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Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.

Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.

All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.

These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.

Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.

Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.

Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),
Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades,
MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have
Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.

We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.

Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:

Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)
MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)
Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)

But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.

All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.

All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.

Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.

Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.

Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.

For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.

The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.

Each take a weapon and start fighting each other, to justify their case and due to the rationality of what they consider is evil. All of this fragments and ruins society and keeps creating more and more problems.

In all these wings they have moderate members and then pure terrorists like the Feminists who write dialectics to exterminate men, or like MGTOW who claim all women are by definition to have no rights and to be pimped.

It's all basically hate and confusion based and attention whoring based. In the members of all these categories, they are essentially doing it for social validation and attention, and to maintain imbalanced courses of action in their life and that of others.

All these people have one thing in common: Instead of resolving the chaotic situation inside them by improving, they instead start blaming society and other people and proceed to attack everyone else. This only recreates more of the same.

That's why Spiritual Satanism will make the case of the existence of any of these irrelevant, because as people heal, advance and learn communication, the order of things will be restored. The incel will get up his ass and go to the gym, the feminist will understand that not all men are criminals when she has a good conversation with a high level male, the MGTOW victim will find a better wife than the previous one who made them into this, the GBLTQAI will no longer think imaginary persecution is on every corner in Florida and pretend as if they are living in Saudi Arabia.

Spiritual Satanists should stray from all of these as they represent insanity extremes which only perpetuate eternal problems for society without an end, and they also damn the individual with a victim mentality that makes them paralyzed to solve any problem.

The satisfaction of victim status and anger these groups provide, does not really fundamentally give anyone a solution, nor the people in these, nor the broader society. Spiritual Satanists don't need victim mentality like the members of these "ideologies". They have nothing to provide to any developing human being that seeks to advance and solve these problems, which these places claim should always be part of people's identities.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker)
Incels aren't necessarily just looking for sex, they're looking for a significant other who will love them for who they are.
Also, there have been cases in which incels have been denied service by escorts/prostitutes for being too damn ugly.
That being said however, in my experience there are very few actual true genuine involuntary celibates where lookism is concerned since most people on Earth are average to decent looking. The few truly ugly incels (I'm talking the ones who look like the hunchback of Notre Dame) likely have some form of genetic disorder that society may shun them for.
However, I do agree that 99% of men can just see a prostitute is sex is all they wish for. The quality of service may vary.
The pink hair... Anytime I see pink hair, I know what to expect, lol. Perfect picture for this sermon, High Priest.

Spiritual Satanists should stray from all of these as they represent insanity extremes which only perpetuate eternal problems for society without an end, and they also damn the individual with a victim mentality that makes them paralyzed to solve any problem.

The satisfaction of victim status and anger these groups provide, does not really fundamentally give anyone a solution, nor the people in these, nor the broader society. Spiritual Satanists don't need victim mentality like the members of these "ideologies". They have nothing to provide to any developing human being that seeks to advance and solve these problems, which these places claim should always be part of people's identities.
I'm quoting this part especially, to ensure members read it :)
Incels aren't necessarily just looking for sex, they're looking for a significant other who will love them for who they are.

To be loved by a woman as a man, is a high level achievement, if we are talking about real love. To reach this requires a form of effort, at least 5% effort put into the self. Otherwise what is there to love? "Who they are", but who is one when they are a self defined incel? How does that help the situation?

Incels are far disconnected from the notion of being a man, they are still on a baby state.

Women outside are not obligated to lay down for the incel, who merely sits there with anime lube and cries for his victim status. The incel is the problem here not the woman in that case, the women are just reflecting the repulsion to the repulsive victim mentality one follows.

That is completely anti-thetical to both receiving love let alone receiving a wife from the universe. They must get out of this if they want a progress in that area.
These guys won't be able to buy the masterpiece on how to move the pendulum "in a different way for maximum effectiveness", they will have to stick to moving it with their hands I guess :ROFLMAO:

If they read that masterpiece they would probably be thankful that they cannot utilize the super hidden techniques that are inside this book that we aren't lucky enough to know about.
Jewish elements will inevitably hijack most any social movement and turn it into a retarded, extremist version of itself. Think about it this way. Jews hate gays, women, polytheists. Their proxy religions, in turn, oppress and murder these groups. Eventually, the gentiles go and have a Renaissance and are no longer bound by Jewish superstition to enact useless division and violence among gentiles. The gentiles build a West, based on the idea of freedom and liberty. The Jews go back to the drawing board. Suddenly, they pretend they're the best friend of the very groups they oppressed. They misdirect the anger for the pain they suffered and aim it back at whatever group they desire. Or, they corrupt the movement so much it no longer resembles itself.

It's been said a hundred times over here. Homosexuality occurs naturally in nature. TQIA+ alphabet soup whatever garbage does not. The Jews were very conniving, attaching it all together, and thereby sinking it all at once. Suddenly everyone hates the entirety, and the Jews rub their hands together and watch as hate manifests among the gentiles again. Same thing goes for women's rights. Think of the hundreds of years of witch burnings and other degeneracies. Now, you have pop feminism instilling incel-brained mindsets among young men en masse.

Or, they just mass important Muslims. You have people who claim to be pro women's rights, pro gay rights, and then say importing Islam to the West is a-okay. In what world is it? Go ahead and go to a European Muslim dominated no-go zone in the UK or Sweden, hold your same sex partner's hand or be a woman not wearing a trash bag and see what happens to you. Nothing good.

All that's happening is that these Jewish elements are finding new ways to attack old enemies, and being cunning as to sew hate among gentiles. Some Jew Xian Priest will stand up on his podium and go "oi vey, look how much better Europe was during the medieval era when the Church ran everything now go start burning women at the stake" and the brainwashed mob, looking at the ruins around them, will have their anger directed, not to Jews and their Abrahamism, but their own gentile brothers and sisters.

In how much of the world is it actually safe and legal to be a Pagan? Not much. In most of it, we here would be killed merely for existing. Though the West has embraced false morality in many regards, the flame of its liberty should not be extinguished entirely.

A return to traditional, ancestral religion is the only true path forward for the gentile races and their nations, as it's the only way to ensure people aren't mislead onto either side of the extremist fence. We are the third position, free from Jew addled Xian "conservatism" and Communist "liberalism".
All these people have one thing in common: Instead of resolving the chaotic situation inside them by improving, they instead start blaming society and other people and proceed to attack everyone else. This only recreates more of the same.
I find it difficult to at least empathize with the "Incels". The ones who self label themselves as such are one thing and usually the extreme you mention but those that simply complain about the modern dating scene and get labeled "Incel" is hard not to understand.

Not on a personal level, as I've resolved to be that high quality man a woman would want, but I have the tools JoS has given.

Those who are without are living in a world where the average woman has not changed their desires for a partner that makes more money than them while also demanding the government ensure they get equal pay.

It shouldn't take a math genius to realize why this is not compatible. If the average women looks at the average man as undatable, our society really is doing something wrong, and falling birthrates in white nations are just a symptom of this problem, which kikes amplify with their nonsense.

Self improvement is hard enough for them when the government actively discourages them as they grow up, but even those that manage it can only carry them so far when that same government will punish them for doing too well, diverting their taxes to more and more feminist policies.

I don't know if it's right to blame women for not changing their standards, as men have, but I find it understandable. And they have every right to blame the government for causing this as far as I can see.

Ultimately the root problem remains the same. Jewish influence in white nation's governments. If they all realized that, their problems would be resolved in the end. Until they open their eyes to the real threat, they'll keep factionalizing into groups. When we all realize the only groups that matter are Gentile and Jew, the world will heal.
So if I am aware that all people are different and that many are degenerate, otherwise I just have to be myself without strange games and imaginary categories, trying to find a person who is compatible with me?

At the end of the day it's just about me and the other person, it's not about society or the collective of male or female as many of those people think.

So I also grow with the aim of attracting the right person, if he or she rejects you it doesn't matter, you continue with your path.

One last personal note, in my search I decided to keep things real, so no online dating.
Apart from the fact that online dating is a completely ruined thing, there are only girls who want to sell you pictures, their onlyfans, literal prostitutes and armies of males who want something real. Online you also can't show any uniqueness and you don't have the support of all those naturally unconscious and psychological elements of physically meeting another person.
In my experience, then, dating sites are just copy-paste to scam you, with fake contacts and bots. Then the fact that you have to pay someone to be able to meet new girls is crazy, and I don't give a damn about the fact that it's a service you provide to people.

So no online stuff, not even long chats with your partner or a girl you are interested in.

I've noticed that doing these things online completely ruins the experience.

Better do it real.
The pink hair... Anytime I see pink hair, I know what to expect, lol. Perfect picture for this sermon, High Priest.
At least it is easier to recognise people to avoid.
The common theme here is ressentiment. Resentment at the so called 'privileged' object.

Enough of it eats people alive.

The other issue is judging things via the existence of jewish materialism and assuming this is the boundary limit of reality. Incels will deplore their low chances compared to a handsome man on dating apps who can get away with calling himself a pedo to the most low-tier women (typically, the incel wants the same 'power', not good looks to do good), women will deplore the fact men commit the most violence or rape even in a western country, blacks will decry their much likelier manhandling by the police (while ignoring black on white crime is at least 20x more common), trans will deplore the fact they will never look like a 12 year old girl, never be accepted by 'cis women' overall and the dozen or so of them killed every year, there is always strong numerical or statistical 'evidence' to cling to resentment, no matter how patchy it is.

All of these are propped up by further failure with the 'privileged group', intensified usually by the total chaos in society or the shit personal karma each resentful person has with them.

Nearly all of these come with a hyperbolic and manipulative bargaining chip to hold above the 'privileged' ones heads. The most opportunistic ones in all these groups always have an agenda in mind here.

"Uhm, oh yeah, it's irrelevant the Taliban exists and I can go outside or have my own credit card or dress with a tiny piece of tape covering my genitals like Bianca Censori if I want. ACTUALLY, it's BEAUITFUL I support policies to create more marriages of six year olds to invading muslim men and overlook that in my own western country... because white men still commit domestic violence and rape. Therefore, my lot is no better than women in Kabul. Poor me."

Anyone remember BLM? The "lesbian" founder took the money and run, and spent the rest on her 'babydaddy' and her brother, and to some charity that overwhelmingly caters to white programmer trans.

All of these mob and ochlocratic struggles have a curious and sometimes inverse relationship to true lack of privilege. How often do you hear about the struggles of paraplegics compared with trannies?

As Arcadia says, SS could sit here and whine about being the most "oppressed" group in the world. The best people have been exterminated brutally ever since Constantine was propped into power, and even before that, the masses did not understand us. As we the best, we have no reason to sit around whining all day. WE GET OFF OUR KNEES...

The enemy is ultimately a pest that needs extirpation, not our 'oppressor', we are not those things 'slaves', though they would like us to be.

Beyond xianity and Marxism, the holocaust is also the font of a lot of this bullshit, that got it all in the door.
Hey Cobra, what's your take on the mogging/looks maxxing movement which is I suppose the reaction to the incel movement. I'm all for self improvement and good health but I think it's a bit much
Another thing that they all have in common, is that they all use their own ancient history to justify their beliefs.

Feminists talk about the evil of the bronze and iron age in Greece and Mesopotamia all the time. Reality is, women had no problem with their responsibilities then, and they weren't oppressed.
Many of these issues seems to stem from the fact that many people nowadays are too lazy to build a strong foundations and consolidate them.

A healthy body, a healthy, mind, a healthy soul, healthy emotional management, a stable job, good communication skills for every situation.

They are content wasting all their time on videogames, TV and getting distracted. Then they wonder why they can't get a good significant other and why most people don't accept.

Many people do the bare minimum in one basic aspect such as those who have good-looking bodies, and this further increase the rift. Why? Because they feel proud of a low-level achievement that is basically only a starting point and they feel they have bragging rights. Other people like them because of that achievement, which creates envy and jealous in underachievers instead of inspiring them to do the bare minimum for themselves.

It's easier to blame others, keep doing nothing while also judging others by the same standards in a love-hate relationship of immaturity and mental illness.

The Joy of Satan (we) definitely stand out by instructing people on building their baseline and improving upon it, rather than reaffirming mental illness and strengthening it. This is why staying on the path yields results.

Much appreciation for the post, brother.
From what I seen at incels their only ''proof'' that womens are evil are dating apps and those social experiments to choose a face based on beauty.
Well of course it's not the fault of the women that now dating is happening through those jewish owned traps like tinder... they are made to be this, when you put yourself in one of them you essentially become a product and everything is happening online without the women being able to see exactly other stuff like charisma, level of education or even feel your energy...

Then you have the fucking feminists, didn't they have tons of laws to protect in the West, funny how they never protests about Islamic state or let's say the.. the Balkans, even there could work a bit given the fact that there are still many neanderthals that would need a harsher law system but in rest everything could be solved by removing jewish influence like pornography, rap music and what you see in media in general...
Those who are without are living in a world where the average woman has not changed their desires for a partner that makes more money than them while also demanding the government ensure they get equal pay.

It shouldn't take a math genius to realize why this is not compatible. If the average women looks at the average man as undatable, our society really is doing something wrong, and falling birthrates in white nations are just a symptom of this problem, which kikes amplify with their nonsense.

Self improvement is hard enough for them when the government actively discourages them as they grow up, but even those that manage it can only carry them so far when that same government will punish them for doing too well, diverting their taxes to more and more feminist policies.

I don't know if it's right to blame women for not changing their standards, as men have, but I find it understandable. And they have every right to blame the government for causing this as far as I can see.
I'd like to see what others have to say on this topic,
Because the problem is really complex, and many would be labeled as "incels" just because of pointing out this imbalance and problem. And I believe Jews use Hollywood and Social media to actually encourage this type of trend.
I personally am working on completely cutting myself off from social medias and use only necessary and private means for communication. I've already made great progress.
I truly believe that the current social medias should be banned (for it harms much much more than doing good) and also "diseases spread not health"
Good god that cover photo....I can't stand women who think that having boy hair is some kind of requirement to be lesbian. I mean, I don't know how SS in general feel about women who get boy hair or pixie cuts (I hate it, take that as you wish), but to have it become the "norm" to show off your lesbianness is just ultra-unnecessary.
Often you mention things that are obvious for any awaken person, but at the same time this things are hard to express in words

Is like: i know this things are wrong, i can see the degeneration in it, but i cant tell in words how until you say it, that is a great skill that any leader would need, sure Hitler had such a brilliant skill. Thank you HPHC
All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.

Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.

All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.

These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.

Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.

Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.

Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),
Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades,
MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have
Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.

We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.

Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:

Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)
MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)
Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)

But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.

All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.

All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.

Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.

Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.

Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.

For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.

The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.

Each take a weapon and start fighting each other, to justify their case and due to the rationality of what they consider is evil. All of this fragments and ruins society and keeps creating more and more problems.

In all these wings they have moderate members and then pure terrorists like the Feminists who write dialectics to exterminate men, or like MGTOW who claim all women are by definition to have no rights and to be pimped.

It's all basically hate and confusion based and attention whoring based. In the members of all these categories, they are essentially doing it for social validation and attention, and to maintain imbalanced courses of action in their life and that of others.

All these people have one thing in common: Instead of resolving the chaotic situation inside them by improving, they instead start blaming society and other people and proceed to attack everyone else. This only recreates more of the same.

That's why Spiritual Satanism will make the case of the existence of any of these irrelevant, because as people heal, advance and learn communication, the order of things will be restored. The incel will get up his ass and go to the gym, the feminist will understand that not all men are criminals when she has a good conversation with a high level male, the MGTOW victim will find a better wife than the previous one who made them into this, the GBLTQAI will no longer think imaginary persecution is on every corner in Florida and pretend as if they are living in Saudi Arabia.

Spiritual Satanists should stray from all of these as they represent insanity extremes which only perpetuate eternal problems for society without an end, and they also damn the individual with a victim mentality that makes them paralyzed to solve any problem.

The satisfaction of victim status and anger these groups provide, does not really fundamentally give anyone a solution, nor the people in these, nor the broader society. Spiritual Satanists don't need victim mentality like the members of these "ideologies". They have nothing to provide to any developing human being that seeks to advance and solve these problems, which these places claim should always be part of people's identities.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am happy you have highlighted this key point for everyone to see. The majority of all of these people find themselves in a perpetual battle with their perceived enemies, often fighting over cherry-picked memes or images. This level of extremism and anger creates a self-fulfilling backlash, usually from the same type of character who the person is seeking a resolution with.

In my opinion, the lack of motivation to improve comes predominantly from lack of perception of reward. An incel, even by name, has simply given up, which is very sad to see. How many of these people, incel or others, would get off their ass if they were told that a woman existed for them with near certainty, if only they needed to complete [insert checklist] within a few years?

Instead of this, they falsely assume their target population, such as women, will never love/appreciate them, hence why they turn towards vengeful actions instead of constructive ones.

So I would like to see implemented literally social training camps in the future, if humanity is going to heal these wounds, especially in the face of AI girlfriends. The reality is that most millennials and NEETs will need very high levels of support and re-education here, because the problem has gotten so bad that it results in these level of hopelessness.

When people have been playing video games for 20 years instead of the necessary social training, as you say, the barrier to success becomes so high that it can be very demotivating for people. Therefore, I propose full social programs or similarly organized solutions, which can help structure and accelerate such achievements for these people.

Maybe this sounds too far, but even a simple adult summer camp environment could provide the exposure necessary for a feminist to start to release negative opinions of conservative men, and so on. That reminds me of the lesbian who had bravely decided to live her life as a man in disguise in order to learn and had come to get a real appreciation of men and how they operate. Similarly, incels need supportive women in their life, and so on.

Regardless, for people to first want to do any of this, I believe we first need to focus on re-establishing a motivation to do so.
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-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Mgtow is good, because throughout history only 20% of men have managed to reproduce.
If a man doesn't want to go to the trouble of pleasing a woman too much and then be attacked by the state, he's a good man, because he's leaving more women for more men.

Incel is the same, his genetics are bad, his karma is bad, it's good that he doesn't reproduce anyway.
The people who try to force an incel to look for women do so because they have understood that for the "incel" there is something wrong with women, but these people don't agree with this and try to push this man into female contact at all costs, calling him feminine, garbage and other things.

Feminism is bad, because we need women to reproduce, regardless of IQ or genetics they should have the maximum right to reproduce 80% of women have succeeded.

Lgbt is too harmful because they are pedophiles
The pink hair... Anytime I see pink hair, I know what to expect, lol. Perfect picture for this sermon, High Priest.

I'm quoting this part especially, to ensure members read it :)
Yes! automatic red flag! To further comment on the sermon i have seen hard evidence that that these movements, every last one of them has been backed by jews. Homo and bisexuals find it harder and harder to connect to anyone anymore (although this is not unique to only them...) because their orientation has been made into a movement in the modern day that revolves around politics and hating white men more than it is about genuine attraction and sexual orientation.

Lesbians will literally make themselves as repulsive as possible outwardly just to spite men and "the oppressive norm" and in turn fail at attracting other women when the latter should be the main concern, not politics or status. They grow out their body hair, think its normal to be obese and if you object its "fatphobia", meanwhile they get heart disease. It's all about politics, and "looking more gay" and down with the patriarchy durr.

the hypocrisy of transgenderism comes along to basically imply that someone with the opposite gender energies is in the wrong body. On top of this masculine lesbians and women who "look straight" and dont have the modern dan "non binary" look are completely demeaned and shat at, especially the first. We get a lot of hate and associations with "toxic masculinity" and other bs and there is MASSIVE butch hate, yet these morons claim inclusivity. Meanwhile, more feminine of center queer women receive pressure to "look less straight". Gay men also have this thing where effeminate men are hated on.

MGTOW and feminism were designed to destroy relations between the sexes and the family unit while distracting men and women from the main causes of the problem.

It would make most queer leftists reeee that i would never have anything in common with them politically, not to mention that despite having more masculine energy ive been told both that i'm a good worker/welder but also that I would make a good housewife. its annadah shoah i guess because both are correct and im proud of it. I don't see it beneath me to take care of other human beings or look at being a nurturing sensitive being as something to be spat on or thought low of, which is what feminism has brainwashed everyone to do. Funny, they talk about "internalized mysogyny" when this is exactly that, oh the hypocrisy.
Another thing that they all have in common, is that they all use their own ancient history to justify their beliefs.

Feminists talk about the evil of the bronze and iron age in Greece and Mesopotamia all the time. Reality is, women had no problem with their responsibilities then, and they weren't oppressed.

They will malform history as they see fit.

Feminists don't know that women back then were essentially as free as they are "today" minus the mental viruses they have today, and they were part of meritocratic civilization. And that men were essentially not boosted either it was all part of what you were.

Female Princesses, sex workers, scholars, scientists, athletes, and everything else they claim they "brought back" merely had disappeared because of the advent of the jewish Abrahamic programs. They always existed in the past.

There was never a hijab or anything in Ancient Greece or Mesopotamia, nor laws to restrain the existence of women. Women however as they had super masculine men and stronger husbands, didn't want to go into the whole trial of worthless fury to try to become a male to compensate for social deficits or because their triggered feminist friend said so.

There were an equal amount of male and female deities, to maintain social balance. I have described of this in my topics.

There is documented evidence that Socrates was sometimes beat (albeit Socrates laughed at this) by his wife Xanthippe. He was laughing about it and stayed with her for many decades.

People also think the people of the past didn't have problems or that they were perfect. No, they had funny stories and other things to manage same as we do. They just had way better uncorrupted civilizations without jewish mental fog. But problems of life are still there.

Social problems exist in any civilization, yes, someone might have done domestic abuse and some woman might have cheated or even vice versa. But these events do not describe anything but the poor behavior of people all the time. Rape and other offenses were punishable with imprisonment and death.

Lying about history is the bread and butter of these perverted "groups" and related. They do not make any deep research and take at face value every lie that is convenient.
They will malform history as they see fit.

Feminists don't know that women back then were essentially as free as they are "today" minus the mental viruses they have today, and they were part of meritocratic civilization. And that men were essentially not boosted either it was all part of what you were.

Female Princesses, sex workers, scholars, scientists, athletes, and everything else they claim they "brought back" merely had disappeared because of the advent of the jewish Abrahamic programs. They always existed in the past.

There was never a hijab or anything in Ancient Greece or Mesopotamia, nor laws to restrain the existence of women. Women however as they had super masculine men and stronger husbands, didn't want to go into the whole trial of worthless fury to try to become a male to compensate for social deficits or because their triggered feminist friend said so.

There were an equal amount of male and female deities, to maintain social balance. I have described of this in my topics.

Social problems exist in any civilization, yes, someone might have done domestic abuse and some woman might have cheated. But these events do not describe anything but the poor behavior of people all the time. Rape and other offenses were punishable with imprisonment and death.

Lying about history is the bread and butter of these perverted "groups" and related. They do not make any deep research and take at face value every lie that is convenient.

(With the exception of Spartan women throughout all Greece)

Following this reply, I wonder too if these modern scholars are simply misinterpreting ancient history, for the Greeks sought after Arete through Agon, and women apparently were bared from attaining these concepts of excellence through competition. However, what if women simply left men to pursue their gender specific roles, just as men did so for women, like funerary rites, which were organized and led by women.

Furthermore, is it possible the enemy as purposefully taken Aristotle out of context when he said that women were no better than slaves, or was that really said by him?
Hahahahahha Lydia u forgot the blue hairrr pleaseeeee
I never saw any! Just the pink haired ones. Do the pink haired and blue haired hate each other? Or are they on the same team. Lol.
I never saw any! Just the pink haired ones. Do the pink haired and blue haired hate each other? Or are they on the same team. Lol.
They come from different clans, but go to the same Hot Topic and watch the same anime :LOL:
In my opinion, the lack of motivation to improve comes predominantly from lack of perception of reward. An incel, even by name, has simply given up, which is very sad to see. How many of these people, incel or others, would get off their ass if they were told that a woman existed for them with near certainty, if only they needed to complete [insert checklist] within a few years?

Something that we forget is that boys did grow up being told what to do to get a girl, but much of the information was very wrong or only worked for a small selection of girls.

We all grew up on the same Disney movies eating the same lessons/propaganda.

"Be nice, kind, ect" While they weren't told how to actually be attractive or appealing to women.

They grow up learning the wrong lessons. Being nice is important but it isn't enough to attract the average woman on the lower level.

This is also a problem with those who are more intelligent or attractive giving out advice as they can't see what it's like for those who are beneath them and the extra steps they didn't even have to go through that the average person might. An attractive persons advice is often terrible for the average guy but that's gets listened to because that guy gets the girls.

But now the feminists would be very angry if you tried to actually teach some of these things.

That's why young boys are now flocking to people like Andrew Tate. I'm not going to bother giving any opinion on him, but he's more of a symptom of this very thing.

Boys were taught wrong, got consistently burned for trying, and either gave up self labeling themselves as incels, or they complain about it, and get labeled/lumped in with incels for their troubles, or go hyper in the other direction with Andrew Tate alikes and way too hard with their brand of "self improvement" which has a lot of good and a lot of half truths.

There's simply too many obstacles for the average guy in this kiked up world, on top of all the economic pressures to even accomplish all of this.
One thing I specifically am critical of in the LGBT community, is their useless Pride Month.

Twerking with thongs in front of children somewhere in California, will not stop the muslim monkeys from throwing homosexuals in the middle east off of rooftops and stoning the "sodomites".
I cannot tolerate the over-representation of the GLBTQI+(infinity) community. I have nothing against the identification of gay or lesbian people, however the rest are to me a symptom of poor mental health.

For the former two I'd suggest that they do not require the over-representation that they're programmed to thinking that they need due to their frail victim mentality. As well, the queer culture that encompasses this which essentially promotes overt promotion of sexualism and promiscuity are in my eyes very harmful. As a gay person I don't care for this extreme approach that creates an air of malaise around the entire community and in-turn stereotypes that follow. People who believe that being 'tolerant' or 'inclusive' to this is creating a better society are people devoid of common sense. Indoctrinating our children with this garbage should be a criminal act.

This controlled division coupled with a mass brainwashing of the populace into accepting these ideas are inexcusable mental assaults created and manifested by (of course) joo-know-whos. This sort of thing at times appears worse in their country than in the Western world which is interesting considering how secularized they are.

As far as asexuality goes however, I don't believe that in any normally developed or formed person that this is a healthy approach to life. It practically takes the 'incel' mentality and cranks up the dial to a point where they wish to have zero sexual contact with any other person. In the case of biologically asexual people there are ways to overcome this via meditation, magnum opus and/or surgery (if warranted).

I met an asexual person once. They had severe trauma from being a victim of sexual abuse. Regardless of such outcomes we are well equipped in life to outgrow these limitations that we put on ourselves. It just takes time and resolve - two things that people believe they lack, hence escapism into depraved ideas. One second can be worth hours (NPC time) to a highly devoted and developed Satanist.

Take for instance 'selective eating disorder', a mental disorder that leads to physical symptoms in which afflicted persons build a physical aversion to certain foods which can lead to nausea and vomiting.

Our minds are so powerful that we indeed create a large portion of our reality from our mind. It is very dangerous to get caught in the mental trappings of our world and it's one reason that the path presented before us here is certainly one of the utmost truth in all things, one which I genuinely hope that the rest of the world one day soon will realize as the only path towards the healing, progression and betterment of ourselves and our world.
I don't know how the enemy manages to create and establish these factions so quickly and with such capacity. There is a market for everything but they use their social media I imagine to push things.

But my own little thing I'm going with now is 'Semen Retention'. NOFAP. I believe another lie of the enemy was saying masturbation is healthy.

Medically officially it's stated to not cause any harm and will be reabsorbed. It's actually a spiritual thing because the man uses a lot of energy to create semen. And it takes 74 days for a sperm cell to mature. So there will be more energy for the body and soul. Then a man will stop producing semen and can use that energy spiritually.

That sexual thoughts cause genital congestion and drives the energy into the lower energy centers. When a man has pure thoughts his energy can flow up to the upper energetic centers and connect with Atman. (Bramacharia).

And they state no dry orgasms either. Any orgasm even without the release of fluids is considered a loss of pranic energy which should be circulated to enhance the three bodies. (Physical, Mental and Spiritual). I've found I create pre-cum which although not semen is a sexual fluid. And in Taoism's Qigong it said to conserve sexual fluids.

Semen is a mans brain and bone marrow.

1. Chyle creates blood.
2. Blood creates 3. Flesh. 4. Flesh to fat. 5. Bones to 6. Marrow, marrow creates 7. Semen.

Intercourse between a man and a women they both give electric charges to each other. So no energy is lost. But masturbation is a total loss. No one ever gained energy from masturbating.

With an ejaculation a man loses electricity, light, and life energy that were formed as the end product of digestion. Semen is thus the net sum, or end product of all life sustaining processes.

The nectar of nectars. The supercharged fluid meant to create another human being. Semen is the essence of his energy, Prana and Vitality. The infusion of life energy embodied as light and electricity. (Vidyuth and Tejas).

Semen Retention may be a marginal thing in society but I started on the 01 January 2024 and haven't has an ejaculation since. My red eyes are now white and clear. There is definitely a difference to the light in my eyes.

I'm needing much less sleep. I'm still suffering a bit of fatigue from work but I think there is something in NOFAP. It's only been 4 months so still early days.

I learn't that a mans gonads are critical to his mental and physical vitality. What frequent ejaculations do to a man is the equivalent to castration.
Good god that cover photo....I can't stand women who think that having boy hair is some kind of requirement to be lesbian. I mean, I don't know how SS in general feel about women who get boy hair or pixie cuts (I hate it, take that as you wish), but to have it become the "norm" to show off your lesbianness is just ultra-unnecessary.
I think girls with short hair can be got, as long as it isn't dyed an unnatural color because that is a red flag of mental illness, no father figure, promiscuous past etc
I think girls with short hair can be got, as long as it isn't dyed an unnatural color because that is a red flag of mental illness, no father figure, promiscuous past etc
Not always. Don't be so harsh on your judgement. I've had female friends who had dyed hair and they were fine. I understand where you're coming from though.
I cannot tolerate the over-representation of the GLBTQI+(infinity) community. I have nothing against the identification of gay or lesbian people, however the rest are to me a symptom of poor mental health.

For the former two I'd suggest that they do not require the over-representation that they're programmed to thinking that they need due to their frail victim mentality. As well, the queer culture that encompasses this which essentially promotes overt promotion of sexualism and promiscuity are in my eyes very harmful. As a gay person I don't care for this extreme approach that creates an air of malaise around the entire community and in-turn stereotypes that follow. People who believe that being 'tolerant' or 'inclusive' to this is creating a better society are people devoid of common sense. Indoctrinating our children with this garbage should be a criminal act.

This controlled division coupled with a mass brainwashing of the populace into accepting these ideas are inexcusable mental assaults created and manifested by (of course) joo-know-whos. This sort of thing at times appears worse in their country than in the Western world which is interesting considering how secularized they are.

As far as asexuality goes however, I don't believe that in any normally developed or formed person that this is a healthy approach to life. It practically takes the 'incel' mentality and cranks up the dial to a point where they wish to have zero sexual contact with any other person. In the case of biologically asexual people there are ways to overcome this via meditation, magnum opus and/or surgery (if warranted).

I met an asexual person once. They had severe trauma from being a victim of sexual abuse. Regardless of such outcomes we are well equipped in life to outgrow these limitations that we put on ourselves. It just takes time and resolve - two things that people believe they lack, hence escapism into depraved ideas. One second can be worth hours (NPC time) to a highly devoted and developed Satanist.

Take for instance 'selective eating disorder', a mental disorder that leads to physical symptoms in which afflicted persons build a physical aversion to certain foods which can lead to nausea and vomiting.

Our minds are so powerful that we indeed create a large portion of our reality from our mind. It is very dangerous to get caught in the mental trappings of our world and it's one reason that the path presented before us here is certainly one of the utmost truth in all things, one which I genuinely hope that the rest of the world one day soon will realize as the only path towards the healing, progression and betterment of ourselves and our world.
I have mentioned before that asexuality is abnormal and not natural and as a result of either sexual trauma or simply not being able to find a prospect that can legitimately invoke a sexual feeling. Living in a world where most people don't care for themselves much or under estimate looks does this. Over half the population is obese or simply disproportionate because of crappy genetic hygiene. The majority of humanity is simply legitimately unattractive by their own doing.
I don't know how the enemy manages to create and establish these factions so quickly and with such capacity. There is a market for everything but they use their social media I imagine to push things.

But my own little thing I'm going with now is 'Semen Retention'. NOFAP. I believe another lie of the enemy was saying masturbation is healthy.

Medically officially it's stated to not cause any harm and will be reabsorbed. It's actually a spiritual thing because the man uses a lot of energy to create semen. And it takes 74 days for a sperm cell to mature. So there will be more energy for the body and soul. Then a man will stop producing semen and can use that energy spiritually.

That sexual thoughts cause genital congestion and drives the energy into the lower energy centers. When a man has pure thoughts his energy can flow up to the upper energetic centers and connect with Atman. (Bramacharia).

And they state no dry orgasms either. Any orgasm even without the release of fluids is considered a loss of pranic energy which should be circulated to enhance the three bodies. (Physical, Mental and Spiritual). I've found I create pre-cum which although not semen is a sexual fluid. And in Taoism's Qigong it said to conserve sexual fluids.

Semen is a mans brain and bone marrow.

1. Chyle creates blood.
2. Blood creates 3. Flesh. 4. Flesh to fat. 5. Bones to 6. Marrow, marrow creates 7. Semen.

Intercourse between a man and a women they both give electric charges to each other. So no energy is lost. But masturbation is a total loss. No one ever gained energy from masturbating.

With an ejaculation a man loses electricity, light, and life energy that were formed as the end product of digestion. Semen is thus the net sum, or end product of all life sustaining processes.

The nectar of nectars. The supercharged fluid meant to create another human being. Semen is the essence of his energy, Prana and Vitality. The infusion of life energy embodied as light and electricity. (Vidyuth and Tejas).

Semen Retention may be a marginal thing in society but I started on the 01 January 2024 and haven't has an ejaculation since. My red eyes are now white and clear. There is definitely a difference to the light in my eyes.

I'm needing much less sleep. I'm still suffering a bit of fatigue from work but I think there is something in NOFAP. It's only been 4 months so still early days.

I learn't that a mans gonads are critical to his mental and physical vitality. What frequent ejaculations do to a man is the equivalent to castration.

I have written on this before. The basis of this is just a misunderstanding of the body, combined with sexual repression, and a poverty mindset regarding the body's energy.

While it is generally true that the sexual fluids have these properties and that not losing them at exorbitant rates will make you feel better, we shouldn't go the opposite and totally repress our sexuality just to gain a bit of physical energy. Instead, you can work on your Martian and Venusian energies, which are responsible for the a lot of what you are describing here, alongside other energies.

The purpose of orgasms and the reason it holds power is because it relates to creation itself. Shown by Kenaz or Dagaz, sexual activity is a transformative mixture of yin and yang which produces a new creation, either a child, or within the self it stimulates the kundalini or can be directed for advancement of areas of the soul.

The enemy restricts this on purpose to hide this fact, making sexual activity seem dirty, despite its direct connection with advancement. When we work on the Kundalini, this will directly stimulate sexual energies and feelings because this is a natural expression of life.

Therefore, what you should do is take a middle-ground approach based on your needs: If you are tired, then maybe hold off for that night, but if you feel sexual urges after 3-4 or whatever days of restriction, then this is fine to release.

If you want to permanently increase your health, then do Sun and Mars style energy work or exercise. There are many exercises that work lower back and nadis behind the legs which benefit the sexual organs help the body restore the materials and energies you are trying to retain.

Mars will be in Aries soon and you can definitely test this yourself. Mars Squares will give more sexual potency and power, therefore you do not need to behave like a crippled yogi who must cling to the last bit of sexual energy, which is the opposite of the power and prosperty this path holds for us.
There is a lid for every pot, but:

Lid and pots on a dating apps for example likewise want to date 20% off the hottest persons.

This leaves many people lonely, unloved. Evolution wise only the best procreate etc. it is good, but with the spiritual tools we were given to improve, I don't see this as much important aside from avoiding disabilities.

People either have to self improve (socially, meditation, financially,...), or they have to lower their requirements ( older, less pretty, more bothersome, ...).
I have written on this before. The basis of this is just a misunderstanding of the body, combined with sexual repression, and a poverty mindset regarding the body's energy.

While it is generally true that the sexual fluids have these properties and that not losing them at exorbitant rates will make you feel better, we shouldn't go the opposite and totally repress our sexuality just to gain a bit of physical energy. Instead, you can work on your Martian and Venusian energies, which are responsible for the a lot of what you are describing here, alongside other energies.

The purpose of orgasms and the reason it holds power is because it relates to creation itself. Shown by Kenaz or Dagaz, sexual activity is a transformative mixture of yin and yang which produces a new creation, either a child, or within the self it stimulates the kundalini or can be directed for advancement of areas of the soul.

The enemy restricts this on purpose to hide this fact, making sexual activity seem dirty, despite its direct connection with advancement. When we work on the Kundalini, this will directly stimulate sexual energies and feelings because this is a natural expression of life.

Therefore, what you should do is take a middle-ground approach based on your needs: If you are tired, then maybe hold off for that night, but if you feel sexual urges after 3-4 or whatever days of restriction, then this is fine to release.

If you want to permanently increase your health, then do Sun and Mars style energy work or exercise. There are many exercises that work lower back and nadis behind the legs which benefit the sexual organs help the body restore the materials and energies you are trying to retain.

Mars will be in Aries soon and you can definitely test this yourself. Mars Squares will give more sexual potency and power, therefore you do not need to behave like a crippled yogi who must cling to the last bit of sexual energy, which is the opposite of the power and prosperty this path holds for us.
I have to add regarding: "I think there is something in NOFAP. It's only been 4 months so still early days." Statistics show men who are not sexual active, have a way higher chance off testicular cancer.

We SS should know how to direct/absorb energy, including our own sexual energy, we don't loose it. We raise/program/direct it for our advancement.
I have mentioned before that asexuality is abnormal and not natural and as a result of either sexual trauma or simply not being able to find a prospect that can legitimately invoke a sexual feeling. Living in a world where most people don't care for themselves much or under estimate looks does this. Over half the population is obese or simply disproportionate because of crappy genetic hygiene. The majority of humanity is simply legitimately unattractive by their own doing.

That makes perfect sense to me, thanks for sharing! I've had this issue before in the past also - feelings of poor self-esteem, inadequacy, comparing myself to others and so on. I learned about an interesting concept in psychology called 'the wise mind' that sits between the logical mind and emotional mind (i.e a perfect balance of the two). For many years I was on the logical side almost solely and I would only really enter the emotional side when SHTF so to speak. Finding balance in this even is vastly important to becoming our best selves, following the things outlined in Maslow's hierachy of needs. Interestingly, physiological needs are at the base of this pyramid and it's one reason I've found that obtaining a strong balance in diet, sleep and exercise is of paramount importance when pursuing the other things (safety, love/belonging, esteem, self actualization). In my case obtaining better health has been a life mission yet it's brought me to some profound realizations along the way, even in spite of the hardships that I've been faced with. Health is our wealth in many ways.

I think that society might have some of these orders mixed up, that they seek to self actualize without the foundational aspects and seek them out afterwards, most often to a very inadequate degree. Having overcome so much in my life it makes sense that a grounds-up approach is best to all things rather than a top-down approach.

You mentioned crappy genetic hygiene which in my view is most certainly a result of genetic expression. Things we are exposed to cause different diseases and such to manifest; such as a crappy diet, poor lifestyle choices, mental/spiritual states, etc.

These ideas are so fascinating to me! The answers to all our questions that we face on this earth are very simple to answer yet general people somehow cannot see the forest for the trees, hence all the insanity and stupidity of people escaping from hard realities that make them who they really are. In life we all have a lot of 'shadow work' one could say.
BTW - a random thing I forgot to say - that is the most awesome banner I've seen! (It made me laugh!)

I might have to put that on a coffee mug or something it's so great lol! 🤣

Thanks again for the comment and my apologies for my deep thinking. I could be wrong about one or two things (a bit of glossing in my last comment) yet that's how I think that things might generally operate in the world anyway. It's a confusing world that way and things in the physical (masculine) plane might not always be so black-and-white yet a part of me thinks that they actually are, hence my adoration of this place, Satanism and it's teachings. 😊
I think girls with short hair can be got, as long as it isn't dyed an unnatural color because that is a red flag of mental illness, no father figure, promiscuous past etc
I agree that this is often the case, yet there are always some you will meet who are outstanding people with great values. I knew one that was one of the most open-minded and thoughtful people I'd met. Although she had ADHD traits and seemed to always be happy even when she was stressed out, unless she got to a breaking point with tears and needing to be alone. She was incredible at communicating in spite of her hyperactivity and she was always very considerate to my thoughts while being strong about her own. (A sort of back-and-forth). A very emotionally driven personality.

She was very wise, hardworking and driven. That said, this person practically worshipped Starbucks and she obviously had discomfort being around people who were direct over those who were open-minded. Things aren't always quite what they seem on the surface. I think that as we get older looks become less of a concern while character, values and how we interact become of greater importance, thus making someone that's say a 5 become an 8 or 9 while someone that's a 10 can instantly become a 1. It's all about balance and weighing out the pros and cons... no such thing as 100% perfect in this regard as we as a humans are a fallible species. All good things come through time and consistent effort.

Anyway, sorry to harp on you bro! I personally think that this short dyed hair thing is most often a red flag and that the exception does not make the rule. One should consider these things but not dwell on them too much. A hot chick with short dyed hair could be likened to a true Satanist for example... one can never know for sure. We also can meet and find people who aren't exactly Satanists yet who are a good fit for our personality and values. I'd suggest to never limit yourself completely and always think about the big picture as much as possible.
To be loved by a woman as a man, is a high level achievement, if we are talking about real love. To reach this requires a form of effort, at least 5% effort put into the self. Otherwise what is there to love? "Who they are", but who is one when they are a self defined incel? How does that help the situation?

Incels are far disconnected from the notion of being a man, they are still on a baby state.

Women outside are not obligated to lay down for the incel, who merely sits there with anime lube and cries for his victim status. The incel is the problem here not the woman in that case, the women are just reflecting the repulsion to the repulsive victim mentality one follows.

That is completely anti-thetical to both receiving love let alone receiving a wife from the universe. They must get out of this if they want a progress in that area.
Mgtow // Not quite like that. the equation has many variables. on a personal level, that guy who has problems with relationships DOES have problems. I see a lot of guys who have some genetic problem resulting from miscegenation, which ends up bugging his genetics in some way because he is white, but mongolization or related things messed with his his genetics and they didn't let him be that "chad", in the way that he is still white, but he has lost his grace, he is no longer flashy and attractive, in short, a FAILURE lineage. a guy who no longer has genes to breed and nature itself did the job of leaving the individual out of the sexual market. he possibly had mental consequences because of the miscegenation, such as low self-esteem, an appearance that is 4/10 instead of being 9/10 or 10/10, revolt, and a vague hope of fixing his genetics to GET back to having self high esteem, since Satanism promotes solutions to almost all problems. The description in the first paragraph fits me because I am experiencing this right now in my life, because there were brutal miscegenation problems/karmas in this incarnation of mine that even I LIKE MYSELF, because I have no self-esteem, imagine others, women ? Stopping talking about myself and talking about Western women in general, and society as a whole: A bunch of normal women who decide to be promiscuous online, a bunch of laws to screw men and the social problems of feminism that have destroyed the entire society Western and even European in general, as it has reduced the entire birth rate, take Sweden as an example. almost every woman I know has online photos and videos of having sex on the Internet in her Instagram description, that her 5-year-old son will pick up her cell phone in a little while and see what his mom is doing at the "peak", apart from the bullying in schools that many kids are going through because of this. With women like this it is natural for some men to give up on relationships and only look for prostitutes, as it combines the useful with the pleasant. I gave up on relationships for personal, genetic, and personal reasons. Others who are giving up have these reasons and many others.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
