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Equal Hate For All Sexual Goyim

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I see many people in particular are hating gays, especially these pretenders who call themselves traditionalists and all the rest of the bullshit.

This is because these xian pretenders just like to blame shift. In accordance to the bible all goyim kids are born in sin and will get tortured equally in hell if they are not put as slaves to Jehovah and Rabbi Jesus.

And these heterosexual machos are also damned, cursed, and will of course go to hell same as their dumb goyim offsrping, the bible says, unless they slave eternally to the jew. Then they win something from this eternal slaving...A big...A huge...A fat....

Nothing. They still go to hell. *rubbing of jew hands intensifies*

So you are in no position better to the eyes of then lord of divine jewish excrement because you put it in a woman’s thing, or if you are a woman attracted to the male type. They just laid off the pipe off of heteros to get them to calm down, since they are too many and the christian demands could never be met at anything less of a price than extinction.

So heterosexuality was put morally as an ignored thing. Because you cannot just tell people in their face to go extinct because JHVH the lord of feces said so. Therefore they left this on the side for later. And they went to attack minorities like gays, bisexuals, or lesbians in the meantime.

The bible hates everyone. The masturbator, the celibate, the gay, the straight, and the lesbian, are all equally hated. So there is no point to scruitinize any of these hated people as special. In the eyes of jews anyone, who partakes in all sexual activity, is to be put in the same pit of torment.

Even if you are celibate or asexual, the jew can hold this against you: you are not giving birth to slaves for JHVH and you do not follow the command to “populate the earth”. Even the perfect saint disobeys this “commandment”.

No matter how you exist, the jew is never satisfied. As the whole point is to drive people insane.

The only ones the bible does not hate are pedophiles, those who commit bestiality, and those who, like Lot, fuck their own daughters or prostitute them. These acts commited by the prophets and jewish seers show the sickness of the jewish brain and their morality. The Talmud says pedophilia is fine and dandy in the eyes of “god”.

Stop feeling special because the jews hate your particular sexuality guys. They hate evrything even if you were a vegetable that left a seed they would still hate you.

The point of the hatred is on the fact of Gentiles being the children of the Pagan Gods, whatever that may entail. Sexual hatred is just icing in the already sick cake of what is called “jewish culture”.

They may hate different groups for different reasons, but the main reason is always the very same.

They hate you for existing and want to enslave and kill you. Not now but for all eternity to keep you around and torture you inside a pit of “boiling excrement” as the Talmud says is the goyim punishment.

About your sexuality type hmmm, maybe they believe the boiling pot should be another color, maybe we need to ask a top Rabbi in Israel to tells us about his “insight from god” on that one. Judaism has lots of interesting and mysterious things we goyim filth cannot understand.

Such as how the Talmud says sexually violating babies is permissible if you are a jew, same as it is permissible to chop their genitals at birth to appease an egregore.

Blame the little merchants, they hate all of us equally.

No matter what you are they equally want us all dead.
This post was very ill thought out. A nice read all in all except for the slap of biasism.

Guys stop feeling special for your sexuality the jews even hate vegetables... Please remember there is 6 retrogrades at the moment.

If people feel pride for their sexuality whichever way. That is their proagative and telling them not too will only end in arguements. You certainly dont see bisexuals or gays telling straights not to feel special or pride in their sexuality.

Im not sure why your obsession with this topic. Or why it bothers you that others are proud to be Gay. But if I might suggest that your future writings on the subject speak for both sides instead of bashing one or the other. Thank you.
Aldrick Strickland said:
This post was very ill thought out. A nice read all in all except for the slap of biasism.

Guys stop feeling special for your sexuality the jews even hate vegetables... Please remember there is 6 retrogrades at the moment.

If people feel pride for their sexuality whichever way. That is their proagative and telling them not too will only end in arguements. You certainly dont see bisexuals or gays telling straights not to feel special or pride in their sexuality.

Im not sure why your obsession with this topic. Or why it bothers you that others are proud to be Gay. But if I might suggest that your future writings on the subject speak for both sides instead of bashing one or the other. Thank you.

I make 3 or maybe 5 replies in like a decade on the topic...

I'm obsessed over the topic...

You all make posts all the time even trying to get in the pants of the Gods and constantly advocate for some points...

And I'm the one obsessed over the topic...

Per usual, irrational bullshit.

As I said in another reply, I see feeble foundations on sexual orientation (this society causes this and attacks people all the time for being gay) which constantly come back to haunt people even here by assuming that every criticism or comment is an attack, insult, or whatever.

If there were no such problems in the first place, you would clearly see my motives, which is ridding you of the above problems and helping you understand that the first point of your existence in identity is not your sexual orientation, like the jews say, but the fact you're a White, a Satanist, a good person, and then oh, you're also a homosexual.

When you put your sexual orientation first in line, because it's a feeble ground to base your existence on, you will constantly feel threatened and attacked. Eventhough my intention is the REVERSE.

Homosexuality has to stop even being called 'homosexuality', simply because, even this stigma, was created by jews. People can just do whatever they want without these very tough categories which turn people to feel SECLUDED from others.

I am trying to cure this as I don't believe 'gays' and others need to be excluded as some sort of 'other' group, nor racially, nor in any other way. This creates fear, feelings of disunity, and is always based on the pretext that this practice is somehow unnatural, or deserving of marginalizing.

Keep weaving the 'homosexual' or any other 'sexual' flag in people's faces, increase your 'pride', only to rot the foundation of it all the more because you fall in the rut of accepting that you are somehow 'a marginalized group' due to your sexual orientation, that is so different from everyone else, and deserves all the more different things from others. If that is the case, you also accept to be scrutinized and be treated "differently".

All the flag weaving about sexual choices is because people need validation. This need for validation constantly creates a bottom that is suffering from guilt.

In the first place, homosexuals, in Pagan civilization, were not even supposed to be called by a different name. They were just people and citizens like anyone else. This was a resulting of the fact that people didn't see them as an alien or foreign element, just another aspect of life.

Now, the jew taught everyone to point finger to the 'homosexuals' and create them into a different, and scrutinized, separated group. And taught people to weave flags of their 'homosexuality' all over the place. This on it's own, isolated homosexuals, and created many issues of acceptance.

If you do not understand it...Well then, don't blame the retrogrades.

People who hate my comments now will understand what they mean as they progress.
To comment on what HP Hoodedcobra has written on the subject.

The Church original doctrine was that sex is the original sin that caused the fall. And all are born in sin because their parents had sex to create them. Jesus is the sinless man because he was born of the Virgin birth and did not come about by physical sex. And the preaching of Jesus is that a person has to make themselves "A Eunuch for the Kingdom of heaven." Which means literally neutered. And that all sexual desire is the most serious sin that will send one to hell, next to blasphemy of the holy spirit. Jesus states to even think it is the same as doing it.

During the rule of the Christian Church you had Priests literally castrate themselves and the Catholic Church practiced the ritual castration of boys who sang in the Church choir. So they could hit those high notes their whole life. Can't have any of those sinful women around. The Priests have been raping the Nuns, and they have been raping children. The list of sex crimes of the sex haters is endless.

They push celibacy to make people self hating and neurotic. Remember the book "1984" by Orwell. The Communist State in that book pushed enforced celibacy on the populace as well to control them. Orwell was a member of the Fabian Society. Which is a Jewish Marxist cult that wants to conqueror society from with by subversion and Marxist revolution.

Everything the Jews push to make sexuality something ugly is designed to push people back into the Christ-lie cult.
The Jews state in their Cultural Marxist doctrine that to conqueror society from within by their Communism. They are going to separate the Goyim along all real and made up identities possible and then give each a new identity which will be along the Marxist dialectic. And use them to push the destabilization and Communization of society.

This includes the GLBTQ world as well. However the reason all you hear about is bitching about this group and not literally the dozens of other powerful Marxist political lobbies in the west. Is because of Christ-lie conditioning a lot of people get triggered by Homosexuality.

Note even a lot of these Alt-Right types will bitch about the Gay lobbies..... And other Marxist groups but never utter a real word about the ZIONIST CHRISTIAN LOBBY that has tens of millions of members and dollars and allows the Jews to control Washington with total ease and put in open Zionist after Zionist President and Congress People into the government. While shipping thousands of American's to die in wars for Israel. And the Mossad to engage in domestic terrorism against American's that kill thousand of American's. And they also promote race mixing as well.

But then again a lot of the Jewish faces that run the Alt-Right don't want to talk about 911 or that the Christ-lie is the source of Jewish power. They want you on your knees praying to them as your god. The Jews run the White Movement by promoting xianity. Even the Jews like Kike Enoch that pretend to be against xianity will then run a network with nothing but xian shows on it. And personally bring on xian fanatic's like Heimback to promote nothing but xianity. Heimback worships this strange Russian Jew, Dugin who in his works on the Fourth Political Theory, states he wants to bring about the end of the world, literally. And he states all good Christians want this as well. Literally to bring death on all life on earth. Christianity is a Jewish death cult. The Jewish soul is so alien to nature the Jew wishes to destroy it.

Its funny how these Trad Xians on the Alt-Right don't want to mention that the rantings of RABBI YESUHA is the same as the rantings of Rabbi Marx. That includes the destruction of the family unit, the racial unit, the national unit and the destruction of all non-Jewish cultures into a one world order run by Jews. Somehow everyone this is against the Jewish Left who promote the same thing in secular mode.
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jews state in their Cultural Marxist doctrine that to conqueror society from within by their Communism. They are going to separate the Goyim along all real and made up identities possible and then give each a new identity which will be along the Marxist dialectic. And use them to push the destabilization and Communization of society.

This includes the GLBTQ world as well. However the reason all you hear about is bitching about this group and not literally the dozens of other powerful Marxist political lobbies in the west. Is because of Christ-lie conditioning a lot of people get triggered by Homosexuality.

Note even a lot of these Alt-Right types will bitch about the Gay lobbies..... And other Marxist groups but never utter a real word about the ZIONIST CHRISTIAN LOBBY that has tens of millions of members and dollars and allows the Jews to control Washington with total ease and put in open Zionist after Zionist President and Congress People into the government. While shipping thousands of American's to die in wars for Israel. And the Mossad to engage in domestic terrorism against American's that kill thousand of American's. And they also promote race mixing as well.

But then again a lot of the Jewish faces that run the Alt-Right don't want to talk about 911 or that the Christ-lie is the source of Jewish power. They want you on your knees praying to them as your god. The Jews run the White Movement by promoting xianity. Even the Jews like Kike Enoch that pretend to be against xianity will then run a network with nothing but xian shows on it. And personally bring on xian fanatic's like Heimback to promote nothing but xianity. Heimback worships this strange Russian Jew, Dugin who in his works on the Fourth Political Theory, states he wants to bring about the end of the world, literally. And he states all good Christians want this as well. Literally to bring death on all life on earth. Christianity is a Jewish death cult. The Jewish soul is so alien to nature the Jew wishes to destroy it.

Its funny how these Trad Xians on the Alt-Right don't want to mention that the rantings of RABBI YESUHA is the same as the rantings of Rabbi Marx. That includes the destruction of the family unit, the racial unit, the national unit and the destruction of all non-Jewish cultures into a one world order run by Jews. Somehow everyone this is against the Jewish Left who promote the same thing in secular mode.

The alt-right is busy blaming gays and women for all of society's perils, I expect nothing from the Alt Right.
Sinistra said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:

This was a really good reply HP. I wish it didn't pop on the forums just after I posted my reply where I bring you up. However some points need to be adressed still : 1) situation of trans 2) what does third sex mean anyway in a definite way - there has been a confusion on this lately.
Another thing is what people mean by pride may vary of course.
Yes it's quite a bit silly being prideful - in the absolute sense - in something such as being gay. It's not a choice. It's just normal human behaviour and nature. It would be like being prideful in being hetero. Being prideful of being of a certain sex. Or being prideful of having naturally X hair color or Y face shape. Etc. These are all quite silly because they are not moral choices. At the opposite side we have being a dedicated SS fighting for Satan and living with Satanic standarts of morality. Which is very much a choice and something to be prideful about.
On the other side pride for gays may mean openess about themselves and defiance to the enemy influence. Which is reasonable and good. I don't exactly understand what gay pride means anyway. But I think it falls mainly in the second category, at least for our gay comrades. They have been used to social discrimination. Even the apparently non discriminant communities without must have been ultimately very alienating to satanic souls that happen to be GBLT.
I am not coming from a liberal background anyway, I am coming from a "far right" and black metal background (not from alt-right or whatnot however, these new internet communities didn't even exist at the time), and I haven't had any GBLT acquaintances until after I dedicated. So I can't say for sure what they mean to express by gay pride because by the time I had a satanic mindset about GBLTs I already was thinking that gay pride is a bit silly because it's not a moral choice it's just nature and how people are.
Someone coming from a liberal background who has been involved in GBLT style organizations or known such people for very long if themselves aren't GBLT will have a better understanding of gay pride and such I guess.
Stormblood said:
So what do you think of asexual people? Cursed? Dysfunctional sacral chakra? An answer to overpopulation?

Asexuality in general can be due to many factors. However, you should feel desire, and sexual energy. If this energy is not felt whatever, this shows malfunction in one of the systems. This energy does not create a sexual bond, but is in general a vitalizing and living energy so to say.

Many people call themselves asexual because they do not engage in physical sexuality. For example they may not like to have material sex, but may like fantasy. They may like only platonic relationships, which are still, in some way, "sexual" as far as energy is concerned.

There are people who are also difficult souls. By difficult, I mean very special or rare. These people cannot get easily 'moved' sexually and only have tastes for specific partners. This is not an illness, just very high selectivity.

Cursing can also make someone energetically barren which can have the side effect of having zero to no sexual or life feelings. This is a specific condition.

There are no such categories in reality, every person is their own story.

Others can become asexual for example because in their very deep subconscious mind there can be sexual betrayal, or self hate, or a deep innate feeling they are unworthy of having children, deserving pleasure or love etc.
Sinistra said:

Guys I am in it for the general whole here, so my aim is to protect everyone here and put on the side nobody. You must keep this in mind. I do not have all the knowledge on all GBLT related matters as by definition I could not, I am not GBLT myself or even bisexual.

However, I tell you what I do because I observe things and where these are going.

There are some benefits on being gay. I see many gays live deprived lifestyles, but this is not the whole. There are wonderful gay people who are extremely studied and in general since they don't have to chase pussy 24/7 in a dysfunctional manner, they develop their personality a lot more than other people.

But seriously trying to analyse all these on sexual grounds is absurd. For example, there is nothing in common with the depraved gay with the noble gay. There is no reason to make such a tie or distinction. One person is just noble and happens to be gay, the other ones are deprived. If their sexual vocation was different, equally deprived, they would be paedophiles, or HIV spreading machines equally. So there is no point to engage in such arguments.

I tell you as a hetero if you are an SS and GBLT you need to develop balls of steel (in the literal and metaphorical sense) because the world is very cruel at this point and many people won't get it. And I also relate to you the reasons other people may 'dislike' you, which, in the case of HEALTHY MENTALLY people, there would be no reasons to hate anyone, other than if you aggressively attacked them with your identity in the face. Which you should avoid.

This is a general thing this has nothing to do with being gay. Attacking also has the form of extreme over-representation of something, like repeating it ad nauseum. Then even the people that accept you, can start feeling the opposite way because you bust their nuts basically.

Nobody in the civilized world will hate you for being gay in any serious or threatening manner, this has been largely solved. Christian values have failed to impose this. This is why the jew, aside other ways, tries to restore Islam, which throws gay people off of rooftops. The jew is at the very same time exposing gays in the biggest manner possible, and procuring the very Islamic bolstering they want at the same time.

They are in other words bringing the GBLT like sheep for the wolves to be consumed. This is not for now, but for the following decades. What remains is to clean the remains of the 'gay identity' the jew has formulated as the definition of third sex or gay, or trans lifestyle. And return things in proper order. This will give you a great standing, better life, and also, people will love you more.

There are many ways why people should like gay people. For one, they cannot become dumb and irresponsible parents, to name one example. For two, they can follow professions without the responsibility of children. The list goes.

However if the GBLT keeps going on the "FLAG AND TIARAS" way, I see the jews already preparing a counter attack for the GBLT and they formulate this both in the "Right" or the traditional right, but also the "Left" with assimilation policy that will have the GBLT and the special protection required go down the shitter by all the other "Minorities" that will infest the civilizations that provide any sorts of rights.

I give you one example. If in any post I talked I was always saying I am a 'heterosexual' on every post, wouldn't you find this absurd? If I said the Gods are HETEROSEXUALS AND THIS IS WHAT YOU MUST BE, wouldn't that sound absurd? You definitely would find this absurd and it would be such.

Reverse this with someone always bringing in other's face that they are gay, bi, or whatever, and you will see, it creates the same disturbing effect. Keep this on the repeat and before you know it people will abhor you for it.
Sinistra said:
Sinistra said:

This was a really good reply HP. I wish it didn't pop on the forums just after I posted my reply where I bring you up. However some points need to be adressed still : 1) situation of trans 2) what does third sex mean anyway in a definite way - there has been a confusion on this lately.
Another thing is what people mean by pride may vary of course.
Yes it's quite a bit silly being prideful - in the absolute sense - in something such as being gay. It's not a choice. It's just normal human behaviour and nature. It would be like being prideful in being hetero. Being prideful of being of a certain sex. Or being prideful of having naturally X hair color or Y face shape. Etc. These are all quite silly because they are not moral choices. At the opposite side we have being a dedicated SS fighting for Satan and living with Satanic standarts of morality. Which is very much a choice and something to be prideful about.
On the other side pride for gays may mean openess about themselves and defiance to the enemy influence. Which is reasonable and good. I don't exactly understand what gay pride means anyway. But I think it falls mainly in the second category, at least for our gay comrades. They have been used to social discrimination. Even the apparently non discriminant communities without must have been ultimately very alienating to satanic souls that happen to be GBLT.
I am not coming from a liberal background anyway, I am coming from a "far right" and black metal background (not from alt-right or whatnot however, these new internet communities didn't even exist at the time), and I haven't had any GBLT acquaintances until after I dedicated. So I can't say for sure what they mean to express by gay pride because by the time I had a satanic mindset about GBLTs I already was thinking that gay pride is a bit silly because it's not a moral choice it's just nature and how people are.
Someone coming from a liberal background who has been involved in GBLT style organizations or known such people for very long if themselves aren't GBLT will have a better understanding of gay pride and such I guess.

Sinistra, in ancient White Aryan Pagan and Vedic society, there were three accepted and acknowledged genders: Male, Female, and Third Sex. Males were attracted to Females. Females were attracted to Males. The Third Sex were either Males, Females, Transgenders, or Hermaphrodites who were attracted only to the same sex, or to both, Male and Female.

In pre-Christian, Aryan Pagan societies, all three genders and attractions were accepted, celebrated, and endorsed, but when the Jewish religions of Christianity and Islam arrived, all natural sexuality among Whites -- procreative or non-procreative -- were made "unnatural," "sinful," and "wrong." The Catholic Church took over, in regards to homosexuality, and turned it into something vile and unnatural. They did this to heterosexuality, as well. I don't even know how many people are aware of the intimate relationship between the Catholic Church and the Illuminati. The Protestant Churches are not any less guilty, no matter how "pro-White" some of them believe themselves to be.

Later on, "abomination" and the fires of "Hell" were equated with White homosexuals [Sodomites], while a married White heterosexual man was guilty of adultery and doomed to eternal damnation if he so much as had ANY kind of healthy fantasy about another White woman, besides his wife, as Christ states that it is better for a lustful, White, heterosexual man to pluck out his own eyes, or cut off a limb, than to spend an eternity in "Hell" for heterosexual fantasies. However, what I am stating is NOT meant as an insult of any kind towards heterosexual married couples who have made a permanent agreement on monogamy. However, what I am stating is that for White heterosexuals, Christianity is most definitely a birth control pill, and the teachings of Christ enforce this.

I think something that High Priest Hooded Cobra was stating was that he was acknowledging the plight of many people who have bought the Jewish package of a "gay identity," but that the Jews invented the terms and fake identities for different sexual attractions to isolate and alienate the non-hetero minority population from what the "moral majority" Christians consider "normal" or "traditional" society, when both "heterosexuality" and "homosexuality," as well as "bisexuality," were accepted in Aryan Pagan Tradition.

High Priest Don was emphasizing how the Jews have targeted the third sex, and others, as part of the process for dividing and conquering the Gentiles by making them feel "different" and in need of Jewish "protection" against the "normal" population. The Jews are master crock-of-shitters.

The truth for people who are only attracted to their same gender, or to both genders, is that it's NOT "LGBT," or any other cluster of letters from the rainbow, pink triangle and glittery alphabet, but THIRD SEX/GENDER, as this is the original Vedic, Aryan Pagan-accepted point of view for people who are not physically-attracted to the opposite sex.

The cold reality of it all is that in White Aryan Vedic Society, such people were not treated any better or worse than heterosexuals, or sectioned off into a separate category or community -- at least not until Christian and Islamic poisoning took place, in its efforts to divide and destroy the White Aryan Race. The Third Sex was acknowledged and accepted, but like the position that Satan and his Demons take on what has been labeled "heterosexuality," "homosexuality," and "bisexuality," anyone who puts their sexual preference or orientation BEFORE the unity of their Satanic Race and Nation, is of those who are Jewish infiltrators, or just as bad, White Race-Traitors. I am not threatening anybody in any way by saying this. This is just something that many people will see for themselves.

So far, nothing that anyone has said here is "biased against homosexuality." How could I? I am only attracted to my same gender. But like all heterosexuals and bisexuals, I am only attracted to my own "type," and not to anywhere near EVERY male. One's sexual interests are only one's own business.
homosexual people had an important place in all pagan community,its ironic how the jews labeled them out,in africa they were called gate keepers,in the aryan world they were warriors,the third sex people or people who are said to be androgenous(to be both male and female)were high priest and priestessess,they reminded people about the system of nature,that nature is androgenous,that which created male and female.every sex and gender had their roles to play in the furtherment of their race,but now the jews have set so much confusion that such identity is lost.all sexes and gender need each other,we are not seperate,we are still the same people with just defferent sexual preference and roles to play.

Thank you for the clarification HP Carlson. So basically nothing on the JOS policy has fundamentally changed. This is good because some statements were really worrisome. Especially :

HoodedCobra666 said:
You're born either MALE or FEMALE.

One in around 100,000 people, is born a hermaphrodite, which is a physical manifestation of a 3rd sex. Which people literally have both a developed penis, and a developed vagina.

However, one must not call themselves a 3rd sex just by trolling themselves they are a woman while they have a penis, or that they are a man because they behave in a mascular manner.

There is no need for confusion on these terms. The jews create constant confusion with labels to make people clinically insane or to make them feel 'important' for absolutely no reason whatsover.

If you look down there and you have a penis, plus a vagina, then you are truly, the third sex.

Lying about biology only is going to cause insanity.
Sinistra said:
Thank you for the clarification HP Carlson. So basically nothing on the JOS policy has fundamentally changed. This is good because some statements were really worrisome. Especially :

HoodedCobra666 said:

I see what you did there... I'm about 99.9% sure Hoodedcobra was talking about people born with male physical parts telling themselves that they are physically female, or vice versa, without truly meditating on it and making for sure that they are not really just going against nature, which has given them these physical parts and the matching biology and energy that come with them. But, I can stand corrected if I am wrong.
Sinistra said:

Thank you for the clarification HP Carlson. So basically nothing on the JOS policy has fundamentally changed. This is good because some statements were really worrisome. Especially :

HoodedCobra666 said:
You're born either MALE or FEMALE.

One in around 100,000 people, is born a hermaphrodite, which is a physical manifestation of a 3rd sex. Which people literally have both a developed penis, and a developed vagina.

However, one must not call themselves a 3rd sex just by trolling themselves they are a woman while they have a penis, or that they are a man because they behave in a mascular manner.

There is no need for confusion on these terms. The jews create constant confusion with labels to make people clinically insane or to make them feel 'important' for absolutely no reason whatsover.

If you look down there and you have a penis, plus a vagina, then you are truly, the third sex.

Lying about biology only is going to cause insanity.

I DON'T see how it's worrisome ,i think the purpose of this statement is this last sentences :

Lying about biology only is going to cause insanity

aka if you are a men who loves men you are still a men not "supposely " something else.
dragon bleu 666 said:
I DON'T see how it's worrisome
It could be interpreted to deny, push away or even witch hunt trans people.
Trans are a very small minority in Spiritual Satanism, without influence and who never pushed flags in the face of people. And depending on the good will of people to exist. Such as the research work done by HP Carlson and there have also been inclusive comments by others such as HP Mageson.
Sinistra said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
I DON'T see how it's worrisome
It could be interpreted to deny, push away or even witch hunt trans people.
Trans are a very small minority in Spiritual Satanism, without influence and who never pushed flags in the face of people. And depending on the good will of people to exist. Such as the research work done by HP Carlson and there have also been inclusive comments by others such as HP Mageson.

I love how you people went not only to passively aggressively attack my credibility, but of course, word bend what I said.

It's almost as if you will reject someone who simply tells you the facts.

Even if some facts are insulting, such as the fact one came out of their womb male or female, or in rare chances, a hermaphrodite, and this is what they came out of the womb, based on nature...and irrespective of the feelings they developed later about this fact...

Call the above offensive. If nature offends you, then I cannot do much about this to change the situation.

Trans is a transition one makes from their gender. And in many cases this is done with modern tools of civilization, without which, a full transition would be impossible. And with that knowledge one can to a range change their material gender.

But essentially, you was born as one gender. And one has to understand this reality as the reality one has a hand, a foot, an eyeball, and the rest goes.

The thing is people don't feel fine by accepting they just did a transition, which isn't bad anyway. And for some reason they try to meme themselves into something else rather than accepting what they have done.

If a bodybuilder claims "I was from the womb in a bodybuilder" this is not a fact. One wasn't raising weights in their mother's womb nor he had all that muscle. It's at the very best an ephemeral speech fact, oh, I was born like this.

If logic is offensive (And I know about people who do not reply either on this fact, they feel offended) then I repeat what I initially said, with ignoring facts one gets nowhere. So much for supposed 'open mindedness' when it's all about re-absorbing one's own convictions, and in which game if someone doesn't play he is considered an 'enemy'.

If we are to ignore all the rules of nature, just keep doing it, and tell me where it ends you up.

Those who get offended are those who have not been very comfortable with their choices. If you were, none of these would offend you, you would see these as a scientist or a person who inquires about truth, and they would be left at that.

If you interpet what I say on your own fears and worries, then you will see all what you were afraid of seeing.

Others, who did not have this worry, could see clearly what I meant.
Also, another thing you need to consider, is not always playing on the 'minority status' which is a known issue, but to also weight and understand that ridiculous statements such as "All ___Non Heterosexuals____ are leaders, creators, and spacecraft inventors", only make us look stupid, and create hangups and fears in other Satanists who don't happen to be in that category and you make them get out of the way to see if these obviously exaggerated statements are correct.

Are all these gays in the gay parades Leaders, Creators, and Innovators? Or is it the other way that some gays happened to be great because they put their merits and their sweat to improve, when others are just being rallied around to ruin family virtue with a tele-controller by jews?

This is like two people eating cheeseburgers. And one person is a genius, the other one is dumb and retarded. And you keep saying "Those who eat cheeseburgers are Leaders, Creators and Innovators". Replace cheeseburgers with the sexual vocation and you have this silly argument.

Maybe people here are gifted, but there are others who are not gifted. So creating general rules only makes things confusing.

If others in this world eat "Cheeseburgers" like you do, this doesn't create them Leaders, Creators or Innovators either.

And through this you need to understand the need to redefine yourselves as I mentioned in another post.

But for this you will never care, because one can always hold the shield of 'minority status' to say anything they want. And what you have been saying for months or years has been taken in the wrong way by others that they have to PUSH themselves to become gay or whatever, to become 'better', or 'because we are naturally bisexual', or even passing it down without specifying it, as a 'necessity' to elevate one's self in some sort of superior status.

Nobody ever gave a fuck to set this straight, so I did, of course, fully aware of the hatred this would receive. But I do not care.

I have had endless people complain to me about this fact until I decided to reply. So don't consider this anything more.

But when it comes to you taking care of what you say, 'minority status' takes all these away. And when I come down here to explain that engaging in anal sex for men won't make you a genius any more than preferring brocolli over tomato, I must be doing this because I "Dislike", or I "Hate" or whatever.

NOT BECAUSE IT'S AN OBVIOUS FACT...I tell you guys this guy has pr0blemz wit us. He nut believin we wuz kangs n shiet cause we gut attracted to annuda gender! Dis a konspiracy! He be helping us since forever BuT now he said those who eat Broccoli are nut better from does eating Tomatoe, I immidiately saw dis! Letz konspire naw and only flock wit our brokkoli eaters! Tomato eaters be evil and jelly ov brokkoli!

Even virgins have to be accepted in Satanism, some people want to stay virgins. This is the same as pushing people to have compulsive sex when they do not want to engage in sexuality now, and keep saying "SEX IS NEEDED TO ADVANCE OR YOU WONT ADVANCE" and this and that.

For the last time, the merits of a personality come from the work it puts upon itself, and not from the type of partner they want to have.

I just came to set the record straight because this has went out of hand, and to clear the fog.
Sinistra said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
I DON'T see how it's worrisome
It could be interpreted to deny, push away or even witch hunt trans people.
Trans are a very small minority in Spiritual Satanism, without influence and who never pushed flags in the face of people. And depending on the good will of people to exist. Such as the research work done by HP Carlson and there have also been inclusive comments by others such as HP Mageson.

it would be a misinterpretation of what it being stated :

Personnal choices like changing our sexe is not the subject of this statement , here we are talking about biological fact , if you are a men who change his sexe , on a biological level you are still a men with a different sex , ( gender doesnt include only the sexe , it includes ,width of bones, width of hips, , metabolic features , genetic features ( XY or XX)...).
From being friends with a trans person for years I don't see this delusion as in the bodybuilder analogy. Indeed the ones I knew are very self aware of their biological condition. If a person is an attention seeker, if I could interpret well the original message, then I don't see how it relates to the transexual topic. Not many people would be kicked out their xtian houses for having behaviour and mentality of their opposite biological sex if this was just some fancy thing like getting big muscles.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
If a bodybuilder claims "I was from the womb in a bodybuilder" this is not a fact. One wasn't raising weights in their mother's womb nor he had all that muscle. It's at the very best an ephemeral speech fact, oh, I was born like this.
Egon said:
From being friends with a trans person for years I don't see this delusion as in the bodybuilder analogy. Indeed the ones I knew are very self aware of their biological condition. If a person is an attention seeker, if I could interpret well the original message, then I don't see how it relates to the transexual topic. Not many people would be kicked out their xtian houses for having behaviour and mentality of their opposite biological sex if this was just some fancy thing like getting big muscles.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
If a bodybuilder claims "I was from the womb in a bodybuilder" this is not a fact. One wasn't raising weights in their mother's womb nor he had all that muscle. It's at the very best an ephemeral speech fact, oh, I was born like this.

This was only to show that essential biology is just essential biology, and it is a silly example to show what is meant by time, choices and biology. What I was, and what I am now, for example. And to be self aware over what one is.

Many people are being kicked out of their house for disagreeing religion of their 'parents' on job matters and any other thing. These are also cruel. Doing this for their sexual vocation, like anything else, is another christian leprosy of the mind.

Any actual parent who loves their kid would accept this fact and move on and try to help them. There are also so called 'parents' who attack their children even for going to the gym. I have had friends who were interested in going to the Gym and looking better, and they were called 'faggots' by others and they attacked them incessantly.

My point is not to clean the xian foul mind with my reply, it's to just show some biological facts. And my reply solved this.
Egon said:
From being friends with a trans person for years I don't see this delusion as in the bodybuilder analogy. Indeed the ones I knew are very self aware of their biological condition...

There are people in the prostitution industry that become Trans only to be more 'different'. They do not really feel that they are trans or ever did, or felt they should change their gender. They just decided to do it later for financial gains. This is one example.

Others are just 'curious' and nothing more than curious. Look on interviews online and you will see this. Other Trans here know about these people and know how these people are hurtful to what it means to be Trans in general as they for the most part don't stand in this category.

On the other hand there are people in Pakistan and in poor regions who are willing to do through devastating surgery to bring this change, because this is, according to them, how they felt their whole life. This is clearly not the above situation.

There are also heterosexuals who try to become 'gay' just to be more 'trendy' or to get in specific circles. Or just do this on the whim for attention whoring, for example. I knew of one hairdresser who was pretending to be gay in order to get more customers, and it worked. He would do all the GBLT Marxist things, and still, he wouldn't be truly gay.

There are people in some countries who when called for the military, claim they are 'gay' in order for them to be put on softer wings, or to not go in the military at all.

In any such change there are different factors and ranges of 'realness' for it.

What I mean is to focus on the biological fact first and not make lies around the subject.
Academic Scholar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Egon said:
From being friends with a trans person for years I don't see this delusion as in the bodybuilder analogy. Indeed the ones I knew are very self aware of their biological condition...

What do you think of non-binary people? ("non-binary" are people who don't fit the gender binary male/female such as agender, gender fluid, pangender, etc)

There are some people who just 'go with it' no matter what it is, when, where, how or why.

They essentially "DGAF" and just join any action.

The modern scientific community gave them a name to feel important over this fact.

The jews just wrote all these 150 categories to make money through social sciences through these. And give edgy teens the ability to feel 'important' as if they change their race in a video game.

This is how people can feel 'important' in a world where every goyim is squashed beneath the level of sameness of ants.

"Oh, at least, I am non-binary, gender fluid, apache helicopter. This means I am a very unique individual, Dr Shekelstein Said. I'm not a lost goyim like anyone else, now that i know that I am a non-binary-bilinear, gender fluid, apache helicopter with rockets on the side, I feel completed."
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Egon said:
From being friends with a trans person for years I don't see this delusion as in the bodybuilder analogy. Indeed the ones I knew are very self aware of their biological condition...

There are people in the prostitution industry that become Trans only to be more 'different'. They do not really feel that they are trans or ever did, or felt they should change their gender. They just decided to do it later for financial gains. This is one example.

Others are just 'curious' and nothing more than curious. Look on interviews online and you will see this. Other Trans here know about these people and know how these people are hurtful to what it means to be Trans in general as they for the most part don't stand in this category.

On the other hand there are people in Pakistan and in poor regions who are willing to do through devastating surgery to bring this change, because this is, according to them, how they felt their whole life. This is clearly not the above situation.

There are also heterosexuals who try to become 'gay' just to be more 'trendy' or to get in specific circles. Or just do this on the whim for attention whoring, for example. I knew of one hairdresser who was pretending to be gay in order to get more customers, and it worked. He would do all the GBLT Marxist things, and still, he wouldn't be truly gay.

There are people in some countries who when called for the military, claim they are 'gay' in order for them to be put on softer wings, or to not go in the military at all.

In any such change there are different factors and ranges of 'realness' for it.

What I mean is to focus on the biological fact first and not make lies around the subject.

Forgive me for chiming in from out of the blue

But maybe it would be a good idea to put a post that states that yes some people are trans but their are also people pretending to be for financial gain.
It would just help people who are reading too much into whats been posted to understand it better.

(I sincerely hope I didn't come off as rude, nothing but respect for the clergy)

And if I might add my own experiences here I hope that's okay.
I'v been a Satanist since I was 17, so its been 10+ years Iv been part of the JOS.
I also happen to be trans. And it's simply I just am, nothing magical, nothing special. Just a feminine spirit wearing the male suit. I have no delusions over my biology as im sure other trans satanists here have no delusions either. I just like everyone else here am a Nazi and a satanist above everything and all else. This other part of me, the 'trans part' is simply something I as an individual made decisions I felt were for the best and for the best of my future that were meditated on for years.

Taken from Eros and the Mysteries of Love Metaphysics:
"In the Range of ideas we are dealing with, we should take it as being settled that manhood and womanhood are, above all, facts of inner nature. It is possible to be a man as far as the body is concerned without being equally so in the soul (anima mulieris in corpore inclusa virlii - the soul of a woman enclosed in a manly body), and the same of course true of a woman."

"He who is not a man in spirit and soul is not truly a man, and the same applies to a woman."

"In the same way all hormonic manipulations to which modern biologists are devoted actually have a necromantic character, being based on the idea that sex depends only on a different "hormonic formula." They can produce important effects in altering the true characteristics of sex only in animals and in litte-differentiated humans, but no effects in complete, "typical" men and women."

(Trans people being the 'little-differentiated' humans he is referring too. And 'typical men and women' he means the average man and woman)

And I know this is saying trans people exist but doesn't show support or tell us what to do with them, but their are chapters in the book that does but I just don't have the time to find it right now. (PDF of the book can be found online).

Again HP Cobra I hope nothing I said came off as rude or disrespectful towards you, I'v been reading your sermons for years and years and I would never try to cause offense. I seen what you were saying and I completely agreed I could just see why people were getting confused and some blunt clarification would probably just be for the better.
Wednesday said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Egon said:
From being friends with a trans person for years I don't see this delusion as in the bodybuilder analogy. Indeed the ones I knew are very self aware of their biological condition...

There are dangerous falsifications I had to clear out that were running rampant, so my replies were necessary. As I can see, these were more well received than ill received, and those who do not understand can read the replies of others and understand this.

Again, same as all categories, if the world was constituted of people who had similar self understanding as here, we would be 10000 times better off. But this is not the case. So for that reason, I tell people, so far sexual identities are concerned, to stay away, because these goyim are headed for the slaughter.

You don't need to enter gay parades where they put dildo's in gay children's kid and put them in the middle of a circle to twerk, to name one example. These sights only arouse hatred, insanity, and societies will not take this forever. However, if you re-define what you are, as you have been doing, and keep yourselves less and less pre-occupied on the goyim dialectics of suppressed "GBLT" and all the like, you will start thinking healthier and freely. Then you will not be under any actual threat for your vocations, for example.

The line was starting to be crossed where people kept perpetuating, for years, the meme, that if you are sexually in X way, or that if you are a gay or whatever, you have X gifts. This is false.

The merits of personality only come from working on your personality and spirituality, and habituating yourself on advancing. Your sexuality is not a 'requirment' to become better.

I would jump in and answer a similar falsification if people said for years that if you were Heterosexual, you would instantly be made into a Rocket Scientist, implying that all people in said category are so good and so gifted just because they have sex in a different way. Or that being celibate will give you great powers as the NoFap community claims.

All of these statements are spiritually false. And can bring social disasters.

So me addressing it hasn't got to do directly with the matter here only.
Everything I am telling you not to be, in one picture.

Don't you find it weird that all of this fighting comes at the exact moment when we are doing so much damage to the enemy? Just think about it.

All that I am asking for here is for all to keep cold heads and refrain from any unnecessary conflicts. Let's not do anything that we will regret later. Tread carefully, everyone.
I agree with everything you just said but I hate how people tell you that you must have sex with black women, obese women, etc and if you don't they call you "asexual" or "gay" or "high standards". I seriously don't know if humanity can get any stupider before animals consciously rise up and kill us all.
Larissa666 said:
Don't you find it weird that all of this fighting comes at the exact moment when we are doing so much damage to the enemy? Just think about it.

All that I am asking for here is for all to keep cold heads and refrain from any unnecessary conflicts. Let's not do anything that we will regret later. Tread carefully, everyone.

It is disturbing to consider "fighting" the fact that is being said to not be like the normal GBLT, and become something better. And stop perceiving one's self as outsider which is the source of thinking of yourself as one of the 150 sexual categories the enemy has named, in order to just mentally fuck up people and cause divisions in their mind. And create empty feelings of self importance for no reason.

And to stop meme'ing people and telling them that if you are a specific sexual vocation this makes you so much better than anyone else and how it will shower you with all sorts of gifts from above. And how great it is to be "X" thing. And how gifted people are for simply their sexual vocations.

And to cut the bullshit that has been going for like years now with people just repeating ad nauseum "BUT THE GODS ARE BISEXUAL SO WE MUST BE THE SAME TOO (or we aren't properly walking the path)". Finally someone, I recall Egon, said what I have repeated for years, to just drop this subject in particular, and stop getting in the pants of the Gods, in particular, to try to create 'similar rules', for beings that are as of present very dissimilar, ie, Humans and Gods.

But then this just keeps going and going.

Others also go forth to create all sorts of relations on how you MUST be like THIS sexual type to even advance spiritually or be like the Gods, and this is extremely dangerous and disturbing.

The extensions of these things are not understood, or nobody cares.

Then if you tell people to just stop this because it has been growing a life of it's own and it's causing issues on members, and younger people who aren't settled on their choices yet (sexually or otherwise) and others that seldom can speak about it in fear of getting massacred from the rest of the forum, "you're creating a fight".

I do not care of anyone's vocations, I only care for if people fare positively in the path they have chosen. And telling 14 year old readers that are now exploring themselves that "You need to be Bisexual in order to advance like the Gods" is not something I will tolerate for they must be left on their own to understand what is right and wrong for their own selves in particular sexually.

If I'm to be misunderstood for saying there aren't like 160 or however many 'genders' the enemy recognizes, but 3 that come from nature, then what can I say. I just drop the subject.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sinistra said:

Guys I am in it for the general whole here, so my aim is to protect everyone here and put on the side nobody. You must keep this in mind. I do not have all the knowledge on all GBLT related matters as by definition I could not, I am not GBLT myself or even bisexual.

However, I tell you what I do because I observe things and where these are going.

There are some benefits on being gay. I see many gays live deprived lifestyles, but this is not the whole. There are wonderful gay people who are extremely studied and in general since they don't have to chase pussy 24/7 in a dysfunctional manner, they develop their personality a lot more than other people.

But seriously trying to analyse all these on sexual grounds is absurd. For example, there is nothing in common with the depraved gay with the noble gay. There is no reason to make such a tie or distinction. One person is just noble and happens to be gay, the other ones are deprived. If their sexual vocation was different, equally deprived, they would be paedophiles, or HIV spreading machines equally. So there is no point to engage in such arguments.

I tell you as a hetero if you are an SS and GBLT you need to develop balls of steel (in the literal and metaphorical sense) because the world is very cruel at this point and many people won't get it. And I also relate to you the reasons other people may 'dislike' you, which, in the case of HEALTHY MENTALLY people, there would be no reasons to hate anyone, other than if you aggressively attacked them with your identity in the face. Which you should avoid.

This is a general thing this has nothing to do with being gay. Attacking also has the form of extreme over-representation of something, like repeating it ad nauseum. Then even the people that accept you, can start feeling the opposite way because you bust their nuts basically.

Nobody in the civilized world will hate you for being gay in any serious or threatening manner, this has been largely solved. Christian values have failed to impose this. This is why the jew, aside other ways, tries to restore Islam, which throws gay people off of rooftops. The jew is at the very same time exposing gays in the biggest manner possible, and procuring the very Islamic bolstering they want at the same time.

They are in other words bringing the GBLT like sheep for the wolves to be consumed. This is not for now, but for the following decades. What remains is to clean the remains of the 'gay identity' the jew has formulated as the definition of third sex or gay, or trans lifestyle. And return things in proper order. This will give you a great standing, better life, and also, people will love you more.

There are many ways why people should like gay people. For one, they cannot become dumb and irresponsible parents, to name one example. For two, they can follow professions without the responsibility of children. The list goes.

However if the GBLT keeps going on the "FLAG AND TIARAS" way, I see the jews already preparing a counter attack for the GBLT and they formulate this both in the "Right" or the traditional right, but also the "Left" with assimilation policy that will have the GBLT and the special protection required go down the shitter by all the other "Minorities" that will infest the civilizations that provide any sorts of rights.

I give you one example. If in any post I talked I was always saying I am a 'heterosexual' on every post, wouldn't you find this absurd? If I said the Gods are HETEROSEXUALS AND THIS IS WHAT YOU MUST BE, wouldn't that sound absurd? You definitely would find this absurd and it would be such.

Reverse this with someone always bringing in other's face that they are gay, bi, or whatever, and you will see, it creates the same disturbing effect. Keep this on the repeat and before you know it people will abhor you for it.

Hey Thanks for Clearing that up. So you know This is a discussion, Not me feeling attacked. Im slightly Bi, I could give two shits.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
Don't you find it weird that all of this fighting comes at the exact moment when we are doing so much damage to the enemy? Just think about it.

All that I am asking for here is for all to keep cold heads and refrain from any unnecessary conflicts. Let's not do anything that we will regret later. Tread carefully, everyone.

Im not sure I understand this whole getting their pants business. So We emulate the Gods in everyway. How they run politics, a society, religion, ethics, Economy and everything else. But the moment we look to see if Bisexuality exist in their soceity we are pulling Andras's Dick out of his pants and inspecting it. lol
Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is disturbing to consider "fighting" the fact that is being said to not be like the normal GBLT, and become something better. And stop perceiving one's self as outsider which is the source of thinking of yourself as one of the 150 sexual categories the enemy has named, in order to just mentally fuck up people and cause divisions in their mind. And create empty feelings of self importance for no reason.

And to stop meme'ing people and telling them that if you are a specific sexual vocation this makes you so much better than anyone else and how it will shower you with all sorts of gifts from above. And how great it is to be "X" thing. And how gifted people are for simply their sexual vocations.

And to cut the bullshit that has been going for like years now with people just repeating ad nauseum "BUT THE GODS ARE BISEXUAL SO WE MUST BE THE SAME TOO (or we aren't properly walking the path)". Finally someone, I recall Egon, said what I have repeated for years, to just drop this subject in particular, and stop getting in the pants of the Gods, in particular, to try to create 'similar rules', for beings that are as of present very dissimilar, ie, Humans and Gods.

But then this just keeps going and going.

Others also go forth to create all sorts of relations on how you MUST be like THIS sexual type to even advance spiritually or be like the Gods, and this is extremely dangerous and disturbing.

The extensions of these things are not understood, or nobody cares.

Then if you tell people to just stop this because it has been growing a life of it's own and it's causing issues on members, and younger people who aren't settled on their choices yet (sexually or otherwise) and others that seldom can speak about it in fear of getting massacred from the rest of the forum, "you're creating a fight".

I do not care of anyone's vocations, I only care for if people fare positively in the path they have chosen. And telling 14 year old readers that are now exploring themselves that "You need to be Bisexual in order to advance like the Gods" is not something I will tolerate for they must be left on their own to understand what is right and wrong for their own selves in particular sexually.

If I'm to be misunderstood for saying there aren't like 160 or however many 'genders' the enemy recognizes, but 3 that come from nature, then what can I say. I just drop the subject.

If you had always said what you wrote in this message nobody would raise an eyebrow. But you were saying different things before. Such as concerning the gender topic that there being only 2 genders. And implying transexuality is a mental illness that has no business being accepted. Then you moved to "people need to accept themselves as one of the two genders they are born with but transition is okay tho". And now it's there are 3 genders and trans can be legitimate ? Or are you now playing on the definition of who is trans and not, and in a more large sense who is third sex and not. To only include genetic hermaphrodites in the third sex ? Please tell us what are the 3 genders you now say exist.

The rest of your points are sensible. So there is no point bringing them up.
guys No insults , disqualification , or belittlement has been made to any personnal choices or sexuality.

We are talking about biological facts and to be aware of you biological condition. and to be aware that our personnal preferences or sexuality doesn't define your success or makes you better.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
Don't you find it weird that all of this fighting comes at the exact moment when we are doing so much damage to the enemy? Just think about it.

All that I am asking for here is for all to keep cold heads and refrain from any unnecessary conflicts. Let's not do anything that we will regret later. Tread carefully, everyone.

Im not sure I understand this whole getting their pants business. So We emulate the Gods in everyway. How they run politics, a society, religion, ethics, Economy and everything else. But the moment we look to see if Bisexuality exist in their soceity we are pulling Andras's Dick out of his pants and inspecting it. lol

Socially, they accept this. And that's because it's nature. Third sex and homosexuality does happen in all species. However, THEIR version of these things, and THEIR personal life, and THEIR preferences, do not really resemble in their essence the desires of people, especially people nowadays.

People nowadays engage in all sorts of things, good and bad, but for no reason or any viable meaning in their actions. If, hypothetically a God is in a monogamous homosexual union because they are very close with another being for 5000 years, humans, by definition, cannot really relate to that.

So just being 'homosexual' doesn't make you equal, or resembling to any God. Nor does any other mode of sexuality.

So one cannot say they are so akin and close to "X God" because they make a lot of single baby mothers around. And how gloriously heterosexual they are like "X God", simply because they engage in a similar, and utterly SUPERFICIAL behavior like that. Any such 'same actions' are superficial. They are of not importance.

Likewise, if the Gods are, for their own reasons, and in their private life, in a specific way, still, if one acts in the same way, that doesn't make them a God, and nor does this mean that by doing this we will be come "Gods" or emulate them in the better way.

How we emulate them at this point, is like monkeys, that look upon an advance species that tells them some things they have to understand over a larger spectrum of time.

It's good to emulate, but never assume the Gods are like your pen pals who do everything the same as you, for the same reasons you or we do.

Because they definitely do not.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everything I am telling you not to be, in one picture.

You can tell he's jewish because he looks like he just escaped from Auschwitz. And of course he escaped from Auschwitz, nobody in their right mind would dare deny that. They wouldn't even think of denying it because that would be anti-semitic and illegal.

Right, goys? *nervous hebraic handrubbing*
Sinistra said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Nature, creates 3 genders in all species. In dogs, cats, and all sorts of other beings.

There are also some not that developed organisms like bacteria who do not have like a 'masculine' or 'feminine' gender.

Most of these species of nature however are male and female. In the case of man, we have also a natural 3rd sex which emerges from the womb of the mother, as a 3rd sex individual. The chances of this are 1 in 100,000, and these people were special and were considered divine in ancient civilization as a manifestation of Hermaphroditism.

However, make no mistake, that didn't mean that these people were automatically cool. They were put in the meditation and ascending process same as everyone else. People just found it cool and interesting because they are not that frequent in being born, which is a fact.

Nobody is 'better' because of the gender they are born. Or their natural gender. However the mentality that 'being different is so nice' has corrupted many people to think of themselves as superior simply because they are 'different' from others, even if means unreasonable different. For example, a retarded Christian believes they are so awesome because they exist in the midst of the 'Pagan sinners'.

Difference =/= Being better. It's just Difference = Difference.

Hermaphrodite means Hermes and Aphrodite, which relates to the moving between the two sexual genders, but they are a new 3rd gender. This, however, is a natural and inborn condition, and one cannot attain this condition even if they engage in hormonal treatment, change their genitals etc, any more than someone can become a Goat if they put beautiful horns on their head.

However, the famous saying is for people, that after they transition, they have to abolish their original gender, and for example, that a transitioned man, is made into a woman. How a person is born and manifests physically, is not incompatible to their own inner energy. It is actually a manifestation of this.

So even if people desire to transition, they must not forget, or abolish their born material BIOLOGICAL identity of being a man, or neglect this reality.

This also creates spiritual problems and problems of cognition. They should rather understand themselves as a person who is born a man, but has a multitude or a far higher amount of feminine energy. One can after this make a personal choice, and if it agrees with proper and mature thought, use the modern tools of science to engage in a strong amount of body modification.

What the jew hides from people however is that truly, there are men who are born men, and are male, and they have a lot of innate feminine energy. A large amount of propaganda is being done to make these people believe they should be 'born women', and that nature is errant. But nature is not errant whatsover.

These people, under other circumstances, would end up being gay, or would end up being still heterosexuals, or bisexuals, who just have extremely pronounced maternal and feminine sides. There are men who are perfectly heretosexual but are extremely feminine, in their relations with women.

The enemy however, before any self searching can happen, just preys on the EMOTIONS of people, to force them to do radical self changes before they have the time to think or ponder about their destiny. This is proven by the high suicide rates of Trans people, which yes, I want to avoid anyone going through ANY change (even if that means tattoo'ing your whole body for example) before they have given thought and spiritual insight in this. Because this can prove irreversible or deadly.

The body in general is something you only have ONCE. If you screw it over, you cannot replace it. And no, the day won't come where the jew will load you into a new cyborg with a USB stick, these are all lies.

So if one wants to make these decisions, one has to be very introspective and self aware. And if they manage to make it work, they should also advise others. Because in many ways the enemy has made this a landmine field, with doctor kikes who don't know or give a shit about what they are doing to people, attention whores who put others to just do things "Just because", and all sorts of other reasoning. Like people doing this "For fun".

Also, people have to understand, that for example, if you are a male with very feminine energy, or a woman with very, very masculine energy, you are still, by nature, a part of this gender you were born. Many people understand this, but people do not know of inner alchemy. So their immediate assumption is that they need to change their material gender to feel at ease. The jew in order to make money and experiment, pushes this on many innocents, rushes them into this, and also tries dubious techniques on people, who do NOT necessarily require this transition.

As such we have an overpopulation of all ranks of the 3rd gender, by people, that are just having fun for the time being, and who, for the most part, don't give 1 single shit about the future of the said identity. Because they are just 'coming through'. Everyone knows the retard who just does everything because someone else told them to do this.

Then there is this other claim that there are other genders. There are not, other than the main 3, in which, we socially also put Trans and some others in the 3rd sex aside the normal, natural hermaphrodite. If a man is feminine, wears makeup, and acts like a woman, he is not really a woman. If he transitions, he is still not at the core a woman, but he has modified himself into a woman, so he might as well be treated and act in all ways like one.

This is false, as a woman, from the standpoint of species, is something very defined that has ovaries, a vagina, and so forth, the ability to have a baby etc. One is a transitioned to attain some qualities of a woman, and I don't doubt, can become a beautiful woman (there are trans who look 1000 times more attractive and well taken care of than 'women' who are never self caring), but essentially, in biological standards, they are a man who has done treatment and transitioned. They are not a 'woman'. Or we can just say we have Trans as part of the 3rd gender, and close the equation here.

And there is nothing wrong in the above or in changing one's self in this fashion, provided, one has a mature mind, and understands and treats this process as a self thing.

Denying these facts is a reason of insanity. Because to deny the above is essentially a crime upon the spiritual foundation of nature. The divine rules of the cosmos revolve around these three above genders, male, female, and the union or hermaphroditism.

How people choose to modify themselves after this, is their own personal choice, perfectly acceptable, and viable, but they must consider a lot before they do these changes.

I am opposed to people doing these changes foolishly, imposing this on others (such as the aforesaid mad jews do on 3 year old kids), or associating these changes with some sort of 'Better than you' thing, because it's not spiritually the case in anyway, shape or form.

It's also important in the forums, because many people read in search of answers, to always be precise, and if one has done any great self changing moves, to highlight all the points, positive and negative, rather than saying "Oh, be like this, cause the Gods are like that", for example, throwing the responsibility to them about all actions we ourselves take.

I do not want any young people thinking they must act in X way because this is 'what the Gods do' and take life altering decisions lightly. And I will not allow this.

In the example of transition, this is a viable reason : "I have debate this for long, understood what it means so I want to do it."

This is not a viable reason: "Oh I read it's so cool, let's go do it, it's gonna be fun".
With the trans thing.... Within the third sex, trans people are a union of the two different sexs in the sense they have the soul opposite of the body. If you study the biology of man to female trans people. Their brains are already that of a female in their structure the other thing is their energy bodies are also female if you look deeper into it.

That is the point there are three sexes. Male, Middle, Female. That is based on the sacred number of three which is the code of all creation this manifests on different levels. The third sex or gender is part of nature. Its about where the other two meet in one. So this is it we are dealing with different soul groups in this sense.

We need all three for a reason to build society with. However the situation is simply not allowing yourself to get jew-jacked into the communized identity politic's the Jews have created to conqueror society from within. This is the same for other groups either racial or sexual orientation. Its a trap to you hang you with later on.

Just so people understand if your gay, bi or trans your welcome here. Here you will be judged as a person based on your merti's as a individual person and not praised for being of the third sex neither discriminated against with bigtory for being of the third sex. Here you are just free to be and prove yourself.
Also I want to state I understand his hard to be of the third sex in this Jewish society and I understand many third sex people have been brutally hated on and discriminated against many have been beaten, murdered, committed suicide, been rejected by their love ones and friends and have to live in separate communities for their own safety. This upsets me on a personal level. I have seen friends have their lives destroyed by their own families for being gay. In own personal life. I want this to end and third sex people to be free and have social acceptance as people.

That is why we can't let people be sucked into the problem, reaction, solution, tricks of the Jews. Which is the communist identity politics. And we need to give people a real alternative which is Spiritual Satanism. I have worked seven days a week for years like many of us. To bring our fellow Gentile People home to SS. And help people to be able to heal and heal society. Satan is the Father of our souls and this means the three soul groups as well.

We are only going to have freedom and acceptance and real social equality for everyone third sex or not. When Spiritual Satanism is the social culture.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sinistra said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:


Since I keep getting my messages blocked I won't bother arguing in details.
Now unto the more popcorny stuff.
Okay. So basically out of your point you should logically agree that if tomorrow we would put you in a female body via soul transfert, you should agree (as a logical deduction from the position you took) that you would be High Priestess Hooded Cobra 666. And that any claim you would make of being male or having been male or wanting to be male and such could be dismissed on the basis that you are now a female in a female body. Yes with ovaries, bleeding and all sorts of other cool stuff.

Trivia : High Priestess Hooded Cobra 666 already exists (maybe not physically yet tho..). She wrote us a cool sermon called "The Multi-Plans of the Jews for NS Movement control". It's currently in the satanic library. Get your pdf copy while you can folks :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
