc etc.

Not to say anime or a lot of anime is pushing nonsense, especially more modern ones and the abundance of it.

Tell this to Japan. They have the same problem, and their population is collapsing because of this.

It's a strange thing. No matter what country, most of the incels are all watching the same japanese anime shows. Maybe this started in Japan, and it is spreading through those animations.
Maybe, but I feel like most people in Japan understand better to not procreate if they are low quality people. Unlike most of the world where the lowest of the low are having babies. Add it with too much consumerism and people wanting an over abundance of comfort/lack or responsibilities then result is what is what we see there.

At least thats my opinion on how it started over there.

The differences between the incels there and every where else is that it started as a choice to want to have a waifu and watch anime all day instead of finding a woman to have kids with whereas in the western world the incels was not much of a choice and the latter has many influences as to why from lack of self care to feminism etc etc.

Not to say anime or a lot of anime is pushing nonsense, especially more modern ones and the abundance of it.
In my case, although I am a person of lonely trends, I did not even know what waifu means until someone did someone says me that and I had to look for it in the search engine, the only anime that I saw in detail is Dragon Ball, Knights of the Zodiac and Berserk that do not promote that such nonsense.
In my case, although I am a person of lonely trends, I did not even know what waifu means until someone did someone says me that and I had to look for it in the search engine, the only anime that I saw in detail is Dragon Ball, Knights of the Zodiac and Berserk that do not promote that such nonsense.
I've seen Berserk and read a bit on it and of course Dragon Ball. Those have good messages. Someone close to me who is that way you explained. Reading what you wrote gives me hope for them. They tend to stay away from the weird stuff as well and isn't spouting senseless hatred of the other gender. I do my part, of course.

I haven't watched anime in a while but it seems like they don't do them like they used to. Lots of xianity concepts being pushed nowadays to "cater to a western audience". Smh. Not trying to digress too much from the thread 😅

If more anime about young men being by themselves but becoming a higher self and putting important duties first then maybe there could be a turn around in Japan and the rest of the world that watches anime.
MGTOPW, Feminism, et al, are a jewy as one can get. Anti-life, anti-nature.....

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
