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Conversations with snakes


New member
Jan 1, 2024
Tonight I was talking with the snake goddesses Apophis and Shesha and the goddesses and gods and I learned that Hathor and Apophis are not enemies, they only restore balance on the earth so that it is not cruel. Hathor is the same as Nike, I intuited thanks to Odin that It is Freya in Nordic mythology, it is Marchosias in Hell and it is Ishtar in Sumeria, that is what my father told me that he is a god, he told me from the beyond, that it is another reality, not the astral.
Bapometh lives in another reality, where sometimes it is dark and foggy, I got confused and thought it was the astral, I told him and he got angry, he doesn't like being told that, Merlin intuited it, Satan intuited that I am Merlin.
You are confused. You are mistaking your own imagination for actual communication from the gods, but it is not.

Practice working on your chakras, and on your minor chakras for clairaudience and clairvoyance.
Why do you say I'm confused? Explain. I can hear the gods even speaking out loud. I was sleeping the other day. I asked the gods something in a dream and the voice of Mercury entered my room and woke me up. I feel vibrating throughout my body
Just that is it not likely or reasonable to be having these 24/7, multi-way conversations, with multiple Gods, including some of the other things you stated, like that the Gods had cursed you, or that you will be on Mount Olympus with the Gods and you foresaw this for another SS, too, and so on. All of this is more likely to be coming out of your own mind, despite that it may feel like it is coming externally.
Because all of the things you are saying are not true. The gods would not say things that are wrong, so it is certain that whatever you think you are hearing is not actually from the gods. You are imagining things in your own imagination, and you are very confused believing that this is gods talking to you when it is not.

If everything you say is correct, then it might be from the gods. But when everything you say is wrong, then it is not possible for this to be from the gods.
Why do you say I'm confused? Explain. I can hear the gods even speaking out loud. I was sleeping the other day. I asked the gods something in a dream and the voice of Mercury entered my room and woke me up. I feel vibrating throughout my body
You are experiencing what is called "Astral Static", and you've mistaken aspects of your own mind as gods. "Speaking" with the gods isn't even words, it is usually through emotions, imagry, and complex thought processes with no actual words. And when it is words, it's coming through your understanding of your language, and through your cerebral filter, and can quickly get convoluted if your astral ears are still shoddy, which is why they will use mostly wordless methods of communication with you at first. You're giving in to delusion, you've fallen into a very common and recoverable pitfall, but if you do not accept this and take the advice we're giving you, you will go completely insane. I'm being blunt with you here.

The gods already did it for me
No, no they didn't. Gods don't just do stuff for you like that. Gods teach you how to do stuff like that. This is further evidence that you've succumbed to Kundalini Madness quite early in your journey. The same thing happened to a friend of mine, he began to think he was Horus, got this idea that he was invincable, and now my best and closest human friend is dead, and completely stuck and lost in Duat. This will be you if you do not snap out of this nonsense. Gods don't even have time to be in your specific cranal space 24/7. That's literally just your own mind trying to trick you, an effect of the enemy curses.

These kinds of posts are scary for me, because I worry so much for the affected...I don't know if I'll ever be able to help my friend get through Duat. He might be stuck there forever, all because he wouldn't come to reason on these things.
Why wouldn't they do that, do you think they have time to wait for you? They are eager to see us and want to move us forward as quickly as possible, follow your intuitions and trust them completely.

As a beginner you can't rely completely on your intuition. Do as I advised.
Tonight I was talking with the snake goddesses Apophis and Shesha and the goddesses and gods and I learned that Hathor and Apophis are not enemies, they only restore balance on the earth so that it is not cruel. Hathor is the same as Nike, I intuited thanks to Odin that It is Freya in Nordic mythology, it is Marchosias in Hell and it is Ishtar in Sumeria, that is what my father told me that he is a god, he told me from the beyond, that it is another reality, not the astral.
Bapometh lives in another reality, where sometimes it is dark and foggy, I got confused and thought it was the astral, I told him and he got angry, he doesn't like being told that, Merlin intuited it, Satan intuited that I am Merlin.
(I apologize in advance to all my brothers and sisters if my answer will be a little long, but I really wanted to help this person, or, at least, tell my personal opinion)

This type of suggestion that you tell in your stories about the Gods is not new to me. I have already dealt with Satanists in the past who said quite "extravagant" things and passed them off as conversations with the Gods. I'll tell you an example so you can reflect on the situation and see if it's your case.

Some time ago I met this girl who had recently made the dedication of her soul and said that she performed the Ouija board with the Gods. At a certain point she had intrigued me and I asked her what they said to her. She started telling me very bizarre things like: "I tried to talk to [Name of God], but he told me he was at dinner and would contact me as soon as he finished eating" or other absurd things. (I won't mention the Name of the God because it would be offensive to the Divinity in question to be associated with these stories; however, what I told you was the least blasphemous thing she was influenced by, I avoid telling anything else, but we understand each other).

So I decided to test her to make her understand that she was not truly in touch with Divinity. I said to her: "if you're really in contact, which I doubt, ask them what I'm doing at the moment", after a while she replied: "he told me you're working on the Magnum Opus", wrong answer, it was false, but she was overly convinced.

The reason I told you this story is to show you that when a conversation is not true, it can be recognized by the following clues: 1) The fictitious entity makes absurd statements about reality 2) The fictitious entity does not provide a truthful answer to the questions 3) The fictitious entity adds nothing that can truly make the Satanist advance, but, on the contrary, makes him degenerate.

Essentially, when you see that something related to an astral conversation with the Gods is actually strange, bizarre, or even nonsensical and puts you on wrong paths (like believing that the Gods do the spiritual work for you); this is probably just a FALSE conversation.

And, finally, I wanted to say that it is not at all difficult to fall into these traps of believing in false conversations, I once saw a Satanist tell of a reptilian who complimented him telepathically on his "power", an absurd thing, but he firmly believed this and did not want to hear any objections. Therefore I tell you that in these cases you need to put aside not only your ego, but also your personal illusions (and disappointments) and act RATIONALLY.

I wish you good luck, try to overcome these things. We are all with you if you need us. I advise you: deepen your knowledge on JoS. Satan's Truth (Satya) is the only thing that dispels hallucinations and restores reality by showing it as it is.
Tonight I was talking with the snake goddesses Apophis and Shesha and the goddesses and gods and I learned that Hathor and Apophis are not enemies, they only restore balance on the earth so that it is not cruel. Hathor is the same as Nike, I intuited thanks to Odin that It is Freya in Nordic mythology, it is Marchosias in Hell and it is Ishtar in Sumeria, that is what my father told me that he is a god, he told me from the beyond, that it is another reality, not the astral.
Bapometh lives in another reality, where sometimes it is dark and foggy, I got confused and thought it was the astral, I told him and he got angry, he doesn't like being told that, Merlin intuited it, Satan intuited that I am Merlin.

These things are very common delusions that form in the minds of new SS. People think they are drinking tea with Azazel every day, and that Satan wipes their ass in the bathroom like their dad when they were a baby...

Also of course you were Rameses II in your past life, and also Napoleon, and Caesar was your drinking buddy while Pythagoras was your student.

We see these things all the time in new people, or in people who want to live in the prison of their delusions, rather than face reality and grow in reality through real experiences and growth.

Lastly, Freya is Inanna, Ishtar, but not Marchosias or Hathor or Nike, they are different Goddesses.

Baphomet is a spiritual symbolism/allegory, not a literal being.

About Merlin, I am fairly certain they were not a literal living spiritual grandmaster by name of Merlin, but a fictional character based on the more Ancient and real philosophers of the past who were similar, and in general is a fictional character based on the Spiritual practitioner under the Gods from the pre-xian times.

The one who wrote about Merlin was most likely a Satanic soul who reincarnated at a later time and likely wrote these stories based on his Soul Memory, inspiration from the Gods and real accounts of Pagan spiritual grandmasters such as the Celtic Druids of the past who were disciples of the Gods as well.

Even if Merlin was a real living person going by that name, and a spiritual grandmaster, it was certainly not you, so please do yourself a favor and start living in reality rather than in the confines of your delusions and fantasies.

Hail Satan!
Baphomet is a real being, it is a reality of satan,They are the same goddesses, who act in the different realities of time, which are the different mythologies.

Yeah and you are Satan in a different reality while your father is Satan's grand father in another reality.

In all seriousness, I am not here to argue with you.

The Joy of Satan explains what these are very well, and we know these to be as I have told you.
Do you understand that the gods are beyond right and wrong? Can you tell me what you meant when you said it's wrong? That's how I can understand you.
By wrong, I am saying that these things you say are not true, they are not real, they are just worthless nonsense. These are just nonsense lies that your own mind imagined. These ideas are not the truth, they are not valid, and they did not come from the gods.

You have a very busy mind full of thoughts, but it is only your own thoughts that you are hearing. You are not hearing anything from the gods, because your psychic senses are not active yet. You have not yet created or built the skill for true accurate psychic communication. This takes years of working and cleaning and practice for these skills to be active and correct.

It sounds like your mind is so out of control that it is making me start to wonder if you are consuming any drugs or if there might be a mental problem. The most important thing for you to do are things like Void Meditation, working on the Base Chakra, and other things like this which will help you to become in control of your mind and in control of your thoughts. Then when your mind is calm and is not so wild, then you can start working toward increasing your psychic senses and awareness in a healthy and correct way.
Kraken25 even I would like to believe you too. But like these other people on here said? The Gods wouldn't just up and talk to you like. So it was probably a dream that you had? A lot of the times that is wishful thinking? I know that everyone wants to meet Satan and have a conversation with him and his gods and demons? Just like we normally do with our Earthly parents. And those that we know here on this website. That I understand! And there's nothing wrong with that part. But I honestly think? You should take the advice of some of these people on here. If you know what's best for you? And you need to advance yourself a little more in meditation. And do a little more studying and reading. If you want legit you've got to be legit. And if you want to be real? You've got to take your time and do it right.🔥🐲
Voice of Enki, I am Aliester Crowley

You might actually be aleister crowley reincarnated. It is possible. Because that body is not alive anymore, so he must be living in a new body now as somebody on this planet.

He was a retarded, drug addicted, loser and failure. He spent that lifetime working with enemy aliens who are the enemies of humanity, and spending every day cursing himself and destroying his soul in every way. And also destroying his body and soul with drugs. He was chanting jewish death curses to injure and destroy his own soul, and doing drugs like crack cocaine and heroin.

Is this how you are? I hope this is nothing like you. I hope you are a much better person than crowley the failure.
The gods play with me all the time, to test my trust, they make things disappear from my room and return them to me later, and to show me their power and prove my fidelity.
Do not focus on hearing voices because this can quickly lead to illusion and paranoia. As the previous speakers have said, these are usually mind games and perhaps in some cases hostile entities presenting themselves as our Gods. Focus on your spiritual progress and then you will have guidance from the Gods in your daily life as well. In this particular case you will find that you are guided by the Gods because your life will improve in all areas
I was Himmler too, I was with Hitler, ask Satan for me and you will see that I am not lying to you, let's see if you dare
I approved some of your posts so you would have an opportunity to converse with others and hopefully gain insight and grow, but instead it seems like you are doubling down on your delusions. As others took the time out of their day to explain to you, most of these thoughts you are having are not real, and therefore it is not right for you to project them as fact onto others.

Moving forward, I am not going to approve these if you are just saying things like the demons are seducing you, or also here where you try to defend the enemy. Please calm down and focus on your advancement. We can go to the Clergy for reliable insight; you don't need to provide us your thoughts anymore on these important matters.
I was Himmler too, I was with Hitler, ask Satan for me and you will see that I am not lying to you, let's see if you dare
what years Germany Launching secret operation In Antartica? and what years Germany Successful Making a plane in Antartica?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
