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Effects of Past Lives

Light Yagami

New member
Jul 8, 2011
Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.
http://web.archive.org/web/201203101249 ... -the-mind/ This goes in accordance to what your saying.  From: Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@...
To: jos <[email protected]; Teens4Satan <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 12:57 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives
  Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.
"Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve."

Is there a number guide? I just affirm to the number of the runes there are, i.e. Mann =20, affirm 20 times.

Also thank you for the very informative post! I haven't done past life regressions really, I should get to it!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Fourth Reich <fourth_reich666@... wrote:

http://web.archive.org/web/201203101249 ... -the-mind/
This goes in accordance to what your saying. 

From: Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@...
To: jos <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; Teens4Satan <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 12:57 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives


Hello! :)
I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.

Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.
It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.
If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.
I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.

Now, back to the reason I created this post.
Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...
You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... on.html%5d, but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... on.html%5d helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... in.html%5d) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).

Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...
Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.
Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )

I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD

PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...

There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then
what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)

Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)
(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!
Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:
1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).
2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.

And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!
What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)
Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.
Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D

1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.

Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.
You're welcome. :)
Personally, I'm using the information on this site: http://www.whats-your-sign.com/spiritua ... mbers.htmlbut of course, also have in mind the things we say here (6 = jew number, try to avoid it, 4 = Satan's number, 9 = number of endings and so on) so, for example, if you want to do a working with runes for a spiritual purpose (such as, to strengthen your spiritual power) you could vibrate the rune and afterwards state the affirmation, both for the count of 7.But of course you can do it accordingly to the runes' numbers as well. :) Whatever fits you best.
Απο: "bunpuppet@..." <bunpuppet@...
Προς: [email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 9:56 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Effects of Past Lives

  "Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve."

Is there a number guide? I just affirm to the number of the runes there are, i.e. Mann =20, affirm 20 times.

Also thank you for the very informative post! I haven't done past life regressions really, I should get to it!

--- In [email protected], Fourth Reich <fourth_reich666@... wrote:

http://web.archive.org/web/201203101249 ... -the-mind/
This goes in accordance to what your saying. 

From: Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@...
To: jos <[email protected]; Teens4Satan <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 12:57 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives


Hello! :)
I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.

Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.
It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.
If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.
I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.

Now, back to the reason I created this post.
Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...
You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Past_Life_Meditation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).

Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...
Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.
Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )

I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD

PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...

There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then
what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)

Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)
(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!
Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:
1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).
2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.

And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!
What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)
Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.
Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D

1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.

Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.

Thank you again!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

You're welcome. :)

Personally, I'm using the information on this site: http://www.whats-your-sign.com/spiritua ... mbers.html
but of course, also have in mind the things we say here (6 = jew number, try to avoid it, 4 = Satan's number, 9 = number of endings and so on) so, for example, if you want to do a working with runes for a spiritual purpose (such as, to strengthen your spiritual power) you could vibrate the rune and afterwards state the affirmation, both for the count of 7.
But of course you can do it accordingly to the runes' numbers as well. :) Whatever fits you best.

Î`πο: "bunpuppet@..." <bunpuppet@...
Προς: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Στάλθηκε: 9:56 μ.μ. Î"ευτέρα, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Effects of Past Lives

"Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve."

Is there a number guide? I just affirm to the number of the runes there are, i.e. Mann =20, affirm 20 times.

Also thank you for the very informative post! I haven't done past life regressions really, I should get to it!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Fourth Reich <fourth_reich666@ wrote:

http://web.archive.org/web/201203101249 ... -the-mind/
This goes in accordance to what your saying. 

From: Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@
To: jos <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; Teens4Satan <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 12:57 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives


Hello! :)
I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.

Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.
It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.
If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.
I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.

Now, back to the reason I created this post.
Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...
You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... on.html%5d, but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... on.html%5d helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... in.html%5d) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).

Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...
Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.
Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )

I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD

PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...

There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then
what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)

Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)
(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!
Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:
1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).
2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.

And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!
What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)
Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.
Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D

1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.

Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.
If I tell you my problem your going to think I'm trolling, so I'm just going to say"It's really weird, right?" :pI'm at a loss, but I'm not psychically open enough to talk to anyone (except a shrink, but what do they know :p ) I don't really see what past life regression would do (because i don't think there are many possibilities). And I don't really feel comfortable talking to Satan or any of the Gods because iv REALLY been slacking off on meditations and the like... Anyone have any suggestions (even if their insisting one of the above) ?Thanks guys!

Hail be to the givers of true knowledge!

On 2013-09-23, at 5:57 AM, Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:
  Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.
Well, why don't you stop slacking off the meditations then? How do you expect for whichever issue you have to be solved if you don't do something about it? I gave you plenty of solutions, and you rejected all of them.If you don't do something yourself *on your own* (even if this means, taking the courage and talk to Satan), then nothing will change. There is no "jewsus savior" here. :p
Απο: Charlie Olsen <blackvixen111@...
Προς: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 3:46 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives

  If I tell you my problem your going to think I'm trolling, so I'm just going to say"It's really weird, right?" :pI'm at a loss, but I'm not psychically open enough to talk to anyone (except a shrink, but what do they know :p ) I don't really see what past life regression would do (because i don't think there are many possibilities). And I don't really feel comfortable talking to Satan or any of the Gods because iv REALLY been slacking off on meditations and the like... Anyone have any suggestions (even if their insisting one of the above) ?Thanks guys!

Hail be to the givers of true knowledge!

On 2013-09-23, at 5:57 AM, Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

  Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.

 Thank you for this beautifully helpful post. I am doing my daily meditations and my past has come back in my mind memories and the like. Im dealing with them effectively by talking with satan

---In [email protected], <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

Well, why don't you stop slacking off the meditations then? How do you expect for whichever issue you have to be solved if you don't do something about it? I gave you plenty of solutions, and you rejected all of them.If you don't do something yourself *on your own* (even if this means, taking the courage and talk to Satan), then nothing will change. There is no "jewsus savior" here. :p
Απο: Charlie Olsen <blackvixen111@...
Προς: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 3:46 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives

  If I tell you my problem your going to think I'm trolling, so I'm just going to say"It's really weird, right?" :pI'm at a loss, but I'm not psychically open enough to talk to anyone (except a shrink, but what do they know :p ) I don't really see what past life regression would do (because i don't think there are many possibilities). And I don't really feel comfortable talking to Satan or any of the Gods because iv REALLY been slacking off on meditations and the like... Anyone have any suggestions (even if their insisting one of the above) ?Thanks guys!

Hail be to the givers of true knowledge!

On 2013-09-23, at 5:57 AM, Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

  Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.
You don't want to talk to Lord Satan because of guilt or shame, right? I have had to deal with similar issues in the past, when I slacked off on what I was supposed to be doing. I didn't want to face Him, but really, I didn't want to face myself. I talked to Him and I felt better. Really, you're just hiding from yourself, not Him, as the Gods see and hear all.Just pick up where you left off, or start anew, with a meditation and yoga program. Stick a schedule, and write down one which is realistic to you and you can follow.
From: "satanswarrior211@..." <satanswarrior211@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 5:37:44 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] RE: Effects of Past Lives

   Thank you for this beautifully helpful post. I am doing my daily meditations and my past has come back in my mind memories and the like. Im dealing with them effectively by talking with satan

---In [email protected], <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

Well, why don't you stop slacking off the meditations then? How do you expect for whichever issue you have to be solved if you don't do something about it? I gave you plenty of solutions, and you rejected all of them.If you don't do something yourself *on your own* (even if this means, taking the courage and talk to Satan), then nothing will change. There is no "jewsus savior" here. :p
Απο: Charlie Olsen <blackvixen111@...
Προς: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 3:46 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives

  If I tell you my problem your going to think I'm trolling, so I'm just going to say"It's really weird, right?" :pI'm at a loss, but I'm not psychically open enough to talk to anyone (except a shrink, but what do they know :p ) I don't really see what past life regression would do (because i don't think there are many possibilities). And I don't really feel comfortable talking to Satan or any of the Gods because iv REALLY been slacking off on meditations and the like... Anyone have any suggestions (even if their insisting one of the above) ?Thanks guys!

Hail be to the givers of true knowledge!

On 2013-09-23, at 5:57 AM, Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

  Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.

 Light, this is amazing. I really needed to see this, tears came to my eyes. A little over a half hour before reading this, I was talking to Father asking for guidance. I had even made a statement about not wanting to trouble the Gods with my issues but that I just wanted some guidance. I didn't want to be a burden, and right there in your post was my answer. I've been feeling a bit scattered and lost since I watched my sweet grandmother pass on two weeks back on the 10th, like my mind can't wrap itself around anything. I've allowed my meditations to suffer for it, and I've been feeling less and less, like being numb to the world. Reading your post made me feel like Father himself was speaking to me, and reminded me of the beauty of the true Gentile soul and nature, and I don't want to allow myself to become anything less than that. I don't want to become a desensitized shell of myself, devoid of feeling and therefore unable to appreciate all that is beautiful in life. I was heading that way, but now I understand. All I want to do right now is cry, something I haven't done much of. Thank you for your words, Brother. I truly believe we are all linked in our own psychic chain, we feel each other. That is why many of us experience similar things at the same time, and at times the Gods guide us though each other. It may seem like I'm gushing, but what I'm feeling right now is so beautiful and loving and comforting that words can't do it any justice. 
 Something interesting, when I was in the hospital with my grandma I was asking Father and the Gods to guide and protect her soul. I spent a few hours focusing energy on that. The last two weeks have been heavy and unpleasant, I'm sure because my meditation was scarce. I've been feeling something touching my temples, elbow, and the top and back of my head for the last two weeks, but didn't feel motivated to do anything about it. I just thought about how much I miss my grandma. Well, last night I heard my son crying in his sleep, and I decided to sweep my house with blue flames. It felt so good that I just kept going with it until I felt light. When I was finished, at 3:33 am my house seemed light even though all the lights were off. My son was peaceful again, and I eventually fell asleep. In my dream I was sitting with my grandma talking to her, only for some reason my dreaming mind didn't register that it was her talking to me; I didn't realize that until I woke up, and I felt like  a complete idiot. But in the dream she looked the way she did at her best, at a healthy weight with glowing skin. She had on her favorite suit, a white two-piece embellished with golden studs around the shoulders and chest. She said to me, " You know, Grandma is here with you this week." And stupid me, I go "Where is she?" She pointed to the right of me and said "Right there." She said she loved me and I said the same. I don't remember much else, but I woke up. Today is the best I've felt in two weeks, between that dream, having a talk with Father, and reading your message. It's the first visit I've had from her since she passed, and with things being the way they have around me I'm thinking she didn't want to come into my space without it having been cleansed. I don't know right now if all these things are connected, but I hope she was protected by Father on her transition. It may seem like I'm all over the place with this message, but your talk of past life influence has me really thinking about the recent turn of events in my life, my emotional response to them, and what the possible past life connection was. I want to try the dream affirmation idea, because right now I have this strange feeling like I'm on the verge of knowing something extremely important and that's the way to find out. Again, Brother, your words have helped me so much more than you may know. I feel inspired again. Thank so much for this.  ~ HAIL FATHER SATAN, AND ALL THE GODS AND GODDESSES OF DUAT~
p.s. I did have one question : What exactly are the guidelines for choosing the number of vibrations according to the goal? Maybe it's something I overlooked, but I don't think I was aware of this concept.

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.
 Hey I loved your post, really liked it. I think there is a healthy love to everyone, with its neccesary restrictions.
By the way, anyone here know how to overcome karma from past lives? I meditate daily, but I really feel I'm going sloooooowlyyy.

---In [email protected], <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

Well, why don't you stop slacking off the meditations then? How do you expect for whichever issue you have to be solved if you don't do something about it? I gave you plenty of solutions, and you rejected all of them.If you don't do something yourself *on your own* (even if this means, taking the courage and talk to Satan), then nothing will change. There is no "jewsus savior" here. :p
Απο: Charlie Olsen <blackvixen111@...
Προς: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 3:46 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives

  If I tell you my problem your going to think I'm trolling, so I'm just going to say"It's really weird, right?" :pI'm at a loss, but I'm not psychically open enough to talk to anyone (except a shrink, but what do they know :p ) I don't really see what past life regression would do (because i don't think there are many possibilities). And I don't really feel comfortable talking to Satan or any of the Gods because iv REALLY been slacking off on meditations and the like... Anyone have any suggestions (even if their insisting one of the above) ?Thanks guys!

Hail be to the givers of true knowledge!

On 2013-09-23, at 5:57 AM, Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

  Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.
:OWow, I'm really happy my message helped you so much! :D :D
I'm sorry for your loss, though I really wonder how I'd react when I'll lose people close to me (who are hardcore christians)... I really don't know. It's not time to think about it yet; not for me.
By the way, I suggest you to do a Banishing Ritual, to be entirely sure that all enemy entities have gone from your house. :)And hey, Yoga (personally, I do Hatha Yoga, but Kundalini Yoga is good as well) drastically increases your bioelectricity (depression is a result of low bioelectricity, and since your grandmother's loss, I really believe it would do you much good, if you raised your bioelectricity that way :) ).
Our Gods are truly amazing; they never let us down, or abandon us (if we don't abandon them obviously), and if you fight alongside with them, they WILL appreciate it, and show it to you in the maximum... I'm so happy and proud of knowing the beautiful Truth. :)
Nooow for your question (sorry, I mumbled a bit xD). Someone else had asked it as well, and I provided this link: http://www.whats-your-sign.com/spiritua ... mbers.htmlOf course, like I said to the other person, always trust your instinct and also have in mind the things that have been discussed here about the numbers (4 = Satan's number, 9 = number for endings, 6 = jew number and so on... Well, 6 is not exactly a "jew" number, but they use it a lot to hurt us so... you get the point).So, for example, if you want to do a Working with vibrating runes for a spiritual purpose, you could use 7, or anything else that you find closer to what you're trying to achieve.

Απο: "ikager@..." <ikager@...
Προς: [email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 9:49 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: [JoyofSatan666] RE: Effects of Past Lives

   Light, this is amazing. I really needed to see this, tears came to my eyes. A little over a half hour before reading this, I was talking to Father asking for guidance. I had even made a statement about not wanting to trouble the Gods with my issues but that I just wanted some guidance. I didn't want to be a burden, and right there in your post was my answer. I've been feeling a bit scattered and lost since I watched my sweet grandmother pass on two weeks back on the 10th, like my mind can't wrap itself around anything. I've allowed my meditations to suffer for it, and I've been feeling less and less, like being numb to the world. Reading your post made me feel like Father himself was speaking to me, and reminded me of the beauty of the true Gentile soul and nature, and I don't want to allow myself to become anything less than that. I don't want to become a desensitized shell of myself, devoid of feeling and therefore unable to appreciate all that is beautiful in life. I was heading that way, but now I understand. All I want to do right now is cry, something I haven't done much of. Thank you for your words, Brother. I truly believe we are all linked in our own psychic chain, we feel each other. That is why many of us experience similar things at the same time, and at times the Gods guide us though each other. It may seem like I'm gushing, but what I'm feeling right now is so beautiful and loving and comforting that words can't do it any justice. 
 Something interesting, when I was in the hospital with my grandma I was asking Father and the Gods to guide and protect her soul. I spent a few hours focusing energy on that. The last two weeks have been heavy and unpleasant, I'm sure because my meditation was scarce. I've been feeling something touching my temples, elbow, and the top and back of my head for the last two weeks, but didn't feel motivated to do anything about it. I just thought about how much I miss my grandma. Well, last night I heard my son crying in his sleep, and I decided to sweep my house with blue flames. It felt so good that I just kept going with it until I felt light. When I was finished, at 3:33 am my house seemed light even though all the lights were off. My son was peaceful again, and I eventually fell asleep. In my dream I was sitting with my grandma talking to her, only for some reason my dreaming mind didn't register that it was her talking to me; I didn't realize that until I woke up, and I felt like  a complete idiot. But in the dream she looked the way she did at her best, at a healthy weight with glowing skin. She had on her favorite suit, a white two-piece embellished with golden studs around the shoulders and chest. She said to me, " You know, Grandma is here with you this week." And stupid me, I go "Where is she?" She pointed to the right of me and said "Right there." She said she loved me and I said the same. I don't remember much else, but I woke up. Today is the best I've felt in two weeks, between that dream, having a talk with Father, and reading your message. It's the first visit I've had from her since she passed, and with things being the way they have around me I'm thinking she didn't want to come into my space without it having been cleansed. I don't know right now if all these things are connected, but I hope she was protected by Father on her transition. It may seem like I'm all over the place with this message, but your talk of past life influence has me really thinking about the recent turn of events in my life, my emotional response to them, and what the possible past life connection was. I want to try the dream affirmation idea, because right now I have this strange feeling like I'm on the verge of knowing something extremely important and that's the way to find out. Again, Brother, your words have helped me so much more than you may know. I feel inspired again. Thank so much for this.  ~ HAIL FATHER SATAN, AND ALL THE GODS AND GODDESSES OF DUAT~
p.s. I did have one question : What exactly are the guidelines for choosing the number of vibrations according to the goal? Maybe it's something I overlooked, but I don't think I was aware of this concept.

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.

Munka! http://gblt.webs.com/Words_of_Power%20- ... e_Soul.htm :D :DI am really looking forward to beginning this haha. :D
By the way, as it says, it must be in the "waning" part of the moon (from full to new), meaning that this period is good, in order to begin it. :) (don't forget to check whether it's a void moon; avoid void lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp )
Απο: "edugui22@..." <edugui22@...
Προς: [email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 8:16 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: RE: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives

   Hey I loved your post, really liked it. I think there is a healthy love to everyone, with its neccesary restrictions.
By the way, anyone here know how to overcome karma from past lives? I meditate daily, but I really feel I'm going sloooooowlyyy.

---In [email protected], <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

Well, why don't you stop slacking off the meditations then? How do you expect for whichever issue you have to be solved if you don't do something about it? I gave you plenty of solutions, and you rejected all of them.If you don't do something yourself *on your own* (even if this means, taking the courage and talk to Satan), then nothing will change. There is no "jewsus savior" here. :p
Απο: Charlie Olsen <blackvixen111@...
Προς: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 3:46 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Effects of Past Lives

  If I tell you my problem your going to think I'm trolling, so I'm just going to say"It's really weird, right?" :pI'm at a loss, but I'm not psychically open enough to talk to anyone (except a shrink, but what do they know :p ) I don't really see what past life regression would do (because i don't think there are many possibilities). And I don't really feel comfortable talking to Satan or any of the Gods because iv REALLY been slacking off on meditations and the like... Anyone have any suggestions (even if their insisting one of the above) ?Thanks guys!

Hail be to the givers of true knowledge!

On 2013-09-23, at 5:57 AM, Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote:

  Hello! :)I've recently made a couple of realizations and I'd like to share them with my Satanic Family, in case they prove helpful to you.
Our past lives have a truly great effect on our current life, and of course our soul. Whatever we've gone through, whatever we've experienced, even the way with which we died; EVERYTHING can greatly affect us and our personalities and form the flows or strengths we currently have.It is really important for someone to fully perceive this information. If someone has an irrational fear, obsession or even some kind of twisted fetish (unless someone's a jew, as it is in their DNA), this is NOT something that has no explanation or base.If you're feeling at a loss, ask help and guidance from Satan or your Guardian Demon, even if you don't know who they are yet. Our Gods LISTEN to us, even if we can't hear them! In the past, I had found myself in a deadlock many times, and when I knew that the solution was out of my reach (because I couldn't even understand the source of the problem) I'd always talk to Satan or my Guardian Demon, and they would give me an answer immediately. Some times I would feel a rush of energy, other times I would just clearly listen to the answer in my mind, and some other times I wouldn't see any immediate results, but when the time came that I'd have to face whichever issue was troubling me, the solution would be right in front of my eyes.I am truly thankful for everything They have offered me, and I want everyone to understand that you will NOT be a burden if you ask for help or guidance. As we progress through meditation, we're able to see the solution on our own and of course solve what's troubling us, but when we're new in Satanism and certain things that are out of our hands' reach greatly influence (in a bad way) our lives, we can always talk to our Father and ask for His help. :) And if our Gods are busy when you pray to them, then they'll respond to you at another time, but they WILL respond to you.
Now, back to the reason I created this post.Do not try to rationalize things about your personality/ego that make no sense by saying "oh, well that's just me" or "it's really weird, right?" but not doing anything at all about it. Question yourself, ask your mind, your soul, why is it that you feel/act that way towards a specific subject and so on...You can even go as far as do the Past Life Regression meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html], but I'm warning you, this requires a whole lot of patience, and it's important to let your mind go, and not to try to visualize what your previous life/lives were like (void meditation [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html] helps in controlling your thoughts). If you would like, you could also vibrate runes for remembering your previous lifetimes (Eihwaz and Othal are ideal [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html]) or state an affirmation everyday before going to sleep that you will dream of your previous life, or your previous life in a certain year (if you were reincarnated at that time; do what you feel is best).
Do not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts or your oversensitive reactions towards certain subjects. *Everything* is important, as some of your actions and decisions in this life, may as well be influenced by your previous ones (lives). Do not make the same mistakes again. Do not experience the same pain again, and learn how to overcome the torment and sorrow that you've experienced in your previous lifetimes and still haunt you to this day...Everything is engraved in our souls. Whether that is the fear of the sea, or the loss of a child, unlike our minds, our souls do not forget; and we can access those memories with various ways mentioned previously.Also, something important to remember (in case you didn't know) our gender does not change (in every lifetime, we are the same gender) and... well, we were always human. :p Some people foolishly believe that they were an animal in their previous lifetime, but that can't happen. The animal has a different soul from ours, and each animal (tiger, dog, etc) has its own unique soul. (correct me if I'm wrong :) )
I'm sorry for this enormous post but I'm hopeful that some of you may feel more strong in your feet now. Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. xD
PS: I forgot to analyze something important... When I mentioned to not reject or neglect your "unnatural" thoughts and the like, I didn't mean to embrace them either. Actually, let me explain...
There have been many times, posts with questions about certain sexual fetishes etc. Everyone needs to understand that certain types of 'urges' (such as, the ones that hurt you or others; eg rape) are not natural and should not be performed. Yet, this type of urges originate from our own experiences in past lives (unless they're based on bad experiences/psychological traumas in this lifetime) and we can and *should* question ourselves about them and further investigate this subject on our own (past life regression, runes, etc etc). We can also ask the guidance of our Gods. As long as you do not act upon them (once more, I'm talking about specific 'fetishes'), you should not be embarrassed to talk about them to our Gods. If you *have* acted upon them, but are truly regretful, then again, talk to our Gods and tell them (Satan or your Guardian Demon) how you feel. If you *have* acted upon those urges and are *not* regretful and *will* do them again, then what the fuck are you doing here? Eat shit and die. :)
Now, for other cases (non sexual), such as a fear with no apparent source or an intense reaction towards a specific subject, you should "embrace" them, and when I say embrace them, I mean try to understand why it is, why you feel that way, question yourself, write down your own theories. If, for example, whenever you see an advertisement or on the Internet (movies, cartoons etc) someone being physically abused by someone else (maybe a family member) but you have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced anything like that, or do not know anyone else who has/had, yet you feel DEEPLY hurt when you come across such an image and are on the verge of crying, then DO THAT. Cry. Cry with all your might and ask why you're feeling this way. What part upsets you the most: the inferior party who can't defend themselves, or the superior party that takes advantage of their power? Ask, ask, ask... You will see that as soon as you find the answer, it will be relieving... :)(Well, it's only natural to be sad when someone else gets hurt -please always remember this, humans are not bad or misanthropic creatures- so obviously, I'm talking about an extremely extreme overreaction towards something.)

People (Gentiles) ARE kind creatures... We love each other, want to help each other, and see each other happy, so it really saddens me when I look at all this corruption around us, and people standing idle, as if this is the nature of humans! It is not!Humans are loving, I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart... These attributes that make us "bad" (meaning, this apathy towards other Gentile people who may be in need of help) are for two reasons:1. Jews (the brainwashing from the media, the beliefs they push around and the like).2. Residues that have remained (and 'foul' our souls) from our previous lifetimes, forcing us in one way or another to not be who we truly are; to not embrace this loving side of our humanity.
And no, no, NO, I am NOT talking about the fucked up sick 'christian love'! I'm not saying to forgive and forget. We can NOT forgive and forget what the enemy has done to us!!What I'm talking about is... well, I'm sure you've experienced it one way or another (this kind of 'love') and if not, then you'll definitely will. :)Do not support the belief that humans are 'beasts' (and damn, beasts are in a much better situation than us right now). People are loving. People are powerful.Just think, of Who created us for God's sake! :D
Note:1. When using runes (for whatever kind of magick) do not forget to always state an affirmation in your mind after the vibrations. Also, choose the number of the vibrations in correspondence to what you're trying to achieve.
Thank you for taking the time to read this enormous post. :) Ask any question you may have.

Thank you very much this was exactly what I was looking for!!! I just tried past life regression and came in my mind (thanks my Goddess!) using the rune Eihwaz to accomplish this, and was searching for experiences with this rune and found your post truly amazing.

Another SS and me who were probably of the Luftwaffe (Nazi air force) in past life, both always had fear of heights in this life hahaha!! I also had this trauma of always crying when read or even think about the post war casualities of German citizens. More than any other suffering I ever had in this lifetime. Munka is doing its work and your post is going to help me a lot more. Hail Satan! Heil Hitler!
I've always been good at martial arts and seem to intuitively favor the use of a sword.I attempted past life regression once though am uncertain if I succeeded but what I saw was, if I'm right in a past life I was an adept at fencing.It would explain a few things at least

On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:46 AM, "darknight00245@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  thank you for your post. it helped me a lot as well.

Given a lot of thought it is pretty revealing isn't it?

I especially like the idea of vibrating runes before going to bed. It'll help in the future when I might be really busy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
