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Cult Test: What's The Cult?

Well nobody invited nobody here or forced them to stay or threats if they leave , so how do people even come with a conclusion this is a cult? This is absurd.
Even in diet, they try to control you and tell you if you eat certain things you will burn in hellfire for having a cheeseburger, or that because you yawn, Satan has entered your mouth or something. Then one day you want to go and they send you 100 messages to get you back and who knows what else, you have to change your city in order to survive. Emotional coercion such as you will lose your family or they aim for your children if you go, and other crazy things like that are commonplace.

I've seen videos where musdlimes and kikes supposedly try to prove that "pork is evil" - they take a picture or record a video (with a potato) of sick pig or a pig thats been fed shit, or whatever and expose all of the parasites in the body as some kind of proof that "the pig is of Satan" and shouldn't be consumed (ironic since they worship the BIGGEST parasite there is in creation jewhova). Other videos where some fool leaves a piece of pork rotting out, and then pour coke all over it to prove that "jewhovah didnt mean for man to consume pork" or whatever. kosher laws are the most retarded food laws in my opinion. I've also seen judeo-xians wining about eating halal meats because its "sacrificed to a foreign god" when in reality.....allah and jewhova are the same reptilian or grey pulling the strings behind the world's issues on a macro-level.

Given that pork is among one of the cheapest meats to create many delicacies out of, both fatty and thin meats (in the case of Chinese cuisine), I suppose this is part of the kike program to forbid lower income people from getting access to cheap meat. I can understand someone who doesn't eat pork out of respect for pigs much like the way Hindus don't eat beef or has a legitimate allergic reaction to pork (not that I've ever heard such a case).

With that being said, I've had connections who used to follow those hebrew christian cults - those who came from cultures where pork and shellfish IS is the staple of their foods but thank Satan they left because "hardcore hebrew faith" means the total and complete genocide of Gentile cultures. they may still be "christian" but they're Secular Christians now.

Someone remind me to order some pork moo shoo and shrimp stir fry on passover.....
Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

As a former devout xian I used to follow a church where the pastor kept babbling about "free will" and then the next minute pastor spouts off about how we'll have to "answer to jewhova" and then get "judged" for not donating money. Not sure if "gaslighting" is the correct term for this.

As somone who studies cults (having been victimized by xianity at one point) the removal of personality is something I can truly confirm as the pastor would repeteadely tell the congregation to cut ties with all personal desires, personal aspirations, favorite hobbies aka "taking up thy cross" to "be with god".......convincing the congregation that they have to be some degenerate redneck living under the poverty line in the middle of nowhere, sitting in a campfire and waiting for jewhova to destroy the world to be the "ideal xian".....

Sadly....even distorted forms of Dharmic religion like Buddhism follow a similar teaching.
So if according to this logic of Andrapoda teaching people to be better people and move forward in their lives is a cult, then going to university and studying a career or taking a course to learn a profession is also a cult.
Well said. We need to start evaluating deeds and results.
So if according to this logic of Andrapoda teaching people to be better people and move forward in their lives is a cult, then going to university and studying a career or taking a course to learn a profession is also a cult.
A football team is also a cult. I mean, it's an elitist thing where you believe your team is the best and want to win against other teams. It has a charismatic leader (head coach/manager), it enforces groupthink and you're excluded from the team if you don't conform to their standards.

See? Everything is a cult.😎
Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".

And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.

The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.

Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?

Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?

What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.

Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.

The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!

If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.

That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.

Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?

Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.

Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is going to be your billionth why the name Satan but I hope to clarify something

You see Satan as both a being and an embodiment of Satya, or truth, a path towards divinity. Very similar with Gnostic philosophies. But here's the thing: the collective Abrahamic psyche is very hostile towards anything 'Satan',.
A saturation of curses, negativity and suppressive energies towards what they perceive as "Satanic souls."
These are individual energies by Beings made of the same stuff as you or me and in their billions,
Won't embracing "Joy of Satan' invites immense opposition both conscious and subconscious from this lots?
Magic is intent,
You have mentioned before on Jewish eschatological prophecies being a dart board contests and sometimes they have to play out this prophecies and steer the reality in their favour, how wrong am I to say the Joy of Satan movement, in some way, might be a manifestation of the "biblical Satan" – the figure destined to rise and ultimately be defeated by the Moschiach according to Jewish eschatology, the timing and all,this seems to be the only time anti-Judaics have termed themselves openly as Satanists ,Your rise and current state of World affairs,

Really not by their scripts?
Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".

And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.

The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.

Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?

Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?

What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.

Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.

The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!

If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.

That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.

Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?

Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.

Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The most destructive, toxic, brainwashing, manipulating (and countless disgraces) cult in this world, is no other than the catholic church.
Calling JoS a cult is the most funny and ridiciolus thing ı've ever heard for a very long time. Cults take away and vanish your identity silly, Joy of Satanas help you find yours.
Nothing. The sermon was an explanation about the accusations of people blaming Jos for being a negative cult, not understanding and not knowing what a cult really is, what Jos is, and how manipulation works and the difference of its use in its forms.
Thank you for this post, HP Hooded Cobra! I have had beautiful interactions with people online who feel called to the Gods, but there are always the select handful who say things such as what you quoted in the post. I literally had one woman on X call us a CIA psy-op, lmao. In my honest opinion, they are projecting their own fears about the abrahamic cult onto us, and the usual slander of the enemy.. All of us here, who have dedicated our lives to becoming as the Gods, we see you for who you truly are, and you are no cult leader. I haven't been here long, in the grand scheme of things, but I can say this: You have devoted your life to the JOS, and this is apparent from the posts you have made. You are the Father of JOS as HPS Maxine is the Mother. We all adore you, and those of us with common sense can see clearly that this is no cult. We are a community, a family. You guys have shown me so much in the little time I've been here, and I am eternally grateful. I witness every single day the beauty of this community: the artists, the poets, the warriors, the sophists, the wisdom seekers; The JOS has brought out in us what would have remained dormant, if not for the love you have put into this community, giving us access to an abundance of knowledge and the means to empower ourselves. I see you, HPHC, and I honor you for your devotion to us and the Gods. Hail the Gods, now and forever! We appreciate you and ALL the Clergy!
roman rome GIF
Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".

And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.

The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.

Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?

Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?

What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.

Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.

The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!

If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.

That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.

Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?

Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.

Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
😂💯🔥💚🔥🔥 SO REFRESHING/BASED & some damn gute humor hahahah ;) YESS!!! Thank you. Breathing feels so good in the TRUTH, HAIL SATAN!
Thank you for this post, HP Hooded Cobra! I have had beautiful interactions with people online who feel called to the Gods, but there are always the select handful who say things such as what you quoted in the post. I literally had one woman on X call us a CIA psy-op, lmao. In my honest opinion, they are projecting their own fears about the abrahamic cult onto us, and the usual slander of the enemy.. All of us here, who have dedicated our lives to becoming as the Gods, we see you for who you truly are, and you are no cult leader. I haven't been here long, in the grand scheme of things, but I can say this: You have devoted your life to the JOS, and this is apparent from the posts you have made. You are the Father of JOS as HPS Maxine is the Mother. We all adore you, and those of us with common sense can see clearly that this is no cult. We are a community, a family. You guys have shown me so much in the little time I've been here, and I am eternally grateful. I witness every single day the beauty of this community: the artists, the poets, the warriors, the sophists, the wisdom seekers; The JOS has brought out in us what would have remained dormant, if not for the love you have put into this community, giving us access to an abundance of knowledge and the means to empower ourselves. I see you, HPHC, and I honor you for your devotion to us and the Gods. Hail the Gods, now and forever! We appreciate you and ALL the Clergy!
roman rome GIF
🌹Hail! Hail! Hail!
Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".

And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.

The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.

Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?

Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?

What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.

Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.

The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!

If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.

That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.

Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?

Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.

Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Interesting..I have myself recently gone through something that has taught me some lessons such as to not be emotionally manipulated into defending my self by those whom don't actually yearn to know truth or converse rather they might attempt to drain your energy and no matter what you could lead them to for them to discover themselves..they would not care about white or "goyim" genocide..yet they have the audacity to revert to the 6million little violin shaped shrunken head soap garbage it's ridiculous!
I was a fool to let myself get angered to the point of not clearly communicating and in fact made a poor choice in my reaction which I am seeing how I cannot be lowering my own self to hold everyone or anyone's hands to guide them when they don't fucking want to walk even themselves let alone hold the crown of Truth upon their brow and in their hearts...not really ..but this is just some folks obviously there are even within these whom are wanting to probably wake the fuck up but feel sattiated in laziness and a false comfort to fit in as normie cucks.
Well anyways lessons also teach me to keep JoS guarded and not share with just anyone unless they actually show signs of a soul whom wants to grow and become their best self with blood and honor in the forefront. Thank you again. I am so glad to be working on myself, making better choices in my own life and what amazing growth in this sacred grove here.
Nowadays this term has evolved into something akin to a meme in popular culture. Referring to the opinions or fandoms surrounding things like sports teams, influential people, fictional characters from shows or video games, and even inanimate objects. Pepe the frog is a good example. The thing about these is it brings people together and establishes a community. But the main question is does how it benefits oneself whether its a waste of time and money or a justifiable cause.

The famous cult, heavens gate, was notorious and is a popular subject of psychological studies, but similar aspects of it exist in everyday things we see. They preyed upon and took advantage of everyone's uncertainty of the future and the fear of missing out, the sense of "urgency". This is what led many to take their own lives for no reason. You see today how big corpo and businesses push for quick decisions and prey upon this mentality. So who really is the one that's in a cult and being manipulated. The hypocrisy is endless.

It's inevitable, due to mainstream conditioning that we'll be categorized and misinterpreted in ill ways.

Especially when one is under presumptive bias, it's so easy to exaggerate things greater than they are. Take for example the democrats who try to labelize Trump as an immature man baby, when in fact he is the only president brave and bold enough to say what he wants and stay true to his character with an iron fist. While they continue to prove that the only thing they seam to know is how to give a good lapdance for the jews.

They also have to be careful of the public image they bring to themselves and their cause when trying to incite conflict with others. The truth is these instances often indicate the beginning stages of a sinking ship, which the Democrats are.

Also, nothing can exist without money because of course money is god in this damned world. I hate it, but it's reality, and I have to love it because it's the foundation to every atom in our being. The universal and metaphysical law of alchemy and the essence of survival.

But it can bring out the worst in people, and lead one to do deplorable things that would not be thought possible. Who don't understand uncertainty, taxes or debts. In some instances I've seen, I'm not only disappointed, but straight up disturbed at how some have acted and perhaps really were never meant to have any significant amount of wealth or power, especially if they cannot manifest it for themselves.

Anyway, it's true people have to realize why we promote the JoS is that we want to help people and humanity as a whole and discover their potential.

There are two types, those who 'believe' and those who 'know'. To me, the red pill is like a book. Some have been introduced to the first few pages and some who barely scratched the cover.

Experiencing the benefits of meditation and establishing communication and relation with the gods is how the pages begin to flip in motion. This is of course entirely of owns will, whether they decide to open or close the book. Many also judge a book by its cover or listen to others opinion who've also never took the time to understand any of it.

There are also a few instances where one finds life shoves the red pill down their throat. Sometimes by the will of some gods themselves, who thought that some lowlife and insolent kid had some worth to try and discover their potential and give them a fighting chance against a world that seams to only try to undermine and suffocate them, but to also give them a reason to continue trying to live a better life. And then one understands that the red pill cannot easily be thrown up, not because someone is forcing them or holding them at gun point, but because they understand the cause is real and that the gods exist, that they here because they believed in them as well and otherwise would've had nothing to do with it in the first place and left a long time ago. The world cannot be seen the same again.

So when you come across someone saying something which blatantly comes from presumptive bias, tell them if they've never heard of the saying "don't judge a book by its cover"

In the end, no one really cares much as they know we're right in some way. Not everyone will follow the Joyofsatan, but the more that do will be a bonus. The main thing a majority of the populace understand and accept a common idea, the root of our problems. So we have to always have an outside of the box mindset and see the bigger picture. These are the people the gods value a lot.
These morons only talk about cults when it comes to us
They dont seem to have a problem with the fact children are circumcised in their religion and if they decide they dont want to be a part of that religion they would be harassed and stalked for life
Dont even take them seriously
They are too stupid for that
Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".

And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.

The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.

Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?

Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?

What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.

Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.

The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!

If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.

That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.

Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?

Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.

Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Enemy cults will fall. christianity, pisslam and other jewish heresy will be consigned to the dustbin of history.
These morons only talk about cults when it comes to us
They dont seem to have a problem with the fact children are circumcised in their religion and if they decide they dont want to be a part of that religion they would be harassed and stalked for life
Dont even take them seriously
They are too stupid for that
Reminding me of a song by Grand Belials Key called Vultures of Misfortune, here are the lyrics:
As the Rabbi's rum swishes in his corroded mouth
He excises the foreskin uncovering the gentle glans
So that the corona is laid bare

He whom sucketh the incised tip
Bears the eyes of sadism
In his seductive hands a bandage
And a load of cumin seeds
Now raiseth the cup of benediction

The cruelest cut of all
With the sharp end of his finger nail
He tears the softest of membranes
An organ disfigured, a penis mutilated
The blood extracted by suction
Appalling practices of so called scholars
Young trusted to a circumciser
Yiddish trinkets cover the newborn

"Opprobrium for the wicked, as it is written"

Freshly cut dick into his trap
The gobbler mixes it with alcohol
Queer tendencies within the grossest of cultures

"Opprobrium for the wicked, as it is written"

As the Rabbi's rum swishes in his corroded mouth
He excises the foreskin uncovering the gentle glans

Double-edged blade slices
To finish the damaged nerves

Into a contaminated bowl the bloodrum is puked
Mouth to cock infections
Unhealed wounds in the mind
Little solace to the innocent
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
