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Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
We are taught wrongly in school. We are taught unnatural methods to think and learn, utilizing only the left brain (logic mind), suppressing the right (creative mind). We are taught in school that the right brain is pretty much useless for education. How wrong they are, to tell us this.

We see this in people very often, even here in the JoS forums. Too many people come to false conclusions by using only the left brain, and over-analyzing and over-thinking, which can bring a person to a state of separation from true knowledge. Spirituality, the occult, need the right brain. Both are needed… but those who are stronger in right brain often accomplish greater spiritual breakthroughs than those who are highly intelligent yet suppress their right brain.

Here’s a method to help your right brain, and prevent over-analyzing. It will also help you with void meditation, trance, spiritual communication, relaxation, and stress management.

This is also mentally rejuvenating.

Phase 1

Use a notepad or your laptop, whichever method you prefer. (A notepad to actually write in is required for the optional phase 3.)

1. Write the date, and a title something like “Scattered thoughts – to be dealt with later”.

2. List all your thoughts that come to mind. Recurring thoughts, ideas, things you need to do for work, tasks and household chores, whatever keeps entering your mind. Take as much time as you need.

The list does not have to be in order. In fact, it would be better to have them scattered, to train you out of being too left-brained. They do not have to be in straight lines. Make it sloppy and random, all over the paper. The point is to get them down as they enter your mind, and disengage your left brain.

3. Firmly tell yourself that you will deal with all of these thoughts after you have meditated. Look at the list, and be firm with yourself that you will not think of these until you have completed meditating. It is important to be firm. Those who master self-control will never fail in life.

It is important that you follow through with your self-command to deal with the thoughts after, otherwise the point of this fails and this practice won’t really work when you do this again. Keeping your word to yourself will strengthen your ability to control your mind. As a bonus effect from this practice, following through with your word to yourself will increase your self-trust.

4. Now, set the list aside. Know that you mind can now be empty. If any of those thoughts re-enter your mind, firmly remind yourself that you have written them down and will deal with them later.

5. Find a comfortable place to meditate.

When the mind is silent, the soul can speak.”
-BKS Iyengar

Sit there, relaxed, allow trance to happen; or at the very least, experience mental peace and quiet.

The above can be concluded after a period of time, and then skip to the optional Phase 3. (Continue from Phase 1 to Phase 2 if desired.)

[You can do the above before any meditation practice, it does not have to be followed by the next parts.]

Phase 2

Now that you are relaxed (trance is preferable but not required), this phase will help to strengthen your right brain, visualization, astral hearing and sight, and creative/artistic ability.

There are no steps to this phase, for reasons that should be obvious – disengaging the left brain. Do the following in whatever order you want, change it up each time if you want, whatever. Have fun with it! Don’t be left-brained neurotic and get frustrated at the lack of clear and defined steps ;) In fact, if you do get frustrated, practicing this exercise will help you.

Bring a picture to your mind. It can be of your home, or perhaps a nice farmhouse in the countryside, or a nature scene. Remove the colors, make it like a drawing. Now, add colors. Don’t think. Just add colors. Mentally hear musical notes as you add colors. Perhaps remove that picture and have a flower instead, or a random design. Simple, or intricate. Add colors, with musical notes to each color. Don’t think about matching them up. Just observe whatever happens. The images can keep changing, keep shifting, keep flowing.

Perhaps a musical sonata you enjoy will enter your mind now. Or perhaps you’ll start making your own tune. Add colors, randomly (or perhaps they are not random). Don’t judge yourself, don’t try to make it “perfect”. There is no control over this, it is pure creation. No rules. The colors can change quickly, or you might keep one color for a length of time.

Just keep playing around with colors and musical notes. Perhaps the colors will dance around or swirl or vibrate, with no picture. Perhaps it’s just music, you don’t know what music, in fact you shouldn’t be thinking of what it is or what it isn’t. Maybe scents will arrive, perhaps tastes too.

Just see the colors. Just hear the music. Just be.

Now that you’ve read the above and tried it, you can actually listen to music while doing this exercise. Put on instrumental music, perhaps classical, or find ambient music on youtube (there are endless selections of these available for free). Make sure there will be no ads disturbing your trance. Have the music playing, then add colors in your mind.

Perhaps a masterpiece or brilliant idea will now form in your mind, or the solution to a problem you have been experiencing.

Phase 3, for those who used a notepad.

Come out of your trance or relaxation.

Look at your list. Remember the things you wrote down. However, we are now going to analyze this list.

Examine it. What is actually not important? Cross them off with a line through them (don’t blacken it out), and be aware of yourself doing so. Tell yourself that the task or thought isn’t actually important, perhaps briefly explain to yourself why. (For those who used a laptop, you can still do this section.)

Look at the words or sentences, are any larger than others? Are any written very small? Why? Are the larger ones things that make you happy, or are they things you feel are important? Are the small ones insignificant, or perhaps something you are ashamed of or feel guilty about?

Is there any pattern, such as the ones slanting upwards relevant to each other, or carry the same significance to you? What about the ones slanting down or to a different side? Did you write some in especially tidy handwriting, or some very sloppy and rushed?

Just look, and think it over. Don’t judge yourself, you are getting to know yourself better, your habits and subconscious. You don’t need to come to any conclusions, the point is to become more aware of yourself.

When you have finished, you might want to keep this paper for future reference, to compare with others you might make. If this isn’t feasible (perhaps you live with others and wrote personal things on it) then you can dispose of it, but you can first take a picture of it and keep the picture secure somewhere.

Crystal Tip: Jasper stone assists trance and relaxation, and is very affordable and easy to obtain from any crystal shop or online. Simply hold it in your hand or on your lap as you relax. It can be raw or tumbled, and any color you feel drawn to.
It is important to breathe in a way that supports relaxation. It can also act as an anchor point for focus which further helps in relaxation.

Say, you normally inhale for 4 seconds. Consciously exhale for double, or triple this time, and in some cases, even longer. Keep repeating, and relaxation is guaranteed.
This post really helps me a lot! Thanks Lydia!

I'm a very strong left-brained thinker and it's been difficult to not life in a left-brained existence. I might try classical music and see how it goes. I tend to only like extreme music like industrial, EBM and black metal. Also, doing things like planning and calculating all my actions, routines and so on - shopping, preparing meals and so on. Plus my job is very left-brain oriented.

In a world where everything appears to function this way I've found it hard not to over-analyze.

I love this idea of consciously separating our left-brain focused patterns in life from our meditations and setting aside time for both. In the past I tried taking a week break from all research, videos, etc while only meditating instead. This helped me where I had better intuition, connection and understanding to all things in our physical world (kind of like tearing down the matrix in the way, little by little). Things also seemed to flow better with more positive outcomes happening out of the blue.

Balance is the key and it seems to take constant effort. Thanks for sharing this very helpful post!
Thank you so much Hps. Thanks a lot

I Also look forward to learn more on using stones and herbs. I am really interested, maybe you can suggest a book.
Thanks a lot
Judy Hall's Crystal Bible is good. Ignore the new age stuff, but most of the descriptions for stones are accurate. I don't know any books on herbs yet at this time.

There will be much more info on the JoS when the time is right :)
Thank you HPS Lydia this post is amazing and needed so much by me right now.
Thank you. My concern is the fact that 'if you let the soul speak', the solutions that come to you may not necessarily be right. Because I think that what the soul wants can be influenced by karmic energies such as a desire to try new things, desires motivated by emotional trauma, a transit of neptune, etc.

Perhaps a magic working might be needed first to eliminate all kinds of illusions, negative mental patterns, mental programming, learning and comprehension problems, etc.
It is difficult to explain the right mind with rational language, but in a sense I feel it helps us make correlations and links between different ideas and notions much faster. Instinct and intuition in a sense. But once one has made such a link, if one is developed in both sides of the brain, I think the link can be explained also in rational language in most cases. The right side sort of speeds up our ability to see solutions if I am not wrong.
That's just what I need these days. Neptune has had a profound effect on me, and these days I really enjoy using the right side of my brain. I enjoy the pure emotion and intuition, and the experience of half-dreaming and half-waking, which is more enjoyable than thinking with the left brain.
Thank you for the methods. I personally have the opposite state: I'm too imaginative and sensitive, I feel like I need to do something like this but for the left half of my brain.
Study math or science, or learn another language :)
Thank you. My concern is the fact that 'if you let the soul speak', the solutions that come to you may not necessarily be right. Because I think that what the soul wants can be influenced by karmic energies such as a desire to try new things, desires motivated by emotional trauma, a transit of neptune, etc.

Perhaps a magic working might be needed first to eliminate all kinds of illusions, negative mental patterns, mental programming, learning and comprehension problems, etc.
That would be more subconscious, not the actual soul. But some people would be feeling the urges from the subconscious and think it's the soul, so you bring up a valid point and this is why people need to focus on cleaning and staying close to the Gods.

Even when I was new or undergoing Neptune transits, listening to my soul never lead to delusions, only clarity.
We are taught wrongly in school. We are taught unnatural methods to think and learn, utilizing only the left brain (logic mind), suppressing the right (creative mind). We are taught in school that the right brain is pretty much useless for education. How wrong they are, to tell us this.

We see this in people very often, even here in the JoS forums. Too many people come to false conclusions by using only the left brain, and over-analyzing and over-thinking, which can bring a person to a state of separation from true knowledge. Spirituality, the occult, need the right brain. Both are needed… but those who are stronger in right brain often accomplish greater spiritual breakthroughs than those who are highly intelligent yet suppress their right brain.

Here’s a method to help your right brain, and prevent over-analyzing. It will also help you with void meditation, trance, spiritual communication, relaxation, and stress management.

This is also mentally rejuvenating.

Phase 1

Use a notepad or your laptop, whichever method you prefer. (A notepad to actually write in is required for the optional phase 3.)

1. Write the date, and a title something like “Scattered thoughts – to be dealt with later”.

2. List all your thoughts that come to mind. Recurring thoughts, ideas, things you need to do for work, tasks and household chores, whatever keeps entering your mind. Take as much time as you need.

The list does not have to be in order. In fact, it would be better to have them scattered, to train you out of being too left-brained. They do not have to be in straight lines. Make it sloppy and random, all over the paper. The point is to get them down as they enter your mind, and disengage your left brain.

3. Firmly tell yourself that you will deal with all of these thoughts after you have meditated. Look at the list, and be firm with yourself that you will not think of these until you have completed meditating. It is important to be firm. Those who master self-control will never fail in life.

It is important that you follow through with your self-command to deal with the thoughts after, otherwise the point of this fails and this practice won’t really work when you do this again. Keeping your word to yourself will strengthen your ability to control your mind. As a bonus effect from this practice, following through with your word to yourself will increase your self-trust.

4. Now, set the list aside. Know that you mind can now be empty. If any of those thoughts re-enter your mind, firmly remind yourself that you have written them down and will deal with them later.

5. Find a comfortable place to meditate.

When the mind is silent, the soul can speak.”
-BKS Iyengar

Sit there, relaxed, allow trance to happen; or at the very least, experience mental peace and quiet.

The above can be concluded after a period of time, and then skip to the optional Phase 3. (Continue from Phase 1 to Phase 2 if desired.)

[You can do the above before any meditation practice, it does not have to be followed by the next parts.]

Phase 2

Now that you are relaxed (trance is preferable but not required), this phase will help to strengthen your right brain, visualization, astral hearing and sight, and creative/artistic ability.

There are no steps to this phase, for reasons that should be obvious – disengaging the left brain. Do the following in whatever order you want, change it up each time if you want, whatever. Have fun with it! Don’t be left-brained neurotic and get frustrated at the lack of clear and defined steps ;) In fact, if you do get frustrated, practicing this exercise will help you.

Bring a picture to your mind. It can be of your home, or perhaps a nice farmhouse in the countryside, or a nature scene. Remove the colors, make it like a drawing. Now, add colors. Don’t think. Just add colors. Mentally hear musical notes as you add colors. Perhaps remove that picture and have a flower instead, or a random design. Simple, or intricate. Add colors, with musical notes to each color. Don’t think about matching them up. Just observe whatever happens. The images can keep changing, keep shifting, keep flowing.

Perhaps a musical sonata you enjoy will enter your mind now. Or perhaps you’ll start making your own tune. Add colors, randomly (or perhaps they are not random). Don’t judge yourself, don’t try to make it “perfect”. There is no control over this, it is pure creation. No rules. The colors can change quickly, or you might keep one color for a length of time.

Just keep playing around with colors and musical notes. Perhaps the colors will dance around or swirl or vibrate, with no picture. Perhaps it’s just music, you don’t know what music, in fact you shouldn’t be thinking of what it is or what it isn’t. Maybe scents will arrive, perhaps tastes too.

Just see the colors. Just hear the music. Just be.

Now that you’ve read the above and tried it, you can actually listen to music while doing this exercise. Put on instrumental music, perhaps classical, or find ambient music on youtube (there are endless selections of these available for free). Make sure there will be no ads disturbing your trance. Have the music playing, then add colors in your mind.

Perhaps a masterpiece or brilliant idea will now form in your mind, or the solution to a problem you have been experiencing.

Phase 3, for those who used a notepad.

Come out of your trance or relaxation.

Look at your list. Remember the things you wrote down. However, we are now going to analyze this list.

Examine it. What is actually not important? Cross them off with a line through them (don’t blacken it out), and be aware of yourself doing so. Tell yourself that the task or thought isn’t actually important, perhaps briefly explain to yourself why. (For those who used a laptop, you can still do this section.)

Look at the words or sentences, are any larger than others? Are any written very small? Why? Are the larger ones things that make you happy, or are they things you feel are important? Are the small ones insignificant, or perhaps something you are ashamed of or feel guilty about?

Is there any pattern, such as the ones slanting upwards relevant to each other, or carry the same significance to you? What about the ones slanting down or to a different side? Did you write some in especially tidy handwriting, or some very sloppy and rushed?

Just look, and think it over. Don’t judge yourself, you are getting to know yourself better, your habits and subconscious. You don’t need to come to any conclusions, the point is to become more aware of yourself.

When you have finished, you might want to keep this paper for future reference, to compare with others you might make. If this isn’t feasible (perhaps you live with others and wrote personal things on it) then you can dispose of it, but you can first take a picture of it and keep the picture secure somewhere.

Crystal Tip: Jasper stone assists trance and relaxation, and is very affordable and easy to obtain from any crystal shop or online. Simply hold it in your hand or on your lap as you relax. It can be raw or tumbled, and any color you feel drawn to.
Perfect our HPS

Those who master self-control will never fail in life

This for me is amazing. Thanks for this hope you are good HPS Lydia.
funnily enough im actually doing both of these things. I kinda suck at chess though:rolleyes:
Chess is something that can be extremely frustrating and complex in the first months, no matter how talented you are. But as you keep playing, and studying if you have time/want to, everything gets clearer and it becomes extremely fun.
This is very interesting.
Ignorant acceptance of various responsibilities and cares leads to the establishing and maintenance of a fragile temperament.
This exercise is really interesting, applied in dealing with memories in a more calm mental and consequently emotional state. The state of relaxation also leads to working with deeper mechanisms of these memories. The vehicle of communication with the gods becomes more sensitive, opening up new opportunities for spiritual understanding and advancement.
I thought this would be an exercise recommended by the goddess Astarte. I sensed Her.
Thank you.


Beautiful elucidations as evermore. Many times I have been undecided on a concrete solution for this faculty, living as one who is defined by overthought. Seeking the key for stronger governance over this creative ruling part, yet to no avail, up to now, when this crack of discipline struck me to the core, this piece encompassing harmony within imagination.

I have personally established that for the logical part, incorporating reading sessions of difficult philosophical reads (such as those by Aristotle, Aurelius, Seneca, Plato, etc.) helps with this development, as much thought is required to be put into them to retain what must be understood, but also to grasp the intricacies present within such works. Mathematics definitely helped as well, for stronger clarity and for better thought-reality composition.
I think that what the soul wants can be influenced by karmic energies such as a desire to try new things, desires motivated by emotional trauma,
I agree with Lydia here. I've given this some thought too and indeed the subconscious mind and the soul act in similar ways and they can easily affect each other. We program our subconscious through conditioning via our logical mind (this creates autonomic responses and impulses) while we affect change to our soul (and by extension our aura) through meditation via the subconscious mind. However, when we open our chakras (most notably the third eye chakra) while maintaining a strong aura, we begin to have a better sense of knowing and intuition.

I'm not that advanced yet but I think that empowering the third eye regularly does help with this somehow. Maybe someone can give a better explanation regarding that but that's what I've been experiencing.

My advice is to build a positive mental (and physical/health) environment as best you can while being optimistic, proactive and consistently meditating. I've also had traumas and I found the best way out of them is to accept them fully and move forward through them rather than outside or around them. All of this may seem like a lot of work and even very painful and uncomfortable, but your body with thank you after and crave for it. You also might not fully see the fruits of your efforts until months pass but trust me, it's worth it. :)
I also struggle with chess and strategy, but I am very left-brained. I studied another language and I'm really into music.

One thing that might help is building routines. Cleaning dishes, cooking/measuring, doing all that kind of menial stuff that no one likes doing... but instead find a way to appreciate the structure in it. This for me extends out from these menial things and becomes apparent in everyday life; basic math, physics, patterns, cause and effect, etc.
Many who feel they have amphantasia, are this way because of the extreme disconnect beween feminine mind and the logical masculine mind.

You can practice visualization all day but if you stay in the masculine logical side, you're visualization will always suffer this is why many feel it's impossible to visualize they put it the effort but they are always tapped into the logical side.

I made a major breakthrough for a split second last night.

As for jasper I went to a store that sells rocks/crystals, but there are to many kinds of japsers all with different labels for different things. red jasper, fancy jasper, noreena jasper, picture jasper, rainbow jasper, yellow jasper, and ocean jasper, which jasper are you referring too?
As for jasper I went to a store that sells rocks/crystals, but there are to many kinds of japsers all with different labels for different things. red jasper, fancy jasper, noreena jasper, picture jasper, rainbow jasper, yellow jasper, and ocean jasper, which jasper are you referring too?
Any that you feel drawn to. Ocean Jasper is possibly the best choice, but there are other stones labelled as that (Rhyolite, for example) so you might not get actual ocean jasper. All Jaspers have benefits. Go with your instinct :)
We are taught wrongly in school. We are taught unnatural methods to think and learn, utilizing only the left brain (logic mind), suppressing the right (creative mind). We are taught in school that the right brain is pretty much useless for education. How wrong they are, to tell us this.

We see this in people very often, even here in the JoS forums. Too many people come to false conclusions by using only the left brain, and over-analyzing and over-thinking, which can bring a person to a state of separation from true knowledge. Spirituality, the occult, need the right brain. Both are needed… but those who are stronger in right brain often accomplish greater spiritual breakthroughs than those who are highly intelligent yet suppress their right brain.

Here’s a method to help your right brain, and prevent over-analyzing. It will also help you with void meditation, trance, spiritual communication, relaxation, and stress management.

This is also mentally rejuvenating.

Phase 1

Use a notepad or your laptop, whichever method you prefer. (A notepad to actually write in is required for the optional phase 3.)

1. Write the date, and a title something like “Scattered thoughts – to be dealt with later”.

2. List all your thoughts that come to mind. Recurring thoughts, ideas, things you need to do for work, tasks and household chores, whatever keeps entering your mind. Take as much time as you need.

The list does not have to be in order. In fact, it would be better to have them scattered, to train you out of being too left-brained. They do not have to be in straight lines. Make it sloppy and random, all over the paper. The point is to get them down as they enter your mind, and disengage your left brain.

3. Firmly tell yourself that you will deal with all of these thoughts after you have meditated. Look at the list, and be firm with yourself that you will not think of these until you have completed meditating. It is important to be firm. Those who master self-control will never fail in life.

It is important that you follow through with your self-command to deal with the thoughts after, otherwise the point of this fails and this practice won’t really work when you do this again. Keeping your word to yourself will strengthen your ability to control your mind. As a bonus effect from this practice, following through with your word to yourself will increase your self-trust.

4. Now, set the list aside. Know that you mind can now be empty. If any of those thoughts re-enter your mind, firmly remind yourself that you have written them down and will deal with them later.

5. Find a comfortable place to meditate.

When the mind is silent, the soul can speak.”
-BKS Iyengar

Sit there, relaxed, allow trance to happen; or at the very least, experience mental peace and quiet.

The above can be concluded after a period of time, and then skip to the optional Phase 3. (Continue from Phase 1 to Phase 2 if desired.)

[You can do the above before any meditation practice, it does not have to be followed by the next parts.]

Phase 2

Now that you are relaxed (trance is preferable but not required), this phase will help to strengthen your right brain, visualization, astral hearing and sight, and creative/artistic ability.

There are no steps to this phase, for reasons that should be obvious – disengaging the left brain. Do the following in whatever order you want, change it up each time if you want, whatever. Have fun with it! Don’t be left-brained neurotic and get frustrated at the lack of clear and defined steps ;) In fact, if you do get frustrated, practicing this exercise will help you.

Bring a picture to your mind. It can be of your home, or perhaps a nice farmhouse in the countryside, or a nature scene. Remove the colors, make it like a drawing. Now, add colors. Don’t think. Just add colors. Mentally hear musical notes as you add colors. Perhaps remove that picture and have a flower instead, or a random design. Simple, or intricate. Add colors, with musical notes to each color. Don’t think about matching them up. Just observe whatever happens. The images can keep changing, keep shifting, keep flowing.

Perhaps a musical sonata you enjoy will enter your mind now. Or perhaps you’ll start making your own tune. Add colors, randomly (or perhaps they are not random). Don’t judge yourself, don’t try to make it “perfect”. There is no control over this, it is pure creation. No rules. The colors can change quickly, or you might keep one color for a length of time.

Just keep playing around with colors and musical notes. Perhaps the colors will dance around or swirl or vibrate, with no picture. Perhaps it’s just music, you don’t know what music, in fact you shouldn’t be thinking of what it is or what it isn’t. Maybe scents will arrive, perhaps tastes too.

Just see the colors. Just hear the music. Just be.

Now that you’ve read the above and tried it, you can actually listen to music while doing this exercise. Put on instrumental music, perhaps classical, or find ambient music on youtube (there are endless selections of these available for free). Make sure there will be no ads disturbing your trance. Have the music playing, then add colors in your mind.

Perhaps a masterpiece or brilliant idea will now form in your mind, or the solution to a problem you have been experiencing.

Phase 3, for those who used a notepad.

Come out of your trance or relaxation.

Look at your list. Remember the things you wrote down. However, we are now going to analyze this list.

Examine it. What is actually not important? Cross them off with a line through them (don’t blacken it out), and be aware of yourself doing so. Tell yourself that the task or thought isn’t actually important, perhaps briefly explain to yourself why. (For those who used a laptop, you can still do this section.)

Look at the words or sentences, are any larger than others? Are any written very small? Why? Are the larger ones things that make you happy, or are they things you feel are important? Are the small ones insignificant, or perhaps something you are ashamed of or feel guilty about?

Is there any pattern, such as the ones slanting upwards relevant to each other, or carry the same significance to you? What about the ones slanting down or to a different side? Did you write some in especially tidy handwriting, or some very sloppy and rushed?

Just look, and think it over. Don’t judge yourself, you are getting to know yourself better, your habits and subconscious. You don’t need to come to any conclusions, the point is to become more aware of yourself.

When you have finished, you might want to keep this paper for future reference, to compare with others you might make. If this isn’t feasible (perhaps you live with others and wrote personal things on it) then you can dispose of it, but you can first take a picture of it and keep the picture secure somewhere.

Crystal Tip: Jasper stone assists trance and relaxation, and is very affordable and easy to obtain from any crystal shop or online. Simply hold it in your hand or on your lap as you relax. It can be raw or tumbled, and any color you feel drawn to.
Adhering only to the left brain hemisphere is like learning to become a walking manual, a good groundwork for slavery.

Great meaningful works are achieved in unison with the right brain hemisphere.
We are taught wrongly in school. We are taught unnatural methods to think and learn, utilizing only the left brain (logic mind), suppressing the right (creative mind). We are taught in school that the right brain is pretty much useless for education. How wrong they are, to tell us this.

We see this in people very often, even here in the JoS forums. Too many people come to false conclusions by using only the left brain, and over-analyzing and over-thinking, which can bring a person to a state of separation from true knowledge. Spirituality, the occult, need the right brain. Both are needed… but those who are stronger in right brain often accomplish greater spiritual breakthroughs than those who are highly intelligent yet suppress their right brain.

Here’s a method to help your right brain, and prevent over-analyzing. It will also help you with void meditation, trance, spiritual communication, relaxation, and stress management.

This is also mentally rejuvenating.

Phase 1

Use a notepad or your laptop, whichever method you prefer. (A notepad to actually write in is required for the optional phase 3.)

1. Write the date, and a title something like “Scattered thoughts – to be dealt with later”.

2. List all your thoughts that come to mind. Recurring thoughts, ideas, things you need to do for work, tasks and household chores, whatever keeps entering your mind. Take as much time as you need.

The list does not have to be in order. In fact, it would be better to have them scattered, to train you out of being too left-brained. They do not have to be in straight lines. Make it sloppy and random, all over the paper. The point is to get them down as they enter your mind, and disengage your left brain.

3. Firmly tell yourself that you will deal with all of these thoughts after you have meditated. Look at the list, and be firm with yourself that you will not think of these until you have completed meditating. It is important to be firm. Those who master self-control will never fail in life.

It is important that you follow through with your self-command to deal with the thoughts after, otherwise the point of this fails and this practice won’t really work when you do this again. Keeping your word to yourself will strengthen your ability to control your mind. As a bonus effect from this practice, following through with your word to yourself will increase your self-trust.

4. Now, set the list aside. Know that you mind can now be empty. If any of those thoughts re-enter your mind, firmly remind yourself that you have written them down and will deal with them later.

5. Find a comfortable place to meditate.

When the mind is silent, the soul can speak.”
-BKS Iyengar

Sit there, relaxed, allow trance to happen; or at the very least, experience mental peace and quiet.

The above can be concluded after a period of time, and then skip to the optional Phase 3. (Continue from Phase 1 to Phase 2 if desired.)

[You can do the above before any meditation practice, it does not have to be followed by the next parts.]

Phase 2

Now that you are relaxed (trance is preferable but not required), this phase will help to strengthen your right brain, visualization, astral hearing and sight, and creative/artistic ability.

There are no steps to this phase, for reasons that should be obvious – disengaging the left brain. Do the following in whatever order you want, change it up each time if you want, whatever. Have fun with it! Don’t be left-brained neurotic and get frustrated at the lack of clear and defined steps ;) In fact, if you do get frustrated, practicing this exercise will help you.

Bring a picture to your mind. It can be of your home, or perhaps a nice farmhouse in the countryside, or a nature scene. Remove the colors, make it like a drawing. Now, add colors. Don’t think. Just add colors. Mentally hear musical notes as you add colors. Perhaps remove that picture and have a flower instead, or a random design. Simple, or intricate. Add colors, with musical notes to each color. Don’t think about matching them up. Just observe whatever happens. The images can keep changing, keep shifting, keep flowing.

Perhaps a musical sonata you enjoy will enter your mind now. Or perhaps you’ll start making your own tune. Add colors, randomly (or perhaps they are not random). Don’t judge yourself, don’t try to make it “perfect”. There is no control over this, it is pure creation. No rules. The colors can change quickly, or you might keep one color for a length of time.

Just keep playing around with colors and musical notes. Perhaps the colors will dance around or swirl or vibrate, with no picture. Perhaps it’s just music, you don’t know what music, in fact you shouldn’t be thinking of what it is or what it isn’t. Maybe scents will arrive, perhaps tastes too.

Just see the colors. Just hear the music. Just be.

Now that you’ve read the above and tried it, you can actually listen to music while doing this exercise. Put on instrumental music, perhaps classical, or find ambient music on youtube (there are endless selections of these available for free). Make sure there will be no ads disturbing your trance. Have the music playing, then add colors in your mind.

Perhaps a masterpiece or brilliant idea will now form in your mind, or the solution to a problem you have been experiencing.

Phase 3, for those who used a notepad.

Come out of your trance or relaxation.

Look at your list. Remember the things you wrote down. However, we are now going to analyze this list.

Examine it. What is actually not important? Cross them off with a line through them (don’t blacken it out), and be aware of yourself doing so. Tell yourself that the task or thought isn’t actually important, perhaps briefly explain to yourself why. (For those who used a laptop, you can still do this section.)

Look at the words or sentences, are any larger than others? Are any written very small? Why? Are the larger ones things that make you happy, or are they things you feel are important? Are the small ones insignificant, or perhaps something you are ashamed of or feel guilty about?

Is there any pattern, such as the ones slanting upwards relevant to each other, or carry the same significance to you? What about the ones slanting down or to a different side? Did you write some in especially tidy handwriting, or some very sloppy and rushed?

Just look, and think it over. Don’t judge yourself, you are getting to know yourself better, your habits and subconscious. You don’t need to come to any conclusions, the point is to become more aware of yourself.

When you have finished, you might want to keep this paper for future reference, to compare with others you might make. If this isn’t feasible (perhaps you live with others and wrote personal things on it) then you can dispose of it, but you can first take a picture of it and keep the picture secure somewhere.

Crystal Tip: Jasper stone assists trance and relaxation, and is very affordable and easy to obtain from any crystal shop or online. Simply hold it in your hand or on your lap as you relax. It can be raw or tumbled, and any color you feel drawn to.
Lydia, thank you for this wonderful article :)(y)

As the doctor told my mother in my childhood, I have very well developed both hemispheres of the brain ;)
Study math or science, or learn another language :)
If someone is not naturally interested in traditional math or science, but still wants to boost their analytical thinking, I would suggest they study the mechanics of something that aligns with what they dream about. For example, if one likes art and dreaming, maybe they are interested in learning more facts about these areas, or how a painter creates art, or how certain emotions operate in the brain, or statistics pertaining to these areas, etc.

Maybe that is stretching the natural curiosity, but I would imagine it is easier than jumping into what may seem foreign to them.
Any that you feel drawn to. Ocean Jasper is possibly the best choice, but there are other stones labelled as that (Rhyolite, for example) so you might not get actual ocean jasper. All Jaspers have benefits. Go with your instinct :)
Interesting article, thank you.

I will look for my minerals, I have several kinds of Jasper, as I remember.

I will review this article carefully before I try the exercise.
We are taught wrongly in school. We are taught unnatural methods to think and learn, utilizing only the left brain (logic mind), suppressing the right (creative mind). We are taught in school that the right brain is pretty much useless for education. How wrong they are, to tell us this.

We see this in people very often, even here in the JoS forums. Too many people come to false conclusions by using only the left brain, and over-analyzing and over-thinking, which can bring a person to a state of separation from true knowledge. Spirituality, the occult, need the right brain. Both are needed… but those who are stronger in right brain often accomplish greater spiritual breakthroughs than those who are highly intelligent yet suppress their right brain.

Here’s a method to help your right brain, and prevent over-analyzing. It will also help you with void meditation, trance, spiritual communication, relaxation, and stress management.

This is also mentally rejuvenating.

Phase 1

Use a notepad or your laptop, whichever method you prefer. (A notepad to actually write in is required for the optional phase 3.)

1. Write the date, and a title something like “Scattered thoughts – to be dealt with later”.

2. List all your thoughts that come to mind. Recurring thoughts, ideas, things you need to do for work, tasks and household chores, whatever keeps entering your mind. Take as much time as you need.

The list does not have to be in order. In fact, it would be better to have them scattered, to train you out of being too left-brained. They do not have to be in straight lines. Make it sloppy and random, all over the paper. The point is to get them down as they enter your mind, and disengage your left brain.

3. Firmly tell yourself that you will deal with all of these thoughts after you have meditated. Look at the list, and be firm with yourself that you will not think of these until you have completed meditating. It is important to be firm. Those who master self-control will never fail in life.

It is important that you follow through with your self-command to deal with the thoughts after, otherwise the point of this fails and this practice won’t really work when you do this again. Keeping your word to yourself will strengthen your ability to control your mind. As a bonus effect from this practice, following through with your word to yourself will increase your self-trust.

4. Now, set the list aside. Know that you mind can now be empty. If any of those thoughts re-enter your mind, firmly remind yourself that you have written them down and will deal with them later.

5. Find a comfortable place to meditate.

When the mind is silent, the soul can speak.”
-BKS Iyengar

Sit there, relaxed, allow trance to happen; or at the very least, experience mental peace and quiet.

The above can be concluded after a period of time, and then skip to the optional Phase 3. (Continue from Phase 1 to Phase 2 if desired.)

[You can do the above before any meditation practice, it does not have to be followed by the next parts.]

Phase 2

Now that you are relaxed (trance is preferable but not required), this phase will help to strengthen your right brain, visualization, astral hearing and sight, and creative/artistic ability.

There are no steps to this phase, for reasons that should be obvious – disengaging the left brain. Do the following in whatever order you want, change it up each time if you want, whatever. Have fun with it! Don’t be left-brained neurotic and get frustrated at the lack of clear and defined steps ;) In fact, if you do get frustrated, practicing this exercise will help you.

Bring a picture to your mind. It can be of your home, or perhaps a nice farmhouse in the countryside, or a nature scene. Remove the colors, make it like a drawing. Now, add colors. Don’t think. Just add colors. Mentally hear musical notes as you add colors. Perhaps remove that picture and have a flower instead, or a random design. Simple, or intricate. Add colors, with musical notes to each color. Don’t think about matching them up. Just observe whatever happens. The images can keep changing, keep shifting, keep flowing.

Perhaps a musical sonata you enjoy will enter your mind now. Or perhaps you’ll start making your own tune. Add colors, randomly (or perhaps they are not random). Don’t judge yourself, don’t try to make it “perfect”. There is no control over this, it is pure creation. No rules. The colors can change quickly, or you might keep one color for a length of time.

Just keep playing around with colors and musical notes. Perhaps the colors will dance around or swirl or vibrate, with no picture. Perhaps it’s just music, you don’t know what music, in fact you shouldn’t be thinking of what it is or what it isn’t. Maybe scents will arrive, perhaps tastes too.

Just see the colors. Just hear the music. Just be.

Now that you’ve read the above and tried it, you can actually listen to music while doing this exercise. Put on instrumental music, perhaps classical, or find ambient music on youtube (there are endless selections of these available for free). Make sure there will be no ads disturbing your trance. Have the music playing, then add colors in your mind.

Perhaps a masterpiece or brilliant idea will now form in your mind, or the solution to a problem you have been experiencing.

Phase 3, for those who used a notepad.

Come out of your trance or relaxation.

Look at your list. Remember the things you wrote down. However, we are now going to analyze this list.

Examine it. What is actually not important? Cross them off with a line through them (don’t blacken it out), and be aware of yourself doing so. Tell yourself that the task or thought isn’t actually important, perhaps briefly explain to yourself why. (For those who used a laptop, you can still do this section.)

Look at the words or sentences, are any larger than others? Are any written very small? Why? Are the larger ones things that make you happy, or are they things you feel are important? Are the small ones insignificant, or perhaps something you are ashamed of or feel guilty about?

Is there any pattern, such as the ones slanting upwards relevant to each other, or carry the same significance to you? What about the ones slanting down or to a different side? Did you write some in especially tidy handwriting, or some very sloppy and rushed?

Just look, and think it over. Don’t judge yourself, you are getting to know yourself better, your habits and subconscious. You don’t need to come to any conclusions, the point is to become more aware of yourself.

When you have finished, you might want to keep this paper for future reference, to compare with others you might make. If this isn’t feasible (perhaps you live with others and wrote personal things on it) then you can dispose of it, but you can first take a picture of it and keep the picture secure somewhere.

Crystal Tip: Jasper stone assists trance and relaxation, and is very affordable and easy to obtain from any crystal shop or online. Simply hold it in your hand or on your lap as you relax. It can be raw or tumbled, and any color you feel drawn to.
Thank you HPS Lydia, great tips and exercises to do for us left brained ones!
I will copy and paste this on my notes and read and do all these steps, and get until I get the hang of it, I really needed this thank you so much ❤️

Hail Satan ❤️
This is quite eye opening post for me.
Now I know the reason for my over-thinking about 85% of my day (yes, its very true). I have been using only my left side of the brain all the time.
I just don't know why I never looked into this.
This is going to help me solve a lot of problems I have and I cannot wait to start with the practices soon.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
