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Come on now is mcdonalds and walmart REALLY that bad?


New member
Dec 17, 2024
So i have liberal vegan/vegetarian family members who live in libtard big cities and always like to travel to communist EU complaining about how horrible life is in the US always throwing me under the bus for "eating junk all the time"....honestly, i dont see what the big deal is....i eat mcdonalds and buy all my groceries from walmart all the time (via the great value brand) im not here dying or anything like that.....

It could be worse i could be in those nasty jampacked 3rd world asian street slums where im forced to walkt everywhere but i enjoy living with the blessing of living in a rural region with all the privacy, owning my own big house, and not living in those nasty jampacked apartments in the EU or asia and being able to drive 60miles passed beautiful waves of cornfrield in my pickup truck to the next walmart instead of being in crowded and jam packad place...i actually think mcdonalds and walmart proof of our freedom
I don't know about walmart because we don't have it here.
Most important is what additives are in these foods, how processed it is.
They toss in a lot of additives that are unhealthy, minced meat is also just worse than in their raw form.

Generally if a loaf of bread, a simple cookie, cereal, or anything that is normally a 2-5 ingredient food have 10-15 ingredients you know it's bad.
If you see a lot of these: preservatives, coloring agents, flavor enhancers, stabilizers and thickeners, emulsifiers, antioxidants, leaving agents
It's bad.
HPS Maxine liked Walmart, she told me this years ago.

Not all of Europe is the same. Every country or region is vastly different from other countries, and shouldn't really be combined as one whole. And similar to America, some areas have jampacked apartment complexes while others have much more space around houses.

I'm pretty sure most countries in the world have McDonalds.
I've traveled outside the us, and the difference in food quality is noticeable. I was shocked to see how quickly things go bad if you don't eat it quickly because there were no preservatives added.. I think growing up on fast food was dysgenic and made me mentally ill I could be so much healthier
Personally I like having some Mcdonalds every once in a while. But McDonalds in Italy is vastly superior to the one in the US, we have way less strange additives, the meat is actually of decent quality (due to Italian laws it can't be otherwise).

the US is the best....US is superior
I've traveled outside the us, and the difference in food quality is noticeable. I was shocked to see how quickly things go bad if you don't eat it quickly because there were no preservatives added.. I think growing up on fast food was dysgenic and made me mentally ill I could be so much healthier

TRAITOR. then go move to communst eu if u want
TRAITOR. then go move to communst eu if u want
Hey, just so you know, some of your posts perpetuate negative stereotypes of a close-minded, unhealthy, redneck among conservative circles. In this case, antagonizing someone over a trip to Europe, or above, where you claim MacDonald's is proof of our freedom, are all examples of this. As Zevists, we can recognize where corruption of the US has happened and seek to fix this. We also support others to live how they want, as if our way is superior, they will naturally gravitate to it.

Hopefully you understand this and try to reign in some of these posts, as an excess of this can drive away people coming from non-conservative places, such as someone who may be a left-leaning pagan or wiccan type.
Hey, just so you know, some of your posts perpetuate negative stereotypes of a close-minded, unhealthy, redneck among conservative circles. In this case, antagonizing someone over a trip to Europe, or above, where you claim MacDonald's is proof of our freedom, are all examples of this. As Zevists, we can recognize where corruption of the US has happened and seek to fix this. We also support others to live how they want, as if our way is superior, they will naturally gravitate to it.

Hopefully you understand this and try to reign in some of these posts, as an excess of this can drive away people coming from non-conservative places, such as someone who may be a left-leaning pagan or wiccan type.
Yeah I'm not even a leftist I wanted to visit historical sites lol, that was a weird response. Shouldn't we advocate for healthier food and food security, make America healthy again...
Food from big chains like McDonalds or Burger King has always seemed disgusting to me. Hamburger steaks feel like plastic, and those super-oily fries, reheated in burnt oil, taste like cardboard.
If I'm craving a burger, there are plenty of better places.
Hey, just so you know, some of your posts perpetuate negative stereotypes of a close-minded, unhealthy, redneck among conservative circles. In this case, antagonizing someone over a trip to Europe, or above, where you claim MacDonald's is proof of our freedom, are all examples of this. As Zevists, we can recognize where corruption of the US has happened and seek to fix this. We also support others to live how they want, as if our way is superior, they will naturally gravitate to it.

Hopefully you understand this and try to reign in some of these posts, as an excess of this can drive away people coming from non-conservative places, such as someone who may be a left-leaning pagan or wiccan type.

I was about to say.....this guy acts WAY TOO gimmicky (and degenerate at that) and I've also had former people in my circle to the likes of this guy's personality - listening to country music, drinking whiskey, chewing dip, waving Confederate flags (we're not even in the South, and my State was a hardcore Union state during the Civil War and has no connections to the South) and constantly talks about "shootn' things"), and etc., not because they actually like country music, knows jack shit about whiskey and the art behind it, or anything about Southern American culture (which things like jazz, and New Orleans Creole culture some to my mind. Thank Shangdi (Zeus) these people aren't part of my life naymore, and also thank God one of the "ringleaders" got his guns seperated for him, since he was also an irresponsible gun owner and almost pushed his suicidal brother to well....you know.....

I think Ol Argedco called him out for possibly being a plain troll to make ToZ look bad as I've noticed there's been other users promoting "neo-colonialism" and White supremacy (not the same as White nationalism) just to make us look like some violent underground cult. Either this guy's a troll or just a really degenerated Soul who has understanding of Zevic tradition and philosaphy.

With that being-said, I really think Americans need to distance themsevomes from all these gimmicks. The liberal who enjoys the countryside and the conservative who likes anime/manga and big metropolitan cities are the types that I have respect for.
Food from big chains like McDonalds or Burger King has always seemed disgusting to me. Hamburger steaks feel like plastic, and those super-oily fries, reheated in burnt oil, taste like cardboard.
If I'm craving a burger, there are plenty of better places.

Those "few times" I eat McDonalds or Burger King, I don't get their "burgers" or whoppers. I only get their chicken, fish or fries options, sure, nothing gourmet and probably not the best quality too (it's FAST FOOD), but their so-called "beef/pork products" have been the brunt of contrevoursies.

I find it really concerning people around me are freaking out over price increases in mcdonalds, how about people either learn to aim for locally-owned burger places or grill their own burgers?

I'm not really the "make your own"-type of a guy, so therefore, I always make efforts so stay local, or support smaller bussinesses (even if they're chains).
Yeah I'm not even a leftist I wanted to visit historical sites lol, that was a weird response. Shouldn't we advocate for healthier food and food security, make America healthy again...

No there's nothing wrong with your views, just look at the guy's username and his profile info. As far as health goes, I actually prefer the pedestrian-based commuting lifestyles of Asia and Europe, since you are getting natural movement. As far as food goes, these are the types of countries and regions where you have food stalls everywhere. So you get movement, get a little snack to eat, and then continue moving, in my opion, this beats shoving 3 big meals down your throat and being forced to spend gas just to get a can of xyz drink [soda, coffee, or whatever[. I'm not "anti-car" or anything, cars exist as a neccessarry tool but as they say, everbody's got different preferencess/needs.

Preferring city life vs. small town life shouldn't be a right or left thing....and if I recall correctly, Shangdi/Zeus and our Gods were civilization-builders who showcased theit skills they tought Gentiles via cities and urban planning? If one is a small-town/rural person.....then you do you, but just know that the Shangdi never intrsucted Gentiles, be it in China, India or Greece to go run and hide to the country side.....
Hey, just so you know, some of your posts perpetuate negative stereotypes of a close-minded, unhealthy, redneck among conservative circles. In this case, antagonizing someone over a trip to Europe, or above, where you claim MacDonald's is proof of our freedom, are all examples of this. As Zevists, we can recognize where corruption of the US has happened and seek to fix this. We also support others to live how they want, as if our way is superior, they will naturally gravitate to it.

Hopefully you understand this and try to reign in some of these posts, as an excess of this can drive away people coming from non-conservative places, such as someone who may be a left-leaning pagan or wiccan type.

I've done some research on the word "redneck".....it celebrates White degenerency and has nothing to do with actually honoring Whites who just happen to work blue collars jobs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
