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Equal Hate For All Sexual Goyim

Sinistra said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Since I keep getting my messages blocked I won't bother arguing in details.
Now unto the more popcorny stuff.
Okay. So basically out of your point you should logically agree that if tomorrow we would put you in a female body via soul transfert, you should agree (as a logical deduction from the position you took) that you would be High Priestess Hooded Cobra 666. And that any claim you would make of being male or having been male or wanting to be male and such could be dismissed on the basis that you are now a female in a female body. Yes with ovaries, bleeding and all sorts of other cool stuff.

Trivia : High Priestess Hooded Cobra 666 already exists (maybe not physically yet tho..). She wrote us a cool sermon called "The Multi-Plans of the Jews for NS Movement control". It's currently in the satanic library. Get your pdf copy while you can folks :lol:

Sinistra you don't really change genders in and through your lifetimes. Many people can see the memories of their ancestors or others, whatever, or self-imagine. There are so many people swearing by the fact they were Napoleon or Michael Jackson in a past life that I am over this matter myself.

I do not know how many times I have heard or this aspect, but your willy willy, or your walla walla, this is a very important aspect of your whole psycho-spiritual body and soul, and it's not something so random that can change during reincarnation by luck or coincidence. Accept it and love it whatever it is.

As for High Priestess Hooded Cobra, mmm that's actually a hot lady if she exists in a parallel universe. She would be a mean woman, but if she was hot at least, it would amend for her meany stuff. If I were a woman I would have the benefit of being perceived as a meanie, but so long I was a hot meanie, everything would be instantly excused.


Now, I have to sit here and try to explain things over and over. LOL, Just kidding guys.
HP Mageson666 said:
With the trans thing.... Within the third sex, trans people are a union of the two different sexs in the sense they have the soul opposite of the body. If you study the biology of man to female trans people. Their brains are already that of a female in their structure the other thing is their energy bodies are also female if you look deeper into it.

That is the point there are three sexes. Male, Middle, Female. That is based on the sacred number of three which is the code of all creation this manifests on different levels. The third sex or gender is part of nature. Its about where the other two meet in one. So this is it we are dealing with different soul groups in this sense.

We need all three for a reason to build society with. However the situation is simply not allowing yourself to get jew-jacked into the communized identity politic's the Jews have created to conqueror society from within. This is the same for other groups either racial or sexual orientation. Its a trap to you hang you with later on.

Just so people understand if your gay, bi or trans your welcome here. Here you will be judged as a person based on your merti's as a individual person and not praised for being of the third sex neither discriminated against with bigtory for being of the third sex. Here you are just free to be and prove yourself.
Sloth Master bringing enlightenment and Hitler Ice Cream to everyone. Thank you sincerely Sloth Master.
Sinistra said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Sloth Master bringing enlightenment and Hitler Ice Cream to everyone. Thank you sincerely Sloth Master.

Btw with your Ice Cream I have to bring you a note that says that you cannot really transfer the soul of a female sloth into the body of a male sloth, because there is incompatibility. The material body is just a manifestation of the soul and the energies that exist in the soul.

You cannot even transfer the soul of a person of another race in an incompatible racial body of a race unrelated to the person in question. This just wouldn't work.

So High Priestess Hooded Cobra can only exist as a product of imagination at this point and not any literal transition for those who would like such to be. Sorry guys it just can't really happen.

Unfortunately now and for all eternity, as AIDS SKRILLEX says about me:

I think the confusion for people by nature they go against current gender norms So they attempt to understand this as people do by looking for explanations of others who are promoted as authority sources. A lot of the GLBT identity politics are also people looking to understand themselves in a society they don't fit into the binary norms of. Because they just don't. I also think binary gender norms are not what we are trained to believe. However I also believe the key is just to let people develop on their own without judgement and indocrintation. This will defuse the situation on all sides and the key here understanding. However we have been so held back by the Jews this is the problem. A lot of trans people where high priest,esses in the ancient world. A lot of trans women were high priestesses of the Goddesses. I find this interesting and a possible key to understanding.

Allowing people and society to develop with a spiritualized consciousness is the simple solution. Identity is a multifaceted complex reality. Spiritualized mind allows one to connect and empower and transform the self and connect into the true identity within the soul which is multifaceted.
HP Mageson666 said:
I think the confusion for people by nature they go against current gender norms So they attempt to understand this as people do by looking for explanations of others who are promoted as authority sources. A lot of the GLBT identity politics are also people looking to understand themselves in a society they don't fit into the binary norms of. Because they just don't. I also think binary gender norms are not what we are trained to believe. However I also believe the key is just to let people develop on their own without judgement and indocrintation. This will defuse the situation on all sides and the key here understanding. However we have been so held back by the Jews this is the problem. A lot of trans people where high priest,esses in the ancient world. A lot of trans women were high priestesses of the Goddesses. I find this interesting.

IMO people just need to ease out on all these norms and try to gradually forget about their very existence as norms. And act normally and without prohibitions as human beings, which will diffuse the repelling element the jew has created between Homosexuals and their parents, society etc.

It's on top of this very repelling element and identity labelling the jew has supported his whole plan of exterminating and scrutinizing gay people. By repeadetly calling them "GAY" and then defining what this means for both sides.

As for the misunderstandings in general society. The best solution would be to A, remove jews. And B, remove any false sense of 'self importance' the jews have been feeding people with identity politics to rally them, and control them to act in the ways they want for 'validation'. Then the buzz of looking at 3rd sex and others as foreign would just give in and it would be understood from a natural perspective.

And sort of like a French Enlightenment, the hype of crap the jew created would die off, aside the dangers and also aside the shit bubbles they have created for people to play with while they are digging their own grave.

People are on one hand instructed that gays are 'foreign' to civilization and need their own closed spaces, and on the other hand, the jew induces them to act in an alien way, to self fulfill this prophecy, making them want and tolerate these closed spaces. If they try to have a conversation with others, they have to be shaking around or doing X things the jew commanded them to do, so they can always be 'gay enough' and lest they call them traitors of the freshly defined 'gay' ideology. This puts them in all the more danger.

Many Marxist queers would consider people traitors of their cause since they don't act in the same degeneracy as them.

If the label buzzing died out people would just have it all understood simply. That there are just some people in civilization of a smaller number that don't really act sexually and in their relationships like anyone else. And they would consider this normal and natural as it is. And tolerate it now not because they are brainwashed and forced but because they finally got it.

Most hetero people have also not related to any people who have different sexual choices and are sane. It's difficult to find gays or others who are not into this rut and makes friends and such out from. Heterosexuals here can see this but in the outer world the enemy makes their best to corrupt everyone into their jew shit, which in turn, makes them reflect this dangerously and create the jewish stereotype the jew needs to fullfill his purposes.

And for this is why I believe whole new 3rd sex identity needs to be made, ironically, by removing all the 3rd sex ((('specialty elements'))) and just acting like normal and noble human beings in their own dignified right. And just putting forth the fact that it's nature, not the 'majority', not anything forced, and just something logical that one is born with. And be presented in a non jewish and non threatening manner. As part of the greater nature of things.

Then this will diffuse all attempts by kikes and cave monkeys to attack these people without seeming like a psychopath.

I notice the jews rally all their groups in the same manner. They use them as ALIEN groups, they make these groups self-accept themselves as ALIEN, they make them act ALIEN, and then enforce an ALIEN sense of 'acceptance' in the people which can break at anytime.

This is the same like the invasion of Muslims, and the general racial disasters, the gblt, and anything else they use as cover. They use these as cover insofar they comply with the jewish stereotypes the jews need. When these stereotypes don't exist these have no rallying value.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sinistra you don't really change genders in and through your lifetimes. Many people can see the memories of their ancestors or others, whatever, or self-imagine. There are so many people swearing by the fact they were Napoleon or Michael Jackson in a past life that I am over this matter myself.

I do not know how many times I have heard or this aspect, but your willy willy, or your walla walla, this is a very important aspect of your whole psycho-spiritual body and soul, and it's not something so random that can change during reincarnation by luck or coincidence. Accept it and love it whatever it is.

As for High Priestess Hooded Cobra, mmm that's actually a hot lady if she exists in a parallel universe. She would be a mean woman, but if she was hot at least, it would amend for her meany stuff. If I were a woman I would have the benefit of being perceived as a meanie, but so long I was a hot meanie, everything would be instantly excused.

Now, I have to sit here and try to explain things over and over. LOL, Just kidding guys.

Oh Gods not a hollywood style self sexuality thing now. It actually used to be a popular old film meme thing that a hetero man gets into a women's body and checking the parts and stuff. Now they mostly avoid it because it gets a backlash as transphobic :lol:

Not that I would personally mind a mean a hot HPS Hooded Cobra hmm :lol:
Sinistra said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sinistra you don't really change genders in and through your lifetimes. Many people can see the memories of their ancestors or others, whatever, or self-imagine. There are so many people swearing by the fact they were Napoleon or Michael Jackson in a past life that I am over this matter myself.

I do not know how many times I have heard or this aspect, but your willy willy, or your walla walla, this is a very important aspect of your whole psycho-spiritual body and soul, and it's not something so random that can change during reincarnation by luck or coincidence. Accept it and love it whatever it is.

As for High Priestess Hooded Cobra, mmm that's actually a hot lady if she exists in a parallel universe. She would be a mean woman, but if she was hot at least, it would amend for her meany stuff. If I were a woman I would have the benefit of being perceived as a meanie, but so long I was a hot meanie, everything would be instantly excused.

Now, I have to sit here and try to explain things over and over. LOL, Just kidding guys.

Oh Gods not a hollywood style self sexuality thing now. It actually used to be a popular old film meme thing that a hetero man gets into a women's body and checking the parts and stuff. Now they mostly avoid it because it gets a backlash as transphobic :lol:

Not that I would personally mind a mean a hot HPS Hooded Cobra hmm :lol:

For example, general rules (((101))) of being heterosexual, you just HAVE to go with women. Race mixing, mating with degenerates, cheating, leaving single mothers behind, going for sex tourism, even screwing very young girls, is part of 'muh heterosexual badges' guys.

I do not know how many times in my life I have talked to other men and they told me that even if you mate with the lowest of the low, it's still 'for your honor' and proves you're a 'player'.

Is it a fat, fully inbred to an unrecognizable level, short, toothless, disgusting thing that is a 'woman', or even a kike, that has had spawned 5 kids from 5 different marriages from the whole mosaic of the planet, that is a walking STD carrier, never washes, and has more mental problems to turn a nut house patient into two times lunatic.

"Got to tap dat bro...Score it...if u aint scoring dat, ur gay! hehehehehe! If U haz problems wit it, it means u gay. What if itz a fking landwhale fam...It's nuttin! men have to fk dis beings man...Pls trust me I saw dis on a movie, dis what Casanova did...He ducked all whales br0. Drink more b00zetard to make dis easier if u can't and u a sissy. Take viagra if necessary br0. Worth worth it"
True that is why the Jews will not leave third sex people alone they created the current Marxist identity politics to trap them in and ruin them. Much of this culture they have created as always is to destroy Gentiles. They need to promote this bizarre behaviour and image of Third sex people to the public to cause the back lash against this community and to enforce their Jewish lies. This is the Chaos they want to bring their order out of. This includes no place for Third Sex people and the return to Orwellian sex norms. They need to control sexual norms as sexual power is the major key to liberation of the serpent energy and higher consciousness. This is why they even tell people masturbation is evil. The Jews have so messed up the public's mind they believe a cosmic Jew is hoovering over them watching them go to the bathroom just to make sure they don't shake it more then once or its playing with yourself.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
For example, general rules (((101))) of being heterosexual, you just HAVE to go with women. Race mixing, mating with degenerates, cheating, leaving single mothers behind, going for sex tourism, even screwing very young girls, is part of 'muh heterosexual badges' guys.

I do not know how many times in my life I have talked to other men and they told me that even if you mate with the lowest of the low, it's still 'for your honor' and proves you're a 'player'.

Is it a fat, fully inbred to an unrecognizable level, short, toothless, disgusting thing that is a 'woman', or even a kike, that has had spawned 5 kids from 5 different marriages from the whole mosaic of the planet, that is a walking STD carrier, never washes, and has more mental problems to turn a nut house patient into two times lunatic.

"Got to tap dat bro...Score it...if u aint scoring dat, ur gay! hehehehehe! If U haz problems wit it, it means u gay. What if itz a fking landwhale fam...It's nuttin! men have to fk dis beings man...Pls trust me I saw dis on a movie, dis what Casanova did...He ducked all whales br0. Drink more b00zetard to make dis easier if u can't and u a sissy. Take viagra if necessary br0. Worth worth it"

It's disgusting. It used to be being able to keep it in the pants was seen as being manly. Who would want such a "man" anyway ? Then after having a few such experiences with these apes "pumping and dumping" them, by resorting to deception on their motives of course, women just become feminists and see every man as a pig. And shlomo is happy having destroyed the gentile culture. This behaviour of lowly men is actually the breeding ground of feminism. All the rest comes with jew rhetoric built on top of that.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sinistra said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Since I keep getting my messages blocked I won't bother arguing in details.
Now unto the more popcorny stuff.
Okay. So basically out of your point you should logically agree that if tomorrow we would put you in a female body via soul transfert, you should agree (as a logical deduction from the position you took) that you would be High Priestess Hooded Cobra 666. And that any claim you would make of being male or having been male or wanting to be male and such could be dismissed on the basis that you are now a female in a female body. Yes with ovaries, bleeding and all sorts of other cool stuff.

Trivia : High Priestess Hooded Cobra 666 already exists (maybe not physically yet tho..). She wrote us a cool sermon called "The Multi-Plans of the Jews for NS Movement control". It's currently in the satanic library. Get your pdf copy while you can folks :lol:

Sinistra you don't really change genders in and through your lifetimes. Many people can see the memories of their ancestors or others, whatever, or self-imagine. There are so many people swearing by the fact they were Napoleon or Michael Jackson in a past life that I am over this matter myself.

I do not know how many times I have heard or this aspect, but your willy willy, or your walla walla, this is a very important aspect of your whole psycho-spiritual body and soul, and it's not something so random that can change during reincarnation by luck or coincidence. Accept it and love it whatever it is.

As for High Priestess Hooded Cobra, mmm that's actually a hot lady if she exists in a parallel universe. She would be a mean woman, but if she was hot at least, it would amend for her meany stuff. If I were a woman I would have the benefit of being perceived as a meanie, but so long I was a hot meanie, everything would be instantly excused.


Now, I have to sit here and try to explain things over and over. LOL, Just kidding guys.

I think she meant the yogic technique of soul-transfer you guys alluded to in some of the less recent sermons.
Lmfao its always those guys who say they're "pro-sex" and stupid shit like that too, like, who the fuck in this day and age is ANTI-SEX? I'm anti vomit in my mouth maybe. Come on man, just to it, give the beached whale a favor and do it for the honor of us Men. Holy lol...

Its like a weird form of bullying. Its not like bullying a guy for his girlfriend's looks is any worse. Another stupid thing would be going up to a short Asian kid as a Dutch athlete and bullying them into feeling like "trans" or "gay" or "third-sex" or something because they aren't six foot six and exceptional looking. Or some effeminate SJW treating the big Dutch guy as if he's some kind of controlling player type when he's actually homosexual. Or a gay person bullying another gay person for not being the right type of gay. Or bullying 13 year old boys into submission as if its fair to treat them like they're 24 year old men on estrogen. Or treating normal white men as if they're ugly and all fat black women as if they're beautiful just because the Jews told you to. I mean if people conform to the kikes this shit can get so ridiculously out of whack that it's downright something to behold.

Basically I think using the sexual dynamic to bully other people in any way is animalistic and rude and while it shouldn't need to be said it does and the more we get over both the face-value stuff and the slew of new Jewish pronouns then Gentiles will be more willing to live uninhibited of their true selves. If you want to insult someone or poke jokes or compliment people go right at it... but this passive aggressive assumption and ignorance based bullying must be something historically new because traditionally this behaviour would be considered weak, asocial and dishonorable.

Well if we don't fix it now then in the future it's going to be everybody killing everybody just for being different by definition. Because if we appreciated each other for being different, then maybe none of this weird identity bullshit would have ever existed.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sinistra said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Nature, creates 3 genders in all species. In dogs, cats, and all sorts of other beings.

There are also some not that developed organisms like bacteria who do not have like a 'masculine' or 'feminine' gender.

Most of these species of nature however are male and female. In the case of man, we have also a natural 3rd sex which emerges from the womb of the mother, as a 3rd sex individual. The chances of this are 1 in 100,000, and these people were special and were considered divine in ancient civilization as a manifestation of Hermaphroditism.

However, make no mistake, that didn't mean that these people were automatically cool. They were put in the meditation and ascending process same as everyone else. People just found it cool and interesting because they are not that frequent in being born, which is a fact.

Nobody is 'better' because of the gender they are born. Or their natural gender. However the mentality that 'being different is so nice' has corrupted many people to think of themselves as superior simply because they are 'different' from others, even if means unreasonable different. For example, a retarded Christian believes they are so awesome because they exist in the midst of the 'Pagan sinners'.

Difference =/= Being better. It's just Difference = Difference.

Hermaphrodite means Hermes and Aphrodite, which relates to the moving between the two sexual genders, but they are a new 3rd gender. This, however, is a natural and inborn condition, and one cannot attain this condition even if they engage in hormonal treatment, change their genitals etc, any more than someone can become a Goat if they put beautiful horns on their head.

However, the famous saying is for people, that after they transition, they have to abolish their original gender, and for example, that a transitioned man, is made into a woman. How a person is born and manifests physically, is not incompatible to their own inner energy. It is actually a manifestation of this.

So even if people desire to transition, they must not forget, or abolish their born material BIOLOGICAL identity of being a man, or neglect this reality.

This also creates spiritual problems and problems of cognition. They should rather understand themselves as a person who is born a man, but has a multitude or a far higher amount of feminine energy. One can after this make a personal choice, and if it agrees with proper and mature thought, use the modern tools of science to engage in a strong amount of body modification.

What the jew hides from people however is that truly, there are men who are born men, and are male, and they have a lot of innate feminine energy. A large amount of propaganda is being done to make these people believe they should be 'born women', and that nature is errant. But nature is not errant whatsover.

These people, under other circumstances, would end up being gay, or would end up being still heterosexuals, or bisexuals, who just have extremely pronounced maternal and feminine sides. There are men who are perfectly heretosexual but are extremely feminine, in their relations with women.

The enemy however, before any self searching can happen, just preys on the EMOTIONS of people, to force them to do radical self changes before they have the time to think or ponder about their destiny. This is proven by the high suicide rates of Trans people, which yes, I want to avoid anyone going through ANY change (even if that means tattoo'ing your whole body for example) before they have given thought and spiritual insight in this. Because this can prove irreversible or deadly.

The body in general is something you only have ONCE. If you screw it over, you cannot replace it. And no, the day won't come where the jew will load you into a new cyborg with a USB stick, these are all lies.

So if one wants to make these decisions, one has to be very introspective and self aware. And if they manage to make it work, they should also advise others. Because in many ways the enemy has made this a landmine field, with doctor kikes who don't know or give a shit about what they are doing to people, attention whores who put others to just do things "Just because", and all sorts of other reasoning. Like people doing this "For fun".

Also, people have to understand, that for example, if you are a male with very feminine energy, or a woman with very, very masculine energy, you are still, by nature, a part of this gender you were born. Many people understand this, but people do not know of inner alchemy. So their immediate assumption is that they need to change their material gender to feel at ease. The jew in order to make money and experiment, pushes this on many innocents, rushes them into this, and also tries dubious techniques on people, who do NOT necessarily require this transition.

As such we have an overpopulation of all ranks of the 3rd gender, by people, that are just having fun for the time being, and who, for the most part, don't give 1 single shit about the future of the said identity. Because they are just 'coming through'. Everyone knows the retard who just does everything because someone else told them to do this.

Then there is this other claim that there are other genders. There are not, other than the main 3, in which, we socially also put Trans and some others in the 3rd sex aside the normal, natural hermaphrodite. If a man is feminine, wears makeup, and acts like a woman, he is not really a woman. If he transitions, he is still not at the core a woman, but he has modified himself into a woman, so he might as well be treated and act in all ways like one.

This is false, as a woman, from the standpoint of species, is something very defined that has ovaries, a vagina, and so forth, the ability to have a baby etc. One is a transitioned to attain some qualities of a woman, and I don't doubt, can become a beautiful woman (there are trans who look 1000 times more attractive and well taken care of than 'women' who are never self caring), but essentially, in biological standards, they are a man who has done treatment and transitioned. They are not a 'woman'. Or we can just say we have Trans as part of the 3rd gender, and close the equation here.

And there is nothing wrong in the above or in changing one's self in this fashion, provided, one has a mature mind, and understands and treats this process as a self thing.

Denying these facts is a reason of insanity. Because to deny the above is essentially a crime upon the spiritual foundation of nature. The divine rules of the cosmos revolve around these three above genders, male, female, and the union or hermaphroditism.

How people choose to modify themselves after this, is their own personal choice, perfectly acceptable, and viable, but they must consider a lot before they do these changes.

I am opposed to people doing these changes foolishly, imposing this on others (such as the aforesaid mad jews do on 3 year old kids), or associating these changes with some sort of 'Better than you' thing, because it's not spiritually the case in anyway, shape or form.

It's also important in the forums, because many people read in search of answers, to always be precise, and if one has done any great self changing moves, to highlight all the points, positive and negative, rather than saying "Oh, be like this, cause the Gods are like that", for example, throwing the responsibility to them about all actions we ourselves take.

I do not want any young people thinking they must act in X way because this is 'what the Gods do' and take life altering decisions lightly. And I will not allow this.

In the example of transition, this is a viable reason : "I have debate this for long, understood what it means so I want to do it."

This is not a viable reason: "Oh I read it's so cool, let's go do it, it's gonna be fun".
Sorry for replying late.
What are some serious reasons for someone to change sex? Are there any?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
