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Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)


Dec 12, 2019
First of I want fo thank a lot of SS here for helping me piecing the pieces of puzzle and the image is becoming clear and clear in my mind, I will share what I try to do throughout the tomorrow onwards and if you have any suggestions the it’s much welcome and very appreciated.

1. I tried Breath of fire in past and it forces energy the serpent/energies into Navel chakra and when I stop the energies go back down in the legs in a harsh movement, so i will avoid this breath till things are ok.

2. When I do alternate nostril breathing energies do come up and when it reach at the back of right side of the head and I am deep into it i loose consciousness of my hand and it drops, energies comes down as a result (When I do it while sitting)

3. When I lay down, close my eyes, place my on the ground facing upwards and slightly distanced away from the body. I focus in the middle of my head being calm with intention (blockage is being removed here) and breath focusing there. I go inside my body and Sacral chakra starts getting stimulating by itself and energy comes up in the navel from it (From the middle) (I can feel the energy coming up from the right side. And head starts getting pressured and starts to expand itself and heat is generated there ( very hot ). The my focus goes into the left side of the body, Left side of the throat, Then left arm (inside skeleton) There’s a lot of pressure and uncomfortable at first and breath starts to happen rapidly as if there’s shortage of it then calms down after some time and there’s no pressure in left arm. Then i become conscious of a tunnel or nadi that is (On the left side between middle stomach and left arm, connecting with left side of throat, nerve of left eye, left side of nose. Now! from this point onwards I feel very light, my breath drops, Sacral starts to stimulate on its own and energy comes up into navel and starts coming up from right side. My upper body feels very light and orgasmic, i become fully conscious of sacral organ and cool energy coming up it’s very pleasureable at first and my stomach starts to pull all by itself without conscious effort, breath starts to drop and i completely lose sense of body and i keep making the intent “my body is free from all the blockages” after more than 20 minutes my awareness automatically goes into legs and they starts to feel heavy and pressured, After a lot of time (Probably more than 10 minutes) Upward pulling sensation start to happen in legs, mostly in right leg, I try to make conscious and desperate effort to pull it up inside but fail. I make intent body is free of blockages and nothing happens this time and i become conscious of body again and got up. Bones inside my left hand strain a lot and pain for whole day, couldn’t keep the hand straight. (Now i am not getting the urge to release the energy through sacral chakra because not a lot of energy was risen.. Years ago i used to become conscious of inside the bones of legs but not these days) It’s really depressing how effort goes into vein because i get uncomfortable when breath drops a lot and I can’t sustain it like before.

4. I am currently doing Venus and Sun square both spiritual (I prefer spiritual because it will make the chakra and organs associated with these planets stronger permanently and can be used to manifest in material without the need of material square at least for me.

5. Did Thurs 60x On 6th chakra and couldn’t move for hours and had the effect of “High” for days. Saw energies moving in the middle of head, inside jaws and throat, energy was freely moving, i became conscious of crown chakra, energy is supposed to go into the crown from the back-right side of head and gets locked in the left side and after the energy is completely locked here then then the serpent ascends. ( I could be wrong )

6. From tomorrow onwards i will do:

- Yoga (Hatha for every chakra and neck rolling kundalini yoga)

- Squares (Spiritual) whichever planets goes out of their weak sign excluding saturn.

!Question - If we do saturn spiritual square then can unfortunate events happen in life?
It’s supposed to make the chakra, organs related and bones strong at spiritual level. Since there’s no material intent and NAMA involved… can still unfortunate events unfold?

- Should I do 27x Thurs for every chakra from base to crown or stick to sanskrit mantras?
Or Runes, if runes then how do i know which rune is for what chakra?
From my research is this the correct pattern.
3rd eye: DAGAZ
6th: THURS
Crown: BJORK
Throat: KAUN
Heart: GIPT
Solar: REIDH
Sacral: Unknown
Base: SOL

- If i can do Thurs for every chakra the RRRs in it will have a cleansing effect on the top of it.
- I will also try to do Visshudhi 9x on each chakra since i can hardly visualise any color except red. I can’t visualise Golden-white miniature sun or 6 mini sun to clean chakras and auro so vishuddhi is the best bet according to HP Lydia the answer i got in past.

I will try to awaken the serpent after a year.
I just made a request to the god with intention “What should I do”
Then immediately for a few seconds my solar plexus started pumping.
Does it means i have to focus more on solar chakra (powerhouse of the soul) to manage to pull the energies from legs into leg. I remember I used to do RAUM years back and my head started to bend backwards but it didn’t happen when i did Thurs on it and energy was successfully moving there.
Did you open your sixth before your crown?! If so that would explain some of your problems, I hate to be rude but you aren't grounded in this, everything you are writing tells me you are doing way too much way too early, you simply cannot handle these sorts of energies, the Thor rune is really powerful and can manifest in ways beyond the users specific intention, in my experience the feeling of a chakra being blocked and the feeling of it being strong can be very hard to distinguish when you are new, I used to think my base chakra was incredibly strong until I realized it was just because my sacral was blocked and thus energy was pooling, I mistook weakness for strength, if you opened your sixth before your crown and your throat that would be bad and could explain your symptoms the energy is pooling and is unable to follow its natural circuit, your getting overwhelmed by spiritual sensations because your psychic centre is open but the rest of you isn't stuff like this can be very bad long term and lead to very poor outcomes particuarly for your mental health.

I know its not exactly per the rules but I am going to give you a routine which I think will be much more appropriate for you.

Do the 40 day beginner meditation program if you haven't already do nothing else until you complete it follow day by day and change nothing.

once thats done and only once thats done.

Satanama into your whole being for 10 minutes per day to start off your day
10 minutes(+) of void meditation preferably while in a trance if you are able
Do foundation meditation into your whole body until you feel a nice but not overpowering energy buzz
The example hatha yoga routine on JoS
Aum for 10 minutes into your whole being.
Satanama for 10 minutes into your whole being to end the routine.

Spread this out throughout the day to let the energies settle, this routine should help balance and ground you, not to mention improve the flow of energies in your soul.

It seems you might be something of a natural when it comes to your psychic senses and spiritual awareness but be warned this can work against you if you let your energies become unbalanced, vision can very easily become delusion, I am not spiritual master and I know I have my own blockagaes and weakness but what your describing is definitly not a good thing, something has gone wrong in your process you need to settle and go back to basics and work upwards from there, spirituality should bring you peace and serenity not panic and discomfort.
It seems you might be something of a natural when it comes to your psychic senses and spiritual awareness but be warned this can work against you if you let your energies become unbalanced, vision can very easily become delusion, I am not spiritual master and I know I have my own blockagaes and weakness but what your describing is definitly not a good thing, something has gone wrong in your process you need to settle and go back to basics and work upwards from there, spirituality should bring you peace and serenity not panic and discomfort.
I am a Scorpio with a powerful moon, by birth i have a very powerful 6th chakra i was extremely good at visualisation and my intuition and control on thought was at perfection (before serpent from 6th chakra descended), Because of visuals i was getting of my father’s death, I made the intent I don’t want to feel anymore and soon after energy came up from right side and went right side and now i feel very little, my purpose has become weak, majority of the energies have gone into ida nadi.

I dont know if ny crown is fully open or not but i am sure chakras till 6th have empty space. The most optimal outcome i can think of is.
-Using Bjork rune on crown
-Using the rune of base chakra or LAM
-Sun, Venus square
-Vishuddhi for purification
-Yoga to remove blockages
-Spamming RAUM 216x under the SUN at the sun’s hour.
-Repeating the process of laying down and going i side body and

I didn’t mention i get ejaculation when a lot of energy builds up, And after it I can’t stretch (I lose my stretching capacity for yoga)
You are doing way too much brother. Just because you CAN vibrate hundreds of mantras in a day doesn't mean you should. This is not a sprint to the finish but a lifelong marathon. Shooting up to large repetitions can absolutely fry your nerves and make you go on a roller coaster of energy and emotional highs/lows.

I would simplify your routine and only add mantra after you've done at least 40 days of beginner visualization and spinning of the chakras. Work on cleansing after that using RAUM or SURYA to help clear blocks. If you feel that isn't enough use orgasm energy to help clear blocks, sexual energy is a part of the 8 fold path to spiritual empowerment.

After each meditation session end it with a grounding exercise like kirtan Kriya. Do it for 5-10 minutes or the full exercise if you have the time.
https://pinklotus.org/- KY Meditation kirtan kriya.htm

I think I read in your other post about premature Kundalini rising. Let it be known there is a distinction between raising the energy of the Kundalini and the Kundalini itself. Take a slow grounded approach, you will know when you are ready to fly.
You are doing way too much brother. Just because you CAN vibrate hundreds of mantras in a day doesn't mean you should. This is not a sprint to the finish but a lifelong marathon. Shooting up to large repetitions can absolutely fry your nerves and make you go on a roller coaster of energy and emotional highs/lows.

I would simplify your routine and only add mantra after you've done at least 40 days of beginner visualization and spinning of the chakras. Work on cleansing after that using RAUM or SURYA to help clear blocks. If you feel that isn't enough use orgasm energy to help clear blocks, sexual energy is a part of the 8 fold path to spiritual empowerment.

After each meditation session end it with a grounding exercise like kirtan Kriya. Do it for 5-10 minutes or the full exercise if you have the time.
https://pinklotus.org/- KY Meditation kirtan kriya.htm

I think I read in your other post about premature Kundalini rising. Let it be known there is a distinction between raising the energy of the Kundalini and the Kundalini itself. Take a slow grounded approach, you will know when you are ready to fly.

Well you’re in a sense, i did get destructive thoughts in past of doing Raum over 100x reps.

I still don’t know if i will be able to send the energy back into the previous channel.
I have a desire for partner but erctile disfunction because of serpent going down messed my life, not that it’s the only problem.

Maybe i can experiment with spamming raum over 200x reps, i will get emotional outburst gor sure and maybe i will cry like before because of abuse i faced and missing the opportunity of having a partner when i was attracted to a girl and she was into me but because of belief i was inserted with by my father “stay away from girls and watch porn with me” well he also said a lot of things like “i pay this much money for your school fee”, “people like you become terrorists”, “people say this about you…and they are right” “prevented me from playing with others” i was like indoctrination in home. He also said “you are gifted child” but abused me infront of others physically when i was under 16 of age to prove he controls me, and serve alcohol like a fuktard to an uncle who was driving car at very fast speed. It’s another thing that uncle had accident and died because of drink and drive case.
Cut back on the degree of repetitions you are using. Remember, less is more here.

I've been meditating for many years and I've found even just low repetitions are fine as long as it's broken up into a few meditation sessions a day as a regular meditation schedule.

The kundalini is not like flying a fighter jet, please take time to develop and DO NOT RUSH THIS PROCESS. Even when this energy rises up the sushumna and pierces the crown chakra, there is years of development that still needs done with this.

It's not a one and done thing where you are risen and all powerful. It is a cumulative process, even after the initial rising. Keep this in mind.

States of consciousness attained with the kundalini can also fade, and come back at a later date depending on one's level of advancement.

Walk this path like it's eternally in front of you, or you will burn out quickly by foolishly attempting to rush this process.
My mother snatched all the money i got from relatives in my childhood. Forced me to eat what she cook and there was a time when raw material expired she cooked food out of it and when i refused to eat, i was beaten and was forced to eat it, got angry over small things.

Now telling me to get married her sisters found a girl for me but I can’t and won’t get married for the reason i stated above, can’t ruin someone else’s life.

I told her i will go to himalayas she said “get married, leave your wife with me, I can’t clean and cook food alone at this age , return whenever you want” I told her to pay a slave to do the work place where i live doesn’t cost much for a slave who does house hold work in 100-120$ per month but no she doesn’t wanna pay, she only knows how to take.
Cut back on the degree of repetitions you are using. Remember, less is more here.

I've been meditating for many years and I've found even just low repetitions are fine as long as it's broken up into a few meditation sessions a day as a regular meditation schedule.

The kundalini is not like flying a fighter jet, please take time to develop and DO NOT RUSH THIS PROCESS. Even when this energy rises up the sushumna and pierces the crown chakra, there is years of development that still needs done with this.

It's not a one and done thing where you are risen and all powerful. It is a cumulative process, even after the initial rising. Keep this in mind.

States of consciousness attained with the kundalini can also fade, and come back at a later date depending on one's level of advancement.

Walk this path like it's eternally in front of you, or you will burn out quickly by foolishly attempting to rush this process.
Who by birth had kundalini in at least Ajna chakra has to go slow when kundalini goes down for them when they have chakras open?
I have heard sadhguru saying there’s a quick way to raise kundalini by cracking the force and making it rise. It can also be done by force for those who were open. My problem is with energies being sent into ida nadi and because of it serpent descended it is really frustrading at certain days when i get urges to take revenge, make money to leave house but knowing if i proceed then I won’t be able to do it because i have lost my imagination and visualisation.
I don’t get colourful dreams now like i used to when kundalini was in ajna chakra only grey colored sad dreams.

When i used to do RAUM then after over 100x reps my eyes had a golden glow in them and i was able to communicate without speaking (at least that’s how I spent my childhood) people told me i should study but what they thought didn’t interest me (which was mostly learning fake history lessons with repetitions and i was not good at it)
Anyway i lost that ability thanks to the forceful programming i got from my father telling me “People like me become terrorists” I am a sadist Scorpio with a very strong moon, my heart chakra is however the weakest out of all other chakras (I will do the venus spiritual square for it whenever the planet is not in its weak sign).
I made the intent I don’t want to feel when i was in a conscious trance doing chakra spinning on 3rd eye. I sent the energy to the right side from left when it came up at top left…

Is it possible for someone who had kundalini in the at least ajna chakra if not in crown to get back quickly.
After doing 60x Thurs on one day on 6th chakra and 30x each reps on 6th and crown chakra next day made the energy flow in upper chakras easily so i think these chakras are open, I however felt them empty there was nothing inside them only energy flowing, doesn’t it prove i should focus my working on lower chakras more? With Thurs?
My mother snatched all the money i got from relatives in my childhood. Forced me to eat what she cook and there was a time when raw material expired she cooked food out of it and when i refused to eat, i was beaten and was forced to eat it, got angry over small things.

Now telling me to get married her sisters found a girl for me but I can’t and won’t get married for the reason i stated above, can’t ruin someone else’s life.

I told her i will go to himalayas she said “get married, leave your wife with me, I can’t clean and cook food alone at this age , return whenever you want” I told her to pay a slave to do the work place where i live doesn’t cost much for a slave who does house hold work in 100-120$ per month but no she doesn’t wanna pay, she only knows how to take.

What is the matter with you? Asceticism and hermit mode is not a part of satanism. You would be better off leaving these corrupted eastern mentalities at the door.

Also, there is nothing wrong with marriage or even arranged marriages if the partner in this is desirable and compatible, you would be better off doing this, as marriages and forming relationships is a part of advancing.

Lastly, if your mother is telling you she's having trouble cleaning and cooking food at her age, you need to step up and be there for your mother.
This is called being a man, I have family with health issues I am there for you, and I've supported my mother for some years in any way I can.
I also have been there for my wife who has seizures and health issues, and is a good mother to our children.
The world isn't just about our desires, it is about being a good person and making sacrifices when necessary.
The Gods ABHOR SLAVERY, you should bow real low and apologize for our statements on this, and be there for your aging mother.

You don't have to get married obviously, but consider this and look at the bigger picture. If your mother needs help with things and is even willing to marry you to a woman while you go off on an expedition to the himalayas what the fuck are you even doing with your life?
What is the matter with you? Asceticism and hermit mode is not a part of satanism. You would be better off leaving these corrupted eastern mentalities at the door.

Also, there is nothing wrong with marriage or even arranged marriages if the partner in this is desirable and compatible, you would be better off doing this, as marriages and forming relationships is a part of advancing.

Lastly, if your mother is telling you she's having trouble cleaning and cooking food at her age, you need to step up and be there for your mother.
This is called being a man, I have family with health issues I am there for you, and I've supported my mother for some years in any way I can.
I also have been there for my wife who has seizures and health issues, and is a good mother to our children.
The world isn't just about our desires, it is about being a good person and making sacrifices when necessary.
The Gods ABHOR SLAVERY, you should bow real low and apologize for our statements on this, and be there for your aging mother.

You don't have to get married obviously, but consider this and look at the bigger picture. If your mother needs help with things and is even willing to marry you to a woman while you go off on an expedition to the himalayas what the fuck are you even doing with your life?
Well tell me how can get married after getting erectile disfunction right after kundalini went down.
I can’t force someone to stay with me when i won’t be able to satisfy their needs (at least for now and I don’t know if this problem will be fixed)

My life is actually fucked and it’s better for me to leave everything, I can’t deal with psychopathic father and mother who abuses when gets a chance and tells me to stay away from aunts (used to but not now)

When i do meditation i get sensitive (I am scorpio born in October with the moon as most powerful chakra out of all)
And the psychi of sensory people looking at me, rubbing their head on my chest doesn’t stop even after i tell them.

Anyway would you get married if you get erectile disfunction and have to witness your wife expecting sex from you but you can’t provide it.
And people cross your boundaries when you sensitive to meditation and tells you to stop meditating and focus on providing for the family when you can’t learn as used to.

I don’t know about you i would work on myself fixing the issue then moving forward with things like getting married and providing for the family..

Also, they don’t need me to support them financially they have my brother who has a job and farming land, more than enough to pay have a maid if she can’t do house hold work but she wants to save money. She doesn’t understand how inflation works. She keeps money and doesn’t spend when the money keeps coming to her, my father is also on a job and most likely has life savings.
My mother snatched all the money i got from relatives in my childhood. Forced me to eat what she cook and there was a time when raw material expired she cooked food out of it and when i refused to eat, i was beaten and was forced to eat it, got angry over small things.

Now telling me to get married her sisters found a girl for me but I can’t and won’t get married for the reason i stated above, can’t ruin someone else’s life.

I told her i will go to himalayas she said “get married, leave your wife with me, I can’t clean and cook food alone at this age , return whenever you want” I told her to pay a slave to do the work place where i live doesn’t cost much for a slave who does house hold work in 100-120$ per month but no she doesn’t wanna pay, she only knows how to take.

Disregard my previous advice if your mother is overly toxic, I apoligise for my short winded stern response on this, very short of time and I will try to offer you some better advice when I can.

Weigh the situation in general and see what would be best for you to do moving forward.
Well you’re in a sense, i did get destructive thoughts in past of doing Raum over 100x reps.

I still don’t know if i will be able to send the energy back into the previous channel.
I have a desire for partner but erctile disfunction because of serpent going down messed my life, not that it’s the only problem.

Maybe i can experiment with spamming raum over 200x reps, i will get emotional outburst gor sure and maybe i will cry like before because of abuse i faced and missing the opportunity of having a partner when i was attracted to a girl and she was into me but because of belief i was inserted with by my father “stay away from girls and watch porn with me” well he also said a lot of things like “i pay this much money for your school fee”, “people like you become terrorists”, “people say this about you…and they are right” “prevented me from playing with others” i was like indoctrination in home. He also said “you are gifted child” but abused me infront of others physically when i was under 16 of age to prove he controls me, and serve alcohol like a fuktard to an uncle who was driving car at very fast speed. It’s another thing that uncle had accident and died because of drink and drive case.

If you are watching porn stop immediately and never return to it. It is absolutely ruining your nervous system. I have speculation there are several factors leading to your ED. Stop vibrating a ton of mantras and focus on visualization, relaxation, and practice kirtan Kriya that I posted. When you are calm and can easily move energy with your mind ,then return to vibrating mantras.
If you are watching porn stop immediately and never return to it. It is absolutely ruining your nervous system. I have speculation there are several factors leading to your ED. Stop vibrating a ton of mantras and focus on visualization, relaxation, and practice kirtan Kriya that I posted. When you are calm and can easily move energy with your mind ,then return to vibrating mantras.
I had a fantasy for hardcore porn, I don’t masterbate or watch porn anymore.

I get orgasm in sleep and feel sick for days till the sexual energy recovered.

Ever since energy from left side of the body came to the right I got the ED and Blood from anus when during stool.
My brain hurts, eyes hurt, I can’t move properly and very sensitive to planets.

All this happening after the kundalini went down and energy in body mess up.
  • Sun / Neptune [ Square ]
    This aspect brings confusion about the self, and self-deception. These people are often confused as to their abilities and personal self. These people sometimes feel over confident, other times they doubt their abilities. Growing up, there was often much confusion in the home, especially with the hard aspects. One or both parents may have been inconsistent in the areas of setting rules, administering discipline and such. This aspect [especially with the hard aspects- the conjunction, square, opposition and inconjunct] indicates a father who was addicted to alcohol and/or drugs. Sun/Neptune hard aspects are often present in the charts of those who have a weak father. Many, again with the hard aspects, were victimized by their father in some way, even if the father did not intend this. Bad advice from the father when growing up and often a general bad example is common with the hard aspects. The soft aspects such as the sextile and trine give strongly developed intuition and psychic abilities. The soft aspects can also bestow creative talent in the arts, in acting and with dancing.
Omg this 100% accurate.
Now i understand why my father said people will kill you. I have a desire to control i am a scorpio and have piercing eyes and when i was chanting Raum in college i got my left brain even more connected to solar plexus (desire for control increased) i was able to know when people looking at me from behind, or sideways by instinct i looked at them without putting conscious effort it just happened naturally to me and when i
Now i understand why my father said people will kill you. I have a desire to control i am a scorpio and have piercing eyes and when i was chanting Raum in college i got my left brain even more connected to solar plexus (desire for control increased) i was able to know when people looking at me from behind, or sideways by instinct i looked at them without putting conscious effort it just happened naturally to me and when i
Gazed at them without knowing their location they got scared i would say terrified, most of them i was able to just know what they are thinking when gazed at them now that i think of it it chills me, my father noticed this in me in my childhood and made this assumption .
Sun/Neptune Square:
“Many, again with the hard aspects, were victimized by their father in some way, even if the father did not intend this.”
He was mot wrong in the sense, When i used Sun and controlled situations then girls very attracted to me. In taxi i commanded the taxi driver putting emphasis on my Solar plexus and taxi driver praised me for it and ga girl shortly after initiated convo with me, there was another girl when stop came and started playing with her hair around me as if wanted me to initiate but I didn’t so see went ahead to her apartment.

I was going to my class after doing Meditation on 6th chakra and had drunkenness in me of the elixer and RAUM over 50x reps ( i did in my apartment)

I had a stoic face and extreme deep voice. My 6th and Solar chakra were in total sync.
I had extreme piercing eyes, people were losing their frame around me and i detest that (It is my chart also that i detest weakness in others)
Then i saw female was coming from rightside through the stair case, she looked at me and I gazed at her and our eyes met she lost control of her legs and saved from being slipped, then she somehow managed herself and went to her department slowly turning her face.

Then there was this girl in my class at the back seat (I didn’t knew where she was sitting) I lost into my intuitive world losing touch with reality for 5-10 seconds thinking and explaining him about something (While in my intuitive world i just knew who’s looking at me and my face slowly started to turn towards them. The girl lost her expression on the face and went full blank when i gazing through her explaining things to my friend behind me.

We met after a class when i was laughing with another friend about some joke. When we met i asked her to sit and she said to me, “You have knowledge but you don’t use it” i told her “It gets on people’s ego” the answer came out in a deep voice and my intuitive focus went on ny middle chest and solar plexus saying it and the girl went blank and i could see she’s reviewing different scenarios about the friend i was explaining things to and didn’t said anything for around 3 seconds and i turned to my other friend.

Now thinking about it gives me chill.
Refarding jos astro-
I am getting error “An expected error occured”
When i click on
- True Node
- Lilith
- Part/ Lot of fortune

What could be the reason
!Question - If we do saturn spiritual square then can unfortunate events happen in life?
It’s supposed to make the chakra, organs related and bones strong at spiritual level. Since there’s no material intent and NAMA involved… can still unfortunate events unfold?
Yes, be careful with Saturn.
- Should I do 27x Thurs for every chakra from base to crown or stick to sanskrit mantras?
Or Runes, if runes then how do i know which rune is for what chakra?
From my research is this the correct pattern.
3rd eye: DAGAZ
6th: THURS
Crown: BJORK
Throat: KAUN
Heart: GIPT
Solar: REIDH
Sacral: Unknown
Base: SOL
These do not quite correctly represent appropriate chakras. For example, Thurisaz (thorn) is not tied to the 6th chakra, and using it there can be quite dangerous. It is also noteworthy that some runes can fit multiple chakras, such as using Dagas for all the upper chakras, which can be useful. Berkano is like Moon energy and fits perfectly with the 6th chakra. Sowilo can also be used for the 3rd chakra, and Nauthiz is great for the base chakra. Mannaz can be used for both 4th and 5th chakras. I am sure there is more to this.

- If i can do Thurs for every chakra the RRRs in it will have a cleansing effect on the top of it.
More like overstimulation and burning out. It is quite violent energy.
- I will also try to do Visshudhi 9x on each chakra since i can hardly visualise any color except red. I can’t visualise Golden-white miniature sun or 6 mini sun to clean chakras and auro so vishuddhi is the best bet according to HP Lydia the answer i got in past.
Okay, this seems reasonable.
I will try to awaken the serpent after a year.
Work on fixing your blockages and increase your health and flexibility. Those are the main concerns here.

About your family and idealization of a life in the mountains. You are young, lack life experience, and generally have no idea what you want and need to do with your life. Before even contemplating such things your health requires a lot of attention and so do your relationships. You mentioned being abused by your family and if there is no clear sign of these people changing for the better there is no good reason to stick with them. Instead, having independence and personal responsibilities can lift you higher and make you not only a productive part of society but also give you purpose as a part of the Joy of Satan and otherwise fulfill your needs. Visiting a guru or something can be a great experience when it is for real (watch out for fakes), but you need to prioritize your goals.
I know you're going through tough times and want to escape from everything as quickly as possible, but rushing things will just tear your body apart. Your previous childhood traumas make you want to feel in power but first you need to accept yourself. your desire for control is made by your own inability to respect yourself, because you cannot truly feel like you are in control of yourself, you wish to at least have control over others. This is not good for you or for other people, you need to face yourself and seriously think about who you truly are, and not any facades that you are creating subconsciously out of insecurity. heavy masculine energy and no feminine energy screams insecurity and "barricading" yourself from others. Please don't neglect yourself! It is okay to be confused but always remember that you're worthy of being loved, please just accept yourself. Praying for you 💙
About your family and idealization of a life in the mountains. You are young, lack life experience, and generally have no idea what you want and need to do with your life. Before even contemplating such things your health requires a lot of attention and so do your relationships. You mentioned being abused by your family and if there is no clear sign of these people changing for the better there is no good reason to stick with them. Instead, having independence and personal responsibilities can lift you higher and make you not only a productive part of society but also give you purpose as a part of the Joy of Satan and otherwise fulfill your needs. Visiting a guru or something can be a great experience when it is for real (watch out for fakes), but you need to prioritize your goals.

I was making money on a forum since i was writing and lending money, I took collateral for loans and people mostly gave their forum accounts as collateral (i took only high ranking accounts while giving loan)
When someone pay back their dues I return their account as usual, but if they fail to return it then I use it to enroll in the campaigns and make around 0.01-0.02 btc per week, I had connections with the managers so getting my accounts into the campaigns wasn’t a problem and I had around 4 accounts around 1.5k usd to 2k usd per month (Writing whatever i could and giving the remaining accounts to friends to write and paying them a percentage for it)
I made around 5 btc in a few months and traded it to 8 btc on IOTA-BTC pair on a single night the crypto rose 35%+ in a single night, but then i gambled it all away in 2018 in greed to make quick money (It’s even in my astro chart in jupiter that i will make money in gambling but lose it due to greed) (And haste to have enough and leave family)

Well after i lost around that much money i went depressed couldn’t study couldn’t trust people, one room mate and one muslim from pakistan (. Both got my 2 accounts banned for plagiarism)
I had around 8 btc and 100-130 ETH which would worth over 400k-500k USD and more than enough for me do what i wanted but his belief he inserted in me “people will kill me, stay away from girls they are evil, I think someone broke your heart or you’re in love, Laughed at my music preference, threw my phone away)

Well it sucked I have lost the hope to do it all over again and my father told me money is bad, and wanted me to praise him and listen to his bs (for what he does and to be ok with his drinking habit, he went on giving advice on the types of drinkers there are. He said 2-3 drinkers category (I don’t remember exactly) (In one category my uncles come who spoil the family…And in one caregory he (my father come axcording to him) drinkers like him drink and succeed in life and I wanted me to be like him)…before giving me money and if I tell him otherwise then I don’t get the money.

He also stopped me from pursuing what i wanted like learning to fight, swimming and learning hacking (I enjoyed fight exploits and exploiting them if some does something against my beliefs, cause harm to a innocent, etc.
He forced me to bow down to every guest we had in house and those people hated me succeed and filled my father’s ear with things your son is this and that, and he told me in home that people sat certain things about (he wanted approval of others to do something)
Its another thing this retard my father bought a cheap property a few years back and now the owner took money and isn’t giving him any he lost a lot of his live savings (i had a smile here with intention you got what you deserved)

I am 28 now, had been to uni but didn’t complete it.
I am working on a project in the mean time have planned a little, it should be finished in 10 years to generate automated income for me, he said promotion for companies, incentive for getting in higher ranks (doing more for the company will bring more reward and increased percentage in rewards) my brain isn’t functioning at best atm so It will take time to build.
I did 3 Asanas yesterday,
Couldn’t do for more than 10-20 (There was a shortage of breath and too much strain) The sun asana.
Today I did it for over 30 sec and after that Sun square at the Sol’s hour and i felt very powerful doing the square my middle body was taking energy in and so was my arms, they were not shaking like before and i had good consciousness of them.

I however messed up Venus square, my imagination kicked in and I did 2-3 times more without pressing the counter on the app. I will have to restart the square tomorrow.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
