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Eosphorus: Answer to an Ex-Evangelical Theologian

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
volmalites said:
Greetings to everyone that will read this. I hope this finds you in a time of growth as I would be grateful to benefit from any input given to me after I reveal what I have come to realize in the past several years. This realization has started to occur in my life as I was studying Theology and working at a christian TV evangelical ministry. The realization which today is baffling me has concluded after I have proceeded to become Muslim for 2 years which lead to me exploring various different world religions and then abandoning religion completely in the pursuit of more secular views. I was angered by what I saw in the three monotheistic religions and what its tenets were manifesting upon the earth.

My journey with the Mormons, Jews, Muslims and Christians which I believe was a necessary one has brought me to the point where I have realized that Eosphorus, the Morning Star, the One that comes forth by day and by night, the Illuminated, has dethroned the god of the jews forever. The jews have distorted this truth.

Around every corner through my life I have realized that Satan sits on the throne of god and most of the earth has yet to realize it.

First of all feel free to study and know you are welcome in your pursuit to search facts. Xianity, Islam and Judaism are generally things that when one advances into, one understands these are total lies, and eventually, one either agrees to get on board and lie, or wants to break out.

Most of the time it's the people who are not really into mainstream religions that are baffled and think that these are somehow "Forces of good", the lifting of the veil of the false goodness happens when one goes step by step further in seeking of Truth, instead finding only lies in the process.

Normally, people who are good people want to break free and study outside these instead, and there are many who have permanently left these systems because of the major lying inherent in these. One leaves, be this to become an atheist, secular, or wherever their information leads them at the time. Many people become so disgusted they just become radical Atheists.

It is important to start putting aside all the theories you have read before as most of this is just hearsay and in particular hoaxes created out of the Jewish tradition [and mostly slander based] on Satan/Lucifer, and everything about him.

From a logical/functional standby, yes, even an analysis of the hoaxes of the enemy, makes the argument that "Satan is evil" just collapse. Why is Satan evil? For giving us knowledge? For saving us from being cattle? There is really nothing evil Satan has done from a functional standpoint. Other than oppose ignorance, promote well-being for mankind, and be the central figure through many forms in every Pagan civilization, around which people were motivated to exist, excel and advance, physically and spiritually.

The above constitutes Satan from a symbolic perspective, which is still, extremely useful as a symbol for mankind, and nothing negative.

That aside the mythology of the enemy and their views is like reading slander about someone and expecting to find a Truth in it all, which one will never find. You probably know firsthand here from your reply. It's all lies. Therefore, it's a good idea to leave as much possible behind of the enemy's tales and eventually start re-approaching the subject from a clearer and distanced perspective than that of the enemy, which is basically a defamation campaign about the Gods of the Ancient World.

Indeed, Satan is God, that is a very true fact. Not only God of this World, as the enemy claims, but he was followed as the star of the world, and glorified as the spiritual master of the universe. Comparative mythology gave him different names in accordance to the tongues of men, but all of it surmises back to Satan, who is the head of the Pagan Pantheons, and Lord of the Mysteries and spirituality.

Jesus is a recent historical fabrication that was made in Israel, basically, to copy from other Godmen of the time such as Apollonius of Tyana and other proven and existing Grandmasters such as Pythagoras, who existed and left legacy behind. Due to the fact that the jews had nothing to offer and were merely a superstitious people, they created a hoax. There were quite a few enlightened people in the past, Proclus and others did attain the Serpent Rising.

"Jesus" was a falsified hoax the Jews created to essentially make a fabrication of Paganism, and make a program to take down the Roman Empire, by focusing people on stupid and irrelevant worship of a jew, with the ultimate aim of uprooting all spiritual knowledge that was present in the Roman Empire and before. The Roman Empire generated again these teachings in full power and become the global hotbed of spiritual information worldwide, no different than Egypt during it's height and many other civilizations.

This was centered around the alchemical teachings and knowledge of the mystery schools from Sumeria and onwards. These were given by the Gods directly, hand on hand. Much of this survives in India to this very day, and every excavation sheds more light to this reality.

In Sanskrit, Satya or Satyan/Satyam relates to the concept of Truth and direct perception in Yoga, understanding the reality of things. The jews, being present in most Pagan civilizations, ripped off this term and enforced it's meaning to be "Evil". The Truth and perception of mankind was adverse to their agenda. Corrupting the meaning of things and reversing them is essentially what the jews have done to Pre-Abrahamic religions. It did not suit their agenda that the path of enlightenment was present for human beings.

Jews generally infiltrated as much as they could mystical societies, from India, to Babylon, to Egypt, Greece, Rome, and basically every other they could get their access into. After they stole knowledge from these, they proceeded to slander the Gods, stole as much information as they could, and made a racial mafia cult around themselves to attack Gentiles with. This included lies, slander, rituals, bribes, and all sorts of crimes done against Gentiles. Of course, the main head Gods of the Gentiles were slandered as "Evil Demons" and lied about to no end.

Eventually as the jews promoted bloody warfare and killing people [a theme of early Christianity and Islam, religious intolerance was sparked by jews, same as religious wars and superstition] they were able to gradually and over centuries take little by little the people and deceive them to end them up hating their own Gods.

Imposition of "Monotheism" has no basis in nature, as nature is infinite. But it served the political purpose of the jews deceiving people to make them destroy their own spiritual inheritence, while accepting the lies of the jews as the "solemn truth" of things.

The reasons why this was done is because on the fundamental level all of these spiritual teachings have their roots in our ancestral origins and past visitations of progenitor beings from outer space and higher dimensions. The jews as their Rabbis admit are from an alien race of "reptilian" [not reptiles, but what we call today these aliens is "reptilian" for lack of another word] that has been "forced into" our dimension and essentially has a mission to overtake us and halt our collective progress.

This they achieve by occult practices which were being done by people previously, the only difference, jews do communicate with aliens that hate the native earthly species, and consider we should remain garbage. Blood rituals and sacrifices are commonly done to appease these and as ritual mockery for them against symbols and offspring of Satan, symbols being for example the mockery sacrifice of a Goat against "Azazel", a prominent Sun God in all Pagan Pantheons.

The bible is just this, a complaint and slander of the Jews and a criminalization of the attempts of mankind to evolve spiritually and eventually scientifically, and to defeat death and other plagues such as ignorance. A thorn on the side against survival and evolution in short.

Rabbis and jews of all ages have agreed that all of this is motivated and a guided effort that enemy ET's who do not want us to advance, to keep humanity in the darkness, the "religious" aspect of this being only figurative. The Middle Ages was the height of their own power a time during which humanity hit the lowest level of development compared to all previous civilizations.

Eventually the Truth will come out, and is rapidly coming out and it will be available to all people who will have a need to understand it.

Satan is Great and Satan did nothing wrong.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Satan Lucifer The Lord of The World
HP 666 I hope you can write more short brilliant posts like this one. It resonated with me.Your style of writing is getting better with time.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
how will the world react when a majority know the truth? will there be violence, closures and bulldozing of jewish and Abrahamic sites :D :D :twisted: :twisted:

Time will tell. I would not spend much if at all time at speculation since there is much to do and much to learn. Whatever ones progress is, there is always more to do. My2cents. :D
Thanks for that, Hooded! Lately I have had many questions regarding the anti-cosmic idea: is this a Jewish infiltration of paganism? I appreciate if anyone can answer me.
Kartikkeya,Murrugan,Skanda in the Hindu Pantheon ruler of the manipura chakra(navel,solar chakras) and is therefore the Master of Kundalini Yoga...... Satan

Considering you mentioned your issues with religions and knowing at least by now that they all descend from judiasm at least the big three and the small mutts around.

I hope the National Socialist principle doesn't scare you away. Usually we have people inquire but when they study the NS/Anti-semitic side of things then they leer away. Non-the less NS is the main political body of this organization unlike others who don't have much political intrigue or interest and even delve into so-called communist Satanic organizations which makes no sense might as well call yourself judeo-satanist you might as well be practicing Lurian Klippothic Satanism.

So I hope National Socialism and things like the holohoax are up your alley of study in understanding a truer reality of things.
Bruxodo767 said:
Thanks for that, Hooded! Lately I have had many questions regarding the anti-cosmic idea: is this a Jewish infiltration of paganism? I appreciate if anyone can answer me.

Lots of hebrew crap in this, it's basically a fancy rehashing of other insane lies that were created a lot of time ago from other jews. It's basically rebranded poison, the likes of which they used to subvert the Platonic philosophical school.
Skanda rules all the seven chakras hence the title Kartikeya the Pleiades which are seven stars of which one is invisible. Skanda is also the kundalini energy directly as well. The association of Skanda with Venus relates to the eight chakra which is connected to both the sixth and crown chakra the bindu. The crescent shown with the Bindu is also the symbol of Venus. This appears on the symbol of the Yezidhi's along with the Sumerian name of Venus. The peacock with the spread feathers is the open crown chakra standing upon the white pearl with the equal arm cross of Venus the bindu.

likman666 said:
Kartikkeya,Murrugan,Skanda in the Hindu Pantheon ruler of the manipura chakra(navel,solar chakras) and is therefore the Master of Kundalini Yoga...... Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
