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SERIOUS Theeth and gums problem


New member
Dec 17, 2017
Sorry to bother again, but I really need to solve this.
My gums are turning white, cavities will not stop forming from the inside, and the dentist doesn't even know why. He will just say brush 2 times, also brush the gums and go buy this new product.

What should I do? The cost of this crap is becoming unbearable, both with health and money.

Should I take calcium supplements? Or eat eggshells?
Is there a planetary square or rune that could help?
I bought a huge quantity of Food Grade H2O2, can that help? Unfortunately I still can't afford a water filter.

There's a risk of loosing 3 or more theeth is I don't stop this! Please help I really can't afford this!
PsychicJuggler said:
Sorry to bother again, but I really need to solve this.
My gums are turning white, cavities will not stop forming from the inside, and the dentist doesn't even know why. He will just say brush 2 times, also brush the gums and go buy this new product.

What should I do? The cost of this crap is becoming unbearable, both with health and money.

Should I take calcium supplements? Or eat eggshells?
Is there a planetary square or rune that could help?
I bought a huge quantity of Food Grade H2O2, can that help? Unfortunately I still can't afford a water filter.

There's a risk of loosing 3 or more theeth is I don't stop this! Please help I really can't afford this!

I'm sorry to hear.

It seems that you have some sort of blood deficiency. Pale gums are a symptom. I don't know the full extent of your health but I can tell that, nine times out of ten, you have a kidney and liver issue. The kidneys are responsible for the teeth and bones, and the liver governs the blood.

You're a female, right?

Either way, you need to take some herbs and things that build and nourish the blood, kidneys and liver. It's not as simple as taking calcium. The blood in the body nourishes and supports the hair, skin and bones, Teeth falling out means there's a problem there as well. The cavities also mean you are low on minerals.

What is your diet like? Do you have any other health problems? Please list them if you can, and then I, or any other knowledgeable member, can recommend some things for you.
You're a female, right?
I'm male.

What is your diet like? Do you have any other health problems? Please list them if you can, and then I, or any other knowledgeable member, can recommend some things for you.

I'm overweight I think 20 to 30 kg more than what I should be, I've had a cronic sinusitis, wich I was hospitalized for, it got really bad.
I've quit cigarettes and caffeine almost a year ago.
I have a lot of dandruff, and I had my tonsils removed (don't know if these two are useful).
My diet is not very healthy, I try to eat more meat and vegetables but mainly I eat carbs.
Vegs are usually storebought or frozen.
But yhere are farmers nearby I could buy from.
I drink 1 or 2 beers if I go out on weekends (sometimes 3 or 4).
Occasional beer apart I only drink water, not filtered since I still don't have a filter.
Junk food like chips or chocolate is a rare thing.
When I used to eat more carbs (talking about 3 to 4 plates of pasta) I had extremely dry skin around the nose, leaps and forehead areas.
I do not see properly from a distance (really light myopia), years ago the eye doc told me to wear rest lenses.
I have very pronouced eyebags (I've read it's a sign of liver issues).
I'm reposting this because it seems the previous one didn't go through, if this is a double post please ignore it.

HPS Shannon said:
PsychicJuggler said:
Sorry to bother again, but I really need to solve this.
My gums are turning white, cavities will not stop forming from the inside, and the dentist doesn't even know why. He will just say brush 2 times, also brush the gums and go buy this new product.

What should I do? The cost of this crap is becoming unbearable, both with health and money.

Should I take calcium supplements? Or eat eggshells?
Is there a planetary square or rune that could help?
I bought a huge quantity of Food Grade H2O2, can that help? Unfortunately I still can't afford a water filter.

There's a risk of loosing 3 or more theeth is I don't stop this! Please help I really can't afford this!

I'm sorry to hear.

It seems that you have some sort of blood deficiency. Pale gums are a symptom. I don't know the full extent of your health but I can tell that, nine times out of ten, you have a kidney and liver issue. The kidneys are responsible for the teeth and bones, and the liver governs the blood.

You're a female, right?

Either way, you need to take some herbs and things that build and nourish the blood, kidneys and liver. It's not as simple as taking calcium. The blood in the body nourishes and supports the hair, skin and bones, Teeth falling out means there's a problem there as well. The cavities also mean you are low on minerals.

What is your diet like? Do you have any other health problems? Please list them if you can, and then I, or any other knowledgeable member, can recommend some things for you.

I'm male.

I'm overweight I think 20 to 30 kg more than what I should be, I've had a cronic sinusitis, wich I was hospitalized for, it got really bad.
I've quit cigarettes and caffeine almost a year ago.
I have a lot of dandruff, and I had my tonsils removed (don't know if these two are useful).
My diet is not very healthy, I try to eat more meat and vegetables but mainly I eat carbs.
I drink 1 or 2 beers if I go out on weekends (sometimes 3 or 4).
Occasional beer apart I only drink water, not filtered since I still don't have a filter.
Junk food like chips or chocolate is a rare thing.
When I used to eat more carbs I had extremely dry skin around the nose, leaps and forehead areas.
I do not see properly from a distance, years ago the eye doc told me to wear rest lenses.
I have very dark eye bags, I've read somewhere it is a sign of liver issues. My entire family has the same eye bags.
PsychicJuggler said:
HPS Shannon said:
I'm sorry to hear.

It seems that you have some sort of blood deficiency. Pale gums are a symptom. I don't know the full extent of your health but I can tell that, nine times out of ten, you have a kidney and liver issue. The kidneys are responsible for the teeth and bones, and the liver governs the blood.

You're a female, right?

Either way, you need to take some herbs and things that build and nourish the blood, kidneys and liver. It's not as simple as taking calcium. The blood in the body nourishes and supports the hair, skin and bones, Teeth falling out means there's a problem there as well. The cavities also mean you are low on minerals.

What is your diet like? Do you have any other health problems? Please list them if you can, and then I, or any other knowledgeable member, can recommend some things for you.

I'm male.

I'm overweight I think 20 to 30 kg more than what I should be, I've had a cronic sinusitis, wich I was hospitalized for, it got really bad.
I've quit cigarettes and caffeine almost a year ago.
I have a lot of dandruff, and I had my tonsils removed (don't know if these two are useful).
My diet is not very healthy, I try to eat more meat and vegetables but mainly I eat carbs.
I drink 1 or 2 beers if I go out on weekends (sometimes 3 or 4).
Occasional beer apart I only drink water, not filtered since I still don't have a filter.
Junk food like chips or chocolate is a rare thing.
When I used to eat more carbs I had extremely dry skin around the nose, leaps and forehead areas.
I do not see properly from a distance, years ago the eye doc told me to wear rest lenses.
I have very dark eye bags, I've read somewhere it is a sign of liver issues. My entire family has the same eye bags.

Your symptoms are basically yin deficiency problems. Then, without a lack of yin to cool the body, pathological heat arises. This is synonymous with inflammation but also relates to infections. In other words, a high-heat situation can either lead to illness, or itself be caused by infection.

What is happening is basically a localized heat situation in your mouth, which is making it hard for your body to remove the bacteria which cause disease. The pale gums show there is low blood flow here, for example.

Although being overweight and having sinus problems relates to yang deficiencies, these problems are aggravated by any heat in the body, which coagulates any debris, resulting in sinus or fat accumulation.


What carbs are you eating? If this is done to a major extent, then you are basically malnourishing your body. The meat is needed to produce blood and other yin components. Vegetables largely reduce and remove heat in the body.

Besides this, other major issues that you can be making include excessive ejaculation (output of vital yin fluids), as well as staying up late (missing the best yin-building time of the day).

Beyond that, you will want to do yoga to rebuild yourself. You can also use acupressure points, like spleen 6 to generate yin, but if you do this too much it will make you tired (because your body is converting yang energy to yin). The more yoga you can do, the better. Don't worry about it being imperfect if you are struggling due to weight issues.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
