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CIA docs claim life did exist on Mars... and it was a population of 'very large people' who built pyramids


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2021
While NASA is searching for life on Mars, a CIA document claims it was found 40 years ago.

The report, 'Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,' details how the agency used astral projection—the idea that a person's spirit can travel through the astral plane—to transport a 'subject' to Mars approximately one million years BC.

The study was part of Project Stargate, a secret US Army unit established in 1977 that focused on anomalous phenomena, including remote viewing, telepathy, and psychokinesis.

Participants were exposed to sounds like binaural beats and hemi-sync audio to induce altered states of consciousness and promote psychic abilities.

The experiment's 'subject' was transported to the planet during the specified year, reporting an 'oblique view of a pyramid' and a 'very large road' with a monument similar to those known among ancient Egyptians on Earth, the report claims.

The vision then shifted to a population of 'very large people' searching for 'a new place to live because their environment was corrupted.'

Project Stargate was the US government's new weapon against the Soviet Union, aimed at creating mind-reading spies who could infiltrate the minds of its enemies.

The classified project was conducted at Fort Meade in Maryland, recruiting men and women who claimed to have extrasensory perception (ESP) to help uncover military and domestic intelligence secrets.

The experiment's 'subject' was transported to the planet during the specified year, reporting an 'oblique view of a pyramid' and a 'very large road' with a monument similar to those known among ancient Egyptians on Earth

It shut down in 1995, but during its more than 10-year existence, psychics known as 'remote viewers' participated in a wide array of operations, from locating hostages kidnapped by Islamic terrorist groups to tracing the paths of fugitive criminals within the US.

Leading up to its closure was 'Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,' a document declassified in 2017 that has recently resurfaced online.

The document is sparse in details, beginning with: 'Method of site acquisition: Sealed envelope coupled with geographic coordinates.'

The envelope was provided to the subject before the interview but was not opened until afterward.

'In the envelope was a 3x5 card with the following information: The Planet Mars. Time of interest approximately one million BC,' the document reads.

The administrator of the experiment verbally relayed the envelope contents and allowed the subject to provide their observations. The starting time was 10:09 a.m. ET.

The subject was asked to focus their attention on '40.89 degrees north, 9.55 degrees west.'

'It sort of looks... I kind of got an oblique view of a ah... pyramid or pyramid form,' the subject said.

They continued to describe the structure as okra-colored, a hue ranging from yellow to deep orange and brown.

The subject then observed shadows of 'very tall, thin' people wearing strange clothing.

The administrator prompted the subject to remain in that time period but move to another location in space.

The landscape featured a very long road with what appeared to be the Washington Monument at the end.

'It's like an... obelisk,' the subject said before being asked to move to different locations until they saw people again.

The subject moved to a place where a violent storm was ripping through Mars, and people were using the giant pyramids for shelter.

'Different chambers... but they're almost stripped of any kind of... furnishing or anything. It's like ah... strictly functional, a place for sleeping—or that's not a good word—hibernation, some form,' the subject said.

I can't... I get real raw inputs, storms, savage storms, and sleeping through storms.'

The administrator asked the subject to describe who was sleeping through the storms.

'Very... tall again, very large... people, but they're thin. They look that way because of their height, and they dress like in, oh hell, it's like a real light silk, but it's not flowing type of clothing. It's like cut to fit,' they explained.

The subject told the administrator that these were ancient people who were dying.

'It's past their time or age,' the subject said. 'They're very philosophic about it. They're looking for ah... a way to survive, and they just can't.'

The subject appeared concerned for the ancient people, saying they were looking for a way out or waiting for something to return.

'It's like I'm getting all kinds of overwhelming input of the... corruption of their environment,' the subject said.

'It's failing very rapidly, and this group went somewhere, like a long way, to find another place to live.'

The subject claimed to have spoken with one of these people, who told them that a group had left in what 'looks like the inside of a larger boat.'

The administrator told the subject to go along on the journey and report what they saw.

'Impression of a really crazy place with volcanoes and gas pockets and strange plants—a very volatile place. It's very much like going from the frying pan into the fire,' the subject said.

'The difference is there seems to be a lot of vegetation where the other place did not have it. And a different kind of storm.'

The administrator then told the subject it was time to come back.

'Move now back to the room, back to the sound of my voice, back farther now to the sound of my voice on the 22nd of May, 1984,' they told the subject.

I searched the coordinate they viewed and it gave me a place on Mars named Cydonia(which was the name of an ancient greek city), that has what seem to be pyramids and a face:


This photo was released in 1976.
This made me think of the part in "The Lost Book Of Enki" where Mars is mentioned both as a transit station for the Anunnaki during their travels between Nibiru and Earth and as an exile place for the IGIGI, a group of beings working for the Anunnaki, sent to Mars as punishment for their rebellion against them.
While NASA is searching for life on Mars, a CIA document claims it was found 40 years ago.

The report, 'Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,' details how the agency used astral projection—the idea that a person's spirit can travel through the astral plane—to transport a 'subject' to Mars approximately one million years BC.

The study was part of Project Stargate, a secret US Army unit established in 1977 that focused on anomalous phenomena, including remote viewing, telepathy, and psychokinesis.

Participants were exposed to sounds like binaural beats and hemi-sync audio to induce altered states of consciousness and promote psychic abilities.

The experiment's 'subject' was transported to the planet during the specified year, reporting an 'oblique view of a pyramid' and a 'very large road' with a monument similar to those known among ancient Egyptians on Earth, the report claims.

The vision then shifted to a population of 'very large people' searching for 'a new place to live because their environment was corrupted.'

Project Stargate was the US government's new weapon against the Soviet Union, aimed at creating mind-reading spies who could infiltrate the minds of its enemies.

The classified project was conducted at Fort Meade in Maryland, recruiting men and women who claimed to have extrasensory perception (ESP) to help uncover military and domestic intelligence secrets.

The experiment's 'subject' was transported to the planet during the specified year, reporting an 'oblique view of a pyramid' and a 'very large road' with a monument similar to those known among ancient Egyptians on Earth

It shut down in 1995, but during its more than 10-year existence, psychics known as 'remote viewers' participated in a wide array of operations, from locating hostages kidnapped by Islamic terrorist groups to tracing the paths of fugitive criminals within the US.

Leading up to its closure was 'Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,' a document declassified in 2017 that has recently resurfaced online.

The document is sparse in details, beginning with: 'Method of site acquisition: Sealed envelope coupled with geographic coordinates.'

The envelope was provided to the subject before the interview but was not opened until afterward.

'In the envelope was a 3x5 card with the following information: The Planet Mars. Time of interest approximately one million BC,' the document reads.

The administrator of the experiment verbally relayed the envelope contents and allowed the subject to provide their observations. The starting time was 10:09 a.m. ET.

The subject was asked to focus their attention on '40.89 degrees north, 9.55 degrees west.'

'It sort of looks... I kind of got an oblique view of a ah... pyramid or pyramid form,' the subject said.

They continued to describe the structure as okra-colored, a hue ranging from yellow to deep orange and brown.

The subject then observed shadows of 'very tall, thin' people wearing strange clothing.

The administrator prompted the subject to remain in that time period but move to another location in space.

The landscape featured a very long road with what appeared to be the Washington Monument at the end.

'It's like an... obelisk,' the subject said before being asked to move to different locations until they saw people again.

The subject moved to a place where a violent storm was ripping through Mars, and people were using the giant pyramids for shelter.

'Different chambers... but they're almost stripped of any kind of... furnishing or anything. It's like ah... strictly functional, a place for sleeping—or that's not a good word—hibernation, some form,' the subject said.

I can't... I get real raw inputs, storms, savage storms, and sleeping through storms.'

The administrator asked the subject to describe who was sleeping through the storms.

'Very... tall again, very large... people, but they're thin. They look that way because of their height, and they dress like in, oh hell, it's like a real light silk, but it's not flowing type of clothing. It's like cut to fit,' they explained.

The subject told the administrator that these were ancient people who were dying.

'It's past their time or age,' the subject said. 'They're very philosophic about it. They're looking for ah... a way to survive, and they just can't.'

The subject appeared concerned for the ancient people, saying they were looking for a way out or waiting for something to return.

'It's like I'm getting all kinds of overwhelming input of the... corruption of their environment,' the subject said.

'It's failing very rapidly, and this group went somewhere, like a long way, to find another place to live.'

The subject claimed to have spoken with one of these people, who told them that a group had left in what 'looks like the inside of a larger boat.'

The administrator told the subject to go along on the journey and report what they saw.

'Impression of a really crazy place with volcanoes and gas pockets and strange plants—a very volatile place. It's very much like going from the frying pan into the fire,' the subject said.

'The difference is there seems to be a lot of vegetation where the other place did not have it. And a different kind of storm.'

The administrator then told the subject it was time to come back.

'Move now back to the room, back to the sound of my voice, back farther now to the sound of my voice on the 22nd of May, 1984,' they told the subject.

“Project Stargate was the US government's new weapon against the Soviet Union, aimed at creating mind-reading spies who could infiltrate the minds of its enemies.”

Does anyone have more information about this? Did they make this weapon?
Mars appears to have been destroyed as a planet, as evidenced by the presence of giant craters. There was probably first a civilization of humans close to the Gods, like the Ancient Egyptians on Earth.
From what I recall in United States presidential candidates used to use ufology and extra-terrestrial life as a form of political campaign and claiming to "declassify X number of secret documents" since there are so many enthusiasts. One could easily see the blatant contradiction in CIA and other secret agencies having an unknown number of classified documents about aliens while NASA claims no life has yet been found outside Earth and their efforts go as far as looking for bacteria or cells or other primary forms of organic matter that could potentially evolve into more complex life, as if the darwinist trajectory of evolution is universally true and that is the only way life can evolve in the whole universe. It only shows how limited humans and their understanding are.

One would expect NASA would collaborate with other agencies that have more information on alien life but since the entire humanity has to believe that life evolved either from basic organic matter that became more and more complex over hundreds of millions of years or the judeo-christian-muslim man-made god created all life. These also automatically imply that humanity had a linear evolution and they have never been as advanced as they are today, which is all dust in the eyes and blatant lies that the vast majority of people in their disinterest and ignorance fall for easily. Humanity must not know that there is alien advanced life outside Earth because this will throw Darwinism and most religions in the trash bin (because this is what they are - garbage).

If there was a civilization on Mars that was destroyed then most likely there are still remnants from that like pyramids and other structures which probably now are covered in sediments or other rocks in the same way ancient pyramids in China have been covered overtime by ground and vegetation but the andrapoda must be distracted with other things like facebook, tiktok, instagram, endless fictional movies and serials and not bother about what is happening in the world.

“Project Stargate was the US government's new weapon against the Soviet Union, aimed at creating mind-reading spies who could infiltrate the minds of its enemies.”

Does anyone have more information about this? Did they make this weapon?
I am fairly sure US and Soviet Union - Russia had and have a lot of weapons, techniques and technologies that most people have no clue about. "Metaphysical warfare" has happened during WW2 as well let alone decades afterwards. Most likely a lot of things that happened in WW2 will seem extremely advanced even by today's standards because most people have no idea what happened then and what the "standards" are today,

I hate to be a wet blanket, but...
















Sources -

It seems that the photo is so convenient, so coincidental that it just happens to have been taken at such a correct time and position so that it looks like a face. Yeah, things do happen, but with all the conspiracy theories, past, present and future, going around... What type of "Photoshop" did they have back then, or drawing/painting abilities? I want to believe, and all that, and I'm sure we do want to, but...

If we take the 12th one and zoom-out or blur our eyes, it can look like a face. With those that don't show it face-like properly unless there are shadows and from a certain distance - if it was an artificial structure that was built to look like an actual face deliberately, then maybe we should consider what it might look like, with shadows, at different distances, at different zoom levels, from above, etc.

As for the story - astral projection through time, and actually interacting with the beings there? Is it that these 'tall whites' sensed this subject's Astral Body having travelled through time, presumably before that subject's first incarnation, i.e. before the first time the subject ever existed? (Humanity goes back at least 100 000 years, but that is 10 times less than 1 million years.) I thought remote viewing and Astral projection was present-time only when interacting; that it can be done into past times but observing only, i.e. not actually being there; and not be done into the future.

If there was a civilization on Mars that was destroyed then most likely there are still remnants from that like pyramids and other structures which probably now are covered in sediments or other rocks in the same way ancient pyramids in China have been covered overtime by ground and vegetation
Seeing these pictures above, I thought 'the face' looked like an artificial structure that was built, which had since been covered by dust... Then again, with a very thin atmosphere, and no buildings and vegetation to direct wind for erosion, it might be shaped differently so it might be merely a rock formation/mountain.

I am fairly sure US and Soviet Union - Russia had and have a lot of weapons, techniques and technologies that most people have no clue about. "Metaphysical warfare" has happened during WW2 as well let alone decades afterwards. Most likely a lot of things that happened in WW2 will seem extremely advanced even by today's standards because most people have no idea what happened then and what the "standards" are today,
I know China invented gun powder and fireworks, but just today I learnt that solid-fuel rockets (which I just mentioned in another post) was in use by China, and elsewhere, as far back as the 13th century! I was fascinated. I know about ramrods, trebuchets, cannons... in the... what? 17th century, but the 13th, with solid-fuel rockets? I'm really wowed. I simply didn't know. Gun powder, AKA black powder, was invented back in the 9th century... I didn't like history when I was younger, but I really need to learn it. We're still using solid-fuel rockets today... So many centuries of not very much advancement to help us stop over-populating the Planet and stretching Her resources...
I hate to be a wet blanket, but...
You... do realize this is textbook NASA propaganda, right? They must've panicked pretty hard when they released that photo back in the 1970's, as it did show there was an advanced civilization on Mars once upon a time, completely blowing all their lies about extraterrestrials and such all being fake out of thew water. With the advent of cgi technology in the 21st century, it became pretty easy to "debunk" their own photo and claim it was just an odd shaped mountain that just happened to catch the light at the right angle to look like a face.

Funny how these photos were only produced after the technology to manipulate images with computers was created. "Nothing to see here goy, move along" ect ect.

Please don't fall for tactics like these, we're supposed to be better than that.
Mars appears to have been destroyed as a planet, as evidenced by the presence of giant craters. There was probably first a civilization of humans close to the Gods, like the Ancient Egyptians on Earth.
I think the prevailing theory is it was collateral damage in the war that destroyed Phaeton, the debris of which composes the asteroid belt and fell to Earth, leading to the great flood which submerged civilizations like the land of Mu. There are ruins of sunken cities off the coast of India and Sri Lanka.
I think the prevailing theory is it was collateral damage in the war that destroyed Phaeton, the debris of which composes the asteroid belt and fell to Earth, leading to the great flood which submerged civilizations like the land of Mu. There are ruins of sunken cities off the coast of India and Sri Lanka.
I was also thinking something similar, but I have nothing intellectual to believe that and Phaeton would also have its own day since we have 7 weeks and the day of the moon could also be Phaeton's day, but that's just what I think

In any case, the deluge was, there were humans on earth and then there was the deluge (destruction of Phaeton).

The interesting thing is that there were humans on earth before the destruction of the planet and there are also humans on mars, what they're talking about waiting for the return is maybe the gods? or maybe the humans who were on earth?

And what could lead to current events with Elon Musk wanting to go to Mars even if it's not his intention to meet other people there, but unconsciously perhaps

But I don't know, something seems out of place, but maybe it's just imagination, I can think of more things but without an intellectual work on the subject I can only speculate
Very fascinating. I didn't realise how vulnerable these ancient civilisation's were to natural disaster's. In some cases, it seem's impossible to defend against except with a civilisation of mostly God's.

I guess this also goes to show Satan is a lot older than the purported "500,000 years".
You... do realize this is textbook NASA propaganda, right? They must've panicked pretty hard when they released that photo back in the 1970's, as it did show there was an advanced civilization on Mars once upon a time, completely blowing all their lies about extraterrestrials and such all being fake out of thew water. With the advent of cgi technology in the 21st century, it became pretty easy to "debunk" their own photo and claim it was just an odd shaped mountain that just happened to catch the light at the right angle to look like a face.

Funny how these photos were only produced after the technology to manipulate images with computers was created. "Nothing to see here goy, move along" ect ect.

Please don't fall for tactics like these, we're supposed to be better than that.
I know, lol. I can't prove it either way. Martians existed-- ooh, FancyMancy made a claim; the burden of proof is on him! That's why I'm being more neutral. Plus with sharing the - as I said post-Photoshop - pictures, later on when it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, we can see this thread and see the media's attempts at... "explaining the truth".
Very fascinating. I didn't realise how vulnerable these ancient civilisation's were to natural disaster's. In some cases, it seem's impossible to defend against except with a civilisation of mostly God's.

I guess this also goes to show Satan is a lot older than the purported "500,000 years".
The timeline isn't to be taken at face value, remember these subjects may be people with psychic abilities, likely inborn, but they don't have access to true spirituality and don't have the means to develop and clarify their soul. I would treat "a million years" as meaning "a really long time ago" unless we have evidence to the contrary.
You... do realize this is textbook NASA propaganda, right? They must've panicked pretty hard when they released that photo back in the 1970's, as it did show there was an advanced civilization on Mars once upon a time, completely blowing all their lies about extraterrestrials and such all being fake out of thew water. With the advent of cgi technology in the 21st century, it became pretty easy to "debunk" their own photo and claim it was just an odd shaped mountain that just happened to catch the light at the right angle to look like a face.

Funny how these photos were only produced after the technology to manipulate images with computers was created. "Nothing to see here goy, move along" ect ect.

Please don't fall for tactics like these, we're supposed to be better than that.
I can still see the impression of the face on those pictures. It could be the remnants of a Collossus-like monument that was destroyed in the storm. Or it could just be geometry of a temple or other large sturdy building and it just happens to cast a shadow that way.

Either way, it's certainly buried under alot of dirt and dust if it really is a structure. But the geometry seems too regular and out of place to be a natural formation in my opinion.
And what could lead to current events with Elon Musk wanting to go to Mars even if it's not his intention to meet other people there, but unconsciously perhaps
Elon Musk is a jew, and jews have destroyed, hidden and told lies about alot of our history. Having mars in his hands would not be a great thing in this sense.

As for the story - astral projection through time, and actually interacting with the beings there? Is it that these 'tall whites' sensed this subject's Astral Body having travelled through time, presumably before that subject's first incarnation, i.e. before the first time the subject ever existed? (Humanity goes back at least 100 000 years, but that is 10 times less than 1 million years.) I thought remote viewing and Astral projection was present-time only when interacting; that it can be done into past times but observing only, i.e. not actually being there; and not be done into the future.
I don't get the impression that the subject interacted with anybody there. My understanding is that the past can be viewed. It certainly can, if future timelines can be viewed also(the Gods have this ability). There is the concept of the akashic records, and energy imprints can be left in an environment from major events(such as murder, death, chronic unhappiness, etc, that can be felt on entering a residence for example). For a major calamity destroying an entire civilization, this would certainly leave an impression.
From what I recall in United States presidential candidates used to use ufology and extra-terrestrial life as a form of political campaign and claiming to "declassify X number of secret documents" since there are so many enthusiasts. One could easily see the blatant contradiction in CIA and other secret agencies having an unknown number of classified documents about aliens while NASA claims no life has yet been found outside Earth and their efforts go as far as looking for bacteria or cells or other primary forms of organic matter that could potentially evolve into more complex life, as if the darwinist trajectory of evolution is universally true and that is the only way life can evolve in the whole universe. It only shows how limited humans and their understanding are.

One would expect NASA would collaborate with other agencies that have more information on alien life but since the entire humanity has to believe that life evolved either from basic organic matter that became more and more complex over hundreds of millions of years or the judeo-christian-muslim man-made god created all life. These also automatically imply that humanity had a linear evolution and they have never been as advanced as they are today, which is all dust in the eyes and blatant lies that the vast majority of people in their disinterest and ignorance fall for easily. Humanity must not know that there is alien advanced life outside Earth because this will throw Darwinism and most religions in the trash bin (because this is what they are - garbage).

If there was a civilization on Mars that was destroyed then most likely there are still remnants from that like pyramids and other structures which probably now are covered in sediments or other rocks in the same way ancient pyramids in China have been covered overtime by ground and vegetation but the andrapoda must be distracted with other things like facebook, tiktok, instagram, endless fictional movies and serials and not bother about what is happening in the world.

I am fairly sure US and Soviet Union - Russia had and have a lot of weapons, techniques and technologies that most people have no clue about. "Metaphysical warfare" has happened during WW2 as well let alone decades afterwards. Most likely a lot of things that happened in WW2 will seem extremely advanced even by today's standards because most people have no idea what happened then and what the "standards" are today,
The truth about extraterrestrials coming to light in the right way means the collapse of the enemy's entire power structure. It annihilates their "religions", their lies about race, their special status as the "chosen", and exposes them as non-human infiltrators and as the enemy of Humanity working with evil beings.

Look how much is put into keeping researchers out of sites like Göbekli Tepe, all over the world, and how NASA has done basically nothing for decades considering the growth of technology they could have been using, and and and......

They are terrified of this for obvious reasons. Good thing all their efforts will soon be for nought.
There had also been talk of Ingo Swann apparently saying even crazier things than these.

It is interesting that these humanoids are described with an unusual shape, it seems realistic for a planet with less gravitational pull and consequent differences in atmospheric composition and pressure.
Elon Musk is a jew, and jews have destroyed, hidden and told lies about alot of our history. Having mars in his hands would not be a great thing in this sense.

I don't get the impression that the subject interacted with anybody there. My understanding is that the past can be viewed. It certainly can, if future timelines can be viewed also(the Gods have this ability). There is the concept of the akashic records, and energy imprints can be left in an environment from major events(such as murder, death, chronic unhappiness, etc, that can be felt on entering a residence for example). For a major calamity destroying an entire civilization, this would certainly leave an impression.
I didn't think about the Akashic records, so what you say about that, with the impressions being left, is actually a very good point.
From what I recall in United States presidential candidates used to use ufology and extra-terrestrial life as a form of political campaign and claiming to "declassify X number of secret documents" since there are so many enthusiasts. One could easily see the blatant contradiction in CIA and other secret agencies having an unknown number of classified documents about aliens while NASA claims no life has yet been found outside Earth and their efforts go as far as looking for bacteria or cells or other primary forms of organic matter that could potentially evolve into more complex life, as if the darwinist trajectory of evolution is universally true and that is the only way life can evolve in the whole universe. It only shows how limited humans and their understanding are.

One would expect NASA would collaborate with other agencies that have more information on alien life but since the entire humanity has to believe that life evolved either from basic organic matter that became more and more complex over hundreds of millions of years or the judeo-christian-muslim man-made god created all life. These also automatically imply that humanity had a linear evolution and they have never been as advanced as they are today, which is all dust in the eyes and blatant lies that the vast majority of people in their disinterest and ignorance fall for easily. Humanity must not know that there is alien advanced life outside Earth because this will throw Darwinism and most religions in the trash bin (because this is what they are - garbage).

If there was a civilization on Mars that was destroyed then most likely there are still remnants from that like pyramids and other structures which probably now are covered in sediments or other rocks in the same way ancient pyramids in China have been covered overtime by ground and vegetation but the andrapoda must be distracted with other things like facebook, tiktok, instagram, endless fictional movies and serials and not bother about what is happening in the world.

I am fairly sure US and Soviet Union - Russia had and have a lot of weapons, techniques and technologies that most people have no clue about. "Metaphysical warfare" has happened during WW2 as well let alone decades afterwards. Most likely a lot of things that happened in WW2 will seem extremely advanced even by today's standards because most people have no idea what happened then and what the "standards" are today,

There are quite a few documentaries and research on Mars and there's the consensus that the planet was VERY much capable of hosting life. For example there is Echus Chasma, "the largest waterfall to ever exist. 3.7 billion years ago, increased volcanic activity caused catastrophic flooding on Mars. This formed a waterfall at least 10 kilometers wide, and over 4 kilometers high". Life seemed to have been similar to that on Earth, so I doubt that there wasn't a civilization there. I believe there had been some discussions on whether life was on Mars and what had happened to destroy it, but I'd rather not talk bullshit because I can't remember anything clearly on it.
I said "ever" here but that would probably be incorrect. More accurately, the biggest waterfall we have discovered in the solar system.

For those interested I first learned about it in this documentary:

There are quite a few documentaries and research on Mars and there's the consensus that the planet was VERY much capable of hosting life. For example there is Echus Chasma, "the largest waterfall to ever exist. 3.7 billion years ago, increased volcanic activity caused catastrophic flooding on Mars. This formed a waterfall at least 10 kilometers wide, and over 4 kilometers high". Life seemed to have been similar to that on Earth, so I doubt that there wasn't a civilization there. I believe there had been some discussions on whether life was on Mars and what had happened to destroy it, but I'd rather not talk bullshit because I can't remember anything clearly on it.
I believe as well there was a civilization there. There are 18 years of footage collected by humans from rovers they have sent to Mars. I am fairly convinced they found a lot of evidence about a former civilization in there but as always most of this footage is secret or simply not released to the public, which is abnormal because such information is of global interest and should have been publicized all over the world. There should have been an archive online with all the footage collected by all rovers while a few minutes if footage is all that could be found online and even here I am not convinced that the images shown online are not modified as I have read NASA does this with the Moon and other space imagery.

The Moon as well is a very similar example. There is the information that there are buildings and massive bridges on the other side of the Moon. Nobody has no clue how the other side of the Moon looks close-up as there is no footage online. There are a lot theories about this.
I believe as well there was a civilization there. There are 18 years of footage collected by humans from rovers they have sent to Mars. I am fairly convinced they found a lot of evidence about a former civilization in there but as always most of this footage is secret or simply not released to the public, which is abnormal because such information is of global interest and should have been publicized all over the world. There should have been an archive online with all the footage collected by all rovers while a few minutes if footage is all that could be found online and even here I am not convinced that the images shown online are not modified as I have read NASA does this with the Moon and other space imagery.

The Moon as well is a very similar example. There is the information that there are buildings and massive bridges on the other side of the Moon. Nobody has no clue how the other side of the Moon looks close-up as there is no footage online. There are a lot theories about this.
The focus must be on the jew being the messiah/saviour. With 'other beings' 'out there', the focus would move away from the jew, and some of the conspiracy theories that the jew is an ET slave race and that the reptillians exist... and also that Satan and the Gods and Goddesses also are 'other beings' who also exist. It might spur another space race, and then the jew would loose to much power and control as we move further away. It was tried once - with America, then the jew followed... The jew learnt from making that mistake; it doesn't want to make that mistake again by us moving off-Earth because it would not be able to keep reigns on us then. It being mummy jew and Humans "having to" suckle on its dirty sour teet. We're not "allowed" to be free nor self-reliant and explore existence and what is - literally - out there. All we must do is quiet contemplation and "meditate" on "the word" - a faerie tale story book, where jewsus is the saviour/messiah, and despite "god" making us in its image, making us as we are, we are still wrong. The jew is right; we are wrong; we're not supposed - we're not "allowed" - to have the knowledge of Moon, Mars and More.
the jew would loose to much power
While I actually meant lose, not loose, loose also does make sense - we would be loosed, released from imprisonment by the governor jew.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
