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Demotion Of Clergy - New Rules

Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shannon has been except of legitimate as a person, a very good person and that is known to everyone. I will not entertain personal slander against her, and no, she has never been in anyway bad as an individual.

I always enjoyed my conversations with her. She was very insightful and pleasant to speak with. I missed her a lot in the past 2 years. I wish her all the best!

Has Lucius Oria been demoted too?

AshStarIshtar_88 said:
What a shame! You could have even be paid with over $100 million dollars worth in Bitcoin if you resolved my riddle.

RIght... How about you send me $10M of that, and the rest you donate to JoS? We'll be sure to put them to great use :lol:

NinRick said:
I Highly doubt the Gods will arrive in, what now? 15 years from now?

And if, this is in a different sense that most of you here believe.

I think rather than physical, this is is something that has to do with the Gentile consciousness and how our/Their influence on the planet.

What happened to SlyScorpion? Was he larping to be on our side again?

Dahaarkan said:
Before HC took over, around 1 in 4 posts of mine were disapproved or deleted, oftentimes without any real justification and when justification was given, it was for petty reasons. Others can likely relate to this. You implying that there is some censorship issue, or that people are met with hostility for expressing themselves is completely false.

In my case, I never had anything disapproved, except in the Italian forum where the former retard moderator could not tolerate someone disagreeing with him, after he had started a fire in the groups over his own issues understanding and translating English.

I actually try to mail Sly some months back a couple of times and got no response. Not sure what is going on but I do hope he is alright.
Dahaarkan said:
TruthAgainstTheWorld said:

Regardless Cobra I do wish you well and to other legitimate members. I will be quietly in the background. I rarely ever come here so whatever.

MY LOYALTY IS TO THE GODS, SATAN. With or without JoS or any damn clergy!

Before HC took over, around 1 in 4 posts of mine were disapproved or deleted, oftentimes without any real justification and when justification was given, it was for petty reasons. Others can likely relate to this. You implying that there is some censorship issue, or that people are met with hostility for expressing themselves is completely false.

Technically speaking there have been times I have deleted my own posts for re-posting, review, or poor content. Or simply because they were improper.

At this point any disapproval happens when there are serious things going in the post, like negative things, which I don't think anyone over the course of thousands of post might not have one rejected.
Stormblood said:

Has Lucius Oria been demoted too?

Lucius Oria has informed many years ago and I related it back then, that his present career did not allow him to have hardly any time for himself [he informed in time] and then he had to leave. He also had some personal things going. Never was disloyal or anything up until then. That's pretty much it about him.

Stormblood said:
What happened to SlyScorpion? Was he larping to be on our side again?

Slyscorpion last time I heard has some things he is working on and I have no reason to believe he larped or anything. I think nobody should open up any rumor until something is verified. He has tried a lot over the years and has done great progress on his personal path.

I really do hope he's well and advancing.

luis said:
Well at first I did not understand but this was just talking about some HP's not doing their job. It can happen and I hope they can learn from their mistakes. I just wasn't sure at first because I thought about the mageso situation.

Basically yes. None of the other people ever did anything that much on the negative side. Absence or irresponsibility is not the same as doing plots or whatever, which none of the aforementioned people did.

Still, that isn't good. But things should be kept on their own specific basket. Not everyone who might not have done something is evil or whatever.

The only legitimately "bad sided" person to anything was Magestein who for all purposes revealed it later himself anyway.

The post is basically a call for maybe even an apology for this to the community [as a HP exists for the community] and then we are moving on, them absolved of what they didn't want to do, and us knowing that we will formulate further things to ensure everything keeps advancing and members are taken care of.
nootfall said:
Hello, I have a question.
I'm a atheist who is starting to lean towards satanism- kind of? I'm still very skeptical but I'm VERY open to it, and wishing for it to be real.

I'm only able to log in here on my school chromebook- and basically the yahoo chats are blocked. So I have to ask my questions here.

And some of the articals are blocked because of this exact reason
"alternative spirituality/beliefs"

Okay okay, so here are the questions-

First, does Satan actually care about me? Like, no matter my flaws? Kids in my class tell me I'll go to hell for being LGBT+
Or like that they'd hurt me for being LGBT+

Second, will the people who hurt me and my friends be punished?
Like my friends rapist, or the person that tried to trick me and my friends into offing ourselves;

Third, do people who believe in other things get punished, because that thought scares me alot, especially because in the rules it said "no sympathy"


satan and the gods care about us when they know we are devoted to them. they still care about you even if you have flaws. (every human has flaws so its normal). satan and the gods dont mind if youre gay or bi or lesbian.
however, transgenderism is not something the gods encourage.

we are souls.
when we die, we lose the physical body but we keep the soul and reincarnate into a new body.
a soul keeps the same gender and race after every reincarnation.

using male as an example, it is normal for them to express their femenine side or whatever. but to totally deny being male is against the whole purpose of their soul.
so to recap, homosexuality, heterosexuality and bisexuality is normal. but transgenderism is something the Enemy invented to damage people's soul.

people that hurt you for no good reason get punished eventually in some way or another.

im assuming you mean people who dont believe in satanism.
people wont be punished if they dont believe in satanism. non-believers are not our enemy, and we have no reason to harm them.
when it said "no sympathy", it likely meant that we cant offer them that much help if they dont want to believe in spiritual satanism - so we shouldnt 'sympathize' and cry for them. thats what it meant. it didnt mean burn them alive lol
nootfall said:
Hello, I have a question.
I'm a atheist who is starting to lean towards satanism- kind of? I'm still very skeptical but I'm VERY open to it, and wishing for it to be real.

I'm only able to log in here on my school chromebook- and basically the yahoo chats are blocked. So I have to ask my questions here.

And some of the articals are blocked because of this exact reason
"alternative spirituality/beliefs"

Try to not use your school PC for browsing JoS. They disallow these thing to protect students from what is believed to be "widely" as being bad "material for the youth". It's put there for protection. This protects other students from many other things too. So try to use a non-school device for this.

Spiritual Satanism is absolutely real.

nootfall said:
Okay okay, so here are the questions-

First, does Satan actually care about me? Like, no matter my flaws? Kids in my class tell me I'll go to hell for being LGBT+
Or like that they'd hurt me for being LGBT+

Second, will the people who hurt me and my friends be punished?
Like my friends rapist, or the person that tried to trick me and my friends into offing ourselves;

Third, do people who believe in other things get punished, because that thought scares me alot, especially because in the rules it said "no sympathy"

Satan does not like you or dislike you for being anything in particular. They won't judge you up or down or negatively or positively just because you are gay, bi or straight. What matters most is what kind of a person you are and your actions.

Yes, if you establish strong friendships with the Gods, they punish perpetrators against you who try to do you wrongful damage.

However, any punishments delivered are always proportionate as the Gods act in Justice. After a point when you are skilled and powerful, you will not have to do most of this, and your aura of protection will handle most of this, such as undeserved spite or aggression.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lucius Oria has informed many years ago and I related it back then, that his present career did not allow him to have hardly any time for himself [he informed in time] and then he had to leave. He also had some personal things going. Never was disloyal or anything up until then. That's pretty much it about him.


Slyscorpion last time I heard has some things he is working on and I have no reason to believe he larped or anything. I think nobody should open up any rumor until something is verified. He has tried a lot over the years and has done great progress on his personal path.

I really do hope he's well and advancing.

Good to know. I knew Lucius Oria was involved with something else career-wise but I had no way to verify the claim, short of spying on him, which I didn't want to attempt anyway.

By any chance do you ever feel at times overwhelmed by being an HP?

Especially being the main HP. I know the other people did their thing from time-to-time. But you seemingly do more work than others, does it overwhelm you?

Does it ever feel bad for you? Or are you some Saturn Machine that relishes in the works?

After all you did state a while back you did like 40+ Saturn Squares. I guess your like my friend, he's a Saturnian Machine being Capricorn. I do recall reading a website stating Capricorn and Cancer share a special bond together cause we are the polar opposite signs of each other in the wheel of the Zodiac. The more Masculine Feminine Capricorn with the Feminine Cancarian sign. I do recall a member a while back stating, Cancer 4th best sign of the Zodiac, sign of Cognition. Never said anything about Capricorn but I do respect the hell out of Capricorn. Evey dumbass states they are the most UN-Spiritual sign. Bullshit if anything they got the drive to be a Machine.

Hell what am I saying they are A machine. Plus my friend deeply researches stuff and does bodybuild and is basically only negative is he is very UN-Spiritual. He doesn't come up with information based on his feelings or his own self. Rather he researches everything UNLESS there is a general consensus he doesn't take in the information. If I lived a better life I'd help him out and get him into spirituality. He is dedicated but simply for the sake of dedication cause he loves all the NS/SS stuff. I'll admit he did state, "Most of the JoS members are talking out their ass". I'm not sure if that is because of his Capricornesque-mentality this Saturn bowling ball he is. Or because he lacks the Spiritual essence but he's just a machine.

IF anything it makes me think he is a Machine. I know he doesn't lack Earth but does posses an imbalance of the Elements. You would have guessed his Earth is imbalanced which it is, but to a great degree. So you'd think he is stuck in the same routine for years without moving about.

Are you a machine HP.Cobra? No I'm not trying to sound disrespectful I do posses my own Machine ways as well due to my Air imbalance on the low-side not high-side. My low-Air does annoy people with my lackluster Mercurial properties such as Mercury 8th house Leo. As one example that I posses. So my air element makes me like a thinking machine from Dune. My imbalance causes me to just swallow up data like crazy.

For example my friend posses synesthesia or an element of synesthesia. He told me in an email the other day. Whenever I look at objects I hear them. His family posses an electric toothbrush and regular toothbrush and when he looks at it he states the brushes activate. He hears the motor running on the electric and hears the brushing sound on the regular non-mechanical brushes.

Not sure if it's all the rock, metal, and black metal he listens to. BTW he isn't an ignorant Black Metal listener rather he truly appreciates the music. He does state there is too many andrapods(NPCs) listening to Black Metal ignorantly and being bothered by National Socialists BM concepts and whatnot. Sorta like Advent Sorrow the lead singer got kicked from the band in 2019 for having NS views.

He did state his time playing video games kinda broke the mold from him and while playing games like Medal of Honor series he was a big MoH fan in multiplayer. He's like "Why am I shooting these cool, sharp-dressed men?" and eventually he shifted around and then when he met me in Middle School once again and I revealed all the love of NS since 1997 he broke out of the mold. I know, I know it's the (((history channel))) but it taught me a lot and it made me the person today who has been NS since 7 years old. I mean hell I've been dedicated since 2003 at 12 finding the JoS. I do recall your early posts and do recall when you were called "HoodedCobra666" in Yahoo but I never really payed attention to you, you were kinda like a low-key member and never really did much I guess you learned by yourself and had very spectacular spiritual phenomenas occur that self-taught you the occult.

Anyways HP.Cobra do you ever feel 'overwhelemed'? Do you ever feel like you took too much responsibility?

I think it's a shame Maxine left. Too many bozos out there think she created a platform and left it to others to fill it in. But again that also makes others say shit and put words in her mouth like a Moriah situation with how Thomas Schwartz in Tree of Life mentions the korban of Abraham's son and how rabbi's can put lies in Satan's mouth to obscure their position. I think too many trolls and clowns put words in Maxine's mouth.

It seems to me like too many people think that Joy of Satan is a troll organization. Funny enough if you study Gottfried Feder and Hitler from a modern perspective it's like everything falls in line. It's like Hitler, Feder, and company were talking decades a solid century further. Like the old saying goes, "In the 12 years the Reich existed, Humanity advanced a Millennia".

For example Feder in both Manifesto on abolition of Interest-Debt Thralldom and Collected Writings. Collected writings posses a copy of Manifesto but the Manifesto should be read standalone to collect more data. Both the Manifesto and Collected Writings posses a 2-5% difference the only 2-5% difference is Collected Writings had been researched by people and the bottom of the pages posses definitions of era.

For example Feder talks about Kurt Eisner in Manifesto and Collected. But in Collected it mentions Kurt Eisner 1879-1919, ran Bavaria, did some thing, and eventually was assassinated in 1919 by a German guy from the Freikorps for trying to overthrow the Government due to the second communist uprising. Sorta like how Hitler mentions in Mein Kampf Dr. Dalton's 1939 edition; Hitler mentioning the annihilation of the 1919 uprising by the Freikorps and the killing of two top jews Luxomberg and Leibknicth(mamzer half-jew/half-Gentile) both got popped by 98s and killed.

Shame it doesn't mention much more than the names on Bella Kun(Cohen) who left immediately after the collapse of his communist forces and ran into Hungary causing the 117 days of terror in Budapest and Hungary before Fascist forces smashed him similar to how the Romanian Green shirts popped the enemy in Romania especially if you study the Army of Mankind website and realize Poland and Field Marshall/Dictator Prudulsky saved their asses with Polish people supporting the Green shirts.

Anyways HP. ever feel like you took on too much responsibility? Your basically soloing it. You produce basically 97% of the content on this website. I mean just a while back you mentioned you studied 20 or so books to perform Reverse Islamic Rituals to strike back at the enemy.

It kinda reminds me of the Hitleresque technology. Hitler even stating in his youth how he wasn't anti-jewish and hated anti-judiasm. And funny enough learning about the enemy(Postjudice as FancyMancy puts it) and reading stories of the ancient past and history and modern times. He created his entire weltanschaang out of books from study.

For example 50% of the Eugenics/Dysgenics education comes from the United States. Funny enough Liberterians want not to pay income tax cause they call it state-sponsored Usury. But Gottfried Feder and Hitler in Collected Writings state the ultimate aim of the National Socialist Programme is -- A taxless society.

Except when there is an emergency and or War direct and indirect taxes are put back up to extract extra money. The ultimate aim after rebuilding the country with a graduated wealth tax and appropriate taxing of goods particularly vain luxury goods that serve no purpose only to berg money. The Ultimate aim is a taxless society where taxes are not done only face value pay is done. To promote extreme growth in industry and fair pay, wages, and salary. And promote a Trickle-Up effect as Reich put it even though originally Reich believed the opposite, Rob the hood and give to the Rich.

And as I look at it. It seems like our entire vision of reality is put in books. National Socialism is a book learning spiritual-political organization that took information from books and said, "Lets create reality opposite to that blasted bible and lets create a reality on learned intellgentsia."

It seems like books contain all the data. Imagine the Gods with their advanced Multi-dimensional AIs scanning all our books and building a reality on it including their own Orion properties. I'd dare say I hate to Herman Rosenblatt myself but "It was real because it was in our minds".

Fortunately it seems reality caters to better things. As you said HP.Cobra a long time ago, "Even constructive efforts is approved by reality and Nature because it allows the progression of a species. If you destroy, Nature can and will augment the destructive drive and forces and make you collapse faster.

Like the saying goes Nature is anti-Jewish by Nature because the destructive principle of the enemy is merely amplified by the Forces of Nature and Nature even in her lack of Consciousness. As you HP.Cobra put it recently Nature i.e. forces of nature work in ways that is just how reality rolls it posses no consciousness so it destroys or creates merely on a whim of manifestation. Or something to that nature.

But when Nature is nurtured with constructiveness it tends to settle down and relax and work with you rather than against you.

Anyways I'm rambling.

HP.Cobra ever felt like your doing too much? I mean the fact of the matter is you've done a terrific job expanding people's minds and doing stuff. But it seems a bit too Naziseqsue it seems like the Marines Slogan; The Few, The Proud, The NS/SS. Don't you wish we had other people expanding our intellgentsia and promoting more of the JoS in more people? I don't mean the masses of NPCs/Andrapods out there. No I mean genuine intellgentsia and superior minds and forces.

Just like the NS was a small minority in the realm of the 2.3-2.5 billion Humans at the time of the early-mid 1900s. Right now there are over 8 billion and counting Humans who have retardedly attacked the one hope. It seems people want to continue sucking jewish cock. It seems like people are like Marilyn Manson's Beautiful people quote, "They can't see the forests nor the trees and they can't smell their own shit on their knees".

It seems people are so negative. No surprise the Gods need to intervene. As you put it the Gods can't abandon Humanity but many of the Gods send "bodyguards" to people who summon them to sense how evil and sinful they are and when they met some random dickhead who is dirty and drossy as fuck they ignore the person.

As one of the Greek Philosophers put it, "Animals posses no ethics, morality, or rules simply Nature's law. But Man does posses rules, ethics, and morality including it's own Nature's Law. When man abandons rules, morality, and ethics hell even Nature's law. Man becomes a Beast worst than an Animal.

Do you feel overwhelmed, HP.Cobra?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
nootfall said:
Hello, I have a question.
I'm a atheist who is starting to lean towards satanism- kind of? I'm still very skeptical but I'm VERY open to it, and wishing for it to be real.

I'm only able to log in here on my school chromebook- and basically the yahoo chats are blocked. So I have to ask my questions here.

And some of the articals are blocked because of this exact reason
"alternative spirituality/beliefs"

Try to not use your school PC for browsing JoS. They disallow these thing to protect students from what is believed to be "widely" as being bad "material for the youth". It's put there for protection. This protects other students from many other things too. So try to use a non-school device for this.

I have to wonder if they would equally block students from reading the Communist Manifesto online, for example. Maybe not, seeing as how that's hardly "alternative" in western schools at this point.

Please excuse my humorous tangent.
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests. That's childish. There are better things to announce than making so much useless noise because a High Priestess could not be as active lately. It is disrespectful to her lasting efforts and loyalty. And of course, there are more respectful ways to demote, perhaps silently.

Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness.

As for posting two threads within 24 hours, quantity is nothing in comparison with quality. What's the value of writing a lot of articles if they lack valuable information that help the community to advance? It's best to write posts based on the cream of one's studying and discoveries as was the case in the past. The old threads were incrediblly helpful and informative. In comparison, the ongoing threads and announcements seem to be also getting a demotion. Let's aspire to always illuminate one another with "golden" information.

Whether this reply is accepted or not, the feedback is given. There is a line between healthy censorship that limits misinformation and egoistic suppression.

On the other hand, my experience with JoS, Ancient Forums, and the clergy has been amazing. I can't be more thankful to everyone in here, members and clergy. This is a respectable feedback and I hope it will be well received.

Thank you to every High Priest and Priestess in Joy of Satan. You have been my Gurus, especially High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Thank you High Priestess Shannon for having been a loyal and informative part of the clergy for so long.
Osiris Silvio said:
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests. That's childish. There are better things to announce than making so much useless noise because a High Priestess could not be as active lately. It is disrespectful to her lasting efforts and loyalty. And of course, there are more respectful ways to demote, perhaps silently.

Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness.

Your opinion is not humble, nor based on knowledge, nor on understanding, just a sentimental need to defend whom you perceive is the "victim" of this situation.

But let me tell you the reality: I was the victim in this situation.

But I will seek no sympathy and I don't need any tears from all of the bleeding hearts who like you, out of resentment, purposefully will misplace realistic events and standards to pretend that one is in the bad for that situation, to clearly stroke their "ego" in the process.

Save your sympathy for me because I don't want any. I want you to sentimentally cry over what is wrong, because of your confusion, and to live in the land of lack of knowledge and assumptions until you have attained what I say by your own understanding.

After three years of silence on this, mercy, helping, assisting, encouraging, apparently - silence is over. One has to think what the price is to gain such a silence and beautiful approach, because when one does not behave beautifully, then one must expect that others on whom this expense happens comes at an ever running cost.

This thread serves to validate the reality which you cannot accept out of jealousy and wanting to instate a communist judgement to equate me with people whom I also made the mistake of being equated with, carrying on their issues for years while being silent and besieged from all sides.

Of course - the people who have to bring this out because the JoS can't handle vacancies, are the evil, and the insensitive. This is like a mother abandonning the kid to a father and then the father says "I divorce you", after three years of waiting of a mother to simply show up twice to change a diaper.

Apparently, the football team has to play with 9 players and Ronaldo has to kill himself while playing, because you both want the world cup, and others are busy playing PS5 somewhere - Ronaldo is a very egoistic fuck for actually trying to put this together for a long time.

In a confused mind and one plagued by jealousy, or resentment, or false standards, the father is the evil person for waiting for a very long time.

You should be asking these people instead of deifying them, what their "problems" have really been. It wasn't health, it wasn't financial, it wasn't a lot of other problems. That is called carelessness.

The "reasons" here have been explained and they are not "reasons". This is not the level Clergy is supposed to operate. You have no clue of how this should be but maybe I have after a sole decade in this. Allowing this happen and continue is essentially a useless endeavour which will only please people like you who need pointless contrast to pointless nonsense.

Osiris Silvio said:
As for posting two threads within 24 hours, quantity is nothing in comparison with quality. What's the value of writing a lot of articles if they lack valuable information that help the community to advance? It's best to write posts based on the cream of one's studying and discoveries as was the case in the past.

Yes, Brb, these 3 years absence was because of an elaborate analysis to Pythagoras, not because people simply showed a low lack of interest.

Osiris Silvio said:
The old threads were incrediblly helpful and informative. In comparison, the ongoing threads and announcements seem to be also getting a demotion. Let's aspire to always illuminate one another with "golden" information.

People like you are the same people waiting on the corner for me to fail, so I will tell you this: I wish your kind, the jealous and the spiteful will not judge me harshly if I ever get into this condition; which I will not get unless I am assasinated or dead.

But you likely will because exactly this is the level and tier you can't play in and you can't understand, therefore, casting communist judgement on me and trying to pretend everyone did that will make you sleep better at night, so I digress.

Sorry kid that's the level this game is being played at right now. Gotta show up at least twice per week for the people in JoS if you want a badge of any sorts.

Yes you'll have to actually show up for your existence and you have to be like a mayor FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE JOS AND FOR THEIR SAKE and show twice per week or something to just even say something of merit or help anyone, imagine the punishment, the Cobra Dictatorship is in and active, Oy vey, 6,000,000 lampshades, no more bullshit about Azazels when you don't do the optimal things.

Gone are the times of empty claims and fucking nonsense, sorry.

Sorry guys that's the game now. So bad and sad. So real.

Osiris Silvio said:
Whether this reply is accepted or not, the feedback is given. There is a line between healthy censorship that limits misinformation and egoistic suppression.

My ego will stand in the way: you will not violate Satan and Azazel by saying things that you are supremely advanced while giving everyone in the community a fat finger. Learn to live with this "ego", my friend. The games of dogshit are over.

Osiris Silvio said:
On the other hand, my experience with JoS, Ancient Forums, and the clergy has been amazing. I can't be more thankful to everyone in here, members and clergy. This is a respectable feedback and I hope it will be well received.

Thank you to every High Priest and Priestess in Joy of Satan. You have been my Gurus, especially High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Thank you High Priestess Shannon for having been a loyal and informative part of the clergy for so long.

On this, it is absolutely correct. But if you knew HPS Maxine on the personal you wouldn't write any of that shit, I tell you that much. There were days when we delayed moderation, and the Gods were pissed - same as her.

Anything else than what she had a standards for herself and for me is unacceptable for Clergy.

That's final.
Osiris Silvio said:

I'm just wondering why you have no problem criticizing HC because in your view, he is making mistakes as a HP, but in 3 years never criticized Shannon for their absence. I'm not saying it's illegal to criticize HC because he is a god or whatever, by all means present your concerns and feedback.

I find it strange and hypocritical that you are nitpicking that he was insensitive or whatever, but don't have an issue with a HP being absent for years.
I also find it interesting that Shannon herself seems to have understood the situation and is moving forward with integrity and continuing to fight alongside us, but there's a bunch of people who want to be offended on her behalf.

I just stand by the comment I made earlier on this thread. Anytime the JoS takes a step forward, something is improved or expanded, all these accounts show up out of nowhere and there is a river of kike tears crying about HC being evil or whatever.

Brother, I know it's immensely frustrating to be in your position. Especially feeling like your own are turning against you when you are trying to make things better. I don't know how you've made it this far.

For what it's worth, I understand you and I'm behind you, always. Those of us who matter understand how much you've done and given, no matter how many confused individuals and kikes try to tear you down, we've got your back.
In war events if you leave your unit for no reason your people or whole unit shall die. For death to not come, you MUST keep your position. For the unit...

Youre just too faggot to understand.

Praise Cobra for his common sense

Osiris Silvio said:
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests. That's childish. There are better things to announce than making so much useless noise because a High Priestess could not be as active lately. It is disrespectful to her lasting efforts and loyalty. And of course, there are more respectful ways to demote, perhaps silently.

Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness.

As for posting two threads within 24 hours, quantity is nothing in comparison with quality. What's the value of writing a lot of articles if they lack valuable information that help the community to advance? It's best to write posts based on the cream of one's studying and discoveries as was the case in the past. The old threads were incrediblly helpful and informative. In comparison, the ongoing threads and announcements seem to be also getting a demotion. Let's aspire to always illuminate one another with "golden" information.

Whether this reply is accepted or not, the feedback is given. There is a line between healthy censorship that limits misinformation and egoistic suppression.

On the other hand, my experience with JoS, Ancient Forums, and the clergy has been amazing. I can't be more thankful to everyone in here, members and clergy. This is a respectable feedback and I hope it will be well received.

Thank you to every High Priest and Priestess in Joy of Satan. You have been my Gurus, especially High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Thank you High Priestess Shannon for having been a loyal and informative part of the clergy for so long.
Osiris Silvio said:
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests. That's childish. There are better things to announce than making so much useless noise because a High Priestess could not be as active lately. It is disrespectful to her lasting efforts and loyalty. And of course, there are more respectful ways to demote, perhaps silently.

Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness.

As for posting two threads within 24 hours, quantity is nothing in comparison with quality. What's the value of writing a lot of articles if they lack valuable information that help the community to advance? It's best to write posts based on the cream of one's studying and discoveries as was the case in the past. The old threads were incrediblly helpful and informative. In comparison, the ongoing threads and announcements seem to be also getting a demotion. Let's aspire to always illuminate one another with "golden" information.

Whether this reply is accepted or not, the feedback is given. There is a line between healthy censorship that limits misinformation and egoistic suppression.

On the other hand, my experience with JoS, Ancient Forums, and the clergy has been amazing. I can't be more thankful to everyone in here, members and clergy. This is a respectable feedback and I hope it will be well received.

Thank you to every High Priest and Priestess in Joy of Satan. You have been my Gurus, especially High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Thank you High Priestess Shannon for having been a loyal and informative part of the clergy for so long.

Shannon has not been here as much as she should, and that was even by her own admission. She misjudged the situation and failed to keep up her responsibilities, even when HPHC needed her help.

Shannon is not a robot and has her own faults and limits. Keeping her in a position that she had problems in was not good for anyone. Relinquishing her of this title was actually a step in the right direction, even if she was embarrassed, which we can all empathize with.

No, HPHC could not have demoted her in silent, because then everyone would have asked a bunch of questions. This was the best way to do this.

We still love Shannon regardless of this, but we also have to be realistic and not put anyone into a position that is not suitable for them. Practice more with earthly energies to understand how it is better to work with obstacles, and not against them.

Lastly, it was not right of you to simply accuse HPHC of stroking his ego, which is a very lowly insult to throw at someone. As you just said, spiritually advanced people are delicate, right? Actually, this is also not true, and therefore HPHC is right to make it known what he is capable of, and therefore what we too can become capable of.

It is very silly for you to be thankful for ancient-forums and JoS without paying attention to HPHC, who is like the glue that holds a lot of this together. Those who have worked with him in private realize this more and more. You should apologize for HPHC for this rash judgement, which did not have to happen, even if you wanted to praise Shannon.
I'd like to ask: how does KIKES and infiltrators make as HP/HPS?

(The one woman from some years back)

I thought that the rank of a Ministry member was blessed by the Gods, thus making it impossible for anyone not loyal to the Gods and the JOS to reach such a revered position...
Could someone explain?
Osiris Silvio said:
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests. That's childish. There are better things to announce than making so much useless noise because a High Priestess could not be as active lately. It is disrespectful to her lasting efforts and loyalty. And of course, there are more respectful ways to demote, perhaps silently.

Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness.

As for posting two threads within 24 hours, quantity is nothing in comparison with quality. What's the value of writing a lot of articles if they lack valuable information that help the community to advance? It's best to write posts based on the cream of one's studying and discoveries as was the case in the past. The old threads were incrediblly helpful and informative. In comparison, the ongoing threads and announcements seem to be also getting a demotion. Let's aspire to always illuminate one another with "golden" information.

Whether this reply is accepted or not, the feedback is given. There is a line between healthy censorship that limits misinformation and egoistic suppression.

On the other hand, my experience with JoS, Ancient Forums, and the clergy has been amazing. I can't be more thankful to everyone in here, members and clergy. This is a respectable feedback and I hope it will be well received.

Thank you to every High Priest and Priestess in Joy of Satan. You have been my Gurus, especially High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Thank you High Priestess Shannon for having been a loyal and informative part of the clergy for so long.

Your ego got offended due to a situation that's not even about you. Moreover if you'd take some time to think about this you'd see there's nothing unjust about demoting someone, just like any professional gets fired if they don't show up for work. You say HP should've done this silently, but then if Shannon simply lost her title overnight without any explanation given, HC would be "taking over" and "aspiring to be the only Clergy" or other nonsense, I'm sure.
If you are grateful for the opportunities of JoS, stop complaining about HP who has been keeping it together for years.
Patriot_666 said:
In war events if you leave your unit for no reason your people or whole unit shall die. For death to not come, you MUST keep your position. For the unit...

Youre just too faggot to understand.

Praise Cobra for his common sense

Osiris Silvio said:
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests. That's childish. There are better things to announce than making so much useless noise because a High Priestess could not be as active lately. It is disrespectful to her lasting efforts and loyalty. And of course, there are more respectful ways to demote, perhaps silently.

Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness.

As for posting two threads within 24 hours, quantity is nothing in comparison with quality. What's the value of writing a lot of articles if they lack valuable information that help the community to advance? It's best to write posts based on the cream of one's studying and discoveries as was the case in the past. The old threads were incrediblly helpful and informative. In comparison, the ongoing threads and announcements seem to be also getting a demotion. Let's aspire to always illuminate one another with "golden" information.

Whether this reply is accepted or not, the feedback is given. There is a line between healthy censorship that limits misinformation and egoistic suppression.

On the other hand, my experience with JoS, Ancient Forums, and the clergy has been amazing. I can't be more thankful to everyone in here, members and clergy. This is a respectable feedback and I hope it will be well received.

Thank you to every High Priest and Priestess in Joy of Satan. You have been my Gurus, especially High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Thank you High Priestess Shannon for having been a loyal and informative part of the clergy for so long.

Ah really. And you sound too jewish. You decide to use a word used by the catholic inquisitors for the Pagans they used to burn at the stake in order to attack someone who gave respectable feedback. How dumb and spiritually dead are you? You sound like a too much of an idiot to be a human. So meditate more. Obviously you're not making any progress
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests. That's childish. There are better things to announce than making so much useless noise because a High Priestess could not be as active lately. It is disrespectful to her lasting efforts and loyalty. And of course, there are more respectful ways to demote, perhaps silently.

Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness.

Your opinion is not humble, nor based on knowledge, nor on understanding, just a sentimental need to defend whom you perceive is the "victim" of this situation.

But let me tell you the reality: I was the victim in this situation.

But I will seek no sympathy and I don't need any tears from all of the bleeding hearts who like you, out of resentment, purposefully will misplace realistic events and standards to pretend that one is in the bad for that situation, to clearly stroke their "ego" in the process.

Save your sympathy for me because I don't want any. I want you to sentimentally cry over what is wrong, because of your confusion, and to live in the land of lack of knowledge and assumptions until you have attained what I say by your own understanding.

After three years of silence on this, mercy, helping, assisting, encouraging, apparently - silence is over. One has to think what the price is to gain such a silence and beautiful approach, because when one does not behave beautifully, then one must expect that others on whom this expense happens comes at an ever running cost.

This thread serves to validate the reality which you cannot accept out of jealousy and wanting to instate a communist judgement to equate me with people whom I also made the mistake of being equated with, carrying on their issues for years while being silent and besieged from all sides.

Of course - the people who have to bring this out because the JoS can't handle vacancies, are the evil, and the insensitive. This is like a mother abandonning the kid to a father and then the father says "I divorce you", after three years of waiting of a mother to simply show up twice to change a diaper.

Apparently, the football team has to play with 9 players and Ronaldo has to kill himself while playing, because you both want the world cup, and others are busy playing PS5 somewhere - Ronaldo is a very egoistic fuck for actually trying to put this together for a long time.

In a confused mind and one plagued by jealousy, or resentment, or false standards, the father is the evil person for waiting for a very long time.

You should be asking these people instead of deifying them, what their "problems" have really been. It wasn't health, it wasn't financial, it wasn't a lot of other problems. That is called carelessness.

The "reasons" here have been explained and they are not "reasons". This is not the level Clergy is supposed to operate. You have no clue of how this should be but maybe I have after a sole decade in this. Allowing this happen and continue is essentially a useless endeavour which will only please people like you who need pointless contrast to pointless nonsense.

Osiris Silvio said:
As for posting two threads within 24 hours, quantity is nothing in comparison with quality. What's the value of writing a lot of articles if they lack valuable information that help the community to advance? It's best to write posts based on the cream of one's studying and discoveries as was the case in the past.

Yes, Brb, these 3 years absence was because of an elaborate analysis to Pythagoras, not because people simply showed a low lack of interest.

Osiris Silvio said:
The old threads were incrediblly helpful and informative. In comparison, the ongoing threads and announcements seem to be also getting a demotion. Let's aspire to always illuminate one another with "golden" information.

People like you are the same people waiting on the corner for me to fail, so I will tell you this: I wish your kind, the jealous and the spiteful will not judge me harshly if I ever get into this condition; which I will not get unless I am assasinated or dead.

But you likely will because exactly this is the level and tier you can't play in and you can't understand, therefore, casting communist judgement on me and trying to pretend everyone did that will make you sleep better at night, so I digress.

Sorry kid that's the level this game is being played at right now. Gotta show up at least twice per week for the people in JoS if you want a badge of any sorts.

Yes you'll have to actually show up for your existence and you have to be like a mayor FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE JOS AND FOR THEIR SAKE and show twice per week or something to just even say something of merit or help anyone, imagine the punishment, the Cobra Dictatorship is in and active, Oy vey, 6,000,000 lampshades, no more bullshit about Azazels when you don't do the optimal things.

Gone are the times of empty claims and fucking nonsense, sorry.

Sorry guys that's the game now. So bad and sad. So real.

Osiris Silvio said:
Whether this reply is accepted or not, the feedback is given. There is a line between healthy censorship that limits misinformation and egoistic suppression.

My ego will stand in the way: you will not violate Satan and Azazel by saying things that you are supremely advanced while giving everyone in the community a fat finger. Learn to live with this "ego", my friend. The games of dogshit are over.

Osiris Silvio said:
On the other hand, my experience with JoS, Ancient Forums, and the clergy has been amazing. I can't be more thankful to everyone in here, members and clergy. This is a respectable feedback and I hope it will be well received.

Thank you to every High Priest and Priestess in Joy of Satan. You have been my Gurus, especially High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Thank you High Priestess Shannon for having been a loyal and informative part of the clergy for so long.

On this, it is absolutely correct. But if you knew HPS Maxine on the personal you wouldn't write any of that shit, I tell you that much. There were days when we delayed moderation, and the Gods were pissed - same as her.

Anything else than what she had a standards for herself and for me is unacceptable for Clergy.

That's final.

I'm not going to say much. No I'm not jealous of you in any way 😂. I'm not hoping that you fail at all as you say. It's the complete opposite. Your success is also my success because we are in this together. I have personally experienced the power of unity. I do not agree with the sort of "communist" equality at all and I didn't mean to sound that way

By all means, I apologize if I sounded disrespectful. My thanks also extend to your continuous efforts High Priest.

I should
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
On the other hand, my experience with JoS, Ancient Forums, and the clergy has been amazing. I can't be more thankful to everyone in here, members and clergy. This is a respectable feedback and I hope it will be well received.

Thank you to every High Priest and Priestess in Joy of Satan. You have been my Gurus, especially High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Thank you High Priestess Shannon for having been a loyal and informative part of the clergy for so long.

On this, it is absolutely correct. But if you knew HPS Maxine on the personal you wouldn't write any of that shit, I tell you that much. There were days when we delayed moderation, and the Gods were pissed - same as her.

Anything else than what she had a standards for herself and for me is unacceptable for Clergy.

That's final.

I'm not going to say much. No I'm not jealous of you in any way 😂. I'm not hoping that you fail at all as you say. It's the complete opposite. Your success is also my success because we are in this together. I have personally experienced the power of unity. I do not agree with the sort of "communist" equality at all and I didn't mean to sound that way

By all means, I apologize if I sounded disrespectful. My thanks also extend to your continuous efforts High Priest.

I should
As I saw it, the situation was already uncomfortable when the Guardians were appointed. But when the Guardians were much more active, it was embarrassing.
Then the countdown has already started.
I expected this earlier. But it seems the situation has now become opportune.
Dahaarkan said:

Brother, I know it's immensely frustrating to be in your position. Especially feeling like your own are turning against you when you are trying to make things better. I don't know how you've made it this far.

For what it's worth, I understand you and I'm behind you, always. Those of us who matter understand how much you've done and given, no matter how many confused individuals and kikes try to tear you down, we've got your back.

I apologize if I gave that impression. You cannot equate me with those accounts because I am absolutely dedicated to Satan and our cause. Mistakes happen.

That is really disrespectful to the person who is working the hardest, right now, to keep everything together. This was more than fair as it seems there were many chances before it led to this situation, even Shannon acknowledged this, why can't you?

Do you really think like HP Hooded Cobra would need something like this to validate his ego? Do you think he enjoys having to be forced by circumstances to do something like this?

Sure our Army is only metaphorical, but the same kind of discipline should be applied, as it would in the military. You can't hold your rank just by sitting there. You have to prove you're worthy of it. Every day. Otherwise, you get demoted. Like with anything meaningful in life, you have to prove your worth, or you lose it. This is as simple as that. Reaching the title of "High Priest" or any other, is not the end of the line. Quite the contrary.

So when you say these things to the one man who is working the hardest to uplift humanity and bring us closer to the Gods, this is really disrespectful, and you should apologize and do some meditation on the subject to understand where you were wrong in your assessment.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests. That's childish. There are better things to announce than making so much useless noise because a High Priestess could not be as active lately. It is disrespectful to her lasting efforts and loyalty. And of course, there are more respectful ways to demote, perhaps silently.

Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness.

Sorry, this is impossible to stay silent when reading such slander and lies.

First and foremost, even if total newbies here are deeply pleased with the truth and balance, how advanced people could not enjoy this? This topic is a balsam on everyone's else' ego except HPHC's because we all dream about powerful Clergy and Leaders and this is a balsam on our desires and requests (including that of the demoted one) and HPHC is the only one who suffers the unendurable position of being the manful back we are all behind. So basically this is the balsam on all of us except him. He is the one who jumps in water from Tatanic while we are sitting in boats. Probably some of his JG jumps in the water too.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You should be asking these people instead of deifying them, what their "problems" have really been. It wasn't health, it wasn't financial, it wasn't a lot of other problems. That is called carelessness.

HPs Maxine had all kind of problems from homelessness to life danger still was in forum all the time, same as you did. I pleaded Gods for mercy and they gave mercy, they DO give mercy when really needed, sometimes I just needed to force myself to stand up and open the computer just to find out that 99% of job was done to the extent that the next step would have been clicking on keyboard for me. Funny story but it is reality. Life of dedicated SS is shock full of miracles. When we press ourselves and force to do the non-endurable for Gods they just place it in our hands. When something is just poured on a person by pure accident totally beyond their capacity and Gods know it they just literally do the job for the person. This is exact as in stories of elves doing things for people, no less.

As for so called "mental" or other non-existent problems, well, these may be tests: if people are that snowflaky that they literally can't void meditate for the time needed to switch the computer, then ok... I can tell that here again are awaiting Godly gifts: moderating and answering questions can in itself be a void from the life problems. Some questions are interesting and scientific. In Russian forum I enjoyed answering most high scientific question and discussions and this acted like a gift.

Gifts are everywhere, those careless do not understand a thing.

Osiris Silvio said:
As for posting two threads within 24 hours, quantity is nothing in comparison with quality. What's the value of writing a lot of articles if they lack valuable information that help the community to advance? It's best to write posts based on the cream of one's studying and discoveries as was the case in the past.

Brain-crippled idiots think that these sermons are not valuable for newbies just because they do not say "put your energy here, put your chakras there, feel your breath here etc." "how to get this and that". JoS is not about getting things just using some special methods. JoS is about becoming a valuable thing yourself. These sermons are the most teaching and advancing because they explain the actual secret of advancement. And what will be with those who escapes this (and I don't mean demotion here, I mean life in delusions, which is way worse). MO is not done just by exercise it demands personality.

Osiris Silvio said:
The old threads were incredibly helpful and informative. In comparison, the ongoing threads and announcements seem to be also getting a demotion. Let's aspire to always illuminate one another with "golden" information.

No, Sir, THESE ARE ones. You all demanded for eternity "other steps of MO?", "where are other steps of MO?" Here they are if you do not see them already. You people got an answer on your eternal questions and are like "where is an answer" - in front of you.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People like you are the same people waiting on the corner for me to fail, so I will tell you this: I wish your kind, the jealous and the spiteful will not judge me harshly if I ever get into this condition; which I will not get unless I am assassinated or dead.

You will never be. You will be in another condition that they will say "Ok where is he? He demoted people for not posting now himself never posts. Where is he?"

Answers above.
Patriot_666 said:
In war events if you leave your unit for no reason your people or whole unit shall die. For death to not come, you MUST keep your position. For the unit...

Youre just too faggot to understand.

Praise Cobra for his common sense

Osiris Silvio said:
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests. That's childish. There are better things to announce than making so much useless noise because a High Priestess could not be as active lately. It is disrespectful to her lasting efforts and loyalty. And of course, there are more respectful ways to demote, perhaps silently.

Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness.

As for posting two threads within 24 hours, quantity is nothing in comparison with quality. What's the value of writing a lot of articles if they lack valuable information that help the community to advance? It's best to write posts based on the cream of one's studying and discoveries as was the case in the past. The old threads were incrediblly helpful and informative. In comparison, the ongoing threads and announcements seem to be also getting a demotion. Let's aspire to always illuminate one another with "golden" information.

Whether this reply is accepted or not, the feedback is given. There is a line between healthy censorship that limits misinformation and egoistic suppression.

On the other hand, my experience with JoS, Ancient Forums, and the clergy has been amazing. I can't be more thankful to everyone in here, members and clergy. This is a respectable feedback and I hope it will be well received.

Thank you to every High Priest and Priestess in Joy of Satan. You have been my Gurus, especially High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Thank you High Priestess Shannon for having been a loyal and informative part of the clergy for so long.

How many fake accounts do you have? You are the worse troll. I must say.
Osiris Silvio said:
I apologize if I gave that impression. You cannot equate me with those accounts because I am absolutely dedicated to Satan and our cause. Mistakes happen.

I can and I do. Because regardless of your intentions, your posts just serve the same effect that the rest of the kike accounts do, which is attempting to undermine HC and turn SS against him.

I do not have an issue with criticizing HC's way of managing things, I've done it many times, but claiming that he is making changes in clergy administration only in service to his ego is not only slander but a serious accusation. And you are making such accusations without any concrete reasoning or proof, other than you feeling upset and offended on Shannon's behalf, who herself understands the situation and reasoning for this to have happened.

All this is, is you like all the other kike accounts have detected something that can be used to create fear, confusion and division, and you are cashing in on that opportunity with empty accusations, hatred and slander against HC, as is typical of kike accounts. If you aren't a kike, that's even worse because a gentile trying to undermine JoS is one of the saddest and most cringy things one can do.

It shows respect and integrity to have the balls to publicly explain to the community the hows and whys of such a decision. Doing this silently and keeping everyone in the dark would only serve for questions and doubts to be raised.

HC is essentially alone in the matter of keeping JoS up and running. Since none of the other HPs who were supposed to be working with him didn't give enough of a fuck to help keep JoS alive. So maybe just maybe he's not reading hundreds of books and uncovering knowledge to spoon feed it to us because his team abandoned him and now everything is on his shoulders and he no longer has the time.

I'm not denying Shannon for example has made very high quality, informative posts in the past. But if not for HC's work, none of this stuff would even be on the internet anymore and JoS would have gone offline while we wait 10 years for the other HP's to finally feel like they give a fuck and try to bring JoS back online.

How about instead of sitting in your arm chair professing disappointment in HC for not spoon feeding you all the occult knowledge that exists, you instead go searching for that knowledge yourself, and report your findings to the group so we may all learn from each other together.

Or just sit there complaining that nobody spoon feeds you knowledge. And since you believe HC is failing when it comes to providing knowledge, it's only fair that I consider your own contributions, no?

Such as on March 22nd, 2022 when you professed you possessed useful knowledge regarding protection against psychic vampirism, to which I specifically requested for you to post your knowledge and experience to potentially grow out understanding of the matter, and all we got was silence since you couldn't be fucked to elaborate on something that could help your brothers.

Which confirms you are either a bullshit artist and know nothing at all, or refuse to share knowledge with the rest of the group either from laziness or malice. So you of all people, have no ground to stand on to accuse HC of being incompetent or making non insightful posts.

HC's changes to clergy protocols personally offend you because you are exactly the type of person that this is aimed at. The kind of person who is mostly absent, doesn't give a fuck, doesn't elaborate or illuminate anything but still expects to be revered as a super high value individual.

This has nothing to do with HC being HP, by the way. I will answer and debunk any slander or false accusations and hypocrisy against any of my brothers and sisters as I have done and continue to do. I don't give a fuck if he is a HP or not, you are slandering one of my brothers and attempting to sow division and turn us against him.

You are full of shit, and this is not a concern but simply a situation where you detected something that can be used and exaggerated to cause disunity and discord.
Osiris Silvio said:
In my humble opinion, this thread serves to validate HPHC's ego. This sort of self-validation sows discord among the clergy. You can't really boast how you are so better than the other priests.
There is no more "clergy", this is the whole point of the post. All high priests dissapeared for years. HP Cobra has been the only clergy/priest active in all this time and worked for JoS relentlessly day by day, while all the other priests and priestesses had no contribution whatsoever in the forums or even off the forums. There is no way this can an "ego validation". The reaction HP Cobra has towards those who were supposed to be the leaders of JoS is very justified, is difficult to understand what led you to this conclusion.

Patriot_666 said:
In war events if you leave your unit for no reason your people or whole unit shall die. For death to not come, you MUST keep your position. For the unit...

Youre just too faggot to understand.
We must get rid completely of any such insults and appelatives irrespective of the context, of how justified they are or how in wrong the interlocutor is. This is what creates a hostile and toxic environment especially for newer people.
Dahaarkan said:
Osiris Silvio said:
I apologize if I gave that impression. You cannot equate me with those accounts because I am absolutely dedicated to Satan and our cause. Mistakes happen.

I can and I do. Because regardless of your intentions, your posts just serve the same effect that the rest of the kike accounts do, which is attempting to undermine HC and turn SS against him.

I do not have an issue with criticizing HC's way of managing things, I've done it many times, but claiming that he is making changes in clergy administration only in service to his ego is not only slander but a serious accusation. And you are making such accusations without any concrete reasoning or proof, other than you feeling upset and offended on Shannon's behalf, who herself understands the situation and reasoning for this to have happened.

All this is, is you like all the other kike accounts have detected something that can be used to create fear, confusion and division, and you are cashing in on that opportunity with empty accusations, hatred and slander against HC, as is typical of kike accounts. If you aren't a kike, that's even worse because a gentile trying to undermine JoS is one of the saddest and most cringy things one can do.

It shows respect and integrity to have the balls to publicly explain to the community the hows and whys of such a decision. Doing this silently and keeping everyone in the dark would only serve for questions and doubts to be raised.

HC is essentially alone in the matter of keeping JoS up and running. Since none of the other HPs who were supposed to be working with him didn't give enough of a fuck to help keep JoS alive. So maybe just maybe he's not reading hundreds of books and uncovering knowledge to spoon feed it to us because his team abandoned him and now everything is on his shoulders and he no longer has the time.

I'm not denying Shannon for example has made very high quality, informative posts in the past. But if not for HC's work, none of this stuff would even be on the internet anymore and JoS would have gone offline while we wait 10 years for the other HP's to finally feel like they give a fuck and try to bring JoS back online.

How about instead of sitting in your arm chair professing disappointment in HC for not spoon feeding you all the occult knowledge that exists, you instead go searching for that knowledge yourself, and report your findings to the group so we may all learn from each other together.

Or just sit there complaining that nobody spoon feeds you knowledge. And since you believe HC is failing when it comes to providing knowledge, it's only fair that I consider your own contributions, no?

Such as on March 22nd, 2022 when you professed you possessed useful knowledge regarding protection against psychic vampirism, to which I specifically requested for you to post your knowledge and experience to potentially grow out understanding of the matter, and all we got was silence since you couldn't be fucked to elaborate on something that could help your brothers.

Which confirms you are either a bullshit artist and know nothing at all, or refuse to share knowledge with the rest of the group either from laziness or malice. So you of all people, have no ground to stand on to accuse HC of being incompetent or making non insightful posts.

HC's changes to clergy protocols personally offend you because you are exactly the type of person that this is aimed at. The kind of person who is mostly absent, doesn't give a fuck, doesn't elaborate or illuminate anything but still expects to be revered as a super high value individual.

This has nothing to do with HC being HP, by the way. I will answer and debunk any slander or false accusations and hypocrisy against any of my brothers and sisters as I have done and continue to do. I don't give a fuck if he is a HP or not, you are slandering one of my brothers and attempting to sow division and turn us against him.

You are full of shit, and this is not a concern but simply a situation where you detected something that can be used and exaggerated to cause disunity and discord.

Listen you dumbass, I can't even remember you ever asking me anything about psychic vampirism. You are nothing more than a bag of filth. You could have reminded me to give you any useful information about that instead of seething and grudging like a child. What a Clown
Osiris Silvio said:

Listen you dumbass, I can't even remember you ever asking me anything about psychic vampirism. You are nothing more than a bag of filth. You could have reminded me to give you any useful information about that instead of seething and grudging like a child. What a Clown
- When you want to prove to us that you are a child.

Osiris Silvio said:
"Spiritually advanced people are delicate. Their speech is resonant with noble consciousness."
- When he wants to write some bullshit to start nonsense on someone.

You need to start learning to grow up and use a pin to blow up the balloon of a head that you have at this point, to eventually move further on the spiritual development.
Osiris Silvio said:
Dahaarkan said:
Osiris Silvio said:
I apologize if I gave that impression. You cannot equate me with those accounts because I am absolutely dedicated to Satan and our cause. Mistakes happen.

Listen you dumbass, I can't even remember you ever asking me anything about psychic vampirism. You are nothing more than a bag of filth. You could have reminded me to give you any useful information about that instead of seething and grudging like a child. What a Clown

Osiris what is all this?? You have misunderstood things. There has been no hurtful intent or anything to do with "ego" when demoting Shannon. There will always be a chance for here to climb back up and I for one feel positive for her. Sometimes mistakes and life happens. But one must not neglect duties. For this there can be demerits and this is life. The things you have said about this are uncalled for, as well as this pointless fighting and fighting with your SS bretheren. If your kundalini was actually raised you would not see the need for such petty ego clashes for the sake of saving face or fighting to be right for the sake of it. You must move past these delusions. You might have some dross working its way out as a result of a working or even a transit, you must clean. But this pointless spite is for naught. Son of Canaan you know better. Stop this pointless bickering at once.
Osiris Silvio said:
Listen you dumbass, I can't even remember you ever asking me anything about psychic vampirism. You are nothing more than a bag of filth. You could have reminded me to give you any useful information about that instead of seething and grudging like a child. What a Clown

I will not mock you any further, I sincerely feel bad for you, and the pit of delusions you find yourself in of which you will never climb out of.

You cannot give me useful information on anything because you do not have any useful information on anything, all you have is empty boasts and claims that you are knowledgeable and advanced, and yet you can do nothing to prove these.

You could easily prove your level of advancement and knowledge by simply posting worthwhile, informative and educational content that would serve as undeniable evidence that you are in fact advanced and knowledgeable. Instead you just rage when people question your claims, and have absolutely nothing to back up or prove them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
