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Disclaimer: About "National Socialism"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
From now on, all members of the Joy of Satan will have to clarify their ideas and understanding about National Socialism. This post here will be a disclaimer in regards to what we appreciate and understand in what is broadly refereed to as National Socialism, and actually, what we do not care for or accept about this "ideology".

With the passing of the years, and as one can understand the enemy's propaganda, a lot of confusion has ensued. We are a Spiritual and Spiritual advancement organization. We serve Father Satan and the Gods, and our direction in life is an eternal direction that was followed by all Pagan religious systems that were of sound core.

National Socialism was only a recent drop in the bucket of a giant, eternal waterfall, that has to do with Spiritual Satanic core belief. It has been an ideology manifested during it's time, within it's time permits, limitations, hostilities, and political realities of the time.

These were entirely different in 1920 to 1945, than things are today. We are about 100 years after these events. A lot has changed.

The notions of Race, development, self mastery and so on, are all eternal concepts, however, did not arise in 1920. They have been in existence for thousands of years. They manifest and re-manifest themselves in different shapes and forms, but fundamentally, they remain the same. This same basis, we follow as Spiritual Satanism.

If one makes the necessary research into their own Ancient Culture, chances are they will find all the same morals and values present there.

We are Spiritual Satanists first and foremost. You do not need to name yourself as "National Socialist" or adopt "National Socialism", but Spiritual Satanism unavoidably leads back to the same source.

National Socialism has been vilified not only by the enemy, but above all, by the people who have been practising it falsely and without any quality into the practice. There has been no historically objective viewing of the events that took part about a hundred years back from now.

The above happened because the enemy saw the spiritual underlying concepts in this ideology. As they have been for thousands of years undermining our Spirituality and everything it could manifest, they did undermine everything political, financial, or spiritual Gentiles have created that was of value. This case here is no different.

There have been ideologies like Communism, a thousand times more "deadly", even if one accepts the enemy's version of the events - but nobody really cared to make a large siege against them like they did with National Socialism.

Therefore, the argument that attacking National Socialism is for "Good", is foolish. We have accepted evils way larger than this in our "Civilization", especially in the United States or in the West. Communists are still roaming around this world, even after having achieved death tolls and destructions that the world has never seen at any previous historical interval ever before.

Christianity, a system of death that imposed itself upon the destruction of everything Ancient and Spiritual, has been also been our "Religion" for a long time. Islam, a program of death, is all but tolerated.

The cumulative death toll of this is about a thousand times higher than any "National Socialism", even through enemy claims. As we can understand however, the above programs tolerate and further the enemy's agenda, so we are told constantly to tolerate them and accept them.

As one can see that in our Ministry or Forums, we have zero correlations with what is the enemy's accepted view of Satanism. This was, after all, created by the enemy.

People have to also understand, that the reasons we even care about this ideology instead of fully discarding it, are likewise, extremely different.

What we do not care about/is a lie in regards to National Socialism:

1. That this is about hating other people and/or yourself, based on false presuppositions about "Race".

That is a lie. In Spiritual Satanism, we consider that all Races must advance. Temporary enmity between people based on political standards or anything else, is not desirable, but part of life.

It is also a historical fact that National Socialists and all other Races and Pagan Civilizations understood the same rules and morals. We follow most of these unconsciously as it is, and require indoctrination of high calibre by the enemy to not do this.

Race is just another biological fact. Humans can decide to fight over this, or make peace over it, or treat it as they see fit. Like all other facts of life, it exists to guide us into an understanding. How races and people will behave over this fact, is a matter of time and place.

Unfortunately, the greatest understanding of this term has been lost in mere pursuits of general falsehood. But that does not make the understanding of this evil.
What about "Race" and "Racial Theory"?
2. Joining "Nazi" organizations physically to fool one's self, waste one's time or life, or even worse, join into criminal activity that poses itself as "revolutionary".

Using the ideology of "National Socialism" or any other ideology for that liking, for crimes, social unrest, or evil, is promoting the enemy's paradigm and confusing things.

One has to understand the Truth, not join any failed organizations or join themselves in crazy stunts. That is besides the core importance of why these sites even exist.

In fact, we advise strongly AGAINST joining these places, because they often times are dangerous and ineffective, with very few in between having any really good aims that they can actualize.

3. Most "National Socialist" groups are fools who worship the Jewish Rabbi, Christ.

We discard this idea as we know the historical Truth about the fact, that most of the awakened people that guided the National Socialist movement were never motivated by this wrong idea. The cognitive dissonance of many of these people, and trying to bond antithetical moral norms such as the Communist teachings of Christianity, and mixing these into this "Ideology" is the product of mere foolishness.

4. The norms of the past, are not the norms of the present. What remains, is the core foundation teachings. This is what we care about: What happened as result of temporary events is not to shape our mindset.

Certain thoughts of the time such as enmities between White people, such as French or Germans, and Russians to Germans, are none of our business.

We consider the main sub-races to be, if not directly "one race", one literal big racial family. We see no divide between people that are so much alike.

We take a distanced and truthful approach here, not affected by politics. The norms of the time are not the norms of the present.

National Socialism, as Hitler stated, was a model for emulation for all people. Of course, nobody pays attention to the important statements, and based on disinformation or pure hate, might continue instigating false hatred between our people or other people of earth. That is false.

5. All Gentile Civilizations have effectively applied the same core teachings in their existence, for aeons.

Egypt, Sumeria, Greece, Mesoamerican civilizations, or Asiatic civilizations, all have applied Father Satan's teachings to the best of their ability. They have prospered, created empires, and furthered their life through the aeons.

National Socialism, for those who have done any studying, was merely another people who tried to do the same thing in the modern era. For this restoration of Ancient values, even in part, they were attacked mercilessly.

We consider the above a miraculous event, a small glimpse of the Age of Aquarius, where people will be more evidently exposed to these eternal Truths. Because it's a solitary event in recent history, we appreciate this, and we consider this important that people learn the Truth and facts about what really occurred.
5. Truth first.

The reason we expose the enemy, is not because of idle hatred, but part of a larger cosmological battle between lies and Truth. We want people to know the Truth about anything, and things like the Holocaust or other events, are of key understanding in human history.

Now, the recent Ukrainian/Russian crisis, is also filled with similar lies about crimes that have never occurred. It is certain, that the loser of this conflict will be heaped upon themselves all sorts of crimes. When one side wins, one side writes history.

With National Socialism, we never had an objective historical view of what occurred or what was good or bad from it, and we were merely indoctrinated it was all fully evil, in intention, deed or outcome. That is a falsehood.

The disallowing of revisionism and research into these events, and the mere vilification of the "National Socialists" into monsters, is not an objective view nor a good or helpful view for the future of mankind.

The enemy, who strangulates spiritual understanding and any Ancient values, has done the same vilification to the Gods, the Ancient cultures, and presently, National Socialism. That is part of an attack, that deals broadly with the maintenance of a global world of lies, that we call the "Jewtrix". We want to destroy their lies wherever they appear, so that humanity can know the Truth.

6. Arguments made by the National Socialists against jews, do indeed matter.

Even today, statements that the National Socialists have issued such as the overwhelming control of the jewish people in the life and work of other Nations, how they enact subversion, or have their own domestic agenda on the expense of everyone else, no longer look like conspiracy theories.

We consider the above to be a mere observation of some people who rose too high in the ladder of life, and observed this agenda, and exposed it. This is a universal exposure, that extends way beyond National Socialism, and we might say goes all the way back to thousands of years, since similar subversion by the enemy's side is a given constant.

This is admitted in the Bible too, and the systematic subversion of Jewish people towards all other cultures. It is a part of their culture that they even celebrate, and does not constitute a "theory" or a "conspiracy", but rather, the admitted history of the Jewish people.

Opening the bible, one reads on certain segments, the joy of slaying other people just because of who they are, a doctrine of cursing and death, and a glorification of death itself heaped upon people just because of being different. All of this, the jews have carefully worked to lie that is their enemies, but all along, it was them.

The reason we want to promote the Truth, is to destroy the lies of these jewish people that have plagued the world for so long. That is not deserved, and humanity has to rise further than their prolific hatred.

The judgement the Jewish people are receiving is based on deeds, culture, actions, and not merely on idle hate as they like to claim. They have a long history of wrongdoings that they never did seek to correct or stop. The natural outcome is that other people want this stopped in full.

7. The end goal is peace, not war.

After thorough research into Adolf Hitler and his movement, we have understood that their intentions were not only not hostile, but also based on a great ideals such as peace, or more realistically, mutual balance and mutual respect between the people of earth. To not violate, for example, another people's biological entity, is part of this process.

That is in contrast to present day exploitation and violation. Those who use National Socialism or our teachings merely to fuel ideas of war, destitution, or destruction of mankind, are not part of our ideas, since they do not at all reflect the aims of this undertaking.

8. About Adolf Hitler

In regards to the personal figure of Adolf Hitler and certain other National Socialists, in the East, it was believed they were the reincarnation of important deities who were put there to protect Europe from eventual and calculated destruction.

They also helped humanity by reminding them of important concepts like the notion of the race, or the necessity of the development of the human being to a higher standard, showing glimpses of what will be commonplace in the Age of Aquarius.

Specifically, Eastern seers and other movements that have perceived Hitler not as a mere political leader, but as manifestor of a spiritual purpose. That has been common and is nothing strange. Hitler was perceived to be Vishnu, a manifestation of the power of the God of Justice. In a sense, Hitler's appearance is a pivotal moment for the change of direction in affairs where the enemy is concerned.

Since this time, the enemy has been getting exposed, their lies have been slowly collapsing, and their control has been slowly drifting off and falling apart. We are interested in the esoteric view of Adolf Hitler, not dissimilarly in his own story of many other wise and advanced Souls that have affected the history of this world.

This is not about a biased and closed view political outlook, but about understanding the importance of this personality for history and the restoration of meaningful spiritual values.

9. Can you "not bother" about National Socialism and still be a Spiritual Satanist?

Yes. One can definitely not bother with any politics and no politics are mandatory for anyone to be a Spiritual Satanist.

One is however necessitated to know the Truth, accept it where it is and be at least in awareness of these historical inaccuracies and fallacies that surround the slander of National Socialists.

Our interest in "National Socialism" is not based on strict politics but about certain parts of a worldview, that are nothing but stems of Spiritual Satanism, based on and created out of the eternal Truth and Dharma that permeates our world.

A Spiritual Satanist can never be a Communist, or participate in any organization that preaches unnatural and ideologies against existence or life. These invalidate the very purpose of trying to be a Satanist in the first place.

The natural principles of Spiritual Satanism have had a recent manifestation in what we refer to as "National Socialism". One can discard this title as well and still retain their mind on all of the correct principles, or keep their political views private [as one should, especially in this world as it is today].

10. What about "Race" and "Racial Theory"?

Points like racial theory was recently resurrected by Hitler, but it is a very Ancient, aeons long theory, that has to do with metaphysical and physical aspects of a being, and how a being or a collective thereof advances.

Many people, even in Hitler's time, due to spiritual unawareness, could not clearly understand the essence of this theory.

Most of this was common knowledge in the past, and this involves aristocratic family lines and so on. Meditation, spirituality, volition and way of life, affect beings individually. These beings later form races, segments of races, and represent on a broad scale a level of development or beings of a common root.

This theory, from the Dharmic or spiritual standpoint, It was never meant to create strife, pointless division or hate. It is part of a wider awareness onto the individual human, through which humans can grow and not repeat mistakes of the past.

That is the plain observation of facts and nothing else. Lies that the National Socialists used these theories for hate, are nonsensical, almost all times against all evident facts.

One major lie here is that the National Socialists only cared about Blonde and Blue eyed people, while in fact, most of their leaders were anything but this. Another lie is that "Only the fit would survive" and stranger lies that nobody would be tolerated, while in fact, people like Joseph Goebbels [third in power in NS Germany] had a foot disability.

If one reads more on the history of many important personalities from back then, one will find that all of these are lies and nothing else.

Needless to say, all these lies are outrageous and are in contrast with the spirit of mankind and understanding between human beings. These do not represent any factual Truth at all. These are only lies created out of the sick mind of the enemy, who wanted to villify the very notion of racial awareness, same as they did with spiritual self awareness and calling this "Of the Devil".

Jews on the other hand have used too racial theory of themselves, mixing with with false feelings of aggressive superiority, which they later on use to justify their numerous offences and attacks on Gentile people of all creeds, colors, nations or cultures.


If one has understood the above concepts, then one is ready to proceed in the studying of our views about "National Socialism" and the important teachings of this view.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Because this topic is going to be a small disclaimer for new people and/or people that do not know any of this, please evaluate it and let me know if this post is clarified. It needs to be really clear, so that people understand what aspects of this whole thing are important to understand.

Thank you all family,

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because this topic is going to be a small disclaimer for new people and/or people that do not know any of this, please evaluate it and let me know if this post is clarified. It needs to be really clear, so that people understand what aspects of this whole thing are important to understand.

Thank you all family,

It's as clear as a crystal :)
I will be brief, but to the point!

My opinion is that what we call today National Socialism (NSDAP) was already present in history, we just didn't call it that.

Only Satanic can be National Socialist,and nobody else!

The enemy has nothing to do with it,the enemy is a virus!

National Socialism contains exactly the same things that Satanism itself contains!

-Fight/Martial arts
-Calmness within ourselves, and in the world, understanding each other,
- Animals and plants are part of National Socialism ;)
- Caring for ourselves,for others,for society,and for nature.

It can be caring for a country, or even the whole Earth.
Satan universally rules over all creatures!

Of course their position is already on a divine level!

National Socialism is the politics of life!
The problem with the elephant in the room "National Socialism". Is that no matter how much facts or information, even if you were to just pull a Hitler-esque speech and not let anyone interfere(Hitler's psychological error he mentions in Dr.Dalton's '39 MK whereby the mere response to a heckler set off a fight).

IS the factor no matter how much overbearing power you reign over people. They still consider National Socialism to be utter, vile, scum shit, garbage. It's the NPC button IF NS press rage and anger button. My friend is a person who likes black metal and he says NPCs come in looking for the next thrill only to be "shocked" that BM hosts NS, and it's like yeah BM = it has A LOT of NS stuff it's one of the main points. It's like the band Advent Sorrow they kicked out their singer cause of "alleged NS views". This was in 2019 if they knew concentration camp Australia coof-19 in 2020+ they'd realize "FUCK we were wrong".

As someone who quoted Hitler's MK. The jew can preset heaven as hell and hell as heaven indeed even the worst things can be viewed as glorious and the best things utter garbage.

You get two phases of reality What is National Socialism? Thus you have to explain it's Nazism(ignoring the fact this is a judiac almost slur like sosse/sose even if Hieratically towards Nahsee(Nazi) Sumerian Goddess). Or they know full well what National Socialism is and some of it's teachings and attack you as a Fascist or they claim you killed people.

It's funny from a level you laugh at the mere fools eating their own shit. But it really gets in the way of political discourse even economic discourse which Hitler mentions in MK is a secondary aspect; first and foremost political > economic this is due to the fact people want better economics but aren't willing to politically get it so politics outweighs economic teachings until the person is thoroughly informed.

I've seen the Germans mention two hours of propaganda training minimum. This isn't enough National Socialism much like Matthew Heimback's it's all BULLSHIT on the hate of NS is accurate. It's a life-long pursuit, there is no I'm a NatSoc I stop here this, this, and that. No rather it's a evolutionary, revolutionary system.

BTW many people might not want to confront the leftist aspect but we ARE revolutionaries in a non-Jacobin/Frankist; pre-French Revolutionary way. In fact the best example is leftist activities of the Founding Fathers of the U.S. Many Euro people talk shit about 2A; America the gun obsessed land. Maybe if Europe had a few tens of millions if not a few hundred million they wouldn't be raping you during coof and now and many would be in better places. I understand the sexual liberties of the Euro-people but guns are needed. Example in Japan some people have gone on stabbing sprees I'm sure a well placed double-tap of a pistol into the person's center of mass would have stopped multi-stabbing spree. Even the Japanese police is cucked in some places with modern reproduction .38 Special long-barreled revolvers rather than a high-cap semi-auto.

Anyways for me National Socialism is more like "WTF?". No not because I hate it, I love it so much and it's been my theorem since 1997, so 25 years now. That for me I go "What is National Socialism?!".

I have come to the conclusion that I do not know what National Socialism is. For example the constitution of the U.S. says 2A = Gun rights i.e. bear arms. But deeper in studies of constitutional experts it also allows a psuedo-police force based on militias and we can conscript and create militias that work along side police to protect citizens from criminals. Mob justice = injustice as it could be a mistaken or a non-justicial aspect. But Militias need to work with law enforcement to procure justicial acts. Fact of the matter is except marxised areas or quirky interpretations with a bit of study you can piece together the U.S. aspect pretty quickly. Especially of told the House-Senate Republic indirect Democracy or more specifically representative democracy is the main point.

But National Socialism is a much different beast. It's akin to telling a programmer that he should learn programming from low level Assembly so he can learn how the computer functions and processes stuff so he can abstract this data to the upper levels.

It seems with NS there is neither a high level, low level, nor any level for that matter of concrete information. Sure Mein Kampf I get you but it isn't enough. Maybe I overthink or overprocess but I can't make heads or tails of NS. It's like the cement was still drying and now you have a partly complete wall with certain concrete properties but the cement is still wet. So there is no SOLID iron clad information.

IF anything the main points are easily visible.

But the problem is the holohax crap OY vey 6 million and they just repeated that till ever little andrapod is under their control. In fact with jews the worst part is their so-called intellgentsia they are so learned and of the book. They don't debate just like Europa: The last battle or George Lincoln Rockwell. The jews just work like a computer or as Hitler put it in '36 E.T.S. Dugdale edition of Mein Kampf. These anti-semites and semitic apologist make a good point they apologize for "What?" they are correct and the jew responds the same way with ignorance or lesser or some stupid statement that makes no sense.

Either way my main issue is I know enough about National Socialism; I mean hell I've been at this since childhood and yes I believed certain things for example killing and warfare and whatnot. In the beginning for me WW2 was my main entertainment like my friend with Medal of Honor he's like Why do I have to kill in this game cool sharp dressed people? and then it snowballed from that around 1999-2000 when he was hardcore into MoH and multiplayer. Well for me it was the opposite everyone I hated the holocaust thought it was boring and stupid. Hell I've even remember looking back and thinking "If those jews are in those camp they deserve it for some reason", till I discovered the reason and go "No wonder!".

Fact of the matter is except an overview and splishsplash of National Socialism. I've never gotten a direct political digest of extensive pre-, basic, intermediate, and advanced information on what exactly is National Socialism.

In fact as I admitted my secret to my family during a moment of extensive weakness. I'm a hypocrite towards NS I don't follow NS properties in my life per say no not race mixing no. But I'm a hypocrite to NS, I don't live the NS style, I don't do the NS style, nor do I follow anything. All I know is I'm so deeply attached to NS perhaps in an ignorant manner but it is my personality I'm NS/SS and that is final. But I don't know how to defend or attack or pursue further into NS other than the amalgamated studies of various people.

Rather from the NS themselves. All I know is I'm American and I like NS/SS it's my core belief and I've gotten to the point whereby I view things the Germans did as that is what we did or have done or that is America. Or if it's not American it was added to America and thus NS = American.

Either I'm very schizo and mixing stuff or I'm so correct it freaks people out and makes a point America is a pre-Fascist, Pre-NatSoc society that would organically evolve into NatSoc if it weren't for the jews. For example 1937 Waffen order except banning of hollow-point .22 caliber ammunition for hunting which in real life in modern times is silly. 1937WO is basically the beginnings of constitutional re-writing that on some level had Hitler had deeper information or had an internet back in his times would agree America's 2A is actually brilliant.

Either way I study I keep going I test out I spend time. But all I know is "What is National Socialism?!". And I don't mean it in an ignorant way I mean what is the all of NS from all levels. What would be the teachings from youth to grown up. All I have is my own interpretations, feelings, and thoughts. I'm probably in a cabal of people who view it so differently from other people that it freaks people out. How can you love Hitler and Nazis and the hoax it happened. It's like why don't you study and see why you hate your enemy. They don't even study, they just unjustly and stupidly hate NS simply because it should be hated.

Maybe that is a boon for NS. I hate NS says the NPCs but this hatred is only going to create more NS. Silly but again I don't understand NS as an NS and wanting to interact daily in an NS way and understand this phenomena.
Now all we need is someone to nuke all the stupid crap about the holol-cost shekel grab stories such as the stupid bodies that weren’t even red(missed by a lot of holol victims) after alleged hydrocyanide gas exposure and this is going to get a hell lot of people in our side. Anyone remembers seeing countries having problems burning a hell lot of bodies killed by a CCP-virus we all know of? That should freak out the holocaust historians(NWO ministry of truth) and “victims” of a work camp exaggerated into a kill camp.
Great post!
It helped me a lot to get a better understanding of National Socialism. I’m a person that’s very new to this.
Thank you HP!
With all these media hype about Putin being the new Hitler or the "nazi" Azov battalion, I think this was an excellent time to write such a topic!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because this topic is going to be a small disclaimer for new people and/or people that do not know any of this, please evaluate it and let me know if this post is clarified. It needs to be really clear, so that people understand what aspects of this whole thing are important to understand.

Thank you all family,


I didn't know much about Hitler and Nazi Germany but his interest in Indian teachings and concern for animal rights apart from fighting in WW2 at the time I dedicated and to be honest I still don't know much. In-depth history research would be too time-consuming thus it's not in my priorities.

If the target audience here is me and those who are like me, the sermon confirmed what I deemed to be our ideology. If someone says their child's and close ones' well-being, the fire in your neighbor's house, famine in their country's importance are equal to all other hungry kids, fires, and famines, they would be lying. Everyone puts what is theirs first. Their blood related and loved ones, the ones they share a language and culture. This doesn't mean that we don't care about hungry kids in Africa. It wouldn't be effective to feel sad for them and do nothing while there are hungry kids down the street, within my reach. I'm not part of any existing nationalist group or ideology, it's just something very clear.

If the target audience is people who are influenced by all ''Oh Poor Jews'' movies and novels and we are trying to prevent their existing programming to keep them open up to Satan, it's an overall nice speech. I would support it with ''The Compilation of Jewish Ritual Murders from BCE Until 1932'' and other great sermons from the library if this is what they are going to see first on Satanism and National Socialism. Throwing scientific -like the one I think HPS was speaking about how it's impossible for bodies to be disposed as fast as Jews claim- and historical facts to people's faces sometimes work.

If the target audience is racists, I don't mean ''The name of this snack (negro) is offensive so we are changing it (real story)'' type of racism but real racism, I hope they listen.

Thank you for all your effort High Priest. Really. The time and effort poured into these writings could make books. I wonder how you are dealing with the negative effects of spending too much time against the screen and with the keyboard. Nerve problems in elbows, fingers, eyesight problems, etc. Or maybe years of doing yoga and meditation do fix things like posture without extra attention?

Anyway, thanks again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very helpful and great post. I do have one thing to say though. So many people that i have come across, regarding these subjects, tend to be way more interested in analytical and " up to the point " type of evidence and proof. It is so because they are not spiritually open enough to allow their higher intuition to comprehend this or even lead them to the proof their critical, practical mind desires. So they almost always end up rejecting us. It would be a great idea, in my opinion, if every and all pdf's etc. Of the proof of many claims that we make, for example the holocaust being a jewish lie, to be way more easily accessible to those who view the site and the forums.
Satanic blessings to you High Priest, i truly do have a lot of love for you in my soul. Hail Satan
I disagree in some points.

Fact is that jewish world order must fall. And fact is that this falling wouldn't be funny. Jewish world order can only fall with social tensions. Riots and wars are exactly what Savitri Devi talked that National Socialism and Satya Juga rise after catastrophe. Idea that all will be nice and one day you will vote new Hitler into power is fake. It will never happen. Our political system is under too big jewish control. At the moment we must watch what is happening in Ukraine. The biggest heroes in war are Azov fighters not Jewlensky. I hope that one day get Azov too much power that they can remove Jewlensky from office. Maybe they already have this power but they are at the moment too busy with fighting communists from Russia.

What is more social acceptable, Satanism or National Socialism? I think that National Socialism. I am pretty sure that in the world are at the moment more people who identify themselves as "white nationalists" than people who identify themselves as "satanists". And when I am watching politics situations in our world, I am sure that possibly to create country with officially white nationalist/national socialist government is 100X higher than possibly to create country with satanist government. If you look how politically active is average spiritual satanist(not at all) and how politically active is average "neo-nazi", then I am sure that "neo-nazis" achieve political and social power before than satanists.

And fact is that United States are going to fail, It's mulitcultural empire and all such empires are falled during history. The question is who will rule American land after fall of United States, are they Antifa, black supremacists and Socialist Rifle Association or "far right nazi groups". I hope the last one.

Our RTR-s will bring about social change against jewish world order but this change will always not be comfortable and funny.
Great post! These are some of the types of important things which I think must be addressed. (I also like the coincidence of me posting my thread (shameful plug!) then you posting this one and your other one "About Fake "Satanists", Wannabe's and other Similar Groups".) I'll try not to be too "grammar Nazi-y". I apologise in advance for taking this opportunity to be such. If any of what I say below is used, then OK. In quotes are what I am referring to; in italics are my suggestions. I also add alternative suggestions; red text is not part of the suggestions.

From now on, all members of the Joy of Satan will have to clarify their ideas and understanding about National Socialism.
I was thinking this meant that every user here will have to declare "I agree with the National Socialism/Nazism of the 1900s-1945", or we'd be banned from posting on this forum. In the next sentence, you could say
This post here is on behalf of the Joy of Satan members,
and continue with
and it will be a disclaimer in regards to...
and it is a disclaimer in regards to...
and the rest of the sentence.

We are a Spiritual and Spiritual advancement organization.
We are a Spiritual organisation and Spiritual advancement organisation.

National Socialism was only a recent drop in the bucket of a giant, eternal waterfall, that has to do with Spiritual Satanic core belief. It has been an ideology manifested during it's time, within it's time permits, limitations, hostilities, and political realities of the time.
Technically, "it's" means "it is", so "its" would be correct. Also maybe add something like
Regardless of politics and "political National Socialism", as dedicated Spiritual Satanists who work with and on behalf of Satan and the Gods, this work and dedication in and of itself includes what is known as "National Socialism". Even if one deletes and removes any and all notions of and references to politics, it is still the same
it still includes the same.

The notions of Race, development, self mastery and so on, are all eternal concepts, however, did not arise in 1920.
The notions of Race, development, self-mastery and so on, are all eternal concepts; however, they did not arise in 1920.

This same basis, we follow as Spiritual Satanism.
This same basis, we follow as Spiritual Satanism, which includes the political or non-political "National Socialism", which we merely call Spiritual Satanism
which merely is Spiritual Satanism.

If one makes the necessary research into their own Ancient Culture, chances are they will find all the same morals and values present there.
If one makes the necessary research into their own Ancient Culture, chances are they will find all the same morals and values present there. Today we call it "National Socialism/Nazism"; to them, they just were and existed with the same civilisation and culture
they just were and existed with very similar civilisation and culture.

National Socialism has been vilified not only by the enemy, but above all, by the people who have been practising it falsely and without any quality into the practice. There has been no historically objective viewing of the events that took part about a hundred years back from now.
Adding to the beginning of that paragraph, or as a separate paragraph before it -
The enemy knows that what is called "National Socialism" is indeed Spiritual Satanism. The name "National Socialism" and the offensive epithet "Nazism", is a distraction away from the fact that it is, in actual fact, Spiritual Satanism. "National Socialism", the sheer hate-filled and disrespectful name given by the enemy, and Spiritual Satanism are one and the same; they go hand-in-hand, hand-in-glove.

Christianity, a system of death that imposed itself upon the destruction of everything Ancient and Spiritual
Maybe it's me but do you mean christianity jumped on top of the destruction after the destruction happened, to continue the suppression and continue the literal or figurative burial (by also placing buildings on top of destroyed buildings/sites) of that which was destroyed, or do you mean christianity was, and had a very large hand in, actually causing that destruction?

has been also been our "Religion"
A minor mistype!

Islam, a program of death, is all but tolerated.
If we say "islam is all but destroyed" that means islam is not destroyed, but anything and everything less-than it being destroyed has happened. Along this vein, "islam is all but tolerated" sounds like it is not tolerated. Here, in the UK, we live among many muslims and mosques.

What we do not care about/is a lie in regards to National Socialism:
What 1) we do not care about, and 2) is a lie in regards to National Socialism:

How races and people will behave over this fact, is a matter of time and place.
How Races and people will behave over this fact, is a matter of time and place. Regardless, Race is still a biological fact.

Unfortunately, the greatest understanding of this term has been lost in mere pursuits of general falsehood. But that does not make the understanding of this evil.
Unfortunately, the greatest understanding of the term "Race" has been lost because of attempts and successes of the enemy's mere pursuits into general falsehoods of what Race actually is - but those deliberate jewish falsehoods about Race, and Gentiles' misunderstandings about Race, do not make the correct understanding about Race evil.
If I am along the right lines of what you intended.

One has to understand the Truth, not join any failed organizations or join themselves in crazy stunts.
Instead of joining crazy stunts, fads or failed organisations, which are fruitless and do nothing to promote or advance Humanity beneficially, one has to understand Truth.

That is besides the core importance of why these sites even exist.
That is beside the core importance of why those sites exist.
[my emphasis just to show you, in case you skim over it]

We discard this idea as we know the historical Truth about the fact, that most of the awakened people that guided the National Socialist movement were never motivated by this wrong idea
We discard this idea because we know the historical Truth about the fact, that most of the awakened people that guided the National Socialist movement were never motivated by this wrong idea of christ jesus.
[again - my emphasis, just in case]
"as" is a bit ambiguous, not clear enough - e.g. "we discard this idea as we discard the lies about us"; the word "about" is much better

We consider the main sub-races to be, if not directly "one race", one literal big racial family.
We consider the main sub-races to be, if not directly "one race", then one literal big racial family of their respective main Race.
[my emphasis]

The norms of the time are not the norms of the present.
Not referring to heading 4, but to the 3rd paragraph under it -
The norms of the past are not the norms of the present.

National Socialism, as Hitler stated, was a model for emulation for all people.
National Socialism, as Hitler stated, was a model of emulation for all people.
National Socialism, as Hitler stated, was a model to emulate for all people.

We consider the above a miraculous event
We consider the above examples of supposedly-different very ancient cultures doing the same things, a seemingly-miraculous event
Also "miraculous"?
:arrow: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.
:arrow: something which man is not normally capable of making happen and which is therefore thought to be done by a god or God
"Miracle" might be too distracting, as saying "we're against christianity", it might also be confusing or some might think it's a contradiction; so better than "seemingly-miraculous" it could be

seemingly definitely impossible, which still happened
(or occurred or existed or was fashioned...)
by each supposedly-unrelated and supposedly-separate group of people in the Ancient times.
...of Ancient people.
or if keeping "a miraculous event" (without the "seemingly"), then perhaps add
by Satan and the Gods
through Satan and the Gods' help

We want people to know the Truth about anything
We want people to know the Truth about anything they're interested in
We want people to know the Truth about anything and everything, as per their interests

the Holocaust
I doubt you or anyone would appreciate my wording of this! - "the" holocaust - which one? There have been thousands; synonyms - pogrom, genocide; there have been many holocausts, not just "the" jewish "one".

the only-promoted and only-reminded holocaust (despite many other holocausts/pogroms/genocides having happened)
I simply dislike, very much, this alleged "THE" holocaust. The jew very deliberately and very-much on purpose ignores other holocausts. It's also funny the jew loves "holocaust" - meaning especially by fire - "hell".

We want to destroy their lies wherever they appear, so that humanity can know the Truth.
We want to destroy their lies wherever they appear, so that humanity can know the Truth once again.

Even today, statements that the National Socialists have issued such as the overwhelming control of the jewish people in the life and work of other Nations, how they enact subversion, or have their own domestic agenda on the expense of everyone else, no longer look like conspiracy theories.
Even today, statements that the National Socialists have issued, such as the overwhelming control by the jewish people in the lives and works of other Nations, how the jews enact subversion, or have their own jewish domestic agenda at the expense of everyone else, no longer look like conspiracy theories.
[my emphasis]

who rose too high in the ladder of life

the systematic subversion of Jewish people towards all other cultures.
the systematic subversion by Jewish people towards all other cultures.
the systematic subversion by Jewish people against all other cultures.
[my emphasis]

Opening the bible, one reads on certain segments

All of this, the jews have carefully worked to lie that is their enemies
All of this, the jews have carefully worked to lie that it is their enemies doing this,

but all along, it was them.
but all along, it was the jews.

That is not deserved
That sounds like you're saying destroying the enemy's lies is not deserved, so -
These lies by the jews are not deserved,
These lies by the jews against us are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy against us are not deserved,

and humanity has to rise further than their prolific hatred.
Humanity's hatred of the jew, or Humanity has to rise further than the jew's hatred of us?

This is not about a biased and closed view political outlook, but about understanding the importance of this personality for history and the restoration of meaningful spiritual values
This is not about a biased and closed-view political outlook, but about understanding the importance of this personality for history and for the present and for the future - for the restoration of meaningful spiritual values.

To be honest, I could be more nit-picky, such as using S instead of Z; and the word "beside" without the S at the end, but I think they are too minor to be important; i.e people say "besides the point" incorrectly. I have actually held back here! Of course, I am more inclined to say "the jew" or "j00z", but for a more professional and mature post, I decided not to. "never did seek" might be "never sought"; but "never did seek", to me, sounds more emphatic.

Again - I apologise! Take what you want; leave what you want.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
From now on, all members of the Joy of Satan will have to clarify their ideas and understanding about National Socialism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is slightly off topic but what list of animals are we supposed to eat or not eat?
What is the procedure of killing these animals? Do some animals have special procedure? / times?

Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Amazingly said.

It is also important for those who are new or have not read the " New man of Satan" to note. What kind of person they can become. This is an good read for and will help you understand alot of what is expected as a contributing memeber and what you can expect from your fellow members.
Excellent disclaimer, covers everything. This is really good and much needed in a time like this where lies run free in every direction. It makes my blood boil when I read things like "Putin is a Nazi" or "Zelensky is a Nazi"... or worse, comparing either of these with Hitler himself.

It really enrages me that the jews got away with all of their nefarious crimes while blaming it on good People who did nothing wrong whatsoever.

But they are done, they are now more exposed than ever.

Thank you for writing this, I will spread it around.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because this topic is going to be a small disclaimer for new people and/or people that do not know any of this, please evaluate it and let me know if this post is clarified. It needs to be really clear, so that people understand what aspects of this whole thing are important to understand.

Thank you all family,


It's excellent. You did a phenomenal job.

In my observations, I once noticed a disturbing and striking similarity between the beliefs and actions of neo-nazis, and jews in Israel. Attacking gays and other races, setting people on fire, and many other disturbing acts committed by jews in Israel - and many of these things were paralleled by neo-nazis in America.

We do not do these things. We have a balanced perspective of race, and we welcome all races of humanity who are not jews here for the purpose of learning and advancement.

I believe people need to study for themselves the ubiquitous behavior of jews which is plainly evident to anyone willing to look at it rather than only observing the pretty lies they preach out of false victimhood. People need to stop being blindly biased and actually observe, and then they will see that the things they accuse non-jews of are all committed by the jews on a daily basis because it is their nature. Then the rest of the puzzle pieces will begin to fall into place in their minds. But first they need to actually be willing to look at the jews and see them for what they really are. Many won't do this because of peer pressure and social pressure, but that is not brave of them. It's cowardly to ignore the truth for one's own comfort and security in society, and the failure of humanity at large to overcome this tendency of averting their eyes to the truth for perceived safety is the exact reason why they suffer now. It could all be over very quickly if they stopped willfully closing their eyes to the truth out of fear of consequence. That fear is humanity's greatest weakness. Father Satan told me and Tabby that "All those who are brave know Truth." He is absolutely right. This paralyzing fear is not befitting of humans, and they must overcome this if they ever want to prosper collectively again.

I always make the distinction between those neo-nazis, and us. In my mind, we represent true Nazis and the true spirit of National Socialism free from all the lies and propaganda of the jews.

In a way, National Socialism is a large contrast to the Italian Fascism of Mussolini. National Socialism is about uplifting and empowering the people - it puts the common folk first. Italian Fascism puts the state first and directs people's lives for them. The people living under the leadership of Mussolini enjoyed the system, and it wasn't necessarily bad - this was more a reflection of Mussolini himself rather than the system he erected by using the more forceful method of gaining political power. The main difference is that people follow and gravitate to the National Socialist model willingly out of their own desire because everything about it feels natural and resonates with every part of their spirits. It was a system that actually cared about the people while always putting them first and having their backs unlike every other political system in the world that was crafted by jews which treated the common people horribly and endlessly abused them. Every individual of the Volk was valued and taught how to expand their individual value which made the entire nation better as a result. The whole as a sum of its parts. Treat the individuals like trash, and the whole nation will be trash. Treat the individuals like gold, and everything else will turn to gold. Nurturing people and giving them what they need to grow is only natural, and only jews - unnatural as they are - would deprive people of what they need in order to grow just so they can steal and enjoy the benefits of those people existing and working.

The JoS and Spiritual Satanism follow the same principle of empowering people and helping them grow beyond their current selves, and giving a voice to the truth in a world where it has none. The goal is to uplift the common people of the world, and we have been very successful in this and will continue to be successful. Our purpose is holy and spiritual, and seeks to revitalize the world and the true spirit of mankind. Everyone is to have a better life and future from the fruits of our work, just like it was in Nazi Germany. The jews have been the only ones enjoying the fruits of humanity's collective labor for far too long, and it's time for us to finally enjoy our own fruits.

Hail Satan!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because this topic is going to be a small disclaimer for new people and/or people that do not know any of this, please evaluate it and let me know if this post is clarified. It needs to be really clear, so that people understand what aspects of this whole thing are important to understand.

Thank you all family,


This has nothing to do with the subject in the article.

I found some writing errors, and added them here.

The above happened because the enemy saw the spiritual underlying concepts in this ideology. As they have been for thousands of years undermining our Spirituality and everything it could manifest, they did undermine everything political, financial, or spiritual Gentiles have created that was of value. This case here is no different.

"they did undermine everything political, financial, or spiritual"


Christianity, a system of death that imposed itself upon the destruction of everything Ancient and Spiritual, has been also been our "Religion" for a long time. Islam, a program of death, is all but tolerated.

"has been also been"

has been* or has also been*

We take a distanced and truthful approach here, not affected by politics. The norms of the time are not the norms of the present.

"The norms of the time are not the norms of the present."

Kurat said:
I disagree in some points.


Our RTR-s will bring about social change against jewish world order but this change will always not be comfortable and funny.

You are not answering against the post. It appears you must have joined exactly what we explain is what will waste your time and everyone else's.

Rather, you speak about ideas that circulate in regards to the NS "sphere", organizations etc. The post is above these matters. Numerous times, we have explained how this process will not be flawless etc.

Since you are close to places which seem to mix ideas, and not adhering to point two, you must be getting a little mixed up. Plus, anything of what you stated in your reply is things already explained.

This post is not to answer about 1960 or about what some "Nazis" who have no clue of any underlying spirit in any of this have to say or perceive things.

Genuinely, I am starting to care less and less about these modern Neo "Nazi" or ((("Nazi"))) blockheads and what they think must or must not happen, or how things will go etc.

The Gods do know and I do know too. Nobody cares about their opinion, the universe moves as planned.

Most of them would even go against us for Satan, or consider meditation a bad thing. They keep attacking Satan too through in their "Nazism" and other foolish shit, for which I have no time for.

After a point, I feel they are serving no real purpose, but are just stuck into the past for nothing fundamentally. Azov has done nothing primarily. Not sure what some strange blogspot said somewhere. Nothing productive for the race, nothing longterm, nothing of teaching, the list goes.

I cannot find one occurrence in all these years where these presented ideologies of these people has produced something positive culturally or in anyway for my race either, nothing of function.

When one grows their mind and soul you start understanding where the real value is at. None of these things which you seem to be into produce now or will ever produce any of the anticipated results.

Spiritual Satanism on the other hand is doing this and what role any groups might play is of secondary to even lesser importance.
FancyMancy said:
Great post! These are some of the types of important things which I think must be addressed. (I also like the coincidence of me posting my thread (shameful plug!) then you posting this one and your other one "About Fake "Satanists", Wannabe's and other Similar Groups".) I'll try not to be too "grammar Nazi-y". I apologise in advance for taking this opportunity to be such. If any of what I say below is used, then OK. In quotes are what I am referring to; in italics are my suggestions. I also add alternative suggestions; red text is not part of the suggestions.

Again - I apologise! Take what you want; leave what you want.[/color]

Do not apologize for this. This is necessary. This post here is a sermon, yet it requires editing and vetting before it goes as an official disclaimer in the JoS site.

Due to the nature of this, not only it needs to be crystal clear in meaning, but also immaculate from a standpoint of a writen text.
SatanIsRealAndAGod said:
Ninja 666,
i Dont think HP HOODEDCOBRA666 gives a damn about grammatical errors.
Let him do what he needs to do.
Leave him be.

Dude, then how are we going to get people to understand what has to be addressed? Isn’t this the point of all these sermons? Heck, I wonder what happened to understanding that Spiritual Satanism is about correcting flaws of each individual but in a healthy way that ain’t too extreme to an irrational point of Pluto levels like xtardianity.
Very much needed info, and like I said in another thread, we will have to start being tolerant to questions of this nature as unavoidably this is going to be a tangible subject, stacked on top of something that already contradicts the morals of those who initially come to this, so it's only natural.

Imo, this will need to be made more clear in the main site and honestly has been due for a long time in addition to deliberately misleading narratives against the JoS of this subject. Although I think it can be easily seen that some of these narratives are contradictory in themselves, and may actually serve a useful purpose to just show how deliberate some are to throw misinformation against the JoS in an attempt to divert ones interest but this must be made more clear.

There's also those who're under the notion of "hurr durr spirituality and nazism doesn't mix becuz color of the soul" crap, same ones whose take into spirituality is more sided towards superstition/fantasy with almost complete disregard for science. So we should start going more into racial awareness, not only on a "physical" perception, but more so on a spiritual one and clarify how exactly this correlates to spirituality and the morals of National Socialism, but in a way that is also concise and easy to understand for initial dabblers.

From my perspective, which hopefully could be interpreted better, it's obviously observed in nature, which is simple metaphysics and the core elements of Spirituality is also union with nature, as nature itself is a teacher of the most basic and fundamental things and almost everything exists synchronous to it. As dictated by Satan, "I lead to the straight path without a revealed book"
A Polish politician told other European politicians a few days ago that one cannot reason with Putin, just as one could not reason with Hitler. The question is, you couldn't reason with Hitler or Hitler couldn't reason with Christians?

For example, what could you reason with Mussolini who understood nothing about Jewish Christianity and communism? The same for Russia, Poland, Britain, the USA, etc.

Also about the beginning of WWII the Jews lied a lot. Germany did not start the war and was not fighting to gain territory. This is a misunderstanding of the Greeks and Italians, but that was not the point.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Great post! These are some of the types of important things which I think must be addressed. (I also like the coincidence of me posting my thread (shameful plug!) then you posting this one and your other one "About Fake "Satanists", Wannabe's and other Similar Groups".) I'll try not to be too "grammar Nazi-y". I apologise in advance for taking this opportunity to be such. If any of what I say below is used, then OK. In quotes are what I am referring to; in italics are my suggestions. I also add alternative suggestions; red text is not part of the suggestions.

Again - I apologise! Take what you want; leave what you want.[/color]

Do not apologize for this. This is necessary. This post here is a sermon, yet it requires editing and vetting before it goes as an official disclaimer in the JoS site.

Due to the nature of this, not only it needs to be crystal clear in meaning, but also immaculate from a standpoint of a writen text.
Well, OK, then! I made a mistake -

FancyMancy said:
the lies about us"; the word "about" is much better
That should be the word "because" is much better.
Superb HPHC

We sometimes get "slandered" due to this but you are bang on.
HP, or for anyone else who is reading this, I have a question about the symbol that was used, the cross.

We know that its a symbol of the sun ... but some people claim its not, that its image is mirrored and therefore that definition is not true ?

How do you debunk that? Did it matter to mirror the image or did it not?
When I was new here, I knew nothing about NS or any of that. Which was ironic as my parents are racially aware and I was raised in a 99.99% White community, but I never thought of any of that. I also did not grow up glued to the tv like most people, so I was not exposed to all the multicult programming everywhere. I never even saw a black person in real life until I was an adult.

As I advance, I see more and more how messed up most of the world is. We need to put our own people first: that means for Whites, put those in your White family first, then your White community, then your White country. For Blacks, same thing but replace the word "White" with "black". Same with Asians.

Put Satan first, meditate, advance, and everything will fall into place!
It is straight to the point and very clear. Anyone can understand it and it is made in such a way, that even with brainwashing this breaks the bindings.

I like extremely that this came from a place of spiritual understanding and perspective, that being also the aim of course, and not from the mental gymnastics, this also being the point of avoidance and trap.
SatanIsRealAndAGod said:
Ninja 666,
i Dont think HP HOODEDCOBRA666 gives a damn about grammatical errors.
Let him do what he needs to do.
Leave him be.

I do and others do what they need to do which is in this case correct me. Do not worry about this, I don't find this insulting or anything, in fact, because this is a draft, I quickly typed a response here to fill others in to read the article and help in order to make this editorially superior so it goes to the JoS site.
In this post I have found one aspect that I’m sure I was looking for it, but I wasn’t aware of it, I was looking for it unconsciously. It clicked on something very positive inside. Thank you HoodedCobra666 again and again
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SatanIsRealAndAGod said:
Ninja 666,
i Dont think HP HOODEDCOBRA666 gives a damn about grammatical errors.
Let him do what he needs to do.
Leave him be.

I do and others do what they need to do which is in this case correct me. Do not worry about this, I don't find this insulting or anything, in fact, because this is a draft, I quickly typed a response here to fill others in to read the article and help in order to make this editorially superior so it goes to the JoS site.

Thats acually smart!
Please excuse my ignorance.
I was simply not thinking.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SatanIsRealAndAGod said:
Ninja 666,
i Dont think HP HOODEDCOBRA666 gives a damn about grammatical errors.
Let him do what he needs to do.
Leave him be.

I do and others do what they need to do which is in this case correct me. Do not worry about this, I don't find this insulting or anything, in fact, because this is a draft, I quickly typed a response here to fill others in to read the article and help in order to make this editorially superior so it goes to the JoS site.

i don't want you to think im the type of person to complain.

Because, one day i hope To be a Hp or atleast a joS Gaurdian.
(through countless years of meditation of course.)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SatanIsRealAndAGod said:
Ninja 666,
i Dont think HP HOODEDCOBRA666 gives a damn about grammatical errors.
Let him do what he needs to do.
Leave him be.

I do and others do what they need to do which is in this case correct me. Do not worry about this, I don't find this insulting or anything, in fact, because this is a draft, I quickly typed a response here to fill others in to read the article and help in order to make this editorially superior so it goes to the JoS site.

i don't want you to think im the type of person to complain.

Because, one day i hope To be a Hp or atleast a joS Gaurdian.
(through countless years of meditation of course.)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SatanIsRealAndAGod said:
Ninja 666,
i Dont think HP HOODEDCOBRA666 gives a damn about grammatical errors.
Let him do what he needs to do.
Leave him be.

I do and others do what they need to do which is in this case correct me. Do not worry about this, I don't find this insulting or anything, in fact, because this is a draft, I quickly typed a response here to fill others in to read the article and help in order to make this editorially superior so it goes to the JoS site.

i don't want you to think im the type of person to complain.

Because, one day i hope To be a Hp or atleast a joS Gaurdian.
(through countless years of meditation of course.)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SatanIsRealAndAGod said:
Ninja 666,
i Dont think HP HOODEDCOBRA666 gives a damn about grammatical errors.
Let him do what he needs to do.
Leave him be.

I do and others do what they need to do which is in this case correct me. Do not worry about this, I don't find this insulting or anything, in fact, because this is a draft, I quickly typed a response here to fill others in to read the article and help in order to make this editorially superior so it goes to the JoS site.

Thats acually smart!
Please excuse my ignorance.
I was simply not thinking.
Exactly. They lack a Spiritual Leadership, just like the Germans without Hitler. Muh old empire glory this or muh new democracy that, wandering without direction on strange ideologies. That is what Adolf Hitler meant when he said the masses are "feminine" who need a passionate leader, Feminine for an advanced Soul as his meaning they have the raw power within who needs a proper physical direction so they can advance on their own without chaos. Which doesn't mean they are bad they are just clueless no different than normal citizens would be in NS Germany, on the process of advancing to the future if the World War Jew hadn't postponed this for our Age.

That's why we prosper in every sense where they fail, we have Spiritual Guidance. And why HPS Maxine made explicit for people not to join any jew controlled "nazi" parties, and wait for the actual Führer who will inspire and guide people in the proper way.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After a point, I feel they are serving no real purpose, but are just stuck into the past for nothing fundamentally. Azov has done nothing primarily. Not sure what some strange blogspot said somewhere. Nothing productive for the race, nothing longterm, nothing of teaching, the list goes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why there is not a National Socialism book like "The Communist Manifesto" ? Isn't there a book on the principles of National Socialism?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
