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Donations FAQ

Is crypto the only way you are accepting donations or are you willing to in another way?

I’m feeling as if I can give enough right now to support one or two websites for a year but I am not to sure as to how much that would be. If it’s possible can you share how much that would be on here? or should I got through the donations email?

Soon I will be making more through my current job and eventually even more with some other things I am working on and would be honored to give more. I won’t ask but will state that I think you and other clergy/those working on expanding JoS should be getting paid to do that enough so that is your only focus if that is not a reality already.
All the whiners would be very frustrated and upset if the JoS wasn't around anymore. In that case, they would have to go back to how it was before when you couldn't find any full truth speakers, any real spirituality anywhere, and everyone was just breathing down your neck about jewsus all the time. No community free of judaism, no way to fight back, and just watching everyone around you be stupid. No wonderful meditations from the Gods. No convenient MP3 pronunciations of the sacred and powerful Runes that you would have no idea how to pronounce otherwise. Everything you've gained would just be gone, and you would be reset to nothing. No way to organize in spiritual warfare either. Good job. You would have to watch as all the beautiful children of the world got rounded up and put on a christian goyim farm or some shit, waiting to be slaughtered along with the cows. Is that what you want?

If that's what you want, then by all means bitch about the one organization on Earth that manages to effectively fight back against the jewish invaders of this planet, asking for support from its members to help it grow. Why again wouldn't you want this place to grow? Because you want the above to come back? Okay. Go donate to the christian church then because at least that's kosher enough for you. The church will be there waiting for you if this place falls (it won't, oy veyyyy). If you want to go back to church then go. Nobody is forcing you to be here.

Those who seriously find it within themselves to whine about donations... Grow up and get over yourselves. Nobody is forcing you to donate. Hoodedcobra isn't obsessed with your precious goy pockets, oy vey. Your pockets aren't the most sacred precious thing in the universe that you have to protect at all costs. He's not your school bully shaking you down.

Nobody is manipulating you, nobody is pointing a gun at your head to donate. You act like you wish that was the case to validate how special you feel with your poor little goy pockets. "Wah, Hoodedcobra pointed a gun at my head and said I should donate. JoS is evil, man. Church 2.0 fo sho." Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? THIS IS NOT CHRISTIANITY! Find me some other place that fights AGAINST christianity as effectively as the JoS does. Go on, do it. Or else, stop being paranoid. Stop being used by thoughtforms that make you feel triggered and called out when you read a post about donations, and realize that if you're too poor to donate then the post is NOT addressing you. Just chill out.

If you don't protect something then you will lose it. It's that simple. Nobody has to donate, but those who are ABLE to definitely should because this is all worth protecting. And the blessed souls who donate when they can are the ones you will be thanking later on when you realize the sheer weight of what they sustained. If you whined then you are going to be feeling very ashamed when this realization dawns on you. Not because you didn't donate, but because you whined about donations being asked for. You spoke against the growth of the organization that gave you back everything that the jews stole from you. How smart of you.
Aquarius said:
Bunny said:
NakedPluto said:
You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that other do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only a tell of your personal life, which as a SS needs improvement. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

Little shit mageson also stated than money is very evil. So pay up goy, go live in a cave without anything but holiness and good faith while being angry at Trump (who by the way, is a genius business man).

Not that hard to be a genious business man when you get a million dollars loan from your dad and major inheritances.
It actually is, because fools like you would never make as much money as he did if you were given 1 million dollars, even if given 10.
Why are you calling me a fool 👎
Do you know how many seminars there there is on real estate for rich people, even his jewish nephew has stated that real estate is like porn for rich people. Its so simple to make money on it.
Lately there has been a lot of trolling about you Mr. Cobra, you doing great huh?

i have the believing that the most shit they throw to a post the most valuable will be this post.
NakedPluto said:

You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that other do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only a tell of your personal life, which as a SS needs improvement. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

Little shit mageson also stated than money is very evil. So pay up goy, go live in a cave without anything but holiness and good faith while being angry at Trump (who by the way, is a genius business man).

"I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

That's it! There's your answer! The HP was telling me about donating even a worthless 5$ sum if I wanna do my part. Well I am not going to elaborate again on every point I raised, but just tell you shortly that If I knew the people involved and knew where the money goes I would not donate 5$... I would probably donate 20% of my salary! That's it, that's all. I don't think it's appropriate for a platform where our interaction is anonymous. Don't get me wrong I think it should stay this way for safety reasons.
And the way those posts have been written seems like an urgent/pressure like trick which many do. I know, don't compare JoS to others, but still don't have visibility. I am very familiar with such guild psychology, it's not the "unga bunga but the church and I give to the church because i don't", but the fact I cannot confirm 100% the destination. How are we getting judged? A person who did RTRs and/or spread materials and links/QRs/activism vs someone who just donates money. Am I not right to at least raise some questions?
EasternFireLion666 said:
NakedPluto said:

You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that other do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only a tell of your personal life, which as a SS needs improvement. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

Little shit mageson also stated than money is very evil. So pay up goy, go live in a cave without anything but holiness and good faith while being angry at Trump (who by the way, is a genius business man).

"I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

That's it! There's your answer! The HP was telling me about donating even a worthless 5$ sum if I wanna do my part. Well I am not going to elaborate again on every point I raised, but just tell you shortly that If I knew the people involved and knew where the money goes I would not donate 5$... I would probably donate 20% of my salary! That's it, that's all. I don't think it's appropriate for a platform where our interaction is anonymous. Don't get me wrong I think it should stay this way for safety reasons.
And the way those posts have been written seems like an urgent/pressure like trick which many do. I know, don't compare JoS to others, but still don't have visibility. I am very familiar with such guild psychology, it's not the "unga bunga but the church and I give to the church because i don't", but the fact I cannot confirm 100% the destination. How are we getting judged? A person who did RTRs and/or spread materials and links/QRs/activism vs someone who just donates money. Am I not right to at least raise some questions?

Raise questions is not the same as launching a random attack over nothing. It's different. For example, how could you ever reasonably say I speak about Trump, when I have explained for people to not look at these people like saviors and how pointless it is?

This means you reacted emotionally for no reason and without taking logic in consideration.

Ask any question you want, but attacking on top of it is not what Satanists should do to one another.

Yes, it is entirely for safety and privacy reasons I have not publicly exclaimed everything, and this is the sole reason.

I do not care if Twitch streamers or the Catholic church are telling you shit. This is unrelated to this. If you see these as "related", then you need to sit down and think logically and as a Satanist.

Nobody told you you are going to hell if you do not donate. But the fact that our actions are observed is well known. We live in this world and this is how it is for real.

If you do not do certain things to rise or assist, then you cannot demand like a soylent that you are taken seriously.

There is no hellfire here, so stop acting like it.

When there is absolutely no punishment then you are imagining things and confusing information. If you feel guilty for not doing heavenly obligations that will GROW you, then one should feel guilt. I feel guilt if I do not serve SS and do my tasks. You cannot have a life of duties and power without a form of guilt.

The fact that Jeboo preachers tell you lies is none of my business. Additionally, if in doubt, go do a Ritual and ask: "Satan, does Cobra say the TRUTH in regards to this subject, should I give to JOS / work for JOS / do useful tasks to expand your word on top of the earth?" and see what you get.
jrvan said:
Nobody is manipulating you, nobody is pointing a gun at your head to donate. You act like you wish that was the case to validate how special you feel with your poor little goy pockets. "Wah, Hoodedcobra pointed a gun at my head and said I should donate. JoS is evil, man. Church 2.0 fo sho." Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? THIS IS NOT CHRISTIANITY! Find me some other place that fights AGAINST christianity as effectively as the JoS does. Go on, do it. Or else, stop being paranoid. Stop being used by thoughtforms that make you feel triggered and called out when you read a post about donations, and realize that if you're too poor to donate then the post is NOT addressing you. Just chill out.

The Christian Church tells you that if you do not give EVERYTHING to them, absolutely ALL of it, that you will basically burn in hell or something.

Such statements exist nowhere here, nor they ever will.

We want the REVERSE here. I want people to understand how:

1. The JoS is invaluable, and should not be treated solely as a monetary exchange.

2. That donating or assuming a certain responsibility, is good in the eyes of the Gods, and grows you too to become richer and more powerful in the process with the knowledge we give. They want people to become as the Gods.

3. That doing this grows one's self and others for the common good.

Basically where some people recoil is that I tell them the Truth that we are all here to advance spiritually, get better, and so many other things that our world HATES right now.

One more thing the world HATES, is the feeling of having any duty to anything. They do not understand this and the guilt this might produce, is a natural feeling that we must accept in our path to rising higher.

They want for example the Gods to be dutiful to them, and me to be dutiful to all, and others to have a sense of duty, while one has none. This is a childish mentality that is off the rails and goes all the way down to parasitic.

I feel guilty if I do not help my SS family everyday, for example.

I wish I was on the reverse position where all that would be asked of me is not a million things, but rather to make a small donation. I reminiscence these days from where I was a newbie to JoS. They were calmer days. But I did what I should for my family back then too.

HP has detailed all of this, you don't want to listen. And what I am trying to tell you, is that you are making arguments based on false things that are not real. You are angry at YOUR OWN understanding and then IGNORE the real one.

I will never ever understand this hate towards money. Regardless, it is your job to be analytical and understand what is written. It IS your job to make proper judgement, it is your job to ask the Gods for yourself.

You are directly asking to be a follower then you attack your own position of "follower".

-Tell me why is this so.
-Got told.
- No, tell me what I assume regardless of it else I don't follow.
-Got told reality again.
-OH wait so I am not being told to follow mindlessly this is pure logic here which I cannot understand, I want to follow only nonsense. I want to be a follower while not being a follower.

This is conflictual. You are making assumptions based on dissonance. You are equating JoS with any other religion, you are equating what happens here with anything else in the world which to you appears similar. But the fact of the matter is and was, you and others have not understood your purpose here, the way things work and the actual spiritual advancement. You tried and you try, of course, but until a level of success is achieved, I'm am sorry but this might as well be as anything else for you. Definitely cannot argue with that logic.

Tell honestly and don't be weak around this, you have simply problems and inner turmoil over JoS and HP, not necessarily this, it is only a moment by which have gathered enough motive for you to express yourself. In the donations case, go ahead and ask the God or maintain your stance, you are free do to so. (although really reading what HP wrote is unbeatable by logic and understanding). If it is about inner turmoil about JoS, again address the Gods and seek to cleanse from these thoughtforms and better yourself, overcome this.

I did not expect this from you, I have had high expectations from you. Get to work! Hard and Fast!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Yes Mr. Cobra, you win this round. I am in some war with you you need to prove yourself to me, Mr Cobra. Because after a whole 20 posts and never having being in Satanism for like a few months, or having read your work and saw you sacrifice your lifetime for a greater purpose, I do have many questions and backstabs to throw at you Mr. Cobra.

Until next time where I'll write more unverified slander and abuse you for accepting it because you want to answer the questions of your legitimate members, Mr Cobra."

Thanks so much for starting to post again, I expect your next unwarranted attack out of nowhere.

Frendly banter..?


First: My existence shouldn't make you this mad - or even a little mad, or mad at all - (I'm not saying turn the other cheek or other bs like that but you're a smart guy/girl so I think you can figure that out) so what is it? Bad day?


Oh, boy. Sound the fucking alarms! As if every dedicated Satanist - even if a commie agent held a gun to their head then that commie agent could actually pull the trigger..

Spoiler - They couldn't.

When shit hit's the fan, The Gods manifest physically: Lightning, gusts of wind, major mind-hax of that specific individuals' enemies.

But you knew that..

Oh, excuse me:


Yes, sir

Of course, sir

Nevermind, sir

''Because after a whole 20 posts'' - When did we start to measure a gentile's worth, credibility or trustworthiness on the forums based on how many posts someone has? I could go on a 1,000 post rant on /s why the earth is flat /s. Would that make me more credible or less? YES, the jew infiltrates this way, YES, you fucks have fallen for it. *cough* mageson *cough* YES, time served on the forums equals labor put in. THIS DOES NOT EQUAL TRUSTWORTHINESS OR SPIRITUAL/SOUL POWER

And I'm not writing this for you and you alone, you narcissistic bastard.

Think about it..

Fucking, Alexander The Great could create an account and post something or ask a question and the most likely answer to him would be ''Get lost, infiltrator.''

''She's trying to cause discord on the forums by turning Satanists against each other and she's delusional, thinking she owns the place after just stepping into the school. (forums) She's putting herself on a pedestal and equating herself to Alexander The Great. She's a schizoid fuck who thinks she has a risen serpent!!! We need to ban her before she makes others lose their minds''

Now... I know you're foaming at the mouth. Do try to keep up, yeah?

Read my signature and tell me again how much of an infiltrator I am..

''She's naming names and singling people out by name.''


''and never having being in Satanism for like a few months''

How the fuck do you know how long I've done what?!

''or having read your work and saw you sacrifice your lifetime for a greater purpose,--''

The whole world does not fucking revolve around you no matter how wealthy or what you may think. At least Maxine was humble, y'know.

''I do have many questions and backstabs to throw at you Mr. Cobra.''

You've been in war mode/face for so long that as soon as (recently) someone comes to say something to you what you equate as 'someone coming AT you' you freak the fuck out. How is this a 'backstab' when we barely know each other? Did you think we were friends? No, we're acquaintances.

You are NOT the de-facto ruler of Earth.

Oh, you are?

Fix the recession then by pushing through a decree of some kind.


Shut the fuck up.

tsk-tsk-tsk -- Banter, remember?

You need to lose some of that tension shit you got going on. Embrace the chaos.

Like me. :)

I wonder if this post will actually go through..

How fun!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every donated dollar to the JoS is a holy dollar, and every dollar one takes from the enemy through intelligent and legal ways is a holiest dollar.
These are such beautiful and true words.But it is also very moving.You're very great Sir Commander HP.Hoodedcobra666.
I would tell you a personal story about this, but I prefer to keep it to myself(For expediency and precaution).For now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
NakedPluto said:
You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that other do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only a tell of your personal life, which as a SS needs improvement. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

Little shit mageson also stated than money is very evil. So pay up goy, go live in a cave without anything but holiness and good faith while being angry at Trump (who by the way, is a genius business man).

"I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

That's it! There's your answer! The HP was telling me about donating even a worthless 5$ sum if I wanna do my part. Well I am not going to elaborate again on every point I raised, but just tell you shortly that If I knew the people involved and knew where the money goes I would not donate 5$... I would probably donate 20% of my salary! That's it, that's all. I don't think it's appropriate for a platform where our interaction is anonymous. Don't get me wrong I think it should stay this way for safety reasons.
And the way those posts have been written seems like an urgent/pressure like trick which many do. I know, don't compare JoS to others, but still don't have visibility. I am very familiar with such guild psychology, it's not the "unga bunga but the church and I give to the church because i don't", but the fact I cannot confirm 100% the destination. How are we getting judged? A person who did RTRs and/or spread materials and links/QRs/activism vs someone who just donates money. Am I not right to at least raise some questions?

Raise questions is not the same as launching a random attack over nothing. It's different. For example, how could you ever reasonably say I speak about Trump, when I have explained for people to not look at these people like saviors and how pointless it is?

This means you reacted emotionally for no reason and without taking logic in consideration.

Ask any question you want, but attacking on top of it is not what Satanists should do to one another.

Yes, it is entirely for safety and privacy reasons I have not publicly exclaimed everything, and this is the sole reason.

I do not care if Twitch streamers or the Catholic church are telling you shit. This is unrelated to this. If you see these as "related", then you need to sit down and think logically and as a Satanist.

Nobody told you you are going to hell if you do not donate. But the fact that our actions are observed is well known. We live in this world and this is how it is for real.

If you do not do certain things to rise or assist, then you cannot demand like a soylent that you are taken seriously.

There is no hellfire here, so stop acting like it.

When there is absolutely no punishment then you are imagining things and confusing information. If you feel guilty for not doing heavenly obligations that will GROW you, then one should feel guilt. I feel guilt if I do not serve SS and do my tasks. You cannot have a life of duties and power without a form of guilt.

The fact that Jeboo preachers tell you lies is none of my business. Additionally, if in doubt, go do a Ritual and ask: "Satan, does Cobra say the TRUTH in regards to this subject, should I give to JOS / work for JOS / do useful tasks to expand your word on top of the earth?" and see what you get.

Maybe I did not fully understand the Trump part so I guess you are right here. As for the jew, soylent, etc parts. IDK... Usually when I need something I say, "I am in urgent need of this because ..." and not "give me 5$ or you are a jew idiot". But whatever, we have our reasons to express ourselves the way we do. Goes for me as well.
To be honest the ask ritual is in my mind. Maybe I am a bit skeptical since I did try to reach Demons and did not really succeed for ways to quicker and better get people to the forums. That's it! I never ask for my personal developments or free gibs. I don't give a single fuck about myself or my life length or so since it is irrelevant if we do not reach mass awareness of the forums ASAP. From what I see if the 2023-2025 range does not manifest something for us, it's too late for anything.
All personal development is for nothing if we are going to end up in a world gulag in 2-3 years.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Nobody is manipulating you, nobody is pointing a gun at your head to donate. You act like you wish that was the case to validate how special you feel with your poor little goy pockets. "Wah, Hoodedcobra pointed a gun at my head and said I should donate. JoS is evil, man. Church 2.0 fo sho." Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? THIS IS NOT CHRISTIANITY! Find me some other place that fights AGAINST christianity as effectively as the JoS does. Go on, do it. Or else, stop being paranoid. Stop being used by thoughtforms that make you feel triggered and called out when you read a post about donations, and realize that if you're too poor to donate then the post is NOT addressing you. Just chill out.

The Christian Church tells you that if you do not give EVERYTHING to them, absolutely ALL of it, that you will basically burn in hell or something.

Such statements exist nowhere here, nor they ever will.

We want the REVERSE here. I want people to understand how:

1. The JoS is invaluable, and should not be treated solely as a monetary exchange.

2. That donating or assuming a certain responsibility, is good in the eyes of the Gods, and grows you too to become richer and more powerful in the process with the knowledge we give. They want people to become as the Gods.

3. That doing this grows one's self and others for the common good.

Basically where some people recoil is that I tell them the Truth that we are all here to advance spiritually, get better, and so many other things that our world HATES right now.

One more thing the world HATES, is the feeling of having any duty to anything. They do not understand this and the guilt this might produce, is a natural feeling that we must accept in our path to rising higher.

They want for example the Gods to be dutiful to them, and me to be dutiful to all, and others to have a sense of duty, while one has none. This is a childish mentality that is off the rails and goes all the way down to parasitic.

I feel guilty if I do not help my SS family everyday, for example.

I wish I was on the reverse position where all that would be asked of me is not a million things, but rather to make a small donation. I reminiscence these days from where I was a newbie to JoS. They were calmer days. But I did what I should for my family back then too.

So true. It's really sad in my opinion that we have to lay so thickly the contrast between us and the enemy just to wake people out of this poisonous mindset that only hurts themselves (irony...). We shouldn't even have to mention the difference between us and our enemies, it should be as clear as day to everyone by now. Have they not yet seen enough examples of actual jews and what they are like, to realize how well we are all treated here? All I have to do is go out into the public for a short while and start interacting, and it becomes clear how much more fulfilling and pleasant it is to interact with the community here. The community that we have all built together and raised spiritually together, under our Gods. How anyone could be worried about having their small amount of money and bread scammed from them is a mystery to me, and it's a pointless argument that falls on itself. If they need that money for bread then they should just eat, but apparently common sense escapes them and they need to become suspicious of the people here who are the kindest and most benevolent people I have ever met. Not to mention suspicious of our Gods, which it's just like... why? If they have not experienced the kindness of the Gods by now and become aware of it then there is something wrong.

More is expected of strong people. Which seems like bullshit in a world where many people are weak, but that's how it is. Eventually, as the weak are guided by the strong, the weak become stronger and the average level is uplifted. Then the burden on the strong is lessened. Afterwards, you have the confidence and pride of knowing that that was the monstrous level that you were able to handle, and can handle in the future if you ever need to. I know you already know all of this, and the purpose of what you said was to be illustrative.
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:

Maybe I did not fully understand the Trump part so I guess you are right here. As for the jew, soylent, etc parts. IDK... Usually when I need something I say, "I am in urgent need of this because ..." and not "give me 5$ or you are a jew idiot". But whatever, we have our reasons to express ourselves the way we do. Goes for me as well.
To be honest the ask ritual is in my mind. Maybe I am a bit skeptical since I did try to reach Demons and did not really succeed for ways to quicker and better get people to the forums. That's it! I never ask for my personal developments or free gibs. I don't give a single fuck about myself or my life length or so since it is irrelevant if we do not reach mass awareness of the forums ASAP. From what I see if the 2023-2025 range does not manifest something for us, it's too late for anything.
All personal development is for nothing if we are going to end up in a world gulag in 2-3 years.

I am not in "need", therefore, I will not say I am in need. If I were in need, I would have been direct and said that I was in need as a person, but I am not. But I am fine.

You should start giving a fuck about your life and stop waiting for specific years. You are more into Trump mentality than you realize. So many of his supporters say the same shit.

This is a psyop from the enemy so that people who know the Truth give up. They constantly say that the world is "over" and so on. It is not over, and everyday matters.

You are thinking with too much useless negativity. Everything will be fine in the end.

All the message of the enemy, it is all a psyop for you to spend your years sitting there thinking that all of it is doomed and over. If they manage people to convince people of this, the game is half won by them.

Instead of focusing on the "Mass adoption goals hurr hurr" might as well do one's part for this and let it go. The rest of it is gibberish produced out of a good heart but misplaced worry.
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
"I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

That's it! There's your answer! The HP was telling me about donating even a worthless 5$ sum if I wanna do my part. Well I am not going to elaborate again on every point I raised, but just tell you shortly that If I knew the people involved and knew where the money goes I would not donate 5$... I would probably donate 20% of my salary! That's it, that's all. I don't think it's appropriate for a platform where our interaction is anonymous. Don't get me wrong I think it should stay this way for safety reasons.
And the way those posts have been written seems like an urgent/pressure like trick which many do. I know, don't compare JoS to others, but still don't have visibility. I am very familiar with such guild psychology, it's not the "unga bunga but the church and I give to the church because i don't", but the fact I cannot confirm 100% the destination. How are we getting judged? A person who did RTRs and/or spread materials and links/QRs/activism vs someone who just donates money. Am I not right to at least raise some questions?

Raise questions is not the same as launching a random attack over nothing. It's different. For example, how could you ever reasonably say I speak about Trump, when I have explained for people to not look at these people like saviors and how pointless it is?

This means you reacted emotionally for no reason and without taking logic in consideration.

Ask any question you want, but attacking on top of it is not what Satanists should do to one another.

Yes, it is entirely for safety and privacy reasons I have not publicly exclaimed everything, and this is the sole reason.

I do not care if Twitch streamers or the Catholic church are telling you shit. This is unrelated to this. If you see these as "related", then you need to sit down and think logically and as a Satanist.

Nobody told you you are going to hell if you do not donate. But the fact that our actions are observed is well known. We live in this world and this is how it is for real.

If you do not do certain things to rise or assist, then you cannot demand like a soylent that you are taken seriously.

There is no hellfire here, so stop acting like it.

When there is absolutely no punishment then you are imagining things and confusing information. If you feel guilty for not doing heavenly obligations that will GROW you, then one should feel guilt. I feel guilt if I do not serve SS and do my tasks. You cannot have a life of duties and power without a form of guilt.

The fact that Jeboo preachers tell you lies is none of my business. Additionally, if in doubt, go do a Ritual and ask: "Satan, does Cobra say the TRUTH in regards to this subject, should I give to JOS / work for JOS / do useful tasks to expand your word on top of the earth?" and see what you get.

Maybe I did not fully understand the Trump part so I guess you are right here. As for the jew, soylent, etc parts. IDK... Usually when I need something I say, "I am in urgent need of this because ..." and not "give me 5$ or you are a jew idiot". But whatever, we have our reasons to express ourselves the way we do. Goes for me as well.
To be honest the ask ritual is in my mind. Maybe I am a bit skeptical since I did try to reach Demons and did not really succeed for ways to quicker and better get people to the forums. That's it! I never ask for my personal developments or free gibs. I don't give a single fuck about myself or my life length or so since it is irrelevant if we do not reach mass awareness of the forums ASAP. From what I see if the 2023-2025 range does not manifest something for us, it's too late for anything.
All personal development is for nothing if we are going to end up in a world gulag in 2-3 years.

Then you are giving in to feelings of despair, and being self defeating in the process. You should come to realize that people donating together as a community will lead to more exposure which you claim to want. These donations are going towards expanding our website domains in other languages which will cause it to reach more people. Do you think it's fair to expect a single person to pay for 40+ website domains? Do you know how much a single domain costs? These are regularly incurring expenses. Since we all are putting our energies into growing the JoS, and it is our collective will to bring this to the forefront of the world and we WANT this, don't you think it's reasonable for us to pitch in for what we want? The only reason to say no to this and put your voice against it (which is an influenced effort by forces beyond your awareness to discourage others from donating... you got used) is if you DON'T want it. Now ask yourself: WHY don't you want the JoS to grow? That is the only question that you need to ask. That's what this is all about.

As a community, we all get to decide if we want the JoS to grow or not grow. If everyone decided not to donate then there would be no way to facilitate the expansion. You could do all the money workings you want, and it wouldn't manifest because there's no pathway. Even the Gods can't make something grow that doesn't want to grow, and that's why they don't waste their time because they know it's not how it works. It's stupid to be irresponsible and just say "oh the Gods will handle it." If it were that easy then they would have waved their hands and made a colossal mountain of gold manifest out of thin air into a village, and then the jews would have vacuumed it all up with their equally colossal noses. And nobody would learn anything, the problem perpetuates, and everyone keeps suffering.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
15. "But I am a jew and I feel like doing backflips while having a seizure when I read this post by JoS." [This is a joke by the way]


That is normal, it's because your are a jew and you have ill begotten wealth that is siphoned from Gentiles from 20 centuries or so that have elevated your lies on supreme power merely by the power of the stolen shekel.

Naturally, being a robber and having founded an empire of lies, the thought of anything like the JoS growing angers you a lot.

This does not coincide with the New or the Old Testament, and goes against your curses that Gentiles and their temples should be besieged by lack of shekels, so it makes you mad because you are not benefiting from this.

Knowing the power of money additionally on top of this compared to the average "Goy" who you have instructed to want "Manna from heaven", scares you even more.

Belonging also to a race that makes an average net income of hundreds of thousands yearly, would make a jew flip out even if the Joy of Satan made 1/10th monthly of what a jew makes yearly.

That would naturally cause a flipout. The mere idea of Satanists showing a little solidarity like the jews do constantly, would make their heads flip out as they consider every "Goy" incapable of such tasks. Let's prove them otherwise.

Rothschild would flip over as he crashed the latest Crypto Market and Stock Market for 3+ trillions in profits, and his offspring would start writing nonsense on the board about how evil it is for JoS to ask for anything.

George Soros will take twists on his chair as he cannot believe how Goyim have woke up from the comatose situation because the 72 and 42 curses didn't work to destroy everyone yet again.

Jews really sweat when they see things like this, so as always they will jump on the guns with curses and flipping out on everyone and everything.

Youre fucking killing me from laughter. Oh god :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Apollonius666 said:
Since the bitcoin commission is high, I sent it from zec, I hope it's okay

Thank you so much, it's definitely OK. That will fund a next domain for 2 years.

StoicAcorn666 said:
Is crypto the only way you are accepting donations or are you willing to in another way?

I’m feeling as if I can give enough right now to support one or two websites for a year but I am not to sure as to how much that would be. If it’s possible can you share how much that would be on here? or should I got through the donations email?

Soon I will be making more through my current job and eventually even more with some other things I am working on and would be honored to give more. I won’t ask but will state that I think you and other clergy/those working on expanding JoS should be getting paid to do that enough so that is your only focus if that is not a reality already.

Thank you for showing actual interest. You can message at [email protected] or [email protected] and we can find a way.

But Crypto is what this has to be, because of reasons of that 98% of all of our expenses for JoS are accepting and taking Crypto for the sites, infrastructure etc, not cash.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
The jews and their alien superiors try to place a sword between us, this will never happen.
The JoS is the only place where you can grow without paying anything back,
it is only human and logical to give something back.
The JoS and its dedicated members will soon become millionaires/billionaires and there is nothing jews can do about it,
every cent in our pockets is holy and never wasted!

Preach loud Brother.
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

So, before anything, I want to clarify that I direct this message to those who are truly Satanists and are capable of partaking in the Donations.
Clarify. Those who do not donate, or who are not able to donate, to the JoS are not truly Spiritual Satanists? Donating money does not equal being a true Satanist at all. Is this a guilt trip? A definition of what being an actual Spiritual Satanist is? Some prefer individuality and to go about things their own way, doing what they can do properly and sincerely. Satan knows if we are truly Spiritual Satanists. Thanks.

About those who are NOT ABLE, I have clarified. They are not asked. Their situation is understood.

About those who are ABLE, you are free to choose.

"I do not want to donate"
"I do not want to meditate"
"I do not want to do warfare"
"I do not want to even comment or do something useful for others and the whole of the SS"
"I do not want to believe in what the JoS says"
"I do not want to live in the Satanic way in anyway"
"I do not want to ascribe to any JoS philosophy even if it's sourced directly to the Gods and Ancient texts"
"I do not want to be evaluated by my actions towards the Gods and others, just the opinion of my own self, LOL"


"Let me make up some shit on why I am such a Satanist and why the Gods love me so much instead..."

Does that sound reasonable?
"I do not meditate even though I have time - don't guilt trip me saying the result of it is perpetual mortality."

"I do not contribute to the maintenance of the websites that can help literally every human being, even though I have the resources to do it, and it would help people who doesn't have these resources - don't guilt trip me saying I'll eventually become irrelevant in Satan's Kingdom once it no longer needs resources."

"I don't believe in gravity and I wanna jump off a building and fly - don't threaten me saying I'm gonna die or something."
Egon said:
"I do not meditate even though I have time - don't guilt trip me saying the result of it is perpetual mortality."

"I do not contribute to the maintenance of the websites that can help literally every human being, even though I have the resources to do it, and it would help people who doesn't have these resources - don't guilt trip me saying I'll eventually become irrelevant in Satan's Kingdom once it no longer needs resources."

"I don't believe in gravity and I wanna jump off a building and fly - don't threaten me saying I'm gonna die or something."

Don't guilt trip me with that reality bullshit man.

Logic, consequences, duty, joy of building stuff... I can't be assed homie...

Satan will meet me halfway right Maxine said? Yaaah homie, but I rather sit here and Satan loves me so he come here duh ok?

Plus I'm the favorite Prodigial Son of Satan just because I say so...Ur opinion not matter fam ok? Ya'll be mediatin here or what?

Fuck logic
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Egon said:
"I do not meditate even though I have time - don't guilt trip me saying the result of it is perpetual mortality."

"I do not contribute to the maintenance of the websites that can help literally every human being, even though I have the resources to do it, and it would help people who doesn't have these resources - don't guilt trip me saying I'll eventually become irrelevant in Satan's Kingdom once it no longer needs resources."

"I don't believe in gravity and I wanna jump off a building and fly - don't threaten me saying I'm gonna die or something."

Don't guilt trip me with that reality bullshit man.

Logic, consequences, duty, joy of building stuff... I can't be assed homie...

Satan will meet me halfway right Maxine said? Yaaah homie, but I rather sit here and Satan loves me so he come here duh ok?

Plus I'm the favorite Prodigial Son of Satan just because I say so...Ur opinion not matter fam ok? Ya'll be mediatin here or what?

Fuck logic

When the level of doneness with retards no longer registers on the monitor.

In all seriousness, you get called a jew for asking for donations to maintain the JoS websites and expand them to help people, but literal church kikes don't who do nothing but stuff their pockets with the hat money and ruin society? wtf...
magickeye9 said:
Shadowcat said:
Taurus said:
donated once a small amount successfully, tried a second time for a larger amount and was declined twice by bank. solution?

You have to call your bank and tell them not to block the transaction and tell them what it will show up as. Some banks will automatically flag and block any bitcoin transactions because they automatically label them as fraudulent.

I have to call mine every time and stay on the phone with them while the transaction goes through. It's an annoying extra step but worth it.

I think the two of you should invest in a hardware wallet like Ledger then you can bypass going through your bank to donate. Just make sure you buy the hardware wallet from the company website otherwise the device could be rigged to steal any crypto you put on it. Lastly if you want to know more about how the ledger hardware wallet works go to the company website site ledger dot com. I personally don’t bother with banks for anything crypto except to buy from an exchange. Get a cold storage wallet guys (hardware wallet) it’s a good investment seriously. And you will actually own the crypto you bought.

Will look into this. Thanks! :)
tabby said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Egon said:


In all seriousness, you get called a jew for asking for donations to maintain the JoS websites and expand them to help people, but literal church kikes don't who do nothing but stuff their pockets with the hat money and ruin society? wtf...

You'd be surprised but all of this merely happens with Gentiles in this world. When it comes to jews, jewish streamers, jewish disinfo agents, useless shit and so on, people are in a gold rush to give them everything they have.

Of course, most people do not realize they are even doing it.

Basically in this world Gentiles are so difficult to help themselves as they are always willing to do anything destructive to themselves. This has reached a point that everyone who says and Truth or wants to do anything good is given the "evil" treatment.

Anyone who ever tried to do anything good will always be called names and attacked, this is the nature of people nowadays.

Yet if you bring people absolute destructive toxicity like drugs or whatever, they will glorify you, befriend you, and so on so forth.

I recall back in 2017 or so, when the "Alt Right" was pretending it was doing anything for "people", kikes like Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern quickly rode the wave for 1-2 years, made literally millions and millions [Molyneux I believe made 50 millions off of the back of White people] and then they told them that they are "retiring" all of a sudden, both having made mind boggling amounts while having given people literally nothing.

After of course amassing all of this from the guillible "Alt-Right", they decided to cuck to jews and return to their tribe with the accumulated money, having literally provided ZERO for anyone and everyone.


What remained of these characters in the internet or in the life of anyone? Has anyone advanced in anyway? Not a SINGLE person.

Nobody called these obvious kikes kikes of course, but everyone will for example do something like an assault to anyone who tries to do anything actually decent and longterm.

Then people like this who elevate these retards are going to whine about JoS while likely donating to everything false, perverted and retarded that there is in this world.

In the end, everyone gets what they deserve.

If we deserve giant JoS and so on, we might get it.

If people deserve none of this, it simply won't happen.

I'll just do my part but the general aspect of this is on us all, not any isolated individual.
The point is to explain WHY does the GODS need us so much in here, they are all powerfull , but people need to understand that even them need to respect and follow some universal rules, in some aspects, WE are the Gods will, desire , and indeed POWER manifestated on this earth.

We work together for the same goal , and we are both needed and extremly important , a human actions as I said can change more than sometimes we want to know and understand , is hard to realize that we actually have enormous power in our minds souls and bodies, in our actions and toughts and in other people's lives and overcome of a being as a whole.

Is about how we may miss the great we can do with little of our wealth because we see the Gods as the ones who DON'T need us , but the ones who Help us because just we need them.

And even if questions are ignored by conciousness those remain as negative emotions in the subconciousness until they'r answered with a satisfying answer , of course I speak about good questions not jewish kind, we feel like we should never speak about such things sometimes maybe because we have so much respect for the Gods that we think we may do bad in their eyes , but sometimes even respect can become obsession , and obsession of everything can become fear of NOT losing smb/smth.

We need to fully understand that there are answers for everything, and more you advance you don't need them because you FEEL the Gods and the fact that they indeed do the most they can to help us in any way, so the "Why not this or that dissapear" without any fact answers , because all we want to actually know is not why the Gods don't help us at roullete, but if do the Gods indeed help "ME?"

The point in what I wrote is to make the minds let go on the money aspect, why DO they need me and my 5$ that I buy a coffe and a donut with? They are GODS they don't need me , and why do those people keep saying they are so strong if they need my 5$ , and I wanted to ask them for much more MONEY, can you belive it?

Even if we evolve spiritually if our mind is so obsessed with WHY they didn't or why they don't do this or that with their powers, that intuition is blocked and is much harder for it to reach ourselves.

People go through mad stupid times and they feel lost , they see you speaking about the Gods which are extremly powerfull and ask themselves

"But I did this and that for SS, why do I still get fky by life? Why do I still go throught this sh1t over and over again cause I'm tired"

And yes, you help you are helped, but careffoul,you are helped NOT the way you want but the way you NEED to be helped.

For an example with a JOB oportunity which you refuse bcs you still wait for Gods help on gambling , because you SEE a much better potential of making money easy and staying home more instead of working, having TIME to give back to the Gods.

But it doesn't happend, WHY?

Bcs sometimes what you need isn't exactly what you want.

Maybe at that job you will also find your soul mate and that will change your whole existence and make you a much great man, or simply you will close a KARMA which will release great soul powers from your past and so on.

The biggest thing that we can give to the Gods is our own evolution, activism as I said is more about helping our own selves than others, it connect us with the desire to help our kind and the understanding that WE get something in return because WE DESERVE IT.

It gives us a sense of power, it make us as we evolve and can feel our powerd impact PROUD of what we do and so willing to do more and to inspire others to do the same. It connect us with the universal laws of prosperity , DO GOOD GET GOOD , when we hurt others we hurt the universe and our family , our souls and our mind. In ways that most can't even understand yet. And the same when we HELP we make a big thing not just by what we did but by the seed of oportunity that we put in the universe.

You write JOS links in books at library because feel like doing it then you fk your life up with addictions and porn ,  after 3 years a soul extremly powerfull is guided by the gods to one of those books, find JOS become extremly powerfull and help the world enormously, well the hand of that addicted not SS anymore maybe is on everything that great soul do GOOD in this universe, not a lot but is THERE, just because of a GOOD action , that soul will always be greatfull for that small action. So is our 5$, given to the coffe shop they are pretty much useless for the universe but going to JOS they can change lives for real, and those lives can change other lives and so ON.

The Gods will never give you gambling money even if with them you will do 30RTRS a day, if this will destroy your future oportunities, your evolution potential and will limitate you, as they CAN see , not YOU, they simply won't do that it doesn't matter how good it sound in your head you can't possibly know how bad it can go seeing it without a FULL and GODLY PERSPECTIVE.

We need to have a serious perspective on our lives and let go of expectations , we should not live in the past nor the future , just in THE PRESENT and go in the future and past with our mind, do , plan and learn what is needed and come back, the past and future should never be always with us, we should be flexibile as water, shaping perfectly in whatever life change into and getting the best out of that situation.

No expectations, no "I could do more" , "They could do more" , just positivity and "I want more NOW not in the future, but NOW out of this present day and situation im in"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

So, before anything, I want to clarify that I direct this message to those who are truly Satanists and are capable of partaking in the Donations.
Clarify. Those who do not donate, or who are not able to donate, to the JoS are not truly Spiritual Satanists? Donating money does not equal being a true Satanist at all. Is this a guilt trip? A definition of what being an actual Spiritual Satanist is? Some prefer individuality and to go about things their own way, doing what they can do properly and sincerely. Satan knows if we are truly Spiritual Satanists. Thanks.

About those who are NOT ABLE, I have clarified. They are not asked. Their situation is understood.

About those who are ABLE, you are free to choose.

"I do not want to donate"
"I do not want to meditate"
"I do not want to do warfare"
"I do not want to even comment or do something useful for others and the whole of the SS"
"I do not want to believe in what the JoS says"
"I do not want to live in the Satanic way in anyway"
"I do not want to ascribe to any JoS philosophy even if it's sourced directly to the Gods and Ancient texts"
"I do not want to be evaluated by my actions towards the Gods and others, just the opinion of my own self, LOL"


"Let me make up some shit on why I am such a Satanist and why the Gods love me so much instead..."

Does that sound reasonable?
Thanks. Obviously, any of those who are anti-JoS would take any reason, or mistyped word/sentence, or whatever, to bullshit and make claims against JoS. Between claims being made against JoS, and JoS's actions, there is so much scrutinty and JoS is under the spotlight constantly. This actually would be good, believe it or don't - while there might be some against JoS and who are saying things about JoS, remember the old adage - any publicity is good publicity! I do expect that reaching 1 billion people as intended cannot be stopped, so any of this publicity is a good thing.

Also it is obvious that you like to have fun in your posts, being silly and sarcastic and that. A lot of people don't realise that and miss the point. You and I have different styles and tastes, so that's cool.

Thanks, HP.

P.S. I want to end on something I just said, but with more emphasis -

there is so much scrutinty and JoS is under the spotlight constantly. This actually would be good, believe it or don't - while there might be some against JoS and who are saying things about JoS, remember the old adage - any publicity is good publicity!

P.P.S Thinking of publicity in terms of of Energy being sent and received... That could open up some great possibilities.

tabby said:
Is this one I missed? We have memes, we have 'wokeness', now we have 'doneness'? Those ignorant ones who think they know enough and have done enough and are content are now 'done' and don't need to do more. Is this a new one and I missed it? If not, then you just coined a new one, and that could be a very good one.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Maybe I did not fully understand the Trump part so I guess you are right here. As for the jew, soylent, etc parts. IDK... Usually when I need something I say, "I am in urgent need of this because ..." and not "give me 5$ or you are a jew idiot". But whatever, we have our reasons to express ourselves the way we do. Goes for me as well.
To be honest the ask ritual is in my mind. Maybe I am a bit skeptical since I did try to reach Demons and did not really succeed for ways to quicker and better get people to the forums. That's it! I never ask for my personal developments or free gibs. I don't give a single fuck about myself or my life length or so since it is irrelevant if we do not reach mass awareness of the forums ASAP. From what I see if the 2023-2025 range does not manifest something for us, it's too late for anything.
All personal development is for nothing if we are going to end up in a world gulag in 2-3 years.

I am not in "need", therefore, I will not say I am in need. If I were in need, I would have been direct and said that I was in need as a person, but I am not. But I am fine.

You should start giving a fuck about your life and stop waiting for specific years. You are more into Trump mentality than you realize. So many of his supporters say the same shit.

This is a psyop from the enemy so that people who know the Truth give up. They constantly say that the world is "over" and so on. It is not over, and everyday matters.

You are thinking with too much useless negativity. Everything will be fine in the end.

All the message of the enemy, it is all a psyop for you to spend your years sitting there thinking that all of it is doomed and over. If they manage people to convince people of this, the game is half won by them.

Instead of focusing on the "Mass adoption goals hurr hurr" might as well do one's part for this and let it go. The rest of it is gibberish produced out of a good heart but misplaced worry.

Well said HPHC my man ;)
We/You have to create a competition between money donors + a reward system by puplic appreciation. Therefor a different site on the forum would be best.

Puplic ranking system.

It can be anonymous like giving only a avatar picture to a donation / number and people choose there favorite donor in there profile.

We could even rank which countrys donate the most. All anonymous.

I really like to have recognition if I do something. Others probably feel the same.

I understand how important the donations are therefore I try to make them as pleasing as possibel.

Pls consider my idear HPHC.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

So, before anything, I want to clarify that I direct this message to those who are truly Satanists and are capable of partaking in the Donations.
Clarify. Those who do not donate, or who are not able to donate, to the JoS are not truly Spiritual Satanists? Donating money does not equal being a true Satanist at all. Is this a guilt trip? A definition of what being an actual Spiritual Satanist is? Some prefer individuality and to go about things their own way, doing what they can do properly and sincerely. Satan knows if we are truly Spiritual Satanists. Thanks.

Thank you FancyMancy, my thoughts exactly. This kind of talk feels like a real low blow. It honestly seems like this is written by a con artist, I am fairly certain HP HC is all but a con artist tough.

Personally it annoys me a lot when anyone tells you you have a choice but at the same time they tell you how bad you are for not doing what they want. Its manipulative and it can feel like a real attack on anyone that is unable to or does not want to (For whatever reason) do said thing. And in this case it almost seems like it does not matter how much time and energy you put into SS, if you do not donate you are not an SS. (I highly doubt this is the message HP HC is trying to convey but it sure is easy to interpret it as such)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically in this world Gentiles are so difficult to help themselves as they are always willing to do anything destructive to themselves. This has reached a point that everyone who says and Truth or wants to do anything good is given the "evil" treatment.
This is my experience too.
Other worse and dishonest people are more accepted than me in my environment.
Not that I want to brag so much or make myself look good, but people who, for example, get in a car drunk and drive off with impunity and other people praise them for being brave enough to do that.Or when it's cool that they cheat on their wife or husband, other people don't judge them, or even look at them with a good eye.But I have seen many honest people who have been judged by others (probably out of envy) for doing nothing wrong.
Just to give you an example, there was a couple I knew, and the wife cheated on him, and usually the man was condemned by the multitude (other people), even though the wife was a big bitch(he started cheating on her).But the wrong attention was still on the man.Lol.
I only say this because I know this story by and large and I know the people involved personally.

I know these stories don't related with donations,but in these stories I tell, neither is the bad(Faggots) attention or hatred directed at the bad.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

So, before anything, I want to clarify that I direct this message to those who are truly Satanists and are capable of partaking in the Donations.
Clarify. Those who do not donate, or who are not able to donate, to the JoS are not truly Spiritual Satanists? Donating money does not equal being a true Satanist at all. Is this a guilt trip? A definition of what being an actual Spiritual Satanist is? Some prefer individuality and to go about things their own way, doing what they can do properly and sincerely. Satan knows if we are truly Spiritual Satanists. Thanks.

Thank you FancyMancy, my thoughts exactly. This kind of talk feels like a real low blow. It honestly seems like this is written by a con artist, I am fairly certain HP HC is all but a con artist tough.

Personally it annoys me a lot when anyone tells you you have a choice but at the same time they tell you how bad you are for not doing what they want. Its manipulative and it can feel like a real attack on anyone that is unable to or does not want to (For whatever reason) do said thing. And in this case it almost seems like it does not matter how much time and energy you put into SS, if you do not donate you are not an SS. (I highly doubt this is the message HP HC is trying to convey but it sure is easy to interpret it as such)

The primary issue is that most people have a non organized thinking process. Therefore, you cannot divide your thoughts and analyze them on which are correct or not.

The same people that want to believe you have "freedom to not meditate" are the same people who have not understood that freedom will arrive FROM meditation.

In another example, if people cared about something great, that would be elevating their freedom and power to let's say have something, whether or not they want to provide, or merely for themselves, or both.

The first type of freedom that you consider having just because you deny certain things, is the source of damnation.

I will therefore invest time and energy to those who are actually in awareness and want to expand, rather than those who merely want to look from the window like a 5 year old.

This is almost an impossibility to relate unless anyone is psychologically advanced. Most people are not.

To be an SS has some obligations with it. Most people do focus on the inherent feelings that come with denial of these, thinking you are "free". This is like someone coming to tell you to do your homework and you are not doing this. This is done towards the Gods on the most consistent basis. The price people pay for this is inconceivable.

I will no longer be assed around by this. Those who do not want to do anything and merely want to sit on a bench, SIT!

I will stop keeping you from it. And allow you to dwell into a lower order of life and understanding of it, maybe as it's deserved.

Interpret it how you want. Certain people are speaking like children. I want to work with the grown ups and those who have visions to build something for everyone.

For the rest, love everyone and so on, but it's adios on this subject.

To those who UNDERSTAND and do their end, THANK YOU!
FancyMancy said:

I do not care about people who say they "judge" the JoS. They are at no position to say anything. Plus, the opinion of all these jews is nothing but an asswipe.

In the end of the day it boils down to this:

"Do I hate or dislike Cobra, JoS or SS?"

Yes or No?

If Yes, then all negative commentary is going to issue about anything.

If No, then one will have a different outlook in everything said, done and happening.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

So, before anything, I want to clarify that I direct this message to those who are truly Satanists and are capable of partaking in the Donations.
Clarify. Those who do not donate, or who are not able to donate, to the JoS are not truly Spiritual Satanists? Donating money does not equal being a true Satanist at all. Is this a guilt trip? A definition of what being an actual Spiritual Satanist is? Some prefer individuality and to go about things their own way, doing what they can do properly and sincerely. Satan knows if we are truly Spiritual Satanists. Thanks.

Thank you FancyMancy, my thoughts exactly. This kind of talk feels like a real low blow. It honestly seems like this is written by a con artist, I am fairly certain HP HC is all but a con artist tough.

Personally, it annoys me a lot when anyone tells you you have a choice but at the same time they tell you how bad you are for not doing what they want. It's manipulative and it can feel like a real attack on anyone that is unable to or does not want to (For whatever reason) do said thing. And in this case, it almost seems like it does not matter how much time and energy you put into SS, if you do not donate you are not an SS. (I highly doubt this is the message HP HC is trying to convey but it sure is easy to interpret it as such)

The both of you are twisting his words. Cobra obviously says in plain English that if someone does not have the money then they should not feel obligated. What he means by all real SS, is that every SS that is dedicated to this cause and has a higher understanding of the long-term plans for this organization and its needs, they will have a deep understanding of why donations are needed with a realistic picture that resources do not grow on trees. It's that simple.

This "sounds like a con artist but I am sure it's not" is an obvious passive-aggressive attack. If you knew and felt this was not what he was not trying to convey this type of comment would not be written by you at all and you know it. You aren't retarded and I am sure everyone knows here what kind of impression reading you and fancies comment would elicit including both you and him.
Shadowcat said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
FancyMancy said:
Clarify. Those who do not donate, or who are not able to donate, to the JoS are not truly Spiritual Satanists? Donating money does not equal being a true Satanist at all. Is this a guilt trip? A definition of what being an actual Spiritual Satanist is? Some prefer individuality and to go about things their own way, doing what they can do properly and sincerely. Satan knows if we are truly Spiritual Satanists. Thanks.

Thank you FancyMancy, my thoughts exactly. This kind of talk feels like a real low blow. It honestly seems like this is written by a con artist, I am fairly certain HP HC is all but a con artist tough.

Personally, it annoys me a lot when anyone tells you you have a choice but at the same time they tell you how bad you are for not doing what they want. It's manipulative and it can feel like a real attack on anyone that is unable to or does not want to (For whatever reason) do said thing. And in this case, it almost seems like it does not matter how much time and energy you put into SS, if you do not donate you are not an SS. (I highly doubt this is the message HP HC is trying to convey but it sure is easy to interpret it as such)

The both of you are twisting his words. Cobra obviously says in plain English that if someone does not have the money then they should not feel obligated. What he means by all real SS, is that every SS that is dedicated to this cause and has a higher understanding of the long-term plans for this organization and its needs, they will have a deep understanding of why donations are needed with a realistic picture that resources do not grow on trees. It's that simple.

This "sounds like a con artist but I am sure it's not" is an obvious passive-aggressive attack. If you knew and felt this was not what he was not trying to convey this type of comment would not be written by you at all and you know it. You aren't retarded and I am sure everyone knows here what kind of impression reading you and fancies comment would elicit including both you and him.

"Father Satan and the Gods told me to meditate and to spiritually advance because it's necessary. Then they told me that if I do not do this I will have a reduction in power and all sorts of negative consequences as a being.

Then they told me all the POSITIVE things that would occur and would BENEFIT ME if I did, which I of course denied!

Because why are they guilt tripping me? They are guilt tripping me!


Why the fuck is everyone telling me that I must not eat 50 cheeseburgers per day?

I thought Satanism was about FREEDOM isn't it? My OPINION and my FREEDOM is to eat 100 Cheeseburgers per day!

Fuck, this place is built by these Con-Artists that are using Guilt Tripping methods to tell me that reaching 650 Lbs in weight will result in a heart attack! Fuck them!
" -Tony, 14 years old, master of freedom and understanding in all of the dimensions of life, who will not be told anything because it's guilt tripping and con-artistry.

Sorry guys we each want to use our freedom differently. Yes I consider myself really free to follow these obligations and rise in everyway while most people consider it their freedom to live in a delusional situation where nobody and nothing is helped.

Use your freedom to cry about it but allow me to go with the free people that want to build important things out of this and help you too in the process. Thanks.
Is it significance(relevant) to donations,that an "amount to be donated"at the same time, or separately,will I send it in several instalments?
For example, within a one month $100 at a time,or within one month $100 every 4 weeks sent at $25 per week?
Does this make any significance, or does it not matter?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Thank you FancyMancy, my thoughts exactly. This kind of talk feels like a real low blow. It honestly seems like this is written by a con artist, I am fairly certain HP HC is all but a con artist tough.

Personally, it annoys me a lot when anyone tells you you have a choice but at the same time they tell you how bad you are for not doing what they want. It's manipulative and it can feel like a real attack on anyone that is unable to or does not want to (For whatever reason) do said thing. And in this case, it almost seems like it does not matter how much time and energy you put into SS, if you do not donate you are not an SS. (I highly doubt this is the message HP HC is trying to convey but it sure is easy to interpret it as such)

The both of you are twisting his words. Cobra obviously says in plain English that if someone does not have the money then they should not feel obligated. What he means by all real SS, is that every SS that is dedicated to this cause and has a higher understanding of the long-term plans for this organization and its needs, they will have a deep understanding of why donations are needed with a realistic picture that resources do not grow on trees. It's that simple.

This "sounds like a con artist but I am sure it's not" is an obvious passive-aggressive attack. If you knew and felt this was not what he was not trying to convey this type of comment would not be written by you at all and you know it. You aren't retarded and I am sure everyone knows here what kind of impression reading you and fancies comment would elicit including both you and him.

"Father Satan and the Gods told me to meditate and to spiritually advance because it's necessary. Then they told me that if I do not do this I will have a reduction in power and all sorts of negative consequences as a being.

Then they told me all the POSITIVE things that would occur and would BENEFIT ME if I did, which I of course denied!

Because why are they guilt tripping me? They are guilt tripping me!


Why the fuck is everyone telling me that I must not eat 50 cheeseburgers per day?

I thought Satanism was about FREEDOM isn't it? My OPINION and my FREEDOM is to eat 100 Cheeseburgers per day!

Fuck, this place is built by these Con-Artists that are using Guilt Tripping methods to tell me that reaching 650 Lbs in weight will result in a heart attack! Fuck them!
" -Tony, 14 years old, master of freedom and understanding in all of the dimensions of life, who will not be told anything because it's guilt tripping and con-artistry.

Sorry guys we each want to use our freedom differently. Yes I consider myself really free to follow these obligations and rise in everyway while most people consider it their freedom to live in a delusional situation where nobody and nothing is helped.

Use your freedom to cry about it but allow me to go with the free people that want to build important things out of this and help you too in the process. Thanks.

It is frustrating to say the least. I am sure more will come along in time that have great potential and understand our cause. This is my hope anyway.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Is it significance(relevant) to donations,that an "amount to be donated"at the same time, or separately,will I send it in several instalments?
For example, within a one month $100 at a time,or within one month $100 every 4 weeks sent at $25 per week?
Does this make any significance, or does it not matter?

Donate however you want and however is most comfortable to you at the given moment.

Generally, it helps to know in advance what would be the sum, because this helps with the planning of the month and the related expenses.

Thank you.
But why haven't we won and Gods didn't come to save my ass and then live off with horses on pink clouds?

Because of all of this. I see now, thank you. These people are in need of true maturity. Often than not, this comes from suffering. This is a factual observation of cause and effect. We have tried to help you.

Unfortunately parents did not do any education to you guys. Unfortunately the schools have failed you, your friends have failed you. Tear not about this, in these decades or your next lives you will see our help to you. You will learn and you will thank us. Until then keep it to yourself, it is shameful.

Instead of protecting JoS, those supposed as a SS commitment to truth and EVOLUTION, you are just crying about your lack of understanding on life. It is directly seen, you have no authority, power, decision in your life. This needs to be changed. As I said before, it is not about JoS but about your life as a person that needs improvement and success at this point and in this circumstance that you project it here.

We can fix this! Please be open to what is logical and beneficial to you!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Is it significance(relevant) to donations,that an "amount to be donated"at the same time, or separately,will I send it in several instalments?
For example, within a one month $100 at a time,or within one month $100 every 4 weeks sent at $25 per week?
Does this make any significance, or does it not matter?

Donate however you want and however is most comfortable to you at the given moment.

Generally, it helps to know in advance what would be the sum, because this helps with the planning of the month and the related expenses.

Thank you.

As far as planning of the month can you tell me the date It is ideal on or around (or before) for knowing when a donation is coming? I will try to schedule sending around that time instead to make things easier.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, it must be kept in mind that Cobra has been one of the largest donors of JoS for about 10 years now. So Mr Cobra has nothing to gain from you.

I have taken inordinate and crazy risks of the likes seen in movies and have done so largely successfully, yet, with the enemy and a literal whole planet praying against you this sort of thing starts becoming a bit difficult or even threatening, but also the enemy preying on me constantly unfortunately has me on a constant edge.

It's crazy you said this, because I feel like my life has been a movie these past few years ever since dedicating my soul. Also i'm pretty sure someone made an attempt to take my life recently. I've been getting more sensitive to energy lately and last week I felt like someone was trying to curse me... i even remember the thought popping up in my mind that they're trying to get my to burn down my apartment complex... So I tested out the theory, which tbh now I feel really bad about. I did a curse removal from my apartment and pushed it all into my neighbours place and today her place almost burned down. The fire department is here right now. This is actually fucked up. I've already had multiple attempts on my life in the past 6 years now.

Does the enemy have occultists working for them, like jews and christians that practice the occult? I remember seeing in a reddit post how theres this christian cult that astral projects and harasses witches into repentance and other christians were saying to stop astral projecting because its evil.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because we are wolves and we must take the bread from the enemies mouth and put this on the service of the Gods.

Would it be a good idea to pretend to be a Christian and sell christian type of merchandise to finesse them of their money?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
10. Alright, I want to donate. But how should this happen?

Through Bitcoin, as it's available and ready to happen.

There is also the ability for a private donation, donating with other Crypto, just mail at the official donations e-mail and it can occur.

I'll be able to donate soon, I just have to figure out how to gain back access to my coinbase account. I got locked out because I changed my phone number and they aren't responding to my email.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Is it significance(relevant) to donations,that an "amount to be donated"at the same time, or separately,will I send it in several instalments?
For example, within a one month $100 at a time,or within one month $100 every 4 weeks sent at $25 per week?
Does this make any significance, or does it not matter?

Depending on the transaction fees associated with the crypto you're using it could make sense to do one big donation instead of several smaller ones, better to pay 2-3 dollars once, than 4 times for the same sum of money.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
