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Family Values in Normal Life And Spiritual Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Nowadays, everything fundamental to life is being attacked, questioned, and in general, subverted by the enemy. The questions against it are not asking for answers, but only to destroy the thing they pose the answers to.

The above was called "deconstruction school" of Marxism, and is a deliberate plot to destroy every past [Gentile Pagan] value system.

It takes little mind to understand that this is all very wrong. Yet, because most people no longer undergo a natural or decent psychological evolution, they cannot understand how things in life relate.

We live in a crazy world and that would be an understatement. All natural values and everything that brought power, freedom, advancement, is being besieged. People are instructed in the worst things that decay their power, remove their freedoms, and do them the greatest damage, but they are told this is for the best.

One of these corrosive advices and perceptions is an adverse one towards one's family, or making a family, or being part of a family.

Yet, because this world is as it is, the family ethos turning negative, because people suck on a personal level, has become a self fulfilling prophecy - most people, especially awake, aware, or smart people, might experience suffering from the family.

The reasons why the family suffers so much, range from financial to emotional, to social reasons. Above all, forsaking the advice and tenets of our ancestors, who were good with family building, we have been lost entirely.

An example here is, that Romans and others in the past, had a "leader" in the family, a "leader" of wisdom. This would be the wisest or the oldest person in the family [and therefore more experienced] that would organize the family, help make amends between members of it, and look for supplicating it with wisdom. This would be either a grandparent or a grandmother.

As with anything else, modern man has rejoiced a lot in being a lonely lost creature without a purpose, and assuming this is the best state of being. It is pointless to try to explain anything to, for example, a club lost slut or something.

Families are groups where organic relations between people of the same blood [in theory] take place. The larger Race, is part of extended racial family. The reasons why people flock together in this manner, is biological first and foremost. It's to satisfy needs, increase power of members, provide nurturing and protection. These bonds are kept together through the blood, ancestry, common goals etc.

Because none of this exists anymore, most families are built on social promises, and lack of awareness doesn't help much more. There is no real "family feeling" in most families, and most parents are not gaining necessarily more wisdom as they grow, therefore causing issues to children. Children on the other hand, lacking experience and understanding of life, blame the parents, and the list of wrongs can have no end here.

The family value of the world is getting besieged, because nobody wants people to have any such exclusive bond to anyone else. In essence, we are too hated here because we constitute a form of a spiritual brotherhood, which is close to that of a family. This empowers everyone involved, far more than they would be powerful on their own.

The family is one of this world's most precious things. It's family values that have been completely been destroyed by the enemy. There are none of these today.

In a world where everyone is misguided, parents will be too. Parents will misguide the children. As you were misguided, and everyone was. Power can be used in a wrong way, and families can do that also.

Nowadays, it comes at a cost because to awake, is a crime in general, and therefore the people that might respond negatively to this might even be your family. The enemy can use these people to get to you, and they might comply, because especially families are so fragmented by ideological or religious issues. These did not exist in the Pagan past.

Family is not a prison camp. Family exists to save a person from the already existing dependence relationships, and make sure someone grows during these in a protected environment. There is no "free" toddler thrown in the jungle, but a toddler can be free if they are on the hands of a family that takes care of them.

There are no natural rights to any freedom inbred in a young human being, as there is also no power, as this manifests more as a person grows later on. Family has to protect from this powerlessness. Yet many families do throw the children more feet under at this point.

Family is a protective cocoon for this, to protect the future of both the family and the life. Now, our world cares little about all this, and many are totally dumb and on a self destructive spiral, so understanding or applying any of this will be a a pain to them.

It's the people that grow you, give you life, brought you to this world, and yes, they can make some really grave mistakes on you, and not make you into the intended king everyone thought was entitled to be, in this day and era.

Most people think of course why didn't everyone serve them better, because everyone is a princess today. Nobody ever asks if they could do better themselves, that is getting more and more rare. Therefore, families, which are a basic co-existence mechanism, do suffer from these imbalances.

What do people do if life befalls them hard and they have to retreat? They go live with their otherwise "toxic" parents.

Who do people run to the moment something really bad happens? Oftentimes, even to their parents, if they aren't as toxic or as judgemental.

The list goes.

Parents are nice when they grow you and they give you everything, then what nowadays people do is remember the negative things only and discard their family on the trash can. Very noble of them? No, that is very selfish and not noble.

Parents do also take a choice or a situation where they minimize their own freedom, sacrifice their years, and so on, to give rise to a child. This is not only biological, but a sacrifice that happens on one's self out of love, necessity or care.

Because whomever grows a child enters a very limiting relationship with major sacrifices to themselves, to raise children, so they can tell them to fuck off later, as many children will do because of whatever demand came into their head?

Well yes, this is how it goes, until you are young that is. Then you start understanding more about this world, unavoidably.

Nowadays, women are told to avoid this, and to just take another way entirely in this world. They therefore never discover the power incumbent in motherhood in anyway. They think this makes them stronger. This illusion collapses as women reach very old age, where they don't have anyone to take care of them. The same goes for men.

As I see this world going, depression, stupid values, and many other things, will drive it to the cliffs of loneliness, depression, and in the end, possibly self destruction. Many people will defend this state of being until it is too late, simply because they didn't know a better perspective here.

In regards to children, children can be wonderful, fill one's life with joy, worry, longings, hopes for the future. They are not the monsters people have been told they are. They will do more positive to you than negative. If you raise them with love, understanding, discipline and support, your children will be where you will rely in your own future as a being. This is a give and take situation.

Everyone is being LIED to about family, because they want people in the West to simply die without a family, alone and unsupported. They want people to be pointlessly only selfish, and incapable of relating to other human beings. Much of this is learned in one's early family.

Parents and children do share in these relationship and therefore in the wrong and right of things. Children grow and many are growing selfish which is natural, and they therefore only increase their demands, while doing nothing.

Family is an organic bond and most people cannot have these bonds as most people are egoistical princesses in this day and era, and know nothing of sacrifice, stepping back, or anything of the sort.

There is no life currently known that goes out from the child state. Children are helpless, little beings, that cannot do much in life. This is biological. Family comes as their armor to grow them and protect them. Everyone has been a child at some point.

The argument that some people may have underwent negative experiences, gives credence to what stated above: Our world sucks. It will be fixed in time. Will these disappear completely? No. But family will have a far higher standing in Satanism or in a Spiritually Satanic, aka, Pagan world.

For Satanic Souls, because one has a bigger past and/or may be wiser, there can be clashes with the less intelligent people in one's family. These can come out of one's difference, one's decisions, or many other factors. We are a marginal few people in these very peculiar situations, and these cannot be turned into universal law for all mankind.

Currently, the price of awakening and consciousness, is severing from many things that are normal, even loneliness. This will not be the case "forever" in the future, it's a temporary lapse of civilization going to shit. In fact, these traits were most desirable in the past for families, relationships, politics, what have you. It's only now that these morals have been inverse.

In these cases, people have all means if they want, to amend ties, stand on their feet, not tolerate abuse, form their own family, the list goes.

Now, if your parents are decent people, go give them a kiss, and give them a hug, and tell them a thank you and that you love them despite of anything. Call them on the phone even, or send them a text. They were not perfect as you aren't perfect, but they tried.

If they are total assholes, then one might as well get them to fuck off. Yet, consider to be the parent that your children are going to love, because this is something you can choose for yourself, as Spiritual Satanism will make you in control of your own destiny.

There is a reason why many refer to Father Satan as "Father", and this is a holy title. The same goes for Mother, which some describe as Lilith, others Astarte and so on.

Family is sacred, beautiful, and divine. A human with a great family is a blessed human.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The family system often is a slave system. A bunch of people forced to be together that would have nothing to do with each other were it not for the current system and people grow to resent each others existence cause of this. It becomes a master slave type relationship. It is like a prison camp for kids in their own eyes the ultimate goal becomes later to heal and deprogram from all this and become free again later in life and find yourself and your life path again.

While yes we have to go along with things at a certain age I cringe a little when seeing "don't break family relationships over this" cause from what I have heard that is exactly what will happen with something else later for many of these same people your talking too that were forced to get this vaccine.
Certain things in existence are fundamental, and family is one of them. You won't wake up one morning and magically it has disappeared, or all of a sudden, the world is in technicolor/black and white.

Certain things are up for debate. Certain things aren't up for debate. The enemy treats things that aren't up for debate as up for debate. Like Life and Nature. You can theorize at jewniversity about whether life is meaningless and a simulation because the Matrix was made in 1999, and now all history prior to it is worthless. Or... just embrace reality and stop living in a illusion.

You can observe that motherhood is actually a very positive thing for women by it's own self-revealed nature, which is very common in women. Actually the whole queer thing is less common and also very recent. Motherhood outlasts death and current trends and viewpoints on whats important. Just like the viewpoint about flat earth while the actual real situation of Earth being round, outlasted and survived the temporary opinion that it was flat. People died over it. Now everyone doesn't need to "have an opinion" about that, because do you have an opinion about when you jump up you will come down? Do you have an opinion about something which is absolutely certain to be one way? No, its just perception, and you are developing an awareness not necessarily having to study it and a gajillion terms for the thing.

Like slyscorpion's writing about the "family system is often a slave system". Compare the 2 ideas with an image for either. Clearly very similar... :?: :?:

That's how far the brainwashing goes. Revealed reality to everyone, is "up for questions"
https://youtu.be/AFmbehVApAs cool song
Family is also a reflection of own soul, part of it, and vice-versa. Family is the most important unit to create wealth, happiness and confront death with a big smile, knowing you accomplished something to benefit and continue the next life, until this sacrilege of existence is completed on to the next levels. Past lives count on this as well.

My most powerful experience from the Serpent wasn't power or anything of this sort, but a past life vision of me holding my own child. That power equates to nothing else. Symbolically I raised him from a place under the tree, where he was playing. Reverberating power and fatherly stance past death and time. Will never forget that.
Current Family values in islamic countries are mostly built upon the parents bullying the child and behaving like some kind of cops in the house, alot of saturn-based ideas because islam is built upon denial of the ego and and desires.., so much traumas and negative energies and lack of freedom and personal choice which really left me no choice but to use grey magic to get me out of that nightmare (it was a live or die situation not for fun).

Now i am in a more grounded situation, i may marry someone who is "atleast" an athiest and sane and have a positive relationship and family with her.

Thank you so much it was a really helpful sermon and i will take every detail you said into considration with my other relatives. I will try to keep a positive mindset as much as possible.

Hail satan!!!!
!!!!يحيا الشيطان للأبد
My parents were jack shit at parenting. Since I was a hyper-active kid they decided to buy me a playstation, then of course all I thought about was playing it. My father never spent any quality time with me, nor my mother, no discipline, no nothing. Good thing is that at least I grew up as middle-high class, and I will have financial security as long as they're alive. I don't even know if ever really loved them though, when I was a kid and I misbehaved my father used the belt on my ass, he still to this day tries to deny it, he knows he fucked up.

Fortunately I've found my True Father, Satan. Without him and JoS who knows what sad life I would be living. I had no values, no nothing, my parents simply thought that they could just do shit and I would magically grow up and become a decent person.

Fortunately this experience has shaped me, and I will never neglect any of my kids, they will respect me and love me as I will do with them, as I could not do with my father.
Although there are alot of dysfunctional families out there i dont understand why someone would call it a slave system...to me it is uncalled for and extreme. Sadly there are alot of children who have had to put up with abusive parents also or who were emotionally neglectful, which leads to more dysfucntional adults. The majority of people today sadly do not know how to behave in a family unit or in a relationship that can garentee the successful and complete upbringing of a child. People will rush into relationships within months or even weeks, blurting out the starry eyed "i love you" while not even knowing what the hell it even means to actually love.

Love is sacrifice, going out of your way for someone perhaps even literally. Love is knowing how and making an effort to be there for someone emotionally and understanding things from their perspective, instead of shutting down or clamming up when they tell you that theyve been hurt. putting yourself in their shoes. putting an effort to make them happy. these things must be mutual. This all takes time to build and does not come within a matter of weeks or months. I have had Men tell me " I love you" knowing it was just words and nothing more. no. they loved an idea. it was infatuation not love. there is a big difference

All things that make a happy strong family unit have been destroyed. People do not know how to treat each other with patience or kindness anymore. Husbands and wives don't know how to fight fair or sort through problems without saying things that can leave lasting marks. People have to work 2 jobs to make ends meet, or both have to work. It sucks for the kids cus then they cant see their mom and dad. no family time and bonding. Ugliness and unhealthiness are promoted along with horrible racial hygene. As a result we have very few people that are actually attractive, either because they don't give a shit or have bad genes. or both. Look at america. fat, ugly, and always horridly dressed. Before someone starts bitching about this being shallow, its not. This is biological as beauty is associated with health and strong genes. If more people upheld these things, men AND women, people would be able to remain attracted longer and it would contribute to longterm happiness. without the attraction you are just roommates. Genetic attractiveness is also relative to race even down to the specific subrace.

When i was 21 i met someone i ended up learning another language for, busted my ass for, shead literal blood sweat and tears to save up money for, to go make a life with...5000 kilometers away. i thought he was THE ONE. what a sentimental stupid idiot i was. The longest we spent apart was a year and 3 months, while i was saving up money working jobs in the US and Canada and finishing pipe welding school. What happened when i first got there? About a year or so in there was a fight about moving alittle farther away because he wanted to stay closer to his mother...she even egged this on. I was pissed and was already thinking of having thoughts of leaving...after the literal distance i went. I definately wasn't the easiest to live with and wasn't perfect and can have a temper and can also be inconsiderate at times. but when he started comparing me to other women, telling me he imagined me sounding different during sex ect i started checking out. after almost 9 years of trying to make it work together i finally got it out of him about what he was up to and had been cheating on me with 2 other people. I told him if he had contracted any STD his ass was mine. Thank the Gods he or i got nothing. i ofcourse ended up leaving. He even would bring up wanting children from time to time. I am glad nothing of the sort happend. ...after almost 9 years.

But this sort of thing happens after even 15. Yet everyone ends up having one or two kids within the first 5 years almost, with the first half being within the first 2! People rush into relationships without studying their partner properly, not knowing what they want, or being what i was, just plain naive...a mistake i will never make again. I am happy for my ex and his new life we talk from time to time. but i look at our past and other prospects i have had along with other second hand accounts from others about splitting up after 10 13, shit 20 years! and i'm like well how the fuck are we supposed to find the right person to make a happy family with?

This is perhaps one of the biggest hangups in my chart. It almost makes me feel like i am a bad person for not wanting to look for a partner anymore or have kids...especially since i do love kids and would love the right partner. no asshole comments please because this will actually be the most vulnerable comment i will ever post...maybe its because of the working ive started that alot of things are coming out.

I have always had huge hangups with my feminity. I hate my voice its fugly :p. i always get called sir on the phone..there was someone i was talking to for the first time once and they asked if i was born a girl lmfao. i know they didnt mean it bad. and i never told them. but it really hurt. alot. my first thought was " yeah they will probably like someone whose voice is cuter" thinking back to how my ex also made comments on my voice and said he imgined me sounding different. cus thats what guys like right? they like cute...and feminine. i dont give a shit how sensitive they say they are...thats what they like. and if they like me for my "manliness" it almost always ends up that they prefer dick any way :lol:

My pluto placement also makes me scared shitless of childbirth...that almost sounds pathetic since is the main thing my body is built for. sometimes that ticks me off. Then i have thoughts of, yeah then my body is ruined and my partner will leave me for someone he finds younger and more attractive or cheat. because this nowadays especially almost always happens. then i think "i love kids so much and they deserve the best. i am also afraid to not provide for them or make my parents mistakes...especially with my temper this actually really upsets me, since i love baby anythings..Goddammit. whats wrong with me."

There are people with virtually no life experience who try to tell others to suck it up and to stop bitching...yes it is hard and procreation must go on. But getting with the wrong person can fuck your whole life up and leave you in emotional and finantial ruin, to the point of being on the street even, ultimately also being very bad for the children and scarring them for life. Kids who grow up in poverty or around domestic violence have serious issues as adults and end up contributing to the criminal system. Which results in alot of people becoming extremely self protective and scrutinizing prospects to the extreme, so In all honesty, am i a bad person for having these fears? serious question. People could say, "just do a working, use magic ect or go out and meet people" sure...but how long would all that take to find the right person, people especially in their 30s and even mid 20s have alot of baggage. baggage that others often cannot be arsed with. even if a working attracts something there is no guarentee.

I have alot of saturnian and neptunian influences to the way i look at relationships and people i know that. something i am working on.

I have thought to have had someone on the astral...i know for certain in anycase he is my Guardian and love him a great deal, and im sure he loves me..prolly just not that way...but it is also possible i have seen and come in contact with a second person as well who was from a past life and is already gone...which actually makes me very sad. and mad at myself for misconcieving something about my guardian as well..like..how could i be so stupid. thanks neptune for making me the sentimental idiot that i am for percieving something that is impossible. better to know the truth though than be a dillusional idiot. i mean why not. even the actual fictional characters i got crushes on as a teen turned out with someone in fan fiction..haha..pathetic.

Which is something i dont want to be anymore in this sense. i love the idea of family and what it is really supposed to be. I am just terrified to get hurt, but also wonder what will happen when i am old. this makes me sad but i cant just take any random off the street. There is alot of people who think its ok to raise a child in poverty which is detrimental. a family needs to fight to get in a good position to provide for any prospective children because children deserve the best. my uncle is childless and has never had a partner and lives close to others who look out for each other.

If only The axis won...many people would be able to have much healthier and long lasting familes. I look foward to the day when the things that hinder this are gone. im not the youngest anymore however. Sorry guys for the rant lol. I think my working is starting to do its job...been feeling a lump in my throat and solar plexus area the whole time writing this :|
The ironic thing is, one just needs to open a history book to see how important family values are. Ruling families and monarchies fell down because these noble or royal families forgot what family values are as soon as they rose to power. This is also another reason the enemy keeps attacking ancient history I guess. I regret and I fell sorry when I see most young people and teenagers disregarding and ignoring history classes in school or complain how their parents or siblings suck. Nowadays, people only understand what family value is when one of them falls sick or passes away. My family wasn't an exception. I was born sick and my parents and my siblings as well as myself spent 2 decades so I could become healthy and live a normal life, and my parents always say that my birth taught them the meaning of life. And we also spent the last 3 years to realize the dream of my brother which was to become a pilot. Both of these were challenging for us and a big hurdle. But looking back now, these challenges are who made us today. I deeply love both my parents, my older brother, my younger sister, my nephew and my sister in law. We kept together in the hardest times and came so far in life. And we all know that the challenges of life are never ending, as the top priority for us now is, me to graduate from university and to find the love of my life as did my brother, then it will be the turn of my younger sister. We all do mistakes and fuck up at some point in life and in the end, it is the same old family and life-long friends that are "oh so tiring" that gets you out of the dirt and raise you up no matter how deep you might have fallen. That is what a family is and how a family should be.
Ariton 666 said:

You live in your little liberal "everyone should love everyone else" world, but you don't know shit about what it's like to have to stand up for yourself, just to talk shit!

You know essentially nothing about me, and your situation, looks to me like a rather casual story, despite of you thinking nobody else experienced things like you did. Others have experienced way worse, and see things in other ways.

All my life is what you refer to as yours, only multiplied by many times a factor, let alone other things.

Congratulations on standing up for yourself, as you understand more of life, you will understand other solutions rather than beating people senseless.

Yes, family remains sacred, and you should treat your children and the family going from you as sacred, and not turn out like your dad, having to play Karate with your own kid to understand it.

You must look forward to fixing your problems, because if not, you'll be toxic everywhere as you are here with me for no reason other than your perceived issues.

I am not your physical dad for you to play Karate with me. Thanks.
I so much wish it could have been that way. Being more supported and understood was what I wanted my entire life.

It is not because I am egotistical or think of myself as a prince or am entitled that I feel the way I do about family.

It is because I feel the opposite I feel like I am oppressed and a victim by all this. I understand the Gods cared about me and protected me as a kid am very greatful for that

I want everyone to be aware that if Pluto is conjuncting or hard aspect something natal in your child's chart as a little kid be very aware of who your child is talking to what is going on in their life etc.

I dealt with xtianity as a kid very much the family I was adopted into my dad was a minister at the local church. I was constantly surrounded with this. When I was really small I would be attacked by these spirits and cry and my parents took this advice literally.

James Dobson from focus on the family:

"It is not necessary to beat the child into submission; a little bit of pain goes a long way for a young child. However, the spanking should be of sufficient magnitude to cause the child to cry genuinely." (Dare to Discipline, p.7.)

(when it comes to crying genuinely)”Yes, I believe there should be a limit. As long as the tears represent a genuine release of emotion, they should be permitted to fall. But crying quickly changes from inner sobbing to an expression of protest... Real crying usually lasts two minutes or less but may continue for five. After that point, the child is merely complaining, and the change can be recognized in the tone and intensity of his voice. I would require him to stop the protest crying, usually by offering him a little more of whatever caused the original tears. In younger children, crying can easily be stopped by getting them interested in something else."

This kind of thing didn't work for me well as a person with a more independent spirit. I grew to hate the focus on the family thing. Then the fact that I am more feminine as a guy as bisexual more sensitive type. By some people in that church I was made fun of badly. One time my elementary school teacher who was a member of the church I went too. Yelled at me and kind of belittled me for being girly in the classroom in front of everyone then not making this up took me into the girls bathroom tried to force my head in the toilet and said if your going to be girly this is what will happen. Then she tried to get me to do some stuff I don't want to repeat here. This and people constantly calling me faggot and making fun of me and not wanting to be around me is what lead to me thinking my gender was inferior for awhile not reading feminist stuff btw. I am out of that thinking now but it still hurts I do wish I was a girl.

I really could not have friends very well because of my dad's profession. I really never got to hang out with many people as a kid or have fun that much outside the church. Mainly because the people that were not xtian feared their kid getting involved with me cause they didn't want to deal with that (rightfully I must say). I was even told that honestly by a kid once why he couldn't hang out. The people that were xtian didn't like me that much or relate to me.

I just wanted to get away from the whole thing of religion and theme of that in my life and at that time I didn't think it was that cool either. Then to have meds forced on me a little later in childhood this is the reason I lost my spiritual abilities and be labeled as autistic and all kinds of stuff just cause I wasn't like everyone else. I hated that at the time more so than now. I kept telling people I have no problem and both I am normal yet normal doesn't exist at the same time. Stop labeling me that kind of thing. They added a couple more "disabilities" to the list I was sure I was not. Hated the name of it like Pervasive developmental disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder I think one more but I don't remember it right now. I grew to resent my family for this.

Then there was getting sexually assaulted by a priest who was my baby sitter my dad basically has the same profession.

I could go on but these are the main things I mean I guess my parents were good people in their own right but I shouldn't be subjected to this stuff. Especially since it's been my life long wish just for that part to be over.

I should not be forced by situation to interact with them (it's not mainly financial and no I don't live with them thankfully)

I shouldn't need a reason I see this as a free country. I should have a right to my own peace and freedom of association. I just wanted most my life to leave all this stuff behind.

Not to mention the energy of dealing with such people it's just bad a bother and annoying.
You clearly triggered some people here Brother HC :lol:
To the people who feel like insulting HC for giving you some hard truths, did he force you or anything? Or has he given raccomendations?

The reality is that family is our survival and future. No family= Extinction.

For those who had a bad upbringing, it's not just about you. Yes you had a bad childhood, does that mean that family is inherently bad because of that?

Sometimes I don't even know how to answer insults, because they have such a nonexistant basis that I wonder:"is this person retarded". How do people even come up with strawman arguments, it's so against my nature that I'm still scratching my head when it happens.
Anyways, my Bro HoodedCobra handles the trolls like a champion.
Aquarius said:
For those who had a bad upbringing, it's not just about you. Yes you had a bad childhood, does that mean that family is inherently bad because of that?

Sometimes I don't even know how to answer insults, because they have such a nonexistant basis that I wonder:"is this person retarded". How do people even come up with strawman arguments, it's so against my nature that I'm still scratching my head when it happens.
Anyways, my Bro HoodedCobra handles the trolls like a champion.

People will heal with time. I think not many people had a good childhood or something like this, the world is really crazy nowadays. Only few people have.

I don't care about the trolls, if they are legit SS, they will eventually sooner or later understand. I think some people want to project this because they want other things.

I am open to any question even the negative stuff, it's fine by me.
Aquarius said:
You clearly triggered some people here Brother HC :lol:
To the people who feel like insulting HC for giving you some hard truths, did he force you or anything? Or has he given raccomendations?

The reality is that family is our survival and future. No family= Extinction.

For those who had a bad upbringing, it's not just about you. Yes you had a bad childhood, does that mean that family is inherently bad because of that?

Sometimes I don't even know how to answer insults, because they have such a nonexistant basis that I wonder:"is this person retarded". How do people even come up with strawman arguments, it's so against my nature that I'm still scratching my head when it happens.
Anyways, my Bro HoodedCobra handles the trolls like a champion.

I myself also had a rough childhood in and out of the home and i still care for and stick to my family. My dad and i reconciled after a fasion after years of a strained relationship, we talk and hang out from time to time. I learned that what i experienced as a child and a teen was not my fault and not exclusively about me, and did not make me less than what i was. I actually am focused on being there as he has no one but me and my brother to look out for him as he grows older. despite his mistakes he never let us down and always gave us what we needed. My dad always tells us family is everything. Where he comes from no one leaves the house untill they are married lol. no one goes to a nursing home (this sentiment goes for my moms an dads side of the family) and is cared for at home. i grew up with both of my grandmas. I went through similar things what you did with your dad. mom put me on ritalin when i was 2 because they told her i had some form of ADHD. >_>. i was miserable so they took me off.

As for my own remaining hang ups they are my own to solve and fix of which i am very hopeful for. I have never thought of family in general as less than a beautiful thing
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As a soon to be father, with a soon to be wife, who is advancing spiritually with me in satanism, this post really brings a smile to my face.

In the beginning I was so concerned when I found out I was going to be a father, as both me and my partner were going through so much at the time.

The gods kept telling me to pull through with my partner. Despite how we both came from very broken life circumstances, with abuse, and related issues, my wife especially, had severe psychological scarring and mental issues from this, and all the disputes, issues we fought through, that most reasonable not stubborn people would of just walked away and said fuck it, because of sheer strength it took to grow together and make something like this work, from where we were originally at.

I listened to the gods, and I sit here in awe at how good things are turning out.

I've grown as a satanist, and my partner, when I first got with her, was a completely broken person. Through our bond we have grown strong.

Stronger then I ever thought she could be or was capable of, and the same for myself.

As hard as it was, and how many doubts I had, this all catapulted my spiritual advancement to levels I would of never reached otherwise, and having close contact with the gods and my guardian andras.

It is almost incomprehensible, how the gods can see things.

This situation at first was so unstable it looked as if everything would just fall apart, and now we are creating something beautiful and amazing.

I sit here in awe half the time as in how the fuck everything came together so great for me, my wife and our soon to be son.

Hooded Cobra you are right. Family is sacred, and such a crucial block to life, our human nature and satanism itself.

Hail Satan and all the gods and goddesses of hell!
I love the timing as usual. Thank you for the sermon.
I had some petty fights with my mum over things that aren’t that important overall. Not having time to learn about your children or parent behaviour, likes and dislikes, is a huge thing that can make the situation confusing. Spending time with the family should be one of the most relaxing things. My parents are kind of ‘weird’ in a way...I say this because their compatibly is 0% so a lot of tension in ‘family life’, but separately they are decent people. It is truly a case by case thing... for example one of my friends has a toxic family in every way, and her mother was the person that brought the family together, tensions weren’t that bad with her around. But she lost her mom this year and started to realise how much she helped the overall state of the household...and now regrets the time she lost by fighting instead of speaking and hugging her. I think this can bring a trauma too because she doesn’t plan to become a mother until 40+ which is like .. kind of late? (I’m sure SS women can have healthy children later in life due to yoga and meditation but a ‘normal’ woman would face a lot of complications) I hope I’m not off topic but does anyone else know how to approach someone that has this kind of thinking or better said... how can I help her?
I’m also curious if there would be other sermons for family and values or how to navigate it in a healthy way
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

slyscorpion said:

As a soon to be father, with a soon to be wife, who is advancing spiritually with me in satanism, this post really brings a smile to my face.

In the beginning I was so concerned when I found out I was going to be a father, as both me and my partner were going through so much at the time.

The gods kept telling me to pull through with my partner. Despite how we both came from very broken life circumstances, with abuse, and related issues, my wife especially, had severe psychological scarring and mental issues from this, and all the disputes, issues we fought through, that most reasonable not stubborn people would of just walked away and said fuck it, because of sheer strength it took to grow together and make something like this work, from where we were originally at.

I listened to the gods, and I sit here in awe at how good things are turning out.

I've grown as a satanist, and my partner, when I first got with her, was a completely broken person. Through our bond we have grown strong.

Stronger then I ever thought she could be or was capable of, and the same for myself.

As hard as it was, and how many doubts I had, this all catapulted my spiritual advancement to levels I would of never reached otherwise, and having close contact with the gods and my guardian andras.

It is almost incomprehensible, how the gods can see things.

This situation at first was so unstable it looked as if everything would just fall apart, and now we are creating something beautiful and amazing.

I sit here in awe half the time as in how the fuck everything came together so great for me, my wife and our soon to be son.

Hooded Cobra you are right. Family is sacred, and such a crucial block to life, our human nature and satanism itself.

Hail Satan and all the gods and goddesses of hell!

I am very happy for both of you! As long as you both give and take and strive for the better i am sure it will work out for you :D
Meteor said:
Shadowcat said:
I have always had huge hangups with my feminity. I hate my voice its fugly :p. i always get called sir on the phone..there was someone i was talking to for the first time once and they asked if i was born a girl lmfao. i know they didnt mean it bad. and i never told them. but it really hurt. alot. my first thought was " yeah they will probably like someone whose voice is cuter" thinking back to how my ex also made comments on my voice and said he imgined me sounding different. cus thats what guys like right? they like cute...and feminine. i dont give a shit how sensitive they say they are...thats what they like. and if they like me for my "manliness" it almost always ends up that they prefer dick any way :lol:
I dunno if it's something you would be interested in or if you'd rather embrace your voice the way it is, but if you want to sound cuter then that's possible. I had a relatively deep voice too and encountered similar problems, but after practicing for some time I became able to sound normal, even slightly higher pitched than most women. I don't get weird comments about my voice anymore or any confusion over the phone, and the only comments I do still get are positive ones from my fiancé.
A large part of what makes up a person's voice is not actually in the vocal cords, but the person's habits in how they use their voice. It felt a bit odd to speak at a higher pitch at first, but after I got used to it it feels completely natural and I really like the way my voice sounds nowadays. So if you really don't like the way your voice sounds, then I want you to know it's something you can work on.

If you're interested, I can try giving you some tips. I hope I'm not being rude by suggesting it. It's just that when you say you hate your voice, it reminds me of the way I used to feel about my voice too, so I wanted to help.

On a side note, I'm sorry for not making progress with checking the translations at the moment. Some deadlines are coming up next week for my studies so it's been difficult to find the time for it. I promise I'll get around to it though! I'll see if I can manage to put aside at least a little bit of time for it every day.

rude? not at all. this was actually interesting i will think on it. no worries i have been busy with apprenticeship classes myself. most of blacksun666 is done now as well and what i finished with the other site i left yall in the megalink in the mail :3. i will also resume tomarrow!
Oh and I was making those assumptions out of really bad personal experiences as well as my girlfriends experiences (she went through a lot too) this article helped me. This will need to be changed in the future somehow though cause what we have today gives almost no one a good experience.

My hope and dream is that someday some children will be happily playing outside and one of them will see something that reminds their soul of the old world and one will ask Mommy Daddy what's a Jew?

With tears in our eyes we will say: It's nothing now run along and play. We fought so you don't have to know and experience what we did.
I really want to value my family. My dad i get along with (although i disagree with some of his views). My mom became a crazy religious fanatic after the divorce and watcges Joyce Meyers all day. Is there a way i can still have a relationship with her and not be so drained? She is very pushy and i just wish she would get out of xianity because i can see the ways she has become depressed and it has destroyed her. She also used to say terrible things to me but seems to have gotten better after i moved out and its been a few years since i was a teen living with her. I visit her sometimes but i can hardly stand her because of her pushiness with religion
This is so true. Just look at the Black Community. Without a father in the household ,they've turned into a community of the most crime and out of wedlock child births. These women are married to the Government and look at what this has led their community to.
Absolutely amazing sermon. I don't know how you brought this all together and nailed this topic so thoroughly. You covered every part of it. Brilliant.

I was raised by an abusive single mother, who herself was raised deep within xianity and was abused herself. Since coming to the JoS, my perspective on my childhood has greatly widened. With what I now know, even though I can never fully forgive her for what she put me through, I now ultimately blame the jews for all of this. They're the ones who programmed the bible with subliminal verses about turning family units against each other, and forced everyone to be subjected to that programming for who knows how many generations while charging it. Deep programming of the soul. I hate them so much for this.

I've tried my best to have any small form of relationship with her even though we aren't usually supposed to associate with xians. Our relationship is long distance, and I would never visit her unless I knew for sure I wouldn't be stuck there for any reason at all. The trauma is that bad. Even so, I've always sought the family element in my life. It's a need for me. Not having it because of religious differences and the rest of the relatives blaming me as the bad guy for what happened during my childhood (but never my mom), it hurts a lot. I feel that longing all the time... family is very important to me. I've tried to mend things with everyone else, but it just doesn't work out usually. None of the family is very close anymore at all. I find it tragic.

I also found it interesting (if a little unsettling) when I discovered that my tragic childhood was actually part of my natal chart. I guess it is what it is. I've done the best I can, and I'm proud of where I am now.

I'm very happy to be part of this Satanic family. Even if I sometimes get called a jew.

You're right. This temporary loneliness won't last forever. The jews turned the people against us, but one day soon that will be reversed. The jews are going to get what they deserve.
Shadowcat said:

Although there are alot of dysfunctional families out there i dont understand why someone would call it a slave system...to me it is uncalled for and extreme. Sadly there are alot of children who have had to put up with abusive parents also or who were emotionally neglectful, which leads to more dysfucntional adults. The majority of people today sadly do not know how to behave in a family unit or in a relationship that can garentee the successful and complete upbringing of a child. People will rush into relationships within months or even weeks, blurting out the starry eyed "i love you" while not even knowing what the hell it even means to actually love.


People are really superficial when it comes to relationships. I still try to stick to the Ancient values. Me and my partner were together in the ancient times we both remember it we are still together today. Anyone who is good to me as a friend and helps me I stay friends for life and beyond if they find me again and are still good to me. People always try to have each others back be kind and understanding of each other.

However these type of bonds are not really possible today that well with new individuals unless they are an SS.

The generation I am in is so lost and shallow and detached. Yet the older ones have problems too unlike those that usually complain about this. I will admit that. They are known to be extremely self centered. That irks me. But still they are far more sane than most in my generation.

Even basic social interactions are hard. People are so often on the phone or in front of a tv. Can anyone say boring when your trying to hold a conversation. That is unless your looking something up. I blame this on incoming Aquarius energy and air element it would be the same with Gemini or Libra if the enemy was here. People break friendships over nothing and relationships. I admit I have done this before but only with normies and those I can not relate too cause I didn't have a connection or feelings that much to begin with. It's not possible the way so many people are.

Families yeah I had a really bad experience myself. Talking on here today helped me a little. It is just so awkward. My parents mainly (the rest of my family is actually ok one cousin is an atheist and my other cousin nominal xtian who doesn't bother me about it or take it that serious and cool to hang with. The funny thing about this is even so far as xtian people their energy is really horrible. So it's awkward. I had a friend that was psychic a long time ago who was there one time when my parents visited. She was like "they have the most horrible energy of anyone I have ever seen" so yeah.

The other thing is they tried to convert my girlfriend to xtianity while I was in jail a couple years ago. That made me really mad she was confused at that time I had showed her nothing on SS at that point or anything else, I assumed she would just be fine she fell for it for a bit though. I think they have tried to manipulate her in a bunch of ways over the about 3 years I have been up here. I know how to undo most of it but it's a pain and annoying to be fighting a war most the time trying to be sure someone is ok I did that for a couple years. But she is starting to get the enemy energy off her so thinking more for herself. She is not really liking them at all either now seemingly.

They try to manipulate me too often about things.

So me I didn't get a very good family relationship.
I think that family is something which provides warmth in this ever present cold world. Children are molded by the environment they live in. Were it not for the warmth that they provided, I would have turned out to be a different person.

As far as I know, there is always cold wind blowing in the air even if you go to the hottest place in the world. The 'cold' won't leave you. Only the warmth from the family shelters us from this 'cold'.
We learn many things as we grow up while enjoying this warmth and it shapes us into who we are.

That said, if able, one should always take decisions that they feel right personally. Many things that your family thinks is good for you might not necessarily be really good for you.

I am talking about vaccines, marriages or anything that involves their personal future drastically. Every member of my family is persuading me to take vaccine because of health and educational reasons. They say that its for your good and all.
I also see and hear about many girls being married off into an unknown family. I do not think that the bride is 'willing' to be married but pressure and a sense of favor or debt relating their childhood until now compels them to obey the forced marriage.
What happens then is that they are forced to be with someone who they don't know. A complete stranger.
For things like these, one should oppose with all they have even if they earn dissent from their family members. However, one shouldn't be demanding and be unreasonable towards their family.

The moment the family gets toxic is when they start making decisions that affect your life for a long time.
That said, I don't think that I would have been able to provide the same were I in their position. The things they have done and sacrificed for me, its impossible for me to do the same.
Very enlightening replies, I am glad I read all of these and thankful that we all have the opportunity to get better at this very important aspect of life.
Cynthia said:
I really want to value my family. My dad i get along with (although i disagree with some of his views). My mom became a crazy religious fanatic after the divorce and watcges Joyce Meyers all day. Is there a way i can still have a relationship with her and not be so drained? She is very pushy and i just wish she would get out of xianity because i can see the ways she has become depressed and it has destroyed her. She also used to say terrible things to me but seems to have gotten better after i moved out and its been a few years since i was a teen living with her. I visit her sometimes but i can hardly stand her because of her pushiness with religion

Generally, after parents see you are independent, they can cool off. Unfortunately, many people are stuck in a rut with the enemy programs, and is very difficult for them to escape, or closely impossible.

The best thing you can do I believe, would be to keep a healthy distance, but not that distant that you feel like you two are alienated.
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

slyscorpion said:

As a soon to be father, with a soon to be wife, who is advancing spiritually with me in satanism, this post really brings a smile to my face.

In the beginning I was so concerned when I found out I was going to be a father, as both me and my partner were going through so much at the time.

Best news of the week, I am very glad for you, wish you the best deliverance for your child and the best wishes.
Aquarius said:
Fortunately I've found my True Father, Satan. Without him and JoS who knows what sad life I would be living. I had no values, no nothing, my parents simply thought that they could just do shit and I would magically grow up and become a decent person.


Well you took care of yourself and that's the good news. Many parents are entirely clueless. I think in the future, or when things get better, people need to be instructed how to be better parents, read and so on.

The National Socialists had schools for this type of thing, that every person had to take at least some classes, especially new fathers and mothers.

Father Satan indeed grows SS into the best version of themselves, all people need is to understand this, open up a bit, and advance in a cooperative fashion.
Family is everything HPHC

What an amazing post to read first thing in the morning.

Thank you my bro.
Aquarius said:
You clearly triggered some people here Brother HC :lol:
To the people who feel like insulting HC for giving you some hard truths, did he force you or anything? Or has he given raccomendations?

The reality is that family is our survival and future. No family= Extinction.

For those who had a bad upbringing, it's not just about you. Yes you had a bad childhood, does that mean that family is inherently bad because of that?

Sometimes I don't even know how to answer insults, because they have such a nonexistant basis that I wonder:"is this person retarded". How do people even come up with strawman arguments, it's so against my nature that I'm still scratching my head when it happens.
Anyways, my Bro HoodedCobra handles the trolls like a champion.

He does :D he slaps those bitchies does our HPHC :lol: :lol:

You arent too bad yourself at it bro.

Fcuk the trolls.
Love the picture! 🔥💗🐍 Thank you for sharing this! You hit the nail on the head with this. Hail Satan!!💖
Shadowcat said:
Aquarius said:
You clearly triggered some people here Brother HC :lol:
To the people who feel like insulting HC for giving you some hard truths, did he force you or anything? Or has he given raccomendations?

The reality is that family is our survival and future. No family= Extinction.

For those who had a bad upbringing, it's not just about you. Yes you had a bad childhood, does that mean that family is inherently bad because of that?

Sometimes I don't even know how to answer insults, because they have such a nonexistant basis that I wonder:"is this person retarded". How do people even come up with strawman arguments, it's so against my nature that I'm still scratching my head when it happens.
Anyways, my Bro HoodedCobra handles the trolls like a champion.

I myself also had a rough childhood in and out of the home and i still care for and stick to my family. My dad and i reconciled after a fasion after years of a strained relationship, we talk and hang out from time to time. I learned that what i experienced as a child and a teen was not my fault and not exclusively about me, and did not make me less than what i was. I actually am focused on being there as he has no one but me and my brother to look out for him as he grows older. despite his mistakes he never let us down and always gave us what we needed. My dad always tells us family is everything. Where he comes from no one leaves the house untill they are married lol. no one goes to a nursing home (this sentiment goes for my moms an dads side of the family) and is cared for at home. i grew up with both of my grandmas. I went through similar things what you did with your dad. mom put me on ritalin when i was 2 because they told her i had some form of ADHD. >_>. i was miserable so they took me off.

As for my own remaining hang ups they are my own to solve and fix of which i am very hopeful for. I have never thought of family in general as less than a beautiful thing
Ritalin to a 2 yo.. Fucks sake. Fortunately I wasn't born in America, or else I would've been prescribed that too.
Shadowcat said:

Such things take time to heal from. For me my last relationship was about 7 years ago. Only now I feel ready to actually try dating again, but nothing committed straight off.
Ive made many mistakes and learned many things on my own.

Just because I didnt feel like I could talk with my parents about the thing. One didn't have my trust, the other was too busy.. And then one of my parents got seriously ill and eventually passed away.

The parent that I have left.. I value a lot. I just wish that the communications weren't so strained or awkward half of the time.
After i read this sermon i and asked my self if the families of today are so broken i instantly remembered things from my childhood where i meet so many kids who had parents using them as some kind of trophy bringer only to bust with it at other panrents where they want their kids to be perfect or some crap like that, even my mother who always compared me with another kids even telling me why i am not degenerate (of course it didn't used this term) like them like it was some kind of weird competition. They call this ''education'', riiiiggggghhhhttt.

Dunno if it's bad but i really dont care about... hmm how to say, ''people from my family tree'' i guess it's the right term, all of it it's so damn fake and materialistic ''let's go to the cousin party because he is getting married'' but you never do it because you are enjoying his success but because you ''MUH RISPECT DA FAMILIIIII''. Now wonder people are like they are today, most of families barely educate their kids, give them a phone and that's it, he wont cry anymore and let's not forget the fact that the system spend more time with your child than their own parents.... yacks....
It is horrible how humanity has degenerated so much in these times. Something as important as family could not fail to be attacked by that stupid enemy.

Knowing the result of beings being defeated by the enemy, this was predictable. This enemy is a monster in the full meaning of the word.

The xianism and islam are one thing worse than the other and are so similar that they offset each other.
Hello Hooded Cobra!
I am very glad you brought up this topic, because it is an important one!
However, I would like to talk briefly about a few things, because I want to know your opinion!

First of all, I will give you my thoughts so you can see what I am talking about!

My life was really shit!
My own family wanted to ruin me, consciously and unconsciously, because unfortunately people are in a hypnotic state because of Christian bullshit.
The truth is I cut all ties with these people because they wanted to destroy me. And I know they would do it again! And that will never change because the Jewish system has swallowed them up!
The people I thought were my family were actually my enemies!
Since I don't care about them,I am happy! Believe me, it is the truth!
And the disgust for what they did is so deep, we'd rather leave it the hell alone! What they did to me and others is unforgivable!
And they will be punished!
My grandparents were the ones who stood up for me as a child when I was in a bad situation, but I thanked them for that long ago. The problem with my grandparents is that they are full Christians!
They worked to a horrible extent to unknowingly ruin me most of the time!!! One soul is a vampire and the other is just a simple root!
Not to mention the endless hatred for each other that goes on in this fake family circle!
It sucks, believe me!

Fuck the filthy Jews for ruining people's lives with this filthy hypocritical Abrahamic propaganda bullshit.

The point is, there are some serious cases that you're better off ruling out completely.
Listen up! It's no different from Christian communities! And the saddest part is when your family becomes the enemy because of a fucking ideology that stinks like the plague!
And I know I'm right!

That's all in a nutshell!
I want to be the best father i can be when i have children. My only worry is they will be influenced by christians in our families. I have a massive family and most of them will want to raise my children their way. I know they will get a lot of support and love from my family but unfortunately Christianty comes with it. And i hate christianty.
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
Aquarius said:
Ritalin to a 2 yo.. Fucks sake. Fortunately I wasn't born in America, or else I would've been prescribed that too.

They give fucking meth to children and somehow everyone has to pretend this world is going alright. Ritalin I have studied is quite similar to meth in composition. Then some good arsenic on baby food and we're set as good goyim, I guess.
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
Aquarius said:
You clearly triggered some people here Brother HC :lol:
To the people who feel like insulting HC for giving you some hard truths, did he force you or anything? Or has he given raccomendations?

The reality is that family is our survival and future. No family= Extinction.

For those who had a bad upbringing, it's not just about you. Yes you had a bad childhood, does that mean that family is inherently bad because of that?

Sometimes I don't even know how to answer insults, because they have such a nonexistant basis that I wonder:"is this person retarded". How do people even come up with strawman arguments, it's so against my nature that I'm still scratching my head when it happens.
Anyways, my Bro HoodedCobra handles the trolls like a champion.

I myself also had a rough childhood in and out of the home and i still care for and stick to my family. My dad and i reconciled after a fasion after years of a strained relationship, we talk and hang out from time to time. I learned that what i experienced as a child and a teen was not my fault and not exclusively about me, and did not make me less than what i was. I actually am focused on being there as he has no one but me and my brother to look out for him as he grows older. despite his mistakes he never let us down and always gave us what we needed. My dad always tells us family is everything. Where he comes from no one leaves the house untill they are married lol. no one goes to a nursing home (this sentiment goes for my moms an dads side of the family) and is cared for at home. i grew up with both of my grandmas. I went through similar things what you did with your dad. mom put me on ritalin when i was 2 because they told her i had some form of ADHD. >_>. i was miserable so they took me off.

As for my own remaining hang ups they are my own to solve and fix of which i am very hopeful for. I have never thought of family in general as less than a beautiful thing
Ritalin to a 2 yo.. Fucks sake. Fortunately I wasn't born in America, or else I would've been prescribed that too.
Yup yup craziness xd
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Such things take time to heal from. For me my last relationship was about 7 years ago. Only now I feel ready to actually try dating again, but nothing committed straight off.
Ive made many mistakes and learned many things on my own.

Just because I didnt feel like I could talk with my parents about the thing. One didn't have my trust, the other was too busy.. And then one of my parents got seriously ill and eventually passed away.

The parent that I have left.. I value a lot. I just wish that the communications weren't so strained or awkward half of the time.

Yeah i am the same..I was extremely close to my mother..she passed from cancer before I moved to NL...3 months before.
I needed this post big time! Due to recent and current events with my "family" (not even biological. Just adoptive), I went into a dark place mentally and fucking HATED the idea of having a family. My hatred towards the overall idea of family got deep to where I began to keep distance between my husband and I.

We live in a world of fucking psychopaths that are highly aware of the fucked up things that they do to people. They go as far as to do shit to not feel guilty about their wrong doings.

I grew up with a "mother" who was very manipulative, gaslighting, and has this sick ass theory of purposely putting children in a position to get sexually assaulted all because it happened to her as a child. Throw being emotionally unavailable, a bully, and purposely putting kids into fucked up, psychologically traumatic situations just to have a fucking laugh and to feel powerful into the mix and you got "a mother that's better than the ones out there". What a joke!

Anyway, I have been curious as to what a satanic family would be like. I already experienced the Jew'd out version of it where you have your own "family" actively trying to hunt you down to hurt you and fuck up your money source all because the "father" betrayed you by telling the "mother" that you hate her (just an example). Seriously, I have every right to hate her because what sane person would tell someone that it's their fault that they got sexually assaulted at the age of 5 because they wanted it to happen? And what "mother" would purposely get her psychotic, felon tagged son to do harm to her daughter just because she heard that I hate her? I can go on but I'd rather not

But "oh family is family. You must forgive them." "That's still your mom." "You'll need them one day" Blah blah blah. NO! If your first family is a reflection of the soul then I got some serious cleaning and detaching to do. I don't see that first "family" of mine as family at all! It's just a bunch of low lives that get by through crime and become envious of those that actually have potential to make it out the "hood" without having to become a God damn shitty rapper or a drug lord (seriously. I was purposely held back by these people because they see my potential. I get one job and got called "an uppety bitch" simply because I grilled strip steak and asparagus for dinner over eating the usual go-to of fried chicken and corn AND because I started using my money to better myself instead of blowing it on bullshit.) Oh! When I started using my money to better myself that was a huge crime to these people. They all began to secretly hate me. But when "father" pulled that stunt of telling "mother" that I hate her, the hate became so blatant to where even the ones that they see as "slow" can see the shit!

I move out, get a pay raise, avoid them and their fuck shit (the extent that they're going to get my attention and keep tabs on me is insane) and yet they're still fucking with me. I been cut them all off and of course they're all being greeted with what I can do ;)

It's just me and my husband. My husband is my only family as far as I'm concerned. He's not "normal". Matter fact, he's a demon and has been protecting me from A LOT as of lately. I'm very grateful for him <3

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
