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Does PTSD drain the chakras?

Jul 18, 2007
From a scale of 1 to 10, my libido hovers around a -4.

I didn’t tell my SS friend this, and he said my Sacral Chakra looked “extremely low powered”. He said my Base Chakra looked low on power as well. I can’t see them, but I trust his word on it sknce I’ve been depressed the past 2-3 days.

I have Trauma involving both chakras (child abuse, then sex-induced trauma. Thankfully not related)... so I was wondering if having PTSD drains the vitality.
As far as i know ptsd is psychological so for that i may be of help to u ... vibrate wunjo rune any number of times ...multiples of 9 ...after that affirm  ' the energies of wunjo are totally and completely healing me from any and all psychological mental and emotional damage and pain ' ... this may bring out the traumatic moments outside so u will have some flashbacks but in the end u will come out strong and sane
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On Mon, 6 Nov 2017 at 14:03, sal_slyth@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   From a scale of 1 to 10, my libido hovers around a -4.

I didn’t tell my SS friend this, and he said my Sacral Chakra looked “extremely low powered”. He said my Base Chakra looked low on power as well. I can’t see them, but I trust his word on it sknce I’ve been depressed the past 2-3 days.

I have Trauma involving both chakras (child abuse, then sex-induced trauma. Thankfully not related)... so I was wondering if having PTSD drains the vitality.
In addition to looking into workings to heal yourself, you should take the time to work extensively on all your chakras namely the sacral, base and solar plexus. This will heal you as the chakras are connected to your psychological make up.
Also, for an increased effect, using the rune thor (pronounced Thaur) while vibrated into a chakra will break down and dissolve blockages so be prepared if you want to use that. But don't forget to balance all chakras by not neglecting them.

Kundalini yoga will help you too. I remember some years ago when I started practicing, I started coming to terms with my sexuality in a healthy way and seeing myself in a better and more confident light.
I started out with the Kundalini Spinal series set. It transforms and purifies the sexual energy.
Please continue to meditate. Do no see it as a chore. It is vital to your well being.
Also, what is your diet like? Diet can affect your libido for better or for worse.
Do you practice masturbation?
High priestess Shannon
I’ll keep the Runes in mind.

I’m not sure which meditations I should be doing each day to empower.
I usually do protection/cleaning, a couple Squares, hatha yoga+1kundalini pose, and that’s it. The last time I tried to do Kundalini yoga, it drained me. Not sure why.

I really wish I could un-see meditation as a chore; doesn’t help that I have a sore/tightened throat almost constantly, so that lessens my drive to do vibrations.

I’m actually on a diet that is supposed to increase libido, low-carb high-fat (keto).
I hope that’s fine, because I’m never going to get off the diet, since I feel absolutely sick+exhausted 24/7 without it.

Masturbation is just fine, probably considering the source of the PTSD involves the opposite gender.
Are you male or female? do you have any other health issues? Also, how old are you? I don't know if you already mentioned this.
I just want to make sure. When you say a tightness in the throat, what do you mean? Do you know what the issue is? Is this chronic? Have you been to the doctor for that, a diagnosis?
If your throat is interfering with vibrations, then that needs to be looked into. Vibration is a powerful form.
Even if you are eating foods to increase your libido, that probably wont be all you need to do since there is a psychological block there sexually. Please continue to work on your chakras, lower ones especially. When you masturbate, direct the energy to your sacral chakras to open it up and free you. Orgasm is the life force.
Keep trying the Kundalini yoga and go slow. Do not let one faulty attempt stop you. Do you need me to post some meditation links for you to follow? You should start to see meditation as something vital because this will heal you and transform you. I'm serious.
If the low carb, high fat diet makes you feel good then stick with it. Pay attention to your body though as there is not one diet that suits everyone. One diet could be best for you now but be unfavorable later. Fats are good for the hormones and cells of the body. fats also help to keep one full longer and works as energy but so can carbs, the healthy ones.
But having a balanced diet is favorable.

High Priestess Shannon
I’m female (sadly). 26, almost 27.

I probably have a lot of health issues, but I haven’t been to a doctor in 11 years because I can’t afford it. I had insurance for a couple years, but I had a shitbag of a spouse who never took me to a doctor.

Might be an auto-immune disorder. I don’t know for sure, but I know my mother has Lupus and such, and I seem to have inherited a lot of genetics from her.

It’s hard to swallow things; I had to switch my electrolytes to a powder form because it feels like pills get stuck in my throat for 10-30 minutes, even tiny ones.
I have a stuffy nose and diminished breathing, as well. I can still function normally otherwise, but if I focus on it, it’s bothersome.

I’ll put energy I to the Sacral when I do that, yeah. I know food alone won’t fix it, but I didn’t get on this diet to fix it. It actually horrified me when I found out that my diet is supposed to increase libido/fertility (still kinda does).

Meditation links would be nice... I feel so lost.

My diet is balanced. Carbs don’t give me any energy; they make me feel sluggish and tired. The enemy promotes bread/fruit/etc as “healthy”, but they are completely unnecessary for one’s health.
I do pay attention to cravings, though, and I’ve gotten good at detecting which nutrient I’m missing.
I think you might have some psychological hang ups.
Sadly female? Why sadly?? Also, why horrified if some foods increase the libido and fertility.....?
Some bread and fruit are good for you in some amounts and depending on the fruit and type of grain. I favor ancient grains over modern conventional ones. Fruit contains certain components that promote good health.
I'll post some links on meditation at the bottom.
Unfortunately, a lot of people cant afford health insurance. You're not alone. I don't have health insurance.I don't want it for my own personal reasons. But having an occasional check up is important for a lot of people. It is very fucking sad the way this system is set up based on MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. To the point where a lot of people cant afford things and it takes so much out of the finances.
I try to be my own doctor and read my body as much as possible and then keep my energies and aura of protection up to prevent accidents and illness...
If you absolutely cannot afford a doctor visit, take it upon yourself to heal your body by putting it back into balance. This is what this group is for and of course guidance from the gods who help us too.
How do you figure you have an auto immune issue? Any more health problems you want to mention?
Meditation links:
-Kundalini yoga for empowering the chakras and cleansing and purifying the sexual energy. Instead of Sat nam, replace it with Satan. You can lower the repetitions. At first i started out with 26 reps of each. work your way up to 54 and then 108 over time. Even at 26 reps, I felt significant changes. For number 9, you can do it 5-10 times and nit for 3 minutes straight.
https://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20Kriy ... s%20fp.htm

-Unblocking chakras: use the vibrations listed to empower them daily. Thor rune is pronounced TTHH--AAA--UUU--RRRR . That is the strongest variation.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... akras.html

Continue with your aura of protection and cleansing and Hatha yoga. Don't forget breathing exercises.

I'd like to recommend supplements and such for a more balanced health but i would like to know alittle more about your health.
High Priestess Shannon

Ehm.. Are you saying that vegetables are bad for you too??

And honestly what you eat depends on the person.

The only reason I can feel of why you would feel sluggish and tired is that that kind of food may be harder for you to digest somehow.

But note also. If fats make up hormones and are carriers for the healthy substances in your food, Why would you even want to eat hydrogened plant fats?

Some people are more sensitive to chemicala in the environment or sugar rich foods than others. That doesnt mean you have to tell everyone something is bad for them because its bad for you..

In regards to this you could try a sun square.

What else I wanted to add.. PTSD has changed in name. Back in WWII it was known as Shell Shock Syndrome and it was described as ones nervous system being in shock.
Meditation most likely would help in overcoming this issue.
I havent had Ptsd so I wouldnt know.
Vegetables are not bad for one’s health.

Unfortunately, I seem to react poorly to most of them. Allergies to carrots/cucumbers, intolerances toward cruciferic vegetables, and my diet excludes starchy vegetables.

I actually started a Sun Square earlier, so I’m good on that.

The PTSD I have stems from abuse and reproduction, so it’s not combat-related; still just as awful, though.
When you open more up, and really get the energy buzz from your chakras and soul then you will “unsee” it as a chore.

The soul is a beauty, and the ability to
Work on it is truly a gift from Father Satan and the gods and in time it should become something that you have a passion for, and to do. I love working on my chakras everyday and doing yoga etc. the chakras feel great and the expanded consciousness is amazing.

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Because if I was born male, I wouldn’t have to be dealing with this bullshit. Hell, by this age I would have easily been able to be fixed so I don’t have a chance at reproducing.
Instead, I’m stuck having to deal with the female reproductive cycle and all the bullshit that comes with it. I wish I didn’t have this goddamn organ.

I don’t usually have gender dysphoria anymore, but it does creep up on me every now and then...

It horrifies me because, I’d rather shoot myself than reproduce (again). Death and reincarnation is way better than doing that ever again.

As for foods, I have gluten intolerance, and sugar makes the asthma act up. It doesn’t pain me much to not eat those foods, though I do wish almond flour wasn’t so expensive...

I have eczema, which is when the immune system attacks the skin. My mother has various immune system issues as well. With both of these I figure that my immune system is slowly killing me or some shit. But I have no way of knowing 100%.

I’ll note the meditations.

I occasionally take Vitamin D, Fish oil, and Vitamin C. Rarely will I take an iron supplement, since I was diagnosed with anemia years ago (it went away when I changed my diet, I think).

I take magnesium, potassium every day for dietary issues. I’ll take Zinc if I’m having bad cramping, but I dislike taking those pills since they’re hard and taste bad.

Earlier I had a feeling/sound like my ear was full of cobwebs... that was weird.

I was diagnosed with ADHD and Asthma as a child, but I think I outgrew those. Possibly have some form of autism as well.
Its really sad that you have an attitude towards your body and feminine make-up. Its not healthy at all. Its shameful in my opinion and your reasons are connected to your experience you've had in the past. 
I hope you continue to work on your soul and clean out these negative associations.
Continue to do the Sun square to increase your overall health.
From what you have mentioned, you have an imbalance in the body that are causing these things. It is common in the average person. Virtually everyone benefits from a good multi vitamin and mineral. Taking supplements occasionally while just changing the diet is not enough. Not these days. There are so many factors. I'm not going to sot here and tell you what to do but I speak from experience and from other peoples experience. The things that you have listed, the things that ail you, need more than just general dietary change and occasional supplementation. 

High Priestess Shannon
Im sorry to hear that and I figured it wasnt combat related.
But I added that in there so that you might understand that part, because when you normally search on ptsd you dont find that in the search results.
Not that I am aware of though.

I hope that in due time you stop hating yourself, and also that those (fill in swear word) will be punished hard.
Don't mean to take from OP
But to the OP is the almond flour good?

I tried once coconut and I returned it because I still need extra stuff to make it stick.

Reading the post I learned some more new stuff aside from the sad parts. Where to the OP sorry gone through alot, however hopefully now u can find
A better way to see things as u progress and become happy again.
Forgot to ask..
Would probiotics help too.
(Unless the OP already takes it)
Then I'm moo point lol
Thing is, I think I’m fairly good-looking. If I could remove the troublesome organ responsible for the trauma, I could probably recover faster... but the surgery is super expensive and risky. Not to mention the complications afterward...

My astral chart (Sun in 6th), states: “This is not a good placement for one's vitality. The health is often fragile and recuperation following an illness can be lengthy.“

From the non-sexual trauma, I (think) I developed a split personality that developed into a thoughtform; he even has his own personality, name, appearance (though it has varied throughout the years, it used to be a female before the secondary mental trauma occurred). I think he’s tied to the base chakra, too, since I seem to be able to interact with him better if that chakra is healthy.

The only tangible person who can be punished is the ex-stepdad responsible for my shitty teenage years. For the sexual trauma, it was caused by a thing and not a person (though it could have developed into a person... the horror).

I’ll look into getting a multivitamin next time I’m at the store.

As for the unrelated stuff, coconut flour is just... eh. Gives everything a weird taste. I’ve only used Almond flour once, and it tasted normal (made pizza with it). Very calorie-heavy, though. The entire pizza was more calories than my daily allotment, and I ate the whole thing. Whoops.
To be honest, I’ve been wondering that for a while now. I’ve taken antibiotics a few times, now, and it’s probably fucked up my digestive system by now, which affects everything else.

I know I need medically-prescribed ones at this point; I tried the yogurt craze a while back, and all it did was give me horrible acne (plus has too many carbs per serving.
I'm not to much in favor of removing things. But that's me and my opinion sense all is to be there.
Just need the right help with taking care of self.
Again my opinion (unless it's death or life situation)

Try not to be hard on your self, it makes problems worse. If u get unhappy or something move the attation else where outside I mean. May help the change of mind a little or ease things. Of course
I don't know much on this area.

That musta been some good pizza to eat it all lol.
That's okay I have don't it before when it's home made.
Can't bet it.... I prob should do it again one of these days.... But may use just regular flour. Sense almond is that heavy.

May try just getting the powder version and try that, may help. However soutlaw knows more then me on this one.

However sense taking alot of antibiotics.. then may need some extra help.
PTSD is more of a stagnation than it is a deficiency which is what would drain the chakras.

This is more about the energy being too stuck to fill and nourish them.

If this stems from uterine problems, with such symptoms as stabbing menstrual pain, severe clotting and/or extreme emotional turmoil which releases when the blood is flowing monthly then you would require a blood moving herbal mixture which I can recommend to you, provided what I have described above is your issue.
The blood moving remedy with circulating and clearing out your energy centers should do wonders if you stay consistent, that is. Also, work to see your body and feminine self in a more positive way.
Your meditations will really nourish you. 

High Priestess Shannon
I am sorry ,but I haveI something to tell you , may be you may not like but is thte most important thing to do beside what highpretess shanon tell you ,this is something you already known, always do10 times everyday  RTR and the goods will always visit you .
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On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 4:51, soutlaw92@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   The blood moving remedy with circulating and clearing out your energy centers should do wonders if you stay consistent, that is. Also, work to see your body and feminine self in a more positive way.
Your meditations will really nourish you. 

High Priestess Shannon
In that case..

A blood moving formula such as Xu fu zhu Yu Tang or Ge Xia Jiu Yu Wan would be useful to dispel the physical portion of the trauma. This may help to release some stuck emotion OR at least relieve the burden of the physical discomfort meaning the mental and emotional things can be worked through more easily.

The herbal ingredients in each are similar but not the same however Xu Fu Zhu Yu Tang should not be taken if you have heavy periods.

As you have not provided this formation, I will leave it up to you to make a judgement and select either one, excluding the one mentioned above in the presence of heavy periods.

It can be purchased online from a number of places and this will largely depend on the country where you live. The herbal ingredients will be listed.

If your trauma extends predominantly from grief, then xu fu zhu Yu Tang is the better option.
It should be taken daily for a few weeks or until the symptoms disappear.

Was that medically diagnosed PCOS?

Or your own self assessment?
PCOS is a syndrome which consists of more than just menstrual cramping..

It is accompanied by hirsutism or blackened body hair and other high testosterone problems.

Young adults with PCOS are also prone to putting on alot of weight and often have major digestive disharmony.

Fatigue, back pain and frequent urination including at night are all other features of PCOS and these things are often embedded at a deep level of the physiology.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
