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Nov 4, 2021

Fervent greetings from Russia!
I apologize in advance for possible mistakes in my text, because my English is not so perfect, but I really want to share with you new information about astrology, which can be very useful.

I have always tried to check everything personally and not take anyone's word for it. I remember how I became interested in astrology and I had constant doubts about my ascending sign, despite the fact that my parents considered the time right up to the minute. In the end, I found very useful information from a woman who has been practicing astrology for more than 20 years and has developed her own rules and observations. Thanks to her information, I managed to adjust the time of my birth and finally everything in my natal chart began to work.

I also want to provide you with information about the meaning of houses and medical astrology. Some of this is known to everyone, but some information will be new to you.

If you doubt the time of your birth or it is known approximately (for example, within two hours), this information can be very useful. Unfortunately, this method only works on people of the Aryan (white) race, as well as people born from mixed marriages. If you were born above 59 degrees north latitude, then you should use Koch, not Placidus.

To put it very briefly, the Ascendant can be determined by the color of the eyes. They alternate: aries is light eyes (blue, gray), Taurus is brown and black eyes, gemini is light again, and so on, except for the last two signs, they are both light. Here is a detailed description:

ASC in Aries: blue eyes, gray-blue; brown hair, dark brown, occasionally dark (as a rule, when Venus or Saturn is in 1 house); average height and above average, light skin, white.

ASC in Aries with the Taurus sign turned on (the Taurus sign completely falls into the first house, and the cuspid 2 houses in Gemini), the eyes will necessarily be brown (brown) or will have at least a shade of brown.

ASC in Taurus: eyes are brown, black, bright, may be (but not always) slightly protruding; skin is most often dark, hair is black, brown. The height depends on the planets included, it can be both low and high, even women can be up to 185cm.

ASC in Gemini: gray eyes, gray-blue, light skin, often white, especially in redheads, poorly tanned. The hair is light brown, light brown, sometimes red. Height is either average or very high (women from 180, men from 185 and above).

ASC in Cancer: brown eyes, light brown, yellow-brown, yellow. The skin is light, white. The shapes are rounded. The height is low and medium.

ASC in Leo: gray eyes, gray-green, gray-blue. The skin is light (white and slightly yellowish). The hair is light brown, light brown, often blond in childhood, then darken, sometimes there are dark brown hair. The height is medium and high, but not higher than 175 for women and 185 for men (approximately).

ASC in Virgo: brown eyes, from light brown to dark brown. The skin is dark, tans well. Brow ridges may be pronounced. The hair is brown, black, and may be wavy. The height varies from low to very high.

ASC in Libra: blue eyes, gray-blue, gray-green, blue. The skin is light. Hair can be light brown, black. Height is usually average.

ASC in Scorpio: brown, black, green-brown eyes. The skin is dark. The hair is dark brown, brown, black, often wavy or curly. Height is usually low or medium.

ASC in Scorpio with the Sagittarius sign turned on: the eyes are light brown, sometimes almost yellow, with green, there are people with different eyes (one eye, or part of the eye, is brown, the other is green). The skin is dark, light. The hair is light brown, dark brown, reddish.

ASC in Sagittarius: green eyes, green-blue, blue, gray-blue. The skin is light, often white. The hair is light brown, light brown, sometimes reddish. The height is medium and high.

ASC in Sagittarius with the Capricorn sign turned on: brown eyes, most often light brown, yellow-green. The skin is light, sometimes with a yellowish tinge. The height is average, but it happens (rarely) and high.

ASC in Capricorn: brown, yellow-brown, black eyes. The skin is usually dark. The height is low and medium.

ASC in Capricorn with the Aquarius sign turned on: brown eyes, most often light brown. The skin is light. The height is medium and high.

ASC in Aquarius: gray-green eyes (most often), green-blue. Brown hair, dark brown. The height is medium and high.

ASC in Aquarius with the Pisces sign turned on: gray-green, gray-blue eyes. The hair is dark, light brown, dark brown. The height is medium and high, sometimes very high.

ASC in Pisces: blue eyes, gray-blue. Brown hair, dark brown. Height is usually average.

ASC in Pisces with the Aries sign turned on: blue, gray, gray-blue eyes, sometimes with green (but rarely). Hair can be black, dark brown, light brown. Height is usually average.

If Jupiter or the ruler of the 9th house is in the first house (blood transfusion), or Saturn or the ruler of the 10th house (hair transplant), then the eyes may change color to another or darker one. Also, if the Ascendant is in the first and last 5 degrees, the eye color will be lighter.

The moon in the 1st house: a tendency to fullness.
Mars in 1 house: green in the eyes, athletic figure, some rigidity in the face.
Saturn in 1 house: dryness of the figure, darker hair.

There are some exceptions here, but they are not serious. For example, my friend has an rising sign in Gemini, but she has dark hair and green eyes. I also want to note that heterochromia is a very common phenomenon, and my friend with an ascendant in Leo has green-brown eyes. In general, this method is really working and can help you a lot.

After that, you will notice that most of the celebrity cards are incorrect. Adolf Hitler had the right time of birth, his eyes were really blue and very beautiful, but Angelina Jolie should have a rising lion, not cancer, just like Kylie Minogue. Madonna in 2012 year openly says that no one knows the time of her birth and it is known that in the hospital where she was born, the time has not been fixed for a hundred years. However, we see this false information that she is a rising virgo and this information is allegedly from the hospital. Lies are everywhere and it is possible that it may not be intentional.
I am not publishing this information in order to start a dispute. I really want this information to help those who have some doubts and also be useful for those who are interested in astrology more than me. Thanks.

I have an Ascendant in Aries and Mars in the 6th house. And I have never been able to understand this position, because it does not correspond to reality. I tracked and analyzed my transits, but nothing came together. Later it turned out that my first home was ruled by Pluto, not Mars. And here are some nuances:

If the planet was direct, for example, at 23 degrees of Capricorn, and then became retrograde, but did not come out of this 23 degrees, then its status is still considered direct. The same is true with retrograde, if the planet has ceased to be retrograde, for example, at 14 degrees of libra, but has not left this 14 degrees, then it remains retrograde. This is a very important rule!!!

ARIES and SCORPIO. If Pluto and Mars are direct in your chart, then Pluto controls only Aries, and Mars controls only Scorpio. If one of the planets or both are retrograde, then Pluto is always responsible for Scorpio, and Mars for Aries.

TAURUS. Only Venus.

GEMINI AND VIRGO. There is a very interesting point here. A planet was recorded on Sumerian tablets, of which only the asteroid belt now remains. Direct Mercury controls Virgo, and retrograde Gemini. Every time a sign loses its ruler (for example, Virgo with retrograde Mercury), it becomes a blind spot in the map, difficult to predict. In such cases, you need to look at minor aspects that always work.

CANCER. Only Moon.
LION. Only Sun.

LIBRA. Another interesting point. The fact is that at the beginning of the two thousandth a new asteroid was discovered, which was called Eris (In mythology, she is the wife of Pluto. That is, she is the real Proserpine.). Its mass is almost 30% more than Pluto. Therefore, it should have no less influence than Pluto. Eris controls the Libra sign. It is very funny to me to look at Western astrologers laughing at the adherents of the Jyotish system who do not want to use Uranus, Neptune and Pluto because they follow the sign for too long, and at the same time, they themselves ignore Eris because she follows the sign for even longer. Hypocrites.

SAGITTARIUS. Only Jupiter.
CAPRICORN. Only Saturn.
AQUARIUS. Only Uranus.
PISCES. Only Neptune.

The days of Jyotish and the old traditional astrology are gone. Progress has come, discoveries have been made and we are using new planets (Neptune, Uranus, Pluto and Eris). There is no dual control. Don't be hypocrites. Each sign has only one ruler. I'm not asking you to take my word for it, but you can check it out on your natal charts and celebrity horoscopes.
In addition, you can conduct one very entertaining experiment that will tell you about the merits of planets in other signs: draw a zodiac circle. Inside this circle, draw a few more circles that will mean Rule, Exaltation, Exile and Fall. Start with the planet Saturn. It is known that Saturn's rule is in Capricorn, exaltation in Libra, exile in Cancer and fall in Aries. Don't you notice anything? Saturn goes through four stages of transformation within the framework of only one cross! Maybe it has to do with Alchemy, but he doesn't jump from cross to cross and back again. Doing this with other planets, you will be surprised. The sun does not exalt in Aries, it exalts in Taurus, because from the vernal equinox the Sun DOES NOT BEGIN to grow, read the criticism of Ptolemy, who consciously or not, but lied to you about the merits of the planets, perhaps in order to discredit astrology.
EACH PLANET UNDERGOES FOUR TRANSFORMATIONS WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF ONLY ONE CROSS. But you can evaluate any planet in any sign. For example, if the Sun is in the rule in Leo, then its location in Aries or Sagittarius can be considered favorable, and in Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio is not very.

And some more information:

Minor aspects work as well as major ones, both in the natal chart and in transits and prognostics. For example, when the ruler of the 12th house (leather diseases) made a quickons to the ruler of the first house, a complication of the already existing leather disease went. Or, for example, with a semisextile of 6 house (small insects) to 4 house (your home), you can expect an invasion of insects or small parasites, such as field mice.

1 house is a person's self. It talks about his attitude to his life, about his reaction to the environment. Personal interests.
In mundane astrology – the country itself with its inhabitants.
In horary astrology– a person who asks a question.

2 house. This house describes the financial situation of a person, his material savings, ways of earning, the ability to keep what he earned. It is also an investment in banks. It speaks about a person's attitude to the material world. Shows personal financial freedom or financial dependence.
In mundane astrology – national wealth, areas of activity related to finance. Cans. Monetary system, state budget, financial conditions of the state and the people.
In horary astrology, money is a lost thing.

3 house. These are roads, transport, including a personal car, documents, means of communication and information, including newspapers and letters, the first sibling (or sister), telephone, trade, mediation, consulting, teaching, teachers, education-related matters, studies (and, regardless of whether it is higher or primary, the education process itself); short trips, for example, around the city; neighbors also pass through 3 houses.

4 house. This is a real estate house, a person's place of residence. Kitchen. Home life.
As for who to give this house to - mother or father, then you need to watch the "rule of thumb": ask a person to interlace his fingers "in the lock" and see which thumb is on top – right or left. If the right finger is on top, then the person is astrologically right-handed (even if he is actually left-handed), if the left finger is astrologically left-handed.
For right-handed men (the right finger on top) is the mother's house.
For left-handed men (the left finger on top) is the father's house.
For right-handed women (the right finger on top) is the father's house.
In left-handed women (the left finger on top) is the mother's house.
First of all, it is a relationship with a parent. 4 the house shows the conditions of life that we create for ourselves and that we can change. It's a place where things accumulate. It is also the character of man's last resting place.
In the mundane horoscope: agriculture, cities, weather, earthquakes, opposition to the government.
In horoscope horary: the house of the questioner.

5 the house indicates the nature of a person's self-expression, his hobbies, creativity, sports. The nature of emotional attachments. It refers to love (even more to flirting), romantic relationships, games, recreation, vacation. This is the house of the second sibling.
Besides, it's a child's home. What kind of child, you need to look also guided by the "rule of thumb".
For right-handed men, this is the home of the second child of a boy (if the first child is also a boy) or the first girl.
For left-handed men, this is the home of the first child - a boy and the second child - a girl (if the first child is also a girl).
For right-handed women, this is the home of the first child - a boy and a second girl (if the first child is a girl).
For left-handed women, this is the home of the first child - a girl and the second child - a boy (if the first child is also a boy).
In the mundane horoscope: fertility, youth in general, theaters, museums, entertainment and celebrations. This is the home of sports and athletes.
In the horoscope horoscope: bets, lotteries, races, children.

6 house. This is the home of non-dangerous, chronic diseases. This is the home of work, professional activity, including in a subordinate position, as well as daily work performed. This is the house of subordinates in the horoscope of the boss.
According to this house, you can also see which diet is suitable for a person.
This is the home of small pets (cats and dogs, for example), as well as insects.
In the mundane horoscope: healthcare, the situation of the working class, factories and factories.
In the horary horoscope: the health of the student, his subordinates, work, pets.

7 house. This is the house of marriage, and, of course, the house of the marriage partner, the type of partnership in marriage, the reaction of a person to a partner.
These are obvious enemies and hostility. These are colleagues and work partners.
In the mundane horoscope: issues of war and partnership, contracts. Wars begin when the ruler of the 7th house forms unfavorable aspects to the planets of the horoscope.
In the horoscope horoscope: marriage, the marriage partner of the questioner. The person being asked about.

8 house. Death, danger, threat to welfare. This is the house of dangerous diseases, the house of surgical interventions, cuts.
In addition, all regulatory bodies pass through the 8th house: the police, the prosecutor's office, the tax inspectorate, bailiffs. Oddly enough, but the security is also under the 8th house.
This is the house of sex and lovers, sexual partners of a person. Debts, loans, alimony, inheritance, insurance, will – this is also the 8th house.
In the mundane horoscope: mortality, income from taxes, credit organizations and insurance companies.
In the horoscope horoscope: the death of the questioner, operations, bequeathed property, debts and loans.

9 house. This house is responsible for trips to another city, long-distance trips. It is connected with higher education, knowledge. This is the solution of legal and judicial issues. If we take religion, then this is Buddhism.
Fires, burns, hematomas also pass through the 9th house.
In the mundane horoscope: legislation, courts, jurisprudence, science.
Horoscope horary: fulfillment of the desires of the questioner, and otherwise, as in the individual horoscope.

10 house. This is the career house. Refers to professional success in life. It shows the relationship of a person in a social environment: his relationship with employers, boss, shows public reputation, success. Solving bureaucratic issues. We look at the registration of official documents according to the directorates and progressions of the MS.
Injuries from a fall.
For right-handed men, this is the father's house.
For left-handed men, this is the mother's house.
For right-handed women, this is the mother's house.
Left-handed women have a father's house.
In the mundane horoscope: the head of state, bureaucracy, local authorities, governor, government, national honor and dignity.
In the horary horoscope: according to the values of the ind. horoscope.

11 house. It is considered a house of good fortune, patronage and friends. Social connections through friends. Sponsorship, patronage, public organizations. This is the house of deputies.
Electronics, electricity, Internet, high-speed and electric vehicles. Television. Astrology. Obtaining an academic degree. On this house we look at relations with abroad, trips abroad. If the manager of 1 house or 4 houses gets into the 11th house, then emigration awaits the person. The manager of the 2nd house at 11 will indicate that a person will be able to receive basic income by emigrating abroad.
Accidents also take place in the 11th house.
Right-handed men have the home of their first child, a boy.
For left-handed men, the house of the second child is a boy (if the first child is also a boy).
Right-handed women have the home of their first child-a girl.
For left-handed women, the home of the second child is a girl (if the first child is also a girl).
In the mundane horoscope: relations with distant countries, public organizations, parliament and duputats, joint-stock companies.
In the horoscope horoscope: the fulfillment of the desires of the questioner. Otherwise, as in the individual horoscope.

12 house. This house shows secret hostility, intrigue, restriction of freedom, chronic diseases. Prisons, pre-trial detention centers, hospitals, closed institutions, the FSB. Privacy. Mistakes. Criminal cases, fraud, fraud, theft, extortion. Hospitalization in case of illness or injury. Doctors.
Chemicals, medicines, oil, gas, cosmetics, sea and seafood. Marine animals, poisonous animals, wild animals, cattle.
Cemeteries, churches, Christianity, mysticism, sects, occultism. Psychology.
In the mundane horoscope: secret emigration, secret enemies of the state, spies, hospitals, prisons, crime.
In the horary horoscope: hospitals, places of detention, the torment of the questioner, adverse influences on his fate.


When predicting diseases, the "house = organ" system is used. Imagine that a horoscope is a person. Every house is an organ (organs) of a person:

1 house – the head as a whole, face, nose, maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, skull, teeth without pulp, upper jaw, in the blood – red blood cells (red blood cells), receptors responsible for sharp taste.

2 house – throat, oral cavity, nasal cavity, pharynx, neck, intervertebral joints of the cervical spine, upper respiratory tract, lower jaw and maxillofacial joint, pulp (root) of the tooth, large and small fontanelles in newborns, adipose tissue, olfactory receptors of the nose, taste chemoreceptors, epiphysis, thyroid gland, thymus gland, Langengars islands in the pancreas, which produce hormone insulin, taste buds responsible for sweet taste.

3 house - bronchi, bronchioles, larynx, arms, shoulder blades, shoulders, collarbones, fingers, connective tissues, tendons, taste buds responsible for astringent taste.

4 house - stomach, esophagus, mammary glands, lymph nodes, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, sternoclavicular joints, taste buds responsible for bland taste.

5 house - chest area, sternum and ribs, synovial (cartilaginous) rib-sternal joints, upper back, heart, ccc.

6 house - intestines, gastrointestinal tract, for the condition of the 12 duodenum (top right), sigmoid colon (bottom left), pancreas in type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent) and type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent), appendix (bottom right), for the small intestine; rib-vertebral and intervertebral joints of the thoracic spine.

7 house - lumbar region, lumbar spine, kidneys, adrenal glands.

8 house - genitals, ovaries (in women), the intersecretory part of the testicles (in men), adenohypophysis, groin, pelvis, sacrum, bladder (in the left part of the horoscope), gallbladder (in the right part of the horoscope). Warts, moles, birthmarks.

9 house - liver (in the right part of the horoscope), hip, vascular system, blood pressure (hypertension, hypotension – depending on the planet-ruler of the sign), lungs, blood (blood diseases, anemia), white blood cells - leukocytes, neurohypophysis. Hip joint when cuspid 8 and 9 at home are in the same sign.

10 house - spine, bone tissue, teeth, knee joints, limb bends.
11 house - nervous diseases, nervous system, eyes, ears, shin, parathyroid glands.

12 house - psyche and mental diseases, infectious diseases, skin diseases, allergic reactions, rash, pustular formations, feet.

The methodology of disease prediction is based on the analysis of disease formulas. When these formulas work, how can you determine what kind of disease and when a person will have? There is a simple and, practically, unmistakably working way to find out: when the transit ruler of a house forms an unfavorable aspect or connection with the planets of Natal, especially those who are the rulers of 6, 8, 12 houses, a person either begins to have a disease, or a relapse of the existing disease occurs, or an injury occurs. The transit steward of the house will indicate which organ is vulnerable during the transit of the planet, and the natal planet - steward of the house, to which he forms an aspect, will give information about what kind of problem will be with this organ (for which the transit planet is responsible).

The transit steward of the house will indicate which organ is vulnerable during the transit of the planet, and the natal planet - steward of the house, to which he forms an aspect, will give information about what kind of problem will be with this organ (for which the transit planet is responsible).
The transit of the ruler of the house to the planets of Natal will give information not only about which organ is vulnerable, but also the type of disease and the duration of the disease, depending on:
1. Which planet is the ruler of the house (organ).
2. In which sign is the planet - ruler of the house in the natal chart.
3. What aspect does the planet-ruler of the house form in Natal to the planet-ruler through which it transits. If there is an unfavorable aspect or connection between the planets in Natal, then during the transits of the planet – the ruler of the house (organ), the disease proceeds more severely, with the possibility of complications, adverse consequences for the body. If there is a favorable aspect between the planets in Natal, then the disease, as a rule, passes without consequences.
4. During transits of trans–saturn planets - the rulers of the house, the disease proceeds for a longer time, often taking a chronic form. During the transits of the septener planets, the disease (or an attack with a chronic disease) may take place more acutely, but for a short time.
5. It should also be borne in mind that very often a relapse of the disease occurs when a transit planet, especially a transaturn, which is responsible for another organ, forms an unfavorable aspect or connection with the planet-ruler of the house of the diseased organ or body part. It acts as a kind of detonator that activates the steward of the sick organ's house, leading to illness or relapse of the disease.
For example, the transit Neptune, upr. 2 houses, forms a quadrature to Mercury, upr. 8 houses. Neptune in this case is responsible for the throat, neck, thyroid, and also (by symbolic control) for the feet. During the periods of transit of the ruler of the 2nd house, especially transaturna, which is Neptune, he will give infectious diseases of the throat, problems with the thyroid gland (formation of nodes on the thyroid gland, hormonal disorders). It is enough to cool the feet of the feet to start angina. If Neptune, upr. 2 at home, forms a quadrature or opposition to natal Mercury, upr. 8 at home, then it will be a detonator of problems with the genitals, for example, it will give an inflammatory process in the appendages of the uterus, the formation of a cyst on the appendage (right or left - depends on the position of Mercury in natal - in the right or left part of the horoscope).
There are many methods available that determine the precise time when you were born.
For example, this thing you mentioned is not universally acceptable, as I know some people who this doesn’t work for.

You can use progressions to determine your exact time of birth. Basically you first create a list of milestones or events that have already happened in your life (first relationship, moving out, someone dying, someone being born, jobs, educations, publishing things, etc) then you just use progressions to determine where your Mc/Asc had to be, so it makes the most sense. (I hope you get the idea)
And you can use this method universally... however for this method to work, you need to have an eventful live already, so you need to be around 30 for it to work reliably.
Cuz if u are too young, your Database of Events is too little, If I make sense here.
Blonde hair don't exist, goy, they are a myth. But yellow eyes exist!

Also, let's not consider the structural and spiritual difference between a planet and an asteroid. Let's also rewrite mythology to turn the Goddess of Discord into Hades's wife.

Other things to note: there is not just right-handed and left-handed people. There is also ambidextrous people, as well as cross-dominant people like me.

With the rest, I won't even bother, as medical astrology is not my field of expertise (nor this person's!). For general, rule we won't listen to some unknown person's edits over someone like Lady Maxine who has over 40 years of experience in astrology. Actual experience, not just reading.
MorgueNitta said:

This is nonsense as the color of the eyes is genetic. Some people have some genetics others have another. It's not about the ascendant. The ascendant can only affect your blueprint, but the blueprint is genetic.

I don't see people in Africa having yellow eyes or purple eyes because of having any ascendant or configuration. Ascendant in Libra would give bodily traits, but not these type of claimed changes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
MorgueNitta said:

This is nonsense as the color of the eyes is genetic. Some people have some genetics others have another. It's not about the ascendant. The ascendant can only affect your blueprint, but the blueprint is genetic.

I don't see people in Africa having yellow eyes or purple eyes because of having any ascendant or configuration. Ascendant in Libra would give bodily traits, but not these type of claimed changes.
Unfortunately this is the kind of Astrology that flies out there, usually at high prices (I've seen some Astrologers who charge almost $200 to do a natal chart on a video call for like an hour, which is not necessarily bad but they're ripping people with lies). The Astrologers who propagate it are also guilty because they don't research it and most often know they are pushing misinformation. This gives Astrology a bad image in general. I mean, even without the Gods, HPS Maxine had struggled to find largely accurate information through research and treating the craft seriously.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
