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Feminism: The (((Commandments))) For Feminist Women

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Specter said:
Regarding anti-femininity with jews, one member posted a conversation they had with some kikes and they told him that some certain holiday was basically a "thanksgiving to their god" for making them male. Meanwhile, they enforce pro-feminism to gentiles.

Jews understand what ((("empowered women"))) towards the end of degeneracy cause to a society, same as men walking on the same spectrum.

On the numerous studies of Jews, yes, they also recite a prayer where they "Thank God" for not making them women, plus they have numerous other woman hating customs and holidays. This hate has reflected on their women, who primarily opt in to become prostitutes in a form of reaction.

For those who have wasted their time reading the national history of jews, the "Bible", whoredom for jewish women and being lower than pigs, was everyday life in Israel, to the point they had to issue national warnings to stop this. Lot, a national hero of Israel, was pimping his own daughters to name one example.

I'll give you an article for reference on how jews deal with race traitors, women that betray their bunch and so on. Here, women who had relationships with Arabs in Israel, were branded an "existential threat" to the "Israeli people". They were penalized, treated lower than dogs for their stupid choices.

The Jewish Women Who Posed an 'Existential Threat' to Israel by Marrying Arab Men


At the same rate, they go tell Bjorn in Europe, that his daughter or wife is doing great that she entertains to copulate with people whom will drastically reduce or halve their IQ, rendering us a gathering of retards collectively.

Jews on the other hand as Bjorn is instructed in Pornhub to like this, are going to execute women who do this, or restrain them seriously. One news article I read from Israel, Orthodox gangs were going around Israel and they knew one jewess was hanging around with an Arab. This is a constant phenomenon in Israel.

They were sitting on a balcony casually talking, the jewess with the Arab. The Orthodox jews literally climbed the balcony [2nd story] and pulled down the Arab from the Balcony, beating him senseless.

The same Jews will be on TV in the West talking to you how your daughters and wives should be pimped, and how that's a very good and open minded thing. According to jews also this is the future and it's very great.

Sort of like open borders. We all know here these things "go together", silly you. First you need open borders, then an open and glad heart in the face of your own extinction.

And don't you dare insult a bbc half jewish princess out of it, because she will, I don't know, take revenge on you by showing out on Instagram that she is with the #invaders and she has a lot of #fun.

This is also the surest and most foolproof way to cause a rampant reaction, which will return us again to the shit morals of Judeochristianity which caused this in the first place. Many in the right wing are already fallen into this trap. Then, after this, we'll have another round of more rampant feminism, and then, another round of more rampant Judeochristianity or Islam.

It is therefore imperative for them to promote rampant feminism on us. Basically feminism is just a front, as with anything else. None of this has ever had to do with the rights of any women.

Meanwhile, normal developments of balance that happened in the West, such as women voting, empowerment of women, or equality, are accredited falsely to "Feminism". Our ancient history already had these powers vested in women, already. We didn't need the jews to remind us.

We just needed them to let us be with their kosher middle eastern program. The moment these shit programs let up after the Enlightenment in Europe, we moved steadily again towards a balance between men and women. But not for long.

Jews themselves have a worldwide known history of treating females lower than pigs [as shown above] and they themselves practice the exact opposite end. It's none of our business to care what they do, but it just goes to show, the excessive double standards this race promotes.

They also send every suppressed jewish whore lowlifes in the West, as to bastardize the brains of native women. Jewish women run in the West to pimp themselves out, because their order of jews has turned them mental.

Then, the West has to pay the psychological damages of these prostitutes, where they create bogus explanations for the native women about how they had so much suppression too.

All of Feminism if you look into it, is rather the reaction of jewesses against their own jewish patriarchical order. This is explained in every Feminist Manuscript. The revolt against the "Patriarchy" is a word to describe the "Patriarch of Abraham". If you don't believe this, look that up.

All of Feminism describes their reaction is to "Abrahamism", ie, the religious forefather of the jews.

Prior to this women did fine, and were far better off than they are even today. The moment the West healed temporary and we reached equillibrium between men and women, and balance, the enemy came in with rampant feminism to upset the balance once again.

This time over, they promote this on the side of women. A few decades ago, they pushed this on the side of men, turning them to Israeli Jews.

Jews come to tell us they are revolutionary when a woman goes at University, while essentially some of the greatest scientists in Sumer or Ancient Greeks were females, lol.

The same race of Abrahamic zealots that executed Hypatia for being a woman scientist [after raping her] are the same race of zealots that tell us today that making women into monkeys that contract STD's on sidewalks is the way towards their "liberation", promoting uneducated women, stupidity in women, and women without any noble values that resemble the lowest manifestation of feminity.

Jews pretend they made a great achievement when they said a woman can be a warrior, by manufacturing bullshit now to further weaken the Western Civilization and delude women. The fact that women can be noble and reach any height was already known in Pagan civilizations. We didn't need the jews to tell us anything.

However the jew destroys something and re-introduces it as "new" after they have killed the civilization where they stole it from.

We're being bullshitted by this race of alien garbage, on all sides. Feminism is just more of this bullshit for goyim consumption.

Gentile women don't need Trans Yaniv to tell them about their future, they need other Gentile accomplished women in all fields of life, or the Goddesses like Lilith or Astarte, Hera or Athena.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Still get physically ill when I remember what I read regarding Hypatia's death. Very few people in the world deserve to die like that but 99% of those people are probably jews.

Anyway, they're trying to run a narrative of men being abusers and woman beaters where I live in an attempt to divide men and women. Naturally only the scared university brainwashed sheep are buying into it, just like how that same sort of individual was the first to go get the unnecessary COVID vaccine. (Further national distrust of the vaccine was caused by the local news reporting that someone died ten days of a blood clot after receiving an AztraZeneca vaccine, lol.)

There are probably a lot more places than just the US where people are practicing civil disobedience, but yeah, without the 2nd Amendment there's only so much one can do when tyrannical politicians choose to send the police after you.
Thats the most disgusting and most non-understandable thing when it comes to modern europe. In Mongolia, when a mongolian woman posts an Instagram photo of hanging out with foreign men they'll be criticized so hard that they'll have to delete their account. One such recent case that happened exactly a year ago was a mongolian fashion model hanging out with a middle aged italian cuck while dissing mongolian men got hated by the whole mongolian facebook community on every page and group and nobody gave a shit and said that she deserved it when she got the covid. Those who marry foreigners among mongolians are only those who live aboard. This is also quite self explanatory because we are only 3.3 millions in Mongolia and we used to be even fewer before. And the funny thing is, the so-called feminist politicians in Mongolia (one of them married an american man) have done fewer things for women than singers, actresses and sportswomen alike :lol:
From observation and knowing them on a personal level for years, feminists themselves tend to be the weakest and most barbaric type of women.

When one strips back all the talk of 'rights' this and that, what you get in feminism is basically a variety of women that cannot function and cannot live up to the mantra of equal rights at all. The strongest women in my life have never been feminists.

Nietzsche made it clear why this is, because people who hate the world and are full of ressentiment need things like feminist ideology to continue justifying living. This is also why weak men go towards MGTOW and 'white sharia' or whatever crap one can formulate from the abrahamic pigsty.

How many feminists cream themselves over Ha$$an "Armenian and Greek genocide isn't real" P1ker? Beyond his denial of this (which if anyone actually believed in 'social justice' for real would end a career), I saw some video where some arch-feminist antifa looked doe eyed as he described groping, nonconsentual sex and other things they would normally end careers over. There is no outrage against him because most feminists do not actually care what they talk about, they only care about social capital.

The amount of discussions I see in feminist spaces about 'manspreading' compared to a genuine hideous atrocity practiced on millions of girls in the West like FGM by neolithic scum is unbelievable. One feminist friend of mine asked me to copy-edit her essay JUSTIFYING FGM ON CULTURAL GROUNDS. She went to a major US university. I told her to GET FUCKED.

Feminism has even made the traditional Anglo-Saxon tomboy such as Amelia Earhart go extinct, instead they tell anyone who can't be #CardiBbodygoals to transition and become some blobgender graything instead. Wow, such progress.
Great sermon HP, on the plus side its very easy to spot the feminists, isnt wicca their religion? Would this make them our enemy?
Why hasn't anyone had the bright idea of infiltrating the feminist movement and redirecting their anger towards xians? I for one would LOVE to see a Planned Parenthood built on the ruins of every last church building.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gentile women don't need Trans Yaniv to tell them about their future, they need other Gentile accomplished women in all fields of life, or the Goddesses like Lilith or Astarte, Hera or Athena.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Oh my goodness no, no fucking Jonathan Yaniv, I mean Jewssica uwu Yaniv uwu. Even most trans individuals **know** for sure that kike is a predator weird menstruation fetishist using the trans label to prey on little girls. This case is getting more common due to how fucked up the kike has invaded and perversed these spaces.
Even normal people now without insight feel like cultists in cloaks and daggers when discussing feminism. They fear for thier jobs and even connections with their families. Give it time though. These institutions are slowly being being destroyed from within by overflowing with corruption from power they amassed that they're grossly inept to handle.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Specter said:
Regarding anti-femininity with jews, one member posted a conversation they had with some kikes and they told him that some certain holiday was basically a "thanksgiving to their god" for making them male. Meanwhile, they enforce pro-feminism to gentiles.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm a 25 year old woman. Never labelled myself as a feminist, even when I was younger. I get a lot of hate for it so obviously don't go preaching it to the world, but they love lecturing me and shaming me saying "oh so you rather get oppressed and be a stay at home mom that cleans the house, watches the kids, and gets abused by the husband while tending to his sexual needs"

It's ridiculous, as if thats the only option available if you dont decide to be on the the femizombies. Secondly why does it automatically equate to "abuse" and a miserable life. These feminists are getting scammed. So busy hating men that they don't see how they are getting the short end of the stick. Fucking and sucking anyone for free with no promise of security, loyalty, stability. Hows paying half the rent or living lonely lives, and being "used and abused" without being in a committed relationship working out for you? You do realize taking care of children and cleaning the house can be done together right? Starting a business can be done, together. right? Also whats wrong with being a stay at home mom also, you want these corrupted and outdated school systems and MTV & cardi b raising your children to become indoctrinated idiots like lil xan and lil pump when they're older?

A lot of these woman are overly masculine now too, praising how they think like men, competing with men, forgetting that femininity has its beauty. Just because you wear claw like fake nails and weaves doesn't make you feminine.

I remember reading the luciferian doctrine book and they were saying if you reincarnate as a woman its a punishment from your past life, and woman are less evolved than men. Disgusting. Doubt real luciferians wrote that book.

No sense of true empowerment. I'm not with it whatsoever.

What are your views on sex work Hoodedcobra, in regards to your spiritual progress?
HP is Astarte also Athena? I've been wondering this for a while and am still confused about it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Specter said:
Regarding anti-femininity with jews, one member posted a conversation they had with some kikes and they told him that some certain holiday was basically a "thanksgiving to their god" for making them male. Meanwhile, they enforce pro-feminism to gentiles.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Everything that is abrahamic hates women. jews have not only shown their direct blatant hate for women but also do this by devaluing femininity by promoting women to become like men because oy vey goy women are the lesser sex and dont contribute. The literal underlying message of feminism is the hatred of femininity and that the inherent feminine woman is lesser than a human being. On the flipside examples like with Hypatia, one i am all too familar with, the women who actually engage in something meaningful are again torn down.

This article is disturbing. i have known that intermixing is indeed most recent. and to elaborate not only the israeli but also the arab side considers it literal treason to this day if there is in intermarriage. I am not surprised this cites muslims specifically, as hajies are so sexually repressed that they would stick their dicks in something as disgusting as a jew. jewish converts to islam due to the influence of the ottoman empire are also known to me. To this day their families know of their real ancestry. Before the mandate intermarriage was still considered illegitimate and the occurance was very low. in islam it is permitted for a man to marry a nonmuslim as long as she converts, but not the other way around. Greek orthodox and especially Latin and roman catholic palastinians however were thus far less likely to engage in such a practice, not only due to the overal cultural atmosphere of sticking to ones own overall, but most catholic churches in general around the world would excommunicate their members for even marrying outside that specific denomination, and it was blatantly forbidden to marry anyone of another faith.

Needless to say when i was still competely ignorant about anything of the general region, when i found out i had palastinian ancestry on one quarter side (albeit with lebanese and italian origins) i freaked the fuck out last year, untill i traced my family tree and found documentation that my cousin read to me. Thank the Gods i dont have any muslims in my family tree for safetys sake. I would be lying still though, if i said looking at that article didnt give me chills. it is however from a jewish source.
itsstarfire said:
I'm a 25 year old woman. Never labelled myself as a feminist, even when I was younger. I get a lot of hate for it so obviously don't go preaching it to the world, but they love lecturing me and shaming me saying "oh so you rather get oppressed and be a stay at home mom that cleans the house, watches the kids, and gets abused by the husband while tending to his sexual needs"

It's ridiculous, as if thats the only option available if you dont decide to be on the the femizombies. Secondly why does it automatically equate to "abuse" and a miserable life. These feminists are getting scammed. So busy hating men that they don't see how they are getting the short end of the stick. Fucking and sucking anyone for free with no promise of security, loyalty, stability. Hows paying half the rent or living lonely lives, and being "used and abused" without being in a committed relationship working out for you? You do realize taking care of children and cleaning the house can be done together right? Starting a business can be done, together. right? Also whats wrong with being a stay at home mom also, you want these corrupted and outdated school systems and MTV & cardi b raising your children to become indoctrinated idiots like lil xan and lil pump when they're older?

A lot of these woman are overly masculine now too, praising how they think like men, competing with men, forgetting that femininity has its beauty. Just because you wear claw like fake nails and weaves doesn't make you feminine.

I remember reading the luciferian doctrine book and they were saying if you reincarnate as a woman its a punishment from your past life, and woman are less evolved than men. Disgusting. Doubt real luciferians wrote that book.

No sense of true empowerment. I'm not with it whatsoever.

What are your views on sex work Hoodedcobra, in regards to your spiritual progress?


I wanted to say that I dont get this whole feminism thing either. It was not a thing when growing up, for me that is.

Yet Ive seen quite a few topics on the forum like that. Its so cringey.
Like women shouldn't hold a drill or do carpentry - even if it is just for stuff around the house - nor do they think women should be allowed to join the army, yet there are jobs that do not mean that you have to go to the front lines.
Nor were we inhibited from becoming business owners. If you look at history women did a lot of paid labor also. Even if it was only till they got married.

There are women that want to be housewives and do well in that but not everyone is like that.

I was watching history videos about make-up. Has been a part of theathre and the profession of a prostitute for many in the past.
People didnt wear makeup, because they couldnt afford it or because social standards. But nowadays about every female wears it.
Im not saying that that is bad. Im just noting it.

Oh also about the luciferian doctrine book. One of the videos I was watching mentioned buddhism having celibacy and as a result the monks doing it with children. It was a video about Japanese history, they called the practice Shodo or something. Forgot how it was called exactly.
It also mentioned that in Buddhism you had to reincarnate as a man to be able to become a buddha. Or to stop the cycle of reincarnation, I think they strive for.

I thought I should mention it since it ties into this topic and what you mentioned.

~Lunar Dance
Feminism is really just ultimately the same con system as LGBTQI+whatever we're at now. Just as the rightwing gets conned into deeper levels of Xianity, the leftwing gets funneled down into one communist system or another. As someone who's not particularly "straight" myself, I have zero time for the "pride" movement, as if such things are the be all end all of existence. It's an aspect of myself, sure, but I have far better things to express pride over, or maintain focus on. I suppose this was a point of critique for our own HP Carlson. Many of his early writings still maintain truth, and I do believe he had the best intentions in mind once. But his scattered appearances, inconsistency and growing obsession over this one particular thing ultimately lead to a presence that could not be maintained in the same position of influence.

To go back to the first point, however, the LGBT+ movement and feminism are both controlled reactions to decades/centuries of tyranny underneath Xianity and its ilk. It's the natural foundation of anything spawned from the Jews and their Judaism to despise anything third sex, or even simply female. As the years bring change, the Jews try to adapt.

Years of tyrannical oppression turn to the rage of those previously oppressed, and the Jews subvert this rage and aim it at all the wrong people. Instead of the church, the Jews point the fingers of blame at straights, or men in general, or anything other than their precious bulwark of a church. They want conflict among gentiles, one way or another. They do this by, for example, coercing gays to become despicable self mockeries obsessed with nothing but sexuality and degradation, as a means of inspiring disgust among straights, to justify Xianity's despicable loathing.

To illustrate a fine example, look to the left's perspective on Islam. They treat it as if it's tolerant and progressive, and lump in the toleration of its own backward values with the supposed fair treatment of women and anyone in the homosexual spectrum, which is pathetically hilarious. Muslims can and will, mistreat women and gays every chance they get. Why leftists are so keen on letting such hateful systems pollute what they claim are their values, who can say. They claim to want absolute freedom for women, then push and vouch for Islam, which wraps them in burquas and hijabs and reduces them to sexual property underneath their men, worth a literal half of them, by their own "holy" book's admittance.

It goes further still. So much of the left preaches communism, unable to see the historical and even modern day examples of how it treats women and sexual minority groups. Women and gays have never prospered under communism, only been oppressed to medieval church extents under them. Even if they're unable to fully institute communism, the average modern day college campus useful idiot still preaches garbage that, although they claim is great for women and such, the long term is evident.

Separating women from men, depriving them of opportunities, denying them positive portrayals, all in the name of "feminism". It doesn't take a genius to see, the modern day establishment xian right and the communist left are just the same filth pushing people to the same end. Look at the majority of ghetto America under this later stage of capitalism. The same impoverished streets of people begging for scraps as you'd find in any communist shithole, with zero social mobility. It baffles me so much, how people are so blinded into these supposedly contrary camps of communist atheistic left vs capitalist xian right, completely unable to see that the end results of either are literally identical in every way.

You'd think people would know this, after Jim Jones' Jonestown, but, apparently not. I tire so much, of Xians and Commies both. They beg and plead with you, to join in one side against the other, blissfully unaware of the fact they're identical and are simply arguing over the color of their wrapping. Then again, I really shouldn't be surprised. It is the simple mind of the NPC to follow the enemy's astral script, and they all follow the same filth, just in differently flavored ways.
Is my position considered (((negative)))?

If I personally feel some jobs/careers/roles are best left to Women or more Feminine men who are appealed by such J./C./R.? For example Tim Gunn the guy who designs clothing and does hair and makeup.

For example I recall reading something a few years back that the feminist sister of a Woman. Was always pist off and proselytizing judeo-bolshevism at her. Cause her older sister always liked to do Female stuff like for example "Washing, Cooking, Cleaning". Her younger more rebellious sister would state those aren't female jobs both men and women do it and besides it's not what defines a Woman. And the older sister was like I like doing those things and it bothers me that my boyfriend does it for me. Sure it's sweet and he is being kind helping me out. But then what do I do with my day? I got nothing better to do I'd rather practice my cooking or bake a cake or clean the dishes or wash clothing or wash the floors. Apparently from what I remember the older sister not only educated herself in College/University but also went to a Liberal Arts school a good one and studied a lot of extra-curricular activities involving sewing, knitting, and other things. While the younger sister she went to college but got brainwashed during her middle/high school years and college just turned her into an activist.

Is it 100% WRONG as a guy to want a Woman who does those things? I mean sure I'll help out around the house and do my stuff within reason. But what if I get my ears chewed off with a Woman stating "THAT IS MY JOB YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO INTERFERE"?

What do I do when the militant activist attitude isn't "For feminsm" but "For my sake"? In other words what if the shoe is on the other end?

Some might want a better example: A friend of mines who is white but not latino has always wondered why latinos are the way they are. And funny enough many men have become enamored with latinas as they seemingly do the female things and considered traditional feminine things.

So if that is the case does it make me a bad person if I feel that not only are there more feminine if not outright female jobs BUT in some women they are so annoyed at you trying to help that you get scolded and are basically told off at doing their job.

Is this bad? Am I being the bad guy here? Is this such an appalling attitude that I'm being some kind of (((kosher mentality-based))) Gentile person? Is it anti-Satanic to want more traditional stuff?

(FYI Mind you I'm Cancerian zodiac so if some people are wanting to know why I feel this way. Do pay attention I have my traditionalist views)
Shadowcat said:

Women aren’t becoming like men intentionally, they’re forced into this position by kike-set standards. They’re male like in that they’re providers and must do more work now, being a stay at home mother is unrealistic, unless poverty is preferred. Men are now pussies, they don’t take care of women and fulfill a masculine role as they once did. Women are all about being ratchet, hating children (completely unnatural) and everyone is more and more self absorbed the further they’re taken from themselves. Christianity and Abrahamic religions took roles to extremes where men did in fact beat and rape women senseless because it’s gods will, and women had no freedom. Both of these things exists in extremes depending on location or situations, and balance is harder and harder to achieve as kikes infiltrate every aspect of life. They operate in extreme oppositional ways. Some of them promoting a dead less evolved slavish like religious life, the others promoting “freedom” to the degree of ruin.
Can you please name some of the countries which are perfectly balanced, I mean in terms of equality between man and woman... which might fit to satanic standards of equality between woman and man. I myself live in a country which is influenced mainly by a mudslim religion and there is no such thing as gender equality here... Women have from little to no influence in this country.
Over the last few months I've been watching a male psychologist who says that the woman can only be happy with the man that is able to be
her superior . And he also says that only those families in which the man is superior can be long lasting... because the woman respects only that man who is her superior. Is this true? Can't women respect and love their equals or those men who are weaker than them?

Hail Satan!
Matty Boy said:
Great sermon HP, on the plus side its very easy to spot the feminists, isnt wicca their religion? Would this make them our enemy?

omg I hate wiccans. fairy tale glitter unicorn watered down religion!
Hello All ..I am new in this forum and do not know where am I. I need to know more about Satan as I read a lot about that. I do live in los angels. Any one can introduce someone to help me? any group in los angels to meet them.?
Pushing everyone to extremes is what they did in the recent decades, regarding looks, using both models and all this industry of fashion, all the way to simple social media, and even music clips amd ads. And while not so long ago they were using extremely skinny models, plus size modeling is something I frequently saw for some time now. And when you finally think you've got to something pretty decent, you then see that women are full of plastic surgeries and are carelessly promoting these surgeries in a positive manner. All this but nothing healthy, almost never saw average or healthy people out there, only stupidly pushed extremes, again, regarding looks, and they're distorting everyone's view on how the actual female should look like, in order to be healthy and balanced.
Women who actually care about their rights generally go into feminist BS without understanding that these are fundamentally undermining their rights.

This is because they are told of only layer 1 of things and just vibrant words. Like empowering women. This is the basic front.

A bit more realistic look just shows these women have no understanding of their own interests. Those that do, support feminism only by name. They do not understand anything much about it.

Basically feminists have mental illness that is deep. They will be on borders welcoming Islamics, who want primarily to rape them. But they will cuck native men to not spread their legs while sitting on the bus.

This displays serious cognitive issues, and I would like to not get on the darker aspects of this psychology, because I do not want to insult on this topic.

Actual feminists are just cucking people is a form of internal revenge. They have no ideology, just hate against life and in particular males.

You will oftentimes also see layer 1 supporters defending feminism but they never read not even the wikipedia article in it. Its just media sensationalism.

Karnonnos said:
From observation and knowing them on a personal level for years, feminists themselves tend to be the weakest and most barbaric type of women.

When one strips back all the talk of 'rights' this and that, what you get in feminism is basically a variety of women that cannot function and cannot live up to the mantra of equal rights at all. The strongest women in my life have never been feminists.

Nietzsche made it clear why this is, because people who hate the world and are full of ressentiment need things like feminist ideology to continue justifying living. This is also why weak men go towards MGTOW and 'white sharia' or whatever crap one can formulate from the abrahamic pigsty.

How many feminists cream themselves over Ha$$an "Armenian and Greek genocide isn't real" P1ker? Beyond his denial of this (which if anyone actually believed in 'social justice' for real would end a career), I saw some video where some arch-feminist antifa looked doe eyed as he described groping, nonconsentual sex and other things they would normally end careers over. There is no outrage against him because most feminists do not actually care what they talk about, they only care about social capital.

The amount of discussions I see in feminist spaces about 'manspreading' compared to a genuine hideous atrocity practiced on millions of girls in the West like FGM by neolithic scum is unbelievable. One feminist friend of mine asked me to copy-edit her essay JUSTIFYING FGM ON CULTURAL GROUNDS. She went to a major US university. I told her to GET FUCKED.

Feminism has even made the traditional Anglo-Saxon tomboy such as Amelia Earhart go extinct, instead they tell anyone who can't be #CardiBbodygoals to transition and become some blobgender graything instead. Wow, such progress.
Nero said:
Can you please name some of the countries which are perfectly balanced, I mean in terms of equality between man and woman... which might fit to satanic standards of equality between woman and man. I myself live in a country which is influenced mainly by a mudslim religion and there is no such thing as gender equality here... Women have from little to no influence in this country.

This is applied Abhrahamism. Women also have no presence in the Divine, almost at all. The reflection in society is that they do not exist.
Nero said:
Over the last few months I've been watching a male psychologist who says that the woman can only be happy with the man that is able to be
her superior . And he also says that only those families in which the man is superior can be long lasting... because the woman respects only that man who is her superior. Is this true? Can't women respect and love their equals or those men who are weaker than them?

Hail Satan!

Men need a woman that is a woman and women need a man who is a man.

The superior stuff is like saying why a bodybuilder cannot run a marathon. Men and women can do different things and often are very different in approach of life. This is the beautiful thing also.

Respect is fundamental both sides in the human relationship, or it will not exist and be longterm.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
in my experience feminists just want to abuse men and they want money from you.
mainly this is from women with gentile mothers and jewish fathers.
which is why they often end up polluting the college campus.
Or they are women who are rejected by every man and now they are angry.
You only have to look at what the most common slang/swear words/insults involve to know what the enemies hate most.

Animals, women, and sexuality.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
itsstarfire said:
I'm a 25 year old woman. Never labelled myself as a feminist, even when I was younger. I get a lot of hate for it so obviously don't go preaching it to the world, but they love lecturing me and shaming me saying "oh so you rather get oppressed and be a stay at home mom that cleans the house, watches the kids, and gets abused by the husband while tending to his sexual needs"

It's ridiculous, as if thats the only option available if you dont decide to be on the the femizombies. Secondly why does it automatically equate to "abuse" and a miserable life. These feminists are getting scammed. So busy hating men that they don't see how they are getting the short end of the stick. Fucking and sucking anyone for free with no promise of security, loyalty, stability. Hows paying half the rent or living lonely lives, and being "used and abused" without being in a committed relationship working out for you? You do realize taking care of children and cleaning the house can be done together right? Starting a business can be done, together. right? Also whats wrong with being a stay at home mom also, you want these corrupted and outdated school systems and MTV & cardi b raising your children to become indoctrinated idiots like lil xan and lil pump when they're older?

A lot of these woman are overly masculine now too, praising how they think like men, competing with men, forgetting that femininity has its beauty. Just because you wear claw like fake nails and weaves doesn't make you feminine.

I remember reading the luciferian doctrine book and they were saying if you reincarnate as a woman its a punishment from your past life, and woman are less evolved than men. Disgusting. Doubt real luciferians wrote that book.

No sense of true empowerment. I'm not with it whatsoever.

What are your views on sex work Hoodedcobra, in regards to your spiritual progress?


I wanted to say that I dont get this whole feminism thing either. It was not a thing when growing up, for me that is.

Yet Ive seen quite a few topics on the forum like that. Its so cringey.
Like women shouldn't hold a drill or do carpentry - even if it is just for stuff around the house - nor do they think women should be allowed to join the army, yet there are jobs that do not mean that you have to go to the front lines.
Nor were we inhibited from becoming business owners. If you look at history women did a lot of paid labor also. Even if it was only till they got married.

There are women that want to be housewives and do well in that but not everyone is like that.

I was watching history videos about make-up. Has been a part of theathre and the profession of a prostitute for many in the past.
People didnt wear makeup, because they couldnt afford it or because social standards. But nowadays about every female wears it.
Im not saying that that is bad. Im just noting it.

Oh also about the luciferian doctrine book. One of the videos I was watching mentioned buddhism having celibacy and as a result the monks doing it with children. It was a video about Japanese history, they called the practice Shodo or something. Forgot how it was called exactly.
It also mentioned that in Buddhism you had to reincarnate as a man to be able to become a buddha. Or to stop the cycle of reincarnation, I think they strive for.

I thought I should mention it since it ties into this topic and what you mentioned.

~Lunar Dance

I'm so grateful for you and the opportunity to have this conversation! Thank you.

For the past year I have actually been mentioning that to these zombies. I keep saying, you realize that high heels and wigs were male inventions, right? For some time, only men were allowed to wear make up, wigs, and high heels and woman were prohibited from doing so. They dressed young boys who had not hit puberty yet in women's clothing and make-up because for some time, woman were not allowed to participate in theatre. If you look at history, it's been disgusting. Men in Rome would hold orgies that women were not allowed to participate in either. Soldiers wore high heels in combat during renaissance and victorian era's. Make-up was worn by Egyptian (male) Pharaohs. Scottish men wear kilts. I talk about this when stupid christians and muslims decided to gay bash and be transphobic. Kindly remind them of their history :)

Funny you brought up the topic about buddhists. Father Satan has been showing me through visions & dreams (when im not under attack and communication channels arent distorted) for the past 1.5 years ancient civilizations and how many of these pre-abrahmic religions were taken over, re-written, and warped. Buddhism is no longer what it was. The ancient arts of martial arts and kung foo, is no longer what it once was. Some of our most powerful warriors in ancient civilizations, were woman. (true feminism is based on ancient principles of duality, balancing of the right and left brain hemispheres). This was hinted at in the movie "The Black Panther".

Many ancient civilizations were more advanced than the one we are currently in, and they have been working very hard to lie about, cover up, and hide humanities TRUE history. Feminism now isn't true feminism, and isn't empowering whatsoever. Hence why I will not go by the label. True feminism respect divine unionship. Not equality of man and woman, but the balancing of man and woman/divine masculine and feminine.

One of the ways they destroyed and hid our history was by the robbery of and burning of the Library of Alexandria. The Vatican is holding all those books captive in their building, and they stole many from the Tibetan monks in China as well, and stole them from temples in Ancient Persia, followed by destroying Ancient Persia and dividing it into what we see now. Egypt, Seria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, etc. We once had grand palaces and beautiful temples, buildings, gardens... which is now replaced with walmart's and disgusting death centres called cities with hideous infestracture.

right now Tibet is a military state, and monks are heavily monitored and if they are caught doing anything against legislature or supernatural, they get locked up. China wasn't always like it is now, I'll get into that some other time If I feel it is safe to do in this forum since some men on here like to bully woman.

Funny enough monks as we see now are indoctrinated also. Being bald destroys your spiritual power and unlinks and untethers your connection to earth, it harms your root chakra. Celibacy does this as well, a pact they are made to commit to when entering monkhood which further wipes them of any and all spiritual power the may have left after going through the rituals disguised and "paths to enlightenment". Every ancient eastern art has been destroyed. I get so annoyed because every yoga class I have been to, found has been corrupted. Martial arts/kungfoo masters are now westernized and docile and dont abide by ancient principles and are too slack on their students. Its very frustrating finding things that are orginially as intended.

Asian spirituality corrupted, completely. The middle east, egypt, and china are no long what they once were.

Not even the Native and African tribes (even voudon and obeah ahs been corrupted and watered down) are what they once were. Native Americans have lost their ways, traditions, and it has become completely brainwashed. I remember going to a sweat lodge when I went to the standing rock protests. woman were expected to be "modest" fully covered up, were not allowed to wear pants, and were looked at with disgust and as a burden. They didn't even want them in the sweat lodge. They did it as a favour, like we aren't obligated but here we go. On top of that, sit on the other side of the sweat lodge and remain your distance. We don't want your woman essence and nasty period blood anywhere near us.

It's sad to say the least. so for these feminists to stupidly think what they call feminism today is true and authentic. Please. i ask you to look at history, not the fake history, but the real.

Anyways im just sharing some of the stuff Father Satan and Ishtar have so kindly shown me.

"Yet Ive seen quite a few topics on the forum like that. Its so cringey. " also this forum has some infiltrators and men that hate woman on here. the must get rejected by woman a lot and angry about it. considering every attempt i've made to enter this community for a while now, has been met with hostility and bullying disguised as tough love and bullshit excuses says a lot. Usually I just observe and dont interact, but im tired of being silent. I deserve to be here just as anyone else.

The fact that im polite, thank people, show gratitude and kind to those that are kind to me says a lot that their behaviour is unwarranted.

I'm also extremely sensitive to energy, so I can tell when ppl are being helpful and mean no harm and when someone is being hostile and harbours some weird hatred towards my energy. It may be jealously that they can sense Im more intuned than they are, not bragging either, but their reaction was so weird and unwarranted. Be mindful, i'll get flack for it even though even hoodedcobra says it himself(which furthur proves me point they hate woman, a man says it and its fine, a woman and they bully her), there are infiltrators on here, and many men who hate woman because they cant accept woman's power/lilith energy, or projecting their inferiority complex cause woman still dont wanna fuck them despite becoming satanists and doing things to empower themselves. A lot of men get hostile and mad when they sense someones energy is powerful, especially that of a woman, and get hostile if they sense a higher IQ. The fact that High Priestess said herself on the joyofsatan.org that psychic vampires are real and linked a book all about energy vampires, pyschic vampires, and REAL vampires says.. a lot about their mental capacity. I even noticed them attacking someone for believing people were reading their thoughts, and asked if the person was doing drugs like they asked me, but again THE WEBSITE SAYS MIND READING IS REAL.

And to attack someone who just needed help, i think they just used that as an excuse for something else so they could project their hostile energy.

They say they are not obligated to be nice to someone and view it as kissing asss. Old school archaic mentality. "respect is earned not given". Ancient paradigm = respect until proven other wise and do not turn the other cheek.

I wasn't asking anyone to kiss my ass, i was asking for help because I thought death was only solution for my adversaries. Other satanists in this forum kindly reached out to me outside of this platform who are clearly more advanced than these assholes since they found me outside, and sent my resources to deal with my problem and weren't mean.

keep what i said in mind. infiltrators, and some really toxic men that have not introspected enough.

womp womp womp. Time for some shadow work i'd say.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Men need a woman that is a woman and women need a man who is a man.

The superior stuff is like saying why a bodybuilder cannot run a marathon. Men and women can do different things and often are very different in approach of life. This is the beautiful thing also.

Respect is fundamental both sides in the human relationship, or it will not exist and be longterm.

This is just my personal thing, but if I was raising humans then I would make sure both the boys and the girls knew how to do all the roles necessary for life such as cleaning and maintaining the house, sewing, crafting, cooking, hunting, navigating, health/nutrition, and other roles of responsibility. I would want both genders to know how to do everything that was done by either gender traditionally.

If you ask me, I think every female should know basic self defense and gunmanship. At the very least.
Somebody went to areas with a lot of leftists, and they put up this sign.
Islam is right about women.

And watched all their brains short-circuit, get confused, and become very angry as they tried to put these 2 things together that could never fit. Supporting Islam, the 2nd most evil, sexist, hateful, horrible program in the entire world. Or supporting women. You can't have both.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nero said:
Over the last few months I've been watching a male psychologist who says that the woman can only be happy with the man that is able to be
her superior . And he also says that only those families in which the man is superior can be long lasting... because the woman respects only that man who is her superior. Is this true? Can't women respect and love their equals or those men who are weaker than them?

Hail Satan!

Men need a woman that is a woman and women need a man who is a man.

The superior stuff is like saying why a bodybuilder cannot run a marathon. Men and women can do different things and often are very different in approach of life. This is the beautiful thing also.

Respect is fundamental both sides in the human relationship, or it will not exist and be longterm.

We should just live by nature. We are all human. The ideals of "woman" and "man" are mostly Cultural Marxist "social concepts" we remove "gender" from the Equation then we have just people who are naturally inclined towards doing certain things in their life have certain abilities and weaknesses.

So that's it we are people we are not bound by an arbitrary "gender label" we are liberated and free. We have struck back at the abrahamic programs by freeing ourselves from the root of what they are trying to do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Women who actually care about their rights generally go into feminist BS without understanding that these are fundamentally undermining their rights.

This is because they are told of only layer 1 of things and just vibrant words. Like empowering women. This is the basic front.

A bit more realistic look just shows these women have no understanding of their own interests. Those that do, support feminism only by name. They do not understand anything much about it.

Basically feminists have mental illness that is deep. They will be on borders welcoming Islamics, who want primarily to rape them. But they will cuck native men to not spread their legs while sitting on the bus.

This displays serious cognitive issues, and I would like to not get on the darker aspects of this psychology, because I do not want to insult on this topic.

Actual feminists are just cucking people is a form of internal revenge. They have no ideology, just hate against life and in particular males.

You will oftentimes also see layer 1 supporters defending feminism but they never read not even the wikipedia article in it. Its just media sensationalism.

Karnonnos said:
From observation and knowing them on a personal level for years, feminists themselves tend to be the weakest and most barbaric type of women.

When one strips back all the talk of 'rights' this and that, what you get in feminism is basically a variety of women that cannot function and cannot live up to the mantra of equal rights at all. The strongest women in my life have never been feminists.

Nietzsche made it clear why this is, because people who hate the world and are full of ressentiment need things like feminist ideology to continue justifying living. This is also why weak men go towards MGTOW and 'white sharia' or whatever crap one can formulate from the abrahamic pigsty.

How many feminists cream themselves over Ha$$an "Armenian and Greek genocide isn't real" P1ker? Beyond his denial of this (which if anyone actually believed in 'social justice' for real would end a career), I saw some video where some arch-feminist antifa looked doe eyed as he described groping, nonconsentual sex and other things they would normally end careers over. There is no outrage against him because most feminists do not actually care what they talk about, they only care about social capital.

The amount of discussions I see in feminist spaces about 'manspreading' compared to a genuine hideous atrocity practiced on millions of girls in the West like FGM by neolithic scum is unbelievable. One feminist friend of mine asked me to copy-edit her essay JUSTIFYING FGM ON CULTURAL GROUNDS. She went to a major US university. I told her to GET FUCKED.

Feminism has even made the traditional Anglo-Saxon tomboy such as Amelia Earhart go extinct, instead they tell anyone who can't be #CardiBbodygoals to transition and become some blobgender graything instead. Wow, such progress.

Many of these feminists who go rioting in areas where it’s all just an echo chamber I’m seeing have NOT in fact even been in a position where they’ve been stripped of their rights, and trying to talk to them about the reality of these very situations is like talking to a wall because it’s not even something they truly seek to understand. Some of the 2% who have been either have good intentions and do see things clearly or are mentally ill from whatever they’ve been through and their will was destroyed to move past whatever they’ve been through to see this on a larger perspective. Men who promote extreme feminism in these parts are generally the most “misogynistic” and likely to be a rapist/sociopath. Amelia Earhart was a truly intelligent woman who represented german women and the race itself very well. Innovative and independent, however she chose to express it, by flying and breaking boundaries, thats great. Women who supported strong men like Hitler, amazing. At the time this had a positive effect and women should honor smart and innovative women or strong traditional women similar to them versus cardi b jews. All of my personal favorite women are strong and innovative and we share these things in common. Maxine, a great example. She’s strong, intelligent, innovative. I’ll always honor the impact she’s had on the world and my own life, she’s heroic. My direct ancestors, who went against religion in areas where this was unheard of and died for this unfortunately, I honor them and carry a will to justice for them daily. We like to go our own way and achieve success like this, not by hating men or creating divide but adding something good to society and having the will to go against destructive and hateful situations created by jews. Fucking sucks when beautiful things get pummeled by kikery.

Even with the Salem witches, they’re still not honored for what they even were which was normal and independent but out of the norm women like Amelia. They’re demonized to this day. The media and world still refuses to place healthy credit on good people male or female and call out Abrahamic religion for what it is. Satan is still blamed. Though religion is dying rapidly, I’ll always deeply despise and drive my hate in this direction + the jews until it is completely and utterly dead. Every last bit of it. The situation is even more complex now as a name is removed from this face of evil and put into ideologies put into social media and communist geared politics. It’s more important now than ever to be educated and meditating, staying in our own lanes and true to ourselves, and fighting.
Sundara said:
Shadowcat said:
Women aren’t becoming like men intentionally, they’re forced into this position by kike-set standards. They’re male like in that they’re providers and must do more work now, being a stay at home mother is unrealistic, unless poverty is preferred. Men are now pussies, they don’t take care of women and fulfill a masculine role as they once did. Women are all about being ratchet, hating children (completely unnatural) and everyone is more and more self absorbed the further they’re taken from themselves. Christianity and Abrahamic religions took roles to extremes where men did in fact beat and rape women senseless because it’s gods will, and women had no freedom. Both of these things exists in extremes depending on location or situations, and balance is harder and harder to achieve as kikes infiltrate every aspect of life. They operate in extreme oppositional ways. Some of them promoting a dead less evolved slavish like religious life, the others promoting “freedom” to the degree of ruin.

Women aren’t becoming like men intentionally, they’re forced into this position by kike-set standards. They’re male like in that they’re providers and must do more work now, being a stay at home mother is unrealistic, unless poverty is preferred.

Aside from the ones that are actively trying to make a point yes i know of these all to well. I am a woman myself afterall in the workforce knowing very well what will probably happen to me if I put myself in that position. And that's not because of feminism. Its because I don't want to get hurt and the jews have set things to where even 2 incomes for a family is barely enough. Should have brought this up as well

Women are all about being ratchet, hating children (completely unnatural) and everyone is more and more self absorbed the further they’re taken from themselves. Christianity and Abrahamic religions took roles to extremes where men did in fact beat and rape women senseless because it’s gods will, and women had no freedom. Both of these things exists in extremes depending on location or situations, and balance is harder and harder to achieve as kikes infiltrate every aspect of life. They operate in extreme oppositional ways. Some of them promoting a dead less evolved slavish like religious life, the others promoting “freedom” to the degree of ruin.

This is what I was covering, again the rachet part among other degenerate things the jews heap into modern feminism. We both know alot of women don't like the above about having to "become men". As far as having no life besides being a shekel slave. My point was so many are actually brainwashed that they do think this is a good thing and call it empowerment, viewing anything feminine like taking care of children as vile or weak because its a feminine role, just because feminism tells them its better to work. Many Women are brainwashed that contributing to the economy is better than being a nurturer when we already had people contributing to the economy. Now we have much less nurturers, and because the jews wanted more shekel slaves. Their whole point was to ruin family life, and to make more money off of that and they have. Tremendously. From our standpoint however its a point of practicality and trying to survive, versus just trying to be empowered or make a point.
Gear88 said:
Is my position considered (((negative)))?

If I personally feel some jobs/careers/roles are best left to Women or more Feminine men who are appealed by such J./C./R.? For example Tim Gunn the guy who designs clothing and does hair and makeup.

For example I recall reading something a few years back that the feminist sister of a Woman. Was always pist off and proselytizing judeo-bolshevism at her. Cause her older sister always liked to do Female stuff like for example "Washing, Cooking, Cleaning". Her younger more rebellious sister would state those aren't female jobs both men and women do it and besides it's not what defines a Woman. And the older sister was like I like doing those things and it bothers me that my boyfriend does it for me. Sure it's sweet and he is being kind helping me out. But then what do I do with my day? I got nothing better to do I'd rather practice my cooking or bake a cake or clean the dishes or wash clothing or wash the floors. Apparently from what I remember the older sister not only educated herself in College/University but also went to a Liberal Arts school a good one and studied a lot of extra-curricular activities involving sewing, knitting, and other things. While the younger sister she went to college but got brainwashed during her middle/high school years and college just turned her into an activist.

Is it 100% WRONG as a guy to want a Woman who does those things? I mean sure I'll help out around the house and do my stuff within reason. But what if I get my ears chewed off with a Woman stating "THAT IS MY JOB YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO INTERFERE"?

What do I do when the militant activist attitude isn't "For feminsm" but "For my sake"? In other words what if the shoe is on the other end?

Some might want a better example: A friend of mines who is white but not latino has always wondered why latinos are the way they are. And funny enough many men have become enamored with latinas as they seemingly do the female things and considered traditional feminine things.

So if that is the case does it make me a bad person if I feel that not only are there more feminine if not outright female jobs BUT in some women they are so annoyed at you trying to help that you get scolded and are basically told off at doing their job.

Is this bad? Am I being the bad guy here? Is this such an appalling attitude that I'm being some kind of (((kosher mentality-based))) Gentile person? Is it anti-Satanic to want more traditional stuff?

(FYI Mind you I'm Cancerian zodiac so if some people are wanting to know why I feel this way. Do pay attention I have my traditionalist views)

Some women just want to have things cleaned their way, and theyre set in their approach, saying or thinking that the way other people clean stuff is wrong. Either theyre narrow minded or cannot comply with change.
Then there are also those that excessively clean their houses.

Look I think if you come across a woman that likes cleaning it could be how she shows affection, or, you'll have to sit down with her and talk about the things that you'd like to do yourself, explain WHY you want to do them yourself.

I dont know about people that are super set in a way like that, but I dont think that thats healthy either.
Sundara said:
Shadowcat said:
Sundara said:
This wasn’t an argument to your post but rather in addition to.

I just thought I might not have expressed something correctly. was just elaborating myself so no worries :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Somebody went to areas with a lot of leftists, and they put up this sign.
Islam is right about women.

And watched all their brains short-circuit, get confused, and become very angry as they tried to put these 2 things together that could never fit. Supporting Islam, the 2nd most evil, sexist, hateful, horrible program in the entire world. Or supporting women. You can't have both.
LMAO, I was thinking about this too, someone posted it on the old forums. This is hilarious.
itsstarfire said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I was watching history videos about make-up. Has been a part of theathre and the profession of a prostitute for many in the past.
People didnt wear makeup, because they couldnt afford it or because social standards. But nowadays about every female wears it.
Im not saying that that is bad. Im just noting it.

I'm so grateful for you and the opportunity to have this conversation! Thank you.

For the past year I have actually been mentioning that to these zombies. I keep saying, you realize that high heels and wigs were male inventions, right? For some time, only men were allowed to wear make up, wigs, and high heels and woman were prohibited from doing so. They dressed young boys who had not hit puberty yet in women's clothing and make-up because for some time, woman were not allowed to participate in theatre. If you look at history, it's been disgusting. Men in Rome would hold orgies that women were not allowed to participate in either. Soldiers wore high heels in combat during renaissance and victorian era's. Make-up was worn by Egyptian (male) Pharaohs. Scottish men wear kilts. I talk about this when stupid christians and muslims decided to gay bash and be transphobic. Kindly remind them of their history :)

You both might be interested in this book, it is about the history of makeup. All through history, men and women have worn makeup. It talks about makeup trends in Ancient Egypt, Europe during the middle ages and Renaissance, and so on. Very nice read, written by a female makeup artist.

itsstarfire said:
I'm so grateful for you and the opportunity to have this conversation! Thank you.

For the past year I have actually been mentioning that to these zombies. I keep saying, you realize that high heels and wigs were male inventions, right? For some time, only men were allowed to wear make up, wigs, and high heels and woman were prohibited from doing so. They dressed young boys who had not hit puberty yet in women's clothing and make-up because for some time, woman were not allowed to participate in theatre. If you look at history, it's been disgusting. Men in Rome would hold orgies that women were not allowed to participate in either. Soldiers wore high heels in combat during renaissance and victorian era's. Make-up was worn by Egyptian (male) Pharaohs. Scottish men wear kilts. I talk about this when stupid christians and muslims decided to gay bash and be transphobic. Kindly remind them of their history :)

Funny you brought up the topic about buddhists. Father Satan has been showing me through visions & dreams (when im not under attack and communication channels arent distorted) for the past 1.5 years ancient civilizations and how many of these pre-abrahmic religions were taken over, re-written, and warped. Buddhism is no longer what it was. The ancient arts of martial arts and kung foo, is no longer what it once was. Some of our most powerful warriors in ancient civilizations, were woman. (true feminism is based on ancient principles of duality, balancing of the right and left brain hemispheres). This was hinted at in the movie "The Black Panther".

Many ancient civilizations were more advanced than the one we are currently in, and they have been working very hard to lie about, cover up, and hide humanities TRUE history. Feminism now isn't true feminism, and isn't empowering whatsoever. Hence why I will not go by the label. True feminism respect divine unionship. Not equality of man and woman, but the balancing of man and woman/divine masculine and feminine.

One of the ways they destroyed and hid our history was by the robbery of and burning of the Library of Alexandria. The Vatican is holding all those books captive in their building, and they stole many from the Tibetan monks in China as well, and stole them from temples in Ancient Persia, followed by destroying Ancient Persia and dividing it into what we see now. Egypt, Seria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, etc. We once had grand palaces and beautiful temples, buildings, gardens... which is now replaced with walmart's and disgusting death centres called cities with hideous infestracture.

right now Tibet is a military state, and monks are heavily monitored and if they are caught doing anything against legislature or supernatural, they get locked up. China wasn't always like it is now, I'll get into that some other time If I feel it is safe to do in this forum since some men on here like to bully woman.

Funny enough monks as we see now are indoctrinated also. Being bald destroys your spiritual power and unlinks and untethers your connection to earth, it harms your root chakra. Celibacy does this as well, a pact they are made to commit to when entering monkhood which further wipes them of any and all spiritual power the may have left after going through the rituals disguised and "paths to enlightenment". Every ancient eastern art has been destroyed. I get so annoyed because every yoga class I have been to, found has been corrupted. Martial arts/kungfoo masters are now westernized and docile and dont abide by ancient principles and are too slack on their students. Its very frustrating finding things that are orginially as intended.

Asian spirituality corrupted, completely. The middle east, egypt, and china are no long what they once were.

Not even the Native and African tribes (even voudon and obeah ahs been corrupted and watered down) are what they once were. Native Americans have lost their ways, traditions, and it has become completely brainwashed. I remember going to a sweat lodge when I went to the standing rock protests. woman were expected to be "modest" fully covered up, were not allowed to wear pants, and were looked at with disgust and as a burden. They didn't even want them in the sweat lodge. They did it as a favour, like we aren't obligated but here we go. On top of that, sit on the other side of the sweat lodge and remain your distance. We don't want your woman essence and nasty period blood anywhere near us.

It's sad to say the least. so for these feminists to stupidly think what they call feminism today is true and authentic. Please. i ask you to look at history, not the fake history, but the real.

Anyways im just sharing some of the stuff Father Satan and Ishtar have so kindly shown me.

"Yet Ive seen quite a few topics on the forum like that. Its so cringey. " also this forum has some infiltrators and men that hate woman on here. the must get rejected by woman a lot and angry about it. considering every attempt i've made to enter this community for a while now, has been met with hostility and bullying disguised as tough love and bullshit excuses says a lot. Usually I just observe and dont interact, but im tired of being silent. I deserve to be here just as anyone else.

The fact that im polite, thank people, show gratitude and kind to those that are kind to me says a lot that their behaviour is unwarranted.

I'm also extremely sensitive to energy, so I can tell when ppl are being helpful and mean no harm and when someone is being hostile and harbours some weird hatred towards my energy. It may be jealously that they can sense Im more intuned than they are, not bragging either, but their reaction was so weird and unwarranted. Be mindful, i'll get flack for it even though even hoodedcobra says it himself(which furthur proves me point they hate woman, a man says it and its fine, a woman and they bully her), there are infiltrators on here, and many men who hate woman because they cant accept woman's power/lilith energy, or projecting their inferiority complex cause woman still dont wanna fuck them despite becoming satanists and doing things to empower themselves. A lot of men get hostile and mad when they sense someones energy is powerful, especially that of a woman, and get hostile if they sense a higher IQ. The fact that High Priestess said herself on the joyofsatan.org that psychic vampires are real and linked a book all about energy vampires, pyschic vampires, and REAL vampires says.. a lot about their mental capacity. I even noticed them attacking someone for believing people were reading their thoughts, and asked if the person was doing drugs like they asked me, but again THE WEBSITE SAYS MIND READING IS REAL.

And to attack someone who just needed help, i think they just used that as an excuse for something else so they could project their hostile energy.

They say they are not obligated to be nice to someone and view it as kissing asss. Old school archaic mentality. "respect is earned not given". Ancient paradigm = respect until proven other wise and do not turn the other cheek.

I wasn't asking anyone to kiss my ass, i was asking for help because I thought death was only solution for my adversaries. Other satanists in this forum kindly reached out to me outside of this platform who are clearly more advanced than these assholes since they found me outside, and sent my resources to deal with my problem and weren't mean.

keep what i said in mind. infiltrators, and some really toxic men that have not introspected enough.

womp womp womp. Time for some shadow work i'd say.

Sure, no worries :).

Haha, you know the thing with kilts is that they're also not wearing any underwear underneath. Aside from that, kaftans have been worn, and back in the 70's you saw a rise of that kind of robe. It's supposed to come from the middle east, and basily looks like a loose fitted really long shirt.

"We once had grand palaces and beautiful temples, buildings, gardens... which is now replaced with walmart's and disgusting death centres called cities with hideous infestracture. "
Actually, thinking about that, you're correct. Back some decades ago in our capital they designed the new flats to have loads of green surrounding them. Now they want to completely build such areas full too because of 'house shortage'. I think the underlying issues should be adressed and building should be actually focussed towards that, instead of just ramping out more sort of expensive houses.

"some men on here like to bully woman."
Ill get back to this.

"Funny enough monks as we see now are indoctrinated also."
Over a year ago I watched a documentary or a confession from someone that travelled to a shaolin temple. Where he trained multiple hours every single day. At some point he had to stop due to health issues from overtraining. It was all just physical exercise. Nothing spiritual, or basicly about 0 spirituality that was still left in there.

"every yoga class I have been to, found has been corrupted." The yoga classes I've attended never gave that energy buzz the basic routine on the website does..

"I remember going to a sweat lodge when I went to the standing rock protests. woman were expected to be "modest" fully covered up, were not allowed to wear pants, and were looked at with disgust and as a burden. "
Native american sweat lodge? Strange. In Europe they don't seem to make such a big deal about that. Must be corruption also. Well there definetly is, speaking about shamanism, some talk about angels and crap.
Also, no woman nor man should be ashamed of being naked.
If you think about it, it's weird how we're told to behave a certain way, and even back in old Japan (and probably still some remote villages) you have onsen where men and women are not separated.
Gender separation hasn't been beneficial either, I think. Some say it was done so that the children could focus on their studies better. But afterwards it is awkward interacting again with someone of the opposite gender.

"the must get rejected by woman a lot and angry about it. considering every attempt i've made to enter this community for a while now, has been met with hostility and bullying disguised as tough love and bullshit excuses says a lot. Usually I just observe and dont interact, but im tired of being silent. I deserve to be here just as anyone else."
Haha, probably, but if men get rejected so much there must be a good reason for it. And you're absolutely right. Every dedicated satanist has their right to be here. And sometimes we clash and misunderstand each other. Thats fine too.
Knowing what I know now, also about my families history, I understand that sometimes men think they can get away with everything. Insulting their lady, accusing them of sleeping around (which was not true), not helping pay for pregnancy clothes (mind you, this is something that I heard happening back around the 50s. If you were divorced people were not looking kindly to you) despite not having anything at all to wear. Telling your wife that she is not allowed to drive in the car, not even allowing her to get a drivers permit.
Making decisions (this is an example I heard on tv last weekend) where the husband discontinued their health insurance when it was really needed and a family member needed to go to the hospital, without consulting the wife. Someone else making your decisions for you.
These are all abusive things. And I think we as women at least earn the respect to be seen as a person with feelings, opinions and a point of view, and not some kind of object that you can endlessly slander or take out your rage or insecureties upon.
So yes in summary I want to say here to the men that just make up excuses and blame women for everything should actually blame themselves. If they were that great they wouldn't have been rejected to begin with.

"I'm also extremely sensitive to energy, so I can tell when ppl are being helpful and mean no harm and when someone is being hostile and harbours some weird hatred towards my energy. It may be jealously that they can sense Im more intuned than they are, not bragging either, but their reaction was so weird and unwarranted. Be mindful, i'll get flack for it even though even hoodedcobra says it himself(which furthur proves me point they hate woman, a man says it and its fine, a woman and they bully her), there are infiltrators on here, and many men who hate woman because they cant accept woman's power/lilith energy, or projecting their inferiority complex cause woman still dont wanna fuck them despite becoming satanists and doing things to empower themselves. A lot of men get hostile and mad when they sense someones energy is powerful, especially that of a woman, and get hostile if they sense a higher IQ. The fact that High Priestess said herself on the joyofsatan.org that psychic vampires are real and linked a book all about energy vampires, pyschic vampires, and REAL vampires says.. a lot about their mental capacity. I even noticed them attacking someone for believing people were reading their thoughts, and asked if the person was doing drugs like they asked me, but again THE WEBSITE SAYS MIND READING IS REAL. "

Ye for women you need to have quite the 'balls' to post on here sometimes lol.
Also I wanted to at least let you know that I tend to have strong emotions so it might come off in what I write, especially if I've had a bad day.
And thats true, about Hp HC when he says something, people listen, but I also wonder how many comments get deleted that are posted afterwards lol.
And ye people can read your mind and you can read theirs, but it doesn't always happen.

"And to attack someone who just needed help, i think they just used that as an excuse for something else so they could project their hostile energy. "
I remember one of the first posts I made back on the yahoo groups that someone commented and asking if I was jewish or something. I was asking about views, looking for confirmation, because my social circle had been so fucked up for the past couple of years, with double standards and crap, that I needed to have that to feel secure. Of course no one answered.

"respect is earned not given" If people act like they can get away with everything, they probably don't have friends nor care for friends or their friends do the same dumb shit they do. Either way, those people are not to be given any respect to begin with, nor should you converse with them on a regular basis (I just realized why do I sound so much wiser typing this than when I were to talk in my own language? is weird). I wonder if they'd be fit to be criminals.

"keep what i said in mind. infiltrators, and some really toxic men that have not introspected enough." To get back to what I said before that I'd get back to.. I've responded in the past to the topics that were talking bad about women, looking back, obviously with a bit too little knowledge, but that aside.. Im just done with these topics. I tend to read them but I just don't want to spend any more energy into discussing something so fruitless. 'Whats the point in these discussions?' is almost what Im thinking right now.
Also because what you say isn't taken into consideration by the one you're saying it to.

Go enjoy your work :) I spend way too long typing this so I guess I should go and do some different kind of spiritual work myself.
Lydia said:
itsstarfire said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I was watching history videos about make-up. Has been a part of theathre and the profession of a prostitute for many in the past.
People didnt wear makeup, because they couldnt afford it or because social standards. But nowadays about every female wears it.
Im not saying that that is bad. Im just noting it.

I'm so grateful for you and the opportunity to have this conversation! Thank you.

For the past year I have actually been mentioning that to these zombies. I keep saying, you realize that high heels and wigs were male inventions, right? For some time, only men were allowed to wear make up, wigs, and high heels and woman were prohibited from doing so. They dressed young boys who had not hit puberty yet in women's clothing and make-up because for some time, woman were not allowed to participate in theatre. If you look at history, it's been disgusting. Men in Rome would hold orgies that women were not allowed to participate in either. Soldiers wore high heels in combat during renaissance and victorian era's. Make-up was worn by Egyptian (male) Pharaohs. Scottish men wear kilts. I talk about this when stupid christians and muslims decided to gay bash and be transphobic. Kindly remind them of their history :)

You both might be interested in this book, it is about the history of makeup. All through history, men and women have worn makeup. It talks about makeup trends in Ancient Egypt, Europe during the middle ages and Renaissance, and so on. Very nice read, written by a female makeup artist.


I'll take a look at it. Lately I've been watching videos about the history of clothes. This lady makes more videos (probably isnt finished yet with the topics) on clothes in latter era's, this one is titled 'Get in Loser, We're Going Shopping (in the 18th century)':

Also they say that what we call a 'corset' isnt what they wore back then, they called them 'stays' and to be honest, the ladies that I see that wear and make those stays aren't the skinniest ones. There is also a video about lies and myths about stays.
Now I don't promote wearing them, since I think that it is not that helpful for the muscles of the body, to keep them healthy and strong and flexible, but perhaps some of the techniques could be used to make a proper breast support, instead of those uncomfy bra's.
However, I do not have the body shape to test that theory.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
