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Dedication and Devotion to Father Satan

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Most people give nonsense excuses about their dedication Ritual. The reality of this is that this is an introduction, a statement of seriousness, a pledge.

This is the start of a love, like one's heart just connected, it clicked, one is here. This is like the beautiful day when one finds their long awaited love, in a sense. But then, what is one ought to do?

Proceed in on with what this love will be and is about, one is meant to walk. Here, this form of love is not a form of forced obligation; we walk to this to improve ourselves, not out of coercion and pain. But if we do not, then we fall lesser to what it could have been.

We make this "it could have been" by our decision in progression, rather than degeneration.

Pledges and oaths are as good as they are followed. Dedication means to dedicate yourself to something, and to follow it. The pledge exists, but what has one truly pledged?

The path of the map exists, but has one walked? And has the giving of the map shown itself to be worthwhile? As a gradual process, we have to walk. Then we might fall, and then we walk again. The difference in people is not in those that will not fall, but those who will raise up and keep walking.

Infinite excuses do not cut the deal. On one day there is one excuse, and before you know it, a million other excuses.

Similarly, there are a lot of thoughts to keep you from doing the correct thing, and walking the path of Truth. It's exactly the same in regards to emotions.

As a devoted son, a devoted daughter, and a devoted parent to their kids, one must show devotion in dedication.

We are loved as much as we love in Spiritual Satanism, maybe way more: but the more we love, the more we are loved. When dedication crosses the path of devotion, this is where we cross our threshold to our true path, and not before this.

As obstacles come, it is our devotion that helps us overcome them. And as we overcome them, we are rewared with the fruit of this devotion.

In the end of the day, or one's life, what one dedicated one's self to and their devotion is what will remain and it's outcome. It is what you take back with you in life and in death, it is the closest part of who you are. Foolish are the ones who do not understand it, for through this we can call ourselves devotees of Satan, and make our dedication proven.

Proud and happy, beyond everything is where we can reach only through this path and the true devotion to it. Our excuses come to our graves with us, so make sure to take your devotion to your heart, soul and future instead.

We ought choose the blessing, and not the pathway to ignorance.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yesterday I found so many reasons to fall and thoughts that stop one from doing the correct thing, as you said. Now I'm motivated to be devoted despite these harsh conditions, for if I wouldn't, it would be an excuse, and letting conditions justify my actions. This gives me hope, that even if I don't understand all that's happening, I'll get through it in the end.
I remember that someone on the forum once mentioned that the day of the dedication ritual in most cases would be a day astrologically distinguished for that person, like a wedding or any other important event. If you didn't study your transit chart for that day, you certainly should!
I have something very embarrassing to admit.

Although i truly love Satan and this path and i know beyond any doubt that this is the real deal, i am afraid that my meditations aresnt the best or the most structured and regular.

If you look at my chart one of the things you find out about me is that i subconsciously avoid routine. Which is very embarrassing for me, even though i do warfare almost always regularly which is strange.

But as you said HP, the planets do have a deceptive factor to them that makes you think you cant do anything about them.

Im trying my best to tune my speech to energetically support my desired destiny, so I'm using my bro Blitzkreigs advice and apply Nauthiz on myself with the affirmation of strengthening my routine and to be able to keep going along with it.

I dont want to disappoint the gods. Please be patient with me.

Hail Satan.
The best investment a person can make is in themselves.

Your soul is the one thing they cannot take from you.

So work on cleaning and developing it.
Wonderfully written. People has to REMEMBER to stay consistent, to always review and redo and carry on, progressively with spiritual practices,
day after day after day
I just keep going. Even on days you feel like shit, and want to sleep-in.
We are tested every day because we to be with Satan and his God head.
We challenge ourselves everyday! Yes we have those excuses! To procrastinate just because you have to work late! And yes we get self-centered when it comes down to money! And buying the whatever it is we think we want and need? That kind of pulls people off track... when they feel like they should put themselves in a competition! With the so-called Hollywood fashion.. and giving into what the enemy wants US PEOPLE, THE GENTILES. As someone of shame? Because of what the enemy wants us to see... And how these things seem to program into the minds 🤔
And not being able to extinguish what is right from wrong! Because they are either brought up with Christianity or because they absorbed their mind! In Facebook social media.THE bullshit foundation of the world wasted with Christianity Judaism and Islamic bullshit and propaganda! I think that is a number one habit that people seem to have all over!. Doing whatever?
They can to get attention! And often at times the wrong attention
They end up staying up late getting into conversations with whoever on social media? Even I have those days where I come home tired at night and just wanted to go straight to bed! It doesn't matter what the excuse! Laugh out loud if you're over 21? You should understand that! And take the time to recognize that! If you want to fit in somewhere or be appreciated putting your best foot forward! To make yourself look nice and presentable!. And just keep pushing yourself no matter what kind of situation you're in! I hear excuses all day every day from people when I'm on the job site.
Christians on the other hand are really good at that! Procrastinating not to mention the fact they're hypocrites! It is as old as fucking time itself! The same humdrum excusess. People nowadays don't even want to show an interest when it comes down to just simply getting off the internet! Putting on their sneakers and going out for a walk and getting reconnected with mother nature! And actually taking the time to breathe and to exercise and take a yoga class. If people can start a good habit on something in the morning? Anything that will change a bad habit or come up with some lame ass excuse and call up your boss? Or just decide and not to go to work because you don't want to do it! I think what a lot of people need more than anything is the dedication to get up off their lazy ass and turn off their computer! And go do a Kundalini breathing exercise and charge themselves up wake themselves up! Because if you're awakened ? As and you're with this group?! And you question yourself how far you've come compared to what you were like back when you first started! And how you felt when you found the joy of Satan? And you recognize the good and yourself! And how much you have learned! Shows your gratitude and your dedication right there! :) So keep strong!!! Hail Satan!!! Oath!!
Pammy said:
I remember that someone on the forum once mentioned that the day of the dedication ritual in most cases would be a day astrologically distinguished for that person, like a wedding or any other important event. If you didn't study your transit chart for that day, you certainly should!

Indeed! I didn't plan my dedication ritual back then, I knew nothing of the calendar. Recently I checked that day and it was marked as suited for "slow but long lasting results" :)
Pammy said:
I remember that someone on the forum once mentioned that the day of the dedication ritual in most cases would be a day astrologically distinguished for that person, like a wedding or any other important event. If you didn't study your transit chart for that day, you certainly should!

Is very significant and also how now just 11 years after my dedication and with the same exact arrangement of days of the week in the month and some similar transits some events have occurred that are caused me making important changes in my life.
This was BEAUTIFULLY written!! Hail Satan Brother HP HoodedCobra666!☕
I am more shy, recluded and not much social, but one day I started to question if I was loosing something for not talking with strange people who were appearently interesting for me. I Ignored it for sometime but then I got sick of it and decided to experiment.

Anywhere I went that I found someone personaly atractive I interacted with it even feelling very nervous and insecure on "fuck it" mode just go. On the street, if the person was on the same way, at the bus stop, inside the bus...Some people were more open, other people would be like "wtf this freak want?" as if I was bugging the matrix. I understand there are wrong people out there though. Sometimes I was ignored, sometimes it went well and even exchanged phone numbers.

Despite having good moments, I thought it was ephemeral and superficial. It felt as if I dindt meet these people it would not make that difference for me and for them but this does not make us insignificant. It was hard to keep and develop the relationship further even trying. It felt as there was a kind of barrier or just shadow. I missed meaning and deepness and it was not related to a lack of attitude as proven.

I have more than 10 years long term friends and one in particular that despite not sharing the same experiences and following the same path anymore we miraculously find a way to interact with frequency and naturally through years. It feels as there is something 'blowing in favor' which is different than what happened with random people that I met related above.

At the end I realised that I already had what I needed for the moment and there are some stuff that is already set in life and this is particular to eachone. It is as you have a delimited terrain of possibilities with a specific shape where each direction is an aspect of life(relationships, carreer, abilities,health, problems...) where you can walk as you wish. Astrological transits can call you to specific places of this terrain. You can have a glimpse of what is beyond the 'fence' but these experiences feels resistant and dont last. I think I was meeting this delimitation as I related.

I also feel that there are days that I meet this barrier when meditating. Or due to a transit, spirituality is not in favor at the moment. There are days that I get distracted with the most silly stuff. The wind blowing through the tree's leaves, my reflection in the mirror, that lazyness after the meal, my own thoughts...The day seems to last 10 minutes and I have to stop and sit coldly on fuck it mode to push meditation. Sometimes it is so hard to disconnect from the 'flow' that I have headaches. Theoretically it seems so simple and extremely possible. I have a healthy mind, body and privacy, all the means to make it happen, but...

There are days however that spiritual routine is so easy and flows naturally that remains a freetime that I am not used to have. I even ask myself if I forgot something.

Meditation is the only thing that I push because, beyond my love for the unknown and exploration, it is the only way that I know to expand the 'terrain' ,and ironically, to make life flows more naturally.

I want to make it clear that when I say "push meditation" it is not to go beyond my limits, but beyond my will. And ironically again, this is what makes me increase my will lol.
I will never forget the first time I heard Father Satan's voice.

I was crying myself to sleep after yet another argument with my father in which he demeaned my intelligence.

Thinking so little of myself and feeling the most distraught I ever had, I focused on Father and asked, "Do I deserve to be loved?"

I fell asleep and upon waking up, I heard his answer clear as day.


It was short and sweet, and exactly what I needed to hear. Since that day, I have been more motivated than ever to dedicate my time to Him, the most that I am able.

I feel His love when I am thinking of Him or focusing on His symbols. It is a wonderful feeling, stronger than I had never felt from anyone. It is a love only a father can give and one I lacked so much.

When you mentioned that one must love in order to be loved, you could not have been more accurate.

Truly, this is a lovely post and an excellent reminder of where our hearts lie.
My dedication i felt as if i could lift ten buses strong current through me. Wonderful experience, welcome to our Religion amd Gods and what a welcome it was ten years ago.

Hail our clergy HPHC

Hails Satan
The love and patience of the Gods is amazing and deeply touching. Things can be hard sometimes but Father will always be on our side.
Thank you for your post HP
If you are not willing to shed a drop of blood for your god or gods then why would they shed blood and fight for you I devoted soon after meeting Satan for the first time i was looking for my truth and i was deliberately guided to him through a series of spiritual events when i did first meet him in this life time the power was extreme overwhelming perhaps even terrifying but through out the whole experience it's like seeing someone you haven't seen for a long time and being like do i know you.

It was the most interesting experience and one of the most comical ones in my life the humor came into it later looking back on the event.

Now i have no fear of death for i know what waits for me all my long time friends and family in the gods i would even welcome death would it not be for my objective to become a god upon this world one can not be thinking in this way mind set and all once i had fear of death the unknown now its not so bad didn't get to become like my gods but did get to experience the path at the very least the freedom the love the honor the joy and the willingness to do whatever it takes to have humanity made into a great empire across the stars to become a proud honorable people among the stars.

The only time I'd ever consider retirement is when the controlled greys the lizards and the Jews are all extinct the only remainder of their existence will be a foot note in an old history book in an old library that only the few people who study this time period would even know of them to reduce them to barely a foot note in our history that's what i want to do let us not forget the lessons we have learned here but forget those bastards.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Yesterday I found so many reasons to fall and thoughts that stop one from doing the correct thing, as you said. Now I'm motivated to be devoted despite these harsh conditions, for if I wouldn't, it would be an excuse, and letting conditions justify my actions. This gives me hope, that even if I don't understand all that's happening, I'll get through it in the end.

Give yourself that moment of respite every now and then, go and follow that nagging voice of not wanting to do anything. Everyone needs a break, you can't expect yourself to constantly push yourself and not expect any resistance, sometimes you need to let this resistance win a battle before you are able to go on again without the constant drag that this resistance delivers. If you ignore this resistance for long enough it will start to drag you down, this will have consequences.

Now this doesn't mean that you should hang back and do nothing all the damn time, but it is something that you do need from time to time.
Pammy said:
I remember that someone on the forum once mentioned that the day of the dedication ritual in most cases would be a day astrologically distinguished for that person, like a wedding or any other important event. If you didn't study your transit chart for that day, you certainly should!
I've said something along these lines before. I've seen it in my transits for that week, and in other members as well. It's really neat :)

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Indeed! I didn't plan my dedication ritual back then, I knew nothing of the calendar. Recently I checked that day and it was marked as suited for "slow but long lasting results" :)

Have a look at your transits, and if anything aspected your natal planets and points :)
Pammy said:
I remember that someone on the forum once mentioned that the day of the dedication ritual in most cases would be a day astrologically distinguished for that person, like a wedding or any other important event. If you didn't study your transit chart for that day, you certainly should!

Sounds pretty important.

If it's not too much trouble and you have the opportunity, could you dig up the specific post when you have the time, SS Sibling?

Thank you in advance regardless of your answer, good day.
Don't be pathetic like me to anybody still stumbling ih Satanism.
I learned the JoS back in 2017 and have made 0 progression because of my inability to trust information and commit to the routine of cleansing, healing, and repeat. I have suffered emotionally for this. I cannot feel most emotion and when I do its anger or grief because i sealed my own heart away long ago.
All I did were the money rituals. The money rituals worked, but literally 80% of it couldn't belong to me and was constantly stolen from me. I also have to watch my back for when globohomo goes cashless and want to read everyone's financial history. It's a very scary possibility. You can't hide anything. Nothing is more important than spiritual power. A solid foundation builds a great house. Money is just a tool, don't fall for the fallacy it will make you happy first and foremost.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=394278 time=1666101453 user_id=57]
Pammy said:
I remember that someone on the forum once mentioned that the day of the dedication ritual in most cases would be a day astrologically distinguished for that person, like a wedding or any other important event. If you didn't study your transit chart for that day, you certainly should!
I've said something along these lines before. I've seen it in my transits for that week, and in other members as well. It's really neat :)

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Indeed! I didn't plan my dedication ritual back then, I knew nothing of the calendar. Recently I checked that day and it was marked as suited for "slow but long lasting results" :)

Have a look at your transits, and if anything aspected your natal planets and points :)

Please. How do I check this? I want to know my transit on the day I dedicated?
SSinHeartandSoul said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Yesterday I found so many reasons to fall and thoughts that stop one from doing the correct thing, as you said. Now I'm motivated to be devoted despite these harsh conditions, for if I wouldn't, it would be an excuse, and letting conditions justify my actions. This gives me hope, that even if I don't understand all that's happening, I'll get through it in the end.

Give yourself that moment of respite every now and then, go and follow that nagging voice of not wanting to do anything. Everyone needs a break, you can't expect yourself to constantly push yourself and not expect any resistance, sometimes you need to let this resistance win a battle before you are able to go on again without the constant drag that this resistance delivers. If you ignore this resistance for long enough it will start to drag you down, this will have consequences.

Now this doesn't mean that you should hang back and do nothing all the damn time, but it is something that you do need from time to time.

Although it seems counterproductive, Brother, it makes sense, now that I think about it with a more sober mind. I'll try to balance this, as you said.
On the day I dedicated the moon was in Scorpio all day. Later in the day Mercury retrograde motion enters Capricon. On research I learnt Mercury retrograde affects electronics and communication and more. I also learnt signing contracts are not to be done during a Mercury Retrograde. Does this mean my dedication was not accepted since the day was not good for signing contracts?
Hail Satan!!!!
Sarjam05 said:
On the day I dedicated the moon was in Scorpio all day. Later in the day Mercury retrograde motion enters Capricon. On research I learnt Mercury retrograde affects electronics and communication and more. I also learnt signing contracts are not to be done during a Mercury Retrograde. Does this mean my dedication was not accepted since the day was not good for signing contracts?
Hail Satan!!!!

A dedication is not a spell, there is no risk for it not to "take" as long as you do it correctly, intentionally and sincerely. While I am not an authority, I can say with near-full confidence that planetary movements do not matter when entering Satanism.
Sarjam05 said:
On the day I dedicated the moon was in Scorpio all day. Later in the day Mercury retrograde motion enters Capricon. On research I learnt Mercury retrograde affects electronics and communication and more. I also learnt signing contracts are not to be done during a Mercury Retrograde. Does this mean my dedication was not accepted since the day was not good for signing contracts?
Hail Satan!!!!

I don't have much info on astrology affecting this but the Gods are above the planetary influences - they have surely seen your Dedication and they don't refuse this kind of things. Too many people worry over their Dedication being accepted! (including me in the beginning :lol: ) If anyone more advanced reads this, how would the planets influence this? For example if it was during a Void Moon, would it be harder for the SS to keep up with the schedule?
Sarjam05 said:
On the day I dedicated the moon was in Scorpio all day. Later in the day Mercury retrograde motion enters Capricon. On research I learnt Mercury retrograde affects electronics and communication and more. I also learnt signing contracts are not to be done during a Mercury Retrograde. Does this mean my dedication was not accepted since the day was not good for signing contracts?
Hail Satan!!!!

The Gods and your Dedication are NOT affected by the planets in this manner, only you. In this case, "you" meaning pointlessly worrying. This is not a menial contract or something like this between earth beings.

You are in, go ahead.
Answer me one thing: how does a (a) Satanist support a politician "Bolsonaro" converted to Judaism and still campaigns to this mouse here inside the site?
Personal Growth said:
The best investment a person can make is in themselves.

Your soul is the one thing they cannot take from you.

So work on cleaning and developing it.

I would add gained knowledge to this list. Gnosis can never be taken away.
It pains me to say that I did the dedication ritual over 10 years ago, I even promised I'd "do more" about 5 years ago... yet even now, still struggle with things; mainly getting in any sort of routine whatsoever (not just spiritual matters), or spending much of any time on spiritual progress.

It's not like I don't want to... I definitely do want to advance, help myself and others. I can't understand why I have such a severe issue with "never getting around to things" (whether one wants to call it executive dysfunction or horrific procrastination) and why I seem to be fatigued at random (I'm doing better after a sun square, but still get hit hard at times).

I suppose at the very least, the work I have put in over the years helps a bit; it's fairly easy to get into a trance, or sense energy. Though I have to wonder how far advanced I would be if I had actually put in the necessary time and effort.

I did, after reading this, try to work on a chakra then organize spiritual information to better myself... perhaps it will help in the long-run.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sarjam05 said:
On the day I dedicated the moon was in Scorpio all day. Later in the day Mercury retrograde motion enters Capricon. On research I learnt Mercury retrograde affects electronics and communication and more. I also learnt signing contracts are not to be done during a Mercury Retrograde. Does this mean my dedication was not accepted since the day was not good for signing contracts?
Hail Satan!!!!

The Gods and your Dedication are NOT affected by the planets in this manner, only you. In this case, "you" meaning pointlessly worrying. This is not a menial contract or something like this between earth beings.

You are in, go ahead.
Thanks HP. May you live long and may your wisdom and knowledge increase by the Gods.
May Father always guide and protect you and me and all SS family
Hail Father Satan!!!
I was awakened and guided to do my dedication ritual to Father Satan, and after that I discovered that it was confirmation and that it already belonged to my Lord Satan, and that this was done by my ancestors (barbarians) and that it would extend forever to all descendants. And with each passing day more things are revealed to me, some of which I am not allowed to speak. SAVE SATAN for all eternity!
On may 19 i was as without, thinking about doing dedication ritual then something stop me from doing it and again and again

all these years since 2016 when i found JoS website.

a year later on may 19 2022 and thats where i go for it “fuck it go for it mode” made me hype up bcuz you know, the index left finger while I was using razor blade to cut and drop my blood and sign my name in it.

Then next morning i just feel amazing and blessed, I already did “20 around there about my program”. Yeah thats about it,

I don’t wanna bother asking who my GD is. Maybe satan is.. which is good I don’t mind.

Bcuz i did the dedication ritual alone in the forest. 8/9 pm

Not much as writher. Still learning, welcome to reality ;)
Ayedoubles said:
On may 19 i was as without, thinking about doing dedication ritual then something stop me from doing it and again and again

all these years since 2016 when i found JoS website.

a year later on may 19 2022 and thats where i go for it “fuck it go for it mode” made me hype up bcuz you know, the index left finger while I was using razor blade to cut and drop my blood and sign my name in it.

Then next morning i just feel amazing and blessed, I already did “20 around there about my program”. Yeah thats about it,

I don’t wanna bother asking who my GD is. Maybe satan is.. which is good I don’t mind.

Bcuz i did the dedication ritual alone in the forest. 8/9 pm

Not much as writher. Still learning, welcome to reality ;)

Welcome! But what made you think any of us know who your GD is, specifically? Anyways, Father Satan can't be, He is way too busy and helping in other ways that are way more effective than being a person's GD, as far as I know.
Ayedoubles said:
On may 19 i was as without, thinking about doing dedication ritual then something stop me from doing it and again and again

all these years since 2016 when i found JoS website.

a year later on may 19 2022 and thats where i go for it “fuck it go for it mode” made me hype up bcuz you know, the index left finger while I was using razor blade to cut and drop my blood and sign my name in it.

Then next morning i just feel amazing and blessed, I already did “20 around there about my program”. Yeah thats about it,

I don’t wanna bother asking who my GD is. Maybe satan is.. which is good I don’t mind.

Bcuz i did the dedication ritual alone in the forest. 8/9 pm

Not much as writher. Still learning, welcome to reality ;)

Each to own, if I have a razor blade anywhere outwith shaving then having one at a wrist gives me the heeby jeebys. Lost a few boys to suicide in jail they couldnt cope some used to swallow them. I did mine with saliva as said was good enough.

Bloodlet is a big thing in this genre, again each to own but never have razor blades at you"re wrists guys.
How are demons so powerful if they not on semen retention or no fap how?
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
How are demons so powerful if they not on semen retention or no fap how?

Demons are not in semen retention or no fap.

They are very powerful Astral beings.

Though, you can boost their already very high power, directing your orgasmic energy to them.

And it doesn't matter if it is achieved by usual sexual contacts ir by masturbation.

Hope I helped you :)

Well that’s the thing though before I go into it yes you help me i was asking cause I seen a lot of semen retention and no gap popping up
I don't know shit about Satan, and with time I'm starting to believe it will stay this way.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
