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Couple of health related questions


New member
Dec 17, 2017
Hi, I'll be brief and direct so I won't waste anyone's time.

I brush and use floss and all the dentist stuff.
I often have theeth issues, mainly cavities, had some theeth filled, and more serious procedures.

The dentist just always says brush more and use this new fluoride filled paste and bla bla bla...

Now my gums are receeding at alarming speed, if they keep receeding this way I'll have a really big problemn and the thing the doc gave me almost nothing at all.

What should I do?
PsychicJuggler said:
Hi, I'll be brief and direct so I won't waste anyone's time.

I brush and use floss and all the dentist stuff.
I often have theeth issues, mainly cavities, had some theeth filled, and more serious procedures.

The dentist just always says brush more and use this new fluoride filled paste and bla bla bla...

Now my gums are receeding at alarming speed, if they keep receeding this way I'll have a really big problemn and the thing the doc gave me almost nothing at all.

What should I do?

Where do you have the cavities?
You mentioned your gums...

Are those cavities at your tooth necks?
(On the teeth, near the gums)

If so, then you brush your teeth with too much force.
You apply to much force, and destroy your teeth this way. Bacteria don’t eat your teeth away, you just need to apply less force, or buy an electric tooth brush.

You should also brush the gums, but with very little force, they should not bleed.

You should consult many different dentists with your issue btw.
PsychicJuggler said:
Thanks for the advise, I'll switch to a softer brush and be more careful.

NinRick said:
Are those cavities at your tooth necks?
(On the teeth, near the gums)

Yes, exactly.

Yeah do that, don’t brush them hard af, your teeth are thanking you.

You dentist probably don’t tell you this, because they want to make money out of you :p

There are some brushing pastes, which you use once a week. They will strengthen the weakened areas again. Idk how you call them tho, you might want to purchase that. In Germany its only like 8€.
Do you consume a lot of sugar products? That shit is nasty for your teeth, especially the sodas.
I watched a documentary where they showed a dude from Kentucky who would dring liters of soda everyday since he was little, all his teeth were totally rotten.
PsychicJuggler said:
Thanks for the advise, I'll switch to a softer brush and be more careful.

NinRick said:
Are those cavities at your tooth necks?
(On the teeth, near the gums)

Yes, exactly.
In addition to what Ninrick said, there are also toothpastes like ApaCare that you get on your teeth overnight and keep it on your teeth while you sleep, and it helps your teeth.
Aquarius said:
Do you consume a lot of sugar products? That shit is nasty for your teeth, especially the sodas.
I watched a documentary where they showed a dude from Kentucky who would dring liters of soda everyday since he was little, all his teeth were totally rotten.

That's the weird part, from a couple of years I've quit smoking, drinking (sodas and almost with alchool), and also switched to a healthier diet (meaning no more junk and much more meat and veggs).
If you are going to have highly acidic food and drink like Kombucha, make sure you either brush your teeth immediately after, take a re-mineralizing tincture, or swish warm water in your mouth and spit it out. Although Kombucha is good for your gut and other organs, its acidity will burn away your tooth enamel. Same with Apple Cider Vinegar. It should be diluted with water.

As for the gums receding, you are brushing too hard as others have said here.

dentists can be the biggest (((scammers))) sometimes. luckily someone close to me is my dentist.

ayuverdic pulling rinses do wonders for your teeth and gums too if you are having acute symptoms

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
