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Explanation as to who I am

Jay Eff

New member
Feb 4, 2002
This is long, but if you truly want to know me, I open my soul to you in this post. Aside from Satan and the Gods/esses, only one person knows this much about me, and that is my girlfriend (we have been together 10years and she has truly stuck through everything with me). You are my family therefore deserve to know. Thank you in advance if you decide to read this and get to know who I am. I truly poured my heart into this work.

Hello brothers and sisters, I've been having this feeling that I should somewhat explain about myself. I feel that some of you may be thinking: "who is this dude seemingly coming out of nowhere with all these long ass posts without any introduction. I may have over familiarized myself with our family, and for that I do apologize. This post is to rectify that, as was my "Testimony and Thanksgiving" post. 
I have been dedicated since April of 2012, & I joined the groups right after dedication. I mostly stayed quite absorbing knowledge and learning as I was new and felt I had really nothing of value to say other than my first introductory post & a few other short little "thank you for this and that" comments regarding new information just showing my appreciation. Now when I dedicated I was so excited to be in the groups in my haste I used my primary email account and had my real name as my name (I know I know fuckin noob lol). After receiving some deceitful emails from infiltrators and possible jews I took the advice that's given over and over to create another email account and use an alias. I did that and, then I just read or "lurked" for those familiar with Internet lingo.
I had a decent little basic meditation & yoga program going as this was before HP HoodedCobra became a High Priest. Everything was fine, except I was using drugs at the time. I had been physically addicted to pain pills and was in an out patient rehab program (most likely ran by dirty shekel hungry kikes) and they had me on Methadone. That shit is the biggest trap ever (Yea, lets get you off opiates by giving you one of the strongest opiates available), GENIUS. Fuckin scumbags. Anyway I worked up the courage and quit cold turkey and fuck me it was pure torture. I wanted to die for over a month and a half. I couldn't meditate I couldn't barely eat I lost a lot of weight (I'm a slim guy as it is about 5'10" 160lbs currently). All I did was continue to read sermons and study what little I could, but no meditations and no spiritual empowerment whatsoever.
It didn't take long for me to relapse. I barely gave my body time to heal. I felt I had to rush back into getting a job, as I was living with my parents and I value my independence. I'm a commercial electrician specializing in lighting (I guess you could say I'm a physical light bringer in a way lol). I've also held other jobs and I've always enjoyed manual labor and working with my hands, even everyone always told me "I was too smart for that and to go to college" I found that insulting. It's very rewarding for me to wipe the sweat off my brow and get my hands dirty. I take pride in my work. Anyway I digress. 
I got back on track with meditations and by now HP HoodedCobra was in fact a High Priest (don't know if I ever said it, but congratulations I can only imagine the hard work and sacrifices you've made to become part of our amazing clergy) I started his 40 day program and started looking for Gentile doctors that would help me properly get off of opiates. For those that don't know opiate addiction is physically crippling I don't want to make this post any longer than it has to be, but if you are curious research it. They're one of the most dangerous drug categories physically and definitely spiritually. Anyway, I found out about a place that my cousin's mom owned (she was my aunt by marriage but her and my uncle divorced). All we had to do was fix the floors (it was a trailer) and turn on power. Well, while we were working on it he started bringing around his new girlfriend around. I didn't care for her too much, but I figured, whatever she won't be around for long (he goes through GFs like t-shirts). When she started coming around I found myself wanting to use more often, I started drinking and smoking that fake marijuana shit (spice) which I had been clean from both for years, and until then had no interest in picking back up. I only struggled with opiates. Well when the floors were done my family(my girlfriend and two kids) and I moved in first. For 2 weeks it was just us and everything was going great. We had just bought a new car and now we had our own place again. I, also lost interest in and quit smoking that bullshit and drinking alcohol.
Then my cousin and this new girlfriend moved in (which wasn't even discussed until a few days prior). I didn't like it, but after all the house was owned by his mother, so I felt I should just go along and get along. BIG MISTAKE! During this time I was heavily and I mean heavily attacked. My girlfriend (she is without, but very supportive and agrees with a lot of our views and even acknowledges Satan as positive, she's the only person who knows I'm an SS and has kept it secret and gives me my space during rituals and meditations) recently told me something that scared me. One of her friends is a medium and told her that there was a very negative astral entity that had attached itself to me and was feeding off all the negativity going on around me. Getting stronger and stronger day by day.
I remember at this time I was not myself. I got the furthest into opiate use I had ever gotten. I crossed a line I never thought I would and started injecting pills. This is very very dangerous and even most ADDICTS will tell you not to do this. I was severely depressed and had no control over my emotions and was having sudden outbursts of rage often. I was missing a lot of work which is VERY out of character for me. We were fighting daily and I remember out of nowhere having this disdain for everyone around me that has always supported and loved me. She took our children and left out of fear to her mother's house and I'm glad she did. I never physically hurt them, but she knew I was not myself and she was afraid to tell me about what her psychic friend told me because of my new unpredictability. She's never ever been afraid of me. She just told her mom that we were fighting as her mom isn't spiritual at all and would have called her crazy had she spoken of the entity she learned about from her friend.
I felt alone and angry and depressed. I look back and I know how this entity got to me. Not only did I have virtually no Aura of Protection. I wasn't meditating or anything being an all around shitty Satanist. And to top it all off I now know I was sharing my home with a dirty rotten fuckin kike jew, she claimed to be "part Hispanic" but never mentioned the other part. My mind was so clouded and I was so far from Satan that I couldn't even tell nor do I think I was even looking. Her name was even (Angelica makes me fucking sick that I was so blind to this). This cunt (I'm sorry I would never call a Gentile woman this) even convinced my cousin after a few months to marry it. Trust me when I become more advanced my first attempt at Black Magick will be on this fucking dirty kikefuckstein jewess, if our RTRs don't cause the demise of her fuckin worthless species first. 
She finally wormed her way into my cousin's mother's head and convinced her to kick out his sister (her own daughter) from another house she owned, which she gave to her at a low rent because of money troubles (she has two kids as well). After they moved out, even though I spent over $1,000 on the floors and put them in with my cousin with that dirty jewess bitch watching on. His mom would not let me continue to live there because the kike convinced her if she just sold the land she would get more shekels.
So there I was homeless, drug addicted, and alone. I stayed strong my boss let me stay in this little shed where we clock in and out at work. I found a Gentile doctor (he is xian, but not heavily programmed) he genuinely cares for me I can see that by his actions. He is very supportive of my meditation and yoga, and has even let me pay him back when I didn't have the money for a couple of visits and not charged me a couple times. He truly wants to help. He put me on a medication that has a very high success rate and most kike doctors won't even use because they can't trap you with it. He checks up on me and keeps my doses minimal, but effective so I won't withdraw and the ween down for me is unnoticeable. I will be completely off in another 2 months.
I saved enough money to move my family in with one of my girlfriend's co-workers, whom is also Gentile, sadly he is a xian as well, but more of the I say I'm xian so I won't go to "hell" kind, but doesn't really give a shit. He's an older guy, so sadly he kind of just grew up with it. 
After all of this I sat down one night & telepathically spoke to Satan. A man to God conversation. I apologized for allowing myself to fall into the same shit over and over again. I told him I would be the best Satanist I could ever be a re-dedication so to speak, but without the ritual as I know my dedication was valid and true and always will be. I looked for signs and started seeing and thinking a lot about how actions speak louder than words. I restarted HP HoodedCobra's 40 day training. Got it crackin on RTRs and online warfare. I started catching up on my emails. I've been relentless for a while and have been progressing at a let's say pleasant rate. I can feel Satan with me again and sometimes when I really listen I can receive telepathic info from Satan. He does have a certain majesty to his messages and a warmth that comes with them. He told me not to dwell on the past only learn from it focus on the now. What are you doing NOW? Are you meditating, empowering yourself, studying? Are you living how you KNOW you should be (meaning doing what's best for me mentally, physically, & spiritually)? Are you fighting for our cause, for our world, for your Satanic family? Are you sharing knowledge and experiences with your family when you feel inspired? I always start my day off with these questions and it keeps me focused. 
I've grown so much closer to Satan these past few months than I've ever been. It's beautiful and amazing. That's why my posts have been so long and that's why I feel so familiar. Even though I never spoke much before now, I've always been here. I read all of your posts intently, every single one and i appreciate the knowledge and wisdom and experiences shared here. I always wondered why Father didn't "come to the rescue". He knew I needed that terrible experience so that I knew this is serious business. I really knew nothing of attacks other than experiencing night terrors infested with greys when I was younger, before I knew about any of this. He knows us better than we know ourselves, his wisdom is truly infinite. He knows I'm a stubborn, hard headed person that more often than not needs to learn things the hard way. Even through all of this I never turned from him I never blamed him and I take full responsibility for everything that happened to me and he knows that too. 
That's why I made the post about drugs not being a part of Satanism. It was never meant to boss anybody around or act as an authority on SS as I do NOT in anyway shape or form consider myself to be. I was only sharing my experience to help anyone who was in the same boat so they didn't feel alone as I did. To encourage them to stay strong, I know how quickly and sneakily the karma in our birth charts can cause us to do self-destructive things and to know about them is the first step to ridding yourself of them. Knowledge is power, I understand a lot of these sayings now. My progress has been amazing and I am proud of myself. 
Again thank you for powering through this long post, but my family deserves to know me the best they can, seeing as we can't physically meet each other right now. One day we will and it will be glorious and on that day the world will know THE JOY OF SATAN!! Hail Satan my brothers and sisters! HAIL HE WHO IS ETERNAL TRUTH!!!

PS: I would, also like to congratulate High Priestess Shannon Outlaw, I am so happy for you and High Priest HoodedCobra making it onto the clergy, I remember seeing both of you before becoming High Priestess & High Priest respectively. I can't imagine the honor it must be.
Hail Satan!!!Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!May the jew be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
I am very proud of you my dear Brother, and rest assured that our
beloved Father Satan is as well! I know this to be so! ^ Stay strong!

On 10/2/16, Jay Eff curbstompchrist666@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
This is long, but if you truly want to know me, I open my soul to you in
this post. Aside from Satan and the Gods/esses, only one person knows this
much about me, and that is my girlfriend (we have been together 10years and
she has truly stuck through everything with me). You are my family therefore
deserve to know. Thank you in advance if you decide to read this and get to
know who I am. I truly poured my heart into this work.

Hello brothers and sisters, I've been having this feeling that I should
somewhat explain about myself. I feel that some of you may be thinking: "who
is this dude seemingly coming out of nowhere with all these long ass posts
without any introduction. I may have over familiarized myself with our
family, and for that I do apologize. This post is to rectify that, as was my
"Testimony and Thanksgiving" post.

I have been dedicated since April of 2012, & I joined the groups right after
dedication. I mostly stayed quite absorbing knowledge and learning as I was
new and felt I had really nothing of value to say other than my first
introductory post & a few other short little "thank you for this and that"
comments regarding new information just showing my appreciation. Now when I
dedicated I was so excited to be in the groups in my haste I used my primary
email account and had my real name as my name (I know I know fuckin noob
lol). After receiving some deceitful emails from infiltrators and possible
jews I took the advice that's given over and over to create another email
account and use an alias. I did that and, then I just read or "lurked" for
those familiar with Internet lingo.

I had a decent little basic meditation & yoga program going as this was
before HP HoodedCobra became a High Priest. Everything was fine, except I
was using drugs at the time. I had been physically addicted to pain pills
and was in an out patient rehab program (most likely ran by dirty shekel
hungry kikes) and they had me on Methadone. That shit is the biggest trap
ever (Yea, lets get you off opiates by giving you one of the strongest
opiates available), GENIUS. Fuckin scumbags. Anyway I worked up the courage
and quit cold turkey and fuck me it was pure torture. I wanted to die for
over a month and a half. I couldn't meditate I couldn't barely eat I lost a
lot of weight (I'm a slim guy as it is about 5'10" 160lbs currently). All I
did was continue to read sermons and study what little I could, but no
meditations and no spiritual empowerment whatsoever.

It didn't take long for me to relapse. I barely gave my body time to heal. I
felt I had to rush back into getting a job, as I was living with my parents
and I value my independence. I'm a commercial electrician specializing in
lighting (I guess you could say I'm a physical light bringer in a way lol).
I've also held other jobs and I've always enjoyed manual labor and working
with my hands, even everyone always told me "I was too smart for that and to
go to college" I found that insulting. It's very rewarding for me to wipe
the sweat off my brow and get my hands dirty. I take pride in my work.
Anyway I digress.

I got back on track with meditations and by now HP HoodedCobra was in fact a
High Priest (don't know if I ever said it, but congratulations I can only
imagine the hard work and sacrifices you've made to become part of our
amazing clergy) I started his 40 day program and started looking for Gentile
doctors that would help me properly get off of opiates. For those that don't
know opiate addiction is physically crippling I don't want to make this post
any longer than it has to be, but if you are curious research it. They're
one of the most dangerous drug categories physically and definitely
spiritually. Anyway, I found out about a place that my cousin's mom owned
(she was my aunt by marriage but her and my uncle divorced). All we had to
do was fix the floors (it was a trailer) and turn on power. Well, while we
were working on it he started bringing around his new girlfriend around. I
didn't care for her too much, but I figured, whatever she won't be around
for long (he goes through GFs like t-shirts). When she started coming around
I found myself wanting to use more often, I started drinking and smoking
that fake marijuana shit (spice) which I had been clean from both for years,
and until then had no interest in picking back up. I only struggled with
opiates. Well when the floors were done my family(my girlfriend and two
kids) and I moved in first. For 2 weeks it was just us and everything was
going great. We had just bought a new car and now we had our own place
again. I, also lost interest in and quit smoking that bullshit and drinking

Then my cousin and this new girlfriend moved in (which wasn't even discussed
until a few days prior). I didn't like it, but after all the house was owned
by his mother, so I felt I should just go along and get along. BIG MISTAKE!
During this time I was heavily and I mean heavily attacked. My girlfriend
(she is without, but very supportive and agrees with a lot of our views and
even acknowledges Satan as positive, she's the only person who knows I'm an
SS and has kept it secret and gives me my space during rituals and
meditations) recently told me something that scared me. One of her friends
is a medium and told her that there was a very negative astral entity that
had attached itself to me and was feeding off all the negativity going on
around me. Getting stronger and stronger day by day.

I remember at this time I was not myself. I got the furthest into opiate use
I had ever gotten. I crossed a line I never thought I would and started
injecting pills. This is very very dangerous and even most ADDICTS will tell
you not to do this. I was severely depressed and had no control over my
emotions and was having sudden outbursts of rage often. I was missing a lot
of work which is VERY out of character for me. We were fighting daily and I
remember out of nowhere having this disdain for everyone around me that has
always supported and loved me. She took our children and left out of fear to
her mother's house and I'm glad she did. I never physically hurt them, but
she knew I was not myself and she was afraid to tell me about what her
psychic friend told me because of my new unpredictability. She's never ever
been afraid of me. She just told her mom that we were fighting as her mom
isn't spiritual at all and would have called her crazy had she spoken of the
entity she learned about from her friend.

I felt alone and angry and depressed. I look back and I know how this entity
got to me. Not only did I have virtually no Aura of Protection. I wasn't
meditating or anything being an all around shitty Satanist. And to top it
all off I now know I was sharing my home with a dirty rotten fuckin kike
jew, she claimed to be "part Hispanic" but never mentioned the other part.
My mind was so clouded and I was so far from Satan that I couldn't even tell
nor do I think I was even looking. Her name was even (Angelica makes me
fucking sick that I was so blind to this). This cunt (I'm sorry I would
never call a Gentile woman this) even convinced my cousin after a few months
to marry it. Trust me when I become more advanced my first attempt at Black
Magick will be on this fucking dirty kikefuckstein jewess, if our RTRs don't
cause the demise of her fuckin worthless species first.

She finally wormed her way into my cousin's mother's head and convinced her
to kick out his sister (her own daughter) from another house she owned,
which she gave to her at a low rent because of money troubles (she has two
kids as well). After they moved out, even though I spent over $1,000 on the
floors and put them in with my cousin with that dirty jewess bitch watching
on. His mom would not let me continue to live there because the kike
convinced her if she just sold the land she would get more shekels.

So there I was homeless, drug addicted, and alone. I stayed strong my boss
let me stay in this little shed where we clock in and out at work. I found a
Gentile doctor (he is xian, but not heavily programmed) he genuinely cares
for me I can see that by his actions. He is very supportive of my meditation
and yoga, and has even let me pay him back when I didn't have the money for
a couple of visits and not charged me a couple times. He truly wants to
help. He put me on a medication that has a very high success rate and most
kike doctors won't even use because they can't trap you with it. He checks
up on me and keeps my doses minimal, but effective so I won't withdraw and
the ween down for me is unnoticeable. I will be completely off in another 2

I saved enough money to move my family in with one of my girlfriend's
co-workers, whom is also Gentile, sadly he is a xian as well, but more of
the I say I'm xian so I won't go to "hell" kind, but doesn't really give a
shit. He's an older guy, so sadly he kind of just grew up with it.

After all of this I sat down one night & telepathically spoke to Satan. A
man to God conversation. I apologized for allowing myself to fall into the
same shit over and over again. I told him I would be the best Satanist I
could ever be a re-dedication so to speak, but without the ritual as I know
my dedication was valid and true and always will be. I looked for signs and
started seeing and thinking a lot about how actions speak louder than words.
I restarted HP HoodedCobra's 40 day training. Got it crackin on RTRs and
online warfare. I started catching up on my emails. I've been relentless for
a while and have been progressing at a let's say pleasant rate. I can feel
Satan with me again and sometimes when I really listen I can receive
telepathic info from Satan. He does have a certain majesty to his messages
and a warmth that comes with them. He told me not to dwell on the past only
learn from it focus on the now. What are you doing NOW? Are you meditating,
empowering yourself, studying? Are you living how you KNOW you should be
(meaning doing what's best for me mentally, physically, & spiritually)? Are
you fighting for our cause, for our world, for your Satanic family? Are you
sharing knowledge and experiences with your family when you feel inspired? I
always start my day off with these questions and it keeps me focused.

I've grown so much closer to Satan these past few months than I've ever
been. It's beautiful and amazing. That's why my posts have been so long and
that's why I feel so familiar. Even though I never spoke much before now,
I've always been here. I read all of your posts intently, every single one
and i appreciate the knowledge and wisdom and experiences shared here. I
always wondered why Father didn't "come to the rescue". He knew I needed
that terrible experience so that I knew this is serious business. I really
knew nothing of attacks other than experiencing night terrors infested with
greys when I was younger, before I knew about any of this. He knows us
better than we know ourselves, his wisdom is truly infinite. He knows I'm a
stubborn, hard headed person that more often than not needs to learn things
the hard way. Even through all of this I never turned from him I never
blamed him and I take full responsibility for everything that happened to me
and he knows that too.

That's why I made the post about drugs not being a part of Satanism. It was
never meant to boss anybody around or act as an authority on SS as I do NOT
in anyway shape or form consider myself to be. I was only sharing my
experience to help anyone who was in the same boat so they didn't feel alone
as I did. To encourage them to stay strong, I know how quickly and sneakily
the karma in our birth charts can cause us to do self-destructive things and
to know about them is the first step to ridding yourself of them. Knowledge
is power, I understand a lot of these sayings now. My progress has been
amazing and I am proud of myself.

Again thank you for powering through this long post, but my family deserves
to know me the best they can, seeing as we can't physically meet each other
right now. One day we will and it will be glorious and on that day the world
will know THE JOY OF SATAN!! Hail Satan my brothers and sisters! HAIL HE WHO

PS: I would, also like to congratulate High Priestess Shannon Outlaw, I am
so happy for you and High Priest HoodedCobra making it onto the clergy, I
remember seeing both of you before becoming High Priestess & High Priest
respectively. I can't imagine the honor it must be.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
May the jew be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
Very inspiring post Jay Eff, I'm glad to see you're in the right place along side us.
Hail To Our Brothers and Sisters!!!!!!Hail Satan and the Gods of Duat!!!!!!
So, [/IMG]

Thanks for the wonderful share. Keep on staying strong! Satan's Blessing to you!
Thank you, to all who took time to read this. I know it was extremely long and your time could have been spent doing literally anything else and you chose to get to know me. I am so appreciative beyond words. Know that I am here for each and every member of this family, as well.

@aerodil it would seem so, I'm glad you mentioned this because I wasn't sure that my "Satanic Name" post went through. I read these posts through my phone in my emails and I didn't remember seeing it, but It did in fact go through. Funny enough I planned on resending it, then I read your reply to this post and as it turns out there was no need!!

Again thank you all and if more continue to read I will express my gratitude, to each and every person that does. This means so much to me that you know who I am to the best of your ability. You are my family and I am open with my family.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail The Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!! (Decided to change this as may, seems to imply a choice. There is none this WILL happen)
Sounds like you've been on quite a journey my friend! I got a bit behind on my emails so it took me a while to reply to this. I like reading posts like this because it reminds me that I'm in the right place. Very honest and inspiring. Sometimes you have to go to those places to get to this place.

I used to smoke pot occasionally, and one time at my job I got sent for a random UA, and it came up positive for thc. I got to keep my job but I had to basically go to a outpatient treatment center, which was way overkill, but it was about a 7 month course plus I had to go to 2 AA or NA meetings a week. This opened up a whole new world to me. I never understood why some people just seemed to struggle with addiction before but I understand it now. I learned a lot about it. You're in a good place now, so keep it up!

Hail Father Satan!!!
Brother Jay. Thank you so much!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Tuesday, October 4, 2016, 6:04 AM, Jay Eff curbstompchrist666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  This is long, but if you truly want to know me, I open my soul to you in this post. Aside from Satan and the Gods/esses, only one person knows this much about me, and that is my girlfriend (we have been together 10years and she has truly stuck through everything with me). You are my family therefore deserve to know. Thank you in advance if you decide to read this and get to know who I am. I truly poured my heart into this work.

Hello brothers and sisters, I've been having this feeling that I should somewhat explain about myself. I feel that some of you may be thinking: "who is this dude seemingly coming out of nowhere with all these long ass posts without any introduction. I may have over familiarized myself with our family, and for that I do apologize. This post is to rectify that, as was my "Testimony and Thanksgiving" post. 
I have been dedicated since April of 2012, & I joined the groups right after dedication. I mostly stayed quite absorbing knowledge and learning as I was new and felt I had really nothing of value to say other than my first introductory post & a few other short little "thank you for this and that" comments regarding new information just showing my appreciation. Now when I dedicated I was so excited to be in the groups in my haste I used my primary email account and had my real name as my name (I know I know fuckin noob lol). After receiving some deceitful emails from infiltrators and possible jews I took the advice that's given over and over to create another email account and use an alias. I did that and, then I just read or "lurked" for those familiar with Internet lingo.
I had a decent little basic meditation & yoga program going as this was before HP HoodedCobra became a High Priest. Everything was fine, except I was using drugs at the time. I had been physically addicted to pain pills and was in an out patient rehab program (most likely ran by dirty shekel hungry kikes) and they had me on Methadone. That shit is the biggest trap ever (Yea, lets get you off opiates by giving you one of the strongest opiates available), GENIUS. Fuckin scumbags. Anyway I worked up the courage and quit cold turkey and fuck me it was pure torture. I wanted to die for over a month and a half. I couldn't meditate I couldn't barely eat I lost a lot of weight (I'm a slim guy as it is about 5'10" 160lbs currently). All I did was continue to read sermons and study what little I could, but no meditations and no spiritual empowerment whatsoever.
It didn't take long for me to relapse. I barely gave my body time to heal. I felt I had to rush back into getting a job, as I was living with my parents and I value my independence. I'm a commercial electrician specializing in lighting (I guess you could say I'm a physical light bringer in a way lol). I've also held other jobs and I've always enjoyed manual labor and working with my hands, even everyone always told me "I was too smart for that and to go to college" I found that insulting. It's very rewarding for me to wipe the sweat off my brow and get my hands dirty. I take pride in my work. Anyway I digress. 
I got back on track with meditations and by now HP HoodedCobra was in fact a High Priest (don't know if I ever said it, but congratulations I can only imagine the hard work and sacrifices you've made to become part of our amazing clergy) I started his 40 day program and started looking for Gentile doctors that would help me properly get off of opiates. For those that don't know opiate addiction is physically crippling I don't want to make this post any longer than it has to be, but if you are curious research it. They're one of the most dangerous drug categories physically and definitely spiritually. Anyway, I found out about a place that my cousin's mom owned (she was my aunt by marriage but her and my uncle divorced). All we had to do was fix the floors (it was a trailer) and turn on power. Well, while we were working on it he started bringing around his new girlfriend around. I didn't care for her too much, but I figured, whatever she won't be around for long (he goes through GFs like t-shirts). When she started coming around I found myself wanting to use more often, I started drinking and smoking that fake marijuana shit (spice) which I had been clean from both for years, and until then had no interest in picking back up. I only struggled with opiates. Well when the floors were done my family(my girlfriend and two kids) and I moved in first. For 2 weeks it was just us and everything was going great. We had just bought a new car and now we had our own place again. I, also lost interest in and quit smoking that bullshit and drinking alcohol.
Then my cousin and this new girlfriend moved in (which wasn't even discussed until a few days prior). I didn't like it, but after all the house was owned by his mother, so I felt I should just go along and get along. BIG MISTAKE! During this time I was heavily and I mean heavily attacked. My girlfriend (she is without, but very supportive and agrees with a lot of our views and even acknowledges Satan as positive, she's the only person who knows I'm an SS and has kept it secret and gives me my space during rituals and meditations) recently told me something that scared me. One of her friends is a medium and told her that there was a very negative astral entity that had attached itself to me and was feeding off all the negativity going on around me. Getting stronger and stronger day by day.
I remember at this time I was not myself. I got the furthest into opiate use I had ever gotten. I crossed a line I never thought I would and started injecting pills. This is very very dangerous and even most ADDICTS will tell you not to do this. I was severely depressed and had no control over my emotions and was having sudden outbursts of rage often. I was missing a lot of work which is VERY out of character for me. We were fighting daily and I remember out of nowhere having this disdain for everyone around me that has always supported and loved me. She took our children and left out of fear to her mother's house and I'm glad she did. I never physically hurt them, but she knew I was not myself and she was afraid to tell me about what her psychic friend told me because of my new unpredictability. She's never ever been afraid of me. She just told her mom that we were fighting as her mom isn't spiritual at all and would have called her crazy had she spoken of the entity she learned about from her friend.
I felt alone and angry and depressed. I look back and I know how this entity got to me. Not only did I have virtually no Aura of Protection. I wasn't meditating or anything being an all around shitty Satanist. And to top it all off I now know I was sharing my home with a dirty rotten fuckin kike jew, she claimed to be "part Hispanic" but never mentioned the other part. My mind was so clouded and I was so far from Satan that I couldn't even tell nor do I think I was even looking. Her name was even (Angelica makes me fucking sick that I was so blind to this). This cunt (I'm sorry I would never call a Gentile woman this) even convinced my cousin after a few months to marry it. Trust me when I become more advanced my first attempt at Black Magick will be on this fucking dirty kikefuckstein jewess, if our RTRs don't cause the demise of her fuckin worthless species first. 
She finally wormed her way into my cousin's mother's head and convinced her to kick out his sister (her own daughter) from another house she owned, which she gave to her at a low rent because of money troubles (she has two kids as well). After they moved out, even though I spent over $1,000 on the floors and put them in with my cousin with that dirty jewess bitch watching on. His mom would not let me continue to live there because the kike convinced her if she just sold the land she would get more shekels.
So there I was homeless, drug addicted, and alone. I stayed strong my boss let me stay in this little shed where we clock in and out at work. I found a Gentile doctor (he is xian, but not heavily programmed) he genuinely cares for me I can see that by his actions. He is very supportive of my meditation and yoga, and has even let me pay him back when I didn't have the money for a couple of visits and not charged me a couple times. He truly wants to help. He put me on a medication that has a very high success rate and most kike doctors won't even use because they can't trap you with it. He checks up on me and keeps my doses minimal, but effective so I won't withdraw and the ween down for me is unnoticeable. I will be completely off in another 2 months.
I saved enough money to move my family in with one of my girlfriend's co-workers, whom is also Gentile, sadly he is a xian as well, but more of the I say I'm xian so I won't go to "hell" kind, but doesn't really give a shit. He's an older guy, so sadly he kind of just grew up with it. 
After all of this I sat down one night & telepathically spoke to Satan. A man to God conversation. I apologized for allowing myself to fall into the same shit over and over again. I told him I would be the best Satanist I could ever be a re-dedication so to speak, but without the ritual as I know my dedication was valid and true and always will be. I looked for signs and started seeing and thinking a lot about how actions speak louder than words. I restarted HP HoodedCobra's 40 day training. Got it crackin on RTRs and online warfare. I started catching up on my emails. I've been relentless for a while and have been progressing at a let's say pleasant rate. I can feel Satan with me again and sometimes when I really listen I can receive telepathic info from Satan. He does have a certain majesty to his messages and a warmth that comes with them. He told me not to dwell on the past only learn from it focus on the now. What are you doing NOW? Are you meditating, empowering yourself, studying? Are you living how you KNOW you should be (meaning doing what's best for me mentally, physically, & spiritually)? Are you fighting for our cause, for our world, for your Satanic family? Are you sharing knowledge and experiences with your family when you feel inspired? I always start my day off with these questions and it keeps me focused. 
I've grown so much closer to Satan these past few months than I've ever been. It's beautiful and amazing. That's why my posts have been so long and that's why I feel so familiar. Even though I never spoke much before now, I've always been here. I read all of your posts intently, every single one and i appreciate the knowledge and wisdom and experiences shared here. I always wondered why Father didn't "come to the rescue". He knew I needed that terrible experience so that I knew this is serious business. I really knew nothing of attacks other than experiencing night terrors infested with greys when I was younger, before I knew about any of this. He knows us better than we know ourselves, his wisdom is truly infinite. He knows I'm a stubborn, hard headed person that more often than not needs to learn things the hard way. Even through all of this I never turned from him I never blamed him and I take full responsibility for everything that happened to me and he knows that too. 
That's why I made the post about drugs not being a part of Satanism. It was never meant to boss anybody around or act as an authority on SS as I do NOT in anyway shape or form consider myself to be. I was only sharing my experience to help anyone who was in the same boat so they didn't feel alone as I did. To encourage them to stay strong, I know how quickly and sneakily the karma in our birth charts can cause us to do self-destructive things and to know about them is the first step to ridding yourself of them. Knowledge is power, I understand a lot of these sayings now. My progress has been amazing and I am proud of myself. 
Again thank you for powering through this long post, but my family deserves to know me the best they can, seeing as we can't physically meet each other right now. One day we will and it will be glorious and on that day the world will know THE JOY OF SATAN!! Hail Satan my brothers and sisters! HAIL HE WHO IS ETERNAL TRUTH!!!

PS: I would, also like to congratulate High Priestess Shannon Outlaw, I am so happy for you and High Priest HoodedCobra making it onto the clergy, I remember seeing both of you before becoming High Priestess & High Priest respectively. I can't imagine the honor it must be.
Hail Satan!!!Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!May the jew be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
Congratulations on your success ! I would like to add though, I don't believe that drugs are nesscarily NOT apart of satanism. Not everyone who partaken in RECREATIONAL drug use gets addicted, and has the will power to not make mistakes. I feel like ADDICTION is what you are referring to. I believe that if a person can recreationally use drugs and not get substance issues (yes that is possible for millions of people), and they have no trouble with their responsibilities, meditations,ect then I see no issue. With addicts I think it's not a good idea obviously and I agree 
Brother that was a very powerful story. I'm glad you made it through all that, not many people can say the same!

Your story definitly got to me. It pains me to see or hear how much some people struggle because of the enemy and their past live karma. Maybe this sounds strange, but truly I'm glad you managed to get through this all. 

Stay strong brother and welcome back! 

Your Satanic family is always here to give advices where we can, so don't be afraid to open up if you run into hardships.

Satan takes care of his own.
Tesla, it sounds to me you are lying to yourself in order to justify unnatural and proven unhealthy behavior. 

You are free to live your life how you want and Satan doesn't forbid you from using drugs, recreationally or not, but it's proven beyond any doubt that using drugs for whatever reason (except if it's medical drugs in case of emergency/nessecary treatment) is detrimental to your physical and spiritual wellbeing and simply has absolutely no benefit whatsoever. 

As a satanist it's completely unnessecary to use drugs or other kinds of substances to get stimulation. You can induce much stronger and much more spiritually benificial effects simply using meditation and the powers of the mind. 

Most people use drugs as a form of relieve or a way to escape reality. Some use it to get a kick out of them, some kind of stimulation that their broken souls and bodies can't get without using artificially created chemicals that alter brian and bodely functions in harmful ways in order to induce a state of joy or something alike. 

As a Spiritual Satanist that kind of stuff should sound appaling to you. Drugs and alchohol are for weak people. It's not something spiritual and it has nothing to do with spiritual satanism whatsoever and Satan is definitly against the use of drugs or other kinds of unnatural body and mind altering substances. 

He knows it's bad for you and your body and often when people dedicate they find themselves wanting to stop drinking alchohol or smoking and they find themselves suddenly not wanting to use drugs. This is because Satan heals from within and through meditation your need for such things that produce weakness and that damage the body and soul (even when used occasionally) will simply diminish. 

You start understanding what these things really are and really do on the spiritual level and you would never even consider taking them. 

Look at people who use drugs and who drink often. Even if it's only occasional or recreational use these people are weak individuals and have damaged and broken souls. 

I have never seen a spiritually powerful person that uses drugs. Let alone a spiritually advanced person. 

The topic of drugs has come up numerous times in the groups because many people are weak and broken and thus turn to drugs in order to find some kind of stimulating experience. They try to talk good of it and come up with thousands of excuses in order to justify their irrational and unnatural and self destructive behavior because they simply don't know any better or are too scared or weak to face the truth. 

Drugs are bad, no matter how you use them or how often you use them. They are simply something destructive that isn't needed for spiritual advancement and will do nothing but weaken you and destroy you or at the very least prevent you from attaining any kind of decent spiritual power. 
@ KamiYou CAN do it. There is no hope about it. Be strong stay on your meditations no matter what. If you are feeling weak I'm here, we are all here for just post in the groups anytime you need advice and/or words of encouragement. You are a child of the most powerful God in the universe, you can literally do ANYTHING!! You CAN and WILL conquer this. Stay on top of it, look at my ("Drugs are NOT a part of Satanism) thread there are links to sermons about drugs posted by our clergy that Satanicninja gave. I also gave links to videos by one of our members (Aldric) that teach you how to use Azazel's Astrology Page which I will leave at the bottom of this post.

Azazel's Astrology:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... index.html
Aldric's tutorial videos on how to use it:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... _v5fKieOcN

Hail Satan!!!Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
Teslavroom that's not quite correct. Recreational drugs put HOLES in the aura, and are very bad for you spiritually. They definitely are NOT a part of Satanism
On Oct 7, 2016, at 10:27, teslavroomvroom@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Congratulations on your success ! I would like to add though, I don't believe that drugs are nesscarily NOT apart of satanism. Not everyone who partaken in RECREATIONAL drug use gets addicted, and has the will power to not make mistakes. I feel like ADDICTION is what you are referring to. I believe that if a person can recreationally use drugs and not get substance issues (yes that is possible for millions of people), and they have no trouble with their responsibilities, meditations,ect then I see no issue. With addicts I think it's not a good idea obviously and I agree 
Thank you again for everyone who took the time to read my post. I am honestly endlessly grateful. I know it was pretty long and it means a lot to me that my family knows me the best they can. I appreciate your priceless time being spent on knowing me and my struggle.

I still feel people are misunderstanding me when I say that drugs recreational or not are not a part of Satanism. Again I feel I must reiterate that I AM NOT telling anybody to use or not to use drugs. I can't stress this enough. Do what you want, responsibility to the responsible. I am not YOU therefore cannot tell YOU what to do. I can only offer advice for those with similar struggles. It seems my benevolent intentions of advice/help are somehow being twisted into being an authority; which is essentially putting words in my mouth, and I don't appreciate that.

What I'm saying is they are not a part of SATANISM. They are not required in advancing your soul. When you read JoS in the meditation and/or witchcraft page do you see anything stating that this or that drug will empower your soul and help you reach godhead? No. That is what I'm saying. I've seen many people say that this or that drug "helps" them meditate blah blah blah. This is unnecessary and will hinder your progress as it will ultimately become a crutch. If you use them for fun, then as I said responsibility to the responsible. I won't say to do them because that goes against group rules (we are law abiding and do not encourage illegal activity). I feel like I'm being severely misunderstood and it's causing people to be offended. I am merely warning people of the hole that you can fall into. If you can safely use drugs and not become addicted fine, great, good for you. That is your business and I'm not going to tell you to or not to use them. But, it would seem to me that when someone feels the need to defend themselves about drug use when I NEVER attacked it, they maybe do have a problem with it and they're making excuses. Baseball isn't a part of Satanism either, but nobody misunderstands me when I say that, but I don't need to warn about baseball, because nobody's life is falling apart and nobody is getting addicted to baseball. Why does the statement: Drugs are not a part of Satanism make people jump up in arms against me I don't get it. All I was saying was they are not a part of SATANISM, ie they are not required nor necessary for the advancement of your soul (which is our goal, along with winning the war against the kikes & co.) and in some cases can hinder progress. That is it; no more no less.

Also, that has nothing to do with this thread. This thread was more of an opening into my life because I felt I needed to let my family get to know me a little better via my struggles. If you read the post that these comments belong to ("Drugs are NOT a Part of Satanism) you'll see that I start it off by saying: "I am NOT an authority on SS, nor do I claim to be." I further iterate and iirc reiterate that I am only giving some advice and not bossing anyone around. Satanicninja also posted (in the same thread) some sermons from our clergy on the topic. Remember ADVICE can be taken or left, it matters not to me what you do with your body, mind, & soul; that is your business. I understand that some people can do drugs recreationally and not become addicted, therefore that message didn't pertain to those people, and I believe they know that and shouldn't be bothered by it.

I feel this should clear up my intents on speaking out against drugs and people using them as a crutch or thinking they are "spiritual" in some way which they are NOT. If after all this explanation you still feel I'm trying to tell you TO or NOT to use drugs, then I don't know what else to say. I'm done defending my position as I won't waiver from because based on personal experience and everything I've learned I will always hold the stance that they are NOT NECESSARY<~~~keyword (necessary)!! If you want to do them for "fun" or "recreation"; who am I to tell you no? Even if you do want to use them for a crutch, all I'm saying is: THEY ARE NOT NECESSARY FOR THE EMPOWERMENT AND ADVANCEMENT OF YOUR SOUL IE SATANISM!!

Hail Satan!!!

Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
@ voiceofenki

Thank you brother ( I get a masculine vibe from you I apologize if I'm wrong). It was definitely a battle, but I feel I needed it as a wake up call to realize the severity of the situation and to remind me that I am not touchable. I am now doing everything correctly and Satan has let me know that I am back on track. I won't waiver. I have been humbled and know that even though I have the potential for Godhood, I still have a long way to go. I am more focused than ever, & I am grateful for all the support that I have here. I am a WARRIOR and won't be defeated so easily. Thank you again for taking time to read my story. And I hope everyone knows that I am here for all of you as well!! WE WILL PREVAIL!!!

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
You were correct brother, I am indeed a male. 

At the end of the day we only get stronger from experiences like this. The enemy tried to bring you down, but you fought back and you prevailed. Now you can get back at them stronger and more powerful than ever. 

@Jay Eff;

I completely agree with you. I could go on and add a few more points, but I think you said all that needs to be said, so I'll leave it at that.
BTW, I never thought you came across as an authoritative figure, quite the contrary. You came across like someone who's been there done that and wants to veer people away from making the same mistakes you did. Again though, glad you made it through and I find your posts very helpful. Glad to have you here!!

Hail Father Satan!!!

I know you weren't saying that. I forgot the name of the person who was (sorry to that individual), but I felt it was better to leave as a blanket statement so as not to seem like I'm attacking anyone because I'm not. Only defending my POV. Thank you again for reading my post and getting to know me.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
May the jew be trampled under Satanic feet!!!

THANK YOU, for being one of the very few people (it seems to me) who get what I was saying about drug use.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
Oh yeah, I hear ya. Nah, I knew that wasn't directed toward me, I was just saying how I interpreted it when I read it originally. I was more or less defending you but the way I worded it, it could been taken either way...  All good.
Hail Father Satan!
Jay I liked reading your post, and it's unfortunate but I am glad you are on a good path. I would agree with you on the drugs. I've battled pot, coffee, nicotine, and I drink socially. I kicked pot, reduced use of the rest. I can verify it's not good. Long ago I was doing occult things while on drugs and I saw the ugly face of the enemy. They are terrifying. I don't think others would like to see them and I will NEVER forget.

I mainly battle nicotine and coffee. My goal is to reduce it all down to 1 cup of coffee in the morning. That I can live with, and I see no problem, but if I kick all caffeine even better. The more I advance the more "meh" I feel about using anything. We are brothers in this fight!
I'm still working on caffeine and cigarettes myself. You are definitely right; the more you meditate and empower yourself the less you want to do harmful things to your body. Stay strong brother.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
