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On Eating: Sustenance comes first


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
There are so many ways to cook up so many different recipes and their variations. Human beings have put a lot of energy into refining food not just as a means of sustenance but ultimately as one of life's greatest pleasures as well as a great art. Food, cookies, cakes, and the like can be so beautifully decorated one will feel so bad just for even wanting to eat them. Cooking is a great outlet for creativity and even beauty. The problem with eating first and foremost has become such that the western world especially has forgotten the main and most basic purpose of food that must come first which is sustaining life and health.

Stop eating just because it feels good
Our western decadent culture and the jewish push of mass consumerism for profit have driven many people to not only overeat but also to eat just for the sake of eating. The jewish borg that promotes unnatural ideas of total sameness in all aspects of life tells us all that our BMI has to come out to a certain number or we are unhealthy, that the average man needs 2500 calories a day and the average woman about 1500 to 2000. This mythical idea along with the food pyramid gives an unrealistic picture of how everyone is supposed to consume food and how much of it, expecting everyone to be the exact same.

People who are sedentary and overweight need maybe half those calories if not less. How many calories one actually needs depends on your individual basal metabolic rate and your activity level. I notice when I work and go to the gym I eat more but try not to overdo it. When I am home, I feel less hungry especially when I sit on my ass. It's important to meditate on your body's needs to avoid overeating or undereating. If you want to go into a calorie deficit to lose don't starve yourself. But don't eat just to eat either.

The majority of the population especially in America are unhealthy and overweight, largely because they cannot be arsed to eat right. They eat just to eat and for pleasure and comfort first and foremost instead of putting sustenance first. People make excuses that they don't like to cook because they work long hours. Take your day(s) off to make various means for yourself that will last the week. Make a point to eat healthily. Don't only prioritize what tastes and feels good, but also worry about what it does for your or doesn't. I see so many people at work that do nothing but eat fast food, candy and junk, and soft drinks. Most of them are fat and just generally in poor health. If budget is an issue, exchange the crap you are buying for healthy things around that same price range and stop smoking and drinking. People have become too complacent with what they put in their bodies and this is widely accepted and even encouraged! This mass consumer culture and its economy depend on people overeating and doing so unhealthily.

To add insult to injury, many things are being put in food and water that have no business being in the human body which adds to a number of problems. These are some of the ingredients that should be avoided if possible http://www.drkeithkantor.com/dangerous-ingredients-in-common-foods/ Unless it falls under the list of minerals that are good for the body that does not occur naturally within the body it does not belong. I once learned a funny phrase in the national guard doing a menial cleaning task and it honestly really counts for the body. If it doesn't grow there, it doesn't go there. Especially if you see any food labels with some weird additives you can't pronounce, those are certainly things you should avoid consuming if you can help it.

Europe has even stricter standards about what to put in food and it is one of the reasons people there are generally healthier http://www.germinalorganic.com/2018/02/eu-versus-us-a-closer-look-at-food-standards/#:~:text=European%20regulations%20against%20additives%20in%20food%20products%20are,U.S.%20governing%20bodies%20tend%20to%20be%20more%20reactive. Gmo's are also widely disapproved of in the EU and fluoride is banned in water usage.

The enemy wants everyone to consume what will make them sick or they don't make profit
Notice also how candy isles in stores are packed and huge, (and cheaper than nutritious food!) and how candy and junk are thrown at us at the checkout line. Fast food chains are EVERYWHERE and the gas stations are packed with junk food. This is all a part of the enemy's attempt at dumbing down the population physically and genetically, all the while making a profit off of what is consumed en masse as well as the chronic illnesses and diseases this manifests in millions of people. Yes, there are many shekels for Dr. Steinberg and DR. Lipshitz to be had from people constantly being sick because of what they eat and how they eat and all the big corporations sponsored by Rothchild probably, and tons of other kikes are more than happy to contribute to their borg brother's profits by keeping this going by ensuring the populace continues to do nothing but consume in great quantity yet extremely poor in quality.

Going against the above is for your own advancement
The body is the physical manifestation of the soul. Care for it and clean it as you do your own spiritual aspect of your soul as they are mirrors of each other. They reflect one another. It will also save you a lot of trouble, in the long run, to care for yourself and what you put in your body. Imagine ending up living alone in the worst-case scenario...if there is no one around you to help emotionally and financially support you if you fall ill it makes it all the more worth it to reduce your risk of having this happen as much as possible, especially because of what could happen without possible extra proper emotional and financial support. Periodic indulgence is alright especially around Yuletime, Samhain, etc to celebrate and enjoy the time but be mindful.

Make it a point to put sustenance first. It's about what it can do for you not just what it tastes like or how it makes you feel. Food like other things can become an addiction. Don't eat just to eat or solely for pleasure. It's a bonus that these things come along as we eat to sustain ourselves but the latter should never take first priority over the first. Or you will end up very unhealthy.

Astrological indications in the chart for over/underweight, and eating disorders

People who tend to overeat or are overweight with a slow metabolism often have a lot of earth and or water or a prominent Jupiter. Jupiter may also aspect venus or its home sign may be the sign of the chart ruler. They may prone to diabetes, insulin resistance, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), or metabolic syndrome, especially if Jupiter is on 6 degrees of cancer or close to it. Invoking fire or air along with a calorie deficit and strength training will help raise their basal metabolic rate and help them burn fat. Staying away from large amounts of carbohydrates junk food and candy are a must.

People who tend to undereat, or even forget to eat, have moderate to high metabolisms (sometimes crazy high) and are usually dominant in fire and or air. Their minds and bodies naturally are quick and are always moving around wanting to make something happen. If they don't undereat they can have a problem still with gaining weight if they want this, feeling like no matter what they eat they still don't gain. consuming more protein along with invoking earth or water may help with this as far as building muscle mass. Their chart ruler may be in an air or fire sign or ruled by one of these elements.

Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia or food addictions can involve Neptune due to the distortion and delusions this causes with one's self-perception. If there is a lot of water in the chart with the moon or Venus involved, an addiction or hoarding of food can be caused by an emotional or sentimental underlying issue that has to do with a memory of a place, situation, or a loved one.
I would also like to debunk a common misconception, that of which healthy food must be boring, plain, untasty food, this is far from the truth because infact healthy food when done right is extremely delicious.

Also, green doesn't equate to healthy, people literally think that to eat healthy they must just consume salads, gosh how I hate salads, they're just leaves and oil, I'm not a bunny and as thus I refuse to eat salads.

A grass fed steak, with some decent salt and tallow or oil, some baked potatoes on the side, some quality parmisan grated over the steak. That's something healthy! And delicious!

Shadowcat said:

Aquarius said:

Thanks for the input, both of you.

I think the center of the problem is just the convenience factor of eating poorly. So, we need to come up with ways which are both easy to make, as well as healthy enough.

It is definitely possible to go the opposite way and micromanage your diet to the point where you are wasting your time. In reality, our diet just needs to be "good enough" to support our Satanic activities, which itself can drastically increase our health and vitality.
Aquarius said:
I would also like to debunk a common misconception, that of which healthy food must be boring, plain, untasty food, this is far from the truth because infact healthy food when done right is extremely delicious.

Also, green doesn't equate to healthy, people literally think that to eat healthy they must just consume salads, gosh how I hate salads, they're just leaves and oil, I'm not a bunny and as thus I refuse to eat salads.

A grass fed steak, with some decent salt and tallow or oil, some baked potatoes on the side, some quality parmisan grated over the steak. That's something healthy! And delicious!


The reason you eat vegetables is for the fiber. Too much proteïn because of animal products and your stools become awefully smelly because of the rot.

Having meals that are heavier on the meat side are fine but you need to balance it out. Don't eat that all the time.

Also eating salad (cold salad!) in the midst of winter is a bad idea. too cold for the body.

Ive decided to buy ginger and some bitter veggies for cooking next time I go shopping.
Although the "bitter" veggies have been crossbred to become sweeter now :(. And I don't like the classic recipes with them so Ill go experimenting some.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=406127 time=1671017848 user_id=21286]
Shadowcat said:

Aquarius said:

Thanks for the input, both of you.

I think the center of the problem is just the convenience factor of eating poorly. So, we need to come up with ways which are both easy to make, as well as healthy enough.

It is definitely possible to go the opposite way and micromanage your diet to the point where you are wasting your time. In reality, our diet just needs to be "good enough" to support our Satanic activities, which itself can drastically increase our health and vitality.

It's my opinion that people don't really need a "diet", unless specified otherwise from a doctor because of an illness. Eating healthy isn't inconvenient, it's just normal eating and cooking, it takes a normal amount of time. For someone who never took the time to learn to cook or have any knowledge about food it there can be a short period of learning about it, but after that everything becomes pretty intuitive.

Perhaps we need a post dedicated exclusively to eating and cooking, I'll think about making one.
Wotanwarrior said:

The Mediterranean food is the best and the meat seasoned with rosemary and thyme and as a final touch a good cured sheep's milk cheese.
Can't beat a plate of mozzarella di bufala with sliced tomatoes with sprinkled with rosemary, salt and some oil in a hot summer day.
Shadowcat said:
How does the "coincidence" make it that after I thought yesterday about somw books on nutrition, then this topic of yours came into my view :D

Thank you for posting this useful information.

In many cases, I thought people should always maintain a very good balance between carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals and other micro and macro nutrients that are in food, of course that is obtained from natural sources.

People tend to eat souch of processed foods that contain at least 12% of something natural, and the redt is made up by nocive chemicals, and worse, like 3D printed meat from Bill Gates or other jews.

Thabk you again for sharing this and, if you have time, please answer this question, please:

Is breaking the pasta not good for the nutrients from the pasta or is it just because of the commodity of getting them after they are al dente is reduced?

Thanks in advance

Hail Satan
Excellent post sister Shadowcat!

I think as with most things nowadays many lies and misinformation has been spread by jews to weaken the gentiles. For food they have used the method of corporations and the government working together to offer terrible food choices at a lower price and then use the government to spread propaganda that the trash food is good for you.

If you look at the "Food compass" that was being pushed last year it was looking like this

They push processed sugar and chips which are literally fried in seed oils as being healthier than some cheese or beef. The older food pyramid wasn't any better as it told people to make the majority of their diets grains. Yes goy eat a loaf of bread a day that also has sugar in it for some reason, this will surely make you feel energized and not bloat you to being obese. Don't worry about your blood work numbers you are healthy and beautiful at any size.

Micronutrients are also something that is barely even considered by most which is shown by how many multiple deficiencies the majority of the U.S. population has even though they are constantly stuffing their face with food. Most Americans also don't get enough good protein either. Everyone should strive to get at least 50 grams of useable protein per day, more if you work out or are in recovery.

To anyone working to lose weight don't believe any of the lies spread by almost anyone on what makes a "healthy food". So many people think if they just eat these foods they will get thin, which is not true at all. In order to lose weight you need to use more calories than your intaking, many of these "healthy foods" are very calorie dense. For example nuts are considered healthy, and this for the most part is true as they have micronutrients not found in amny other foods with healthy fats and some protein, however, they are very calorie dense and you can take in hundreds of calories without you realizing it. They are great for gaining weight for clean bulking, not so much for losing it. If you want to lose weight look at all the labels of your food and choose less calorie dense food that still has many good micronutrients. For example if you eat a diet of eggs, lean meat, greek yogurt, sardines, fruit and vegetables. You should almost always feel full, have more energy, actually be healthy, and be losing weight as long as you track calories.

Hail Satan!
NigredoMax said:

Meat also has considerable less nutrients than before. They start to see people that normally eat meat having vit B12 deficiencies.
Thats because the soil has become depleted of cobalamine. The soil isnt fed back properly what it has lost.

Eat a proper amount of fish or seafood since that also has a lot of vit B12 as well as omega 3 which sunflower oil which is used for frying a lot, lacks.
Sunflower oil has more omega 6 and its not in balance. Too much omega 6 causes inflammation within the body (if its out of balance and cant be processed properly).

I agree with the starches/sugars. Too much isnt good for you.
Well said.

There is really no other reason to eat poorly. All JoS members should take great pride in eating correctly, as this directly correlates to a strong mind and body.

There is so much misinformation on what is "healthy" now thanks to the enemy, that the average person is easily fooled.
Aquarius said:
I would also like to debunk a common misconception, that of which healthy food must be boring, plain, untasty food, this is far from the truth because infact healthy food when done right is extremely delicious.

Also, green doesn't equate to healthy, people literally think that to eat healthy they must just consume salads, gosh how I hate salads, they're just leaves and oil, I'm not a bunny and as thus I refuse to eat salads.

A grass fed steak, with some decent salt and tallow or oil, some baked potatoes on the side, some quality parmisan grated over the steak. That's something healthy! And delicious!


You are missing out on my delicious chicken salad with kalamata olives, feta cheese, onions, walnuts, balsamic vinegar, and leafy veggies. That's guna feed me for a week :lol: Other than that its steak chicken, eggs, fish and cheese, and nuts for me.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
NigredoMax said:

Meat also has considerable less nutrients than before. They start to see people that normally eat meat having vit B12 deficiencies.
Thats because the soil has become depleted of cobalamine. The soil isnt fed back properly what it has lost.

Eat a proper amount of fish or seafood since that also has a lot of vit B12 as well as omega 3 which sunflower oil which is used for frying a lot, lacks.
Sunflower oil has more omega 6 and its not in balance. Too much omega 6 causes inflammation within the body (if its out of balance and cant be processed properly).

I agree with the starches/sugars. Too much isnt good for you.

Absolutely Sister Lunar,

Especially here in America the majority of animals raised for meat are fed a whole lot of corn rather than grass or even hay. Meat is still a very good complete protein source as something like a steak actually has less calories than most people think, well as long as your not soaking it oils. Seafood is a wonderful addition as you said the only thing people should be careful of are large fish due to mercury and something like tilapia which are bred in china eating feces from chicken who are also fed the tilapia. My personal go to is fresh caught salmon if available or canned sardines in water to get those good old omega 3s.

Sunflower oil and in extension seed oils such as canola should be avoided as much as possible. Not only because of the omega 6 but because the omega 6 is a polyunsaturated fat that is very easily oxidized. This oxidization releases aldehydes which are straight up toxic to the body and even specific ones like 4HNE which is linked to aging, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. When buying oils for anything people should stick to ones with monounsaturated fats such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, or butter. (in moderation of course)

I apologize if my posts about this stuff seem to ramble too much. This is a topic I had done a good amount of research on and got passionate about when I was trying to fix my own health issues.

Hail Satan!
NigredoMax said:
Excellent post sister Shadowcat!

I think as with most things nowadays many lies and misinformation has been spread by jews to weaken the gentiles. For food they have used the method of corporations and the government working together to offer terrible food choices at a lower price and then use the government to spread propaganda that the trash food is good for you.

If you look at the "Food compass" that was being pushed last year it was looking like this

They push processed sugar and chips which are literally fried in seed oils as being healthier than some cheese or beef. The older food pyramid wasn't any better as it told people to make the majority of their diets grains. Yes goy eat a loaf of bread a day that also has sugar in it for some reason, this will surely make you feel energized and not bloat you to being obese. Don't worry about your blood work numbers you are healthy and beautiful at any size.

Micronutrients are also something that is barely even considered by most which is shown by how many multiple deficiencies the majority of the U.S. population has even though they are constantly stuffing their face with food. Most Americans also don't get enough good protein either. Everyone should strive to get at least 50 grams of useable protein per day, more if you work out or are in recovery.

To anyone working to lose weight don't believe any of the lies spread by almost anyone on what makes a "healthy food". So many people think if they just eat these foods they will get thin, which is not true at all. In order to lose weight you need to use more calories than your intaking, many of these "healthy foods" are very calorie dense. For example nuts are considered healthy, and this for the most part is true as they have micronutrients not found in amny other foods with healthy fats and some protein, however, they are very calorie dense and you can take in hundreds of calories without you realizing it. They are great for gaining weight for clean bulking, not so much for losing it. If you want to lose weight look at all the labels of your food and choose less calorie dense food that still has many good micronutrients. For example if you eat a diet of eggs, lean meat, greek yogurt, sardines, fruit and vegetables. You should almost always feel full, have more energy, actually be healthy, and be losing weight as long as you track calories.

Hail Satan!

Especially to lose weight and reduce body fat percentage the body needs to be in a calorie deficit. How much this depends on the activity level and personal metabolic needs. Certain fruits and other foods can also make it difficult to lose fat due to the high amounts of carbs and sugar. Someone can try a low-carb diet for example but the body will sneakily start craving the alternatives it learns it can receive this source of glucose from elsewhere and you will start wanting to eat more of it. Beware high glycemic index fruits like mango, banana, apple certain berries, and others. They don't have to be avoided altogether but in moderation. If someone is strenuously active throughout the week this will probably not apply at all as with no carbs they will get sick and go splat.
Aquarius said:
I would also like to debunk a common misconception, that of which healthy food must be boring, plain, untasty food, this is far from the truth because infact healthy food when done right is extremely delicious.

Also, green doesn't equate to healthy, people literally think that to eat healthy they must just consume salads, gosh how I hate salads, they're just leaves and oil, I'm not a bunny and as thus I refuse to eat salads.

A grass fed steak, with some decent salt and tallow or oil, some baked potatoes on the side, some quality parmisan grated over the steak. That's something healthy! And delicious!


You just made me really hungry brother!
Shadowcat said:
Aquarius said:
I would also like to debunk a common misconception, that of which healthy food must be boring, plain, untasty food, this is far from the truth because infact healthy food when done right is extremely delicious.

Also, green doesn't equate to healthy, people literally think that to eat healthy they must just consume salads, gosh how I hate salads, they're just leaves and oil, I'm not a bunny and as thus I refuse to eat salads.

A grass fed steak, with some decent salt and tallow or oil, some baked potatoes on the side, some quality parmisan grated over the steak. That's something healthy! And delicious!


You are missing out on my delicious chicken salad with kalamata olives, feta cheese, onions, walnuts, balsamic vinegar, and leafy veggies. That's guna feed me for a week :lol: Other than that its steak chicken, eggs, fish and cheese, and nuts for me.
For a week?! That's my breakfast :lol:
NinRick said:
Aquarius said:
I would also like to debunk a common misconception, that of which healthy food must be boring, plain, untasty food, this is far from the truth because infact healthy food when done right is extremely delicious.

Also, green doesn't equate to healthy, people literally think that to eat healthy they must just consume salads, gosh how I hate salads, they're just leaves and oil, I'm not a bunny and as thus I refuse to eat salads.

A grass fed steak, with some decent salt and tallow or oil, some baked potatoes on the side, some quality parmisan grated over the steak. That's something healthy! And delicious!


You just made me really hungry brother!
That was my intention >:D
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
Aquarius said:
I would also like to debunk a common misconception, that of which healthy food must be boring, plain, untasty food, this is far from the truth because infact healthy food when done right is extremely delicious.

Also, green doesn't equate to healthy, people literally think that to eat healthy they must just consume salads, gosh how I hate salads, they're just leaves and oil, I'm not a bunny and as thus I refuse to eat salads.

A grass fed steak, with some decent salt and tallow or oil, some baked potatoes on the side, some quality parmisan grated over the steak. That's something healthy! And delicious!


You are missing out on my delicious chicken salad with kalamata olives, feta cheese, onions, walnuts, balsamic vinegar, and leafy veggies. That's guna feed me for a week :lol: Other than that its steak chicken, eggs, fish and cheese, and nuts for me.
For a week?! That's my breakfast :lol:

Yummm :D
Shadowcat said:
Aquarius said:
I would also like to debunk a common misconception, that of which healthy food must be boring, plain, untasty food, this is far from the truth because infact healthy food when done right is extremely delicious.

Also, green doesn't equate to healthy, people literally think that to eat healthy they must just consume salads, gosh how I hate salads, they're just leaves and oil, I'm not a bunny and as thus I refuse to eat salads.

A grass fed steak, with some decent salt and tallow or oil, some baked potatoes on the side, some quality parmisan grated over the steak. That's something healthy! And delicious!


You are missing out on my delicious chicken salad with kalamata olives, feta cheese, onions, walnuts, balsamic vinegar, and leafy veggies. That's guna feed me for a week :lol: Other than that its steak chicken, eggs, fish and cheese, and nuts for me.
Ffs guys you made me hungry.
I think simple sugars should be consumed very little. It is better to prefer more complex sugars such as bread as the main source of carbohydrates.
Sunny said:
I think simple sugars should be consumed very little. It is better to prefer more complex sugars such as bread as the main source of carbohydrates.

Sugars can be completely discarded from a diet. I, for example, try to eliminate all of them from my daily food as i don't want cavities or seeing the dentist.

As for bread, the only good one is the one made at home with the rolling pin and natural ingredients (preferibily flour that does not contain soy)
Nimrod33 said:
Sunny said:
I think simple sugars should be consumed very little. It is better to prefer more complex sugars such as bread as the main source of carbohydrates.

Sugars can be completely discarded from a diet. I, for example, try to eliminate all of them from my daily food as i don't want cavities or seeing the dentist.

As for bread, the only good one is the one made at home with the rolling pin and natural ingredients (preferibily flour that does not contain soy)

Correct! :)

The best bread is the one that is made at home, with natural wheat bread, not the soy one :!:

As for the sugars, you can only see the dentist and get cavities if you eat too much of them, also get diabetes from this.

You can choose to occasionally consume them and prevent the formation of cavities by having a good dental hygiene. ;) :!:
Primal said:
What is JoS’s stance on veganism?

Brother Primal, the JoS' stance in terms of veganism is:anti.

Veganism is that dumb concept that the jews have been imposing for some supposed healthy standards that in the end make you a retard because of the reduced proteins the brain needs to receive.

As I say it, there should be no extremes at all in alimentation, either on the carnivorous, vegetal or lactic diets.

Humans are meant to consume all good alimentary products in normal and reasonable quantities.

Hope everything got clarified.
Primal said:
What is JoS’s stance on veganism?
That it's unhealthy and very close to xianity. Meat is what keeps people strong and healthy, without it you'll have a society of soyboys without a spine.
Primal said:
What is JoS’s stance on veganism?

Humans are omnivores and therefore diet is a matter of personal choice and taste. I like meat, and together with vegetables it is a perfect combination of food for me.

I don't know why they have this policy of not eating meat in the East. Maybe it is to save money and maybe it is also to avoid potential diseases.

With bioreactors, meat will not only be 100 per cent clean but also much cheaper.

Eat what you want but know what your body needs. For example, you cannot live on carbohydrates and water alone.
Nimrod33 said:
Sunny said:
I think simple sugars should be consumed very little. It is better to prefer more complex sugars such as bread as the main source of carbohydrates.

Sugars can be completely discarded from a diet. I, for example, try to eliminate all of them from my daily food as i don't want cavities or seeing the dentist.

As for bread, the only good one is the one made at home with the rolling pin and natural ingredients (preferibily flour that does not contain soy)

Homemade bread is interesting, there are also automated bread machines.
BlueLake666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
Sunny said:
I think simple sugars should be consumed very little. It is better to prefer more complex sugars such as bread as the main source of carbohydrates.

Sugars can be completely discarded from a diet. I, for example, try to eliminate all of them from my daily food as i don't want cavities or seeing the dentist.

As for bread, the only good one is the one made at home with the rolling pin and natural ingredients (preferibily flour that does not contain soy)

Correct! :)

The best bread is the one that is made at home, with natural wheat bread, not the soy one :!:

As for the sugars, you can only see the dentist and get cavities if you eat too much of them, also get diabetes from this.

You can choose to occasionally consume them and prevent the formation of cavities by having a good dental hygiene. ;) :!:

Many people like sweets. I really like Nutella, also cakes. So you're saying that every time you eat sweets you have to brush your teeth? That makes sense.

I know some girls who had a good body but they don't like exercise and they became obese. Now I don't like these girls at all. One of these girls got married to an obese guy. I would say they make a good couple :lol:

Seriously, I am not for the idea of eating 10 grams of bread, 12 grams of protein and so on but health, weight and shape must be kept under control by whatever means, spiritual or biochemical.
Sunny said:
BlueLake666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
Sugars can be completely discarded from a diet. I, for example, try to eliminate all of them from my daily food as i don't want cavities or seeing the dentist.

As for bread, the only good one is the one made at home with the rolling pin and natural ingredients (preferibily flour that does not contain soy)

Correct! :)

The best bread is the one that is made at home, with natural wheat bread, not the soy one :!:

As for the sugars, you can only see the dentist and get cavities if you eat too much of them, also get diabetes from this.

You can choose to occasionally consume them and prevent the formation of cavities by having a good dental hygiene. ;) :!:

Many people like sweets. I really like Nutella, also cakes. So you're saying that every time you eat sweets you have to brush your teeth? That makes sense.

I know some girls who had a good body but they don't like exercise and they became obese. Now I don't like these girls at all. One of these girls got married to an obese guy. I would say they make a good couple :lol:

Seriously, I am not for the idea of eating 10 grams of bread, 12 grams of protein and so on but health, weight and shape must be kept under control by whatever means, spiritual or biochemical.

Correct! Thank you for understanding idea :)
Primal said:
What is JoS’s stance on veganism?

Veganism is extreme and deprives you of a lot of essential proteins and minerals. There are no diet restrictions in Satanism or specifics but there are of course objective guidelines that steer us toward having healthy vital bodies. These are things that we DO support. Veganism doesn't really fall in this category, but we also know everyone is going to make their own personal choices no matter what which is something we have no control over. The new age bullshit about having to follow a diet with yoga for example is complete bunk also.
Shadowcat said:
Veganism is extreme and deprives you of a lot of essential proteins and minerals. There are no diet restrictions in Satanism or specifics but there are of course objective guidelines that steer us toward having healthy vital bodies. These are things that we DO support. Veganism doesn't really fall in this category, but we also know everyone is going to make their own personal choices no matter what which is something we have no control over. The new age bullshit about having to follow a diet with yoga for example is complete bunk also.

Look if you avoid meat for a week or so as a fast thats fine. Commercially farmed meat is load up with restproducts of antibiotics and other chemicals.
Just dont do that all the time. I am pretty sure the meat replacements are also load up with chemicals.

Sunny said:
Primal said:
What is JoS’s stance on veganism?
With bioreactors, meat will not only be 100 per cent clean but also much cheaper.

I am wary of the "grow meat in labs" practice. Nor is aquaponics that great.
I mention aquaponics because that is one that I can explain.
Healthy plants have long roots that grow deep. They connnect with other microorganisms to supply what they need and to give something for that in return.
Taking everything off the field and not giving it back or only as artificial fertilizer leaves it barren of the micronutrients our bodies and the plants and the animals that walk on such a field needs.
With aquaponics the plants hang in water 24/7. Is unnatural. The right microorganisms miss that make anorganic substances into organic ones. Especially the micronutrients. They add fish so they have a natural form of fertilizer, but the rest basicly lacks.
Itd be pretty much the same with lab grown meat. Id rather have it coming from an actual animal, organic or not, than eat that.

To restore soil to its original state with all the micronutrients in there would take 30-40 years sometimes even more. Yet even if it is a freshly started garden its still better as you'd avoid any pesticides/chemicals.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Veganism is extreme and deprives you of a lot of essential proteins and minerals. There are no diet restrictions in Satanism or specifics but there are of course objective guidelines that steer us toward having healthy vital bodies. These are things that we DO support. Veganism doesn't really fall in this category, but we also know everyone is going to make their own personal choices no matter what which is something we have no control over. The new age bullshit about having to follow a diet with yoga for example is complete bunk also.

Look if you avoid meat for a week or so as a fast thats fine. Commercially farmed meat is load up with restproducts of antibiotics and other chemicals.
Just dont do that all the time. I am pretty sure the meat replacements are also load up with chemicals.

Sunny said:
Primal said:
What is JoS’s stance on veganism?
With bioreactors, meat will not only be 100 per cent clean but also much cheaper.

I am wary of the "grow meat in labs" practice. Nor is aquaponics that great.
I mention aquaponics because that is one that I can explain.
Healthy plants have long roots that grow deep. They connnect with other microorganisms to supply what they need and to give something for that in return.
Taking everything off the field and not giving it back or only as artificial fertilizer leaves it barren of the micronutrients our bodies and the plants and the animals that walk on such a field needs.
With aquaponics the plants hang in water 24/7. Is unnatural. The right microorganisms miss that make anorganic substances into organic ones. Especially the micronutrients. They add fish so they have a natural form of fertilizer, but the rest basicly lacks.
Itd be pretty much the same with lab grown meat. Id rather have it coming from an actual animal, organic or not, than eat that.

To restore soil to its original state with all the micronutrients in there would take 30-40 years sometimes even more. Yet even if it is a freshly started garden its still better as you'd avoid any pesticides/chemicals.

I am for progress and development so I am optimistic for good results in these initiatives, maybe not very soon but it will happen.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
