Thank you for this, very much needed and was clear to me.
Diskriminant said:HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Why there is not a National Socialism book like "The Communist Manifesto" ? Isn't there a book on the principles of National Socialism?
And the enemy celebration of Purin (celebration of jewish takeover of Persia and its Genocide) is approaching, they have a bunch of nasty programming ready for us to deconstruct and reverse.Νίκος said:With all these media hype about Putin being the new Hitler or the "nazi" Azov battalion, I think this was an excellent time to write such a topic!
Mussolini understood far more than you think.Master said:For example, what could you reason with Mussolini who understood nothing about Jewish Christianity and communism? The same for Russia, Poland, Britain, the USA, etc.
Diskriminant said:HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Why there is not a National Socialism book like "The Communist Manifesto" ? Isn't there a book on the principles of National Socialism?
So much as to start a brotherly war with Greece just to satisfy his xian "conqueror" ego.jrvan said:Mussolini understood far more than you think.Master said:For example, what could you reason with Mussolini who understood nothing about Jewish Christianity and communism? The same for Russia, Poland, Britain, the USA, etc.
EnkiUK55 said:Diskriminant said:HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Why there is not a National Socialism book like "The Communist Manifesto" ? Isn't there a book on the principles of National Socialism?
Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler
Ninja 666 said:EnkiUK55 said:Diskriminant said:Why there is not a National Socialism book like "The Communist Manifesto" ? Isn't there a book on the principles of National Socialism?
Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - Zweites Buch (The Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf)
jrvan said:Mussolini understood far more than you think.Master said:For example, what could you reason with Mussolini who understood nothing about Jewish Christianity and communism? The same for Russia, Poland, Britain, the USA, etc.
Shadowcat said:This is a great elaboration. One of the biggest fallacies a lot of people believe about National Socialism, was that they hated any nonwhites when infact they wanted all gentile races to evolve on their own, thrive and grow. There where even black and arab and uzbec SS divisions.
Jews have very successfully pinned A lot of crimes on nonwhites as we all know including atrocities to other races, which has resulted in a lot of bad blood especially between blacks and whites. I myself have admittedly even fallen in this trap briefly, but have to remember that this is what the enemy wants so that all the focus is off of them. We all need to become racially aware and have respect for real genetic diversity which is segregation and allowing all races to exist and evolve on their own.
National Socialism is just the political aspect of what should come natural since thousands of years. Respect for natural order and becoming the best version of oneself and putting ones people first.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:These beings later form races, segments of races, and represent on a broad scale a level of development or beings of a common root.
Master said:jrvan said:Mussolini understood far more than you think.Master said:For example, what could you reason with Mussolini who understood nothing about Jewish Christianity and communism? The same for Russia, Poland, Britain, the USA, etc.
Most likely you are right, we need to understand his position and situation as well. It can't be that he was so unaware.
Egon said:And the enemy celebration of Purin
FancyMancy said:That sounds like you're saying destroying the enemy's lies is not deserved, so -That is not deserved
These lies by the jews are not deserved,
These lies by the jews against us are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy against us are not deserved,
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:ping
I did not make the post, so - as you pinged HPHC - you'll have to ask him. Also as per what another member said, despite me not changing the meaning of what was posted while wearing my Grammar Nazi hat, I "was wrong", so I'd best not comment. Let HPHC answer you instead.Cfecit said:FancyMancy said:That sounds like you're saying destroying the enemy's lies is not deserved, so -That is not deserved
These lies by the jews are not deserved,
These lies by the jews against us are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy against us are not deserved,
Ciao, I was checking the SS Italian translation on this Sermon, and we are not quite sure about one thing here, that phrase above.
-by the way, I suggest you put the paragraph number, so anyone can quickly locate where it is, in this case it's: 5th paragraph of point 6-
The reason we want to promote the Truth, is to destroy the lies of these jewish people that have plagued the world for so long. That is not deserved, and humanity has to rise further than their prolific hatred.
My question is, that "that" actually links to the lies? Or to in general, that we do not deserve the situation thus described (plagued world), or other?
Grazie! Ciao!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:ping
FancyMancy said:[...]
This was clear to me, I am not as new as some others but I feel like you hit all the points. Thank you for all the knowledge you share with us .From now on, all members of the Joy of Satan will have to clarify their ideas and understanding about National Socialism. This post here will be a disclaimer in regards to what we appreciate and understand in what is broadly refereed to as National Socialism, and actually, what we do not care for or accept about this "ideology".
With the passing of the years, and as one can understand the enemy's propaganda, a lot of confusion has ensued. We are a Spiritual and Spiritual advancement organization. We serve Father Satan and the Gods, and our direction in life is an eternal direction that was followed by all Pagan religious systems that were of sound core.
National Socialism was only a recent drop in the bucket of a giant, eternal waterfall, that has to do with Spiritual Satanic core belief. It has been an ideology manifested during it's time, within it's time permits, limitations, hostilities, and political realities of the time.
These were entirely different in 1920 to 1945, than things are today. We are about 100 years after these events. A lot has changed.
The notions of Race, development, self mastery and so on, are all eternal concepts, however, did not arise in 1920. They have been in existence for thousands of years. They manifest and re-manifest themselves in different shapes and forms, but fundamentally, they remain the same. This same basis, we follow as Spiritual Satanism.
If one makes the necessary research into their own Ancient Culture, chances are they will find all the same morals and values present there.
We are Spiritual Satanists first and foremost. You do not need to name yourself as "National Socialist" or adopt "National Socialism", but Spiritual Satanism unavoidably leads back to the same source.
National Socialism has been vilified not only by the enemy, but above all, by the people who have been practising it falsely and without any quality into the practice. There has been no historically objective viewing of the events that took part about a hundred years back from now.
The above happened because the enemy saw the spiritual underlying concepts in this ideology. As they have been for thousands of years undermining our Spirituality and everything it could manifest, they did undermine everything political, financial, or spiritual Gentiles have created that was of value. This case here is no different.
There have been ideologies like Communism, a thousand times more "deadly", even if one accepts the enemy's version of the events - but nobody really cared to make a large siege against them like they did with National Socialism.
Therefore, the argument that attacking National Socialism is for "Good", is foolish. We have accepted evils way larger than this in our "Civilization", especially in the United States or in the West. Communists are still roaming around this world, even after having achieved death tolls and destructions that the world has never seen at any previous historical interval ever before.
Christianity, a system of death that imposed itself upon the destruction of everything Ancient and Spiritual, has been also been our "Religion" for a long time. Islam, a program of death, is all but tolerated.
The cumulative death toll of this is about a thousand times higher than any "National Socialism", even through enemy claims. As we can understand however, the above programs tolerate and further the enemy's agenda, so we are told constantly to tolerate them and accept them.
As one can see that in our Ministry or Forums, we have zero correlations with what is the enemy's accepted view of Satanism. This was, after all, created by the enemy.
People have to also understand, that the reasons we even care about this ideology instead of fully discarding it, are likewise, extremely different.
What we do not care about/is a lie in regards to National Socialism:
1. That this is about hating other people and/or yourself, based on false presuppositions about "Race".
That is a lie. In Spiritual Satanism, we consider that all Races must advance. Temporary enmity between people based on political standards or anything else, is not desirable, but part of life.
It is also a historical fact that National Socialists and all other Races and Pagan Civilizations understood the same rules and morals. We follow most of these unconsciously as it is, and require indoctrination of high calibre by the enemy to not do this.
Race is just another biological fact. Humans can decide to fight over this, or make peace over it, or treat it as they see fit. Like all other facts of life, it exists to guide us into an understanding. How races and people will behave over this fact, is a matter of time and place.
Unfortunately, the greatest understanding of this term has been lost in mere pursuits of general falsehood. But that does not make the understanding of this evil.
What about "Race" and "Racial Theory"?
2. Joining "Nazi" organizations physically to fool one's self, waste one's time or life, or even worse, join into criminal activity that poses itself as "revolutionary".
Using the ideology of "National Socialism" or any other ideology for that liking, for crimes, social unrest, or evil, is promoting the enemy's paradigm and confusing things.
One has to understand the Truth, not join any failed organizations or join themselves in crazy stunts. That is besides the core importance of why these sites even exist.
In fact, we advise strongly AGAINST joining these places, because they often times are dangerous and ineffective, with very few in between having any really good aims that they can actualize.
3. Most "National Socialist" groups are fools who worship the Jewish Rabbi, Christ.
We discard this idea as we know the historical Truth about the fact, that most of the awakened people that guided the National Socialist movement were never motivated by this wrong idea. The cognitive dissonance of many of these people, and trying to bond antithetical moral norms such as the Communist teachings of Christianity, and mixing these into this "Ideology" is the product of mere foolishness.
4. The norms of the past, are not the norms of the present. What remains, is the core foundation teachings. This is what we care about: What happened as result of temporary events is not to shape our mindset.
Certain thoughts of the time such as enmities between White people, such as French or Germans, and Russians to Germans, are none of our business.
We consider the main sub-races to be, if not directly "one race", one literal big racial family. We see no divide between people that are so much alike.
We take a distanced and truthful approach here, not affected by politics. The norms of the time are not the norms of the present.
National Socialism, as Hitler stated, was a model for emulation for all people. Of course, nobody pays attention to the important statements, and based on disinformation or pure hate, might continue instigating false hatred between our people or other people of earth. That is false.
5. All Gentile Civilizations have effectively applied the same core teachings in their existence, for aeons.
Egypt, Sumeria, Greece, Mesoamerican civilizations, or Asiatic civilizations, all have applied Father Satan's teachings to the best of their ability. They have prospered, created empires, and furthered their life through the aeons.
National Socialism, for those who have done any studying, was merely another people who tried to do the same thing in the modern era. For this restoration of Ancient values, even in part, they were attacked mercilessly.
We consider the above a miraculous event, a small glimpse of the Age of Aquarius, where people will be more evidently exposed to these eternal Truths. Because it's a solitary event in recent history, we appreciate this, and we consider this important that people learn the Truth and facts about what really occurred.
5. Truth first.
The reason we expose the enemy, is not because of idle hatred, but part of a larger cosmological battle between lies and Truth. We want people to know the Truth about anything, and things like the Holocaust or other events, are of key understanding in human history.
Now, the recent Ukrainian/Russian crisis, is also filled with similar lies about crimes that have never occurred. It is certain, that the loser of this conflict will be heaped upon themselves all sorts of crimes. When one side wins, one side writes history.
With National Socialism, we never had an objective historical view of what occurred or what was good or bad from it, and we were merely indoctrinated it was all fully evil, in intention, deed or outcome. That is a falsehood.
The disallowing of revisionism and research into these events, and the mere vilification of the "National Socialists" into monsters, is not an objective view nor a good or helpful view for the future of mankind.
The enemy, who strangulates spiritual understanding and any Ancient values, has done the same vilification to the Gods, the Ancient cultures, and presently, National Socialism. That is part of an attack, that deals broadly with the maintenance of a global world of lies, that we call the "Jewtrix". We want to destroy their lies wherever they appear, so that humanity can know the Truth.
6. Arguments made by the National Socialists against jews, do indeed matter.
Even today, statements that the National Socialists have issued such as the overwhelming control of the jewish people in the life and work of other Nations, how they enact subversion, or have their own domestic agenda on the expense of everyone else, no longer look like conspiracy theories.
We consider the above to be a mere observation of some people who rose too high in the ladder of life, and observed this agenda, and exposed it. This is a universal exposure, that extends way beyond National Socialism, and we might say goes all the way back to thousands of years, since similar subversion by the enemy's side is a given constant.
This is admitted in the Bible too, and the systematic subversion of Jewish people towards all other cultures. It is a part of their culture that they even celebrate, and does not constitute a "theory" or a "conspiracy", but rather, the admitted history of the Jewish people.
Opening the bible, one reads on certain segments, the joy of slaying other people just because of who they are, a doctrine of cursing and death, and a glorification of death itself heaped upon people just because of being different. All of this, the jews have carefully worked to lie that is their enemies, but all along, it was them.
The reason we want to promote the Truth, is to destroy the lies of these jewish people that have plagued the world for so long. That is not deserved, and humanity has to rise further than their prolific hatred.
The judgement the Jewish people are receiving is based on deeds, culture, actions, and not merely on idle hate as they like to claim. They have a long history of wrongdoings that they never did seek to correct or stop. The natural outcome is that other people want this stopped in full.
7. The end goal is peace, not war.
After thorough research into Adolf Hitler and his movement, we have understood that their intentions were not only not hostile, but also based on a great ideals such as peace, or more realistically, mutual balance and mutual respect between the people of earth. To not violate, for example, another people's biological entity, is part of this process.
That is in contrast to present day exploitation and violation. Those who use National Socialism or our teachings merely to fuel ideas of war, destitution, or destruction of mankind, are not part of our ideas, since they do not at all reflect the aims of this undertaking.
8. About Adolf Hitler
In regards to the personal figure of Adolf Hitler and certain other National Socialists, in the East, it was believed they were the reincarnation of important deities who were put there to protect Europe from eventual and calculated destruction.
They also helped humanity by reminding them of important concepts like the notion of the race, or the necessity of the development of the human being to a higher standard, showing glimpses of what will be commonplace in the Age of Aquarius.
Specifically, Eastern seers and other movements that have perceived Hitler not as a mere political leader, but as manifestor of a spiritual purpose. That has been common and is nothing strange. Hitler was perceived to be Vishnu, a manifestation of the power of the God of Justice. In a sense, Hitler's appearance is a pivotal moment for the change of direction in affairs where the enemy is concerned.
Since this time, the enemy has been getting exposed, their lies have been slowly collapsing, and their control has been slowly drifting off and falling apart. We are interested in the esoteric view of Adolf Hitler, not dissimilarly in his own story of many other wise and advanced Souls that have affected the history of this world.
This is not about a biased and closed view political outlook, but about understanding the importance of this personality for history and the restoration of meaningful spiritual values.
9. Can you "not bother" about National Socialism and still be a Spiritual Satanist?
Yes. One can definitely not bother with any politics and no politics are mandatory for anyone to be a Spiritual Satanist.
One is however necessitated to know the Truth, accept it where it is and be at least in awareness of these historical inaccuracies and fallacies that surround the slander of National Socialists.
Our interest in "National Socialism" is not based on strict politics but about certain parts of a worldview, that are nothing but stems of Spiritual Satanism, based on and created out of the eternal Truth and Dharma that permeates our world.
A Spiritual Satanist can never be a Communist, or participate in any organization that preaches unnatural and ideologies against existence or life. These invalidate the very purpose of trying to be a Satanist in the first place.
The natural principles of Spiritual Satanism have had a recent manifestation in what we refer to as "National Socialism". One can discard this title as well and still retain their mind on all of the correct principles, or keep their political views private [as one should, especially in this world as it is today].
10. What about "Race" and "Racial Theory"?
Points like racial theory was recently resurrected by Hitler, but it is a very Ancient, aeons long theory, that has to do with metaphysical and physical aspects of a being, and how a being or a collective thereof advances.
Many people, even in Hitler's time, due to spiritual unawareness, could not clearly understand the essence of this theory.
Most of this was common knowledge in the past, and this involves aristocratic family lines and so on. Meditation, spirituality, volition and way of life, affect beings individually. These beings later form races, segments of races, and represent on a broad scale a level of development or beings of a common root.
This theory, from the Dharmic or spiritual standpoint, It was never meant to create strife, pointless division or hate. It is part of a wider awareness onto the individual human, through which humans can grow and not repeat mistakes of the past.
That is the plain observation of facts and nothing else. Lies that the National Socialists used these theories for hate, are nonsensical, almost all times against all evident facts.
One major lie here is that the National Socialists only cared about Blonde and Blue eyed people, while in fact, most of their leaders were anything but this. Another lie is that "Only the fit would survive" and stranger lies that nobody would be tolerated, while in fact, people like Joseph Goebbels [third in power in NS Germany] had a foot disability.
If one reads more on the history of many important personalities from back then, one will find that all of these are lies and nothing else.
Needless to say, all these lies are outrageous and are in contrast with the spirit of mankind and understanding between human beings. These do not represent any factual Truth at all. These are only lies created out of the sick mind of the enemy, who wanted to villify the very notion of racial awareness, same as they did with spiritual self awareness and calling this "Of the Devil".
Jews on the other hand have used too racial theory of themselves, mixing with with false feelings of aggressive superiority, which they later on use to justify their numerous offences and attacks on Gentile people of all creeds, colors, nations or cultures.
If one has understood the above concepts, then one is ready to proceed in the studying of our views about "National Socialism" and the important teachings of this view.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I understood the post it was very clear and understandableFrom now on, all members of the Joy of Satan will have to clarify their ideas and understanding about National Socialism. This post here will be a disclaimer in regards to what we appreciate and understand in what is broadly refereed to as National Socialism, and actually, what we do not care for or accept about this "ideology".
With the passing of the years, and as one can understand the enemy's propaganda, a lot of confusion has ensued. We are a Spiritual and Spiritual advancement organization. We serve Father Satan and the Gods, and our direction in life is an eternal direction that was followed by all Pagan religious systems that were of sound core.
National Socialism was only a recent drop in the bucket of a giant, eternal waterfall, that has to do with Spiritual Satanic core belief. It has been an ideology manifested during it's time, within it's time permits, limitations, hostilities, and political realities of the time.
These were entirely different in 1920 to 1945, than things are today. We are about 100 years after these events. A lot has changed.
The notions of Race, development, self mastery and so on, are all eternal concepts, however, did not arise in 1920. They have been in existence for thousands of years. They manifest and re-manifest themselves in different shapes and forms, but fundamentally, they remain the same. This same basis, we follow as Spiritual Satanism.
If one makes the necessary research into their own Ancient Culture, chances are they will find all the same morals and values present there.
We are Spiritual Satanists first and foremost. You do not need to name yourself as "National Socialist" or adopt "National Socialism", but Spiritual Satanism unavoidably leads back to the same source.
National Socialism has been vilified not only by the enemy, but above all, by the people who have been practising it falsely and without any quality into the practice. There has been no historically objective viewing of the events that took part about a hundred years back from now.
The above happened because the enemy saw the spiritual underlying concepts in this ideology. As they have been for thousands of years undermining our Spirituality and everything it could manifest, they did undermine everything political, financial, or spiritual Gentiles have created that was of value. This case here is no different.
There have been ideologies like Communism, a thousand times more "deadly", even if one accepts the enemy's version of the events - but nobody really cared to make a large siege against them like they did with National Socialism.
Therefore, the argument that attacking National Socialism is for "Good", is foolish. We have accepted evils way larger than this in our "Civilization", especially in the United States or in the West. Communists are still roaming around this world, even after having achieved death tolls and destructions that the world has never seen at any previous historical interval ever before.
Christianity, a system of death that imposed itself upon the destruction of everything Ancient and Spiritual, has been also been our "Religion" for a long time. Islam, a program of death, is all but tolerated.
The cumulative death toll of this is about a thousand times higher than any "National Socialism", even through enemy claims. As we can understand however, the above programs tolerate and further the enemy's agenda, so we are told constantly to tolerate them and accept them.
As one can see that in our Ministry or Forums, we have zero correlations with what is the enemy's accepted view of Satanism. This was, after all, created by the enemy.
People have to also understand, that the reasons we even care about this ideology instead of fully discarding it, are likewise, extremely different.
What we do not care about/is a lie in regards to National Socialism:
1. That this is about hating other people and/or yourself, based on false presuppositions about "Race".
That is a lie. In Spiritual Satanism, we consider that all Races must advance. Temporary enmity between people based on political standards or anything else, is not desirable, but part of life.
It is also a historical fact that National Socialists and all other Races and Pagan Civilizations understood the same rules and morals. We follow most of these unconsciously as it is, and require indoctrination of high calibre by the enemy to not do this.
Race is just another biological fact. Humans can decide to fight over this, or make peace over it, or treat it as they see fit. Like all other facts of life, it exists to guide us into an understanding. How races and people will behave over this fact, is a matter of time and place.
Unfortunately, the greatest understanding of this term has been lost in mere pursuits of general falsehood. But that does not make the understanding of this evil.
What about "Race" and "Racial Theory"?
2. Joining "Nazi" organizations physically to fool one's self, waste one's time or life, or even worse, join into criminal activity that poses itself as "revolutionary".
Using the ideology of "National Socialism" or any other ideology for that liking, for crimes, social unrest, or evil, is promoting the enemy's paradigm and confusing things.
One has to understand the Truth, not join any failed organizations or join themselves in crazy stunts. That is besides the core importance of why these sites even exist.
In fact, we advise strongly AGAINST joining these places, because they often times are dangerous and ineffective, with very few in between having any really good aims that they can actualize.
3. Most "National Socialist" groups are fools who worship the Jewish Rabbi, Christ.
We discard this idea as we know the historical Truth about the fact, that most of the awakened people that guided the National Socialist movement were never motivated by this wrong idea. The cognitive dissonance of many of these people, and trying to bond antithetical moral norms such as the Communist teachings of Christianity, and mixing these into this "Ideology" is the product of mere foolishness.
4. The norms of the past, are not the norms of the present. What remains, is the core foundation teachings. This is what we care about: What happened as result of temporary events is not to shape our mindset.
Certain thoughts of the time such as enmities between White people, such as French or Germans, and Russians to Germans, are none of our business.
We consider the main sub-races to be, if not directly "one race", one literal big racial family. We see no divide between people that are so much alike.
We take a distanced and truthful approach here, not affected by politics. The norms of the time are not the norms of the present.
National Socialism, as Hitler stated, was a model for emulation for all people. Of course, nobody pays attention to the important statements, and based on disinformation or pure hate, might continue instigating false hatred between our people or other people of earth. That is false.
5. All Gentile Civilizations have effectively applied the same core teachings in their existence, for aeons.
Egypt, Sumeria, Greece, Mesoamerican civilizations, or Asiatic civilizations, all have applied Father Satan's teachings to the best of their ability. They have prospered, created empires, and furthered their life through the aeons.
National Socialism, for those who have done any studying, was merely another people who tried to do the same thing in the modern era. For this restoration of Ancient values, even in part, they were attacked mercilessly.
We consider the above a miraculous event, a small glimpse of the Age of Aquarius, where people will be more evidently exposed to these eternal Truths. Because it's a solitary event in recent history, we appreciate this, and we consider this important that people learn the Truth and facts about what really occurred.
5. Truth first.
The reason we expose the enemy, is not because of idle hatred, but part of a larger cosmological battle between lies and Truth. We want people to know the Truth about anything, and things like the Holocaust or other events, are of key understanding in human history.
Now, the recent Ukrainian/Russian crisis, is also filled with similar lies about crimes that have never occurred. It is certain, that the loser of this conflict will be heaped upon themselves all sorts of crimes. When one side wins, one side writes history.
With National Socialism, we never had an objective historical view of what occurred or what was good or bad from it, and we were merely indoctrinated it was all fully evil, in intention, deed or outcome. That is a falsehood.
The disallowing of revisionism and research into these events, and the mere vilification of the "National Socialists" into monsters, is not an objective view nor a good or helpful view for the future of mankind.
The enemy, who strangulates spiritual understanding and any Ancient values, has done the same vilification to the Gods, the Ancient cultures, and presently, National Socialism. That is part of an attack, that deals broadly with the maintenance of a global world of lies, that we call the "Jewtrix". We want to destroy their lies wherever they appear, so that humanity can know the Truth.
6. Arguments made by the National Socialists against jews, do indeed matter.
Even today, statements that the National Socialists have issued such as the overwhelming control of the jewish people in the life and work of other Nations, how they enact subversion, or have their own domestic agenda on the expense of everyone else, no longer look like conspiracy theories.
We consider the above to be a mere observation of some people who rose too high in the ladder of life, and observed this agenda, and exposed it. This is a universal exposure, that extends way beyond National Socialism, and we might say goes all the way back to thousands of years, since similar subversion by the enemy's side is a given constant.
This is admitted in the Bible too, and the systematic subversion of Jewish people towards all other cultures. It is a part of their culture that they even celebrate, and does not constitute a "theory" or a "conspiracy", but rather, the admitted history of the Jewish people.
Opening the bible, one reads on certain segments, the joy of slaying other people just because of who they are, a doctrine of cursing and death, and a glorification of death itself heaped upon people just because of being different. All of this, the jews have carefully worked to lie that is their enemies, but all along, it was them.
The reason we want to promote the Truth, is to destroy the lies of these jewish people that have plagued the world for so long. That is not deserved, and humanity has to rise further than their prolific hatred.
The judgement the Jewish people are receiving is based on deeds, culture, actions, and not merely on idle hate as they like to claim. They have a long history of wrongdoings that they never did seek to correct or stop. The natural outcome is that other people want this stopped in full.
7. The end goal is peace, not war.
After thorough research into Adolf Hitler and his movement, we have understood that their intentions were not only not hostile, but also based on a great ideals such as peace, or more realistically, mutual balance and mutual respect between the people of earth. To not violate, for example, another people's biological entity, is part of this process.
That is in contrast to present day exploitation and violation. Those who use National Socialism or our teachings merely to fuel ideas of war, destitution, or destruction of mankind, are not part of our ideas, since they do not at all reflect the aims of this undertaking.
8. About Adolf Hitler
In regards to the personal figure of Adolf Hitler and certain other National Socialists, in the East, it was believed they were the reincarnation of important deities who were put there to protect Europe from eventual and calculated destruction.
They also helped humanity by reminding them of important concepts like the notion of the race, or the necessity of the development of the human being to a higher standard, showing glimpses of what will be commonplace in the Age of Aquarius.
Specifically, Eastern seers and other movements that have perceived Hitler not as a mere political leader, but as manifestor of a spiritual purpose. That has been common and is nothing strange. Hitler was perceived to be Vishnu, a manifestation of the power of the God of Justice. In a sense, Hitler's appearance is a pivotal moment for the change of direction in affairs where the enemy is concerned.
Since this time, the enemy has been getting exposed, their lies have been slowly collapsing, and their control has been slowly drifting off and falling apart. We are interested in the esoteric view of Adolf Hitler, not dissimilarly in his own story of many other wise and advanced Souls that have affected the history of this world.
This is not about a biased and closed view political outlook, but about understanding the importance of this personality for history and the restoration of meaningful spiritual values.
9. Can you "not bother" about National Socialism and still be a Spiritual Satanist?
Yes. One can definitely not bother with any politics and no politics are mandatory for anyone to be a Spiritual Satanist.
One is however necessitated to know the Truth, accept it where it is and be at least in awareness of these historical inaccuracies and fallacies that surround the slander of National Socialists.
Our interest in "National Socialism" is not based on strict politics but about certain parts of a worldview, that are nothing but stems of Spiritual Satanism, based on and created out of the eternal Truth and Dharma that permeates our world.
A Spiritual Satanist can never be a Communist, or participate in any organization that preaches unnatural and ideologies against existence or life. These invalidate the very purpose of trying to be a Satanist in the first place.
The natural principles of Spiritual Satanism have had a recent manifestation in what we refer to as "National Socialism". One can discard this title as well and still retain their mind on all of the correct principles, or keep their political views private [as one should, especially in this world as it is today].
10. What about "Race" and "Racial Theory"?
Points like racial theory was recently resurrected by Hitler, but it is a very Ancient, aeons long theory, that has to do with metaphysical and physical aspects of a being, and how a being or a collective thereof advances.
Many people, even in Hitler's time, due to spiritual unawareness, could not clearly understand the essence of this theory.
Most of this was common knowledge in the past, and this involves aristocratic family lines and so on. Meditation, spirituality, volition and way of life, affect beings individually. These beings later form races, segments of races, and represent on a broad scale a level of development or beings of a common root.
This theory, from the Dharmic or spiritual standpoint, It was never meant to create strife, pointless division or hate. It is part of a wider awareness onto the individual human, through which humans can grow and not repeat mistakes of the past.
That is the plain observation of facts and nothing else. Lies that the National Socialists used these theories for hate, are nonsensical, almost all times against all evident facts.
One major lie here is that the National Socialists only cared about Blonde and Blue eyed people, while in fact, most of their leaders were anything but this. Another lie is that "Only the fit would survive" and stranger lies that nobody would be tolerated, while in fact, people like Joseph Goebbels [third in power in NS Germany] had a foot disability.
If one reads more on the history of many important personalities from back then, one will find that all of these are lies and nothing else.
Needless to say, all these lies are outrageous and are in contrast with the spirit of mankind and understanding between human beings. These do not represent any factual Truth at all. These are only lies created out of the sick mind of the enemy, who wanted to villify the very notion of racial awareness, same as they did with spiritual self awareness and calling this "Of the Devil".
Jews on the other hand have used too racial theory of themselves, mixing with with false feelings of aggressive superiority, which they later on use to justify their numerous offences and attacks on Gentile people of all creeds, colors, nations or cultures.
If one has understood the above concepts, then one is ready to proceed in the studying of our views about "National Socialism" and the important teachings of this view.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Brother, I love this post. It is extremely well researched. You gave me a new perspective on the topic of human society and governance.Today I would like to make a supplementary comment on the excellent contribution by HP Hooded Cobra 666 regarding "National Socialism".
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan