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Does JoS really support hitler? I want a clear answer.


New member
Oct 13, 2024
I've seen some people here in forums that they say "Hitler is a figure like lord Satan" and "nazis are misunderstood" and "Hitler is not bad"
I'm sorry but what?
First, Hitler literally starved children! Spiritual Satanism says that children must be respected and treated nicely, and it says we don't sacrifice them, then some people here support hitler here?
Second, aren't all sexual orientation allowed and accepted in spiritual Satanism? Then how some support hitler when he killed lesbians and gays?
Hitler killed people who wore glasses or people who were overweight.
Does all of this sound good or right to you?

From what I understood, spiritual Satanism is nothing like what Hitler did. Hitler is not like father Satan.
Father Satan is understanding and kind. You feel his calming energy and protection.
He does not approve starving kids.

The only similar thing between Hitler and spiritual Satanism is being enemy with Jews, and nothing more.

Remember that, if you want to bring up auch a sensitive topic, you must at least have some historical knowledge and you must actually know what hitler have done.

Why do people compare these two?

Do any of high priests/priestess or leader of community agree with and approve hitler's actions?
i'm not completely sure to be completely honest but i have seen in the dedication oath on the main page that the oath calls jesus a worthless jew son which was a little off putting but its the only thing ive seen supporting the claims idk
From what I understood, spiritual Satanism is nothing like what Hitler did. Hitler is not like father Satan.
Father Satan is understanding and kind. You feel his calming energy and protection.
He does not approve starving kids.
(((Who))) said Hitler starved children ?

Only jews did that, in Ukraine they starve between 16 and 20 M people up to 33.
Meanwhile in Germany, jews created sexual their usual subversive business ( (pedo-)pornography, whorehouse), many german men become gays then pedophiles or trans, then the jew Magnus Hirshfeld promoted the sexual surgery while Rothchild destroyed economy...

Hitler threw Rothchild in jail, jews in labor camps and as communists were begin hostilities, Hitler didn't loose time.
Prisonners were well treated in labor camps, they had dentist, swimming pool and even theaters... but 1 million Germans militaries perished by starvation (Eisenhower).

You have to read https://holocaustexposed.org/ for more information
I've seen some people here in forums that they say "Hitler is a figure like lord Satan" and "nazis are misunderstood" and "Hitler is not bad"
I'm sorry but what?
First, Hitler literally starved children! Spiritual Satanism says that children must be respected and treated nicely, and it says we don't sacrifice them, then some people here support hitler here?
Second, aren't all sexual orientation allowed and accepted in spiritual Satanism? Then how some support hitler when he killed lesbians and gays?
Hitler killed people who wore glasses or people who were overweight.
Does all of this sound good or right to you?

From what I understood, spiritual Satanism is nothing like what Hitler did. Hitler is not like father Satan.
Father Satan is understanding and kind. You feel his calming energy and protection.
He does not approve starving kids.

The only similar thing between Hitler and spiritual Satanism is being enemy with Jews, and nothing more.

Remember that, if you want to bring up auch a sensitive topic, you must at least have some historical knowledge and you must actually know what hitler have done.

Why do people compare these two?

Do any of high priests/priestess or leader of community agree with and approve hitler's actions?

For now or later:

For later:
@Ruby, I've just realized that you post in the teen section, go to school...

Study the question for yourself when you have the time to do, but don't talk to people about it, it'll discredit you.
Along the time, you'll meet the ones who are aware of it, they differ from the mass because they are not sheep.

Silence is golden :)
(((Who))) said Hitler starved children ?

Only jews did that, in Ukraine they starve between 16 and 20 M people up to 33.
Meanwhile in Germany, jews created sexual their usual subversive business ( (pedo-)pornography, whorehouse), many german men become gays then pedophiles or trans, then the jew Magnus Hirshfeld promoted the sexual surgery while Rothchild destroyed economy...

Hitler threw Rothchild in jail, jews in labor camps and as communists were begin hostilities, Hitler didn't loose time.
Prisonners were well treated in labor camps, they had dentist, swimming pool and even theaters... but 1 million Germans militaries perished by starvation (Eisenhower).

You have to read https://holocaustexposed.org/ for more information
I am in contact with a very well-educated lady who studied history, and I asked her about this. She is not jew, she is an atheist.

Nazi doctors done experiments on children, and some of them included starving them.
@Ruby, I've just realized that you post in the teen section, go to school...

Study the question for yourself when you have the time to do, but don't talk to people about it, it'll discredit you.
Along the time, you'll meet the ones who are aware of it, they differ from the mass because they are not sheep.

Silence is golden :)
If I wasn't looking for answer, I wouldn't ask.
When I ask, It means I'm not sure if it's right or not, and I'm looking for improvements.
Asking questions is not a bad thing, especially about this sensitive topic, that requires more attention and information.
All the information I have is from my history teacher and internet, but I don't know if they are right.

BTW I don't have that much time, since I study hard to enter a good university.
You need to deprogram yourself from Jewish propaganda.
But I'm still hurt, I wear glasses, so in eye of most of people here who approve Hitler, I deserve to die?
It makes me cry, fr.

Of course not, this is silly. Hitler is not what "history" believes him to be at all.
The Gods have to send down people to Earth who need to change the course of the the Word.
As with the Nazis, they saved the Earth from a global Jewish communist state. Communism as a whole, and all of it's leaders, smaller and bigger, have been Jews. Christianity in essence is also just Communism, and Christianity was also founded by Jews.

Communism have operated countless mass murders across Europe. Starting with holodomor, killing half or more of Ukrine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor

Than they would transport millions of people across East Europe to death camps.

But you teacher probably never thought you this.

So, what we have here again, is that Jews blame shift Whites for their own crimes. This have happened countless times in History and will happen until Humans wake up.

For our time, The Gods have sent HPS Maxine and HPHC. Than if the word takes a course for the worse again, it will be said that HPHC ate kids for lunch and decorated his walls with their skins. But we can clearly see that his is not the case.

We are the people of the Gods and we are not onholy like how the Jews make us seem. They did this with Pagans 2000 years ago, they did this with scientists few hundred years ago, and they did this with the nazis a hundred years ago.

We have many proof that the top Nazis were Spiritiual Satanists like us, and they were monsters, like we aren't either.

Does JoS really support hitler? I want a clear answer.​

Clear answer: YES!
For more information: https://satanisgod.org/mini_index.html
I didnt't dare :ROFLMAO:
Nazi doctors done experiments on children, and some of them included starving them.
It's all bullshit. I understand it's difficult to admit and it's long to study.

Hitler lost the battle so the enemy can invent all he wants.
Europe and US are leaded by jews since long, they are infiltrated everywhere, in politics, hollywood, universities, science, medias... and lock us in their jewtrix, constantly lying to set people against each others with their big smiles and they manage to covince the 90% of idiots that make up a society, building an enormous eggregore of anti traditional/nationalist bullshit.
We live in ZOGs (Zionist Occupied Government). So you always hear their propaganda, and if you say the opposite, your are considered like a criminal. Strange, no ?

There is images and videos of cadavers in the camps and they are presented like the poor jews which has been gases by the wick Germans... what kill these jews is typhus or american bombardments. SS was not authorized to mistreat prisonners.
So called gas chamber was cold chamber and few crematorium was right next door. Zyklon catches fire and takes a long time to centilate, you cannot use it nearby a crematorium !
Even the famous chemney doesn't appear on ancient photos, it's Russian who build it when they seized the camp to produce a fake proof.

Nothing makes sense in this story. We call that the Shoax.

In fact, Indignity, bestiality... are not National Socialist values but jewish/communist ones.

One day, when you will have all elements you'll realize how it's ridiculous and obviously wrong, and above all disgusting.

Hitler was a hero of great nobility, really, and it's exactly for that he is relentlessly slandered by the enemy, the jewtrix.
Hitler killed people who wore glasses or people who were overweight.
Does all of this sound good or right to you?
I have read perhaps hundreds of thousands of history books.

I've never heard of this particular allegation in my life, not even jews claim that. Are you deliberately confusing Hitler with Pol Pot or just completely trolling?
Second, aren't all sexual orientation allowed and accepted in spiritual Satanism? Then how some support hitler when he killed lesbians and gays?
Hitler killed people who wore glasses or people who were overweight.
take this website with a grain of salt, as it was written by a former high priest

it explains how the National Socialists had no issue with homosexuality.

As for glasses, Hitler himself wore glasses


as for overweight people, Hermann Göring was overweight, but he wasn't killed.


almost everything you've been told about the National Socialists is a lie

please read this website
Remember that, if you want to bring up auch a sensitive topic, you must at least have some historical knowledge and you must actually know what hitler have done.
You might want to take your own advice.
First, Hitler literally starved children!

No, he didn't. You are just parroting jewish propaganda.

Then how some support hitler when he killed lesbians and gays?

No, he didn't. You are just parroting jewish propaganda.

Hitler killed people who wore glasses or people who were overweight.

No, he didn't. You are just parroting jewish propaganda.

From what I understood, spiritual Satanism is nothing like what Hitler did. Hitler is not like father Satan.

Yes, he is. Both were unjustly slandered and lied about by the same people for the same purpose. Are you forgetting that Satan was also similarly slandered with sacrifices, murdering children against other crap? Are you forgetting that the usual perception of Satanism by the masses is sacrificing animals and children and drinking blood? Why is it so difficult for you to accept that Hitler was slandered in a similar way by the jews?

Father Satan is understanding and kind. You feel his calming energy and protection.
He does not approve starving kids.

Neither does Hitler. But their enemies also spread all sort of lies about both of them. You reject the lies about Satan yet you accept the lies about Hitler. Remember that the same people say that Satan approves sacrificing children.

Remember that, if you want to bring up auch a sensitive topic, you must at least have some historical knowledge and you must actually know what hitler have done.
Exactly. You must have actual historical knowledge and not simply repeat jewish propaganda about them. Most that has been written about Hitler in mainstream history books is just jewish propaganda, because history is written by the winners.
The only similar thing between Hitler and spiritual Satanism is being enemy with Jews, and nothing more.

You basically answered your own question here. Satan was also slandered as the most evil whatever, for the reason you list here. In the same way you know better about Satan through your own experience and knowledge, so is the same about Hitler.

Hitler did not just fight the Jews, he tried to restore Satanism and Paganism to Germany.

"The SS nucleus of the New Germany:

"The SS were particularly anti-Christian, and officers and men were encouraged to leave the Church, although those that refused to renounce their Christian faith were not visibly punished, perhaps because their otherwise faithful adherence to SS codes of behavior gave the lie to any claim of true Christian affiliation. The SS also brought in its own neo-pagan rituals for marriage ceremonies and baptisms."[18]

"Starting 1939 the word "Christmas" was forbidden to appear on any official SS document" and the Summer Solstice was formally celebrated. These ceremonies were celebrated the old way with sacred fires, and torch lit processions."

"Weddings and baptisms were replaced by pagan SS rituals and gradually the entire Christian liturgical rubric was in the process of being replaced by a completely pagan version. Even the Hitler Youth were not immune. A so-called "Nazi Primer" published during the war contains many examples of pagan ideology and anti-Christian sentiment designed for its youthful readership."[19]

"Himmler's dream was to create, out of the SS, a new religion based on the pagan elements of what he perceived to be the original, Ur-Aryan religion of Ancient India and Europe. However, many Germans were devout Christians. Hitler himself realized this, and knew that he had to play politics with them for as long as the churches held power and as long as the people felt they owed spiritual allegiance to the churches and what they represented. In this he was cynical in his dealings with the Church as he was pragmatic with the Capitalists."[20]

"Unbeknownst to many, daily meditation was the requirement of the SS. "Himmler set up a school of occultism in the Berlin Branch and many of the leading ranks of the Totenkopf SS, the Sicherheitsdienst, and the Gestapo were ordered to attend courses in meditation, transcendentalism and magic. It was in this establishment that Himmler was persuaded to found the Ahnenerbe, the Nazi Occult Bureau. The Ahnenerbe incorporated the membership of Crowley's spurious Templar Order, the Vril, and the Thule Gesellschaft into the Black Order of the SS."[21]

"Several books published by the Nazi party - including Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie [The Celebrations in the Life of the SS Family] by Fritz Weitzel, as well as the SS Tante Friede - illustrate how the National Socialists regarded traditional Germanic heathenry which needed reworking to better serve the state. Celebrating the traditional festivals like Jul and Sommersonnenwende were encouraged and recast into veneration of the Nazi state and Führer."[22]"

Wiki Source

Some of Adolf Hitler's 50th birthday gifts stored in a room at the Reich Chancellery, Berlin, April 1939.

Hitler's 50th birthday gifts (note the Algiz rune on the painting)
Hugo Jaeger—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images


Hitler's Restoration of Berlin
I've seen some people here in forums that they say "Hitler is a figure like lord Satan" and "nazis are misunderstood" and "Hitler is not bad"
I'm sorry but what?
First, Hitler literally starved children!

This reminds me of people's reactions when I tell them about Satan or Satanism. They make sure to tell me what I must believe in order to be a "Satanist" and who Satan "really" is and what Satanism is "really" about, insisting that I'm wrong and I don't know what I'm talking about. You know, how I'm supposed to sell my soul and kill a cat and drink its blood and other crap. Often they add one or two "testimonies" of "Satanists" who did such things and they turned to Jewsus and felt much better.

Hell, I've even had an online argument with a Christian Nazi who claimed National Socialism isn't compatible with Satanism because National Socialism is good and noble and Satanism is evil and degenerate! Different jewish lies can fool different people.
You basically answered your own question here. Satan was also slandered as the most evil whatever, for the reason you list here. In the same way you know better about Satan through your own experience and knowledge, so is the same about Hitler.

Hitler did not just fight the Jews, he tried to restore Satanism and Paganism to Germany.

"The SS nucleus of the New Germany:

"The SS were particularly anti-Christian, and officers and men were encouraged to leave the Church, although those that refused to renounce their Christian faith were not visibly punished, perhaps because their otherwise faithful adherence to SS codes of behavior gave the lie to any claim of true Christian affiliation. The SS also brought in its own neo-pagan rituals for marriage ceremonies and baptisms."[18]

"Starting 1939 the word "Christmas" was forbidden to appear on any official SS document" and the Summer Solstice was formally celebrated. These ceremonies were celebrated the old way with sacred fires, and torch lit processions."

"Weddings and baptisms were replaced by pagan SS rituals and gradually the entire Christian liturgical rubric was in the process of being replaced by a completely pagan version. Even the Hitler Youth were not immune. A so-called "Nazi Primer" published during the war contains many examples of pagan ideology and anti-Christian sentiment designed for its youthful readership."[19]

"Himmler's dream was to create, out of the SS, a new religion based on the pagan elements of what he perceived to be the original, Ur-Aryan religion of Ancient India and Europe. However, many Germans were devout Christians. Hitler himself realized this, and knew that he had to play politics with them for as long as the churches held power and as long as the people felt they owed spiritual allegiance to the churches and what they represented. In this he was cynical in his dealings with the Church as he was pragmatic with the Capitalists."[20]

"Unbeknownst to many, daily meditation was the requirement of the SS. "Himmler set up a school of occultism in the Berlin Branch and many of the leading ranks of the Totenkopf SS, the Sicherheitsdienst, and the Gestapo were ordered to attend courses in meditation, transcendentalism and magic. It was in this establishment that Himmler was persuaded to found the Ahnenerbe, the Nazi Occult Bureau. The Ahnenerbe incorporated the membership of Crowley's spurious Templar Order, the Vril, and the Thule Gesellschaft into the Black Order of the SS."[21]

"Several books published by the Nazi party - including Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie [The Celebrations in the Life of the SS Family] by Fritz Weitzel, as well as the SS Tante Friede - illustrate how the National Socialists regarded traditional Germanic heathenry which needed reworking to better serve the state. Celebrating the traditional festivals like Jul and Sommersonnenwende were encouraged and recast into veneration of the Nazi state and Führer."[22]"

Wiki Source

Some of Adolf Hitler's 50th birthday gifts stored in a room at the Reich Chancellery, Berlin, April 1939.'s 50th birthday gifts stored in a room at the Reich Chancellery, Berlin, April 1939.

Hitler's 50th birthday gifts (note the Algiz rune on the painting)
Hugo Jaeger—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images


Hitler's Restoration of Berlin

Thank you so much. You are so patient and well informed.

Also, ro all who are seeing this.

I apologize to you all, I hope you all are not sad/angry.
I hope I could turn time backwards and never posted this.
I'm sorry.
I hope you all don't send negativity towards me.
I didn't know the history books I read was all lie. I'm sorry.
This hate towards Hitler seems to be of spiritual nature due to the emotional vortex getting constructed. I claim this due to the following facts. First, even people with average or higher intelligence that have some analytical skills are unable to analytically look into Hitler which would prove in a couple of hours that everything jews push is a lie regarding this Being. Such people are too weak spiritually, thus they seem to be blocked from using their own analytical skills that they are able to in other areas of life. Secondly, all those events held regarding holohoax and other jewish filth related to this lie have too much fanaticism, ritualistic bullshit in them which just shows this is used in order to reinforce the emotional vortex I have mentioned about. Thirdly, laws are passed to force professional historians to promote this jewish lie about holohoax and other crimes that were done by jews, soviets, but were framed on Germans instead, so people with analytical skills and having interest in history would come to this material professionally presented, and would reinforce their belief in lies and hate towards Hitler which even further reinforces the emotional vortex.

Emotional vortex is constructed that pulls people immediately into this cycle of baseless hate. And now knowing that Hitler actually had ascended, what happens to those who bash Hitler? Well, we perform our rituals to the Gods, so we get some blessings, form stronger bonds with our Gods. But if someone hates the God, then it becomes a reverse ritual, thus such people unknowingly actually curse themselves. In other words, one can not hate Hitler without any consequences. By hating Him, one destroys himself/herself. The only protection here to such people is their own weak spiritual power, so self-cursing is also weaker. But even this has limits, and people either go to the truth or destroy themselves.

Finally, I will say it this way. In the XX century people could have been justified regarding hate to Hitler. There was no internet. Books, TV, and papers were fully ruled by the jewish power structure, thus they pushed basically everything they wanted, and had all the means to indoctrinate even how the people slept in bed with each other. They were able to spam the human mind 100%. But with the advent of the internet in the end of XX century, the unprecedented freedom to access the truthful information, to analyze it has been introduced. And a huge effort has been done to show Hitler for the greatness he actually stood by other great people. So not taking any effort to get the knowledge for themselves people actually are now responsible for their ignorance in this area of life. This is the XXI century, and there is no longer any justification for hating Adolf Hitler and everything he stood for. People must be held responsible. Why? Because lots of people who are now here also were brainwashed, but they were able to free themselves. And it appears that Gods themselves do lots of work for the person to see the truth, and go towards it. So the only requirement for a human is to be not morally corrupt, and everything is going to be fine for such people. But if a person is just a serial hater of anything that is really good, then no one is going to help them. And the time is ticking for such people.
I hope you all don't send negativity towards me.

This wouldn't be appropriate from an SS. Especially towards another SS, or towards a lurker. An SS can't curse another SS.

We are here to learn together, nobody is all knowing. What you have to learn from this is quite the opposite of keeping your mouth shut, and not asking anything, you should rather ASK, so that you can eliminate these misconceptions (and also by reading our materials). Asking about your concerns is also the opposite of what you did, because you assumed your knowledge to be true. So instead of this, you could have asked, "I don't understand why are you guys like Hitler, weren't he an evil person?" instead of letting your emotions write what you wrote.

All in all you are completely fine and now you know.
Thank you so much. You are so patient and well informed.

Also, ro all who are seeing this.

I apologize to you all, I hope you all are not sad/angry.
I hope I could turn time backwards and never posted this.
I'm sorry.
I hope you all don't send negativity towards me.
I didn't know the history books I read was all lie. I'm sorry.
No need to apologies, honestly I think a few of the responses were unduly short, probably even my own. The truth is, its a lot to accept at first; I also accepted Satanism before I accepted Nazism the enemy has done more programming against the latter due to the threat it poses to their evil, in time as you meditate and progress the truth will be revealed to you more and more until you get to the point where you can see clearly through the enemies lies, but it takes time and effort and consistent spiritual practice, indeed its good that you understand you have been lied to, just keep meditating and the truth will be yours one way or another.
Thank you so much. You are so patient and well informed.

Also, ro all who are seeing this.

I apologize to you all, I hope you all are not sad/angry.
I hope I could turn time backwards and never posted this.
I'm sorry.
I hope you all don't send negativity towards me.
I didn't know the history books I read was all lie. I'm sorry.
Worry not. We're all striving to become better. I too sometimes find hard to wrap my head around this concept, because of the continued and incessant mental programming on this topic.
But it just feels right, in my Soul, so even if my mind isn't fully in on it, I still accept it.

It's hard to believe that so many things can be a lie, but then it becomes easier when you notice that, were all these lies true, the figure of the Nazis would be something basically too evil to even believe they existed. These lies portray an unbearable, unrealistic type of evil. In my opinion.

Granted, we know the jews to be somewhat as evil as their fabricated version of the Nazis, but at least we have an explanation for it. The jews simply aren't even Human.
Their soul has a different structures and only 4 chakras rather than 7, so they can't even feel the same emotions as us.
They're emotionally crippled. So they are, by design, sociopaths.

While the Nazis were, both in Truth and lie, Humans. It actually plays right into their hand, so Humans can feel this unwarranted guilt towards (((them))). It all plays in the narrative of "Humans are evil" that I see pushed so much in media and that I despise so much.
Thank you so much . . .

Don't worry about it. You were unaware of the truth about Hitler and sought justice. You asked questions and your fellow Satanists answered them. Especially Blitzkrieg. You were smart enough to understand the truth when the detailed comments were written to you, so this is almost no different from a regular question.

Now, since this topic will be on the forums, people who need quick answers to this question will be able to get it.

Your experience is another example of how TOTAL a jewish lie can be. You probably have never heard of any good opinion about Hitler and holocaust denial in your life, since in most white countries people are not only severely ostracized for this, but also imprisoned. jews make good things look bad so that people never come to them, and bad things look good. christianity and islam are essentially based on this.

Glory to SATAN !!!!
The holocau$t is superpropaganda.

The worst so-called crimes against humanity the NSDAP committed was involuntary euthanasia and slave labour. As for involuntary euthanasia it is legal in Belgium including child euthanasia. The Nazis were very similar to modern bioethicists. The rest is just propaganda and outright lies. There were no gas chambers in any of the concentration camps.
Remember that, if you want to bring up auch a sensitive topic, you must at least have some historical knowledge and you must actually know what hitler have done.
Hello. There is tons of historical information within the JoS network regarding National-Socialism as their importance in overall history. Have you skipped Black Sun 666, Holocaust Exposed, The Real Holocaust, Third Reich and Satanism?

Also there are lots of PDFs in the Satan's Library about Adolf Hitler and related articles. Not to mention the rich literature outside of JoS consisting of books, online platforms and documentaries that helped to shed light over was happened in Germany during WW2. How exactly does JoS bring up "sensitive topics" without historical knowledge?
The Final Solution was the resettlement of Jews. The reason the death toll was so high in the concentration camps was because of starvation and malnutrition caused by the genocidal Alliied area bombing campaign whose primary target was the civilian population. Cyanide was used in Auschwitz as standard hygienic technology designed to prevent the spread of Typhus B.

History is written by the winners.

The naive and most probably adolescent author of this thread should really check out Holocaust revisionism starting with this German chemist https://germarrudolf.com
Thank you so much. You are so patient and well informed.

Also, ro all who are seeing this.

I apologize to you all, I hope you all are not sad/angry.
I hope I could turn time backwards and never posted this.
I'm sorry.
I hope you all don't send negativity towards me.
I didn't know the history books I read was all lie. I'm sorry.
It's okay, we've all had misconceptions about various things in the past. It's understandable, considering the heavy propaganda we are showered with since our birth. What matters is that you keep studying and working on your soul by meditating. Don't be afraid to ask.
I am in contact with a very well-educated lady who studied history, and I asked her about this. She is not jew, she is an atheist.

Nazi doctors done experiments on children, and some of them included starving them.
Being well-educated doesn't mean a lot in this context.

Why? Because what she educated herself on was written by the jews. By the enemy. By people who went against everything Hitler fought for.

There are plenty of resources both online (obscure and more difficult to find) and on JoS that show that Hitler was not, in fact, a bad person. Hating the jews is natural for us. They've destroyed us, our ways of living, or progress, our connection with the Gods. They work for a species that wants us to be completely enslaved.

"History is written by the victors" — and that is completely true. I also find it quite interesting how everyone screams about Hitler and what he has "done" while no one talks about Stalin and the fact that he's the cause of millions upon millions of deaths.

"The Soviet Union suffered upward of 8 million combatant deaths and many more due to famine and disease—perhaps about 20 million." The "official" statistics seem to limit it at around 9 million.

Do jews lie? Yes. Take this as an example:

There's also history itself, told through family and acquaintances.

In my teenagerhood, I heard many stories about the German soldiers in comparison to Russian.

What did I hear about the German ones stationed in Romania (keep in mind that we had, at some point, over 500,000 of them on our territory)? That they were clean, educated, respectful, sat with you as an equal at your table, gave their chocolate to local children. The only thing they hated was betrayal, and they wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through your head for it.

What did I hear about Russians? That they were animals, raping women and destroying everything in their way — even after our idiotic king decided to overthrow Ion Antonescu and made us switch sides. In fact, a very distant relative almost got raped by them but managed to escape through the window.

Being busy is not an excuse to not actually educate yourself. I, too, was in school when I dedicated, and I took the time to slowly read the available resources and think for myself.
Indeed this is conventional/mainstream history "written by the winners" for the most part which has to be challenged and researched on, something that currently is a "crime" punishable with imprisonment in most of Europe if anyone can believe that. Adolf Hitler and National Socialism sent shockwaves so powerful down the entire Jewry globally that they are terrified of it even to this day and did everything in their power to depict Nazism as the worst evil that has even happened, because for the first time probably since the Roman Empire Germany fought the imminent danger the Jews were posing in Germany from the very root as they understood the Jews not only physically but also "metaphysically" in the agenda they had.
I've seen some people here in forums that they say "Hitler is a figure like lord Satan" and "nazis are misunderstood" and "Hitler is not bad"
I'm sorry but what?
First, Hitler literally starved children! Spiritual Satanism says that children must be respected and treated nicely, and it says we don't sacrifice them, then some people here support hitler here?
Second, aren't all sexual orientation allowed and accepted in spiritual Satanism? Then how some support hitler when he killed lesbians and gays?
Hitler killed people who wore glasses or people who were overweight.
Does all of this sound good or right to you?

From what I understood, spiritual Satanism is nothing like what Hitler did. Hitler is not like father Satan.
Father Satan is understanding and kind. You feel his calming energy and protection.
He does not approve starving kids.

The only similar thing between Hitler and spiritual Satanism is being enemy with Jews, and nothing more.

Remember that, if you want to bring up auch a sensitive topic, you must at least have some historical knowledge and you must actually know what hitler have done.

Why do people compare these two?

Do any of high priests/priestess or leader of community
Using starvation as a weapon of war is evil but guess which nation was almost starved to death by its enemies?
Read about blockade of Germany.
Right now Israel is starving Qazans and any country that disagrees with Israel gets invaded and then starved(If people are lucky enough to survive the bombs)

Lets also not talk about millions of Africans who were murdered by the same countries that fought against Hitler.
Germany was being starved before Hitler even started.
I've seen some people here in forums that they say "Hitler is a figure like lord Satan" and "nazis are misunderstood" and "Hitler is not bad"
I'm sorry but what?
First, Hitler literally starved children! Spiritual Satanism says that children must be respected and treated nicely, and it says we don't sacrifice them, then some people here support hitler here?
Second, aren't all sexual orientation allowed and accepted in spiritual Satanism? Then how some support hitler when he killed lesbians and gays?
Hitler killed people who wore glasses or people who were overweight.
Does all of this sound good or right to you?

From what I understood, spiritual Satanism is nothing like what Hitler did. Hitler is not like father Satan.
Father Satan is understanding and kind. You feel his calming energy and protection.
He does not approve starving kids.

The only similar thing between Hitler and spiritual Satanism is being enemy with Jews, and nothing more.

Remember that, if you want to bring up auch a sensitive topic, you must at least have some historical knowledge and you must actually know what hitler have done.

Why do people compare these two?

Do any of high priests/priestess or leader of community agree with and approve hitler's actions?

I've seen some people here in forums that they say "Hitler is a figure like lord Satan" and "nazis are misunderstood" and "Hitler is not bad"
I'm sorry but what?
First, Hitler literally starved children! Spiritual Satanism says that children must be respected and treated nicely, and it says we don't sacrifice them, then some people here support hitler here?
Second, aren't all sexual orientation allowed and accepted in spiritual Satanism? Then how some support hitler when he killed lesbians and gays?
Hitler killed people who wore glasses or people who were overweight.
Does all of this sound good or right to you?

From what I understood, spiritual Satanism is nothing like what Hitler did. Hitler is not like father Satan.
Father Satan is understanding and kind. You feel his calming energy and protection.
He does not approve starving kids.

The only similar thing between Hitler and spiritual Satanism is being enemy with Jews, and nothing more.

Remember that, if you want to bring up auch a sensitive topic, you must at least have some historical knowledge and you must actually know what hitler have done.

Why do people compare these two?

Do any of high priests/priestess or leader of community agree with and approve hitler's actions?
I understand how you feel lol, possibly it's just Edgys who have never read a history book and just think that Hitler is "a misunderstood soul" who hated Jews, believe that being a teenager (because I really don't think someone already adult says such a thing) wants to feel "outside the system" or something else like that, I don't think JoS supports or agrees with Hitler (although the truth is I don't know I'm just starting in JoS), I know it's not a response from someone well known about this and that it's possibly wrong but I hope at least my opinion helps you
Kids come here, full of propaganda, don't care about reading what's on JoS and are surprised they're called trolls because they attach emotions to their deluded convictions. It's PERFECTLY ok to have questions - as long as they are genuine, and not some presuppositions veiled as questions.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
