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ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Extraordinary times require for extraordinary measures.

For those impatient, please do scroll down.

Those who are observing the US elections, are reading the News, and are in general in comprehension of where this world is going, you are going to be seeing that we are going through what we have declared and honestly shared with everyone is going to happen, for years now.

Israel and the Jews are currently exposed and have heaped on this world an unimaginable amount of plots in a very short time. Everyone here knew how this would go, but it is not happening.

The enemy is trembling, they are at a maximum state of exposure right now, but they are also rabid in attacking humanity. At the same time, the weight of the enemy's abuse is coming on them, and they understand, this is time to fake "peace" with their enemies, or go into deceptive methods as usual. Jews have been a warmongering Nation since day one, abusing and plotting the destruction of most other countries and their own neighbors since the founding of their little "Israel". Their method of warfare remains subtle and their dream remains the same.

This will increase even more as time goes, same as all violations and attacks against mankind. Yet, all of this unveiling of the enemy, is not coming during a time of peace, but during times of intense tribulation and heavy trials for humanity. There is, as matters are, no other way to go. The enemy feels like they do not have a lot of time, and they want to proceed with their agenda - some of the enemy want to go one way, and others want to go the other way.

Needless to say, no matter what, the future is going to be dark. The enemy has also understood that continuously abusing people massively, may not have the desired outcome they assumed it would. They are therefore now on crossroads on what agenda they are going to follow, going into the future. Biden and Trump represent these two paths they could possibly take.

Leading through easy times or when things don't really matter is easy. It is leadership in difficult times that matters. Things have not been easy for us either. As for the enemy, one can only see the evident - understanding what is coming, they are going for the throat of mankind.

One will legitimately look at the jews right now, and question to themselves: What the fuck are these aliens even doing? Why are they doing it so obviously? Why are they fucking up so evidently, and carelessly? What is even going on?

The answer to this is rather simple. They are walking into their own created whirpool at a dramatic speed. They have done so before, and they will do so again. The very same whirpool they are going in, is only a manifestation of their own plan that they want to materialize: everytime they attempt to usurp mankind, this is when they trigger the great immune response of mankind, of which they are now triggering the most major reactions of.

First we had the "Coronavirus" event in early 2020, now, Biden, who appears to have been voted in with fraud and has a clear cut Middle East War Agenda / Slave for Jews directly agenda, is being prepared for office. Everyone knows that before the "Coronavirus", what occurred was essentially a failed attempt to trigger war in the Middle East. After this did not work out, we have had the Coronavirus coming in, named by many analysts "A WW3".

Creation of unrest, chaos, and war, when the enemy is getting unmasked, is something one should always expect. This is like discovering a den full of rodents. The moment one opens this door, they all go crazy and try to swarm on all directions. At the same time, when these are "left on their own", they make sure to swarm and eat all the foundations of a whole house, until it all collapses on it's own and everyone dies in it, possibly also the rats included.

This is the very situation we are encountering right now, only this situation is manifesting on a global scale. And someone has had to open the goddamn door before everything would be gone.

No matter what, Satanists will be alright. You need to cling to the Gods right now, do your meditations and protection, and observe this upheaval in a level headed manner. We all knew this was going to happen and we knew this for years. As HPS Maxine has warned, what is happening is going to keep going and have a strong outcome by the next few years.

Already, we can see the change in the United States happening. The broken faith of people in the system which cheated on them, is drawing at an all time high. One needs not even mention the media, religion, or basically all forms of control of the enemy until today - it's all coming down at a blazing fast speed.

But what is the case among all the rest of the systems, including the financial, or the spiritual? These are bound to go out of the window, also, with a crash that isn't going to be pleasant. This is unavoidable. It will happen bit by bit, and progressively, but everything is now on the acceleration button. Many people are already questioning how is this going so fast.

Leaving the politics aside, the world is observing some extreme global upheaval and events. Millions and closely billions will dive into poverty as time goes, and the cracks of the enemy's mask are falling down. During this time, people are going to wake up, but this waking up may not be actually pleasant at all: they see the morbid beast that has been sending them all to their grave, and it is not a great sight at all. But it is better to see it and react than to not see it at all.

To take this even more on the fast forward, this is nothing to not expect, given the situation of the world in a spiritual manner. The enemy has been a negative influence to the world for a very long time. They have charged, machinated, and procured all sorts of destruction. Much of this was also predetermined, and was part of a "plan" that they are following. Everyone here understands and knows the spiritual basis of this plan.

Those who ignore this plan and do not care to learn about it, or work to avert it, will not be at liberty to do so forever, and they will be caught in their sleep. Others participate in this resistance physically, others spiritually, but long story short, everyone lives under the same world and is liable to experience the same enemy plan unfolding if they do not act. Many people like to bicker over the details, but the importance here is that any able soul who can resist this advance, must do so.

As for those who remain happily asleep, thinking this will be to their benefit, what happens is this: "They will want to join in the last minute, but it will be too late to do so" - they will want to save themselves and not have the knowledge or power to do so. It is always the oblivious part of the mass that pays the price for their own ignorance. Never was in history the case that those who willfully ignore large conspiracies, and decide to do nothing, simply "Fare well".

If they "Fared well" before, it was only because these conspiracies never involved the whole planet, which is actually what is happening today.

Needless to say, our Gods are also observing and monitoring the situation. We have been through difficult times as a world, and most of this was heaped on us by hostile forces, which are increasingly manifesting on this world. Yet at the same time there is a strong counteraction and counter-resistance forming, at rapid rates.

Nobody, for hundreds and hundreds of years, has managed to successfully or at all, implement something the enemy has been implementing for centuries: Spiritual warfare against the enemy. This is clearly having a major effect, or none of these reactions wouldn't have happened.

The Spiritual fabric of our world has long been infested with hostile, negative, and aggressive enemy energies. These come from "Out there". They never belonged to this earth, and they are an influence that is coming from "other worlds". Many people have come across these, and unfortunately, the world has been subverted to where these enemy influences are even worshiped by mankind.

Everyone who has studied the Joy of Satan understands the details of this, and how it happened, and is seeing where this is going. Their pattern of action has been encoded in spiritual texts of the jews, and in general, the jews have been their willful servants and slaves for a long time. For those who want more elaborate understanding of this, make sure to study our websites.

Now, many of you know or have herd of the "Web", the "Gauntlet", or "The Veil". This has went on by many names, and many occultists have tried to convey and understand what this is doing to the world. To fast forward this because this would take a book, our planet is under "Spiritual Curfew", and this is imposed by hostile alien forces which are being maintained, and the gateways of which are opened by the Jewish race [which is alien to this world]. The methods through which this "opening" is done, are methods of spiritual manipulation.

The enemy, in order to effectively manipulate the world, is in communication and applies specific methods of spiritual force and meditation, which, are meant to affect our world to turn it "In the Image" of those hostile alien forces. These have revealed themselves largely, as cracks in their "Veil" or prison, are allowing humans to understand at least part of it. We know these beings as greys and reptilians, and their influence in our history, especially recently, with our advancement, is getting more and more understood. To these "beings", an agenda is required, and our history has to turn in a specific way, until we become a perfect slave farm for them.

Recently, top Israeli officials have went ahead to admit this very fact, top Rabbis have done this before them also. They are out of time for hiding this, and everyone knows what's up. Given the nature of what they plan, they need to be able to point their fingers on aliens too, but these are fine details - they are only doing what they were recommended to do by these aliens.


New RTR Addition Explained:


The physical agents of this alien hive mind, are essentially the Jews. Even jews have lately admitted to this very fact, as the general disclosure of these truths is happening, and because they are unable to keep the narrative under blankets anymore. How they commune with these hostile forces and open them up to the world [and also how likewise, these forces enter our "Realm" to affect us] revolves around certain spiritual methods.

To the jews in general, they were told to chant hymns, prayers, and other forms of litanies. Yet, the jews at the top know and understand that what they are dealing with [and are in full agreement of] is to channel energy of specific alien hive minds, into this earth. The method through which is done, to fast forward this, is based on the Hebrew Alphabet, and at the same time, through their "Tetragrammaton".

The "Tetragrammaton" stands for "Four lettered name", and is a ripoff of other more Ancient Pagan religions, which used to channel beneficial forces on the planet. The original key of this, was used to essentially symbolize the individual will of a magician, and the affects towards the world. The enemy however as with anything stole this, perverted this, and is utilizing this concept for something else.

As a rule of thumb, the enemy deceitfully claims their "God" has "No Form", "No Image Can Symbolize God", is "Unutterable" and other lies. The reality of the statement, is that the enemy is worshipping myriads of "Hosts" of alien entities, which are all related to a central hive mind of the so called "Tetragrammaton". Their so called "God" has hundreds and hundreds of names, and each of these are all based on this.

While the enemy claims their "God" has no "Figure", and that it has "No Face", their "God" clearly exists in this "form" of what they call the "Holy Tetragrammaton". For those who are familiar with Sigil Magick, the so called "Four Letter Name" is basically, a sigil to itself, and a symbol no different than any other sigil.

It is used as a focusing point so jews and advanced Rabbis can get in "Contact" with these entities, and attempt to do their will. The methods of how this is truly used are kept in a circle of "elect" Rabbis, while everyone in the public is told lies about this so called "Name" and it's functions.

One could go into freaky details here on how this is accomplished, but all of this is useless information. What matters is that this so called Jewish "Tetragrammaton" is destroyed. This is the stepping stone and gateway, through which the enemy channels all these forces onto the world. To put it bluntly, this is their "Key to all" tool that they are using to manifest all their magick.

This "Key" was also used to wage war on the "Demons", yet most of this relates to other things that deal with other supernal matters, and is not something the jews created, but rather, forces beyond them. They were the mere users of things they were bestowed. At the same time, the so called "JHVH" is also "The Presence", which is a general term for the consciousness of the enemy into our world, and the key to manifest this, all at the same time.

While it is made up of Hebrew letters, "it by itself" is not actually "Hebrew", but is using "Hebrew" as a symbol. Meaning, this is not really a "Word", nor it is something one has to find how it's named, but rather, it's a symbol through which one opens up their mind, in this case, Jewish Rabbis.

In the East, something parallel to this is called a Mandala. The Mandala itself may for example use triangles, or squares, but it is not supposed to make someone understand the triangle or the square, but rather, is a focal point for the mind.

Different permutations of this garbage are used depending on different purposes, but what is important, and what has "survived", is the four hebrew letters that we know as "JHVH" in Latinization.

In short, before the add-on to the Final RTR is understood [we will be reversing the letters of this "Tetragrammaton" and adding an affirmation to shut it down entirely], one must understand, that we are dealing with a symbol that is a stepping stone for the mind and the visualization to something else. It is this gate the ritual is going to close and permanently destroy.

In plain, by shutting down and/or reversing or blotting the symbol, one must understand, we are "Shutting off" or "Killing" the gateway through which the enemy manipulates the world. The purpose here is twofold: With the dead Hebrew letters, their source of power is disabled, and with their major sigil neutralized, they cannot open up our world to their unholy worthless alien forces.

Think of this as destroying and throwing in the lava, the key that is supposed to open a door. The door cannot be opened again.

The procedure to this is pretty easy. As one can see here, and the known pronunciations of the Final RTR, the letters dealing are the Yud, Hei, Vav and Hei. Yet, we will be following a specific procedure for the reversal of these letters, based on the hidden way of utilization of this worthless and disgusting "JHVH".

This will ensure the blotting out of the complete so called "JHVH" in all levels of existence.


Killing Tetragrammaton Final RTR addition:

For the paintable version of this Ritual, please visit: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=48105


RITUAL TIMER: https://www.evilgoy.com/

This is to be combined with the Final RTR, at the end of this. So one does their regular RTR as they always do, then after done, they start doing the ritual below. There is no need to increase any of the numbers of this ritual. They should be left as is for maximum effectiveness.

The erasing of this will happen as follows. One has to keep in mind or focus on the picture here. It is based on this, that one will be doing the destruction. This is to be done exactly after one is finished in doing the RTR and finished the affirmation of the Final RTR.

To get in less details for this to be less complicated, this below is just napalm. Explaining in elaborate fashion why this is as it is, should take half a book. It must be done consciously, and remember, the intent is to finish this off and eternally make this devoid of any form of existence.

Webpage Of This Ritual: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/SHITHEY.html

As far as the technique goes, the same methodology of blotting out the Final RTR letters is being applied, but on a different way. For example, we will be reversing:



FIRST TIER: 4 letters - x3 each letter
SECOND TIER: 3 letters - x6 each letter
THIRD TIER: 2 letters - x9 each letter
FOURTH TIER: 1 letter - x12 each letter
FIFTH TIER: SILENCE [explained below]

Vibrate each the following 3 times each: DUUY * DUY * DOHY * THOHY * TUUY
Vibrate each the following 3 times each: HAYH * HEH *
Vibrate each the following 3 times each: VAHV * VAHW * VUHV * WAHW
Vibrate each the following 3 times each: HAYH * HEH *



Vibrate each the following 6 times each: DUUY * DUY * DOHY * THOHY * TUUY
Vibrate each the following 6 times each: HAYH * HEH *
Vibrate each the following 6 times each: VAHV * VAHW * VUHV * WAHW



Vibrate each the following 9 times each: DUUY * DUY * DOHY * THOHY * TUUY
Vibrate each the following 9 times each: HAYH * HEH *



Vibrate each the following 12 times each: DUUY * DUY * DOHY * THOHY * TUUY




All you do during this, is focus on the silence after the so called "Name" is finally DEAD. You must focus on this empty silence, and desire that all of it is gone permanently.


Affirm 10 times:

"The Hebrew Tetragrammaton in all it's symbols and permutations is now dead, devoid of power, and permanently destroyed in all dimensions of existence.

All Jewish spiritual force is permanently dead and banished from this world and all worlds

The spiritual veil of hebrew magick and consciousness covering this world is permanently lifted, dead, and devoid of any and all power and influence".

After this, chant AUM once and close the Ritual.
All of this ritual can be visualized. For example, imagine these as you see them dying out and fizzling out. In the end, when the whole triangle is to be blotted out, you can just imagine it exploding and leaving nothing behind it.

Another easy thing to do, for those who have privacy, is to just download the picture as it was given, print it out, and use a pencil to blot out each letter and then the whole triangle. Affirmations are written in the bottom.
Yes! Yes!

So glad to see this, I've been seeing this in meditation a lot. If I've seen this grid before, can I visualize it specifically destroyed? I know the colors and the pattern it has vividly.
So Final RTR and when we finish that, then we doing destroying the tetragrammaton?
NakedPluto said:
So glad to see this, I've been seeing this in meditation a lot. If I've seen this grid before, can I visualize it specifically destroyed? I know the colors and the pattern it has vividly.

Yes, any and all visualizations can be included on the "silence" part of the ritual. You can imagine what you have been seeing collapsing.

Since there is no uniform way to imagine this, feel free to be creative here.
Larissa666 said:
So Final RTR and when we finish that, then we doing destroying the tetragrammaton?

Basically, yes.

Just do the Final RTR as we usually do, over the next days. After one is done with this, one puts one extra of these in also.

This ritual is very simple and not lengthy at all. The letters are short and the repetitions very few.
Perhaps I'll use this opportunity to get back into programming, and write a tool similar to Bigot Boy's Master RTR tool. The only difference will be the programming language I'll be using, where he used the Godot Language, I'll be using Visual Basic .NET

Of course, if I publicly release it, I'll include a full virus scan, Md5 hash, and Sandboxie analysis to ensure that nobody's computer will be infected.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
So Final RTR and when we finish that, then we doing destroying the tetragrammaton?

Basically, yes.

Just do the Final RTR as we usually do, over the next days. After one is done with this, one puts one extra of these in also.

This ritual is very simple and not lengthy at all. The letters are short and the repetitions very few.

Cool, one round of FRTR, one round of destroying TGT, ne round of FRTR, one round of destroying TGT...and so on, that’s how I will be doing it.

I remember HP Maxine spoke about destroying the grid, I was waiting for this. I guess we needed to weaken their matrix before we could do this. Straight to the core! The shlomo is no more!
I assume this could also be used with a paint type program on a phone or computer. Thats what I will do as I dont have a printer that works right now but I can visualize while doing this too. I mean i get the gyst of it this destroys the JHVH/YHVH thoughtform i guess that's enough to know I dont understand fully all of what was said though. I do understand the part on how to do it so I will.

I bet this is going to be devastating to the enemy. I am excited to help out.
1st: I assume this is the Anti-Astral Grid ritual of HP. Maxine's, May 13, 2019 Sermon, correct?

2nd: Will there be a digital version of this produced by our digital artists?

3rd: I assume this Ending the Veil ritual isn't JUST for December 11th -to- 22? Correct? In the future more of this will be done? This is just the preliminary astrological benefit occurring in the coming month?
slyscorpion said:
I assume this could also be used with a paint type program on a phone or computer. Thats what I will do as I dont have a printer that works right now but I can visualize while doing this too. I mean i get the gyst of it this destroys the JHVH/YHVH thoughtform i guess that's enough to know I dont understand fully all of what was said though. I do understand the part on how to do it so I will.

I bet this is going to be devastating to the enemy. I am excited to help out.

Yes, do as you see fit. You can use paint, do it manually with a pencil, use a tablet, or your mind. Everything goes.
Gear88 said:
1st: I assume this is the Anti-Astral Grid ritual of HP. Maxine's, May 13, 2019 Sermon, correct?

2nd: Will there be a digital version of this produced by our digital artists?

3rd: I assume this Ending the Veil ritual isn't JUST for December 11th -to- 22? Correct? In the future more of this will be done? This is just the preliminary astrological benefit occurring in the coming month?

1. Yes. It is tied into this and based on exactly this.

2. Hopefully, yes. That would be totally awesome. The repetitions could be blanking out on the triangle, after each letter.

3. We will be doing this again, but we do this for filthy shit-kunnah of the enemy, and for the December 21 astrological alignment, which will spell doom for them.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Perhaps I'll use this opportunity to get back into programming, and write a tool similar to Bigot Boy's Master RTR tool. The only difference will be the programming language I'll be using, where he used the Godot Language, I'll be using Visual Basic .NET

Of course, if I publicly release it, I'll include a full virus scan, Md5 hash, and Sandboxie analysis to ensure that nobody's computer will be infected.

If someone does that would be awesome.

This is a very easy to execute technique, I think the instructions do it wrong. It's actually just reverse and blot out, on the triangle, focusing on this worthless thing. And therefore, it's not harder or anything than a Final RTR.

If this is put in a program the ease of it will become even more.
NakedPluto said:
So glad to see this, I've been seeing this in meditation a lot. If I've seen this grid before, can I visualize it specifically destroyed? I know the colors and the pattern it has vividly.

I have seen this too but it only comes every once in awhile I am not constantly aware of this. Mostly its when I am just waking up that I notice this but its only every once in awhile. Every once in awhile someone attacks this somehow and it dissolves but regenerates making this cracking sound in my consciousness. That is kind of annoying and mostly when I am aware of this.

Yes I see it as colored type of pattern too. Kind of like the same colors I see off of reptilian energy. Bright colors but weird not positive energy xtian energy from churches can have some of these weird colors too and Marxist energy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
So glad to see this, I've been seeing this in meditation a lot. If I've seen this grid before, can I visualize it specifically destroyed? I know the colors and the pattern it has vividly.

Yes, any and all visualizations can be included on the "silence" part of the ritual. You can imagine what you have been seeing collapsing.

Since there is no uniform way to imagine this, feel free to be creative here.

I will do this too use sensed being dissolved.
slyscorpion said:
NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:

I will do this too use sensed being dissolved.

It has to be dissolved and you can also imagine this as a closing portal - it closes permanently, leaving no influence of the enemy in our world/realm.

Be creative here, these are some ideas.
I believe that at the end of the year we will have the ritual to destroy the grid. :D
This is awesome! Thank you and the God's for giving us the tools to save our world.
This is an extremely important ritual. It all makes sense now, as I've had a lot of different experiences that in conclusion now, it has to do with this.

Does the cardinal direction have anything to do with this? For example focusing on the east while performing the ritual? Might sound weird but bear with this question.
Now this is exciting!
Just to be sure, every time the F-RTR is done one should follow with this ritual right?
Oh, no, bro. I hate to say this. On the Fourth Tier in the picture, it is written to do it 12 times, but on the written description it is written to do it 10 times.

I presume we do it, 3, 6, 9, 12, times. Scaling the tiers on the number 3.
THIS IS GREAT, lets keep it up our RTR's have made such an impact already, I'm looking forward to the future of humanity, it's looking bright.
I went so excited that i scream
Ninja 666 said:
Oh, no, bro. I hate to say this. On the Fourth Tier in the picture, it is written to do it 12 times, but on the written description it is written to do it 10 times.

I presume we do it, 3, 6, 9, 12, times. Scaling the tiers on the number 3.

Fixed. Apparently the updated pic had not uploaded.

It should be x10 affirmation, x12 dead yod.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Vibrate each the following 10 times each
1. The image says to do 12 times for the fourth tier, but the text (quoted above) says to do 10. Which is right?

2. In addition to blotting out the letters, should we blot out the borders of the triangle too?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Perhaps I'll use this opportunity to get back into programming, and write a tool similar to Bigot Boy's Master RTR tool. The only difference will be the programming language I'll be using, where he used the Godot Language, I'll be using Visual Basic .NET

Of course, if I publicly release it, I'll include a full virus scan, Md5 hash, and Sandboxie analysis to ensure that nobody's computer will be infected.

If someone does that would be awesome.

This is a very easy to execute technique, I think the instructions do it wrong. It's actually just reverse and blot out, on the triangle, focusing on this worthless thing. And therefore, it's not harder or anything than a Final RTR.

If this is put in a program the ease of it will become even more.
I'll add this to my Paintable Final RTR within the next few days. The nice thing about a pure HTML webpage is that is works everywhere, on every device, either online or offline.
NakedPluto said:
This is an extremely important ritual. It all makes sense now, as I've had a lot of different experiences that in conclusion now, it has to do with this.

Does the cardinal direction have anything to do with this? For example focusing on the east while performing the ritual? Might sound weird but bear with this question.

Part 2 will include more advanced methods of doing the Ritual. This will also include how this is to be used on the direction.

If you want, you can do this facing South. Put a compass on your phone or use regular compass. Face South and hammer it in.
1. has been fixed was typo. Pic is correct.

2. The triangle should be turned Black (all of it) and if possible entirely disappear afterwards.

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Vibrate each the following 10 times each
1. The image says to do 12 times for the fourth tier, but the text (quoted above) says to do 10. Which is right?

2. In addition to blotting out the letters, should we blot out the borders of the triangle too?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Perhaps I'll use this opportunity to get back into programming, and write a tool similar to Bigot Boy's Master RTR tool. The only difference will be the programming language I'll be using, where he used the Godot Language, I'll be using Visual Basic .NET

Of course, if I publicly release it, I'll include a full virus scan, Md5 hash, and Sandboxie analysis to ensure that nobody's computer will be infected.

If someone does that would be awesome.

This is a very easy to execute technique, I think the instructions do it wrong. It's actually just reverse and blot out, on the triangle, focusing on this worthless thing. And therefore, it's not harder or anything than a Final RTR.

If this is put in a program the ease of it will become even more.
I'll add this to my Paintable Final RTR within the next few days. The nice thing about a pure HTML webpage is that is works everywhere, on every device, either online or offline.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
This is an extremely important ritual. It all makes sense now, as I've had a lot of different experiences that in conclusion now, it has to do with this.

Does the cardinal direction have anything to do with this? For example focusing on the east while performing the ritual? Might sound weird but bear with this question.

Part 2 will include more advanced methods of doing the Ritual. This will also include how this is to be used on the direction.

If you want, you can do this facing South. Put a compass on your phone or use regular compass. Face South and hammer it in.

Perfect, thank you. This is very helpful
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'll probably try to create an online version for this ritual too, if I am so lucky to find time for it

ShadowTheRaven said:
Isn't VB.NET a bit old fashioned? Which isn't exactly good in programming. I suggest you to take a look at C#, it's a very beautiful language in my opinion
This is great and highly anticipated! I've been noticing how so many people are now waking up to the jewish problem. I can only imagine with glee what people will be like after these rituals!

Let's kill JHVH
Young Faith said:
Isn't VB.NET a bit old fashioned? Which isn't exactly good in programming. I suggest you to take a look at C#, it's a very beautiful language in my opinion

Just finished the program. And yes, it's a bit archaic but still, there's tons of things that can be done with VB.NET. The only downside is it'll only run on Windows.

Screenshots of the finished product:


**Fixed the title of the instructions form after taking the screenshot. It's a bit ugly, but it's functional and that's what I care about.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Perhaps I'll use this opportunity to get back into programming, and write a tool similar to Bigot Boy's Master RTR tool. The only difference will be the programming language I'll be using, where he used the Godot Language, I'll be using Visual Basic .NET

Of course, if I publicly release it, I'll include a full virus scan, Md5 hash, and Sandboxie analysis to ensure that nobody's computer will be infected.

If someone does that would be awesome.

This is a very easy to execute technique, I think the instructions do it wrong. It's actually just reverse and blot out, on the triangle, focusing on this worthless thing. And therefore, it's not harder or anything than a Final RTR.

If this is put in a program the ease of it will become even more.

That's the whole idea, to make it easier.
YES ! Thank-you HP, looking forward to it
J = י=549

Ah sorry

Maby the Ministry can use this ?
I doen't know why but it seems Afrikaans translates hebrew letters into numbers,and such.. i found a pattern aswel from A- E it stops and it translates ending in afrikaans which is literally the ending of the pattern
Finally! Thank you HP :)
So this destroys the channel they've used to manifest all the suffering in this world.

I intend to do this ritual addition digitally, with a paint program. For now, would it be fine to use the image to blot out the letters and triangle with a paint tool, just like the Final RTR?

I express my gratitude for this ritual addition.
YES! YES! YES! I've been waiting for this moment for a long time! I will give my best! Fuck the jews!
Hail Satan!
ShadowTheRaven said:
Young Faith said:
Isn't VB.NET a bit old fashioned? Which isn't exactly good in programming. I suggest you to take a look at C#, it's a very beautiful language in my opinion

VB.NET and C# are functionally identical (mostly). VB.NET is not VB6 or VBA, which is where the bad reputation came from. You can translate programs between the .NET languages and get virtually identical compiled pseudo-code. (However, C# does permit unsafe pointers, which have no equivalent in VB, but pointers often cause trouble in a managed language, so if you need them, you should really use C or C++.) The only real differrence between VB and C# is the syntax itself. Some programmers prefer C-style syntax and use C#, but others enjoy the readability of a program without tons of semicolons, braces, and brackets, so they use VB. I have used both extensively in the past, but these days I mostly use C because it's so much faster.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
