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Enemy Dabblers And Traitors

One Wire Phenomenon said:
What is considered to be dabbeling in Satanism?
And a traitor?
Does it mean one today a satanist and tomorrow a christian again?

One Wire Phenomenon said:
What is considered to be dabbeling in Satanism?
And a traitor?
Does it mean one today a satanist and tomorrow a christian again?

Yes. Because these are two completely different patterns of thinking to begin with and the intentions of both are polar opposites. One wants you as a slave and the other as a god. Even when we use the word " god" , one can get easily trapped in the "god" ( all powerful, all seeing) bullshit. In one you are rewarded by how good of an obeying animal you are and the other wants you to fight for your own preservation which later after becoming stronger realise that you can end up saving lots of other people too, people who are willing to invest time in themselves, go through the pain endured in changing yourself, becoming something better than you are and doing it daily. SS here on earth atleast ( with the enemies present) teaches us it is good to fight against injustices and preserving self isnt really bad. Mixing different programs and raising your vril is anything but dangerous on the side of the practioner. You can be progressing well and be attacked and blame it on the Gods that actually try to help you escape this prison of self denial of rights. In the JoS it is mentioned about how people blame the activity of the greys on Satan and the Gods. Now mixing these you can experience the same and still blame it on the Gods with the enemy ingluence present. All this is more than likely to slow you down or become a very confused individual; the knowledge given by the HPs in sermons is therefore useful to avoid falling into these traps.
Damon said:
Gear88 said:

BTW everyone should read the comments.


Typical societal kosher brainwashing.

It seems they even "infiltrated us" and even "played around". In the 17 years I've been here since I was 12 years old. I knew the JoS was no joke. Perhaps it was all my dealings with obsession with WW2 since I got cable TV in 1997 and watched History channel.

Funny as it is, I found this gem of a reddit post yesterday. I read your post in another thread about people who join the forums but have no idea about the Joy of Satan website and I decided to investigate where they are coming from using a simple Bing (Google sucks) search. I didn't succeed but I found that reddit thread and another Christian Nazi website where they say we are jewish shills because we're Satanists and reject their Aryan Christianity. The excuses all these people go to avoid questioning the lies they were told are amazing. I feel I lost 20 IQ points after looking at both of them.

Yes i have seen on youtube the same thing someone made a video on the creepiest places on the internet, and jos was one of them on that vid i cannot remember the name but i did send it you jos when i joined but the post never got approved i think
At the comment section the same type of people were saying no they have been on jos and its not worthy to go read and things like that and i conmented and said you lair. Really i promise you maby its jews or Traitors...I have never in my life did such i thing,i am and was always trying to explain to people why jos is so important and amzing, unfortunely they eventually agree but still choose to believe in Jewsus! I wonder why??
The first reason I would think to be a jew was for my mental illness.
But now that depression abandoned my mind, I just have what my doctor calls personality disorder.
I don't trust doctors anymore.
I just feel superior to many fools who rape children or worship jehova or allah the pig.
This is also why I stopped confronting people...they're just stupid.
How can you talk with a living shit?
Also many don't understand how I can be so cruel towards certain people, like believers, fake spiritual gurus or the orrible gay community of these days. ( not blaming gay people, but jews behind them).
I mean there's not a single thing I like, or a person I admire outside JOS.
This makes me lonely, but I don't feel alone.
And I'm not ill, nor I have a personality disorder, I want to believe.
I am aggressive towards people as I no longer believe in standard people.
And fun fact the more I read about jews, the more I hate them all.
Jews created my/our issues, jews created homophobia, jews created mental illnesses and smoke and drugs, the same drugs they gave me to help me not kill myself due to the things they themselves created..how am I supposed to pretend not to know what they really are?
Dream: Every pill, blade, glass, cigarette I took will be a broken bone.
Gear88 said:
Damon said:
Being a typical Redditor.

This IS the definition of typical Redditor especially /r/Satanism. They are like LUL guyz look at this license plate says God Sux lulz kekeke. Or the drug using Satanist that mixes spirituality with psychoactive substances.

ACreativeUsername10.The poster is funny he isn't bothered by National Socialism, isn't bothered by Satanism, but is bothered by eugenics. *claps* Amazing how foolish this person is. If this person ever comes on our forum and replies. I wonder what is going in his head that he accepts 90% of our organization. But a little purification and non-race mixing is TOO much, it's the rabbithole lulz.

First of all not everyone is pure blooded but there CAN be ways to increase this in the offspring. Luckily like HP.Cobra said the template for humanities genetics is at least a millennia in working order to be appropriate. Certainly not Gods around level but nothing bad actually good for humans who've lost touch on eugenics.

Second of all race mixing and sub-race mixing aren't controversial or evil or whatever it's perfectly logical. In fact sub-race mixing is far more interesting when it comes to the separate races once there is an established boundary. Certainly a Nordic shouldn't be with a Mediterranean(Southern Aryan).

And just for the magick. Okay sure our magick is great. But are you gonna get results. What if an enemy alien messes with you.

BTW everyone should read the comments.


Typical societal kosher brainwashing.

It seems they even "infiltrated us" and even "played around". In the 17 years I've been here since I was 12 years old. I knew the JoS was no joke. Perhaps it was all my dealings with obsession with WW2 since I got cable TV in 1997 and watched History channel.

But I don't know why people joke around. I have no idea why Reddit is "infiltrating us". What are we some sort of "underground society committing illegal acts". We are law abiding and we want people to evolve themselves.

Since when are we

This comment is perfect from the anti-racialist and judeo-bolshevik marxists. This guy would get a golden shekel from the jews for his comment.

"[–]jacquix 3 points 9 months ago

Nothing says satanic radical individualism like throwing yourself in with a community that strictly categorizes people based on completely superficial and intrinsically unchangeable attributes.

Nazis and racists are basically fervent defenders of quasi-incestuous intellectual and cultural stagnation. Worst of the worst."

I'm sorry but what cultural stagnation. We've been under racial division since day 1 of day 1 since the Ancients and Gods around."

"[–]raspberry144mb 2 points 9 months ago

I find it funny you say they're racist yet they have a thriving black community, even going so far as to have a specific Blacks for Satan webpage."

Another WE WUZ ONLY WHITEYS AND SHEIT for NSDAP. If this person studied Schwartzvolk in 1930s and 40s he'd have a huge shock. He is even shocked at BFS Shannon's site. Shannon if you read this please face palm epically cause one of the fools is spreading ignorance.

Seriously guys read the comments it surprises me.

People commit all these crazy blood acts in xtianity all these simulated acts for kabalistic punch. And yet IF the Pagan/Satanist so much as pricks his finger for a little blood pack. Suddenly call the wambulance it's EBIL DEBIL people.

These fools certainly don't study our website.

Much less study anti-JoS groups. Hello anti-JoS groups have a biased agenda.

I'd very much welcome anti-JoS and Redditors to come on our forums and debate with us. Because certainly if they don't want to then what's stopping us from classifying them as marxist enclaves pushing aside debates and just trolling people to not debate with us. At least we NS/SS debate, a rousing good debate stirs the mind, body, and soul.

At the end of the day it's always the same stuff. Xtianity, muh xtianity jebus was gud.

Listen people of the internet. If we are the diametric opposition of everything that has come to existence because the other side of the coin is communism. And the other side of the religious side is basically destruction and elimination of everything.

Then why do you people support or somehow maintain the notion these organizations are good.

I really don't understand. I've read anti-JoS sites. I've read the Czech or Hungarian European person who said he "shoahed" our previous ProPHP forums. I've read all that. And yet they don't understand. Not a single thing.

Since when is National Socialism controversial. Since Satanism is controversial and evil and bloody and destructive and just the most horrible thing that the good people of the book had to genocide and wipe out their knowledge. OH those fucking evil pagans idolators.

Why are you even in some Satanism or looking at the other side if we are evil. If everyone is scared of the ebil debil paganz.

People of the World and of the Internet.


reading that shit in the link really hurt my head x.x.
some of the things they are linking to are absolutely slanderous. Not suprising.
Fancy Slothz said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If one reads history, one will see that the enemy has had many people from their own side that were either friendly, or in general betrayed their own kind.

Most of them are psychopathic and carry hundreds of mental illnesses, which aren't even "illnesses", for them, it's common sense. The enemy is a lot like Mordor in this case. Elves can't make sense of them. But in their orcs does exist their own orc logic...Or something.

Being as is the case that their side treats them like worms, or numerous other reasons, they choose to "Dabble" between our side and that of the enemy, trying to cut for themselves a better deal. The other side, Aryans namely, and Gentiles, are also rife with such traitorous examples. Christianity, Islam were based on many traitorous Gentiles.

One said example is how many "Kings" exterminated many of their people only for a bag of shekels, or just mindlessly promoted Christianity and butchered half of Europe, to "impose lord Christ". In most of these cases, it can never be that these people were fully "Gentiles", and the jews also call their own that do these actions "Infested with the spirit of Amalek". This is a nod to both racial bastardization, but also bastardization at the soul level.

Jews, when one of their own, is not "acting right", they have ranging levels where they make judgement. They know about all of this and more. Meanwhile, Gentiles, even here, are totally oblivious. For example, there can be people preaching literal Sunday school, and people can be sitting there with an open mouth, ingesting that.

In most cases, people who are likewise crap, attract one another, like magnets. It is a frequent phenomenon I have seen, one jew will back another jew up, no matter what, almost in an unconscious fashion.

Another problem in this community, is rather poor knowledge. We have tried to correct this with millions of pages, sacrificing our life. One day the fruit of this will be understood. Meanwhile the enemy sits on already acquired, generational knowledge, especially so in how they manage themselves.

Imagine for example people who know of the cycles of the moon, and people who simply don't. To the second people, people observing the moon, or knowing the sign, are mere lunatics. They can't reason out their reasoning.

A lot of the reason of the exposure of the enemy does not come simply from our side directly, it comes from them, doing mistakes and exposing themselves. It comes from huge back-stabs they have done, them opening their mouth on secret information, them disobeying their command, and generally, all the stupid shit that Gentiles consider "Normal" and say it is part of a "Democratic" system.

Normally, in most cases, it's not their top that does that. They know better, and they know that for example, they will never really be accepted. It's normally these lower levels who do that, but happen to have the title of a "Rabbi". They don't come nowhere close to the higher ones, who are most of the time teaching from a distance and very carefully.

Most of these are in Israel, one has never seen them in a TV, and probably never will. Only their works survive. Rarely some other information.

At the same time, Gentiles not only don't have a spiritual hierarchy, but they also have a wrong religion, with a 5th columnist hierarchy that back stabs them everyday. Therefore any knowledge to understand spiritual matters, or the normalcy of having a spiritual backing, has been lost to our side for centuries.

Most of this was replaced by brats, idiots, and other people with mental disorders, all of which have nothing to do with actual "Spirituality". Being so the case that many of these brats know everything, they think everything is about elections, democracies, and other sort of corn fed garbage that one listens since they are an infant.

In wars, there are no "Democracies" among the military. Imagine a war unit and every fucking idiot puts a gun and shoots their own, is no part of formation, and disobeys their command, or goes and runs into hiding. Or sits down to have a sandwich in the middle of the war. One fucker has a problem with their side, goes to the other side to tell a plan - the war is lost, millions or who knows how many lives, in the gutter, because of an idiot's feelings.

Jews are strict with these things, they don't fuck around. This is how they maintain themselves. Meanwhile, Gentiles are filled with "holier than thou's" and idiots who cannot put themselves second, even-though they never paid attention, they are on the last wagon.

Never came in terms with this reality. If they ever understand this, they choose to lazy out instead or some other counterproductive thing, which leaves themselves ruined. This makes a person dysfunctional, untrusting, and one remains stuck, sticking with them everyone else. A total disaster.

Many of these examples online with occultists. Speaking a lot, having accomplished zero, if maybe, deceive some people on Reddit on a 5 dollar bill they found after summoning supposedly, all of "Hell and all of Heaven" to do so. Woohoo, what an adept!

Recently, I was reading on a jewish, centuries year old manuscript, where a young kike was trying to "Translate" to English to give in the "Diaspora". The kike thought it was "moral", "good", and "nice" to do so. Rabbis of the top thought otherwise. I read in some websites, they instantly cursed the kike who was doing the translating. Haven't seen them post in over 2 years now. It is normal to assume, it was either censored, or it died off.

If this book made it out, the enemy would be doomed. The same goes for many other things, which Rabbis didn't pay attention to. Much of this came out because of undeniable force from Satan and the Gods, whom they cannot control. As they lost control of this, they were exposed to humanity. In turn, they are doing their best to cover it up now, and try to explain their own lies.

"It's not we are calling you goyim, you silly goyim. It means animal and slave yes, but it's not what you think it is.". Yes it's not, it's actually way worse than that.

Tob Rabbis of their own, know all of this. They try to put up a war, and many of them even knew it was a lost war to begin with. They know the whole story that we have unmasked here, about the reptilians, and what they are here to do, and the ramifications that will happen if they do not, and that they are slaves for a specific mission. Even further goes the sadism, they enjoy it.

One cannot apply normal human psychology to these things to find a reason to any of this.

It was for example, Rabbis and Jews that made the decision that making some texts public was a smart idea, or that shouting in a video camera was necessary to shout at the Goyim that they will sacrifice them, which later on they found the videos and exposed their extreme plans for ruining everyone. Other things happened by "mistake".

Now, jews are going to fall because of this. Then on our side we have stupid or just very innocent people asking things like: "Oy vey, how did this even happen? Why?". As if we are living in a peaceful village, and not during some war for the future of this world...

For example, it is not infrequent for Rabbis in their books and other things they write, to write at least some facts and some truth in them. This is necessary for them to be able to lie and to deceive. Extreme contradictions are also part of their books and religions, as anyone with a brain can observe.

For example, they will say that our Gods do not exist, yet, next page, they will have an elaborate prayer to "Banish" the said "Demon". They will say they have "One God", but their so called "One God" has endless "Names", all of which are a different "Name". Each of these calls a different level of their reptilian hive, and different segments. "One God" bullshit.

They will also say that they have no "Idols", but they have the Mezzuzah they put on their doors, they literally worship their own letters, and their top ones readily admit their "God" is a reptilian and a hive mind of many of these. "No Idolatry" bullshit.

It is typical in many of their writings to make the obviously lying claim that "Demons are allegories" and that our Gods do not exist. Next page one flips, they write crazy shit on how this "Demon" killed X Rabbi or drove X Rabbi insane. Because it doesn't exist goyim, that is all.

So do the Demons exist or not? They clearly do, and they feel their effects, which can be damning to the Jews. Jews know above all else what they have caused to global Paganism and what attack they have conducted on the Ancient Religions of the Gentiles.

Jews warn jews all over the "Torah" to not even associate or even remotely think of uttering the names of the Demons, and they cite many stories of "Their own" where they have been destroyed by the so called "Demons". Constant psychic warfare is required for them to even remain at a decent state.

Because Rabbis want to keep the Gentiles atheistic [unspiritual], and oblivious to their own power, they most of the time say that these "Gods of the Goyim" do not exist at all.

In Satanism, those who will advance, are those who are in Satan's confidence. It amazes me how often I see idiots assume that somehow, Satan, being as powerful as He is [for those who know], cannot see or monitor x situation or x person.

Clearly, people like this, have not yet experienced the full power and effects of Satan, because oftentimes, people like this aren't close to the Gods, nor they yearn. Those who are and those who strive, will see and understand this perfection and providence that I describe here, and they will see, the Gods don't do "errors". When this is understood, consciousness becomes different, and people can understand.

This is what divides lower levels of understanding from higher. Many people are living still on mental meme's created by Jews in their head, but upon observation of the Gods, those who "dwell" on them, will understand that these beings are very "in control". There is no better way to put this, or to describe this.

In the JoS main it is given a clear warning, do not be a dabbler. Dabbler doesn't mean one is having doubts, or questions, or is even suspicious of things, or has serious blockages in advancing. Dabbler means, one is with two feet on two camps. There have been said cases. As far as can be seen, none of them are still alive. There are others who are on the pending list.

Both the enemy and our Gods will hate on the dabbler viciously, the first because they betrayed them and disobeyed them, and the Gods because of the same reasons. In street talk, everyone hates the snitch and the bitch.

The Gods take seriously the non dabblers. When one stops that, and they work, they are taken seriously. If one has done this mistake, they are supposed to even this out immediately.

Unlike the enemy, our Gods have patience, and will understand who does this for being an actual traitor, who simply is undecided, and who does this for other nefarious purposes. They generally, have aeons old patience for these matters, so one is in no need to worry if they are experiencing doubts, or other hampers to their progress. So long the heart is true, and it fights to advance, it's a good heart.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

History isn't kind to traitors

Hitler used to have traitors executed (basically) on site (usually by instant hanging or execution by firing) for
While Stalin had things more vicious for traitor's

I know a few traitors, people who i put a lot of time into to explain to them Satanism, i really gave them all the information needed and they agreed to the bigger picture but a day or so after that,they stab me in the back by selling me out or acting asif they were a SS then in the meanwhile work against me behind my back! .Some of them only agree to what i bring and thats that nothing else,i mean if it was me receiving the information,i would be jumping up and down with joy. Any way yes i agree with Hitlers way of dealing with them.
The other day a women thanked me for bringing www.exposingchristianty.com to her attention and the next day she tells me there is a lot of deceiveing information on there asif i was trying to deceive her.. It hurts a lot if they do that. All my family is exactly the same...
I have a massive family and out of all of them i am a total opposite.I have never met a truely dedicated Satanist before.
I would of been a high priest by now if i truely was dedicated,to my meditations. I doent know why but im not consistend with my choices. Today i want to do this and tonorrow i want to do that and so goes everyday,but atleast i have never( since the day i found jos)betrayed or changed my beliefs and values on it. What is helping me now is the RTRs because a certain post touched me deeply it was one of Maxine's and it was asif everything had happend in such a way that it must of been a Godly force leading me to her post.
Since then i have been constant with the RTRs doing atleast one a day.. That is why i feel i belong here and i am a SS.
Its very important to me if someone could many tell me if im wrong or right,i will very much appreciate it.
Thank you
Hail Satan
Hp Hooded Cobra
Im sorry for asking your time but do you know if i am a satanic soul,or am i a dabbler or what??
Please not based on my actions and posts
but what Satan tells you,or your Demon
I really really feel the need to know and hear it from you
I promise i will not bother you again. :cry:
Damon said:
Funny as it is, I found this gem of a reddit post yesterday. I read your post in another thread about people who join the forums but have no idea about the Joy of Satan website and I decided to investigate where they are coming from using a simple Bing (Google sucks) search. I didn't succeed but I found that reddit thread and another Christian Nazi website where they say we are jewish shills because we're Satanists and reject their Aryan Christianity. The excuses all these people go to avoid questioning the lies they were told are amazing. I feel I lost 20 IQ points after looking at both of them.

Your post needs a meme picture of *I'm 12 what is this?*

Seriously what is this. IF we reject the diametric opposition in our ranks i.e. judeo-bolshevism. How does that make us jewish shills? Unless of course...

...it's brilliant I got it.

Their ignorance and potential stupidity in believing Satanism is some sort of jewish cloak cause of Mammonism and Molochism.

I would not be surprised if these people have not read much into our website. I think and this is just a thought we are jewish shills cause somehow they believe Satanism to be a judiac system. While in the words of Homer Simpson "All ighty"; krast is righteous. Yes a jewish rebel rabbi who is "gud" and "holy" somehow is the progenitor of a mighty thing called Christianity. Brilliant just pure brilliant apparently from what this "Christianity" is, is something good.

If xtianity was invented to destabilize and destroy Paganism which came "BEFORE" all the judeo-bolshevism. Why do these organizations only see 2,000 years maybe a few more years for proto-xtianity.

People there is history before xtianity of any and all kinds namely before the big three bitches.

Of course and gladly we reject "Aryan xtianity". It's judeo-bolshevism. It's daddy/mommy may I please play with safe Satanism. I'd rather not be a goush evil goy like those jewish shills at the Joy of Satan.

It's funny I can't believe people just fall back into xtianity and judeo-bolshevism. It's the full circle back to square f'ing one "FUCKEN GOY". Your post probably makes the real jewish shills laugh their ass off at those stupid goyim tribal huts. Laughing going "Oy vey we got more kaballah pumps and shills for our judeo-bolshevistic en-devours MAN goyim be stupid or what lulz kekeke".

Name of the game people are under a spell and it seems like unless the Gods come it'll still exist. I'm not denying our rituals but some people are already too dumbstruck to be moved by anything. Even IF they care enough to see the forest or the trees.

Luckily for us there are some pre-Fascist and pre-National Socialism events occurring in the World that demands the rise of the Amalek evilgoy warrior. Not just us but the World itself and this time we WILL break out of kosher supervision.

Or like back in 2012 when I was experiencing a mental health crisis but it was all very surreal and I imagined while basically for a lack of better words "tripping in craziness" a World of half of it divided to NS/SS and the other quarter or half "Not caring" or "Wanting to stay in xtianity for fear of reprisal".

It's kinda like that planet that is a stones throw away from us. Some civilization near our backyard that broke out of kosher supervision and are cutting edge according to HP.Cobra. They broke out and I wonder what they did to the kosher species in their neck of the woods.

The sad reality is we offer a lot of information. Maybe all the information we put out borked their brains and made them even more xtian. I had my own dealings with xtainizing Satanism even though I was never a xtian never even opened a bible. All I knew was xtians piss me off as a little kid.

And funny enough it might not be that I'm xtianizing Satanism. It might just be that out of learned helplessness from lack of spiritual foundations. I was looking for help in my life. Like a good parent or parents and family help their child learn.

I will readily admit at my level of development. I might as well be a baby in the stomach or an infant beginning to learn.

Oh and BTW I hope people don't think of me as kicking my own ass too much in disrespecting my foundation. I will readily admit my posts have stirred up quite the anger in certain people. All I know is this is how I feel "Spiritually inclined" in a "Unspiritual cesspool". I'm sure I'm not the only member that feels that way. Hell I would not be surprised if I'm not the only member that believes they are a xtian Satanist for praying to Satan or asking for assistance in a learned helpless manner. But I'm glad Satan and the Gods are understanding and are willing to look the other way provided we learn and help ourselves up as well. As long as we are turning the wheel I'm sure with a small *sigh*, they are like "Oh okay individual evolver just make sure you learn and move on to better, greener pastures".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hello HP,
I'll take the chance to ask this here instead of making a whole new topic since what I need the most is an answer from a HP/experienced member, and the topic is kind of near "having doubts".

Well, mines are not doubts, they're more like strange questions I can't find an answer to, unlike almost every previous question that I had.

So, basically, I noticed a "link" between our symbolism and the enemy's, like, a very important and positive number to us is of course 666, while the enemy seems to use the number 6, the same goes with 4, which is one of Satan's numbers, and 4 can be obtained by 2+2, meaning 22, the enemy's favorite number, also there is 13 (good for us) and then 12 (good for them) etc...
The most curious thing I think is the snake, our most sacred animal, the snake is a reptile, and our worst enemies among all are the so called "reptilians".

I don't know if these things are just coincidences or if maybe they mean something, why there are these links? Did the enemy try to imitate Father Satan to get power (miserably failing, I'd say)? Or maybe these links have something to do with the roles that the Gods and the enemy play in the universe, if this even makes sense?

Thanks for reading my questions.
Damon said:
Gear88 said:

BTW everyone should read the comments.


Typical societal kosher brainwashing.

It seems they even "infiltrated us" and even "played around". In the 17 years I've been here since I was 12 years old. I knew the JoS was no joke. Perhaps it was all my dealings with obsession with WW2 since I got cable TV in 1997 and watched History channel.

Funny as it is, I found this gem of a reddit post yesterday. I read your post in another thread about people who join the forums but have no idea about the Joy of Satan website and I decided to investigate where they are coming from using a simple Bing (Google sucks) search. I didn't succeed but I found that reddit thread and another Christian Nazi website where they say we are jewish shills because we're Satanists and reject their Aryan Christianity. The excuses all these people go to avoid questioning the lies they were told are amazing. I feel I lost 20 IQ points after looking at both of them.

Most of them are jews or some brainwashed teenagers as you can see.
Larissa666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are many secrets archeologists and others are yet to unearth.

Thankfully, JoS can fullfill its historic purpose with what we is already out, more than sufficiently so.

Do you know that in India there is a temple with several chambers underneath? Most of those chambers have been opened where they have found billions worth of gold, but there is one door which remain unopened. Door has two huge cobras on them, and there don’t seem to be any hinges holding that door. Someone tried to open that door, he couldn’t do it, and few days later he was found dead. Supposedly, door is protected by a mantra which you need to know in order to enter that chamber without any consequences.

To this day, those doors remain sealed. What is behind them is mystery.
That must be where "open sesame" came from.
Damon said:
Christian Nazi website

Can you link that site, or make a post about it on the internet activism forum so that we can bombard it?

Gear88 said:

From that post

. But seriously, they had some batshit stuff about pure blood and no mixing races, that didn't sit particularly well with a mixed person like me.

So some mutt comes and doesn’t like being told the truth, of course. It sure is some “batshit stuff” to not promote the creation of more mixed race mutants such as themself. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a Jew on that thread complaining about how they weren’t accepted.

I used to be a part of it too, I just wanted the magic lol

So of course this mutant is only interested in Satanism for selfish reasons. I have zero love or respect for people that come here thinking it is some “get rich quick” scheme or, a solution to all of their problems.
I forgot to add, there was probably a few hundred people that clicked on the link, and maybe a few that liked it and stuck around. A few dedicated.

They don’t seem to understand, every time someone links or mentions JoS, even if it is with the purpose of slander, they are inadvertently bringing new members. It’s hilarious.
just do the dedication first before summoning the demons/gods....

otherwise who would u run too???? lets hope u run straight to satan.
Gear88 said:
Damon said:
Being a typical Redditor.

This IS the definition of typical Redditor especially /r/Satanism. They are like LUL guyz look at this license plate says God Sux lulz kekeke. Or the drug using Satanist that mixes spirituality with psychoactive substances.

ACreativeUsername10.The poster is funny he isn't bothered by National Socialism, isn't bothered by Satanism, but is bothered by eugenics. *claps* Amazing how foolish this person is. If this person ever comes on our forum and replies. I wonder what is going in his head that he accepts 90% of our organization. But a little purification and non-race mixing is TOO much, it's the rabbithole lulz.

First of all not everyone is pure blooded but there CAN be ways to increase this in the offspring. Luckily like HP.Cobra said the template for humanities genetics is at least a millennia in working order to be appropriate. Certainly not Gods around level but nothing bad actually good for humans who've lost touch on eugenics.

Second of all race mixing and sub-race mixing aren't controversial or evil or whatever it's perfectly logical. In fact sub-race mixing is far more interesting when it comes to the separate races once there is an established boundary. Certainly a Nordic shouldn't be with a Mediterranean(Southern Aryan).

And just for the magick. Okay sure our magick is great. But are you gonna get results. What if an enemy alien messes with you.

BTW everyone should read the comments.


Typical societal kosher brainwashing.

It seems they even "infiltrated us" and even "played around". In the 17 years I've been here since I was 12 years old. I knew the JoS was no joke. Perhaps it was all my dealings with obsession with WW2 since I got cable TV in 1997 and watched History channel.

But I don't know why people joke around. I have no idea why Reddit is "infiltrating us". What are we some sort of "underground society committing illegal acts". We are law abiding and we want people to evolve themselves.

Since when are we

This comment is perfect from the anti-racialist and judeo-bolshevik marxists. This guy would get a golden shekel from the jews for his comment.

"[–]jacquix 3 points 9 months ago

Nothing says satanic radical individualism like throwing yourself in with a community that strictly categorizes people based on completely superficial and intrinsically unchangeable attributes.

Nazis and racists are basically fervent defenders of quasi-incestuous intellectual and cultural stagnation. Worst of the worst."

I'm sorry but what cultural stagnation. We've been under racial division since day 1 of day 1 since the Ancients and Gods around."

"[–]raspberry144mb 2 points 9 months ago

I find it funny you say they're racist yet they have a thriving black community, even going so far as to have a specific Blacks for Satan webpage."

Another WE WUZ ONLY WHITEYS AND SHEIT for NSDAP. If this person studied Schwartzvolk in 1930s and 40s he'd have a huge shock. He is even shocked at BFS Shannon's site. Shannon if you read this please face palm epically cause one of the fools is spreading ignorance.

Seriously guys read the comments it surprises me.

People commit all these crazy blood acts in xtianity all these simulated acts for kabalistic punch. And yet IF the Pagan/Satanist so much as pricks his finger for a little blood pack. Suddenly call the wambulance it's EBIL DEBIL people.

These fools certainly don't study our website.

Much less study anti-JoS groups. Hello anti-JoS groups have a biased agenda.

I'd very much welcome anti-JoS and Redditors to come on our forums and debate with us. Because certainly if they don't want to then what's stopping us from classifying them as marxist enclaves pushing aside debates and just trolling people to not debate with us. At least we NS/SS debate, a rousing good debate stirs the mind, body, and soul.

At the end of the day it's always the same stuff. Xtianity, muh xtianity jebus was gud.

Listen people of the internet. If we are the diametric opposition of everything that has come to existence because the other side of the coin is communism. And the other side of the religious side is basically destruction and elimination of everything.

Then why do you people support or somehow maintain the notion these organizations are good.

I really don't understand. I've read anti-JoS sites. I've read the Czech or Hungarian European person who said he "shoahed" our previous ProPHP forums. I've read all that. And yet they don't understand. Not a single thing.

Since when is National Socialism controversial. Since Satanism is controversial and evil and bloody and destructive and just the most horrible thing that the good people of the book had to genocide and wipe out their knowledge. OH those fucking evil pagans idolators.

Why are you even in some Satanism or looking at the other side if we are evil. If everyone is scared of the ebil debil paganz.

People of the World and of the Internet.

from that link I reached an "exposing jos" websites where they claimed that our Gods are Maxine's thought forms and that's why a lot of people can't properly reach them. Aahah of course there were no valid proofs, but then it even said something like "that's a reason if the word thought form doesn't show up in JoS" what the actual fuck? You can find it EVERYWHERE on JoS lmao. They also said HPHC was half-jew, of course, without any proofs to support their madness
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Can you link that site, or make a post about it on the internet activism forum so that we can bombard it?

I don't know if the Moderator will allow a direct link to their post about JoS so I'll just tell you it's on the forums of a Christian Identity website called Christogenea.
Young Faith said:
Gear88 said:
Damon said:
Being a typical Redditor.

This IS the definition of typical Redditor especially /r/Satanism. They are like LUL guyz look at this license plate says God Sux lulz kekeke. Or the drug using Satanist that mixes spirituality with psychoactive substances.

ACreativeUsername10.The poster is funny he isn't bothered by National Socialism, isn't bothered by Satanism, but is bothered by eugenics. *claps* Amazing how foolish this person is. If this person ever comes on our forum and replies. I wonder what is going in his head that he accepts 90% of our organization. But a little purification and non-race mixing is TOO much, it's the rabbithole lulz.

First of all not everyone is pure blooded but there CAN be ways to increase this in the offspring. Luckily like HP.Cobra said the template for humanities genetics is at least a millennia in working order to be appropriate. Certainly not Gods around level but nothing bad actually good for humans who've lost touch on eugenics.

Second of all race mixing and sub-race mixing aren't controversial or evil or whatever it's perfectly logical. In fact sub-race mixing is far more interesting when it comes to the separate races once there is an established boundary. Certainly a Nordic shouldn't be with a Mediterranean(Southern Aryan).

And just for the magick. Okay sure our magick is great. But are you gonna get results. What if an enemy alien messes with you.

BTW everyone should read the comments.


Typical societal kosher brainwashing.

It seems they even "infiltrated us" and even "played around". In the 17 years I've been here since I was 12 years old. I knew the JoS was no joke. Perhaps it was all my dealings with obsession with WW2 since I got cable TV in 1997 and watched History channel.

But I don't know why people joke around. I have no idea why Reddit is "infiltrating us". What are we some sort of "underground society committing illegal acts". We are law abiding and we want people to evolve themselves.

Since when are we

This comment is perfect from the anti-racialist and judeo-bolshevik marxists. This guy would get a golden shekel from the jews for his comment.

"[–]jacquix 3 points 9 months ago

Nothing says satanic radical individualism like throwing yourself in with a community that strictly categorizes people based on completely superficial and intrinsically unchangeable attributes.

Nazis and racists are basically fervent defenders of quasi-incestuous intellectual and cultural stagnation. Worst of the worst."

I'm sorry but what cultural stagnation. We've been under racial division since day 1 of day 1 since the Ancients and Gods around."

"[–]raspberry144mb 2 points 9 months ago

I find it funny you say they're racist yet they have a thriving black community, even going so far as to have a specific Blacks for Satan webpage."

Another WE WUZ ONLY WHITEYS AND SHEIT for NSDAP. If this person studied Schwartzvolk in 1930s and 40s he'd have a huge shock. He is even shocked at BFS Shannon's site. Shannon if you read this please face palm epically cause one of the fools is spreading ignorance.

Seriously guys read the comments it surprises me.

People commit all these crazy blood acts in xtianity all these simulated acts for kabalistic punch. And yet IF the Pagan/Satanist so much as pricks his finger for a little blood pack. Suddenly call the wambulance it's EBIL DEBIL people.

These fools certainly don't study our website.

Much less study anti-JoS groups. Hello anti-JoS groups have a biased agenda.

I'd very much welcome anti-JoS and Redditors to come on our forums and debate with us. Because certainly if they don't want to then what's stopping us from classifying them as marxist enclaves pushing aside debates and just trolling people to not debate with us. At least we NS/SS debate, a rousing good debate stirs the mind, body, and soul.

At the end of the day it's always the same stuff. Xtianity, muh xtianity jebus was gud.

Listen people of the internet. If we are the diametric opposition of everything that has come to existence because the other side of the coin is communism. And the other side of the religious side is basically destruction and elimination of everything.

Then why do you people support or somehow maintain the notion these organizations are good.

I really don't understand. I've read anti-JoS sites. I've read the Czech or Hungarian European person who said he "shoahed" our previous ProPHP forums. I've read all that. And yet they don't understand. Not a single thing.

Since when is National Socialism controversial. Since Satanism is controversial and evil and bloody and destructive and just the most horrible thing that the good people of the book had to genocide and wipe out their knowledge. OH those fucking evil pagans idolators.

Why are you even in some Satanism or looking at the other side if we are evil. If everyone is scared of the ebil debil paganz.

People of the World and of the Internet.

from that link I reached an "exposing jos" websites where they claimed that our Gods are Maxine's thought forms and that's why a lot of people can't properly reach them. Aahah of course there were no valid proofs, but then it even said something like "that's a reason if the word thought form doesn't show up in JoS" what the actual fuck? You can find it EVERYWHERE on JoS lmao. They also said HPHC was half-jew, of course, without any proofs to support their madness
One needs only read the slander the Third Reich has been subjected to, Satan and the pagan Gods in the qlippoth, and it will come as no surprise why the JoS is highly slandered. We are the only organization that has brought real spirituality without allegories or corrupted information, absolutely free of charge. What other people will take decades or lifetimes out there to achieve, the JoS can teach how to achieve it in a few months or years. The JoS provides knowledge that gives life true meaning and can solve many of the world's problems and uplift people from all Gentile races and walks of life. Most importantly, the JoS has revealed the ultimate truth about the jews.

It is natural and expected for the jews to react with slander about us, not to mention the countless other forms of warfare they wage.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
What is considered to be dabbeling in Satanism?
And a traitor?
Does it mean one today a satanist and tomorrow a christian again?

Aquarius how will i know that i am important to Satan?
I have never Met Him before,or seen Him like most of you,i think i can feel Him or a Demon or Demoness,but im not sure. If i am a true SS then i should have a Demon or not??
Because why am i here then and why havent i lost faith in Spiritual satanism since i dedicated all thouse years back? Yes i did not meditate but i strongly believed in Satan as my creator since that time.The reason i am asking is because i want to know for a fact that I belong here and Satan wants me here.
We are not all equal as you know, and the Gods have preferences.
If you're important to Satan you will know on your own.
Saying that you really believed in Satan in those 9 years is a joke, if you truly have believed in him you would have worked for him, you would've done something, you would've meditated.
You're no more important that somebody that just found Satan, you're at the lowest rank, if you want to develop a relationship with Satan work for him, meditate and advance your life, and stop having this weak attitude.
Young Faith said:
from that link I reached an "exposing jos" websites where they claimed that our Gods are Maxine's thought forms and that's why a lot of people can't properly reach them. Aahah of course there were no valid proofs, but then it even said something like "that's a reason if the word thought form doesn't show up in JoS" what the actual fuck? You can find it EVERYWHERE on JoS lmao. They also said HPHC was half-jew, of course, without any proofs to support their madness

I like how all of them call this website and forum a cult, when there's no private membership, no money charged, no in real-life meetings with a leader, only personal study and practice of a system that is freely available on a public website. Somebody asked a question about the Luciferian order, an ultra-secret organization that doesn't give you any knowledge if you don't become a member and swear an oath. If the Joy of Satan is a cult, then what is the Luciferian Order? I guess cult means "every group I don't like that teaches things which go against my kosher brainwashing" in Retardese.
Young Faith said:
from that link I reached an "exposing jos" websites where they claimed that our Gods are Maxine's thought forms and that's why a lot of people can't properly reach them. Aahah of course there were no valid proofs, but then it even said something like "that's a reason if the word thought form doesn't show up in JoS" what the actual fuck? You can find it EVERYWHERE on JoS lmao. They also said HPHC was half-jew, of course, without any proofs to support their madness

This would mean that HP.Maxine is so extraordinarily advanced she is even commanding people with her own religion throughout the World. It would require huge kabalistic backing and ET involvement.

I know Maxine is a good person who means well. But I HIGHLY doubt Maxine is that advanced. My best guess is she is just lucky to be so open that it SEEMS like she is advanced. But is sacrificing her time and energy into helping everyone else.

It reminds me of a post someone made "Why didn't Satanism or Paganism expand more so when people were coming back to Paganism in the late 1700s-early-mid-late 1800s early 1900s pre-WW2."

If we know history right around America's founding and Napoleon right around even the enemy Frankist/Jacobonist(pre-communists) was when lots of Gentiles were kinda waking up to their history. Unfortunately 'lots' wasn't enough.

HP.Cobra certainly isn't some enemy shill, jew, half-jew or a shabbos or anything. A person who types up so much information in said manner isn't dabbling.

I think maybe people get a bad taste of HP.Cobra's anger when he protects Satanism/Paganism and are like "WTF".

I think too many people assume we just let people "shittalk" about us on our sites. And it's happened to me, HP.Cobra has said angry things at me. Not out of hatred just out of my own ignorance.

On some level I kinda respect that a lot he is defender of the faith.

And yes I'll admit by some definition we are a cult or eCult as Anti-JoS calls us. But no one is putting a gun to your head and making you stay. It's your own volition.

Either way I guess it's like playing a video game now a days. You just hear everyone shittalk through voice chat. Some people aren't like that, others are, everyone is different. I guess some people won't believe till a being of higher power is staring at them.

Then maybe they go WTF this is real?!?!?

...*plays* Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody...is this real life or is this just fantasy....
Gear88 said:
Young Faith said:
from that link I reached an "exposing jos" websites where they claimed that our Gods are Maxine's thought forms and that's why a lot of people can't properly reach them. Aahah of course there were no valid proofs, but then it even said something like "that's a reason if the word thought form doesn't show up in JoS" what the actual fuck? You can find it EVERYWHERE on JoS lmao. They also said HPHC was half-jew, of course, without any proofs to support their madness

This would mean that HP.Maxine is so extraordinarily advanced she is even commanding people with her own religion throughout the World. It would require huge kabalistic backing and ET involvement.

I know Maxine is a good person who means well. But I HIGHLY doubt Maxine is that advanced. My best guess is she is just lucky to be so open that it SEEMS like she is advanced. But is sacrificing her time and energy into helping everyone else.

It reminds me of a post someone made "Why didn't Satanism or Paganism expand more so when people were coming back to Paganism in the late 1700s-early-mid-late 1800s early 1900s pre-WW2."

If we know history right around America's founding and Napoleon right around even the enemy Frankist/Jacobonist(pre-communists) was when lots of Gentiles were kinda waking up to their history. Unfortunately 'lots' wasn't enough.

HP.Cobra certainly isn't some enemy shill, jew, half-jew or a shabbos or anything. A person who types up so much information in said manner isn't dabbling.

I think maybe people get a bad taste of HP.Cobra's anger when he protects Satanism/Paganism and are like "WTF".

I think too many people assume we just let people "shittalk" about us on our sites. And it's happened to me, HP.Cobra has said angry things at me. Not out of hatred just out of my own ignorance.

On some level I kinda respect that a lot he is defender of the faith.

And yes I'll admit by some definition we are a cult or eCult as Anti-JoS calls us. But no one is putting a gun to your head and making you stay. It's your own volition.

Either way I guess it's like playing a video game now a days. You just hear everyone shittalk through voice chat. Some people aren't like that, others are, everyone is different. I guess some people won't believe till a being of higher power is staring at them.

Then maybe they go WTF this is real?!?!?

...*plays* Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody...is this real life or is this just fantasy....

Hahahaha imagine that Our Hp a half jew, then that would be the day i really see everything hahaha
A few people have also said the same about hitler that he was a jew and he hated them because of this and that reason but i doupt it strongly, on the other hand i try and keep my mind open to anything because we are liveing in a infinite Universe.
One never really truely will know but that just how i see it.

Whatever the case may be,whether they are Maxine thought forms or not,the fact is all SS seek the Gods or God on their own even when they never knew Jos existed, well i did.I found bits and pieces of Jos on my own too meaning truths that Maxine also found long before i even was born. I feel that everything she found can be found by any of Lets call Him Father Satan children when they seek it. Satan cannot be her thought form because inorder to find a piece of Jos (truth) you must go through a enemy which is no coincidence to be the Jew who gaurds these truths. Thats why the black book of Satan said"I lead to the straight path without any book" I think that means that SATAN is within all his children and they will find Him if they seek him. Everything on Jos is far better by a 1000 milion times than what we are offered out there,this is the only place that one can truely see the bigger picture,if we were not there would be evidence but there are non because nothing can beat us with information and evidence or fucking anything if you ask me. The only way they can is if lies are believed about us so that awnsers it then.
Gear88 said:
Young Faith said:
from that link I reached an "exposing jos" websites where they claimed that our Gods are Maxine's thought forms and that's why a lot of people can't properly reach them. Aahah of course there were no valid proofs, but then it even said something like "that's a reason if the word thought form doesn't show up in JoS" what the actual fuck? You can find it EVERYWHERE on JoS lmao. They also said HPHC was half-jew, of course, without any proofs to support their madness

This would mean that HP.Maxine is so extraordinarily advanced she is even commanding people with her own religion throughout the World. It would require huge kabalistic backing and ET involvement.

I know Maxine is a good person who means well. But I HIGHLY doubt Maxine is that advanced. My best guess is she is just lucky to be so open that it SEEMS like she is advanced. But is sacrificing her time and energy into helping everyone else.

It reminds me of a post someone made "Why didn't Satanism or Paganism expand more so when people were coming back to Paganism in the late 1700s-early-mid-late 1800s early 1900s pre-WW2."

If we know history right around America's founding and Napoleon right around even the enemy Frankist/Jacobonist(pre-communists) was when lots of Gentiles were kinda waking up to their history. Unfortunately 'lots' wasn't enough.

HP.Cobra certainly isn't some enemy shill, jew, half-jew or a shabbos or anything. A person who types up so much information in said manner isn't dabbling.

I think maybe people get a bad taste of HP.Cobra's anger when he protects Satanism/Paganism and are like "WTF".

I think too many people assume we just let people "shittalk" about us on our sites. And it's happened to me, HP.Cobra has said angry things at me. Not out of hatred just out of my own ignorance.

On some level I kinda respect that a lot he is defender of the faith.

And yes I'll admit by some definition we are a cult or eCult as Anti-JoS calls us. But no one is putting a gun to your head and making you stay. It's your own volition.

Either way I guess it's like playing a video game now a days. You just hear everyone shittalk through voice chat. Some people aren't like that, others are, everyone is different. I guess some people won't believe till a being of higher power is staring at them.

Then maybe they go WTF this is real?!?!?

...*plays* Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody...is this real life or is this just fantasy....

I could think so too about the thoughtform stuff. But my experience has been different to levels that no thoughtform can possibly do/be. And the proofs I kept receiving are more than enough for me to belive in them. Without going into much detail; literal worries ( in the forms of astral hearing warnings) when I was attacked once and behaved rather stupidly, really really stupidly.
The song you mentioned is one of my fav too for the same reasons of not being able to explain this literal non sense that goes on some times with the attacks .
I can only explain/try to explain of why people turned away from paganism in my country in the early periods was purely to avoid abuse, mistreatment, second grade citizen treatment, death, etc. Even when lots of the occult knowledge was removed/hidden people did keep taking pagan names of Gods. And that does make one feel internal strength rather than the utter nihilism that goes around without any sort of ethical foundation to live life upon.
I had attacks from E-JoS too and literally heard " the enemy" while focussing on Satan Sigil. Only with meditations can one ever distinguish between real and fake, I feel personally. Even the post on Sikhism and how now it is just modern day Mudslime religion came true for me when I happened to visit one as a tourist and I am not really sure of how I can describe it but it did feel strange with Gay-llah shit around me to the point I couldnt move that entire day as I felt dirty/conflicted. Also engaing in warfare strongly does show the existance of our Gods; literally saving my ass a million times. I feel mixed feelings when I think about those that recently joined and would receive attacks and that could lead to confusion.
Even the modern day paganism is really fucked up where I read a book from a "GURU" that asked to meditate on the christard cross and focus on the Pagan gods after that as forms of "meditations". If anything this will lead to a person being utterly confused and life would be nothing more than a game where you prove your worthiness of being in "heaven". If this is what it is down to- doesnt it feel like a simulation wherein the waste are just discarded and hence the ideology of "sheep" and all being equal as the importance of characters, individual identities are disregarded. What then explains this platonic mess we are trapped in, why is it that people who try to bring in free stuff like tesla are treated like shit ; can it be broken down to just greed? How is the abuser's life then so good even after the Karmic Nonsense; can this reality be just ignored by a promise to send someone to Hell? And why is raising your vril, yoga ; something shown to increase quality of life called evil. I once happened to stumble upon a Jewish Video that said the present condition of earth is because of these demon worshippeds, the ones who practice magick. How is it really all so bad? I can increase my vril and still be a good goyim; but when things are broken down to accepting reality and taking action, I will without a doubt do something to save my own people and this is revolt to them. So is this life supposed to be an external mess where in we suffer to make someone proud for a glorious afterlife? How does one then justify suffering and not revolt to protect a loved one or fight against injustice( in a general sense) but burning children as witches is fine? Honestly these are just some questions I used to ponder on in my starting years and sticking to basic meditations for an unusually long time(lol). Am I to justify my life as a goyim while people continue to suffer for an external glorious afterlife. And in the end no matter what people say or do it is always a "jew" on a cross , or some other "jew" worshipping religion. But when it comes to our Gods is it not unfair that beliving in their physical existance considered wrong or they have to be cursed and called evil.
" What have these " chosen" men done to prove their worthiness?" or the right to abuse other lifeforms? All I feel is the influence energetically of the Gods has been reduced down simply because we dont focus on " destroying planets and using them as energy" as opposed to " meditating 1-2 hours a day". Do you see the difference in the energy here ( just in the Covid times alone) leaving the olden times of mass deaths completely seperate. Anyone with vril greater than an offending party can wreak havoc in the offending party's life and use the energy for their own purposes not to mention "when the greed kicks". What are basic human emotions, feelings, understanding of things always have to be related to a form of higher energy when these are things day to day average people feel. Why is it loving jewsus and hateful Satan, because even the basic brainwashing knows about how the approach of a person changes when you are taught how to think about people certain way.

HP Cobra is a different person altogether. Human to say the least, not bound by the priesthood or high vril being tag that makes him act a certain way with people. Same with HP Maxine.

Another question that I would like to answer is; which maynot even have been brought up but has been prevalent with the attacks regarding what have the Gods given in return. Why is it that the enemy religion followers can fight/slaughter mankind in the name of a thoughtform but we cant as individuals for another individual say a couple of words few times a day; ofcourse the attacks are prevalent but we have knowledge regarding protection , money helps , getting love , improving physically/mentally? And this doesnt account in the help we can receive from time to time in terms of intuition,etc . How is this religion not a reflection of real life? And how it goes on? The enemy religion looks more like a "2 year contract job" of either following the norms of facing the consequences; not accounting for the destroying planets( this is something exclusively we have or the Torah states). The rewards of these religions can be money, societal standing but it is just a neglect of the real life and the nature of how life actually works.

Some people have been shown parts of ORION or dreams as warnings before the coronavirus grappled the world. This if anything proves the real existance of the Gods (real physical existance). Warnings, helps, etc
One Wire Phenomenon said:
What is considered to be dabbeling in Satanism?
And a traitor?
Does it mean one today a satanist and tomorrow a christian again?
Amico mentre sfoglio sui forum incontro ogni tanto un tuo post del cazzo. Tu sei qua' a creare solo confusione come un coglione ingenuo!!!
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:

Aquarius how will i know that i am important to Satan?
I have never Met Him before,or seen Him like most of you,i think i can feel Him or a Demon or Demoness,but im not sure. If i am a true SS then i should have a Demon or not??
Because why am i here then and why havent i lost faith in Spiritual satanism since i dedicated all thouse years back? Yes i did not meditate but i strongly believed in Satan as my creator since that time.The reason i am asking is because i want to know for a fact that I belong here and Satan wants me here.
We are not all equal as you know, and the Gods have preferences.
If you're important to Satan you will know on your own.
Saying that you really believed in Satan in those 9 years is a joke, if you truly have believed in him you would have worked for him, you would've done something, you would've meditated.
You're no more important that somebody that just found Satan, you're at the lowest rank, if you want to develop a relationship with Satan work for him, meditate and advance your life, and stop having this weak attitude.

This is not wrong , writing this because people often end up in arguments over something like this. But OneWire the best you can do apart from meditations is just read the demons section and look at the qualities, look around you and see from daily life experiences about the qualities that can be developed/used to better you and the people around you. I was in a very difficult part of my life and didnt really know what life is or how are things measured- things like success,dedication, strength etc. Do know that if you really seek help you will receive it, in various forms; I had teachers in my Uni quoting people who were mentioned as SS in that phase of life and it was baffling to me about how things were working out. Every part of life demands something from you; when I dedicated my idols were different; now that we are in a state of war, my idols have changed( not in a bad sense). You really have to know what you wish for or who you are really to come to a conclusion. Even after you get to know your GD it isnt like your life will be smooth or have a bed of roses on your path- what will be required off you is effort and a constant will to change for the better.
Now 9 years is a long time, you have to look of what was stopping you from meditating or advancing in life. What is in life that human effort/will hasnt been able to achieve? There are gentiles who are economically successful to no bounds, are they bad intrinsically? maybe/maybe not. But have the chosen to ignore the reality of life and turned a blind eye to all the problems faced by their own for a better future just for themselves? ( Not saying this is wrong if you are doing the RTRs you still make a difference to make lives better of "gentiles " around you and of yourself too. Now not everyone as some have mentioned before if up just for the meditation part and just like the NS part. But for this change to come about you still have to meditate and RTR for the necessity of this change to come about. And this will only vhsnge you for the better; daily consistent effort.
Usthepeople666 said:
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius how will i know that i am important to Satan?
I have never Met Him before,or seen Him like most of you,i think i can feel Him or a Demon or Demoness,but im not sure. If i am a true SS then i should have a Demon or not??
Because why am i here then and why havent i lost faith in Spiritual satanism since i dedicated all thouse years back? Yes i did not meditate but i strongly believed in Satan as my creator since that time.The reason i am asking is because i want to know for a fact that I belong here and Satan wants me here.
We are not all equal as you know, and the Gods have preferences.
If you're important to Satan you will know on your own.
Saying that you really believed in Satan in those 9 years is a joke, if you truly have believed in him you would have worked for him, you would've done something, you would've meditated.
You're no more important that somebody that just found Satan, you're at the lowest rank, if you want to develop a relationship with Satan work for him, meditate and advance your life, and stop having this weak attitude.

This is not wrong , writing this because people often end up in arguments over something like this. But OneWire the best you can do apart from meditations is just read the demons section and look at the qualities, look around you and see from daily life experiences about the qualities that can be developed/used to better you and the people around you. I was in a very difficult part of my life and didnt really know what life is or how are things measured- things like success,dedication, strength etc. Do know that if you really seek help you will receive it, in various forms; I had teachers in my Uni quoting people who were mentioned as SS in that phase of life and it was baffling to me about how things were working out. Every part of life demands something from you; when I dedicated my idols were different; now that we are in a state of war, my idols have changed( not in a bad sense). You really have to know what you wish for or who you are really to come to a conclusion. Even after you get to know your GD it isnt like your life will be smooth or have a bed of roses on your path- what will be required off you is effort and a constant will to change for the better.
Now 9 years is a long time, you have to look of what was stopping you from meditating or advancing in life. What is in life that human effort/will hasnt been able to achieve? There are gentiles who are economically successful to no bounds, are they bad intrinsically? maybe/maybe not. But have the chosen to ignore the reality of life and turned a blind eye to all the problems faced by their own for a better future just for themselves? ( Not saying this is wrong if you are doing the RTRs you still make a difference to make lives better of "gentiles " around you and of yourself too. Now not everyone as some have mentioned before if up just for the meditation part and just like the NS part. But for this change to come about you still have to meditate and RTR for the necessity of this change to come about. And this will only vhsnge you for the better; daily consistent effort.

Yes you both are right i should of meditated but thats all i did not do. I have had many successes,i sometimes feel lonely and seek attention where im not suppose to.. No problem
I admit i am wrong you are right!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Yes you both are right i should of meditated but thats all i did not do. I have had many successes,i sometimes feel lonely and seek attention where im not suppose to.. No problem
I admit i am wrong you are right!
That's the core of this path. Meditating daily. Let me tell you something I have expierenced about the feeling of loneliness. Since I begun my daily meditation the feeling has not been around even tough I spend most of my time alone. I'm introvert and do not feel any loneliness. It's just that meditating and doing SS stuff brings so much fulfillment that there is no space for loneliness. I hope you get to meditating daily as soon as possible, as only good things result from it.
Abyssos said:

Use Sowilo and affirm the energies make you always motivated to do all meditations and Satanic activities. Rely on void meditation for motivation on less mentally intensive stuff, such as schoolwork and chores.
Abyssos said:

I sent a post before this one, but I don't know if I quoted you correctly, so I'm sending this one just in case.


I asked this same question, i haven't gotten an answer yet. It came to me in dreams, years ago before I discovered Satanism. It was the most specific thing I'd ever done in a dream, and a couple days later after I had the first dream, I remembered it again, and realized that something was up, it was highly unusual.
Interesting, thank you. I will use it and see how it goes for me. Hopefully someone will have some input.
Gear88 said:
Second of all race mixing and sub-race mixing aren't controversial or evil or whatever it's perfectly logical. In fact sub-race mixing is far more interesting when it comes to the separate races once there is an established boundary. Certainly a Nordic shouldn't be with a Mediterranean(Southern Aryan).

I thought all whites were 1 race. I am English but my boyfriend is of Portuguese decent, can someone clarify if this will cause any problems?

What do people know about this image? It's called the Abraxas Gem (and of course I support Abraxas, knowing who he is. Actually, his name has been popping up in my mind here and there on occasion) With a little searching, I've found that it's said that the Knights Templar used this image. I know that the Knights Templar were never subverted by the Jews, thus this image has to be proper in it's origins. However, I also get the impression that Christian Gnostics (Jewish corruption of the Alexandrian College in Greece) like to claim this image for themselves.

What are people's thoughts on all this? Can someone explain this in detail and/or provide links? I searched Abraxas Gem here, and no results came up, weirdly enough.

Here's a mainstream normie article discussing this image, to give context on the normie perspective of the symbol.
Bawulf said:
Gear88 said:
Second of all race mixing and sub-race mixing aren't controversial or evil or whatever it's perfectly logical. In fact sub-race mixing is far more interesting when it comes to the separate races once there is an established boundary. Certainly a Nordic shouldn't be with a Mediterranean(Southern Aryan).

I thought all whites were 1 race. I am English but my boyfriend is of Portuguese decent, can someone clarify if this will cause any problems?

We are one race with some categorizations within it.

At the current state of affairs, just stay White. Ideally, sub races should go with their respective parts.

Yet, this has not happened in history and the genes are not lost.

Currently, some Whites are even going with other races entirely. The situation is bad, and certainly not geared to total "perfection". Whites need to take other Whites.

So long one stays within the boundary of one's race, it is all good and viable.
Bawulf said:
Gear88 said:
Second of all race mixing and sub-race mixing aren't controversial or evil or whatever it's perfectly logical. In fact sub-race mixing is far more interesting when it comes to the separate races once there is an established boundary. Certainly a Nordic shouldn't be with a Mediterranean(Southern Aryan).

I thought all whites were 1 race. I am English but my boyfriend is of Portuguese decent, can someone clarify if this will cause any problems?

I dont think Nordic with Mediterranean is bad that would be me and my girlfriend. The Gods don't have any problem with this either. I think your fine too as long as you both are white. Ideally yeah if you were to try and start a new relationship you would want to look at this but if your already with someone and its going great especially if they are SS too this isnt really a problem.
Bawulf said:
Gear88 said:
Second of all race mixing and sub-race mixing aren't controversial or evil or whatever it's perfectly logical. In fact sub-race mixing is far more interesting when it comes to the separate races once there is an established boundary. Certainly a Nordic shouldn't be with a Mediterranean(Southern Aryan).
Unless he looks like an arab don't worry about it. It's probabily better when one sticks to one's subrace, but at the end we're white.
Personally I would have preferred being of exclusively 1 subrace, instead of being half and half of two opposite subraces.

I thought all whites were 1 race. I am English but my boyfriend is of Portuguese decent, can someone clarify if this will cause any problems?
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Hp Hooded Cobra
Im sorry for asking your time but do you know if i am a satanic soul,or am i a dabbler or what??
Please not based on my actions and posts
but what Satan tells you,or your Demon
I really really feel the need to know and hear it from you
I promise i will not bother you again. :cry:

I do believe you already know the answer but are looking for reassurance. The fact you are "here" means you have been shown by the gods this knowledge and as im assuming you are gentile which advocates your demonic soul unless you are a shell like Goy. Dabbling is fence sitting, we do not do this as the gods frown upon it and it is not in your best interests. Ask yourself, have I dedicated ? Have I progressed ? How as my life changed since coming to Satan? You will be able to see yourself as you Are, a child of Satan making strides for him/her self. Hope this helps.
GoldenxChild said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Hp Hooded Cobra
Im sorry for asking your time but do you know if i am a satanic soul,or am i a dabbler or what??
Please not based on my actions and posts
but what Satan tells you,or your Demon
I really really feel the need to know and hear it from you
I promise i will not bother you again. :cry:

I do believe you already know the answer but are looking for reassurance. The fact you are "here" means you have been shown by the gods this knowledge and as im assuming you are gentile which advocates your demonic soul unless you are a shell like Goy. Dabbling is fence sitting, we do not do this as the gods frown upon it and it is not in your best interests. Ask yourself, have I dedicated ? Have I progressed ? How as my life changed since coming to Satan? You will be able to see yourself as you Are, a child of Satan making strides for him/her self. Hope this helps.

Thank you :)
Yes it helps
i read this as dabbers pog
heres this its about satan
Henu the Great said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Yes you both are right i should of meditated but thats all i did not do. I have had many successes,i sometimes feel lonely and seek attention where im not suppose to.. No problem
I admit i am wrong you are right!
That's the core of this path. Meditating daily. Let me tell you something I have expierenced about the feeling of loneliness. Since I begun my daily meditation the feeling has not been around even tough I spend most of my time alone. I'm introvert and do not feel any loneliness. It's just that meditating and doing SS stuff brings so much fulfillment that there is no space for loneliness. I hope you get to meditating daily as soon as possible, as only good things result from it.

Thank you Henu,i think Maxine came to me last night,i heard her voice in my head,maby im just going mad but i could feel her presence while doing the fRTR,she told me to start listening to one of the audio mp3's and i did so.. it felt she was proud of me and she gave me a sense of peace i have not felt in a long time..
Maby its my own imagination.. haha but whom every it was,it lead me to a video that exposed the Hebrew Alfa bet and gave me a real good understanding of how it works.. i was ontop of it this whole time but did not realise it. It seems my inner desires is in me for a reason.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Henu the Great said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Yes you both are right i should of meditated but thats all i did not do. I have had many successes,i sometimes feel lonely and seek attention where im not suppose to.. No problem
I admit i am wrong you are right!
That's the core of this path. Meditating daily. Let me tell you something I have expierenced about the feeling of loneliness. Since I begun my daily meditation the feeling has not been around even tough I spend most of my time alone. I'm introvert and do not feel any loneliness. It's just that meditating and doing SS stuff brings so much fulfillment that there is no space for loneliness. I hope you get to meditating daily as soon as possible, as only good things result from it.

Thank you Henu,i think Maxine came to me last night,i heard her voice in my head,maby im just going mad but i could feel her presence while doing the fRTR,she told me to start listening to one of the audio mp3's and i did so.. it felt she was proud of me and she gave me a sense of peace i have not felt in a long time..
Maby its my own imagination.. haha but whom every it was,it lead me to a video that exposed the Hebrew Alfa bet and gave me a real good understanding of how it works.. i was ontop of it this whole time but did not realise it. It seems my inner desires is in me for a reason.
You should definitely invoke some earth. Sounds like you have a prominent Neptune, from what you normally say. You can channel it into developing psychic abilities by putting more work into your upper chakras more meditation in general, as opposed to letting your imagination get the better of you.
Blackdragon666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Henu the Great said:
That's the core of this path. Meditating daily. Let me tell you something I have expierenced about the feeling of loneliness. Since I begun my daily meditation the feeling has not been around even tough I spend most of my time alone. I'm introvert and do not feel any loneliness. It's just that meditating and doing SS stuff brings so much fulfillment that there is no space for loneliness. I hope you get to meditating daily as soon as possible, as only good things result from it.

Thank you Henu,i think Maxine came to me last night,i heard her voice in my head,maby im just going mad but i could feel her presence while doing the fRTR,she told me to start listening to one of the audio mp3's and i did so.. it felt she was proud of me and she gave me a sense of peace i have not felt in a long time..
Maby its my own imagination.. haha but whom every it was,it lead me to a video that exposed the Hebrew Alfa bet and gave me a real good understanding of how it works.. i was ontop of it this whole time but did not realise it. It seems my inner desires is in me for a reason.
You should definitely invoke some earth. Sounds like you have a prominent Neptune, from what you normally say. You can channel it into developing psychic abilities by putting more work into your upper chakras more meditation in general, as opposed to letting your imagination get the better of you.

Black dragon why earth? Is it because it is the opposite of water. My natural element is Air.
Doen't you think im a bit new for advanced meditations like that.
Im not afraid its just i have never done them before and what i can tell from what i was reading on JoS is it dangerous,im not sure about Earth but Fire can make one burst in flames.. If you think i can do it then i will try.. Thanks for the advise
FancyMancy said:
Larissa666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are many secrets archeologists and others are yet to unearth.

Thankfully, JoS can fullfill its historic purpose with what we is already out, more than sufficiently so.

Do you know that in India there is a temple with several chambers underneath? Most of those chambers have been opened where they have found billions worth of gold, but there is one door which remain unopened. Door has two huge cobras on them, and there don’t seem to be any hinges holding that door. Someone tried to open that door, he couldn’t do it, and few days later he was found dead. Supposedly, door is protected by a mantra which you need to know in order to enter that chamber without any consequences.

To this day, those doors remain sealed. What is behind them is mystery.
That must be where "open sesame" came from.

I heard in a sermon somewhere some of the ancient people hid stuff in such a way so that we would not find it until earth is more ready. Probably someone has to be ascended kundalini at least to understand how to open that. I heard about this too I thought it was interesting. You know a lot of stuff in Egypt is still buried that may be found and apparently some of what the enemy did messed with the weather cause I heard about pyramids and temples and stuff in Antarctica. Even if the weather doesn't change back to what it was (it might when we remove the grid this is my girlfriends theory we talked about this) in a free world we can go up there and study stuff that wasn't messed with at all.

The next few years will be interesting. There is stuff about some of this even on places outside the JOS. Maybe we can reconstruct some of the ancient rituals and temples and stuff as they were back then. That would be cool.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
