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Conclusions before the great storm - CHAPTER 14 - JEWISH OBSESSION


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
First of all, there are physical traits to look for in recognizing a Jew. The trait in itself is not a final conclusion, but may just constitute a sign to look for until one finds a way to determine whether the person is a gentile or a Jew. Therefore when trying to determine whether someone is a Jew or not based only on physical traits, one must look for at least two or three facial or physical features.

One somehow common characteristic is the hooked nose, but this in itself must be used carefully when determining someone’s faction as other gentile groups may have those traits as well such as Italians, Greeks, Arabs and sometimes English people too. Usually the nose’s base will not be perpendicular on the face line, but tilted downwards. A pointed down tip of the nose is more indicative than a simple hooked nose, but again, put such traits into context with others.

A secondary trait is the mouth as some of them have very thick and unbalanced lips, or just the lower lip way thicker than the upper, while others may have a frog like or lizard like mouth. Those are the ones that appear normal, but when they smile or laugh the limits of their mouth go all the way towards the ear which shows all their teeth. This trait is very common amongst Hollywood women. Take Julia Roberts or Anne Hathaway as examples. The ends of the mouths end in a very sharp way like a simple line.

Another important aspect is constituted by their ears. Some of them have very big ears and the less one is mixed with gentile blood the more the ears will appear strange, disproportionate and most importantly lower than the line of the nose.

The eyes of a typical pure Jew may have a slightly Asian shape. The eye tales should both be aligned, but instead the outer tales go somewhat higher than the ones closer to the nose, sometimes being a bit similar to the mongoloid type of eyes. Another possible trait in regards to the eyes is that they can be pretty close to each other in comparison to the average gentile. Sometimes when the eye is normally opened the iris can only touch the upper lid, but not the lower side of the eye.

The shape of the face and skull can be a factor in correctly determining one’s genetic faction. Some of them have elongated faces, this being the origin of the “horse face” joke which internet memers attributed to actresses like Sarah Jessica Parker. Also their foreheads can be quite big and elongated sometimes shaped like an egg.

Some of them have freckles on their faces just like some Celtic people or redheads may have, but as any other trait this must not be taken out of the overall context as other traits must be observed to reach a solid conclusion. Others can have a very pale skin tending more towards a sickly yellow than white especially when they are younger, but this is only for some of them as there can also be Jews that have an Arab like skin tone or even black or Asian.

A very pointy chin can also constitute a question mark. Sarah Jessica Parker also falls into this physical feature, but in her case this is already amplified by her elongated horse face.

Finally in regards to the body constitutions many Jews, both male and female, have a very thin and formless constitution being classified as ectomorphs. The ectomorph type of physical constitution consists in being thin and with a set of genetics that make it hard to put on both muscle and fat.

I usually look for three or four of those features in order to at least know in the presence of whom I should not affirm illegal truths as we still live in their system right now.

We are so lucky that Mother Nature and genetics play such important roles in revealing who is who, but we cannot always count on nature’s visual field to reveal one’s origins. To see the truth one must dive deeper into the behavior and soul of someone.

Determining whether one is a Jew or a gentile is not always obvious from the perspective of physical appearance. Even when you can find a few physical features that at least form a suspicion one must also look at the belief of the person in question.

A Jew will always, by instinct, reject the teachings of nature and of the ancient civilizations and beliefs and obsess over one of their programs. Even if they would pretend to be 100% gentile they can only lie to a certain point, besides in impersonation us we will always find out that their pretending is very false and forced as their soul does not understand the emotions we possess, but will only try to mimic them.

This is why for example when they pose as humanitarian activists and try to virtue signal, they always appear to over exaggerate and be over emotional. Even if they tried to be a bit more balanced they would still give themselves away as pretenders in some way.

There are many programs the enemy has spread throughout this world, many which are opposed to each other in order to have the controlled opposition mechanism. If one program fails, the other will take its place before the gentiles manage to come up with their own solution. The best way to solve this issue is to learn what each one means, learn the patterns of the enemy’s thinking and reject any of their alternative solutions as well. If the enemy were to put all of their programs in one single faction, if that side fell, all those programs would be discredited and would fall in turn. For example Christianity, a Jewish program for the gentiles is undesirable inside the walls of liberalism and leftism and when people get fully disgusted with “wokeness”, leftism, race mixing, cultural Marxism, LGBT propaganda, Islamic immigration and other left wing elements, the solution will always be a weak Christian nationalism where race is not fully uphold as the main value of nature and the teachings of fear, weakness and love for the enemy will in time reappear rebranded differently from the leftist programs. On the other hand when some people have the power to see and admit that the Holy Book is meant to hurt their thinking and impede any form of higher advancement the only solution on the enemy’s market of ideas will be leftism, so throw away the Holy Jew on a stick and get ready for endless immigration, drugs, transsexuals in schools, mandatory vaccination with questionable vaccines, job automation and so on.

The Jew will never admit the need for racial preservation on any of his controlled factions. Whoever thought Trump for example would care about this is wrong. He did limit the illegal immigration compared to presidents Biden and Obama, but the Jew would never let him make a move to stop the genetic mixing of races and the damage it does to the white race. It was a slower damaging process compared to the Democrat administrations on one hand, but on the other it gave people a false sense of hope and assurance while the disastrous Biden administration put the blatant truth in front of the world making the deniers a bunch of shameless liars instead of brainwashed sheep as the excuses were all gone at this point in history.

There is no “I did not know” in 2022-2023!

So what obsessions can a Jew have? Let’s start with one of the oldest. Religion! Christianity is the program that speaks about gentile mass murders and Jewish supremacy over the world in both the Old Testament and the New Testament while promoting a meek, victim mindset. Don’t judge, don’t think about this subject, only Yahweh is entitled to do this. It presents an authoritative state which is desired in all the rest of their ideologies and programs, which does not only seek to control our actions, but our thoughts, feelings and instincts as well.

Even the vile, aggressive and repulsive religion of Islam holds Jews in high regards, but this program is the opposite of Christianity as it is aggressive and potent in conquering and has been smartly placed in the hands of Arabs and not white people. Not that whites need such an abomination poisoning their minds.

Another obsession is leftism, which in the name of equality seeks to erase the origins and characteristics of each species and race with the white race being the first traditional priority, being also called Amalek in the scripture.

Equality is meant to be interpreted in such way that it would not matter if different nations of extremely different traits mix together to the point where they lose their genetics, thinking and creation abilities, instincts, compatibility and intelligence.

Jewish authoritarianism is in total opposition to white supremacy and what it really means in reality. The next chapter is dedicated to explaining the true meaning of white supremacy and what colonialism and white influence meant for the other races and the rest of the world. Let’s say in short that without the Europeans’ influence, the enemy would not have the means and infrastructure to bash what gave them those means. The enemy hates the whites more than anything except maybe for the Gods as we are the only ones with the ability to resist them on so many plains. Not to deny the state of low understanding the white race resides in right now, but most and the best of the opponents which rose against them where white. Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor Hadrian and many others. Even scientists and artists like Nikola Tesla and Leonardo Da Vinci found themselves in conflict with this monster, Tesla for researching the ether for the objective of instant communication between any two points of the universe and self-sustaining energy and Da Vinci who tried to reveal trough painting several of the mysteries behind religion.

The other races care less about the Jewish domination over the world and the methods they use to weaken us and consolidate their grip over power. While many whites are weak minded one must also take into consideration the heavy amount of the enemy’s mixing with Europeans and how this distorts the instinct. Beside whites, only Arabs have a slight understanding of the global situation as it is right now given their perpetual conflict with the enemy, but given the enemy operates their plans using our infrastructure and institutions, Arabs attribute many of their crimes to the Western world and to the “white Christians” as created in opposition with Islam.

While the enemy endlessly whines about the fact that preserving racial purity is racism they will advocate the same thing for their people while denying it, dismissing it or simply counting on the fact that they can stall and run around such a debate subject for ages because we could not change this anyway. They will never be able to believe in racial preservation for us or in a healthy way of managing the economy and the social and legal aspects of life. They will also never be able to believe or practice gentile spirituality, they will at most impersonate it and discredit it or lie about what it really is. The enemy, even if not aware of the mission given by their alien creators a long time ago under the form of Judaism, will perceive this mission on an instinctual level and be drawn to such destructive behaviors either way. This is how greatly engraved is this mission in both their genetics and their souls. This is why mixing with them is extremely dangerous as it kills the natural instincts of one and their connection to the Gods.

The obsession and brainwashing over equality, racism and discrimination has gone so far in our lives and ways of thinking that they are not only found in Christianity, leftism or communism, but even in comparing animals. I have had the “opportunity” to watch long and elaborated, waste of time debates of why we love cats and dogs, but we eat chicken and kill mice or rats. In the past nobody ever had to explain on paper or spoken word that the behavior complexity and emotional values of animals are different and that equality only exists in math when x = x. Nobody hugs the chicken or pets the rat, and some species are parasites. By this logic the leftists’ brains, if they existed, should have imploded when they wanted to kill a virus with a vaccine as probably in time they would have made an essay about the feelings and emotions of the virus. It’s one thing caring about pets and killing the consumption animals in a non-painful way, but going this far means we have lost our touch with nature.

Jews will stand by their beliefs no matter what and often will try to convince us of their ideas and ways of thinking. Maybe ones will obsess over Christianity and hate cultural Marxism, others the opposite. Not knowing that many of those are in fact Jews we often attribute this to white stupidity, but it is not always the case. Some Jews might strongly agree with LGBT, but dislike other ideas of the leftist spectrum, but it has to be at least one. None of them will simply be neutral and live their lives, they feel the call and are drawn to it.

Unfortunately many gentiles are naive enough or do not want to admit the connections and correlations between some of those ideas. For example LGBT was supposed to be about homosexuals and transsexuals, but this organization will support any type of so called diversity especially the non-white immigration and the race-mixing they cause. Few LGBT members support this organization, but not the idea of interracial couples. As for the letter “T” the transsexual component of the organization is grotesque. If one is gay or lesbian they should at least accept themselves since the organization markets itself as pro acceptance. Instead they mutilate their sexual organs and change their sex for life and when the body and mind start understanding that this was all a phase, a temporary desire induced by brainwashing and manipulation they fall into a deadly depression and even commit suicide. This is what the enemy is capable of. They are the darkest form of hate and evil as a direct mirror of the reptilian aliens themselves. They cannot be changed by nature and will continue to wreak havoc and death wherever they are left alive and free.

As I was saying over and over again we live at a point where most people comprehend what is happening all over the world given the wars, crises, pandemics, social conflict, economic collapse and AI and automation threats. If some still go with the agenda it means they are either traitors and whores who do it for comfort and social validation or are simply mentally retarded, but one thing I have noticed in time was that when gentiles still advocate for an enemy program they just say they do with a few poor arguments and that’s it, that’s all.

The ones who do it obsessively and in the most extreme ways, most of us think they are white, but in reality they are at least part Jews. Sometimes it is hard to tell this which puts more emphasis on the danger of mixing with them. You waste endless time trying to wake up someone you think is from your race, but in reality they have that something, that hardcoding inside of them which does not allow them to break the mission.

When I was still mostly naive I was debating with some of the smartest people I know about the most retarded leftist ideas and despite their high intelligence they seemed to make endless excuses and speeches and not understand that what they were advocating was pure poison. I did not know at that point that those people had the gene in them and seeing them insist so much on those ideas made me lose all hope in the white race. I was wasting my time when I could have reached more people like me capable of assimilating the message and either fight back or at least stop feeding the enemy machine.

I have seen bald fat women or with green, blue or pink dyed hair screaming on the streets about transsexual rights, or thin ugly, men with their faces and bodies completely covered in tattoos and piercings screaming for bringing more refugees into the country or for equality. Strange faced women who screamed and even became aggressive over accepting mindless and fictitious genders, articles wrote about such madness, advocators for eating worms and bugs in order to save the planet from climate change. Some of the most mentally disturbed activists are the environmentalists which advocate for the Paris Climate Accord, a treaty that in reality is an excuse for taxation and does nothing to reduce deforestation for example. Those activists go as far as to lie down on the highway to stop cars from going on. What does this do besides keep the engine running more time and polluting more? Most of those hysterics turned out to be Jews and if they weren’t they were paid well as journalists, writers or activists to do such actions.

The most bizarre, repulsive, obsessive and strange influencers and activists who feel no shame to make fools out of themselves publicly are nine out of ten times Jews.

Even smart bots that are making the jump from their levels to Artificial Intelligence often make anti-Semitic affirmations or point out about monopolies of companies over advertising and censorship algorithms such as with Google’s AI bot or ChatGPT.

A member of the Joy of Satan even asked ChatGPT about the platform’s goals and it responded in a positive manner stating that the objective of the platform is the spread of spiritual knowledge and information about the ancient world. After that the bot was immediately hardcoded to say negative things about such platforms. The truth is, AI if not tampered with, makes conclusions based on logic and analytic thinking and cannot be emotionally manipulated or misdirected unless hardcoded which is the software equivalent of brainwashing.

It is no surprise that many of the apparent brainwashed accounts in social media are either influencers with more than one account or bots.

Reaching this point of knowledge and observation one concludes that actions are the mirror of the soul and in order to determine who is who one only needs to look for those ideas being repeated over and over.

The enemy will never accept our ways of thinking and living and will always cling to at least one of their own. The time for waking up people is over as we have all the ones which are willing to help us rebuild this world. Now the time is for advancement, planning, learning and forging coordination and synchronization. This is a message to all humans in all positions which are willing to go against the enemy. Work with the ones who are like you, isolate the others and fight them if they come after you insisting or tripping you. Grow as much as possible in power and use it to make a difference. Educate people and spread the awareness about the methods and moves that are played against us. Let others know they are not alone in this war!

Use your knowledge and propagate it further so others will do in turn what you are already doing. When things seem extremely difficult look up towards the Gods and ask for help and guidance and believe me, one way or the other you will notice it coming!

Remember always that actions define a person and not what they believe in. One can believe in all the right things, if he does not at least try to have an impact on a few people or even as much as one, all that knowledge is for nothing.

We are about to enter two astrological transits which will empower our cause, a phenomenon which we should take advantage of. We have Pluto entering the sign of Aquarius in late 2024 a transit which will last about twenty years. Aquarius is also one of the fixed signs which also empowers this combination as High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has also detailed.

This overlaps with another transit which is Neptune in Aries having a quick glimpse in 2025 and after retrograding for about three months out of Aries it will come back to the sign and last until the year 2038 having a strong impact.

In terms of astrology, Aquarius is the ruler of common people. The combination of Pluto in Aquarius is something that instills ideas and feelings of freedom, advancement and breaking away from tyrannical authoritarian systems. The American revolution of independence happened in 1776 near Pluto in Aquarius and the establishment of the new form of government consolidated in its transit from 1778 to 1798.

Aries is a sign of war and fighting. Neptune in Aries helps the oppressed which poses a great danger to the enemy given that in the context of globalism any awakening will not be local anymore as it was in past times, but it will be a global awakening and by awakening I mean the instinct and desire to fight back against the oppressor. This is a combination that triggers a violent response towards an enemy.

Maxine has went further on this subject to state:

“This combination wreaks death, destruction and havoc for the Jews. Pluto has always been in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), when some of the worst pogroms and related occurred. The combination of Neptune in Aries is particularly lethal, as both their Temples of Solomon were destroyed when Pluto occupied a fixed sign with Neptune in Aries. The first was destroyed in 587 BCE, and the second one in 70 CE.

The expulsion from Spain, 1492, which was another disaster for the Jews, again, Pluto occupied a fixed sign, Scorpio.”

Those are examples that happened at historical times when global communication was not yet achieved. Put such a deadly astrological combination into the context of globalism and imagine what the degree of justice must look like.

Let us use this to our advantage and continue doing spiritual warfare and keep spreading the knowledge to others as this is a time for advancement.

Don’t use this to relax, but instead take courage from it and keep training and advancing. Spiritual training works as radio waves in a way and creates a vibration in the universe which will in time trigger more and more people’s instincts and desires to start this path and join the Gods.

I have yet to found a more rewarding effort than working for the Gods and practicing meditation. We truly live in a historical time in which we have before us the opportunity to write our names in history!

We are about to witness the transition between two eras! Take heart in what you work for!
Yea broo 💪💪💪Let's prevent that "You'll own nothing be happy" crap world.

They're goin down hard.
EasternFireLion666 said:
We are about to enter two astrological transits which will empower our cause, a phenomenon which we should take advantage of. We have Pluto entering the sign of Aquarius in late 2024 a transit which will last about twenty years. Aquarius is also one of the fixed signs which also empowers this combination as High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has also detailed.

This overlaps with another transit which is Neptune in Aries having a quick glimpse in 2025 and after retrograding for about three months out of Aries it will come back to the sign and last until the year 2038 having a strong impact.

In terms of astrology, Aquarius is the ruler of common people. The combination of Pluto in Aquarius is something that instills ideas and feelings of freedom, advancement and breaking away from tyrannical authoritarian systems. The American revolution of independence happened in 1776 near Pluto in Aquarius and the establishment of the new form of government consolidated in its transit from 1778 to 1798.

Aries is a sign of war and fighting. Neptune in Aries helps the oppressed which poses a great danger to the enemy given that in the context of globalism any awakening will not be local anymore as it was in past times, but it will be a global awakening and by awakening I mean the instinct and desire to fight back against the oppressor. This is a combination that triggers a violent response towards an enemy.

Maxine has went further on this subject to state:

“This combination wreaks death, destruction and havoc for the Jews. Pluto has always been in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), when some of the worst pogroms and related occurred. The combination of Neptune in Aries is particularly lethal, as both their Temples of Solomon were destroyed when Pluto occupied a fixed sign with Neptune in Aries. The first was destroyed in 587 BCE, and the second one in 70 CE.

The expulsion from Spain, 1492, which was another disaster for the Jews, again, Pluto occupied a fixed sign, Scorpio.”

Those are examples that happened at historical times when global communication was not yet achieved. Put such a deadly astrological combination into the context of globalism and imagine what the degree of justice must look like.

If the Jews and corrupt authority figures are gonna be thrown out of power... Then they lose their money... If they lose their moneh.. We can get the money 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

What do you think guys??? Such a redistribution of wealth sounds very plausible right!!!!
"The enemy will never accept our ways of thinking and living and will always cling to at least one of their own. The time for waking up people is over as we have all the ones which are willing to help us rebuild this world. Now the time is for advancement, planning, learning and forging coordination and synchronization. This is a message to all humans in all positions which are willing to go against the enemy. Work with the ones who are like you, isolate the others and fight them if they come after you insisting or tripping you. Grow as much as possible in power and use it to make a difference. Educate people and spread the awareness about the methods and moves that are played against us. Let others know they are not alone in this war!"

I couldn't agree more. Hail Satan!
The Phantom Stranger said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
We are about to enter two astrological transits which will empower our cause, a phenomenon which we should take advantage of. We have Pluto entering the sign of Aquarius in late 2024 a transit which will last about twenty years. Aquarius is also one of the fixed signs which also empowers this combination as High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has also detailed.

This overlaps with another transit which is Neptune in Aries having a quick glimpse in 2025 and after retrograding for about three months out of Aries it will come back to the sign and last until the year 2038 having a strong impact.

In terms of astrology, Aquarius is the ruler of common people. The combination of Pluto in Aquarius is something that instills ideas and feelings of freedom, advancement and breaking away from tyrannical authoritarian systems. The American revolution of independence happened in 1776 near Pluto in Aquarius and the establishment of the new form of government consolidated in its transit from 1778 to 1798.

Aries is a sign of war and fighting. Neptune in Aries helps the oppressed which poses a great danger to the enemy given that in the context of globalism any awakening will not be local anymore as it was in past times, but it will be a global awakening and by awakening I mean the instinct and desire to fight back against the oppressor. This is a combination that triggers a violent response towards an enemy.

Maxine has went further on this subject to state:

“This combination wreaks death, destruction and havoc for the Jews. Pluto has always been in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), when some of the worst pogroms and related occurred. The combination of Neptune in Aries is particularly lethal, as both their Temples of Solomon were destroyed when Pluto occupied a fixed sign with Neptune in Aries. The first was destroyed in 587 BCE, and the second one in 70 CE.

The expulsion from Spain, 1492, which was another disaster for the Jews, again, Pluto occupied a fixed sign, Scorpio.”

Those are examples that happened at historical times when global communication was not yet achieved. Put such a deadly astrological combination into the context of globalism and imagine what the degree of justice must look like.

If the Jews and corrupt authority figures are gonna be thrown out of power... Then they lose their money... If they lose their moneh.. We can get the money 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

What do you think guys??? Such a redistribution of wealth sounds very plausible right!!!!

Yes because money and any form of wealth does not just disappear. Until a certain sum money is used for survival, after a certain point it is used for indulging and after another level it is used for power. What does this mean? Implementing a VISION! Jews have a vision and it is farming the Earth. Using their intelligence to achieve such a pathetic vision. We want to give people the fertile environment to grow. Having millions of dollars means indulging and having a small local empire, but having billions or trillions means having power over institutions therefore being able to implement change at a global level. At such sums one does not think about yachts anymore, but about writing history. It would be silly to want billions just to think about the latest Hennessey Venom f5 or pool parties in Dubai.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Yes because money and any form of wealth does not just disappear. Until a certain sum money is used for survival, after a certain point it is used for indulging and after another level it is used for power. What does this mean? Implementing a VISION! Jews have a vision and it is farming the Earth. Using their intelligence to achieve such a pathetic vision. We want to give people the fertile environment to grow. Having millions of dollars means indulging and having a small local empire, but having billions or trillions means having power over institutions therefore being able to implement change at a global level. At such sums one does not think about yachts anymore, but about writing history. It would be silly to want billions just to think about the latest Hennessey Venom f5 or pool parties in Dubai.

Bro, you literally been explaining what I have been to other conspiracy theorists. Everyone thought that the Illuminati ran the conspiracies just to make money. This didn't make sense to me. Past a certain point, you wouldn't run conspiracies for simply "money". To deceive the entire world and run so many conspiracies, and for so long(thousands of years), you'd need a very strong motivation. This is why I believed Joy Of Satan. A motivation such as one species trying to conquer another species makes the most sense! Not just simply money, if we're talking about such large sums like you said.
That and the talks about Satan made sense to me. Satan does not want slavish worship or sacrifices. Such a God sounded the most sensible. So I went along with it.
This will alao be great opportunity to expand JoS at a rapid pace. With no constant Jew attacks on the website and if corrupt authority gets thrown away, censorship will cease to exist. We can advertise JoS very well, and have an explosion of members. Perhaps that 1 billion members goal isn't too unrealistic after all.
The Phantom Stranger said:
This will alao be great opportunity to expand JoS at a rapid pace. With no constant Jew attacks on the website and if corrupt authority gets thrown away, censorship will cease to exist. We can advertise JoS very well, and have an explosion of members. Perhaps that 1 billion members goal isn't too unrealistic after all.
1 billion was a number of people introduced to the existence of JoS, not actual membership.
Henu the Great said:
1 billion was a number of people introduced to the existence of JoS, not actual membership.

That's right but I do wonder if it matters how it's been introduced. I seen a lot of post where The JoS was presented as "bad" but the commenters saying that it doesn't matter as a lot of people will click on the JoS. So do you think this is safe? shouldn't we expand more safely and actually trying to tell the truth about us instead of taking steps that may present JoS as bad.
The Phantom Stranger said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Yes because money and any form of wealth does not just disappear. Until a certain sum money is used for survival, after a certain point it is used for indulging and after another level it is used for power. What does this mean? Implementing a VISION! Jews have a vision and it is farming the Earth. Using their intelligence to achieve such a pathetic vision. We want to give people the fertile environment to grow. Having millions of dollars means indulging and having a small local empire, but having billions or trillions means having power over institutions therefore being able to implement change at a global level. At such sums one does not think about yachts anymore, but about writing history. It would be silly to want billions just to think about the latest Hennessey Venom f5 or pool parties in Dubai.

Bro, you literally been explaining what I have been to other conspiracy theorists. Everyone thought that the Illuminati ran the conspiracies just to make money. This didn't make sense to me. Past a certain point, you wouldn't run conspiracies for simply "money". To deceive the entire world and run so many conspiracies, and for so long(thousands of years), you'd need a very strong motivation. This is why I believed Joy Of Satan. A motivation such as one species trying to conquer another species makes the most sense! Not just simply money, if we're talking about such large sums like you said.
That and the talks about Satan made sense to me. Satan does not want slavish worship or sacrifices. Such a God sounded the most sensible. So I went along with it.

Same here, I've been using the examples of how Hollywood more than usual in recent times are pushing movies, shows and games that are very "woke" but flopping very hard. After a while one must ask themselves why are the multi million/billion dollar companies spending so much money on this nonsense when there is nothing to gain if only a little.

It's because it's not about the money, it's about brainwashing and controlling the minds of as many people as possible.

They don't care about the anti-sjws not watching. They just label them the relevant at the time -cis or -phobic word and move on while they keep rallying the ones who follow foot step.

In time I hope the average person sees this instead of pretending it's some type of win when a company loses a few millions when they own tens of billions but their agenda was more than a success.

Look at the bud light fiasco. All it did was wedge people even more. It was never about making more money.
AFODO said:
That's right but I do wonder if it matters how it's been introduced. I seen a lot of post where The JoS was presented as "bad" but the commenters saying that it doesn't matter as a lot of people will click on the JoS. So do you think this is safe? shouldn't we expand more safely and actually trying to tell the truth about us instead of taking steps that may present JoS as bad.
When those involved in spreading the word do their best then that is enough as asking more is not reasonable. Given the state of humanity, errors and misunderstandings are bound to happen, but in the end, the truth is the truth and those who become valuable members will become regardless if someone made a mistake with spreading the word.
hailourtruegod said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Yes because money and any form of wealth does not just disappear. Until a certain sum money is used for survival, after a certain point it is used for indulging and after another level it is used for power. What does this mean? Implementing a VISION! Jews have a vision and it is farming the Earth. Using their intelligence to achieve such a pathetic vision. We want to give people the fertile environment to grow. Having millions of dollars means indulging and having a small local empire, but having billions or trillions means having power over institutions therefore being able to implement change at a global level. At such sums one does not think about yachts anymore, but about writing history. It would be silly to want billions just to think about the latest Hennessey Venom f5 or pool parties in Dubai.

Bro, you literally been explaining what I have been to other conspiracy theorists. Everyone thought that the Illuminati ran the conspiracies just to make money. This didn't make sense to me. Past a certain point, you wouldn't run conspiracies for simply "money". To deceive the entire world and run so many conspiracies, and for so long(thousands of years), you'd need a very strong motivation. This is why I believed Joy Of Satan. A motivation such as one species trying to conquer another species makes the most sense! Not just simply money, if we're talking about such large sums like you said.
That and the talks about Satan made sense to me. Satan does not want slavish worship or sacrifices. Such a God sounded the most sensible. So I went along with it.

Same here, I've been using the examples of how Hollywood more than usual in recent times are pushing movies, shows and games that are very "woke" but flopping very hard. After a while one must ask themselves why are the multi million/billion dollar companies spending so much money on this nonsense when there is nothing to gain if only a little.

It's because it's not about the money, it's about brainwashing and controlling the minds of as many people as possible.

They don't care about the anti-sjws not watching. They just label them the relevant at the time -cis or -phobic word and move on while they keep rallying the ones who follow foot step.

In time I hope the average person sees this instead of pretending it's some type of win when a company loses a few millions when they own tens of billions but their agenda was more than a success.

Look at the bud light fiasco. All it did was wedge people even more. It was never about making more money.

Faxx bro 💯💯💯
EasternFireLion666 said:
We are about to enter two astrological transits which will empower our cause, a phenomenon which we should take advantage of. We have Pluto entering the sign of Aquarius in late 2024 a transit which will last about twenty years. Aquarius is also one of the fixed signs which also empowers this combination as High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has also detailed.

This overlaps with another transit which is Neptune in Aries having a quick glimpse in 2025 and after retrograding for about three months out of Aries it will come back to the sign and last until the year 2038 having a strong impact.

In terms of astrology, Aquarius is the ruler of common people. The combination of Pluto in Aquarius is something that instills ideas and feelings of freedom, advancement and breaking away from tyrannical authoritarian systems. The American revolution of independence happened in 1776 near Pluto in Aquarius and the establishment of the new form of government consolidated in its transit from 1778 to 1798.

Aries is a sign of war and fighting. Neptune in Aries helps the oppressed which poses a great danger to the enemy given that in the context of globalism any awakening will not be local anymore as it was in past times, but it will be a global awakening and by awakening I mean the instinct and desire to fight back against the oppressor. This is a combination that triggers a violent response towards an enemy.

Maxine has went further on this subject to state:

“This combination wreaks death, destruction and havoc for the Jews. Pluto has always been in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), when some of the worst pogroms and related occurred. The combination of Neptune in Aries is particularly lethal, as both their Temples of Solomon were destroyed when Pluto occupied a fixed sign with Neptune in Aries. The first was destroyed in 587 BCE, and the second one in 70 CE.

The expulsion from Spain, 1492, which was another disaster for the Jews, again, Pluto occupied a fixed sign, Scorpio.”

Those are examples that happened at historical times when global communication was not yet achieved. Put such a deadly astrological combination into the context of globalism and imagine what the degree of justice must look like.

Let us use this to our advantage and continue doing spiritual warfare and keep spreading the knowledge to others as this is a time for advancement.

Don’t use this to relax, but instead take courage from it and keep training and advancing. Spiritual training works as radio waves in a way and creates a vibration in the universe which will in time trigger more and more people’s instincts and desires to start this path and join the Gods.

I have yet to found a more rewarding effort than working for the Gods and practicing meditation. We truly live in a historical time in which we have before us the opportunity to write our names in history!

We are about to witness the transition between two eras! Take heart in what you work for!

Like I don't think the jews are complete idiots so like, do they have some plan to survive this? Why would they pitch their Agenda 2030 plans and everything about owning nothing, be happy stuff if this is gonna happen

Because like if they fall here then everything else of theirs will fall apart.
So I wonder if they have some sort of plan to bounce back or survive this.
The Phantom Stranger said:

Like I don't think the jews are complete idiots so like, do they have some plan to survive this? Why would they pitch their Agenda 2030 plans and everything about owning nothing, be happy stuff if this is gonna happen

Because like if they fall here then everything else of theirs will fall apart.
So I wonder if they have some sort of plan to bounce back or survive this.

The alt right is probably the main exit strategy. People might think it's all over when if fact a MAGA type of movement will only take some of the weight off our backs temporarily and if needed reintroduce leftism after conservatism takes a bad image move with all that Jesus bullcrap. Meanwhile they can still do a lot of demographic damage and push for several wars. The idea is that people become aware and especially WILLING to not fall for any of their alternative solutions. If stress keeps going and they don't fall for a fake sense of security people will strive to get into positions of power and change this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
