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Demotion Of Clergy - New Rules

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


First of all I have been given permission to speak here, no one freak out. Also I want to say my allegiance is with the Joy of Satan, Maxine and Cobra no matter what. I am not involved with Don and Zola and havent been for years. I've come to speak about High Priest Micama Gmicalazoma.

This was a personal friend of mine for years before he was made clergy. This man, built the previous forum, the website truth of Satan, and was the only with, Maxine and Cobra that constantly worked together as a team and accomplished much. This man was strong, physically this was no wimp. He taught me how to meditate and got me started.

This was my best friend in the entire world. Unfortunately he had an accident back in 2014. I know I have treated many of you badly, and there's no excuse. But I went from a happy go lucky guy that made everyone laugh to a very cold and aggressive person. I just didn't know how to deal with the pain and trying to continue on alone with the JOS.

Every year we held a memorial for him, and gave words about him and exchanged pictures, we still do this to this day. This man was on a very high level, he was incredibly gifted spiritually. Thank the Gods we still have Cobra here fighting every day. Micama has been reincarnated and will live a much better life because of the work that we have all done! Never forget this! Never lose hope. The Final RTR will be the saving grace of all of us.

On this day I ask that we all give a moment of our time to give thanks and Hail to this great man and the work and sacrifice that he gave without complaint.

Hail Micama!
Hail Satanas!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This makes me doubt what she said in all of these years... was Shannon honest? Or was she another infiltrator? This is what I don't understand. And if she was just lazy then I can't still belive how much advanced she said she was or how close to the Gods she is.

No, she has been totally legitimate. Please don't take this too far. This is a situation of where one might have not been able to perform on their duties.

The issues around this SPECIFIC thing have been explained.

Additionally, this might change in the future. But one will have to work anew to regain a title and so on.

Shannon has been except of legitimate as a person, a very good person and that is known to everyone. I will not entertain personal slander against her, and no, she has never been in anyway bad as an individual.

On the advancement thing, people have to understand, one cannot be THAT close to the Gods and not do specific tasks. That is NOT how that works. Past that everything is about their personal stuff which is in the "whatever" territory.

This can come from misplaced understanding, or taking things a bit too far. That is not necessarily in ill intent. In fact, when it comes to legitimate people, it rarely is.

Not everyone who might fall into an error or make a series of wrongs is an "infiltrator". Infiltration is doing this with ill intent and bad motives. Shannon's motives were never bad as far as I know and others know too.

I won't comment on the statements of "being too much up there", because anyone with a regular intelligence understands that anyone like this wouldn't do things like that. You cannot state you are Olympics level but you can't get up the stairs. That is part of common sense. Anything else besides that is bullshit.

Please use great judgement.

Thank you for saying this. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. If I had seen an overall condemnation of her then I would have put my voice against it. I am very relieved to have it confirmed that this has nothing to do with her character, and only her absence. I would never go along with condemning someone innocent and treating them like trash if things had gone that way, and I would hope others feel the same.
SapphireDragon said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Those riddles were meant to make you and the others who wished to do it, to understand my abilities and powers, magical and physical.

Yet... I see no one wished to do so.

Get off your high horse, I don't give a shit if you are an infiltrator, a kike, or just a dumb kid who thinks he is some kind of God without even putting in any effort to be so. You aren't all that. Stop trying to seem or act more important than you are because you aren't going to gain any respect acting like a fool.

Either stop playing silly, immature "mind games" with people and whip some sense into your thick head right now and realize the gravity and importance of this situation, and spiritual Satanism. Or Sit down, close your mouth and stop trying to instigate. You think this is a game or some fun thing? messing with people, This isn't a circus and you aren't a ring master, you're a clown at best. and the only circus is the one you parade around by saying dumb and useless things like that.

You must grow up, work on yourself, if you are a gentile at all then you must realize how important this is to be mature, and to be serious about this situation. Do you think Satan would appreciate childish games in his palace? amongst any of his warriors? Take this seriously and be warned Father Satan and the Gods will not tolerate that kind of behavior.

I will not point my finger and say you are a kike, If you are, the Gods will deal with your shenanigans before long. And that is no concern of mine. It's on you. but I do know you are trolling and no one respects or cares a damn what a troll has to say.

To be taken seriously you must be serious. NO more games, Learn to think before you speak, Learn better manners and behavior. And stop talking shit, because that is helping no one. especially not you.

I am not playing any mind games or something.

I just said that if someone wanted to guess what my powers are and how I can use them very well, he or she was welcomed to do so.

Yet no one wished to do so and that is only on their mental accountability, nothing else.

Furthermore, I am not playing any silly games and I am not a retarded kid, an infiltrator or a kike and, contrary to your supposition, I am more than spiritually developed than you.

I am using both powers of darkness and light in a very good and applicable manner and I also saw that without your help, without the community's help, I mean, I am more better on my own.

Very shameful... you could have been the one to decipher a lot of information and win a lot of money by it, yet... you refused to take both of the offers and said some things like this.

Do not call me a kike as, again, as I told Shadowcat about it, I am Hispanic and half-latino, so I am no kike and I do not look like one.

It is in the Gods' and Satan's interest that you, Shadowcat and others control your behavior and stop pointing out that everyone who basically disagrees with you it's a kike, a shill, a Jew or something like this.

Do you clearly know how many Jews live in the U.S. and in Brazil and you do not even know they exist around you, or that you have them in your family?

Why are you focusing your attention to me as I am not a Jew, nor a dumb kid.

I evolve and work spiritually with Father and his Demons and the Gods.

Also, as a side-note, maybe you want to check my other topics where I have replied to HP Hooded Cobra and told him that there are a lot of doubts.

I even replied to NakedPluto and Shadowcat but in a very civilized manner.

Have I swore at her or at NakedPluto (NP)? No

Have I said things that were meant to threaten SC (ShadowCat) or NP? No

Have I harassed them in any way? No

So... please... just learn and read everything before jumping to conclusions and writing.

I am not a troll, other people are such as Abyssos who is pushing incel values and blackpill ideals.

What about him? :lol:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=414836 time=1674230161 user_id=57]
People need to work for their titles and earn the respect from others. It wasn't fair that a person had a high ranking title yet did next to nothing for the JoS for years. The JoS is about being fair, those who work hard get the recognition deserved.

Clergy = public servant. HP Cobra is a true clergy member, as he literally slaves away answering posts, answering private emails, making sermons, making the RTR rituals, making the God rituals, and who knows what else, endlessly. As he wrote, never being more than 24-36 hours away from the JoS. That's astounding.

totally true, even when he is 200% busy, he always find time for joy of Satan and his brothers, for me HP HC is more than a HP, is like my big brother and I will always admire and respect him and I will always try to give as much as he does to joy of Satan, but in my way

Thank you Big Brother Cobra for your hard work!

Bravera said:
We were told a few years ago, the Gods would literally arrive in ~20 Years. In all their Divine Glory, Dignified and Honorable, Leaders of Entire Legions of Daemons, Masters of the Universe. They do have Order and Discipline, Titles and Responsibilities, For hundreds and hundredthousands of years they have led their own Families and Communities into Godlike proportions. Whatever I can imagine of their percieved glory is likely only 1% of the reality.

We were also told, those who do not do Warfare for Satan, are of no Value to him(I am unsure exactly how this was said its been many many years)

Our Ancestors were Kings and Queens, Aristocrats and Nobles, Knights and Ladies, ascended beings ordained by the Gods to be High Priests and Leaders of this Planet.

How often we glorify those soldiers who stand on the Frontline, who give life and limb, they crawl in the mud while ceaseless artillery and destruction is cast upon them.

Those who hide and run during wartime are rightfully so, demoted or executed, when the entire of Humanity, Civilization necessitates action in order to achieve Victory. A lack of action is an Act of Treason against Humanity.

I know when the Gods arrive, when they come to my community and I show up to see them or they come directly to my Home. How will they address me by Name and grant me privileges to join their ranks. My family and community, they will understand immediately why this is so, because I never ceased to advance my community towards Godlike proportions.

I build a resume to the God's, that I may work directly under their command to bring Spiritual Satanism and Divine Natural Order back into this planet.

I Highly doubt the Gods will arrive in, what now? 15 years from now?

And if, this is in a different sense that most of you here believe.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This makes me doubt what she said in all of these years... was Shannon honest? Or was she another infiltrator? This is what I don't understand. And if she was just lazy then I can't still belive how much advanced she said she was or how close to the Gods she is.

Infiltrators would abuse the position they have in, and besides that, we have HPHC, he would have purged any wrong knowledge.

What you need to understand is, that NOT EVERYONE in cut to be a HighPriest of Satan. We have many advanced people on the forums rn, and legit, there is NO ONE besides Cobra who would be a good fit to be a HP.
You need the right character.

I can understand that many are above me, and that I could learn much from them, but still, nobody besides Cobra is cut to be a HP for now. At least in my opinion.

Besides many try to "play" that they are cut to be HP, SlyScorpion was one of few examples.

So no, Shannon IS NOT an infiltrator. If she were one Cobra would have kicked her out, she just lost her HPS status.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I agree 100%

I am assuming this post was inspired by the fact that Shannon tried to post in the announcements.

Oyyy veyy you're on to something there, make sure you sniff that glue again before replying
Perhaps you can follow up this post up with some things you would like to see out of an aspiring high preist or an ambitious individual.

Like as the JOS is currently I can't really do much other then spiritual warfare and regular monetary contributions I'm not very tech savvy so I can't make your cyber security better or make cool interactive pages like the FRTR page how you can draw on it etc.

My skills are more useful for sabotage or guriella warfare I also try to spread JOS propaganda using pamphlets or flyers from time to time not constantly so I'm harder to track down but every now and again I'll just paper bomb an area so people atleast hear about us.

I'm a very ambitious individual and I have made a lot of big positive leaps in my personal life recently I have been looking at getting out of construction and getting into the fitness industry I want to become a personal trainer and nutritionist.

My personality type would suggest that this would be a fulfilling role for me as I really enjoy helping others it can make you a lot of money and you can stay really fit on top of all of that I'm my own boss so I can choose how much I work and when if I go balls to walls with it you can even be a fitness youtuber and get a following happening so I can step into the role of life coach and I can advertise the Hellenic Greek religion and such as my spiritual path and conveniently guide others down this path become a positive male role model to other males try and setup youth programs like scouts at schools and such again all leaning towards the old ways this has become my new game plan.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Where is Mageson?

Most probably a local synagogue with other infiltrators, not sure. I mean, why not? Oy vey.

he betrayed JOS, didn't they kill him??

and i am impressed by literally only having you active as high priest, and your post that i did not find talking about (((them))) and certain information that knew too much, if the worst happens, what about JOS?

there is no division of pillars at the height of sustaining content and power like you…

it clouds my mind
Well said Brother, this needed to be done and very motivating speech as well. I have been using the excuse of trying to make money for our cause as the reason why I have not been posting as much. I shall continue with making posts and being more active on here. there are no excuses, we all must strive to be better.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I agree 100%

I am assuming this post was inspired by the fact that Shannon tried to post in the announcements.

I suspect this might be the case. I tried viewing the announcement but it said "topic does not exists"
Dindu Muffin said:
This wouldn't have been a problem if you enlisted people who were actually qualified for those position. It was immediately obvious shannon wasn't even kundalini ascended. The standards one has to meet to become part of the jos clergy is questionable, considering that so many have been removed over time for "betraying" and inactivity. It seems illogical to consider that position legitimate, other than perhaps the rare occasion of maxine and cobra. It's embarrassing, that's just the truth on the matter.

One has to take this into consideration regarding whether the gods actually have been mistakenly granting these titles, or if this is the fault of the clergy itself.

Look here you crusty troll with only one post to your account, obviously you are some other troll account trying to cause some crap, our Hp made this most even though it was most likely not something he wanted to have to do, He did it because it had to be done. That is what leaders do. and no one is here trying to Slander Shannon. No one here is joyful over this situation or trying to disrespect her or shame her. I am sure if she works hard at it again, she can get the title one day if it's something she wants to do. If not that is ok. But that is her business and this should be no concern of yours, and none of your business to point your finger and accuse other people of what they did and did not do. The blame game does not work here.

This isn't the same Jos as it once was, it is now a different animal going towards a better direction requiring more hard work and dedication from those who care and want to help expand upon it. The criteria is higher now to make sure those at the top not only are those who have maintained it, and earned it, but are those who will keep it alive as we make our way into the future, and those who will be there through all that the future has in store for us, good and bad. We need strong people who are always present, and always working round the clock to keep everything going. That is how any army acts or operates. No one literally cares about stupid troll accounts that try to cast doubts, shame, slander, or point fingers. It's the oldest jew trick in the book and basically it is stale, like you, doodoo muffin. :lol:
Personally, I would advise people against lumping Shannon in with things like Mageson. Whatever the reason ended up being, laziness, lack of time, motivation, on the whole, I do not think Shannon was "bad". Purifying what it means to be Clergy is a necessary step, however. Someone already used the Temple analogy and it stands perfectly true. Given the track record of her presence, no, remaining HP was not really something in the cards, I wouldn't think. But from my understanding, she did a lot of decent work for the black community here over the years, and that body of work will remain and be picked up on and continued further. I certainly don't regret defending her, when someone idly dropped a racial slur in her direction. I even had a decent conversation or two with her over the years, regarding things we had mutually learned about Ancient African theology. Really, all the best to her, and I hope whatever's affecting her sense of priorities lift in time. I maintain spurious belief in some of her claims, as development implied would probably come bundled with a certain sense of greater obligation towards the movement, but that's just me. Belief can be a powerful thing, when it comes to experiences.

I won't condone the spottiness of her efforts, but people don't always need to race and assume the worst. There's a certain vulture effect when someone steps away that a lot of people come out of the woodwork simply to kick their hypothetical corpse. It was funny with Mageson, as he had a history of barely being able to spell literately, but there have been HPs who have variously been resigned to a lack of effort but not a corruption of views and agenda, or simply because they've found other priorities in their life and have chosen to step away. Not everybody was an infiltrator, but it remains that being Clergy should truly mean something and carry the implication of service, and is best represented by Cobra and Maxine's actions over the years.

NinRick said:
I Highly doubt the Gods will arrive in, what now? 15 years from now?

And if, this is in a different sense that most of you here believe.

Maxine stated this, I think about a year or two before the eventual passage from her visible presence here. Given her development, she wouldn't have said such a thing fleetingly, knowing how people perceive it. This being said, you're probably correct, of course. I'm not going to sit and make presumptions, but the Gods' building presence here, on this Earth, will manifest in greater and greater ways as we build to the further extents of our work as a movement. There's much even a moderately developed Satanist will not truly understand about the nature of mechanics and what precisely is going on. The date Maxine has meaning in relation to the Gods' and our efforts. The exact nature of the statement however, will be understood as we arrive closer, that I have no doubt. Not everything has to be spaceships and lasers. That being said, the intent and dedication of Bravera's words are still respectable indeed.
I HIGHLY agree! I believe this is the way it should be here. A lot of people look at this website like it's some kind of a yacht club..or some Facebook chat page. And treat it like it is in a lot of ways and don't take a lot of the content very seriously.
And get on here to play around.
I didn't get on here to play around, And I certainly didn't get on here for nothing! I got on to this website because I wanted to learn about Satan and because I was curious to learn the truth about him! Not to mention the fact people told me to go check it out..that I would like it. And that it's right up my alley...
And it is where I am going to learn another more importantly!.... learning the truth about yourself? And the time and the energy you put into your work and your interest in learning about Satan Himself and things that you can learn to improve yourself as well! That I knew that there would be homework to do and things for me to study and read and wake up to and pay attention to. And I knew that this was not just some ordinary Facebook website of some kind or some mindless chat group on Facebook messenger! I knew that from looking at the content and from what I was reading when I first got on I knew that this website was pretty serious! And that it was run by professional people who know what they're doing and what they're getting into. And from reading a lot of the content especially the exposure of Christianity it made sense! For I was looking for answers and I was looking for the truth! And I was looking for higher education and a chance to sit down and learn something! And I enjoy what I read and I enjoy studying on here and taking the time to learn how to do planetary squares and learn astrology and taking the time to read and learn to do things properly! And I am very proud and honored to be here! And I am certainly not somebody who just decides to jump on here once in a blue moon or once or twice a year!....lol... I am not a wishy-washy School kid! And I'm not afraid of responsibility and I'm certainly not afraid of taking the time to look things up and figure things out! And I'm certainly not afraid of asking for help when it is necessary. I read the content as often as I can and there's nothing wrong with getting on here and doing rereading looking things up and doing research with all of the books and everything on here HPS Maxine Detrich and Brother HP HoodedCobra666 shares. I read and value everything they post.. every sermon! And every lesson that is entitled for us to learn taking the time and taking advantage..of your mind and skills.. to be something more than just an average everyday Joe Mondrian or some loser looking to start some kind of attention or some kind of thrill causing problems with others. And I do look up to those people who are more advanced and who have taken the time to study and read it and become the better person! For they have chosen to be who they are and what they are and not to mention the fact these people taking the time to study and read and look things up and to provide us with the information that we want and need and taking the time to teach each and every one of us the things that we need to know and things that they have learned and valued and everything that they value they want us to learn and to know about and to teach us and to take the time to work things out between each and every one of us as a team and A community! I don't know what I would do without this website. And where would I be without these individuals? Who take the time to share their sermons and to look up the information that we need to read of and to know about preparing us for the now and for the future! To become a better person and become something more than just human..But to take the time to better yourself by learning the truth and taking the time to enjoy yourself and doing so! I look at this website like it is a school to me and every time I log on I feel like I'm in a classroom and looking at the content that is written all over the website I look at it all like it is my textbook and a bit like my family photo album as well! That this website is home away from home! And it is the type of school that I have been searching for and looking all over for ever since I was a teenager! And the things that I have read on here was certainly not the crap I've seen on TV or on some kind of a radio station? And not to mention the fact a lot of the things that I have read on here was certainly not written in textbooks and books that I grew up with as a child! And a lot of the things that are taught on here people don't teach their children much at home! Especially in this day and age maybe few things here and there and some people's households back in the days depending on the parents and their background! Were kids had to go look things up on their own and do their own research and to come home and to talk about it with Mom and Dad at the table! And to be able to have the support and your choices! And get away with it.
And it pleases me to no end! Knowing that I can get on here and take my time to learn! At a gentle pace and still get other things done! And work it around my schedule and taking the time to do things right and making it so that I could get joy and pleasure out of it and learn along the way! Along with going to work and taking care of my family.. and over coming a bad habits! Changing your perspective around and getting a different idea of the world and learning to look at the different challenges and the different possibilities the things that you can learn turning your mind around and discovering new things about yourself that you thought you never knew or had and things that I have never even heard of being able to sit down and read about it and talk about it with friends and family and sharing the knowledge that I've learned and the information that I gain as a student here and a spiritual Satanist. I am both Pleased and grateful to be here!!! HAIL SATAN ❤️ Thank you for sharing that HP HoodedCobra666 🙏 This is they the JOS should be!! And I agree with you 100% HAIL SATAN!!❣️
luis said:
This makes me doubt what she said in all of these years... was Shannon honest? Or was she another infiltrator? This is what I don't understand. And if she was just lazy then I can't still belive how much advanced she said she was or how close to the Gods she is.

Shannon was/is a good person and I wish her all the best in her life. It's just too bad that she placed other goals in front of her clergy duties.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I agree 100%

I am assuming this post was inspired by the fact that Shannon tried to post in the announcements.

Never slate the Clergy nor HPHC

People arent here by choice im sure they will still allow posts from them through. Chill out mate.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Shadowcat said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:

This smells fishy in my opinion!!!

In the meanwhile how was the session during being possessed by disgusting angel filth while talking in riddles in the other thread?

Your kind truly is useless, now scurry on back into your hole, rat.

If you had that much Bitcoin, would you sit so angry on a forum, got that much go enjoy it pal. Just dont badmouth the clergy.

Im not one for talkikng bad of past HP who have helped me I refrain from that why not you do the same.
Dindu Muffin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This wouldn't have been a problem if you enlisted people who were actually qualified for those position. It was immediately obvious shannon wasn't even kundalini ascended. The standards one has to meet to become part of the jos clergy is questionable, considering that so many have been removed over time for "betraying" and inactivity. It seems illogical to consider that position legitimate, other than perhaps the rare occasion of maxine and cobra. It's embarrassing, that's just the truth on the matter.

One has to take this into consideration regarding whether the gods actually have been mistakenly granting these titles, or if this is the fault of the clergy itself.

They are making accounts to slate Clergy, brilliant boost the numbers :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is fair and perfectly understandable.

Thank you for always being here for us and all the work you do. Honeslty, I don't know how you put up with this. But certain things have to be done and there should be some "consequences" if someone abandons their post. That's only fair. After all, why should some people work their ass off every day, while others are absent for whatever reason?
AshStarIshtar_88 said:

Where is HPS Maxine?


i.e. you are such a moron that if we assume a - fictional - imaginary - scenario and say maxine is now helping in raising the baby antichrist they would say it here by also giving information, identities, places, times and providing anything else you would need to know.

you are beyond retarded :lol: :lol: :lol:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I agree 100%

I am assuming this post was inspired by the fact that Shannon tried to post in the announcements.

I strongly believe in the high priest HoodedCobra because he continuously does a lot for JoS. Mine is not just "blind faith", it is seen that HP HoodedCobra works very hard to bring us rituals, sermons and support JoS. If he had bad intentions, it would show immediately, in fact JoS would also be affected. What I think people don't understand is that it's too superficial to blame someone (who doesn't even deserve it) only for superficial matters, a deduction should only be made after a deep analysis. Otherwise you are superficial. JoS evolves, we evolve, the world improves with us: this is the profound truth. Then the question of which High Priests are left or not is a trivial and superficial thing: you cannot make a deduction based on a reality that you do not fully know in fact.
If I may also add one more personal opinion, it's really bad to attack HoodedCobra after all he does...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I know SS who are "up there" in life and they have a life most cannot fathom when it comes to lack of time, and yet, they meditate and do their dues everyday to advance.

These positions of blessing and influence, where the Gods take care of you personally, imply that one has as the FIRST and HIGHEST priority to serve the people and the Gods, and to promote Satan's Agenda.

This hit hard because I want to work one day for Satan's office in the physical world and I realised I won't be able to do this if I don't fill His office spiritually.
SeguaceDiSatana said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:

Then the question of which High Priests are left or not is a trivial and superficial thing: you cannot make a deduction based on a reality that you do not fully know in fact.

If I may also add one more personal opinion, it's really bad to attack HoodedCobra after all he does...

The fact that one even bothers to answer is the problem in itself. The purely egoistical and proper answer would be this: Ask these negligent ones where they are yourself.

The cases where this was not the case are two, HP Micama and HPS Maxine. Both have been explained, to avoid confusion in the community.

As for the rest, they have had their e-mails and everything? So ask them? Why don't they simply tell everyone why?

How certain ones have been busy "chit chatting" with people but are too busy to write a post, for example?

Ask them, why do you not care and you don't even show up? What is going on?

Instead, everyone asks me why I didn't nanny people more, let alone further slander. The answers lie in the people who do this, not with me.

Therefore, why do I have to answer for them, and have to go in the war line for people that literally just throw responsibilities in my doorstep without doing the absolute least for me or JoS, or doing the community problems that have to do with the creation of voids and gaps?

They should all come to apologize to you, to the community, and to me. This takes decency and it's the proper thing to do.

The above would be a sensible approach. Yet certain people simply do NOT care enough.

I am always attacked and slandered and this will never really change, and that's because quite a few people have a completely different and wrong thought process which always highlights the stupid, the weak, the incompetent, and is rooted in the thinking processes ruling how people think today.

As one disregards however certain things either due to mistake or negligence, they definitely disregard that others will eventually have to do certain things to fill the gaps.

Of course, this always goes by completely unappreciated, as most people have the fetishes of worshipping the useless, giving excuses for the negligent, and always attacking those who do what is best.

I have always done the best to defend everyone's privacy and integrity yet people have to sometimes take responsibility for their actions. As this is not done eventually I have to do what I have to do.

And when I say the Truth I will be attacked as if people didn't even notice what was already in front of everyone. Imagine trying to make an argument that anything I said on the original topic isn't true. But I will be blamed for stating it.

Yet at the recurring and never ending cost of dealing with this nonsense, the other parties should be apologizing to the Gods and then to me, and not the other way around.

I have nothing further to address.
Aldric also spoke about about HP Micama, and this was not a situation I would like to delve into now of all times, but it is what it is.
This be last thread on this carry on, never slag or diss the Clergy. Straight ban.
I been a long time member of JoS. I quietly exist in the background. In 1998 I saw the inception of JoS, I also personally spoken with Maxine and 2002 I saw it copyrighted. A lot of legitimate members left due to some absurdities in the forums.i mean no disrespect to you Cobra but....

There are no "mediators" in Satanism then why would anyone be wanting to look at a high priest or clergy with marvel? It's one thing to respect someone who advanced. I noticed a lot of members here follow a clergy like some follower and can't think for themselves. in the sermon written by Maxine is "free thought."


Everyone knows free thought is the ability to think for one's self, but how many people actually apply this? Only when you can completely free your mind, will you be able to come into your own and know yourself. How to think, what to think, what to believe, what our likes, our dislikes, our concepts of right, wrong, good and evil are, are constantly being programmed by the media, peer pressure and those in power. Those in power can refer to the government, parents, family, educational institutions and textbooks, the system, the medical association and so forth. Many live their lives by the values of others and as a result, they never come to know themselves. People are TOLD what to think and believe.

The television is a good example. Canned laughter implies something is supposed to be funny and it's OK to laugh. Background music lets the viewer know when he/she should get scared or anticipate something. Emotional scenes lead some people to tears. Life is much like this. One is supposed to obtain some form of approval for any and every thought and/or action.

Take a look at the Christian Church. Everyone is repeatedly told this nefarious enemy of humanity is something "good." In spite of the continuous and blatantly obvious signs to the contrary, most people actually believe this to be true. The xian bible is called the "Good Book."
This "Good Book" is full of mass murder, slaughter, torture, gang rape, prostitution, cannibalism, infanticide, mutilation, blood sacrifice, curses, feces, hatred, and every ugly thing know to humanity. It has incited war, slavery, bloodshed and destroyed the lives and mental health of billions.

When we come to Satan, he opens the door to our spiritual cages and gives us a hand in getting out. The rest is up to us. He is always there for guidance and support, but above all, he wants us to be free. Satan, who is the True God, is the liberator of humanity.

Ask yourself; what do I think? How do I feel? NOT how *SHOULD* I think, or what would someone else think, or what does everyone else think. We are all individuals. We all have different preferences and tastes. Just because someone else likes or dislikes something, that doesn't mean you as an individual should feel the same way. Whenever presented with a dilemma or something new, ask yourself the above questions. Satanism is free thought in the extreme, yet, so few are able to actually think for themselves.

Now, of course, those in power are dead against free thought. Sheep are easily controlled. Personality tests are given to determine those who are a threat [think for themselves and don't conform]. Though unaware, how we should think is drummed into our heads from the time we are born. Very few people really know themselves, in spite of living with themselves 24/7. This is really sad.

It's not all that hard. Just remember to always and frequently ask yourself to start out with; do I think this is right or wrong for me? How do *I* feel about this? What is *my* opinion? There are no right or wrong answers here. Just get to know yourself. This may take time, but in the end, you will experience the bliss of being free.

Start completely deprogramming your mind today. All of us are programmed to greater or lesser degrees and most are not even aware of it.

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© Copyright 2002, 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

So this FREE THOUGHT should also be applied in every situation in life including Satanism otherwise it would be hypocritical. No matter what. clergy should be encouraging this but all I see are people who disagree getting banned or accused of being an infiltrator because they have a different opinion especially on personal and individual choices.

I will never want the position of a Clergy or the questionable "guardian" because people tend to put them on a pedestal and we are only human who make mistakes.


I am writing this sermon in reply to a letter posted to the Teens for Satan e-group concerning someone who was using Satanism and a feigned relationship with Satan to manipulate other people. The victims were young and unknowing.


All it takes is one person who has a little intelligence and manipulative ability than the average person. Manipulative ability can be obtained while doing prison time. The ex-con then gets out and looks for those who are young or vulnerable to prey on. He/she more than likely uses drugs, although less than his/her followers who he/she remains in control of and with what these individuals advocate, if they haven't already been to prison, they will more than likely wind up there. Drugs are part of the control. Charles Manson learned this in prison and applied it to his followers. He did lesser amounts of the drugs while his followers got stoned out of their minds. This was one way he manipulated them. Most are now spending the rest of their lives in prison.

Another letter was posted in the Teen group today. A girl is a virgin. She is comfortable with this. Her friend was wondering whether she would have to "lose her virginity in order to become a Satanist."

The point is- remember true Satanism is about being yourself and being free. No one is expected to do anything that they are uncomfortable with or anything that is not a part of their nature.
I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature
— Satan [from the Al Jilwah]

There are books written about magickal practice, I believe some by Aleister Crowley. These teachings instruct the readers that they must do certain things to break down barriers. This is utter bullshit and I equate it to walking out in front of a large truck in order to see what it feels like to get run over [if one survives]. I am adept. I have never had to resort to any of this misinformation and garbage. Neither should anyone else.

There are many different ways of empowering one's self and overcoming limitations, both physical and psychic, without having to resort to harmful actions. For example, advanced martial arts training gives one an enormous amount of power. This, when properly directed and applied can accomplish all kinds of feats. Most martial artists do not have the knowledge of how to apply this power outside of physical combat. We Satanists do.

People who use kids or claim to have an "in" with the Devil in order to manipulate others and feed off their energies are in reality very weak. The ONLY initiation one needs is between one's self and Satan. No "High Priest/ess" or anyone else should have any control or power over another person. Satanic clergy offer guidance and support- that is it. Members of the Satanic priesthood are gifted people who can act as mediums in imparting knowledge, but if you are ever in doubt, go to Satan yourself. If something doesn't feel right for you, then don't accept it.

Remember, as a Satanist, the only one with authority is Satan himself. We do not answer to any human beings.

I'm posting this because people are not reading the stuff on JoS and forgetting their place. And getting lost!
Believe me I expected to be the last person to say this but Maxine was talking about in the JoS groups and it's everything she written is applicable today in these forums. If you can not remember your own reasons for being here and the stuff you think the "Gods" want, and you expect people to agree with you and if they don't agree you allow members here to hound them and or even get attacked or get banned. It's one thing to remove someone for enemy propaganda on the forums but merely expressing an opinion or a mind of their own then out down for it is uncalled for.

I'm writing this to remind everyone why they are here, clergy or otherwise. And hopefully in the future people will wake up.

The other topic I came across "only God can judge me" is a questionable topic telling people who thinks for themselves in SS in this category is misapplied or of the enemy. Dude I'm sorry I can not accept that sermon. I'm surprised there aren't others questioning you Cobra, and it's not because the "gods" chose you or whatever. But those who aren't questioning clergy aren't thinking for themselves but they are the ones who follow orders and want to be in a "leader" good graces like a gang or cult member. I'm not accusing JoS being a cult or accusing you Cobra of anything but I am referring to those who follow you like a puppy dog but you are not encouraging members to think for themselves.

However I should note that my post may seem like an attack or I may get labeled kike or some absurd enemy infiltrator, those who are accused of being such for merely expressing an opinion... In my opinion are the true infiltrators, the ones pointing fingers. Tattle tells are for children. I honestly don't care what people will do to me in these forums.

Regardless Cobra I do wish you well and to other legitimate members. I will be quietly in the background. I rarely ever come here so whatever.

MY LOYALTY IS TO THE GODS, SATAN. With or without JoS or any damn clergy!
I just hope this does not result in unnecessary hostility towards anyone. To work directly under the gods is unimaginable pressure to certain people, perhaps even paralyzing to some and I can both relate and understand people being unable to follow through with the position and responsibility, in spite of having shown both the qualifications and skills required.

I am however strongly opposed to harsh condemnation of these people, especially coming from those who never held any form of responsibility or handled such pressure. I just do not understand why one does not resign upon realizing one is incapable of following through.

I suppose the reason is some sense of shame or fear of being met with hostility and hatred, but frankly I do not think such is fair. Because someone fails is not a reason to kick them while they are down, but rather to uplift and give them space to learn from their failure and mistakes, and grow as a person and as a Satanist.

The ape-like behavior of dog piling fellow Satanists after they slip up and kicking them while they are down is disgusting, let's all remember that going forward with these new protocols regarding demotions. There is no shame in stepping down from something when you realize you are unable to fill those shoes, in fact I would say that this displays strength of character.
Gods and "mistakenly" doesn't go in the same sentence.

Humans and fuckups, is what this world is based upon.

Not sure why these things need any "explanation".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gods and "mistakenly" doesn't go in the same sentence.

Humans and fuckups, is what this world is based upon.

Not sure why these things need any "explanation".

I was just curious, nothing is needed
That is only an expression of emotional nonsense and not a functional problem that exists here.

It takes in no consideration all the things done to bring you closer to the one you claim you seek and love who is Father Satan. It also takes the communist approach which says that "meh, whatever, it was deserved, blah blah, you deserve nothing because of this, it is to be taken for granted" and other confused nonsense.

Therefore this makes this an understanding of the situation that is not proper.

I understand why you see this that way and you aren't a "kike", but it commonly sounds like trolling because it's the same shit jews tell us all the time.

Everytime someone important or people who are of value show up, the American Cheeseburger brain is actually about "Free Thought", where the topic evidently describes the brutal circumstances of the enemy religions.

If after 20 or so CLAIMED years you have not understood the basics, and especially after you supposedly CLAIM you watch the progress, you will most likely be taken for an infiltrator.

I marvelled at HPS Maxine and you will not take my years old and elaborate thought process away on why it has been so.

That must be out of the goy mind league to understand, given Gentiles are TRAINED to never appreciate anything positive and always DEVALUE their own leaders, powerful personalities, and everyone who does them good, with communist nihilism like that "Nothing Matters", "Only God Matters" is also similar stupid shit Christians say.

How would you know about Satan if it were not for HPS Maxine and other things, he would come to pat you on the head and drink beer with you all of a sudden? What if all knowledge was eradicated?

It's better for people to marvel after Kim Kardashian instead, while you eat your "Freedom of thought" imaginary cheeseburger that doesn't even exist.

If you are loyal to Satan might as well do some lifting with us instead of sitting back like bozos would do and pointing fingers while pretending you are about to be brainchipped as part of a nefarious plan for global AI takeover instated by me, merely by the nefarious powers of reading a post on the forum or something.

Thanks for reminding me in 2000 it was a bunch of crackheads and deceived ultra lunatics with oversized egos and rampant insanity, with HPS Maxine standing in the middle of an endless sea of disinformation and actually she managed to create something so beautiful, I marvel at her even more right now.

I know it's forbidden and not Free Thought to marvel at humans who have done wonderful things, and that I must only worship Madonna, Justine Timberlake, or some other kike like Zelensky, or my Free Thought will be robbed away by the evil nefarious Cobra who isn't even a HP in my eyes because Satan and all you know, we are buddies with Satan and we have beers everyday. Fuck ya'll trying to mediate bro?

TruthAgainstTheWorld said:
However I should note that my post may seem like an attack or I may get labeled kike or some absurd enemy infiltrator, those who are accused of being such for merely expressing an opinion... In my opinion are the true infiltrators, the ones pointing fingers. Tattle tells are for children. I honestly don't care what people will do to me in these forums.

Regardless Cobra I do wish you well and to other legitimate members. I will be quietly in the background. I rarely ever come here so whatever.

MY LOYALTY IS TO THE GODS, SATAN. With or without JoS or any damn clergy!

The problem about these misunderstandings is that people aren't familiar with how the Gods work. The Gods don't turn you into a brainchipped scooter that has no will of it's own. You are still an individual human being. They strongly can propel and advise.

The Gods hand people opportunities and they give them things to advance. We can dwindle and fall down. To an extent, we have the so called "Free Will". If we misuse this, we ought destroy ourselves.

In the Odyssey, there are numerous examples. Zeus sends Hermes [Thoth] to inform a person that taking vengeance for his brother will ruin his life. The person does it anyway, our of sheer hate. Then this person dies and experiences the worst.

Only in extreme cases the Gods are controlling things in a pressing manner, and certainly not for "anyone". Like species affect like species. The Gods won't force you, especially in humans who are in so many endless ways against them.

The entire falsehood of this comes from pure misunderstandings. These misunderstandings should exist in the minds of xians, not of Spiritual Satanists.

One can be given a chance, for example: Become Clergy. And they might not do what is proper to this. That is their choice. We make our choices. The Gods don't come down in ships or in material form to press these buttons right now to type that response, we choose this.

Dindu Muffin 2 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gods and "mistakenly" doesn't go in the same sentence.

Humans and fuckups, is what this world is based upon.

Not sure why these things need any "explanation".

I was just curious, nothing is needed
TruthAgainstTheWorld said:

Regardless Cobra I do wish you well and to other legitimate members. I will be quietly in the background. I rarely ever come here so whatever.

MY LOYALTY IS TO THE GODS, SATAN. With or without JoS or any damn clergy!

I don't necessarily disagree with much of what you said, but the thing is people are free to follow the dictates of their own nature. For better and for worse, and for some it is in their nature to be fiercely loyal without question.

I find it repugnant, but it's not any individual's fault if others choose to be completely and blindly loyal to them. I personally disagree with HC on several things, and one of those things is relevant to your post, being the fact he permits more freedom of speech than has ever been seen in JoS.

Before HC took over, around 1 in 4 posts of mine were disapproved or deleted, oftentimes without any real justification and when justification was given, it was for petty reasons. Others can likely relate to this. You implying that there is some censorship issue, or that people are met with hostility for expressing themselves is completely false.

HC goes as far as to permit blatantly malicious individuals like the jew who has been trying to incite disunity this month. He allows slander and criticism of himself and often addresses these things publicly. So thinking that he fosters some kind of cult behavior and wants people to blindly worship him is simply not true.

This very post you wrote being permitted, serves as more evidence that one is able to think for themself, and express oneself even if it is in criticism of clergy or HC.

I do not disagree that the behaviors you have talked about are mostly negative, but some people are just like that, it is their nature and just as I think you should be permitted to follow the dictates of your nature, you should permit others to do the same, so long as they aren't harming others with it.

I also do not think that many people blindly worship HC, this is a minority of individuals, and some of the people who do this are doing it only in appearance as they attempt to infiltrate. Myself personally I have tremendous respect because the reality is JoS would have likely collapsed if he did not take over. I think for this he has become worthy of loyalty and respect, no?

Just keep in mind that blind disloyalty is just as bad as blind loyalty. I am completely loyal to HC not because I worship him but because he's the reason the JoS still exists today and hasn't collapsed due to kikeson. This is loyalty based upon reason.
TruthAgainstTheWorld said:
I been a long time member of JoS

Nobody really gets banned for expressing a different opinion, that's what happened when the kike mageson was a mod, people were banned for asking a question because he was a piece of shit subversive kike. The ones who accuse people of being infiltrators because of a simple diverging opinion are simple minded people who are not the majority of the members of the forum.

You say you're not accusing HP HoodedCobra of anything, but you are accusing of banning for futile reasons, which he does not.

All in all, you are someone who thinks his opinions matters even though he knows nothing of the subject at hand. How can you have the arrogance of expressing your opinion on HoodedCobra when you said it yourself that you barely visit the forum?

How can you have the audacity to even say that people should not follow a leader? HoodedCobra is a great leader and all the more power to people who want to follow him, your attitude is on par with the degenerate communist anarchists, basically with this thoughts that you are expressing it means that your 20+ years in this path have been totally useless because you still can't see that the world is made of hierarchies, makes you wonder how you spent the last 20 years.

TruthAgainstTheWorld said:
and we are only human who make mistakes.
This statement smells, it smells of someone who has no confidence in his abilities and who most likely lost the will to become better and more than a mere "human". Be mindful that I'm not saying this is untrue, but it's easy to see the bigger picture of what you're writing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldric also spoke about about HP Micama, and this was not a situation I would like to delve into now of all times, but it is what it is.
From what I understood aldrick directly contributed negatively to Micama's wellbeing.
Dindu Muffin 2 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

"TruthAgainstTheWorld" is a fat delusional tranny, them leaving is for the best really.

Dindu Muffin 2 said:
TruthAgainstTheWorld said:

Merlyn/Seeker/Ipsisimus/quicksilver I know that's you. You little disloyal rat, are you not loyal to anyone?

That's unrelated to the conversation, but whatever. They could explain something or maybe not. Not sure.

Apparently I spent time answering another aeons old likely infiltrator, but regardless, I hope they derive value from the reply if they aren't one.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
