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Do We Hate Jews?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
AskSatanOperator said:
In the post (do we need to hate all jews) it unanimous t by at all jews are bas but on the Europa the last battle says even Hitler had Jewish germans on the as, care to explain? Tq

You don't have to "hate" them anymore you have to hate anything you have to carefully watch to not be fucked over. People have written about them for centuries on good merits, because they have an agenda going, and people found out, and they must be armored against potential catastrophe from them.

The awareness of them goes back in centuries, in the same way one is warned around certain types of animals that might attack at any point and so on.

Hate clouds judgement and is not the state you have to be in. Hate is for where it belongs. If you constantly spend all your life hating them, this means that they have affected the mind too much. We just try to survive and move forward in life, and any danger to this, or elements that might cause ruin, have to be observed. Other dangers exist in life, such as systems they have recklessly created, and so on.

As a non-jew [Gentile] you have to be aware of this. People try to deny this but there is actually a weird conspiracy taking place from them, and they are enforcing it. So ignoring it is actually stupid. That is a functional mindset more than it is a hateful one.

Jews can under circumstances and force, behave "alright" to an extent. However history shows that when this pressure stops, they revert back to their desert-like practices of predatory etc. They don't seem to be putting in any of the work to eventually regain any trust.

After many centuries, it has reached a point where any of their own don't fall into their own stereotype that they falsely claim they are being accused, they consider them outcasts and worthless or "failed jews". Jews have religious laws, some of which deal with the elimination of other people and their cultures, and these are some of the many reasons people have to be aware of them.

Hate is a large word and it must not be allowed to act in a consuming manner. But like anything that can turn negative in life, there has to be a control and understanding of it, instead of just walking around blindly and being uninformed on it.

Jews also exist in their life in the same awareness over Gentiles, and they explicitly mention both of this and worse things. One must not become like them, but you have to be aware of them. The idealistic ideas around them matter less than reality does.

Any so called "jews" in NS Germany, have went under very close inspection, and were not allowed to reign on anything to avoid potential catastrophic damage to the Nation and so on. These are normal things. Jews don't allow Goyim to run Israel, and nobody else should be obligated to do this, or to remain blind to them, especially when they have an admitted collective agenda and they don't just "exist" like everyone else.

Joy of Satan just brings up these points which are basically of the enemy's side, because it teaches you about life. If there was any tribe of the world that had the same ideas like them, they would be dangerous too, and should be held at very close inspection. But there hasn't been any Gentile tribe like them or behaving like them until now.

Anyone with half a brain should actually pay attention to numerous conspiracies that might be unfolding, without stating the jews are the "only" conspiracy on the planet, but certainly a serious one that has proven again and again to be threatening.

Jews also invest all their existence trying to constantly say there is no reason for any of this, but yet they still do things they have been 'accused' of anyway. This situation is an endless loop that only them could resolve, and the situation is that willingness is almost non existent. No other race has literal immunity from being judged or being told a negative opinion over by others and so on.

All of these are called red flags. None of this has to do with unwarranted emotional hate of "just hate them", regardless of what the jews want to say.

You just have to be aware and we have to be aware of our existence. One also doesn't have to forcibly like them like they constantly demand out of the "Goyim".

That is a rational stance towards them not some sort of hate based stance.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Right, it’s not about hating all of the Jews I think it’s just about being aware and not tolerating those Jews, who advocate support and propagate the agenda of global domination and the annihilation of those of us who are humans.
Very nice. I wanted to bring this up myself but thought it would bring about false accusations on me. Hate is anywhere from a great thing to an insane thing. In a time when there are people(Leftie commies)saying all hate is the worst thing ever(just like the Christians are supposed to) and using hate as a magic word to shut down those trying to defend themselves from demise, I'd say pretending not to hate unless in private could be just the ticket. I think most of were already doing.
Zionist Jews brought America into two World Wars ,the Gulf Wars and Internationalist Jews brought them into a protracted war against the Russians which continues to this day. These same International Jews like Soros gutted Russia economically and are responsible for the current conflict in Ukraine.

The supposed secular Jews created Pornography Feminism, Communism ,Social Marxism and the variety of the things destroying the world right now.

In short - all evil may it be religious or secular originates from Jews and they're messianic fantasies. Until they are around Gentiles they will keep propping up with these sick plans.

It is a spiritual manifestation of their own soul. Even when there is no collusion Jews will spontaneously create evil in Gentile societies. Which is why Jews are Enemy Number One.
Woooooooooooooooohh, I have seen the new upgrade to the JOS room and that is significantly awesome. That's my new toy and that's going to be so for a very long time.
I still don't understand why after all these sermons posted on the JoS forum by HP HoodedCobra, outside people keep looking at us as: "the bad guys who hate everyone and are willing to do really, really bad things", when, in reality, the Jews have literally and study many books also written by Jews that teach to destroy and enslave non-Jews (see Talmud and Torah). We are always the bad guys and, for people, the same criteria of judgment don't also apply to Jews, otherwise you're an anti-Semite and who wants to be an anti-Semite?
angramainyu said:
HPS Maxine Dietrich has said, ""Satan hates the Jews intensely". That is okay with me.

I believe, but it is only my opinion anyway, that this statement by Hps Maxine indicates that Satan is and always will be an adversary of the Jews and that it cannot be otherwise. I don't think Satan actually spends his time hating them. Jews are extremely inferior beings and no one deeply hates something that is that much inferior. It is as if you decide to hate (and therefore give importance) to a louse. Of course you don't hate lice, you are aware that you have to be careful not to get them and you prevent any kind of damage, etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hate is for where it belongs. If you constantly spend all your life hating them, this means that they have affected the mind too much. We just try to survive and move forward in life, and any danger to this, or elements that might cause ruin, have to be observed. Other dangers exist in life, such as systems they have recklessly created, and so on.

By this sentence, I understand that true passionate hate should belong in meditations and magic, where it actually serves a purpose in increasing the potency of the working, like when doing the RTR.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Joy of Satan just brings up these points which are basically of the enemy's side, because it teaches you about life. If there was any tribe of the world that had the same ideas like them, they would be dangerous too, and should be held at very close inspection. But there hasn't been any Gentile tribe like them or behaving like them until now.

Basically gypsies, no? Although, if I recall correctly, they are of the same stock of the jews. Not a coincidence I guess, that they are both the only 2 tribes to have been nomadic so long until recent years.
Manofsatan said:
Woooooooooooooooohh, I have seen the new upgrade to the JOS room and that is significantly awesome. That's my new toy and that's going to be so for a very long time.

I subscribe to this, it's really wonderful. As a colleague, I'd like to congratulate whoever developed it, I also like the choice of using something like Svelte.
The proof of jewish power is the fact you arn't allowed to question it.

We will have to deal with them in the natural course of life, but we must definitely try not to associate with them.

They can bring bother on a person and I find my stomach tells me by turning and making me feel sick.
Well Said! We do have a reason to hate! If somebody has done us wrong! If somebody out there is keeping us away from the truth! And that could be anybody Christian or jewish! And not all and everybody's problems is related to the Jews and the christians! But it has a lot to do with the individual and his or her attitude they have towards themselves and how they handle other people! And there are a lot of these people from these different countries and different religions who have a hard time dealing with other people! Due to the lack of understanding and the ignorance of thereof of not knowing how to address the energy of the other person! It's easy to hate but then again you wonder if times if it's worth it? I think it is the ignorance beyond all that is a problem! It gives every person or anybody any reason to hate? The lack of intelligence and the stupidity is one thing to consider when it comes to the individual human being but the biggest percent of it is the fact that they don't take the time to listen or follow through let alone consider the other person's rights? Without questioning or coming after you with a threat of some kind that would make it hard or would want to hate somebody! Because hatred could be shared and explained in many ways! Considering the stock market and how people are always greedy when it comes to money! Every reason to hate the other person because he happens to be good at something that you're not! It's easy to hate somebody when they're better than you it's something! Until you learn how to figure out yourself and what you need to do to better improve yourself with your struggles or what you're learning on your field! As an individual or a group! I know this may not have a lot to do with this subject! But then again? It's sort of does when it comes to hatred and what we hate about the jews? And the fact that they are shrewd businessmen and they are very cynical about what people look like! And how other people should live and eat! There are many things about the Jew that we hate and there are many things about the Jew a lot of people don't seem to understand! And it's the same thing with Christians and Muslims when it comes down to it it's all down to the ignorance and it's all related to the fact that these people are ignorant and they choose to be ignorant they are happy with who and what they are but when it comes down to the rights of other people and what they consider? Is what brings out the hatred and they hateful problems that people create along with it please correct me if I'm wrong? What is to really hate? When it comes down to it it is ignorance and lack of understanding! I'm just simply giving you my perspective on this!? Because when it comes down to this it's an open door to a debate!? And a very interesting conversation! Because when it comes to religions and Jews there are many things to discuss when it comes to hatred! And I think that this should be kind of an open conversation among other people on here? And what they think and what they hate about a Jewish person or somebody that is a threat to them? Because hatred comes in all different forms and hatred comes in all different shapes and sizes! And there are many things a person can say about a Jewish person
The High priests may know the answer, but I'm going to ask anyway:

Do Jews really believe the ideologies they're saying (ie: freedom, equality, safety, security, etc.)? A lot of such things aren't what they actually believe, and yet the NPCs still believe Jewish business-people like they're word of god or something.

The above leads me to another question: How can people tell if someone's using an ideology as a smokescreen for more sinister ends, like what the Jews are doing currently?
They tried to silence Arnold Leese over his efforts to wake people up,
he touches on the topic title mentioned in his court case at the Old Bailey

in which a deliberate attempt to silence Arnold Leese's anti-Jewish efforts was defeated,
although it had the full force of His Majesty's Government behind it. It is an outstanding
victory for the patriotic anti-Jewish minority against the Jewish control of Democracy,
and its importance can best be measured by the Loudness of the silence with which the
Jew-controlled Press of London received the news of it. THE PEOPLE MUST NOT KNOW
To ensure that at least some people shall know of it, this pamphlet is now

Judge: A case of this sort usually involves some likelihood of a breach of peace, or
an attempt, and criminal libel is confined then to such cases. However, Mr. Leese you
can say what you like to the jury, as to whether it is libel or not.

Mr. Leese: I wish to make a brief statement on oath. (Sworn.) I am a veterinary
surgeon, 72 years old, and retired in 1928. After which time I made a study of public
affairs and as a result, rightly or wrongly, I became anti-Jewish. For the last 23 years I
have worked with others of my opinion, on the question of the Jews—without monetary
reward, without malice, and from a sense of duty to my own race. The object of Gothic
Ripples, which was started in 1944 and has now reached 70 issues, is as stated on the
front of each issue.

Judge: Started in 1944?

Mr. Leese: Yes, sir. . . front of each issue: "An occasional report on the Jewish
question issued for the Jew-wise by Arnold Leese's Anti-Jewish Information Bureau". By
Jew-wise is meant people who regard Jews and their descendants as aliens no matter
what their legal status may be. In other words they are people who wish by lawful
means to have the whole matter revised and make it impossible for Jews to be
naturalised. It is intended to keep Jew-wise people up to date and to impress upon them
the extent of Jewish inter-breeding. It is not intended primarily for the man in the street
who would have difficulty in understanding much of it. The special object of the article
called "The Soap Box" in No. 67 is to free Anti-Jewish workers at street meetings in
London from what I allege to be an unfair constraint forced upon them by the practical
working of section 5 of the Public Order Act—by which practice greater strictness is
enforced when Jews are present in the audience than when they are not.
Gentlemen of the jury, one thing I wish to say, that I have been called a fanatic. I
have been, in my past life as a Veterinary Surgeon, employed for many years in many
countries on field scientific investigation of the diseases and proper management of the
camel. My book on this subject is still considered the authoritative treatise in the English
language. A copy of it was accepted by his late Majesty King George V.

Mr. Humphries: Would not the witness be better advised to keep to the point of the

Mr. Leese: I am just coming to that. My investigations on the Jewish problem have
been conducted in exactly the same scientific spirit as my investigations on the
diseases and management of camels. There is no malice in my heart over the question
of the Jews. What I am striving for all the time is to prevent my own race from going
down under an influence which is in my opinion evil.
I have just two things to add, sir,
which are not really relevant to malice or anything else. But I wish to prevent possible
prejudice. Just this, sir. I have never had anything to do with Sir Oswald Mosley, never,
and since I have become Jew-wise I have never voted at parliamentary elections as I
considered it a waste of time.
I hate being force-fed Xianity as a child.
I hate watching my mother and grandmother groveling before some Jewish book of curses.
I hate seeing my land of birth flooded by illegals, my cultures attacked unceasingly and my people bred out of existence.
I hate seeing our women going with black men because our men our effeminate.
I hate seeing our people constantly purchasing Tobbaco and Beer like it's water.
I hate seeing our once beautiful people poisoned by years of drug abuse.

I hate that Rome and Greece and any ancient civilization of the White race is seen as some "Bigoted and Racist".
I hate that my desire to be a powerful man is a threat to the "Powers that be".
I hate that predators are allowed to exist in prison with free rent and board while our Veterans are sleeping on the sides of the road.

I hate the source of the problems most of all.
Because I have empathy for my people.
I have a desire to protect my ancestral heritage.
I have a responsibility to pass on this legacy.

Living with the constant reminders, the poison of the enemy. This has bred a deep hatred within me.

I seek to be the hand of Justice for the Weak, Ignorant, and Blind.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
In the post (do we need to hate all jews) it unanimous t by at all jews are bas but on the Europa the last battle says even Hitler had Jewish germans on the as, care to explain? Tq

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Interesting post!

I think you should not constantly waste your emotions on shit (on Jews), especially if emotions exhaust you. In my opinion, everything is in moderation and in due time! Very often in my country I hear the arguments of legislators about the fight against hatred and extremism, while they do not understand what real hatred is, like many people. In fact, it is necessary to give a precise definition of hatred. Is hate an emotion, or something else? If there is an emotion, then it is possible to clean up criminals (shit) without emotions, or without negative emotions with positive emotions, will it be hatred? If hate is not an emotion, then what? Is hatred so bad if it is will be justified and fair (including legally)?
I think during those times, people did not take them as seriously as they would now. I believe their awareness was only to some extent, as in they viewed them as just some kind of criminal family that wanted an easy buck.

With the knowledge available to us now, the level of seriousness would be more considerate. But they're all collectively due for an unpaid amount of justice owed to us for centuries. And I'm sure we'll send them a "big enough gratitude" for when they finally do pay up for their crimes as transition the entirety of their population to Madagascar.

But even when we move on from this, we simply cannot forget either.
Great post,
the problem of self-control may be on the side of people with a strong Scorpio or Libra, because the sense of justice is at a very high level and the deeds of the jews are unjust and terrible and above all inhuman...
Hello Guys, I'm so glad to be with you, I have a very important question: is there any strong and reliable scientific evidence proves that jews are Alien hybrids? , I'm not skeptical at all but I just need the scientific proof for my arguments
Karl Marx once wrote that anti-Semitism would cease to be a problem once enough Europeans had, in effect, become inner Jews. The tipping point for that has long been passed. I realized that decades ago when, teaching history, I found that the vast majority of students assumed that nobleman=rich man. Most folks in these times are incapable of conceiving superiority in any but highly material terms. One can add a number of other characteristics. That will do for this post.

As for hate, Kurt Eggers wrote shortly before his death on the Eastern Front, "Hatred can be as ennobling as love." As an ex-pastor as well as an SS trooper, one assumes the man had some experience with both. If you hate today's world, you are logically --- and one hopes emotionally---committed to loathing its source and its carriers. It is shameful to lose a fight simply because one is hung up on a word like "hate." Yet that is exactly what we stand in danger of doing.
Actually I love the Jews very much and the winter is coming I am afraid that they will get cold or something so I would like to sent all of them to the sun I want them to get warm 🤣🤣🤣🤣
SeguaceDiSatana said:
I still don't understand why after all these sermons posted on the JoS forum by HP HoodedCobra, outside people keep looking at us as: "the bad guys who hate everyone and are willing to do really, really bad things", when, in reality, the Jews have literally and study many books also written by Jews that teach to destroy and enslave non-Jews (see Talmud and Torah). We are always the bad guys and, for people, the same criteria of judgment don't also apply to Jews, otherwise you're an anti-Semite and who wants to be an anti-Semite?
These people have been severely programmed like zombies to not think for themselves and they are fearful of the truth of things about the Jews. They will keep saying Jews are the victims and Hitler was evil etc because that’s what Jews have been subconsciously engraving in the minds of the masses
Well i think there are levels of judaísm as there is of gentils, some of us(gentils) are sleeping to reality and others are very conscient of reality, the jews is the Same but the ones That are sleeping can wake up at any moment and join the tribe. Worst than the jews are the gentils That protect them as they play the victim role very Often.
Hail Satan brothers!
Masterj810610 said:
David Chacón said:
Could be the judaism ultraortodox satanism?

Judaism is judaism...

Well put. We ought not split hairs. Somewhere along the line, the West got into the habit of making excuses for its own enemies. Which, by degrees, means making an enemy of oneself and one's kind. Look at today's real pandemic: "white guilt."
And where did we get that habit? Pretty clearly from the Gospels' "love your enemies." Which creed is simply metastasis from the later Jew prophets' nonstop weaklings'whinging. As the doctor here just said, "Judaism is judaism..." Don't make excuses for them. Their Kol Nidre prayer does that all too well, no thank you and d*** them.
Hi, maybe this sound stupid but Im living whit a jewish girl, i see on his eyes and i feel it, She anoyes me a lot i try to avoid her but is kind of Impossible, i dont know what to do because i need the job if i get something better i Will Change, i would like your suggestions about this some advice would be great! Thanks.
Kikes are not hated because they are hated, they are hated because of what they have been doing for the past 2000 years of their existence to our planet and what their end goal is.

Here is an example of their hypocrisy for one when it comes to them preaching "love thy neighbor": https://youtube.com/shorts/PMA_rbidWHs?si=6_wmxBrxXuo7VxZ9
SeguaceDiSatana said:
I still don't understand why after all these sermons posted on the JoS forum by HP HoodedCobra, outside people keep looking at us as: "the bad guys who hate everyone and are willing to do really, really bad things", when, in reality, the Jews have literally and study many books also written by Jews that teach to destroy and enslave non-Jews (see Talmud and Torah). We are always the bad guys and, for people, the same criteria of judgment don't also apply to Jews, otherwise you're an anti-Semite and who wants to be an anti-Semite?
Exactly this. So many important studies and texts have Been destroyed by these people due to their ignorance.
It’s up to us not to be as ignorant!
For me- I don’t hate Jews either-like cobra said. But I’m not going to fucking tolerate them!
SeguaceDiSatana said:
I still don't understand why after all these sermons posted on the JoS forum by HP HoodedCobra, outside people keep looking at us as: "the bad guys who hate everyone and are willing to do really, really bad things", when, in reality, the Jews have literally and study many books also written by Jews that teach to destroy and enslave non-Jews (see Talmud and Torah). We are always the bad guys and, for people, the same criteria of judgment don't also apply to Jews, otherwise you're an anti-Semite and who wants to be an anti-Semite?
Exactly this. So many important studies and texts have Been destroyed by these people due to their ignorance.
It’s up to us not to be as ignorant!
For me- I don’t hate Jews either-like cobra said. But I’m not going to fucking tolerate them!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
