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"Constantly absorbing energy"


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
There's some SS that believe that by affirming:"My soul is constantly absorbing energy from the sun" their soul will actually do that.
Personally I think it's bollocks, as I believe that energy absorbing must be a conscious act, but I may be wrong, so I'd like to hear other SS's opinion on the matter.
Aquarius said:
There's some SS that believe that by affirming:"My soul is constantly absorbing energy from the sun" their soul will actually do that.
Personally I think it's bollocks, as I believe that energy absorbing must be a conscious act, but I may be wrong, so I'd like to hear other SS's opinion on the matter.

Dude I don‘t know for sure but when you breathe in energy the breath is just for focus, you don’t actually „need“ to „breathe“ in order to absorb energy, but it’s way easier.

When I meditate before going to bed, quite often, I fall asleep but I still continue with meditation. Like I wake up and feel the energy and I am realizing I meditated all that time, and Didn’t fully fall asleep. So I would say it should be possible.
Aquarius said:
There's some SS that believe that by affirming:"My soul is constantly absorbing energy from the sun" their soul will actually do that.
Personally I think it's bollocks, as I believe that energy absorbing must be a conscious act, but I may be wrong, so I'd like to hear other SS's opinion on the matter.

Ultimately: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Without raising energy before, this won´t do much.

As one who did a similar rune working 360 days straight, it did help me get better in gathering of sun energy. But it can also be detrimental in some cases like: You sit in the sun and you want to do a work, which is not totally 100% sun energy related. You try to absorb other energy, but because a body/soul can only absorb until the limits are met, the allready/continues absorbed sun energy, creates a resistance for you to absorb other energy in the extend you could, if you wouldn´t be allready charged.

The rune working did also include to increase ones energy capacity, but I estimate that sun energy is rather potential, so one having so much capacity, one can sit in the sun, not meeting there limits is rather unlikely.

It did improve how I connect to sun energy, but the effect is way greater when you still will the energy (e) in you:

Passive sun(e) + aktive (e) = good results.

Here is the rune working:

1. [Solar Chakra] Rune working (color visualised runes and aura goldwhite)

URUZ+FEHU (UR+FE norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps

"I constantly absorb solar energy when I am at the sun, through the energys off Uruz I am increasing and strengthening my solar power and reserves off the solar energy in me and through the energys of Fehu I´m empowering the energy off Uruz, in a positive, extremly beneficial, empowering and healthy way for me, permanently." x36 reps (solar number)

[The 36 reps are kinda annoying, but I wanted to get the most out of the working I really was happy when I did reach day 360 (solar number affirmation x10).]
I've had similar theories. You absorb or procure enough energy to create a conscious shift in the mind, body, and soul and it produces a result no matter how small or majorly. It's probably why some people who get involved in meditation notice changes and awareness even if they quit and it's a permanent effect.

So you procure a conscious effort for energy i.e. the power of power meditation. And then throughout your day the energies that you passively, subconsciously absorb produces changes.

In other words they state opening a chakra and working on the chakra makes it passively absorb energy i.e. it doesn't power down or close down unless you close it. When you meditate a conscious effort occurs but when your not meditating your just passively absorb properties at your level.

It's like a MMORPG, you level up to level 2 from 1. At 1 you require 100XP, you meditate and achieve 100XP, but now your level 2 and require 150XP to level up, the next day you produce 120XP because there is evolution from the learning process, and then the next day after that level up to level 2 + some extra XP making level 2 easier as there is learning but your body is at level 2 it may still pick up level 1 but also level 2 energy but it's limited to your level.

There are those that push it and go to level 3 or 4 temporarily and overload their system and your body is used to something but not a higher especially pushed level. It reminds me of what HP.Cobra said people gain a function and push it with overmeditation and or drugs especially for the modern meditators who combine drugs with spirituality and it's not mean for their level rather they should have slowly pushed daily until the results are produced.

Eventually there are levels whereby you can push. For example attacking a monster at XYZ level is easier than ABC level. Similarly a person with certain traits and advances in certain area has an easier effort with certain meditations and effects and can push it gently and do superior things to other.

In other words all equal under inequality. You may push your vibration to a higher level but your energy levels might be lower conversely you may have a lot of energy and keep pushing the envelope gently of course but lack refined or specific energies such as elements or something.

Either way people have differences. One might suffer at void but absorb energy like crazy which creates feedback loops like cloud9 mentality or imbalance throwing off their grounded state. Again the person needs to learn their weaknesses and work on them. Same for constantly absorbing energy, maybe absorb some energies throughout the day passively at your level but not at a higher level.

Again it's all the stairway to heaven and people are walking the path upward those who meditate at different points of space. Some are more in control, some less, some void like crazy, some try void for years and still are at square one.
I don't think this is possible either, or at least not in permanence or even long term. You can however program your aura to incorporate solar energies while you're out in the sunlight.
You can program thought forms to do something similar. Why wouldn't this be possible with your aura?
I have thought about experimenting with this, I have been drawing energy from the Sun every day for a while now, and whenever I am under the sun now, it takes me only a few seconds to start absorbing the energy, but I do have to make a conscious effort for that. I would say it can definitely be done with enough focus and programming of the aura
Aquarius said:
There's some SS that believe that by affirming:"My soul is constantly absorbing energy from the sun" their soul will actually do that.
Personally I think it's bollocks, as I believe that energy absorbing must be a conscious act, but I may be wrong, so I'd like to hear other SS's opinion on the matter.

It is probably possible by adjusting the aura, but I prefer to absorb energy at the same time as I do my job's during the day, fortunately it has a good effect and trains the mind well and the energy is clearly felt to the point that It does not cause strong shocks, but is like a heavy and calm ocean.

I believe that energy absorption is not limited, but the human mind prevents the absorption of more energy for various reasons, such as fear of high energy, harm, feeling of helplessness.

By putting it aside and believing in its infinity, you can absorb energy terribly and feel it deeply, there is no need to breathe, just imagine your soul and body like a powerful sucker, the purpose is clear ,Imagine the swallowing, the result is extraordinary.
Woden said:
A person of your experience asks this?

The aura can be programmed in many different ways. Simply repeating runes, Surya or Sowilo (with associated power of vibration) will imprint upon the soul if applied as a conscious act of the mind. Any sounds or vibration will do this with practise.

I already have my opinion of it, but I can't go around saying one thing to someone who completely believes the opposite without some proof or other people's experience.
I have never spoke of the act of breathing, just the conscious act of absorbing energy, if you put your mind to it you will absorb it.
I'm still not completely conviced about doing this "constantly", because if it will actually do that you'll be full of energy pretty quickly and being "full" isn't the best.
About the thoughtforms, I don't honestly see the point of them, they are not just gonna release all energy onto you, I've yet to hear somebody who had any experience in doing such, and I'm certainly not gonna do that as it takes longer to do the whole thoughtform thing than to just get outside and absorb sun energy.

Personally, I see this thing as just an ego trip in which the person tries to get "very powerful" "super advanced" without putting in actual serious work and balancing.

Fortunately we've come to a point where we suggest more cleaning and balancing rather than the nonsense super high volumes of empowering mantras on chakras.
And unfortunately some people are still stuck in that loop because they don't read the english forums at all.
As far as programming one's aura to absorb energy constantly works. I have tried it myself, and it is possible precisely because I breathe energy is only an aid to absorb it. Since it is possible to invoke energy by desire and mind alone.

Now what is not clear to me is how long this can work.

In my direct experience it worked for all the days of programming my aura and for a few days afterwards I could not make it permanent.
Actually I don't know if it is possible to make such a process permanent, I am convinced that every now and then you have to reprogram your aura and do the 40 days cycle again.

Maybe once every 5 or 6 months, I don't know.

I am convinced that automatic energy absorption can also work for the chakras, and I am studying this and will soon test it in person.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Aquarius said:
There's some SS that believe that by affirming:"My soul is constantly absorbing energy from the sun" their soul will actually do that.
Personally I think it's bollocks, as I believe that energy absorbing must be a conscious act, but I may be wrong, so I'd like to hear other SS's opinion on the matter.

If I recall correctly then I remember reading somewhere that magnum opus will allow the soul to constantly absorb energy and replenish itself making it an eternal powerhouse with the capacity to re-energize itself and never run out of energy. Or something along those lines anyway. Pretty sure it was a sermon but I don't remember which sermon it was or by which HP. Could also be a page on jos and not a sermon but I definitely read it from a jos source.

Also seems plausible if aura is programmed. Have never tried so it's just theory on my part. But definitely with the magnum opus.

Pictured - Gloabliasts create first Human Plant Hybrid , ending World Hunger as a joke before blacking out the Sun and starving them to Death.
Jack said:

Pictured - Gloabliasts create first Human Plant Hybrid , ending World Hunger as a joke before blacking out the Sun and starving them to Death.

Jack, I think I do believe what you meant in beginning this year. And I do agree, the US is the best place to be right now, people really need to wake up, unite and fight, there and everywhere on this planet as well.

However the People of the US have the best chance of succeeding in defeating the enemy completely and winning their own land and country back, thus grasping freedom. Then they have to free the remaining world, while everyone on the world still fights.

This will be a full-blown revolution and war, humans against everything that is in our way. I do believe this is going to happen, but this will be the final battle, the most blatant one as well, where every gentile has to unite and fight.
So you were right, I see it now, Aquarius is there and manifesting.

I was wrong, now I do not believe it is possible to constantly absorb significant amounts of energy constantly. Also if you did this, you would not be able to fall asleep anymore.
If I absorb energy when I am dead tired, all tiredness vanishes and I am fully awake again.

Altho, when you reach a certain point, you just need to focus on absorbing energy and you energy will flush your system.
NinRick said:
Altho, when you reach a certain point, you just need to focus on absorbing energy and you energy will flush your system.
This absolutely, someone advanced in energy direction can just absorb an enormous amount of energy in a blink of an eye.

NinRick said:
So you were right, I see it now, Aquarius is there and manifesting
I'm not understanding this, where am I and where am I manifesting?
Aquarius said:
NinRick said:
Altho, when you reach a certain point, you just need to focus on absorbing energy and you energy will flush your system.
This absolutely, someone advanced in energy direction can just absorb an enormous amount of energy in a blink of an eye.

NinRick said:
So you were right, I see it now, Aquarius is there and manifesting
I'm not understanding this, where am I and where am I manifesting?

Or someone with open feet and legs would also be able to do this fairly easily, Maxine told us how important the Feet are in drawing energy for your workings.

I was referring to the age of Aquarius my friend haha
Aquarius said:
I have never spoke of the act of breathing, just the conscious act of absorbing energy, if you put your mind to it you will absorb it.
I'm still not completely conviced about doing this "constantly", because if it will actually do that you'll be full of energy pretty quickly and being "full" isn't the best.
About the thoughtforms, I don't honestly see the point of them, they are not just gonna release all energy onto you, I've yet to hear somebody who had any experience in doing such, and I'm certainly not gonna do that as it takes longer to do the whole thoughtform thing than to just get outside and absorb sun energy.

Personally, I see this thing as just an ego trip in which the person tries to get "very powerful" "super advanced" without putting in actual serious work and balancing.

Fortunately we've come to a point where we suggest more cleaning and balancing rather than the nonsense super high volumes of empowering mantras on chakras.
And unfortunately some people are still stuck in that loop because they don't read the english forums at all.

Sorry for the delay, I forgot this.

I did the constant absorption of energy as an exercise, you were right this is not good!
The body reacts to the high level of bioelectrics, and for me it was accompanied by muscle shock!

I remember reading about the constant absorption of energy in forums that after completing the Magnum Opus, the chakras automatically absorb energy, which could be one of the reasons why the gods don't need meditation.

About thoughtforms, probably not a good idea, there is a simple reason for it, you certainly do not want to put yourself in the hands of an imperfect intelligence!
livelucifer said:
Aquarius said:
I have never spoke of the act of breathing, just the conscious act of absorbing energy, if you put your mind to it you will absorb it.
I'm still not completely conviced about doing this "constantly", because if it will actually do that you'll be full of energy pretty quickly and being "full" isn't the best.
About the thoughtforms, I don't honestly see the point of them, they are not just gonna release all energy onto you, I've yet to hear somebody who had any experience in doing such, and I'm certainly not gonna do that as it takes longer to do the whole thoughtform thing than to just get outside and absorb sun energy.

Personally, I see this thing as just an ego trip in which the person tries to get "very powerful" "super advanced" without putting in actual serious work and balancing.

Fortunately we've come to a point where we suggest more cleaning and balancing rather than the nonsense super high volumes of empowering mantras on chakras.
And unfortunately some people are still stuck in that loop because they don't read the english forums at all.

Sorry for the delay, I forgot this.

I did the constant absorption of energy as an exercise, you were right this is not good!
The body reacts to the high level of bioelectrics, and for me it was accompanied by muscle shock!

I remember reading about the constant absorption of energy in forums that after completing the Magnum Opus, the chakras automatically absorb energy, which could be one of the reasons why the gods don't need meditation.

About thoughtforms, probably not a good idea, there is a simple reason for it, you certainly do not want to put yourself in the hands of an imperfect intelligence!

My muscles twitch every day like crazy, your body is just adjusting to higher levels of bioelectricity.
And who has told you the Gods do not need to meditate?
Aquarius said:
I have never spoke of the act of breathing, just the conscious act of absorbing energy, if you put your mind to it you will absorb it.
I'm still not completely conviced about doing this "constantly", because if it will actually do that you'll be full of energy pretty quickly and being "full" isn't the best.
By using the Uruz rune you increase your tolerance for energy, even if you do not program it to do so, I can tell you this from experience.
Consequently, if you vibrate it for example 111 times, you will absorb how much energy your soul is capable of 111 vibrations and you will have the ability to manage it.
Furthermore, the absorption of energy without conscious will is something that even a spiritually lowest person is able to do, psychic vampires are an example, some of them to steal energy from you use a type of contact, usually verbal, others instead only by being close to him they drain you, imagine if an SS cannot do it.
In addition, you can program the aura to reject energy and send / return it to the sender or whoever you want on a constant basis, why shouldn't we also be able to absorb energy?
livelucifer said:
I remember reading about the constant absorption of energy in forums that after completing the Magnum Opus, the chakras automatically absorb energy, which could be one of the reasons why the gods don't need meditation.
This is false.

It's a newcomers error to think after a point one does not need to work. As one famous road cyclist once said "It never gets easier, you just go faster".
Saturn666 said:
Aquarius said:
I have never spoke of the act of breathing, just the conscious act of absorbing energy, if you put your mind to it you will absorb it.
I'm still not completely conviced about doing this "constantly", because if it will actually do that you'll be full of energy pretty quickly and being "full" isn't the best.
By using the Uruz rune you increase your tolerance for energy, even if you do not program it to do so, I can tell you this from experience.
Consequently, if you vibrate it for example 111 times, you will absorb how much energy your soul is capable of 111 vibrations and you will have the ability to manage it.
Furthermore, the absorption of energy without conscious will is something that even a spiritually lowest person is able to do, psychic vampires are an example, some of them to steal energy from you use a type of contact, usually verbal, others instead only by being close to him they drain you, imagine if an SS cannot do it.
In addition, you can program the aura to reject energy and send / return it to the sender or whoever you want on a constant basis, why shouldn't we also be able to absorb energy?
I'm sure you are well meaning so don't take it as an offence, but you're constantly writing stuff that makes me believe that you're just trying to advance the most fastest way possible without taking care of basics like cleaning and removing chakra blockages, the type of guy who is all about many reps of empowering for really no reason other than ego lifting. And as thus, I won't consider your opinion, others may, I may not.
Saturn666 said:
Aquarius said:
I have never spoke of the act of breathing, just the conscious act of absorbing energy, if you put your mind to it you will absorb it.
I'm still not completely conviced about doing this "constantly", because if it will actually do that you'll be full of energy pretty quickly and being "full" isn't the best.
By using the Uruz rune you increase your tolerance for energy, even if you do not program it to do so, I can tell you this from experience.
Consequently, if you vibrate it for example 111 times, you will absorb how much energy your soul is capable of 111 vibrations and you will have the ability to manage it.
Furthermore, the absorption of energy without conscious will is something that even a spiritually lowest person is able to do, psychic vampires are an example, some of them to steal energy from you use a type of contact, usually verbal, others instead only by being close to him they drain you, imagine if an SS cannot do it.
In addition, you can program the aura to reject energy and send / return it to the sender or whoever you want on a constant basis, why shouldn't we also be able to absorb energy?

1: Powermeditation overall increase your energy levels, and thus how much energy you can handle. Vibrating words of power does that as well, that explains your experience with vibrating the runes.

2: wrong, you need to be consciously absorbing energy from a person, I am talking of experience here, as I did this with my sister, when we did the RTR, and unfortunately I overdid it on accident and took too much energy from her.
Needless to say I learned my lesson and won’t do it ever again. (Altho this gave the RTR an enormous amount of power)

3: Witchcraft is that you raise energy, direct it and program it. Raising energy, directing it in your aura and programming it, is a form of witch craft. Your aura will do a certain job. It is just programmed energy (field).

With absorbing energy, you need to direct energy. For directing energy you have 2 options, either you use your will or your use the anatomy of your body and soul. And for the latter you also need focus. You can compare it to having to holding to a 1kg weight for 24/7, can you do it? Of course but you need to focus all the time.

You will actually feel energy when you absorb good amounts of it, it will flush your system, and wake you up if you are tired in the process, which leads to insomnia.
Aquarius said:
There's some SS that believe that by affirming:"My soul is constantly absorbing energy from the sun" their soul will actually do that.
Personally I think it's bollocks, as I believe that energy absorbing must be a conscious act, but I may be wrong, so I'd like to hear other SS's opinion on the matter.
Your soul is programmed to do this, so I don't see why it shouldn't.
Most likely by remaining conscious in this process you increase the intensity.

My muscles twitch every day like crazy, your body is just adjusting to higher levels of bioelectricity.
And who has told you the Gods do not need to meditate?
I considered this to be a physical error, so I have to change my mind again.

I do not find the post, but I remember saying that without meditation the gods do not have a problem and it is not obligatory, because of the constant absorption of energy in the chakras.

Henu the Great said:
This is false.

It's a newcomers error to think after a point one does not need to work. As one famous road cyclist once said "It never gets easier, you just go faster".
I think you mean by not needing meditation, right ?, because I remember reading many times that the chakras are activated to absorb energy from the surface onwards.
You's right about not having to do anything.
livelucifer said:
Aquarius said:
I have never spoke of the act of breathing, just the conscious act of absorbing energy, if you put your mind to it you will absorb it.
I'm still not completely conviced about doing this "constantly", because if it will actually do that you'll be full of energy pretty quickly and being "full" isn't the best.
About the thoughtforms, I don't honestly see the point of them, they are not just gonna release all energy onto you, I've yet to hear somebody who had any experience in doing such, and I'm certainly not gonna do that as it takes longer to do the whole thoughtform thing than to just get outside and absorb sun energy.

Personally, I see this thing as just an ego trip in which the person tries to get "very powerful" "super advanced" without putting in actual serious work and balancing.

Fortunately we've come to a point where we suggest more cleaning and balancing rather than the nonsense super high volumes of empowering mantras on chakras.
And unfortunately some people are still stuck in that loop because they don't read the english forums at all.

Sorry for the delay, I forgot this.

I did the constant absorption of energy as an exercise, you were right this is not good!
The body reacts to the high level of bioelectrics, and for me it was accompanied by muscle shock!

I remember reading about the constant absorption of energy in forums that after completing the Magnum Opus, the chakras automatically absorb energy, which could be one of the reasons why the gods don't need meditation.

About thoughtforms, probably not a good idea, there is a simple reason for it, you certainly do not want to put yourself in the hands of an imperfect intelligence!

The Gods do need meditation. They need to advance to, toward even more unimaginable levels. Life doesn't just stop when you become a Gods. What they do not need is to constantly focus on feeding their souls. They can instead focus exclusively on refinement, raising through the ranks of their abilities and the divine hierarchy in general.

The Gods do need meditation. They need to advance to, toward even more unimaginable levels. Life doesn't just stop when you become a Gods. What they do not need is to constantly focus on feeding their souls. They can instead focus exclusively on refinement, raising through the ranks of their abilities and the divine hierarchy in general.
It more sense, thanks for the info.
On the AOP meditations page, Maxine talked about how she's gotten to the point where she constantly breaths in white/gold energy from the sun whenever in the sun, so, I certainly believe it's possible to empower yourself with every single breath.

I think this is really the only way this would work however. The three steps of magick are raise, program, and direct energy. Soooo, in order to complete this, we would first need to raise energy(i.e as maxine did, with her breathing) AND ONLY THEN could we program it(i.e with affirmations).

So, someone who believes just by saying an affirmation their soul is constantly being empowered is misinformed at best, and deluded at worst. It goes against the three laws of magick.

Maxine said:
*White-gold energy is used because it is reflective. You can also program your aura so you breathe in protective energy from the Sun (extremely powerful) when you are outside. After the first few times, you don't even have to visualize anything. You can just feel this and you don't have to be in a trance for it to work- you will feel it. I am to where I just consciously breathe in energy and I can do it easily at any time - with no trance or visualization.
Aura Of Protection
Artisan said:
On the AOP meditations page, Maxine talked about how she's gotten to the point where she constantly breaths in white/gold energy from the sun whenever in the sun, so, I certainly believe it's possible to empower yourself with every single breath.

I think this is really the only way this would work however. The three steps of magick are raise, program, and direct energy. Soooo, in order to complete this, we would first need to raise energy(i.e as maxine did, with her breathing) AND ONLY THEN could we program it(i.e with affirmations).

So, someone who believes just by saying an affirmation their soul is constantly being empowered is misinformed at best, and deluded at worst. It goes against the three laws of magick.

Maxine said:
*White-gold energy is used because it is reflective. You can also program your aura so you breathe in protective energy from the Sun (extremely powerful) when you are outside. After the first few times, you don't even have to visualize anything. You can just feel this and you don't have to be in a trance for it to work- you will feel it. I am to where I just consciously breathe in energy and I can do it easily at any time - with no trance or visualization.
Aura Of Protection

She says she does it consciously, not passively.
Artisan said:
On the AOP meditations page, Maxine talked about how she's gotten to the point where she constantly breaths in white/gold energy from the sun whenever in the sun, so, I certainly believe it's possible to empower yourself with every single breath.

I think this is really the only way this would work however. The three steps of magick are raise, program, and direct energy. Soooo, in order to complete this, we would first need to raise energy(i.e as maxine did, with her breathing) AND ONLY THEN could we program it(i.e with affirmations).

So, someone who believes just by saying an affirmation their soul is constantly being empowered is misinformed at best, and deluded at worst. It goes against the three laws of magick.

Maxine said:
*White-gold energy is used because it is reflective. You can also program your aura so you breathe in protective energy from the Sun (extremely powerful) when you are outside. After the first few times, you don't even have to visualize anything. You can just feel this and you don't have to be in a trance for it to work- you will feel it. I am to where I just consciously breathe in energy and I can do it easily at any time - with no trance or visualization.
Aura Of Protection

She said „consciously“ and not „constantly“ :p
Stormblood said:
Artisan said:
On the AOP meditations page, Maxine talked about how she's gotten to the point where she constantly breaths in white/gold energy from the sun whenever in the sun, so, I certainly believe it's possible to empower yourself with every single breath.

I think this is really the only way this would work however. The three steps of magick are raise, program, and direct energy. Soooo, in order to complete this, we would first need to raise energy(i.e as maxine did, with her breathing) AND ONLY THEN could we program it(i.e with affirmations).

So, someone who believes just by saying an affirmation their soul is constantly being empowered is misinformed at best, and deluded at worst. It goes against the three laws of magick.

Maxine said:
*White-gold energy is used because it is reflective. You can also program your aura so you breathe in protective energy from the Sun (extremely powerful) when you are outside. After the first few times, you don't even have to visualize anything. You can just feel this and you don't have to be in a trance for it to work- you will feel it. I am to where I just consciously breathe in energy and I can do it easily at any time - with no trance or visualization.
Aura Of Protection

She says she does it consciously, not passively.

NinRick said:
Artisan said:
On the AOP meditations page, Maxine talked about how she's gotten to the point where she constantly breaths in white/gold energy from the sun whenever in the sun, so, I certainly believe it's possible to empower yourself with every single breath.

I think this is really the only way this would work however. The three steps of magick are raise, program, and direct energy. Soooo, in order to complete this, we would first need to raise energy(i.e as maxine did, with her breathing) AND ONLY THEN could we program it(i.e with affirmations).

So, someone who believes just by saying an affirmation their soul is constantly being empowered is misinformed at best, and deluded at worst. It goes against the three laws of magick.

Maxine said:
*White-gold energy is used because it is reflective. You can also program your aura so you breathe in protective energy from the Sun (extremely powerful) when you are outside. After the first few times, you don't even have to visualize anything. You can just feel this and you don't have to be in a trance for it to work- you will feel it. I am to where I just consciously breathe in energy and I can do it easily at any time - with no trance or visualization.
Aura Of Protection

She said „consciously“ and not „constantly“ :p

Not to make excuses, however, I was in a situation where I wasn't able to sleep for some time and was sleep deprived as a result(very unhealth I know, I take my health as my greatest priority, worry not my fellow SS)

Coming out of this with an unfogged mind, when thinking about energy, there has to be a consciece effort involved.

However, this also brings up programming your aura, with enough energy raised, programmed, and directed into your aura,


with enough practice, you could certainly develp a habit of unconsciously breathing in gold/white energy into your soul whenever you are met with the sun.

With enough affirmation and risidual energy you could likely program your aura as well.

However, in the end, there would always have to be some sort of direction of energy, whether that be by raising energy before hand, programming it, and directing it into your aura, or by forming a habit, or, as maxine does, consciesly breathing in energy whenever in the sun, then, it would be possible those ways.

What do you think mine brothers?
Artisan said:
Stormblood said:
Artisan said:
On the AOP meditations page, Maxine talked about how she's gotten to the point where she constantly breaths in white/gold energy from the sun whenever in the sun, so, I certainly believe it's possible to empower yourself with every single breath.

I think this is really the only way this would work however. The three steps of magick are raise, program, and direct energy. Soooo, in order to complete this, we would first need to raise energy(i.e as maxine did, with her breathing) AND ONLY THEN could we program it(i.e with affirmations).

So, someone who believes just by saying an affirmation their soul is constantly being empowered is misinformed at best, and deluded at worst. It goes against the three laws of magick.

Aura Of Protection

She says she does it consciously, not passively.

NinRick said:
Artisan said:
On the AOP meditations page, Maxine talked about how she's gotten to the point where she constantly breaths in white/gold energy from the sun whenever in the sun, so, I certainly believe it's possible to empower yourself with every single breath.

I think this is really the only way this would work however. The three steps of magick are raise, program, and direct energy. Soooo, in order to complete this, we would first need to raise energy(i.e as maxine did, with her breathing) AND ONLY THEN could we program it(i.e with affirmations).

So, someone who believes just by saying an affirmation their soul is constantly being empowered is misinformed at best, and deluded at worst. It goes against the three laws of magick.

Aura Of Protection

She said „consciously“ and not „constantly“ :p

Not to make excuses, however, I was in a situation where I wasn't able to sleep for some time and was sleep deprived as a result(very unhealth I know, I take my health as my greatest priority, worry not my fellow SS)

Coming out of this with an unfogged mind, when thinking about energy, there has to be a consciece effort involved.

However, this also brings up programming your aura, with enough energy raised, programmed, and directed into your aura,


with enough practice, you could certainly develp a habit of unconsciously breathing in gold/white energy into your soul whenever you are met with the sun.

With enough affirmation and risidual energy you could likely program your aura as well.

However, in the end, there would always have to be some sort of direction of energy, whether that be by raising energy before hand, programming it, and directing it into your aura, or by forming a habit, or, as maxine does, consciesly breathing in energy whenever in the sun, then, it would be possible those ways.

What do you think mine brothers?

To absorb energy you need to direct it consciously.
I can literally draw energy through my legs, I am using the anatomy of my soul, but I also need to focus on doing so.
NinRick said:
Artisan said:
Stormblood said:
She says she does it consciously, not passively.

NinRick said:
She said „consciously“ and not „constantly“ :p

Not to make excuses, however, I was in a situation where I wasn't able to sleep for some time and was sleep deprived as a result(very unhealth I know, I take my health as my greatest priority, worry not my fellow SS)

Coming out of this with an unfogged mind, when thinking about energy, there has to be a consciece effort involved.

However, this also brings up programming your aura, with enough energy raised, programmed, and directed into your aura,


with enough practice, you could certainly develp a habit of unconsciously breathing in gold/white energy into your soul whenever you are met with the sun.

With enough affirmation and risidual energy you could likely program your aura as well.

However, in the end, there would always have to be some sort of direction of energy, whether that be by raising energy before hand, programming it, and directing it into your aura, or by forming a habit, or, as maxine does, consciesly breathing in energy whenever in the sun, then, it would be possible those ways.

What do you think mine brothers?

To absorb energy you need to direct it consciously.
I can literally draw energy through my legs, I am using the anatomy of my soul, but I also need to focus on doing so.

Okay, so, we can program our aura to do something, BUT, we cannot program our aura or soul or whatever to constantly absorb energy right?

Since directing energy requires consciese effort?

Then, what about part two of the Returning Curses where we program our aura to deflect and repel negative energies, curses, bindngs, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energies, and send them back to those who sent them?

Isn't this directed energy or am I misunderstanding something?

I apologize if my ignorance seems played, I am being 100% serious. Please explain it to me like I'm 5 years old if you have to.
Artisan said:
NinRick said:
Artisan said:
Not to make excuses, however, I was in a situation where I wasn't able to sleep for some time and was sleep deprived as a result(very unhealth I know, I take my health as my greatest priority, worry not my fellow SS)

Coming out of this with an unfogged mind, when thinking about energy, there has to be a consciece effort involved.

However, this also brings up programming your aura, with enough energy raised, programmed, and directed into your aura,


with enough practice, you could certainly develp a habit of unconsciously breathing in gold/white energy into your soul whenever you are met with the sun.

With enough affirmation and risidual energy you could likely program your aura as well.

However, in the end, there would always have to be some sort of direction of energy, whether that be by raising energy before hand, programming it, and directing it into your aura, or by forming a habit, or, as maxine does, consciesly breathing in energy whenever in the sun, then, it would be possible those ways.

What do you think mine brothers?

To absorb energy you need to direct it consciously.
I can literally draw energy through my legs, I am using the anatomy of my soul, but I also need to focus on doing so.

Okay, so, we can program our aura to do something, BUT, we cannot program our aura or soul or whatever to constantly absorb energy right?

Since directing energy requires consciese effort?

Then, what about part two of the Returning Curses where we program our aura to deflect and repel negative energies, curses, bindngs, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energies, and send them back to those who sent them?

Isn't this directed energy or am I misunderstanding something?

I apologize if my ignorance seems played, I am being 100% serious. Please explain it to me like I'm 5 years old if you have to.

Okay let me put it like this, first I have no clue if this is possible, it is probably possible but most are not able to do so.

If you are constantly absorbing energy you should feel the energy entering your being all times. Doesn’t look very realistic to me when the soul is still sealed off to a great extend.

With the Aura, it does protect you naturally, you raise energy and program your Aura to protect you, basically enhancing what it is supposed to do anyways, following the three basic steps of witch craft. You raise energy and let it work.

Well you could say the feet and legs are also supposed to draw energy, does that mean they can draw energy at all times if I program them?

For me it doesn’t work, is all I can say for you. Focus and will is still needed.
Stormblood said:
Imagine yourself like a tank. Are you going to fit infinite energy inside this tank or is it limit? What happens when you exceed the maximum levels and energy starts overflowing?

It's called overstimulation.

Or imagine a plant. If you water it too much, what happens?

The tank becomes bigger as you advance spiritually. This is more easily accomplished by opening your nadih fully and expanding them until they become one single energy channel. It's what hatha yoga asanas and certain exercises from Falun Dafa do for you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
