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Explanation for race mixing?

Astardastar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
The truth is guys nobody is even aware of the notion of race until they wake up. This is how strong the spells of the jews are. It's like it passes in front of their eyes in a limbo state.

As Hitler stated, the best alerter of the 20th century except of a leader, the facts we are oblivious to are the ones in front of us, the basics of nature.

It is not only a spell to gentiles it is much more practical. It is the whole system of education in nations that make people who obey, it is the brainwash in the entire life, and the subconscious messages to guide people do things and have a lifestyle that they would not make the same choices if they were not brainwashed. It is the knowledge if the mass psycology and through this they put that huge influence on them.

Especially subconcious messages are a very strong tool, are similar with what jos is saying to reset subconscious because that is what make us to want or don't want things.

It is a spell that manifested in the practical guide on how to ruin people.

All these tools such as subconscious programming do actually testify as occult tools. They have been practicalized but their sources are occult.

Mass...Psycho-logy. Psycho...Soul
ess said:
Libra said:
but consider the most beautiful cultures in the world. They are homogeneous.

Ah yes, beautiful cultures such as north korea, somalia, liberia, haiti, and many more. Just because a country is homogeneous doesn't make it inherently good.


As for the term race itself, it is extremely vague. Does the white race just mean anyone that is European? I don't think you guys think a Turkish man having children with a German woman would be good. Or does it just come down to the color of the skin. But if it just comes down to that than what if an Indian man had children with an African woman, would that be race mixing? I'm assuming it'd be something more, let's use Germans for example, it wouldn't be race mixing for a German/German relationship but what about a German/Scottish relationship, would that be mixing? What is considered the "white race"?

It's more in depth than just "they're a member of the white race". A person from Romania will have different genetics than a person from Norway. It's more than just the differences between the races, it's the specific geographic location.

I don't really see the point to me posting this as it was basically just me rambling, but whatever.

Also I must say, for future posting, try not to be sarcastic assholes. Stop being so irritable, you make us all look bad when you act like children.

Thing is, that without racial degradation humanity today is in, you wouldn't be confused about who is white and who is not. The difference would be obvious as night as day. Millenia of race mixing has really made many people look disgusting (sorry for the term, but I can't think of anything else, and I am not going to sugar coat the truth). The term race is not vague, and i suggest you to think before you write, there are new people coming here who might understand that in ill way, and get to think that race mixing is OK, because, hey, race is not real, right?

Have you ever seen what do many Turks look like? Significant percent of Turkish people have European roots. Learn history and you will see what percent of Europe was under the Ottoman rule. Therefore, yes, many Turks are white. Regardless if they look a little tan. Many Greeks are also slightly tan, and they are white. And you are confusing nation with race. Nation is irrelevant, race is what is most important. Marrying a white Turk is absolutely OK, in my opinion, so I do not see anything wrong with white man and white woman married together, when you filter nationalistic bullshit aside.

Next thing, again, you do not seem to understand the difference between black race and Indians, who are not black by anything else than maybe some skin tone similarity. This, again, shows your ignorance.

I think that you have been Satanist for long enough to learn that race IS NOT just about the skin color. I have seen some jews white as snow. In Hitler's Germany, there was the entire science of studying the race, and I can tell you that it wasn't joke, but a legitimate field where people were studying the races in detail. So regarding the Germany, German and Scott are both white. I think that Hitler's policy that German women shall only marry white men and vice versa was the best way to preserve the racial integrity at the time. If you had country which was almost 100 percent white, would there be any better policy than to impose "only your countrymen/women" policy? Simplest solution shall come first.

To the next point, the Scandinavian people have preserved more of their racial originality because, for various reason, Scandinavian countries, especially Sweden were left alone for the most of the history.

This is not just you rambling, but a dangerous rambling. I suggest you to read some sermons here, there are really good quality ones here, written from HP HoodedCobra666, HP Mageson666 and others.

As for some people here, I agree. I wanted to leave this forum just to come by daily to see if there are updates on our war, but simply I can't. Out of all forums I am member of, this is one is impossible to quit.
I really do not know what happened to this forum, and the people here, maybe it is just the phase, maybe it is not, but whatever.
ess said:
Larissa666 said:
I think you need to learn how to check the dates of posts.
Apologies, especially if you realized the mistake you made in your early post. I am very sensitive to the topic of race, and disgusted at any thought of race degradation, let alone when I see what is happening around us.

I do not know why my browser showed me the first page when I clicked on second.

Regardless, apologies once again.
Turkish man

I've already explained before that turks are not a race and that the turkish identity is an recent artificial political construction based on an jewish agenda. The so called "turkish" language is only around a hundred years old. The covered demographic is very heterogeneous in origins and appearances. You can find anything between nordic looking, to steppe mongol looking, to arab looking, to spanish looking...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many Sufis behind closed doors just practiced ancient middle Eastern or Akkadian paganism or Satanism to one extent or another. This is like the Yezidis as stated before who tried to pretend they don't really worship Satan/Iblis and they just changed the rhetoric to the generic title "Melek Taus". Who is symbolized as a serpent in all their chapels.

Knew it! Thanks to the teachings of Iranian spiritualist philosopher Hallac-ı Mansur who was executed due to blasphemy for saying ''Ene'l Hakk'' which could be translated as ''I'm the truth'' or ''I'm god'', even as a child in a Muslim household, I wasn't programmed against Satan. Of course, he was describing Satan not in the most proper way, but there was respect and admiration at the core even though dressed as a Muslim teaching.

The man was first imprisoned then tortured, whipped, and amputated before being killed. His head was put on a bridge for everyone to see in Baghdad, then strolled around Khorasan in the year 922. Because he said ''Ene'l Hakk'' and Satan is a respectable being.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=44646 time=1537114874 user_id=57]
NaziMan12 said:
Non Whites and whites and vice versa can co-exist peacefully that is not the problem. The problem is the Jew is using this as a pre-text for taking Whites out of power so that they can then come in take over and institute Communism. Whites are the majority of the worlds population and thus more whites know of the Jewish problem.

Whites are the minority in the world. Asians, Blacks, and the mixed races far outnumber us. Which is why we have a problem here in regards to race mixing, we will go extinct if the jews have their way. Also, we can only co-exist peacefully if we are separate, in our own lands. This has been explained many times in sermons.

I've been doing the Race Awakening ritual almost every full moon, we have a full moon next monday, for anyone else who wants to do it.



Hopefully in the near future all the Gentile Races can live in peace in their own countries.

I wish the White Race the best of luck for the foreseeable future just like i wish my Race the Arabian Race the best of luck for the foreseeable future and personally get away from the mentally insane program of death fearlam
Sinistra said:
Turkish man

I've already explained before that turks are not a race and that the turkish identity is an recent artificial political construction based on an jewish agenda. The so called "turkish" language is only around a hundred years old. The covered demographic is very heterogeneous in origins and appearances. You can find anything between nordic looking, to steppe mongol looking, to arab looking, to spanish looking...

Tell this guy to do our Aryan Race Awakening Ritual and return to Sweden :lol:
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Tell this guy to do our Aryan Race Awakening Ritual and return to Sweden :lol:

Sorry Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ is a national treasure. We cannot give him away :lol:

Sinistra said:
The so called "turkish" language is only around a hundred years old.

Oh? How come I can understand 700-year-old Turkish poems from Anatolian poets with my 100-year-old language?

Söz ola kese savaşı söz ola bitire başı
Söz ola ağılı aşı bal ile yağ ede bir söz

These verses are hundreds of years old and hardly different from how we speak.

A hundred years ago, a nationalist movement to get rid of Arabic words greatly changed the way upper class spoke. An average Turkish teenager cannot understand what we call Ottoman “Palace Turkish”, which was heavily infested with Arabic, but they can understand songs and poets of minstrels and nomadic bards as they weren’t influenced as much by Islam and Arabs.

Our “so-called” Turkish was preserved by common folk and evolved accordingly. The word stems and grammar are identical with Orkhon inscriptions (early 8th century).

A quote from the original text: Tengri yarlıkaduk üçün illigig ilsiretmiş, kaganlıgıg kagansıratmış, yagıg baz kılmış, tizligig sökürmiş, başlıgıg yükündürmiş. Kangım kağan anca ilig törüg kazganıp uça barmış.

Turkey Turkish Translation: Tanrı lütfettiği için illiyi ilsizletmiş, kağanlıyı kağansızlatmış, düşmanı tâbi kılmış, dizliye diz çöktürmüş, başlıya baş eğdirmiş. Babam Kağan öylece ili, töreyi kazanıp, uçup gitmiş.


In English: Tengri (chief God) wished so, (my father) made those who have a country, without a country; made those who have a king, without a king; made the enemy, subjects to him; made those who have knees, kneel; made those who have heads, bow. King, My Father, conquered the country and law thusly, then ascended (died).

Since Orkhon inscriptions until today, Turkish did change, but how on the earth, you can call it 100-year-old? Now Turkey, it was Ottoman before, Selçuklular before Ottoman, Göktürkler before Selçuklular, and Göktürkler wrote Orkhon inscriptions. We never stopped to speak Turkish since Göktürks. There are literary works from every period of time in between in Turkish and we can track the evolution of words and Arab-Persian influence. Do you need me to quote Turkish excerpts from history for every century?

Turkey Turks are mixed but Turkish is pure as it gets. I don't care what you say about people but don't you dare to call out Turkish. Or I will have to flood you with old Turkish/new Turkish excerpts. :roll:

My soon-to-be historian friend, I summon you, am I wrong about this?
Sinistra said:
Turkish man

I've already explained before that turks are not a race and that the turkish identity is an recent artificial political construction based on an jewish agenda. The so called "turkish" language is only around a hundred years old. The covered demographic is very heterogeneous in origins and appearances. You can find anything between nordic looking, to steppe mongol looking, to arab looking, to spanish looking...

Turks hasn't got a one phenotype, their physical characteristics changed from one tribe to another tribe. When the turks first came to anatolia, they had a tribal system. Before turkey exist, some ihtida (conversion) incidents came to place, so turkified of anatolia began in 11th century not in the turkiye of 20th century. By the way It was a natural changing because of barbarian turkmen invasions. Like normans in france, lombards in italy. #freelombardia.
Even their characteristics was change on empire to empire. As an example, avar's had blonde/red hair and beard. And before there was a state called austria or czechsia, their horses were groaning in the middle of Europe.

About turkish alphabet, its origins goes back to uyghur alphabet of 8th century.

Thank you.
Pammy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many Sufis behind closed doors just practiced ancient middle Eastern or Akkadian paganism or Satanism to one extent or another. This is like the Yezidis as stated before who tried to pretend they don't really worship Satan/Iblis and they just changed the rhetoric to the generic title "Melek Taus". Who is symbolized as a serpent in all their chapels.

Knew it! Thanks to the teachings of Iranian spiritualist philosopher Hallac-ı Mansur who was executed due to blasphemy for saying ''Ene'l Hakk'' which could be translated as ''I'm the truth'' or ''I'm god'', even as a child in a Muslim household, I wasn't programmed against Satan. Of course, he was describing Satan not in the most proper way, but there was respect and admiration at the core even though dressed as a Muslim teaching.

The man was first imprisoned then tortured, whipped, and amputated before being killed. His head was put on a bridge for everyone to see in Baghdad, then strolled around Khorasan in the year 922. Because he said ''Ene'l Hakk'' and Satan is a respectable being.

Is very interesting, I also know that not all the people who came to Spain from the Middle East were Islamics, the Berbers in the 8th century were still pagans and the founder of the kingdom of Granada Abd al-Rahman I who was the last survivor of the Umayyad dynasty was also a Pagan.
Also in the XII century we have the philosopher, astronomer and probably also alchemist Averroes who was accused of heresy by both the islamics and christians and had to be exiled from Spain.
Check out, “The Race Card Project” read a few of the cards of people who are mixed or white. They will pretty much detail how hard it is to find an identity and meaning in the world today. Some disregard race because they are so mixed it doesn’t matter and some find it to be a tough subject to even talk about.
Sinistra said:
I've already explained before that turks are not a race and that the turkish identity is an recent artificial political construction based on an jewish agenda. The so called "turkish" language is only around a hundred years old. The covered demographic is very heterogeneous in origins and appearances. You can find anything between nordic looking, to steppe mongol looking, to arab looking, to spanish looking...

Was Sinistra a Jewess infiltrator? I remember that one of her latest post had images removed by HP Hoodedcobra because of race-baiting.
Nimrod33 said:
Sinistra said:
I've already explained before that turks are not a race and that the turkish identity is an recent artificial political construction based on an jewish agenda. The so called "turkish" language is only around a hundred years old. The covered demographic is very heterogeneous in origins and appearances. You can find anything between nordic looking, to steppe mongol looking, to arab looking, to spanish looking...

Was Sinistra a Jewess infiltrator? I remember that one of her latest post had images removed by HP Hoodedcobra because of race-baiting.
I don't think she was, mostly a SS with her problems to fix. What she wrote isn't wrong.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
