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Coronavirus/Covid - Phase 2 - Wintertime

Just a small correction, Galileo was sentenced to home prison, and he died in his home.

But amazing sermon, nonetheless.

Hail Satan! Forever!!!
Larissa666 said:
Just a small correction, Galileo was sentenced to home prison, and he died in his home.

But amazing sermon, nonetheless.

Hail Satan! Forever!!!

Thank you for the input. I read about Galileo a long time ago, they wanted him to suffer. as I recall, his fate was debated on many accounts, but in the end, he died as you said, in purposeful forced isolation like Tesla. Tesla died in the same fashion in a hotel room.

This is how the enemy repays bright minds who do well for our world.
likman666 said:
Satan Summoning His Legions

Funny found this pre-internet trolling at it's finest. Posted the Satan Prince of the World artwork and out popped this gem on Bing image search.

This book, completed post-humously by the author's son, exposes a Luciferian Conspiracy and the 'Synagogue of Satan' as driving forces behind the World Revolutionary Movement. The author insists Lucifer is a real spiritual force active in the world, who is worshipped by many of the most powerful people in the world, including those who run Hollywood, the music industry, central banks, large corporations, intelligence agencies, Universities, and some sections of the military.

Why would Lucifer-Satan or Satan-Lucifer like HP.Jake mentions wants to run all that if it's filled with jews. Last time I checked those aren't people Satan states are his people. Lulz at "synagogues of Satan" meme again, rabbi jebus is basically racially attacking his own jewish people for cockblocking him. This is why people need to be educated on spiritual matters rather than go along with what deluded christards and jews state i.e. lying.

slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A lot of students had a good time during Covid in a similar manner. I think it was enjoyable for a few people, but because it was relatively short.

Yet schools and universities need to exist in the normal fashion so people can assosciate, make friends, relate and learn, for uni age people to have relationships sexual and otherwise, and too much over distance can have drastically negative emotional effects on human beings. Isolation breaks humans over extended periods. Internet assosciation has a limit. This is why some more sensitive people killed themselves during the lockdown.

Little children break entirely from isolation and it can cause major development issues, they need to play and socialize a lot. Children of this age and their parents who had to take care of them suffered from a lot of stress to make the demands fit. It cannot go forever. The enemy wants people living as if in cages, in a virtual only environment, isolated from existence.

Countryside living has major perks, few of them the ones you mention. Cities were hit hard by the lockdowns.

Aquarius said:
Quarantine was beneficial to me, being in a stressful situation and in school I no longer had to go and did online lessons which made me very relaxed. I had more time to sleep and meditate and I became more happy overall. Nothing literally changed for me as living in the countryside I could just go out with my dog as always.

It really does depend on the person some people can spend years with little to no interaction with others even online or maybe just one partner or friend or family member living with them and have no problems at all.

Others if they are isolated for a time they will break complely and feel hopeless commit suicide etc.

Me I didnt like to spend long times isolated and did enjoy interaction but chose to for years cause it was better than dealing with the world the way it was.

So this lockdown isnt a big deal and actually isnt bad I am happy. I could go on for a year or two of this and be fine with no mental problems at all and maybe even be way happier than when things were normal (that's how it's going right now) cause I was used to this at one point in my life and dont like doing dumb things that much anyways. But it did feel good today to get out and walk around the mall and get something to eat etc. If they close everything literally the park will be fine to get out too.

Really this isnt that bad and could even be fun. It is Just not something normies or especially younger souls are used too.

I myself wouldnt mind living in the middle of nowhere in the mountains like somewhere in North Carolina or Tennessee or something and not visiting civilization that much. I have my Partner at least so I am fine I probably would be even fine mostly without that. Cause I was for about 7 years mainly and sometimes only interacting with people online or no one at all sometimes.
It's not just about socializing, jobs and public services are also needed. For example, when the jews stole the Golan Heights from Syria, they began to populate the territory with villages. I think villages are a phase of civilization growth. I have seen villages with large territories that have grown into large villages that are small towns and eventually have grown into large cities. If a village does not have abundant space, it cannot grow and if it cannot grow, there will be no development and without development there will be no quality life.
What is your opinion on this?

For countryside (AFI: / kamˈpaɲɲa / from the late Latin campanea, campania), or rural area (always from the Latin ruralis, derived from rus, ruris with the meaning of "countryside"), means an extensive surface of open land, outside or far from urban centers or major inhabited centers, characterized by a low population density and mostly inhabited by some small rural community, typically settled in hamlets or scattered houses. Made up of large flat areas or low hills, the countryside, closely linked to the agricultural world, plays an important cultural and economic role in human society, being the place where most of the activities related to the primary sector take place.

What I want to highlight is the village where I was born. People have little land and agricultural production is a bullshit. The harvest is literally not enough for people's needs, let alone to sell. Farmers and farms are needed because agricultural production is needed, as well as raising animals for milk, meat etc., these two businesses work well together because they are connected by the food chain but land is needed. Population of other planets will be inevitable in the future. In Africa there is a lot of space but technology is needed to bring the desert land back to life.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
Just a small correction, Galileo was sentenced to home prison, and he died in his home.

But amazing sermon, nonetheless.

Hail Satan! Forever!!!

Thank you for the input. I read about Galileo a long time ago, they wanted him to suffer. as I recall, his fate was debated on many accounts, but in the end, he died as you said, in purposeful forced isolation like Tesla. Tesla died in the same fashion in a hotel room.

This is how the enemy repays bright minds who do well for our world.
Please read the sentence. He is literally accused of teaching the truth about the solar system.

The next day, in the Chapter House of the Dominican convent adjacent to the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, the sentence signed by seven out of ten inquisitors was read in Italian to a kneeling Galileo:

"Since you, Galileo fig.lo del q.m. Vinc.o Galilei, Florentine, of your age of 70 years, were denounced in this S.o Off in 1615.o, that you kept as true the false doctrine, taught by some, that the Sun is the center of the world and mobile, and that the Earth moves even in diurnal motion; that you had disciples, to whom you taught the same doctrine; that about the same doctrine you kept correspondence with some mathematicians of Germany; that you had given to the press some letters entitled Sunspots, in which you explained the same doctrine as true; that to the objections that were sometimes made to you, taken from the Sacred Scripture, you answered by glorying the said Scripture in accordance with your meaning; and later a copy of a writing was presented in the form of a letter, which was said to have been written by you to such a former disciple of yours, and in it, following the position of Copernicus, are contained various propositions against the true meaning and authority of the Sacred Scripture [...] That the Sun is the center of the world and the movable of local motion, is an absurd and false proposition in philosophy, and formally heretical, to be expressly contrary to Sacred Scripture; That the Earth is neither the center of the world nor an imobile, but that it moves and etiandio of diurnal motion, is equally absurd and false proposition in philosophy, and considered in theology to minus erroneous in Faith.
But if we wish to proceed with kindness, it was decreed by the Sacred Congregation at 25 February 1616 that the Eminence Card. Bellarmino ordered that you should omninally leave the said false opinion, and refusing to do so, that by the Comissary of S. Off.io you should be made a precept to leave the said docrina, and that you could not teach it to others, nor defend it nor deal with it, to which precept not acquiescing, should you be imprisoned; and in execution of the same decree, the following day, in the palace and in the presence of the sodetto Eminen.The same Cardinal Bellarmino, after having been kindly warned and amonito by the same Cardinal Bellarmino, it was by Fr. Comissario del S. Off.o of that time made a precept, with notary and witnesses, that you should leave the said false opinion, and that in the future you could not keep it or defend it or teach it in any way, neither in voice nor in writing: and having promised to obey, you were dismissed. And so that this pernicious doctrine might be taken away, and no longer go beyond it, in grave prejudice to the Catholic truth, a decree was issued by the Sacred Congregation of the Index, by which books dealing with this doctrine were forbidden, and it was declared false and omninently contrary to Sacred and Divine Scripture. And having recently appeared here a book, printed in Fiorenza next year, whose inscription showed that you were the author, saying the title Dialogo di Galileo Galilei delli due Massimi Sistemi del mondo, Tolemaico e Copernicano; and informed the Sacred Congregation below.nd that with the impression of said book every day more and more the false opinion of the motion of the earth and stability of the Sun took hold and spread; It was the said book diligently considered, and in it expressly found the transgression of the aforesaid precept which was made to you, having you in the same book defended the aforesaid opinion already damned and in your face for such a declared opinion, let it happen that you in the said book with various reasons studied to persuade yourself that you leave as undecided and expressly probable, which although it is a very serious error, not being able in any way to be probable a declared and defended opinion contrary to divine Scripture [...]
And since you were given a convenient term to defend yourself, you produced a handwritten faith of emin.mo S.r Card.le Bellarmino, procured by you, as you said, to defend yourself from the slander of your enemies, from which you were opposed that you had abjured and had been penitentiated, but that you had only been denounced the declaration made by N. S. and published by the Sacred Congregation.that the Index, which contains the doctrine of the motion of the earth and the stability of the sun is contrary to the Sacred Scriptures, but that it can neither be defended nor kept; and that therefore, if no mention is made in that faith of the two parts of the precept, that is docere and quovis modo, one must believe that in the course of 14 or 16 years you had lost all memory of it, and that for that same reason you had kept the precept silent when you asked permission to give the book to the press [...]. I therefore invoke the Most Holy name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and his most glorious Mother, ever Virgin Mary; for this diffinitive sentence of ours, as sitting pro tribunal, counsel and opinion of the RR Masters of Sacred Theology and Doctors of the one and the other law, our counselors, I proffer in these writings in the case and in the cases before us among the M.co Carlo Sinceri, of the one and the other law Doctor, fiscal Procurator of this S.o Off.o, for a part, to you Galileo Galilei antedetto, guilty here present, inquired, tried and confessed as above, on the other; We say, pronounce, sentence and declare that you, Galileo Galilei, for the things deduced in the trial and confessed by you as above, have surrendered yourself to this S.o Offence.o vehement suspicion of heresy, that is to say, that you have held and believed a false doctrine contrary to the Holy and Divine Scriptures, that the sun is the centre of the earth, and that it does not move from east to west, and that the earth moves and is not the centre of the world, and that an opinion may be held and defended for probable after it has been declared and diffined contrary to the Holy Scriptures; and consequently you have incurred all the censures and punishments of the sacred canons and other general and particular constitutions against such criminals imposed and promulgated. From which we are pleased to be absolute, though before, with sincere hearts and unfeigned faith, you abjure, curse and loathe these errors and heresies, and any other error and heresy contrary to the Catholic and Apostolic Church, in the manner and form which we shall give you.
And so that this grave and pernicious error and transgression of yours may not go unpunished, and be more cautious in the future, and be an example to others who refrain from such crimes. We order that the book of the Dialogues of Galileo Galilei be forbidden by public edict. We condemn thee to formal imprisonment in this holy offense, or at our own discretion; and for salutary penances we command thee, that for three years to come, I declare the seven Psalms of penance once a week: reserving to us the faculty to moderate, change, or lift up all or part of the sodden punishments and penances. And so we say, we pronounce, we sentence, we sentence, we declare, we order and we reserve in this and in every other better way and form that we could and must of reason [...]". (Holy Office, Sentencing of Galileo Galilei)

A few months after his conviction the sentence was transformed into house arrest, which Galieo served until his death at Villa Il Gioiello in Arcetri (Florence). As for the recitation of the Penitential Psalms, the scientist asked and obtained that his daughter Virginia, a cloistered nun, recited them on his behalf.
$ignificant$un said:
People are waking up unlike ever before on this planet. I did want to share amazing progress I made with my Bible thumping mother. She was scared and confused regarding the recent assault on white women (the Karen). For what had to be the first time ever, she looked to me for answers and asked actually asked about the jews. She would never listen before because of her Sunday school brainwashing; always holding the jew high esteem. I gave her a history lesson about hitler, bolsheviks, WWII and the events proceeding. It was the most stimulating conversation we ever had and filled me with much hope.
Hail Satan!!!

If you have free time, do a small RTR, such as 1x or 3x, towards her specifically, such as towards a picture of her. This can accelerate her transitional process. Combine it with a short aura cleaning on her afterwards, for additional effect.

Also study up on all the topics you discussed and those related to it, as she may have more questions soon! Good luck to you and your family!
Woodwinder1112 said:
Thank You,HPHC,for the extremely informative and reassuring sermon. I thoroughly enjoy your sermons and articles and have gained many insights and pieces of knowledge from reading them. I have recently dedicated to Father Satan and am steadily progressing through Your 40-Day Program. I was wondering about Chakra Spinning in that, does it make a difference whether you spin them clockwise or counterclockwise or does either way work? But once again, Thank You for your Wonderful,Knowledgeable Sermons!!! HAIL Father Satan! HEIL Hitler!

Chakras are vortexes of energy spinning anti-clockwise.

So if you have the vortex on the ground per say. And its spinning like a tornado.

The point is on the ground. And looking at it from the wide and flat top. It's rotating anti-clockwise.

The swastika also rotates anti-clockwise.

It absorbs energy from the flat end and releases energy from the tip.
Personal Growth said:
Chakras are vortexes of energy spinning anti-clockwise.

So if you have the vortex on the ground per say. And its spinning like a tornado.

The point is on the ground. And looking at it from the wide and flat top. It's rotating anti-clockwise.

The swastika also rotates anti-clockwise.

It absorbs energy from the flat end and releases energy from the tip.

Does that mean that you should visualize the first and second chakras spinning in opposition to the other ones?
Blitzkreig said:
$ignificant$un said:
People are waking up unlike ever before on this planet. I did want to share amazing progress I made with my Bible thumping mother. She was scared and confused regarding the recent assault on white women (the Karen). For what had to be the first time ever, she looked to me for answers and asked actually asked about the jews. She would never listen before because of her Sunday school brainwashing; always holding the jew high esteem. I gave her a history lesson about hitler, bolsheviks, WWII and the events proceeding. It was the most stimulating conversation we ever had and filled me with much hope.
Hail Satan!!!

If you have free time, do a small RTR, such as 1x or 3x, towards her specifically, such as towards a picture of her. This can accelerate her transitional process. Combine it with a short aura cleaning on her afterwards, for additional effect.

Also study up on all the topics you discussed and those related to it, as she may have more questions soon! Good luck to you and your family!

Thank you for your advice. I had never thought about targeting the RTR to a specific person to help them.
Blitzkreig said:
evans said:
I ask the demon enns, are a jewish invention???

Demons are real beings, not a jewish invention.
I was asking if the enns of Alexander willit ,are a jewish invention?. I use google translator and it mistranscribed my question above . Sorry brother....
Inflorescentia said:
Personal Growth said:
Chakras are vortexes of energy spinning anti-clockwise.

So if you have the vortex on the ground per say. And its spinning like a tornado.

The point is on the ground. And looking at it from the wide and flat top. It's rotating anti-clockwise.

The swastika also rotates anti-clockwise.

It absorbs energy from the flat end and releases energy from the tip.

Does that mean that you should visualize the first and second chakras spinning in opposition to the other ones?

Yes. Base and navel chakras point up. Solar chakra down. And heart both up and down. Crown, pineal and throat chakras point down.

I worked out which way I'd turn a screw to put it in or screw it out to figure out direction.
Thank You very much,Personal Growth,for your explanation of the counterclockwise rotation of the Chakras. That helped clear up the confusion I was having with doing the Chakra Spinning. Now I can perform them and feel I'm doing things correctly! Thank You,again,Personal Growth and Father Satan's Blessings to You and ALL our Brothers and Sisters in Satan!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These entities are alien, exist in another dimension adjacent to this one, and they are well known harassers of humanity for thousands of years, and for purposes that mostly deal with abuse. Greys have a plan to dehumanize human beings, and in general, either destroy us, or if this is not possible [we have protection], turn us into some form of enslaved hybrid. The road to this plan is lengthy, and involves negative use of technology, which has to become mainstream, and the climax of this, is when they invade and they take over a civilization, after they have led it down to the hole.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am confused with this part. I thought they intend to enslave us first, otherwise they will destroy us. Not other way around? Otherwise they could have destroy us while their master was kicking Satan and his demons out of our planet ages ago?
People should take note of what is going on in Belarus. Its pretty much what may happen during US elections. Entire country rioting and whole internet cut off. Of course certain apps from enemy like (((discord))) are still available but it just shows you how they gonna control information when shit happens.

Was talking to a friend in Belarus who managed to get back on web with VPN and he told me there is only mainstream media garbage going on and threats coming in from commie goverment that has fetish to remake Neo Soviet Union but people are not afraid of them.
Necrorifter said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These entities are alien, exist in another dimension adjacent to this one, and they are well known harassers of humanity for thousands of years, and for purposes that mostly deal with abuse. Greys have a plan to dehumanize human beings, and in general, either destroy us, or if this is not possible [we have protection], turn us into some form of enslaved hybrid. The road to this plan is lengthy, and involves negative use of technology, which has to become mainstream, and the climax of this, is when they invade and they take over a civilization, after they have led it down to the hole.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am confused with this part. I thought they intend to enslave us first, otherwise they will destroy us. Not other way around? Otherwise they could have destroy us while their master was kicking Satan and his demons out of our planet ages ago?

The first plan was always the nuke, however, as the enemy claims, humanity is "sufficient enough," to be made "servants of God (borg)". The advent of technology opens the gates for humanity to also go down the borg route, something unattainable before. For this reason in the recent not very tech advanced past, regular abuse and harvesting of human energy was what they could do, hoping to manifest the rest or a situation of advantage for themselves. If one cannot destroy it, might as well milk it while it exists. Destruction and this aim interplay in what they may attempt or want.

But neither path appears to be plausible at this point, because either would have manifested. Nuclear fallout and creating "Armageddon" was an enemy plan for decades that failed miserably. Presently, they are failing on the chip mass mind control agenda also. Given mass awakening, if things keep going better and spiritual warfare limits them neither of these can be plausible manifestations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A lot of conversation has been happening for months in regards to the Co-Vid, as the obvious ramifications that were heaped upon people worldwide were powerful because of the virus. People globally have not only suffered, but massive changes have ensued, massive revealations of plans, conspiracies, and all sorts of other things.

Normally, it appears that many people focus on the existence or non-existence of Co-Vid, or how serious the situation really is.

But indeed, as the situation displays, this is only the beginning of the so called "illness", and the massive problems are entailed not by the virus itself, or even it's spread, but in regards to the planning and general conspiracies that have attempted to be mobilized in order to control this whole situation and turn to an advantage.

It is really obvious what is happening based on "Co-Vid". For one, the enemy structure is at it's limits right now, and it has went through a phase of massive exercise of power, while at the same time, having their power drained from the situation itself. Undeniably, the Gods have been in this situation, planning it and doing a lot of execution to get the enemy to do every possible bad move, and this will continue.

For example, everyone saw how degenerate the so called "Leaders" of this world are, and how many are below the standards - especially jews. Jews are unfit to rule anything, and the moment something goes wrong, jews tend towards lies, abuse, destruction and deception, which is how they lead anyway - but it's just that it becomes very obvious. Jews were so terrified and still are of the situation, that they looked like a scared rat running in between electric cables. Many rich jews, even Rabbis of old age, were terrified of contacting the disease and dying, and due to this, and the remote possibility, they did not hesitate to literally strangle the planet instantly.

Yet, the lockdown itself had a lot more things behind it. Without going into the normal aspects of it, I will simply relate what this situation meant, without the useless decoration cherry involved. The lockdown, caused suffering, and it also caused survival instincts to kick in in many cases, and in many people. These are necessary if we are to survive the lizardine counciles that are trying to struggle us to submission.

Greys are dependent on energy from humans, and the religions they have set up, were a necessity to feed them energetically, and that aside, Greys are also inhuman creatures, that have certain "Plans" for humanity. These involve technological dictatorship, and all sorts of other disturbing things, that one can read on other topics I have made before.

The problem is, when a civilization reaches a certain level of knowledge and technology, their primal hoaxes start losing their power. Because these lose power, then they put their bets on steering us based on negative technology now, and not on the primal hoaxes that worked once upon a time, such as the sorry story of a Rabbi from Israel or something.

As such, we stand a chance to advance for all the things they do not like, such as space travel, discovering other planets, and unironically so, even getting to know about their conspiracy, which is exactly what has happened and why they are bitter. Therefore it's necessary for them to see if they can screw us over now, or enslave us quickly in some way, however, as the time/opportunity continuum goes, this does not yet appear to be the case of possibility.

This angers them extremely much. Their influence is very observed in humanity unfortunately, and without human beings having consciousness of spiritual affairs [Ancient Civilizations knew about the greys and other enemies], their influence is present.

These entities are alien, exist in another dimension adjacent to this one, and they are well known harassers of humanity for thousands of years, and for purposes that mostly deal with abuse. Greys have a plan to dehumanize human beings, and in general, either destroy us, or if this is not possible [we have protection], turn us into some form of enslaved hybrid. The road to this plan is lengthy, and involves negative use of technology, which has to become mainstream, and the climax of this, is when they invade and they take over a civilization, after they have led it down to the hole.

Take an example of all the things that were done during the lockdown. Personally, I had no issue with it, other than the external issues everyone else also shared had a share of, no matter who or what they were. Meditation, reading and so forth, for people who are into this, can be just fine, same as self introspection, or exercise at home, or whatever. On the other hand, the striking majority of human beings, are, rightfully so, social beings. Being social is the basis of civilization, but also a lot the basis of being human.

Slowly and gradually, the enemy prepares humanity, on an evergrowing phase of technological domination, invasion of privacy, control and surveillence. Due to how insane much of this is, excuses are needed, and a pandemic, with the excuse of "This is for your health", is a strong excuse, but as it appears, the RTR's made this to not be enough.

Indeed the Co-Vid situation extends past the virus itself. The situation is deeply political, spiritual, and a general war is going on. It is not a coincidence, all the attacks on personal freedoms by jews on the pretext of the "Covid", were pushed at the same time with the financial destruction of millions [upwards to 50 million unemployed in the US only right now, and nobody gives a flying fuck], and at the same time, with mass isolation, extreme measures, psychological warfare by the news, and also they silently started a civil war based on a random monkey that was walking around doing the usual ape stuff, that Jews take and promote as some sort of holy crime, to start race war on top of everything.

One would reasonably assume, this was some sort of hidden revenge of Jews, who after observing where the waking up was going, namely, against them, instantly mobilized the "Race War the Goyim Tribes" meme, which for the most part also failed but caused even more suffering. The destructive forces of the jews, plus their incompetence to lead, and their exaggerated alien plans, all in one soup, have been a toxic one.

Let's say this, during the Co-Vid situation, the readership of the forum went like upwards to a hundred times. Yes, a hundred times, collectively in all the websites. This may sound shocking, but this is exactly what this happens. Doing the math in exactitude, it may be even more.

Clearly, people used the free time to seek the Truth, and many people, never had time for months and months. Endless millions out there never had the time to sit down for once and learn anything at all, and this is why a lot of our people here consists of people who, for one reason or another, at some point in their life, they had time - for example, unemployment, or teenagers, or university professors, or people simply too interested in the occult that they will make time to read no matter what. But the "Common man" never had a chance to read a few things.

One of the positive things Satan ensured during this pandemic, is that people have been exposed to our texts now, and there is never going back now. Indeed, during this time, the Governments were also enforced to pay people, and this trend will continue. Much of the system is broken as is, and a necessary recycling is required. We will continue the advertising efforts, just know everyone- even those of us who solitary do internet warfare, THAT OUR COLLECTIVE EFFORTS ARE DEFINITELY EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE!

In regards to the RTR, everyone who has been watching the news, and has been watching the movement of the enemy, can understand where this agenda was going.

Totally cashless society, promoting enslavement based microchips [The dumb jew Nethanyahu went as far as saying people need to have a literal goddamn implant alarm on them, supposedly to be protected for "CoVid"], enslavement in little rooms where people cannot go out, extreme policing, people trapped in physically and emotionally, any form of human contact to be removed entirely and only happen at a distance [and through the control of mega jews], fear of man against man [oy vey, you may get sick], excuses for more "automation" and removing more and more humans from any work and labor, putting AI to work for global policing, installing more and more spyware on the cattle for "Health Reasons", and all sorts of other alien garbage, all while making people poor and dependent while they are at it. They went as far as to deplatform and attack anyone with any form of reasonable question, without any hesitation, because they are scared. Major figures of the enemy all the way from Ellen to Gates have shown true colors, and humanity has seen what they are about.

This is how the enemy uses technology, power, wealth, influence, and everything else.

Indeed, most of this seldom has anything to do with the pandemic situation itself, but only a struggle of control and abuse. This situation reminds of the 16th century, the century where the Catholic church flexed the most it's power and jew-elry, until it went forth to be destroyed in the 17th century. Only this time, the situation will go way faster. "We will burn Galilleo". But who won in the end, the "Church" or Galilleo? As we will soon see, Galilleo did indeed win his war, and only lost his life.

Also, the revelation of the Jew as the enemy of humanity, cannot go back now. We are about to see the era of the Gods rising. They should have thought before initiating a war against humanity, creating race wars, deceiving, thieving mercilessly, and thinking the Gods would never win this war, because this is only the beginning.

We are standing before another 17th century, only this time, with the power of Satan and his Age, plus the advent of technology and information, the enemy will have no hole to hide ever again.

In regards to the Co-Vid situation, and it's next phases [These may involve regional or even full lockdowns in some places], just keep up with the Final RTR. Then, all ways lead to Rome. To give an example here, there are people who believe in Co-Vid, and those who do not. But all roads lead to Rome, and the revelation of the enemy is now a global fact and unavoidable. Given the situation and historic pattern of the enemy, we must be prepared for a full on war by the enemy, who will not go down easily.

The enemy, even when revealed to be a liar, will not step back. Their only fear is punishment, not the moral weight of being liars, as they have no conscience. Indeed, many people in mass media enjoy the power to lie, and they feel it's a great aphrodisiac to deceive the "asleep goyim". People assume that this Co-Vid situation will settle down, or that things will become more peaceful as time goes, or that somehow this will be forgotten, but the situation is a large power display of the enemy, and a curfew on our planet for other affairs, primarily motivated out of inflation and fear in regards to what will come.

Just observe what has been happening with recent laws the enemy has put in motion, to go after "Co-Vid conspiracy theorists", and how they will attack mercilessly even their own who dare question how they handle the situation. Oy vey, they are very salty aren't they? Is the goyim thinking for itself now and Jew York Times is not doing the Goyim's thinking? They don't buy a lot of Cosmopolitan anymore? Annuda Shoah!

They are on TV's grinning on that they will do experimental vaccines to people, and they laugh loudly on TV panels before they go live to pretend Co-Vid is the end of humanity or something, for clickbait and mental warfare on human beings. Then when they understand the act is over, they become angry and threaten lockdown and military, as if this clique of irrelevant 0.1% means anything against the might and consciousness of the 99.9%. And the mass consciousness is already awakening to the alien influence.

Just remember to be prepared mentally, do your meditations, and prepared for the so called "Second Wave" in a similar fashion of the "First" wave. It is still "unclear" where this is exactly going, as every country will have a different modus operandi. For example, in countries where the enemy is afraid of being destroyed, they will probably not press it too far. One can judge the situation and risk on themselves. For example, if one lives in a place where regional full lock-downs may commence, do not wait to be the last guy going into the Supermarket to have to fight your way to a bag of chips. If you are in a chiller area, prepare accordingly. Make sure to apply wherever possible, for any and all government support and benefits to support yourself and your family, if currently unemployed. We did Wealth Ritual to boost efforts and support will come from the Gods, who will keep everyone protected within reason, added on personal protection. Do not slack, and do not fear. Feel free to ask questions so that we can mutually support one another through these times, and stay strong.

Let the age of Aquarius and the age of Satan, the Age of Man, start in full power, as everyone watches the situation unveil and progress!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
They are planning on starting a World War in the winter, And planning on declaring martial law, They are going to have the economy crash, They might plan a fake alien attack, Do your RTR's, Sigils, Runes Everybody!
Blitzkreig said:
evans said:
I ask the demon enns, are a jewish invention???

Demons are real beings, not a jewish invention.
Blitzkreig said:
evans said:
I ask the demon enns, are a jewish invention???

Demons are real beings, not a jewish invention.

No he's talking about something else here. These are calls that are on various other websites they say calls upon various Demons.

I would say It is not stated anywhere in a source where it came from on any of the sites or books that use them and nowhere says what the language is. That in itself should mean we probably should not use it as we don't know what we are saying. That is dumb in any case just to chant or vibrate stuff when we dont know what it means or what kind of energy it has. And all of them are only used in Jewish writings about Satan and his Demons and on websites with Jewish ideas about Satan so that tells you it probably was created by them so I wouldn't use them.

I remember somewhere I think maybe in the thread I post at the bottom here someone said that a Demon told them that the Demons do not like the enns. If that is the case we should not use them.

If you want search on this i think there were more things written on it.

Here is one thread you might find useful
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Necrorifter said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These entities are alien, exist in another dimension adjacent to this one, and they are well known harassers of humanity for thousands of years, and for purposes that mostly deal with abuse. Greys have a plan to dehumanize human beings, and in general, either destroy us, or if this is not possible [we have protection], turn us into some form of enslaved hybrid. The road to this plan is lengthy, and involves negative use of technology, which has to become mainstream, and the climax of this, is when they invade and they take over a civilization, after they have led it down to the hole.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am confused with this part. I thought they intend to enslave us first, otherwise they will destroy us. Not other way around? Otherwise they could have destroy us while their master was kicking Satan and his demons out of our planet ages ago?

The first plan was always the nuke, however, as the enemy claims, humanity is "sufficient enough," to be made "servants of God (borg)". The advent of technology opens the gates for humanity to also go down the borg route, something unattainable before. For this reason in the recent not very tech advanced past, regular abuse and harvesting of human energy was what they could do, hoping to manifest the rest or a situation of advantage for themselves. If one cannot destroy it, might as well milk it while it exists. Destruction and this aim interplay in what they may attempt or want.

But neither path appears to be plausible at this point, because either would have manifested. Nuclear fallout and creating "Armageddon" was an enemy plan for decades that failed miserably. Presently, they are failing on the chip mass mind control agenda also. Given mass awakening, if things keep going better and spiritual warfare limits them neither of these can be plausible manifestations.

Okay, I see, so they did intend to destroy us with their Jewish team and their manthean project. but they got curious when they notice how rapidly we are developing along technology and wonder if they can control us through it. So, they play the long game once again, only to end up try to control too much and expose themselves to us. Now they are losing and try to completely enslave us or nuke us, neither are working because of our actions. Their master cannot help them as they once did so long ago because Satan and his demons are taking care of the big fishes. In other words, they wait too long and now their reap is spoiled and poison them to death, yet our spoiled form holds seed that will sow a bright healthy future for humanity. Do I understand this correctly?
Its pretty obvious that the Jewrona is heatening up, so dont be surprised when the vaccine comes around next year, that critical places for LIVING(like grocery stores etc) happen to become ´´corona-vaccine MANDATORY`` places, that you have to prove that you have taken the ´´ceeertainly not making you like a Borg``- vaccine.

It definetly feels that the Enemy is making their last stands with this Corona... :twisted:
Thank you very much for your answer brother slyscorpion . you understood my question perfectly ,sorry for my bad english, i use google tranlator.
evans said:
Blitzkreig said:
evans said:
I ask the demon enns, are a jewish invention???

Demons are real beings, not a jewish invention.
I was asking if the enns of Alexander willit ,are a jewish invention?. I use google translator and it mistranscribed my question above . Sorry brother....

Satanism and Goetia

Goetic Enns? Fake and Disrespectful, or Legit?

The Qlippothic Kabbalah


Hello everyone. I'm from Russia. The other day we got the news that the Jewish rabbi Putin, who is, to my regret, the president of the country, has registered the Covida vaccine. This worries me very much. People in Russia are still sleeping, and do not understand what is happening, they wake up too slowly. What should the Russians do?
Taurus said:
ChristopherLeeMcKee said:
I achieved godhead
Now you must climb the 3000 steps and inform the greybeards.

hehe, also do not forget to focus your energy into your throat chakra and shout to influence reality to your will.
Anna said:
Hello everyone. I'm from Russia. The other day we got the news that the Jewish rabbi Putin, who is, to my regret, the president of the country, has registered the Covida vaccine. This worries me very much. People in Russia are still sleeping, and do not understand what is happening, they wake up too slowly. What should the Russians do?

The only thing you can do is resist it as much as you can, and urge your friends and family to do the same. I think the vaccine is damaging, but it is not going to kill or enslave you. If you are forced to get it, then do a Satanama working and affirm that the energies are healing and protecting you from the harmful effects of the vaccine. Also continue with your yoga and meditation. A body with lots of bioenergy can remove all toxins pretty easily.
Anna said:
Hello everyone. I'm from Russia. The other day we got the news that the Jewish rabbi Putin, who is, to my regret, the president of the country, has registered the Covida vaccine. This worries me very much. People in Russia are still sleeping, and do not understand what is happening, they wake up too slowly. What should the Russians do?
You are a SS, Satan will protect you. I'm sure even if you take the vaccine Satan can still heal you and you can still do magick to help yourself. Keep your protection up, do your meditations and the F-Rtr. There is really nothing else you can do but this should be enough.
Thank you very much, ol argedco luciftias,for answering me. The links gave me clarity,now I understood and learned.
luis said:
Anna said:
Hello everyone. I'm from Russia. The other day we got the news that the Jewish rabbi Putin, who is, to my regret, the president of the country, has registered the Covida vaccine. This worries me very much. People in Russia are still sleeping, and do not understand what is happening, they wake up too slowly. What should the Russians do?
You are a SS, Satan will protect you. I'm sure even if you take the vaccine Satan can still heal you and you can still do magick to help yourself. Keep your protection up, do your meditations and the F-Rtr. There is really nothing else you can do but this should be enough.

Thank you. But I also worry about others. For non-SS relatives, for the pagan citizens of the country. Sorry for them ... I would like to help them too.... (((
Necrorifter said:
Taurus said:
ChristopherLeeMcKee said:
I achieved godhead
Now you must climb the 3000 steps and inform the greybeards.

hehe, also do not forget to focus your energy into your throat chakra and shout to influence reality to your will.
Anna said:
luis said:
Anna said:
Hello everyone. I'm from Russia. The other day we got the news that the Jewish rabbi Putin, who is, to my regret, the president of the country, has registered the Covida vaccine. This worries me very much. People in Russia are still sleeping, and do not understand what is happening, they wake up too slowly. What should the Russians do?
You are a SS, Satan will protect you. I'm sure even if you take the vaccine Satan can still heal you and you can still do magick to help yourself. Keep your protection up, do your meditations and the F-Rtr. There is really nothing else you can do but this should be enough.

Thank you. But I also worry about others. For non-SS relatives, for the pagan citizens of the country. Sorry for them ... I would like to help them too.... (((
Unfortunately there is really nothing else we can do. Lets hope the F-Rtr will take care of this.
ChristopherLeeMcKee said:
I achieved godhead

This accout looks like it was created by a little kid or something if you read the posts either that or a bot of some sort. But anyways lol I did get a nice laugh off this for some reason so I had to look at whatever else he said.
Anna said:
luis said:
Anna said:
Hello everyone. I'm from Russia. The other day we got the news that the Jewish rabbi Putin, who is, to my regret, the president of the country, has registered the Covida vaccine. This worries me very much. People in Russia are still sleeping, and do not understand what is happening, they wake up too slowly. What should the Russians do?
You are a SS, Satan will protect you. I'm sure even if you take the vaccine Satan can still heal you and you can still do magick to help yourself. Keep your protection up, do your meditations and the F-Rtr. There is really nothing else you can do but this should be enough.

Thank you. But I also worry about others. For non-SS relatives, for the pagan citizens of the country. Sorry for them ... I would like to help them too.... (((

More F-RTR = more people safe.

Everything else (spreading infos online etc [aside from jos advertising = more F-RTRs]) is not as much effective.
GG Allin said:
Anna said:
luis said:
You are a SS, Satan will protect you. I'm sure even if you take the vaccine Satan can still heal you and you can still do magick to help yourself. Keep your protection up, do your meditations and the F-Rtr. There is really nothing else you can do but this should be enough.

Thank you. But I also worry about others. For non-SS relatives, for the pagan citizens of the country. Sorry for them ... I would like to help them too.... (((

More F-RTR = more people safe.

Everything else (spreading infos online etc [aside from jos advertising = more F-RTRs]) is not as much effective.

Maybe we attack them again with the wake-up ritual and RTR? Together?
Anna said:
GG Allin said:
Anna said:
Thank you. But I also worry about others. For non-SS relatives, for the pagan citizens of the country. Sorry for them ... I would like to help them too.... (((

More F-RTR = more people safe.

Everything else (spreading infos online etc [aside from jos advertising = more F-RTRs]) is not as much effective.

Maybe we attack them again with the wake-up ritual and RTR? Together?

Jeah, but only again when the astrological best time is, for now fokus F-RTR.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
