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Conclusions before the great storm - CHAPTER 15 - WHITE SUPREMACY


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
This is the chapter which makes all the human robots tremble for what should normally represent the dangers and fears of the enemy, but since many have made the choice to support the interests of Jews instead of their own, they attack the wrong faction.

White supremacy as a globalist system and set of morals stands in perfect opposition to the Jew World Order. White supremacy, in reality, is the definition of a globalist world order with the white race at the steering wheel instead of the enemy.

Globalism, as many believe falsely, is not the problem that humanity faces right now, but the people that mind its harness. This is the exact same phenomenon which I was elaborating on in previous chapters, that there is no gain in simply abolishing an institution, alliance or organization as long as you leave the people who did harm through it, untouched. People often think that the European Union is to blame for its policies or that NATO as an organization is the main threat or that the Soviet Union’s downfall solved all the problems. The fact remains that no matter how many rules, laws or legislation one pushes, ill willed people will always find ways to go around those impasses. The laws will only delay the process. Laws are normally a good factor in society and a set of landmarks to follow, not to discard based on the previous statement, but society needs improvement which will ultimately consist in people’s general understanding and sense of civic duty.

The main change that needs to take place is the understanding of people which means humans should be driven by the fanatic will to advance both themselves and others instead of skinning others for their own benefit. I have been talking about the Jews robbing people at any turn and occasion they find, but the truth is so many gentiles have adopted this model of thinking without any regard for the needs of the rest.

For example, in my country during the energy crisis, at one point the media announced that the price per energy unit has decreased, but the energy companies decided to increase the price for transportation to compensate and maintain the invoices at the same prices. Similarly, a bank may have certain economic indexes or parameters which determine the variation of rates and interests, but in case a certain piece of legislation would freeze those indexes or implement any capping measures, the banks would just compensate by setting enormous fixed rates.

Ultimately it all comes to educating and starting a fire in the souls of the capable people to set their main objective to be the advancement of humanity as a whole even if this would mean somehow removing the ones who will not allow them to advance. The garden cannot grow properly until you remove the poisoned ivy.

Globalism as an opportunity and not as how it is being managed right now, could be the greatest opportunity to end most of the conflict across the planet. Globalism means commerce, advanced communication, fast travel across the world, diplomacy, alliances and economic organizations, tourism and many other actions of interconnectivity which makes countries help each other and depend on each other. This annihilates the need for war and expansion for resources, it is a system that must be rid of the enemy and taken over by the white race. When I say the removal of the ones which stay in our way I do not exclude the whites who abided to the moral code of the enemy engaging in genetic mixing, supporting all aspects of cultural Marxism or any other damaging and detrimental behaviors. Those which served the enemy and will want to jump on our boat when things get easier for us and harder for them will only betray us again when the opportunity shifts again. A traitor is tens of times more dangerous and repulsive than an enemy. The enemy is expected to attack you, but the traitor was supposed to be on your side, which makes a great difference. So as a white supremacist, I passionately hate a white traitor way more than any Jew or enemy from a different race. In order to achieve white unity, one must first remove the traitors, then and only then will one have an army fit for fighting against all other enemies.

With the gradual crossing from the astrological Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius and the two transits (Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune in Aries) the interest for spirituality has risen enormously in recent years. People are more and more interested in Yoga exercises, knowledge about chakras, chi energy, Kundalini and Aura workings as well as Astrology and other forms of Divination. Even though most sources of spirituality are corrupted and outside the boundaries the Gods have assigned for the Joy of Satan, people are searching for those truths, experimenting and this is drawing humanity closer and closer to the truth. Desire attracts results through the universal laws of attraction, even if the enemy is trying as hard as they can to divert people from this path and corrupt this knowledge.

Overall there is an undeniable spiritual awakening that is trying to break away from the enemy teachings of monotheism, Christianity, Islam and the related ilk. This phenomenon put in context with the two upcoming transits that will last for two decades constitutes a grave danger for not only the enemy’s control over the global system, but their existence as well. This is why the enemy is at the present moment into the process of shifting the morals of their system from atheistic leftism and cultural Marxism to Christian conservatism.

This is done in hopes of stopping the spiritual awakening which is about to happen. Judging by the extreme energies of hatred against them that have been cumulated in the astral, they may at best delay the awakening, but its halting is impossible at this moment. There have been all sorts of regional awakenings and uprisings against the enemy throughout history, at specific astrological points, but this time the awakening is being played in the context of globalism. This is why the enemy is desperate to implement as much censorship as possible.

Globalism was meant to be controlled from the enemy’s perspective and stop any uprising anywhere in the world, but instead it seems like the opposite is happening. If you pour multiple small puddles of inflammable oil on the ground and set fire to one of them, then that one will burn, but if those puddles are connected by lines made of that oil, then all will catch fire.

So by shifting the Global World Order from leftism to conservatism the enemy will try to keep the censoring process in regards to their actions while also attack the notion of “globalism” from the controlled conservatism perspective. Jews know very well that an awakening in the context of globalism could mean their definitive eradication from Earth and the marking of their last page of history.

The book of Revelations, the last chapter of the Bible, elaborates on this exact danger. The book of Revelations is a coded plan for fighting in times of emergency when this exact scenario would happen. It talks about the seven seals being opened before the beast appears which symbolizes the opening of the seven main chakras on the spine in order for the Kundalini serpent to rise and achieve a higher form of consciousness. The seven seals represent the main chakras, because they are sealed, inactive and the Kundalini serpent is the beast the book talks about as wanted since the curse of Genesis when Yahweh has cursed mankind for wanting to achieve knowledge. Knowledge was again represented by the snake in the garden which is the Kundalini serpent as expected, the powerful energy flux which circulates along the spine through the opened chakras which is an impossible to comprehend energy compared to the normal levels of electricity which circulate on the spine. The nervous system and the soul therefore achieve advancement levels beyond comprehension which cannot be detailed in written or spoken word.

Revelations also talks about seven kings and an eight one being the same as the sixth which hint to the third eye being an extension of the sixth chakra, both relating to psychic sight and enhanced consciousness.

The idea of the book is that Jews must find a way to defeat Satan, the Gods and the gentile spiritual awakening, which in their philosophy is a sin and a defiance against them, the master race.

Whatever ideology the enemy links to their global system, it always advocates for the extinction of the white race through racial mixing or whatever other methods they see fit for this objective. Conservatism is no stranger to it as they advocate through it that all races are equal in the eyes of Yahweh as long as they believe in him. Some Christian fanatics on the side of Trump have even gone as far as to go against abortions for the soul reason that abortions were decreasing the birth rates of blacks in a society which is already facing a demographic catastrophe. No matter the ideological program of the enemy it all comes back to using foreign races and especially blacks to wipe out the genetics of whites.

The black race was the most affected by the program of victim mentality and white hatred. In a lot of ways they became very similar to the Jews and adopted the mentality of whining, victimization and profiting from the status of victim while often displaying acts of violence. When at one point the Republican movement was being associated with whiteness and even a somewhat way to preserve our race, blacks were the ones who based on this soul reason rejected the party and only as much as 8% of them voted Republican. Even though the ones who did the most harm to the black race in our times were the Democrats, but their hatred for whites was outweighing their own interests. Many of them still believe the eradication of the white race is their greatest interest and priority. The Joy of Satan community believes that the gradual spiritual awakening may change this, but I personally still have some doubts about the feasibility of a peaceful agreement on this issue. My racism is directed at the non-whites who are on European or American soil, not at the ones that remained in their countries to face the everyday problems of their race. Those, in my opinion, deserve recognition and praise, not the ones that come here only to vote the worst choice of them all and race mix us to death. I’ve seen Arabs, Indians, Asians and Latinos making a living and finding their own ways to cope in society, but out of all races, it seem like none has been so hateful and destructive as blacks were in our countries and in my opinion their racial hatred exceeds the brainwashing of Muslims. Not to take lightly the Islamic attacks that took place in Europe, but even Islam is slowly dying and decreasing in its supporter’s zeal. Most Arabs seem tired of this cancer of a religion, but blacks still have a way to go in deprograming from the Jewish virus.

As they have let Jewish globalism rule over their minds and countries, I am not going to stand against white globalism which is white supremacy. We shall not be meek and turn the other cheek, denying power to prove some Jewish moral point while they owned all the institutional and military power in the world for so long.

White supremacy is the belief that globalism will be better managed through our understanding and natural abilities than the enemy did. White supremacy means the colonization of the whole world by our race and the replacement of the enemy’s set of rules and morals with our own. One thing it means first and foremost is the preservation of our race in traditional areas like Europe, Russia, North America, areas of South America, areas of the former British Commonwealth and so on. The foreign races’ territories will also be influenced by us through corporations which must be taken back from the Jews.

Throughout history our people have excelled at many things, many which we take for granted without realizing that learning and using them is way easier than discovering or inventing them.

Sports and fitness have constituted a domain which brought the white man to excel and build a body closer to the depictions of Gods in the statues of ancient Greece and Rome. The direct descendants of the Gods have shown and broken the limits of physical training and created competitions which made both us and other races advance beyond our levels and united us in friendly competition.

Whites are natural explorers and adventurers. Our curiosity and fire for knowledge and the discovery of the unknown have pushed us in history to grow the ability to navigate and travel. Even to this day when all Earth has been mapped, the average white still likes to take advantage of the modern means of transportation and see the world, travel to foreign countries and know and see more than their own countries and cities.

It is no exaggeration when it comes to communication. Our race has had enormous contribution in regards of communication and electronics such as the radio, television, internet, the phone and later smartphones, wireless, satellites and so on.

Also much of the spiritual knowledge passed from the Gods to humanity has been given to the ancient white empires such as Egypt, Rome, Greece, Babylon, Persia, Mesopotamia, the Celtic tribes, the Vikings and so on. Whites have a natural aptitude for spirituality and genetics are also correlated to the soul’s anatomy and its spiritual capacity. Another reason to avoid race mixing is the fact that we are not sure at this point, but it is very possible that racial purity has to do with the soul’s anatomy and capacity to spiritually advance. The ancient empires and civilizations have had an important role in spiritual knowledge and the colonists and European explorers have done a marvelous work in preserving this knowledge as historical artifacts in museums. The history of our planet lives through those museums.

To achieve all this expansion the ingenuity of our race has conceived methods of fighting and strategies better than anyone on this world. The weapons, strategies, tactics and every aspect that lead to empires and the spread of civilization and culture is beyond the comprehension of the average clueless human of our days which takes the technology and comfort of our civilization for granted. The liberal mind which borders mental retardation cannot see or does not want to acknowledge how the modern instrument which they use to spit on us and whine about oppression came through those historic chapters, chapters when globalism was not yet achieved and the effort to control commerce and resources could only be decided by war and expansion in many circumstances. Now an opportunity lays before us to seize back the global system from the hands of the enemy and use it to nullify the need for conflict in order to have access to resources and commercial routes, needs that interested all races and nations of the world, but only one exceled at it. The enemy believes that through our lack of understanding we should feel sorry and guilty for those achievements and hand over all the fruit of centuries of our effort to them just like that.

Truth is all nations have fought and waged war and often against our own people due to geographical considerations, but since the winner had the best result, the Jew decided to attack him through propaganda and psychological programs relating to guilt.

It is through those civilizations, colonies and empires that law, economy and science have spread and advanced and for all that the world should be grateful. Whites have the opportunity in the context of globalism to have control over both their traditional lands and the lands of other races and manage both of them well.

As opposed to the enemy, a world order managed by our side should not consist of opposition to knowledge and advancement. The trust of other races must be earned through constructing a system which would boast their economy and security and preserve their racial purity on their territory. The white race would be a minority in each of the foreign countries while respecting the native peoples and not mixing with them. Preserving their people’s purity is a form of respect and all previous brainwashing and programs about those matters must be undone.

The only context where a race war would be justified at the present moment would be on our own territories in case the demographic war does not stop through education and understanding. Then survival comes at all cost and by any means necessary. The more understanding and education are allowed by people the more chances of a conflict decrease. But we must be prepared for the worst scenario nonetheless.

There are two possible outcomes: racial awareness and natural understanding versus race war. It would be best to not transform racism in a war for the Jew to have the races destroy each other with them profiting from this.

All the traits of our people very much resemble the astrological traits of the planet Jupiter.

Jupiter is a very positive planet in terms of energy and rules religion, long-distance travel, higher education, philosophy, prosperity, optimism, expansion, benevolence, sports, recreation, the outdoors, horses, abundance, happiness, domestic pets, good timing, wealth and law.

Even the effects of this planet when retrograde are positive in the sense that it gives a feeling of inner fulfillment which often relates to spiritual understanding and thinking by one’s self instead of accepting dogma and imposed religion. As such, Spiritual Satanism is not a religion that is imposed on people, but rather one which waits to be discovered again resembling the traits and paths which whites have had along the history.

It is no mere coincidence that the ruler of the Gods in ancient Rome was Jupiter such as Zeus was for the Greeks.

As many racially aware writers and philosophers came to understand, a nation is shaped and bound to the land they are in. Culture, behavior, methods, strategies and solutions are born out of the resources of a land similar as solutions in the rational day to day life are born out of desire.

One of the richest and most diverse areas in resources is the Mediterranean Sea. This is where some of the biggest, strongest, fiercest and most advanced empires and civilizations have written history. The Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Mesopotamians, Persians, Arabs, Ottomans, modern day Europeans have made this area the heart of their empires and used it for navigation, war, commerce and expansion.

This is why, similar to our people in terms of expansion and inventions, the Arabs stand tall. The Mediterranean Sea is what also unites us and sets us apart making the two civilizations into two titans of history. If both our civilizations will manage to attain a level of knowledge where we become racially conscious, spiritually awake and we renounce the Jewish programs of Christianity, Islam, leftism and controlled capitalism, then our races could unite and form an economic and military axis so powerful that it would shake the foundations of the Earth and no Soviet Union or other enemy empire could even dream to scratch our combined empire. Such a union would mean nothing less than Check Mate for the enemy!

Then all other civilizations would follow in Turn and join the new white global empire. Russia, Asia, Africa, South America will be free of the enemy once and for all.

In a white supremacist global economy the principles of National Socialism would be applied which consist of a very dynamic economy. Training, education and learning would be encouraged and oriented towards the labor market areas which are most in need. The real rules of the free marked would be respected as in the writings of Adam Smith taking into account the maintaining of real competition by opposing monopolies and fighting mafia and cartel like phenomena.

The needs of the people would be the priority instead of personal gain of a specific few individuals. The elite will serve the people and use the economy only to bolster the welfare of the population. Therefore if certain economy areas are in danger the state could halt the rules of free market or simply encourage the shift of workforce and education towards those areas.

In a white National Socialist society there would be a regard for both academia and all other professions which would be paid in accordance to the quality and demand of the service that is required. No job should be disregarded as inferior as all of them are essential ranging from various areas of academia to sanitation, artisans and many more.

Because our present day bad education and disregard for certain jobs, white young people prefer to stay jobless or immigrate to other countries than try jobs such as car mechanics, plumbers, electricians, construction workers and related ilk. They would prefer to stay in an office in front of a laptop or not work at all. This also has to do with society’s perception on those jobs which has drastically influenced the corresponding payments for those jobs. Because of this phenomenon, immigrants from the third world countries come and become slaves of greedy managers and CEOs which pay them microscopic fees. Such practices and ideas will have no place in the white world order of the Age of Aquarius.
Also legislation should be done in the interest of the wellbeing and safety of the population, an aspect which can only be achieved through the elevation of knowledge and elimination of the ones incapable of achieving this goal. One should not whine for a charlatan or a criminal as they never care for the honest people by definition.

The focus should also be on the encouragement of any advancement of humans as opposed to the enemy’s ways to inhibit the desires for growth. Discerning between right and wrong is much easier when natural understanding is again free and not prohibited by the Jew. Also human relations are naturally like a magnet when not confronted with various psychological programs. Good behavior, respect, manners, forming relationships have always been natural traits of our people.

Another thing which will be ruled out will be all the toxic expectations which are being injected into our minds in regards to criteria we need to fulfill in order to build any form of relationships. Although advancement in all areas of life will be encouraged, exaggerated criteria of looks, behavior, wealth, social validation and so on will be discouraged leading to easier relations forming between people. The media’s job should be to facilitate compatibility between people, not placing endless reasons for conflict and familial lack of unity.

Based on this principle we come to the most important factor in any society which is the family. The family is that which prepares one for life, gives one’s need for comfort, safety and love. A strong and healthy family also gives its country a healthy birth rate. Nowadays social validation is placed solely on the material aspects of life and even those are misplaced in turn. Work for hours and spend all your money on useless trends and brands which are only “a must” due to advertising and social media. The media and social media’s focus should be on encouraging the building of a family. Our grandparent’s generations might have gone through wars, famines, economic crises and much worse, but even so the countries lived on because no matter how poor or rich you were, how beautiful or not so good looking you were, everyone was able to find a spouse and form a family with at least 3 children. They went through a world war and having the Soviet Iron Curtain over their heads and even so those countries survived due to the healthy birth rates. Now women are encouraged to remain childless, waste their lives on glamour and traveling and see the idea of a child as a total discomfort and the death of their freedom. We should not be brainwashed to act like teenagers all the way up to the age of 40.

The role of the media and all means of communication should be to put the criteria of social validation on marriage first and foremost.

Also through those means of communications eugenics should be strongly encouraged. This means first of all breeding only within one’s race. A balance must be attained when encouraging the best genetics to reproduce. Eugenics must not go all the way back to creating those social standards which rule out many as unfit to even form friendship relationships with others, but to simply encourage certain people with certain genetics to reproduce more than others all this within the white race. Research on this area may reveal more correlations between genetics and intellectual capacity.

Our people must be educated to show solidarity to our own when in racial danger if we will ever face a similar situation as we face now. When demographics threaten us as they do now we should strive to give more advantages to our own and discriminate if the circumstances leave no choice. For example gyms should be allowed to select their clients and only admit whites. Their business owners should be knowledgeable enough to put this before profit. We find ourselves in a situation where we have enough nerds taping the keyboard and not knowing one thing about self-defense or forming a gang that has your back, while black, Arab or gypsy thugs form gangs and go to the gym together to be stronger. Do not form friendships with those! Stay loyal to the race in the situation where your people are in danger of extinction and be ready to act. Again traitors will be dealt with more severely that the enemy.

When we speak of the love for one’s country most of the times, people will understand that one must love the current state of their country. It is seldom so in our times. By loving one’s country I mean looking towards the desire of what you want your country to look like, the vision you have for your country and people’s behaviors and understanding. Only by dreaming it you can achieve it. Therefore the love for one’s country is not the acceptance of the state of the population, but the vision one has and the ability to put that to fruition and manifest the dream.

The means through which the enemy does the most damage is the media which is used for propaganda to push the most destructive and brainless behaviors possible. Therefore we must accept that our system in turn must use propaganda, media, social media, the cinema and entertainment industry to shift the masses towards a certain set of values which would bring them on the path towards our direction. The term propaganda is something that may create ill feeling in someone due to how it is being used currently, but it is not the idea of propaganda which is evil or good, but how you use it and for what objective.

One must attend to his own, but after the white race is well on its way to spiritual elevation our next goal would be to spread the spiritual knowledge and methods of advancement to the other races as well. By advancing them as well, they will achieve the necessary knowledge and understanding of life which will help us all live together in harmony on this world. The reasons for conflict will gradually disappear while understanding grows. This will make all races aware of the fact that they must respect their own and breed within their people and will open a permanent path of friendship and collaboration between the multitudes of people of earth.

I was sitting one day thinking about a book and a movie, both productions of the enemy, but interesting to analyze nonetheless. The book was “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins and the movie was VICE starring Christian Bale and made by Adam McKay. Needless to say both creations were about gaining power through subversion and infiltration. Perkins’s book elaborates how economic hit men were making contracts of energy or infrastructure in third world countries, blackmailing and taking advantage of corruption to gain influence on both the private sector as well as the government of those countries. This was the way Jews expanded their influence during the Cold War and beginning of the 21st century. The movie VICE shows the perspective of vice president Dick Cheney’s rise to power using similar methods, but to gain institutional power inside the USA.

This has made me think about the white race gaining back power over those institutions by using different methods, with real projects based on results that would benefit all which are involved directly and indirectly.

It is in my opinion, a noble endeavor which the white race must embark on and remove the enemy. Then the way becomes more and more clear in terms of advancement.

There will always be hardship and challenges, but instead of them being military wars and a perpetual war of information versus censoring the new challenges could range from physical perfectness and medical breakthrough to space travel, energy manipulation, self-sustaining energy, smart managed automation, scientific exploration and research and spiritual advancement.

Humanity may even find a way to preserve memory and achieve physical and spiritual immortality through completing the Magnum Opus working of our Gods.
Father Satan created the three races (white, black, Asia) to be equal. Though the white race is direct descents of father Satan he, or Hitler, never stated one race was greater than the other. Each race has its own strengths and attributes to offer mankind. All races need to work in unison and compliment each other. The white race may act in a leadership roll but do it with respect and dignity towards the black and Asian race. No leader will have success and be followed if they declare themself Superior to those they wish to lead. Yes, mixed races is forbidden and each race has its own natural culture and should live together in their own geographical area. Not that each race should not travel at times to visit and enjoy the others culture and for business and economic reasons. White supremists are just what the the title says, we are supreme to you the other races and you are inferior and not equal to us, in truth we are then pure racists. ( Sounds just how the Jewish race views the white, black, and Asian races). As SS's we are better than that.
Soldier of satan said:
Father Satan created the three races (white, black, Asia) to be equal. Though the white race is direct descents of father Satan he, or Hitler, never stated one race was greater than the other. Each race has its own strengths and attributes to offer mankind. All races need to work in unison and compliment each other. The white race may act in a leadership roll but do it with respect and dignity towards the black and Asian race. No leader will have success and be followed if they declare themself Superior to those they wish to lead. Yes, mixed races is forbidden and each race has its own natural culture and should live together in their own geographical area. Not that each race should not travel at times to visit and enjoy the others culture and for business and economic reasons. White supremists are just what the the title says, we are supreme to you the other races and you are inferior and not equal to us, in truth we are then pure racists. ( Sounds just how the Jewish race views the white, black, and Asian races). As SS's we are better than that.

Reality should be based on what we observe and experience and not on our ability to repeat well formulated phrases. Ask yourself why all historical conflicts between white nations trigger less emotion than this. There is no sin in admitting that equality is a fairytale. The Gods might have created the three races, but claiming equality and not observing the differences in character, behavior and abilities will just boost the racism you are afraid of.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Soldier of satan said:
Father Satan created the three races (white, black, Asia) to be equal. Though the white race is direct descents of father Satan he, or Hitler, never stated one race was greater than the other. Each race has its own strengths and attributes to offer mankind. All races need to work in unison and compliment each other. The white race may act in a leadership roll but do it with respect and dignity towards the black and Asian race. No leader will have success and be followed if they declare themself Superior to those they wish to lead. Yes, mixed races is forbidden and each race has its own natural culture and should live together in their own geographical area. Not that each race should not travel at times to visit and enjoy the others culture and for business and economic reasons. White supremists are just what the the title says, we are supreme to you the other races and you are inferior and not equal to us, in truth we are then pure racists. ( Sounds just how the Jewish race views the white, black, and Asian races). As SS's we are better than that.

Reality should be based on what we observe and experience and not on our ability to repeat well formulated phrases. Ask yourself why all historical conflicts between white nations trigger less emotion than this. There is no sin in admitting that equality is a fairytale. The Gods might have created the three races, but claiming equality and not observing the differences in character, behavior and abilities will just boost the racism you are afraid of.

He used the term "equal" when he should have said allied. I think he meant this, as the rest of his post describes racial differences. As allies, each race needs to complement these, as well as be genuinely concerned with the well-being of the other. This is to be done just as two random people may associate as friends, but are perfectly comfortable not considering themselves as equal.

As we also know, believing everyone to be equal places limitations on our growth. This complacency becomes a detriment to everyone's health and prosperity, just as racial conflict would do. Therefore, the solution is not to force people to be equal or accept equality, but rather to accept alliances.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=439091 time=1682593213 user_id=21286]
EasternFireLion666 said:
Soldier of satan said:
Father Satan created the three races (white, black, Asia) to be equal. Though the white race is direct descents of father Satan he, or Hitler, never stated one race was greater than the other. Each race has its own strengths and attributes to offer mankind. All races need to work in unison and compliment each other. The white race may act in a leadership roll but do it with respect and dignity towards the black and Asian race. No leader will have success and be followed if they declare themself Superior to those they wish to lead. Yes, mixed races is forbidden and each race has its own natural culture and should live together in their own geographical area. Not that each race should not travel at times to visit and enjoy the others culture and for business and economic reasons. White supremists are just what the the title says, we are supreme to you the other races and you are inferior and not equal to us, in truth we are then pure racists. ( Sounds just how the Jewish race views the white, black, and Asian races). As SS's we are better than that.

Reality should be based on what we observe and experience and not on our ability to repeat well formulated phrases. Ask yourself why all historical conflicts between white nations trigger less emotion than this. There is no sin in admitting that equality is a fairytale. The Gods might have created the three races, but claiming equality and not observing the differences in character, behavior and abilities will just boost the racism you are afraid of.

He used the term "equal" when he should have said allied. I think he meant this, as the rest of his post describes racial differences. As allies, each race needs to complement these, as well as be genuinely concerned with the well-being of the other. This is to be done just as two random people may associate as friends, but are perfectly comfortable not considering themselves as equal.

As we also know, believing everyone to be equal places limitations on our growth. This complacency becomes a detriment to everyone's health and prosperity, just as racial conflict would do. Therefore, the solution is not to force people to be equal or accept equality, but rather to accept alliances.

Such alliances would constitute the best scenario. I fully agree!
Greetings I’m an Asian reading this post reminded my of my white friends from elementary school good kids. Unfortunately I am one of those outsiders that’s came to live in your country not by my own wanting of course. Thanks for this post very eye opening or that’s what they the white Christian’s say. I hope all the best for you guys it is very cruel what’s happening. May the gods bless you.
Awe fuck yeah!!! :D I LOVE THIS!!!💕👹 This is Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
