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Donations FAQ

Why the fuck are people so pressed whenever HP asks for donations?
This world is ruled by money. Just deal with it.
Its very very simple: JoS needs sone money to reach more people and go on the path easier.

No need to listen to the ramblings of a quarter kike on this forum.
No need to be a whining ass bitch, whose attitude combined with the collective attitudes of those like him are one the reasons this world is in SHIT.

No need to act like a bloody kike unless you are one in blood.

Its so simple i truly wonder if the hollow, echo- inducing skulls of some ppl cannot understand this.

You are asked to donate. You arent coerced or forced. You arent intimidated into donating. Meanwhile HP takes time outta his day to explain exactly how donating helps JoS so you can have a clearer mind when making the decision.

And you still whine like a little bitch?

Are you dumb?

Either donate, or dont. Simple. Dont come here with long ass paragraphs about why " cobra said it wrong should have said it better" or " oy vey im a jew and my 50 medical surgery-ed, shekel-filled atrophied testicles are quivering cuz cobra explained how donations help".

Seriously the amount of audacity sone ppl have in here is sickening.
kalikat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, it must be kept in mind that Cobra has been one of the largest donors of JoS for about 10 years now. So Mr Cobra has nothing to gain from you.

I have taken inordinate and crazy risks of the likes seen in movies and have done so largely successfully, yet, with the enemy and a literal whole planet praying against you this sort of thing starts becoming a bit difficult or even threatening, but also the enemy preying on me constantly unfortunately has me on a constant edge.

It's crazy you said this, because I feel like my life has been a movie these past few years ever since dedicating my soul. Also i'm pretty sure someone made an attempt to take my life recently. I've been getting more sensitive to energy lately and last week I felt like someone was trying to curse me... i even remember the thought popping up in my mind that they're trying to get my to burn down my apartment complex... So I tested out the theory, which tbh now I feel really bad about. I did a curse removal from my apartment and pushed it all into my neighbours place and today her place almost burned down. The fire department is here right now. This is actually fucked up. I've already had multiple attempts on my life in the past 6 years now.

Does the enemy have occultists working for them, like jews and christians that practice the occult? I remember seeing in a reddit post how theres this christian cult that astral projects and harasses witches into repentance and other christians were saying to stop astral projecting because its evil.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because we are wolves and we must take the bread from the enemies mouth and put this on the service of the Gods.

Would it be a good idea to pretend to be a Christian and sell christian type of merchandise to finesse them of their money?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
10. Alright, I want to donate. But how should this happen?

Through Bitcoin, as it's available and ready to happen.

There is also the ability for a private donation, donating with other Crypto, just mail at the official donations e-mail and it can occur.

I'll be able to donate soon, I just have to figure out how to gain back access to my coinbase account. I got locked out because I changed my phone number and they aren't responding to my email.

1. Does the enemy have occultists?

Of course they do yes, some of the best of the best in the planet as well. It is through the Gods that we survive and so on. An undedicated human would have been toast a long time ago.

They have an innumerable amount of cults, assemblies, prayer groups, psychic harassment groups, everything you can imagine really. Turning them against us here is very obviously done. But the Gods have extreme power so they can only influence up to a certain extent. The same goes for members.

Many of them also assault us in the financial domain and so on, but also in general in JoS. They generally fail and get severe re-precautions for it, but like cannon fodder, they continue.

2. Using the enemy as a source of revenue?

Under conditions, yes. Just make sure to not promote them too much. If possible, try to take from them the maximum and give the minimum.

3. Using the enemy as a source of revenue?

Except of Coinbase [you can definitely work it out with their support, but that is a guess, Coinbase is generally not good in MY EXPERIENCE, but others say it's great, there are many other exchanges or ways to donate of course.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
You are asked to donate. You arent coerced or forced. You arent intimidated into donating. Meanwhile HP takes time outta his day to explain exactly how donating helps JoS so you can have a clearer mind when making the decision.
Seriously the amount of audacity sone ppl have in here is sickening.

I will no longer take time out of my day for those who just want to whine. They can whine on the side-bench.

I have likely addressed every question humanely possible in this thread, in other threads, and in threads on the past. This takes time out of my day where other things could be done for Spiritual Satanists for example.

I cannot permanently address and re-address people who purposefully come here to abuse the chance to ask questions only to harass.

I have explained about those who CANNOT, or might be in difficult circumstances. Those who are here on the thread only to HARASS, will be treated likewise.

Even explaining the benefits in the eyes of the community and YES, THE GODS WHO OBSERVE US FOR OUR INNER QUALITIES AND POWERS, to some it falls in vain.

THEY ARE OBSERVING US ALL. You might not like this, but THIS IS THE REALITY. Yes, they look at our efforts to do or not do something. They reward or let go accordingly.

We are not in a "Jesus loves me no matter what" place, we are in the place where these beings EXIST.

Spending one minute more about the donation subject to those at whom this falls in vain and deaf ears is a violation of my time basically with nothing gained for the Joy of Satan, the members here, our future, or even "personal" self.

I always work for all SS and stuff yes, but this after a point becomes harassment, especially when everything has been addressed.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is this specifically aimed at me or is this aimed at the ones that do not want to advance in general? If it is aimed at me i am not sure why i get hit with all those assumptions.. Am i not allowed to say something that's out of line? Oh well i'm not about to argue or defend myself on this subject, if people see this as an attack or as a ''hey lets not donate or advance at all and sing kumbaya while getting shagged by some random kike'' then its all fine by me.

BTW there is no need to get so defensive over what i said, sure i go against the flow and maybe word things weirdly here and there, but there is no need to put me in the corner like this. You could have just asked me what i meant, but then again i don't understand anything and me being on the lowest plane of existence would just make a fool of himself like i'm doing now.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is this specifically aimed at me or is this aimed at the ones that do not want to advance in general? If it is aimed at me i am not sure why i get hit with all those assumptions.. Am i not allowed to say something that's out of line? Oh well i'm not about to argue or defend myself on this subject, if people see this as an attack or as a ''hey lets not donate or advance at all and sing kumbaya while getting shagged by some random kike'' then its all fine by me.

BTW there is no need to get so defensive over what i said, sure i go against the flow and maybe word things weirdly here and there, but there is no need to put me in the corner like this. You could have just asked me what i meant, but then again i don't understand anything and me being on the lowest plane of existence would just make a fool of himself like i'm doing now.

That is not an argument whatsoever.

No, that is not about "you". In every reply, there is a mentality highlighted. This mentality is existing in a certain few, but that is their business.

If I want to tell something to someone personally, which I never do, because I do not care 9.9 out of 10 times, I will tell it to them personally.

I am not passive aggressive like most people and I will say it to the person directly.

As Satan does not have to press people to meditate, I am not going to likewise spend more of my time to emphasize why developing in this area and all other areas is necessary, for example.

It has been answered in previous replies, and I feel like too much time has went on this which will soon be of no further reason.
Egon said:
Another question, how should one deal with inflation? For instance a person is willing to send $ 50 but because of their country's situation the JoS will only get $ 10 worth in dollars out of it, and this feels demoralizing that the person is spending a lot of money and that's not much worth for the JoS, how should one proceed?

I will address these very serious concerns both for survival reasons of members and for their evolution in that regard. Europe is also going very low on this and this is a dangerous situation.

If one is in these situations, one really needs to be careful and mind how they act with money. For example, I am well aware, our Brothers and Sisters from Turkey have intense problems right now, or from Sri Lanka.

Clearly, one in these situations should HOLD BACK and do the best for their survival, while the rest of us who have the ability to do something now do it now, and vice versa.
Dear Moderators of Global Announcement, what have I read right now?

From our websites children and newbies come here and see Global Announcement shock full of kikes, traitors and pigs attacking Clergy for literally fighting for them and protecting them.

Also shock full of FAGGOTS and CUCKS siding with obvious kikes attacking their own protectors for protecting them and creating space for them. For cleansing their mind off of jewish self-robbing retoric and desperately trying to save their asses literally from exact poverty they are so complaining on: High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 is doing his part in your own uplifting this includes physical financial help he is trying to provide everyone.

What else Clergy is going to be attacked for? For giving us meditations?

If you do not see or understand something it is your problem with your mind and it being below reparation, not with JoS forum to pollute it with gravest nonexistent nonsense that makes everyone red to even read.

Complete shock and outrage... Gods' ritual fuel.
Edward Lonsa said:
Dear Moderators of Global Announcement, what have I read right now?

I know these might have been totally disturbing, but this is the reality.

I moderate the Global Announcements. It's necessary even for these people to speak out, the ones that want to just attack something. They might learn something from the stupidity of this, and they need to learn more than anyone.

As for those who understand, we just act and do what we must do, and if we cannot do it, we learn how we can do it, and we do it.

Basically if your Clergy was a kike, a bi-queer drug using psycho, or something that never told you to advance and it just filled with confusion and nonsense, most people would love this because most people are in love with damnation.

Thankfully, this percent here is low. In the outside world, this is upwards to 9 out of 10 people.

But because I am here to say facts and touch pressing matters, the above behaviors and blows are to be expected, as we are treading on the true path of development.

That's all.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
tabby said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


In all seriousness, you get called a jew for asking for donations to maintain the JoS websites and expand them to help people, but literal church kikes don't who do nothing but stuff their pockets with the hat money and ruin society? wtf...

You'd be surprised but all of this merely happens with Gentiles in this world. When it comes to jews, jewish streamers, jewish disinfo agents, useless shit and so on, people are in a gold rush to give them everything they have.

Of course, most people do not realize they are even doing it.

Basically in this world Gentiles are so difficult to help themselves as they are always willing to do anything destructive to themselves. This has reached a point that everyone who says and Truth or wants to do anything good is given the "evil" treatment.

Anyone who ever tried to do anything good will always be called names and attacked, this is the nature of people nowadays.

Yet if you bring people absolute destructive toxicity like drugs or whatever, they will glorify you, befriend you, and so on so forth.

I recall back in 2017 or so, when the "Alt Right" was pretending it was doing anything for "people", kikes like Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern quickly rode the wave for 1-2 years, made literally millions and millions [Molyneux I believe made 50 millions off of the back of White people] and then they told them that they are "retiring" all of a sudden, both having made mind boggling amounts while having given people literally nothing.

After of course amassing all of this from the guillible "Alt-Right", they decided to cuck to jews and return to their tribe with the accumulated money, having literally provided ZERO for anyone and everyone.


What remained of these characters in the internet or in the life of anyone? Has anyone advanced in anyway? Not a SINGLE person.

Nobody called these obvious kikes kikes of course, but everyone will for example do something like an assault to anyone who tries to do anything actually decent and longterm.

Then people like this who elevate these retards are going to whine about JoS while likely donating to everything false, perverted and retarded that there is in this world.

In the end, everyone gets what they deserve.

If we deserve giant JoS and so on, we might get it.

If people deserve none of this, it simply won't happen.

I'll just do my part but the general aspect of this is on us all, not any isolated individual.

It all kinda makes me think it's like a mass scale version of what happened in that cult I wrote on. I mean... people defending something horrible and they don't even understand why they defend it, becoming addicted to self-destructive behaviours, etc - sounds way too familiar. I use to think after I left that place, that it seemed like a miniature version of what was going on out in the world once we learned about the jews and such.

The JoS needs to grow, it's the spear head that's going to break this curse. Nay-sayers just don't get it... the world is in a cage, and they're crying over being given the option to donate to a good cause that is doing all it can to save this world. I see so many similarities between what happened to me and what's happening with the world but on a worse scale, I'm really starting to think what the enemy has done is force the globe into the largest cult that has existed, even bigger than xianity. Xianity was just the beginning of it. Unless people are somehow strong enough, real spiritual power is the only thing that's going to save people from this and shake them out of it. Everyone must rise spiritually, but you can't do that if there's no guidance and knowledge for people to find on how to do it. That's why the JoS exists, isn't it?

Yet the moment people are asked "are you willing to pitch in something of your own to help the JoS?" (time, energy, money, etc), people run away or attack it. That behaviour just reeks of fear to me.

If you were really such an evil man HP doing all that you do, then I'm grateful to have this "evil" in my life because it damn well makes me feel alive for the first time in years. You're not like (them)... you're NOT some fucking asshole cult whatever.

Damn it.. Feeling more upset by this than I thought I would be.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Maybe I did not fully understand the Trump part so I guess you are right here. As for the jew, soylent, etc parts. IDK... Usually when I need something I say, "I am in urgent need of this because ..." and not "give me 5$ or you are a jew idiot". But whatever, we have our reasons to express ourselves the way we do. Goes for me as well.
To be honest the ask ritual is in my mind. Maybe I am a bit skeptical since I did try to reach Demons and did not really succeed for ways to quicker and better get people to the forums. That's it! I never ask for my personal developments or free gibs. I don't give a single fuck about myself or my life length or so since it is irrelevant if we do not reach mass awareness of the forums ASAP. From what I see if the 2023-2025 range does not manifest something for us, it's too late for anything.
All personal development is for nothing if we are going to end up in a world gulag in 2-3 years.

This is definitely an overly pessimistic mindset, where you are basically forgetting what Gentiles and Satanists have accomplished, and will accomplish, against the enemy. Despite of some turmoil, we will not ever face a "world gulag", just as we averted further Covid damage, which the enemy had much more planned with.

Yes, we need to reach a greater degree of awareness. One of the ways this is done is by first supporting the many websites found on JoS, then by starting advertisement campaigns. If this is to be done, then JoS needs regular income, hence where we come in to support it.
Powerofjustice said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Is it significance(relevant) to donations,that an "amount to be donated"at the same time, or separately,will I send it in several instalments?
For example, within a one month $100 at a time,or within one month $100 every 4 weeks sent at $25 per week?
Does this make any significance, or does it not matter?

Depending on the transaction fees associated with the crypto you're using it could make sense to do one big donation instead of several smaller ones, better to pay 2-3 dollars once, than 4 times for the same sum of money.
For me, the most convenient solution is to give a larger amount at a time.Because I can currently only donate through bitcoin ATMs (just located in big cities).It's quite a hassle for me to get there, and if I take the bus, it only takes me 6 hours to get there-back (which is the fastest, of course)And I keep it a secret from my mom and dad, so they don't even know I'm donating.So I can't really go with them(my mom and dad) either.If I could have my mother's car, it would take me a total of 2 hours to drive all the way(round trip).I do not have my own current account, so I only use the ATM solution.But if I had a current account, I would probably also use ATMs because it's the easiest.Otherwise,I'm incredibly noob to as a money,because money as a theme simply leaves I cold.https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=382206#p382206

But anyway, I've managed to donate once before, but it was my first time and it was just a trial, because I've never done it before.
But I can't wait to donate again next time, for a much larger amount than before.

By the way, thanks also for your comment.
jrvan said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Raise questions is not the same as launching a random attack over nothing. It's different. For example, how could you ever reasonably say I speak about Trump, when I have explained for people to not look at these people like saviors and how pointless it is?

This means you reacted emotionally for no reason and without taking logic in consideration.

Ask any question you want, but attacking on top of it is not what Satanists should do to one another.

Yes, it is entirely for safety and privacy reasons I have not publicly exclaimed everything, and this is the sole reason.

I do not care if Twitch streamers or the Catholic church are telling you shit. This is unrelated to this. If you see these as "related", then you need to sit down and think logically and as a Satanist.

Nobody told you you are going to hell if you do not donate. But the fact that our actions are observed is well known. We live in this world and this is how it is for real.

If you do not do certain things to rise or assist, then you cannot demand like a soylent that you are taken seriously.

There is no hellfire here, so stop acting like it.

When there is absolutely no punishment then you are imagining things and confusing information. If you feel guilty for not doing heavenly obligations that will GROW you, then one should feel guilt. I feel guilt if I do not serve SS and do my tasks. You cannot have a life of duties and power without a form of guilt.

The fact that Jeboo preachers tell you lies is none of my business. Additionally, if in doubt, go do a Ritual and ask: "Satan, does Cobra say the TRUTH in regards to this subject, should I give to JOS / work for JOS / do useful tasks to expand your word on top of the earth?" and see what you get.

Maybe I did not fully understand the Trump part so I guess you are right here. As for the jew, soylent, etc parts. IDK... Usually when I need something I say, "I am in urgent need of this because ..." and not "give me 5$ or you are a jew idiot". But whatever, we have our reasons to express ourselves the way we do. Goes for me as well.
To be honest the ask ritual is in my mind. Maybe I am a bit skeptical since I did try to reach Demons and did not really succeed for ways to quicker and better get people to the forums. That's it! I never ask for my personal developments or free gibs. I don't give a single fuck about myself or my life length or so since it is irrelevant if we do not reach mass awareness of the forums ASAP. From what I see if the 2023-2025 range does not manifest something for us, it's too late for anything.
All personal development is for nothing if we are going to end up in a world gulag in 2-3 years.

Then you are giving in to feelings of despair, and being self defeating in the process. You should come to realize that people donating together as a community will lead to more exposure which you claim to want. These donations are going towards expanding our website domains in other languages which will cause it to reach more people. Do you think it's fair to expect a single person to pay for 40+ website domains? Do you know how much a single domain costs? These are regularly incurring expenses. Since we all are putting our energies into growing the JoS, and it is our collective will to bring this to the forefront of the world and we WANT this, don't you think it's reasonable for us to pitch in for what we want? The only reason to say no to this and put your voice against it (which is an influenced effort by forces beyond your awareness to discourage others from donating... you got used) is if you DON'T want it. Now ask yourself: WHY don't you want the JoS to grow? That is the only question that you need to ask. That's what this is all about.

As a community, we all get to decide if we want the JoS to grow or not grow. If everyone decided not to donate then there would be no way to facilitate the expansion. You could do all the money workings you want, and it wouldn't manifest because there's no pathway. Even the Gods can't make something grow that doesn't want to grow, and that's why they don't waste their time because they know it's not how it works. It's stupid to be irresponsible and just say "oh the Gods will handle it." If it were that easy then they would have waved their hands and made a colossal mountain of gold manifest out of thin air into a village, and then the jews would have vacuumed it all up with their equally colossal noses. And nobody would learn anything, the problem perpetuates, and everyone keeps suffering.

Yes bro need it sorted cant have HPHC left to sort it aw himsel.

My bank actual bans you if you by crypto was wanting to invest ages ago never acted.

Hope we get it flowing and growing and no idiots like that.
I was wondering if it would be a good idea to have a forum for donors, dedicated members, and project volunteers only. Anyone can view the forum, but basically only known and trusted SS can post there.

A one time donation of any amount in crypto, and your account would be allowed to post inside that forum. This could work as a "pay wall" to keep trolls out of the way of important projects. To verify, a link to a Transaction Hash can be sent over email.

Member's who's accounts have been on the forums for at least 90 days, or they are working on a well known project, could be granted posting privileges by default.

What do you all think?
EnkiUK55 said:
jrvan said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Maybe I did not fully understand the Trump part so I guess you are right here. As for the jew, soylent, etc parts. IDK... Usually when I need something I say, "I am in urgent need of this because ..." and not "give me 5$ or you are a jew idiot". But whatever, we have our reasons to express ourselves the way we do. Goes for me as well.
To be honest the ask ritual is in my mind. Maybe I am a bit skeptical since I did try to reach Demons and did not really succeed for ways to quicker and better get people to the forums. That's it! I never ask for my personal developments or free gibs. I don't give a single fuck about myself or my life length or so since it is irrelevant if we do not reach mass awareness of the forums ASAP. From what I see if the 2023-2025 range does not manifest something for us, it's too late for anything.
All personal development is for nothing if we are going to end up in a world gulag in 2-3 years.

Then you are giving in to feelings of despair, and being self defeating in the process. You should come to realize that people donating together as a community will lead to more exposure which you claim to want. These donations are going towards expanding our website domains in other languages which will cause it to reach more people. Do you think it's fair to expect a single person to pay for 40+ website domains? Do you know how much a single domain costs? These are regularly incurring expenses. Since we all are putting our energies into growing the JoS, and it is our collective will to bring this to the forefront of the world and we WANT this, don't you think it's reasonable for us to pitch in for what we want? The only reason to say no to this and put your voice against it (which is an influenced effort by forces beyond your awareness to discourage others from donating... you got used) is if you DON'T want it. Now ask yourself: WHY don't you want the JoS to grow? That is the only question that you need to ask. That's what this is all about.

As a community, we all get to decide if we want the JoS to grow or not grow. If everyone decided not to donate then there would be no way to facilitate the expansion. You could do all the money workings you want, and it wouldn't manifest because there's no pathway. Even the Gods can't make something grow that doesn't want to grow, and that's why they don't waste their time because they know it's not how it works. It's stupid to be irresponsible and just say "oh the Gods will handle it." If it were that easy then they would have waved their hands and made a colossal mountain of gold manifest out of thin air into a village, and then the jews would have vacuumed it all up with their equally colossal noses. And nobody would learn anything, the problem perpetuates, and everyone keeps suffering.

Yes bro need it sorted cant have HPHC left to sort it aw himsel.

My bank actual bans you if you by crypto was wanting to invest ages ago never acted.

Hope we get it flowing and growing and no idiots like that.

Wow, that's messed up. It's not like crypto fuels anything shady that cash doesn't, so I don't see what problem they have with it. Bad people will use money to trade and do bad things as long as either trading exists or bad people exist. Maybe you can go in person to talk with someone at the bank now that cryptocurrency is more popular and mainstream? Perhaps they will be more lax about it now. If not, there's got to be other options, right? Even putting aside donations, it's not good being limited like that. The High Priest said in a post iirc that it's a good idea to have some crypto along with national currency in preparation for the times ahead.

And yes, we as a community led by the Gods, we must do our part. Rome was built by people's hands, and just like now, many people poured their hearts and dreams into it to eventually create what was one of the greatest empires in the world. Rome required resources, time, energy, all things represented by money. If we want to build the JoS even bigger and better then we need to all put into it. It's not a question of "should we?" as if being scammed is the worst thing that could befall someone (many have been scammed by jews all their lives, but they're still alive to be able to complain about being afraid of being scammed by Satan, like some here). Instead, it's a matter of necessity. If we want the JoS to grow then it is necessary for us to invest to grow it. Religious organizations are always expanded by the members giving towards it. It's that simple. As the one religious organization not touched by the jews, I'm willing to give to it. After all, I really want more Satanists in the world, and less xians.
jrvan said:
EnkiUK55 said:
jrvan said:
Then you are giving in to feelings of despair, and being self defeating in the process. You should come to realize that people donating together as a community will lead to more exposure which you claim to want. These donations are going towards expanding our website domains in other languages which will cause it to reach more people. Do you think it's fair to expect a single person to pay for 40+ website domains? Do you know how much a single domain costs? These are regularly incurring expenses. Since we all are putting our energies into growing the JoS, and it is our collective will to bring this to the forefront of the world and we WANT this, don't you think it's reasonable for us to pitch in for what we want? The only reason to say no to this and put your voice against it (which is an influenced effort by forces beyond your awareness to discourage others from donating... you got used) is if you DON'T want it. Now ask yourself: WHY don't you want the JoS to grow? That is the only question that you need to ask. That's what this is all about.

As a community, we all get to decide if we want the JoS to grow or not grow. If everyone decided not to donate then there would be no way to facilitate the expansion. You could do all the money workings you want, and it wouldn't manifest because there's no pathway. Even the Gods can't make something grow that doesn't want to grow, and that's why they don't waste their time because they know it's not how it works. It's stupid to be irresponsible and just say "oh the Gods will handle it." If it were that easy then they would have waved their hands and made a colossal mountain of gold manifest out of thin air into a village, and then the jews would have vacuumed it all up with their equally colossal noses. And nobody would learn anything, the problem perpetuates, and everyone keeps suffering.

Yes bro need it sorted cant have HPHC left to sort it aw himsel.

My bank actual bans you if you by crypto was wanting to invest ages ago never acted.

Hope we get it flowing and growing and no idiots like that.

Wow, that's messed up. It's not like crypto fuels anything shady that cash doesn't, so I don't see what problem they have with it. Bad people will use money to trade and do bad things as long as either trading exists or bad people exist. Maybe you can go in person to talk with someone at the bank now that cryptocurrency is more popular and mainstream? Perhaps they will be more lax about it now. If not, there's got to be other options, right? Even putting aside donations, it's not good being limited like that. The High Priest said in a post iirc that it's a good idea to have some crypto along with national currency in preparation for the times ahead.

And yes, we as a community led by the Gods, we must do our part. Rome was built by people's hands, and just like now, many people poured their hearts and dreams into it to eventually create what was one of the greatest empires in the world. Rome required resources, time, energy, all things represented by money. If we want to build the JoS even bigger and better then we need to all put into it. It's not a question of "should we?" as if being scammed is the worst thing that could befall someone (many have been scammed by jews all their lives, but they're still alive to be able to complain about being afraid of being scammed by Satan, like some here). Instead, it's a matter of necessity. If we want the JoS to grow then it is necessary for us to invest to grow it. Religious organizations are always expanded by the members giving towards it. It's that simple. As the one religious organization not touched by the jews, I'm willing to give to it. After all, I really want more Satanists in the world, and less xians.

Yes bro they close acc if you even buyit never mind want to keep it or buy/donate. Not sure you get it over there or should say on here.

Just set up a diff acc.

As for what you said i agree and was more backing you against the guy you quoted bro its all good.
Ursa Minor said:
I was wondering if it would be a good idea to have a forum for donors, dedicated members, and project volunteers only. Anyone can view the forum, but basically only known and trusted SS can post there.

A one time donation of any amount in crypto, and your account would be allowed to post inside that forum. This could work as a "pay wall" to keep trolls out of the way of important projects. To verify, a link to a Transaction Hash can be sent over email.

Member's who's accounts have been on the forums for at least 90 days, or they are working on a well known project, could be granted posting privileges by default.

What do you all think?

The forum is puplic for all to participate, if they follow the rules. You never know, if a response will be trigger a other valuabel response helping or giving valuabel deeper insight in a subject.

The value of the forum are the answers, by restricting them this would decrease the value off the forum.

If ones works in a important team project, then more then likely they will connect via protonmail. So in a sense these are seperate and exclusive on there own and are allready there.
Ursa Minor said:
I was wondering if it would be a good idea to have a forum for donors, dedicated members, and project volunteers only. Anyone can view the forum, but basically only known and trusted SS can post there.

A one time donation of any amount in crypto, and your account would be allowed to post inside that forum. This could work as a "pay wall" to keep trolls out of the way of important projects. To verify, a link to a Transaction Hash can be sent over email.

Member's who's accounts have been on the forums for at least 90 days, or they are working on a well known project, could be granted posting privileges by default.

What do you all think?
Terrible idea, the JoyofSatan is not pay walled, people who want to help cannot because they must donate before joining a project?
Can you please post the QR code , I no longer see any we codes on the donation page
Fuchs said:
If ones works in a important team project, then more then likely they will connect via protonmail. So in a sense these are seperate and exclusive on there own and are allready there.

Good point about the Protonmail, it already reduces interference to near zero.

Aquarius said:

Can ignore the donation part, as I realized someone else on here already proposed that idea and it was dropped. The only difference from mine was that system he proposed was forced pay rather than optional donation for early access. Since both ideas got trashed, I'll forget about it.

Anyway, what about both a Q&A forum and an article forum? Basically, instead of a super long thread for newbie questions (that tend to get lost), each question could have a separate thread which may make them easier to search. The article forum would be for members that are posting info, like magick workings and news updates, and not asking a question.

Anyone that starts a question thread in the article forum could have their post moved to the Q&A to keep things a little more organized.
For those of you who want to do something but are unsure just how much is appropriate to donate, I once had a conversation with a jewish aquaintence of mine.

I asked him how the synagoges pay for everything when, unlike the catholic churches, they don't pass out those baskets. He told me that once a year every jew pays what is called "Temple Dues" which allows them to attend the majority of their religious services. I asked him how much temple dues were and he told me about $3000.

Moral of the story? Each Satanist should be donating at least $3001 each year 😎
WinterWarrior666 said:
For those of you who want to do something but are unsure just how much is appropriate to donate, I once had a conversation with a jewish aquaintence of mine.

I asked him how the synagoges pay for everything when, unlike the catholic churches, they don't pass out those baskets. He told me that once a year every jew pays what is called "Temple Dues" which allows them to attend the majority of their religious services. I asked him how much temple dues were and he told me about $3000.

Moral of the story? Each Satanist should be donating at least $3001 each year 😎

Jews take that shit really seriously, and for many, they are so very rich [unlike the preaching they do to the goy for bullshit reasons] that 3001$ per year is just really nothing for them. That is the reality.

For example in a household of 7 kikes, they will gather the money to give to their synagogue, and as one can understand, this takes nothing really from them either. They know for their survival, the survival of their culture is crucial, and not a joke to play around.

Asleep Gentiles think this is a joke oftentimes. Now, they are all being rallied to slavery collectively. We have woke up from this, but we have to level it up.

Jews because they care so much, they do have a culture. The average Gentile is lazy and sloppy with these things. We are not average at all, but the reality of Gentiles en masse is that most are even that lazy to flap a page in the Bible, so they believe in a genocidal program by the jews, and not only this, but they gave trillions to this. And now we have to fight a trillions size monster inside our own society.

Meanwhile, most people who are Gentiles, when it comes to real things like the JoS, are not only brainwashed to not want to have anything for themselves and their children, but you have to really impress this on everyone to understand things jews understand from the baby crib, and you are also confronted with the issues that many are really careless or just don't give a fuck.

The asleep Gentiles end up with endless issues in life, such as being alone, without guidance, lost, without spiritual authority or knowledge, and without blessings at all, going around life totally lost. Then they think they deserve more and always get less, because they have done nothing.

The awakened Gentiles of JoS who are our hope and represent the real foundation of what the future will be built upon, will definitely understand our collective mission here.

We are to where even 31$ per year per member would make a difference. For some it's pocket change, for others it can represent a small amount. Then the goal is for members to become stronger and more able in life, handling 301, and then 3001 and so on. While we all collectively evolve.

I will also instate full blown efforts and mechanisms to make people who care, to be taken care of. I cannot stand it to hear that some are on the edge with everything, that is not correct.

Those who cannot care due to reasons of poverty, I will also do my best to help by giving them knowledge, ideas, and as the future comes opportunities. Then with study and time I do believe most people can escape or at least better their situation to a livable extend.

Financial woes are understood, we love everyone and the JoS wants to help every SS irrespective of position anyway. But reality is reality.
So after reading a whole bunch of posts on this topic I have to say Cobra is the man for slinging shit straight back into the shit slingers face you know that song here comes the boom I think of that song when they go you don't really want it right it's like fuck yeah man roast em up good.

With my new cash money job and my tax return on the way I wish to take on more burden so that 100 a month just got jacked to 400 a month I'm aiming for 10% of the cost of running all the websites looking to take the weight off your back my friend.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every donated dollar to the JoS is a holy dollar, and every dollar one takes from the enemy through intelligent and legal ways is a holiest dollar.

Is money acquired (and then donated) through investiments/assets moral?
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every donated dollar to the JoS is a holy dollar, and every dollar one takes from the enemy through intelligent and legal ways is a holiest dollar.

Is money acquired (and then donated) through investiments/assets moral?

Yes, absolutely, it's borne out of intelligence and foresight. This proves proficiency for a person, and generosity towards what is right.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every donated dollar to the JoS is a holy dollar, and every dollar one takes from the enemy through intelligent and legal ways is a holiest dollar.

Is money acquired (and then donated) through investiments/assets moral?

Yes, absolutely, it's borne out of intelligence and foresight. This proves proficiency for a person, and generosity towards what is right.

This seems weird to me. Weren't the national socialists against speculative income (income without work) as they end up strengthening even more the (((financial elites))) at the top? Aren't some of the RTRs against it somehow (e.g. Terminating Jewish Financial Control)?
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Elas Qilar said:
Is money acquired (and then donated) through investiments/assets moral?

Yes, absolutely, it's borne out of intelligence and foresight. This proves proficiency for a person, and generosity towards what is right.

This seems weird to me. Weren't the national socialists against speculative income (income without work) as they end up strengthening even more the (((financial elites))) at the top? Aren't some of the RTRs against it somehow (e.g. Terminating Jewish Financial Control)?

We are not a political party here nor we are the political party of a country or the planet. We just mention that a certain political party has followed certain eternal Truths that are incumbent in the beliefs that our Gods have created, or at least, did their best to try this. And they clearly did that. They were not the first or the last politicians to do this.

Previous Empires, kings and conquerors have done this, or have not done this and reaped the consequences. To not do this, generally ends up in disaster.

Political policies are adjusted based on the Eternal Truths explained in the Aryan Religious roots that are common to Gentiles worldwide and then affirmed downwards to address the needs that arise out of a spacetime in a Nation or the world and above all the people living there.

If Hitler or anyone like this came back now, their movement would be different, but abide by the core teachings. From there on, one expands and formulates according to the needs of a time, era and century.

The National Socialists were in 1925 to 1945. We are closely 100 years later, the economy and life has reformed itself completely. Most of the charter in National Socialism was written to address the problems of the time, and then the eternal things that would stand the test of time. Politicies change with time and influenced by everything in society.

Warren Buffet is a financial elite, but nor a jew, nor evil. There are many other Financial Elites, who are not evil people or necessarily do more harm than good, and quite a few, do from a management or general perspective, way more good than harm. Then you have others who are trash.

In these categories, the jews have infested and mentally infected the majority of these people, who regularly exist in every civilization either through ability or through increased intelligence. They transform them into fools and per-occupy them with stupid things. Some are fools from birth, and some very intelligent. There is no singular point here.

Income without "work" is relative, as even in working in stock markets and so on, one is still working, studying and making research. The lack of "labor", is compensated by the risks one takes, which is what one exchanges for this type of "less labor" work.

Non traditional types of work and "labor" exist today more than ever. Albeit we have a confused economy, this is the result of greatly enlarged economies. They become more complex and more weird.

The National Socialists are a party that that was active within the very specific time spectrum, and for a brief time, and under specific circumstances of social, political, production, financial realities of the time.

Now, times have changed very much, and the world is also moving towards modes of production, development and fiscal management that are influenced by technology, remote work, and all sorts of other complexities that did not exist back then. If they existed, they would have adapted.

A basic example here is that if we found robots that would do the field work, then it is very high likely the work and life in the field would change and with it, the basic underlying structure of what one is pro or against. How has the tractor for example, influenced our labor? It clearly made labor able by fewer. How about automatic farming? Well, that requires work and "labor" too, and hours and management, but the means have changed, and therefore, the reality on this.

In Hitler's time, it was decided that a good time to work for people should never exceed 8 hours, as a general law. One could still decide overtime. But inhumane conditions like 14 hours per day, were forbidden. Now, many people worldwide [if we actually progress in Aquarius] might slowly be able to do less time at work, might even go down to 4, five times per week for a good salary.

Then, there are people like me, who enjoy to work and spend time on what they work at for 8 or 12 hours on the daily, sometimes, two days straight, and I do not consider it "humane" for anyone to stop me.

The basic realities always remain. Even stock brokers and others who are not total crooks, and economists, or even what we call "speculators", give a great amount of forethought, intelligence, planning and engage in other forms of indirect work that is not "traditional labor" to bear fruits.

The invention of the car, for example, does challenge many decisions such as for working or not "working". If a car was produced once upon a time, does the creator of it count as a person who is not "laboring"? Clearly, not. They have labored and the car is still there. Do they need to be paid? It should be clear, that yes.

Reality is a bit more complex than just a single law. We go by the time and developments.

The problem is that the same mechanism can be misused by the likes of the jews to cause speculations, crashes and so on. The fact jews use this on the negative does not make something evil in it's entirety, anymore than jews using meditation does not make it evil.

Stock markets and similar practices existed in the past, and are part of a quasi predictive process that is also related to gambling. There are risks involved etc. Even the manipulation of such was after the jews learned from the Babylonians, who were conducting trade and other "banking services" like most Ancient Civilizations did. The banks were not evil, just institutions.

Jews fuck everything up basically as they care about their own selves and their agenda is without a compass. This is what causes the damage.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
