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Christianity The Anti-White Religion Is Back As Black Lives Matter

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Christianity The Anti-White Religion

Christianity was always anti-White its whole basis is the original White European spiritual expression of life is evil for not being Judaism and not worshipping Jewish people as god. And the ancestors of all Whites are in Christian Hell being punished by a foreign Semitic god for not being Jewish. And the original White God [Jupiter-Dionysus], is literally Satan as stated in the book of revelations. Hence the White racial soul is Satan.

So now Whites themselves must physically repent for being "The White Devil" just another day with the anti-White cult of Christianity in action. Just as the Christian SJW's of ancient Rome led on by Jews toppled the statues of the White ancestors of the Romans and Greeks now they are doing the same in America to Jefferson, Washington and others. The White Devil must go they chant.

However note the racial awakening ritual is paying off this is so obvious even mainstream news is noting this fact. The runes were banned by the Jewish Catholic church as they are the power of the White racial soul and can break the chains of the Jewish spell of Christianity. Hitler and the Third Reich used the runes to wake up the White Germans to the Jews and defeat them. Remember the Hammer of Thor is the Thor rune these are the spiritual weapons of the Aryan Gods to smash the forces of the racial magic of the Jew which is Christianity in all its forms. The Thule Society destroyed the forces of Jewish power with runic magic this makes the enemy afraid.


Among the reasons why this still-amorphous ‘movement’ became so widely popular with such break-neck speed is perhaps because in the eyes of many, it transcended mere politics. Many so-called protests took on features highly reminiscent of religion: collective worship, public confession and requests for salvation, devotional poses and gestures, group prayer, the creation of a new pantheon of martyr figures to revere, and the adoption of liturgical rites and rituals.

Children and teenagers have been encouraged to publicly repent for their sins, with the ‘original sin’ being ‘white privilege’. In the small town of Schwenksville, Pennsylvania, I witnessed a white teenager named Frankie, wearing a sleekly designed ‘Black Lives Matter’ t-shirt, nervously stand before the assembled crowd (also overwhelmingly white) and proclaim, ‘Every single white person here today benefits from white privilege’ to rousing applause. His solution for this alleged problem was heavily individualized: each white person in attendance must take the personal initiative ‘to learn’ about their privilege, and ‘ask themselves on a day by day basis how they can help’.

You known who you will not find at this anti-White, cuck church meeting to pray to a Jew to ask forgiveness for being born White. Anyone White who rolls with Satan.

Jewsus leaves you on your knees, Satan stands you on your feet, White Man.


Parishioners gathered at the Cuney Homes in the Third Ward in Houston, Texas where George Floyd played hoops and did community outreach
'Father God we asked for forgiveness from our black brothers and sisters for years and years of racism,' one man is heard saying on Sunday
'Pray for my white, black and brown brothers and sisters who have had the courage to expose blatant racism in my own heart,' a parishioner says on video
Mi cadono i coglioni a terra a vedere queste cose! La manipolazione dei sentimenti dell'umanitá è la piú grande arma su cui gioca il nemico. Ma io me ne sbatto le palle perchè nel mio piccolo non posso fare molto contro la stupiditá della massa. Mi faccio la mia meditazione, faccio Rtr, vivo la mia vita, e aspetto sempre con gioia il ritorno di Satana! Spesso penso a HPs Maxine che disse che tutte le anime dell'Inferno sono state reincarnate. Quindi tutti i Nazisti morti, e anche Himmler, sono giá quá in mezzo a noi. E io mi sto preparando solo per la Grande Battaglia Finale :twisted:
Every night I've fallen asleep with the Óðal, Sól, and Óss runes above my bed and I've felt so much more conscious than ever about my roots.

I keep getting messages from my psyche, I'm way more open to receiving Racial messages, and I think the Gods have been leading me towards a greater an understanding of Nietzche's call for "historical awareness" when 'becoming' who you are:

"Direct self observation is not nearly sufficient for us to know ourselves: we need history, for the past flows on within us in a hundred waves." (Human All Too Human)

I've been a dedicated Satanist for the majority of my life now but only very recently, thanks to the RTRs and the Race Awakening Rituals, have I come to really appreciate my White Soul, being a White Woman, and really actualising INTO the Truth and not just "knowing" it.
When I love myself, when I love my White Men, I am loving my roots, culture, Racial religion and loving my direct genetically-related Gods and Father Satan - and that's the most natural thing for us.

Most people, myself previously included, live with very shallow realisations of (the truth about) themselves, what they are and where they want to be.
I've now come to sense more-or-less where the break is (in my mind) between the "web" that ensnares our planet and my own racially White heritage, and how aware I am of these; thanks to these rituals and the runes. I'm more tied in and more aware of how the runes directly influence my soul.

I'm so grateful for this post because it really validated how I've been feeling lately.
I was going to talk about the slave morality of today and how steeped in it those people are but this puts it most succinctly;

".. when a living organism is cut from its roots, it loses a connection with the foundation of its existence and must necessarily perish." (Carl Jung, Ation)
White missionaries went to Africa to xtianise the Bantu people. And in so doing civilised them. So the blacks benefit from whites as well because we brought development to Africa. Blacks were tribal before slaves under their King. Just watch Shaka Zulu movie to see how brutal they lived before white civilisation. Blacks have only multiplied in number after white civilisations increased their lifespans.

And to all those BLM sorry for white privilege beggars. Why don't they bugger off out of white Europe. Yes they should put skin in the game. Leave white lands and embrace poverty and lack of development in Africa.

These people are civilisation wrecking balls. Appreciate democracy or go and live away from where white privilege is.

But they won't go because they like the white privilege of white society.

Two faced scum bags.
this is very true. I have seen how this anti-white movement in America complains that Jesus is depicted as white. surely this is only the umpteenth excuse to attack the whites, but beyond this I believe that the form of thought of Jesus is represented as a white because Christianity has always been against especially whites. And so a Jew who looked white was needed to enter the mind of the whites as an idol.

this is very true. I have seen how this anti-white movement in America complains that Jesus is depicted as white. surely this is only the umpteenth excuse to attack the whites, but beyond this I believe that the form of thought of Jesus is represented as a white because Christianity has always been against especially whites. And so a Jew who looked white was needed to enter the mind of the whites as an idol.
Same tactics since ancient times but in a different way, some blacks now is defending Jesus saying that he was black , and truth shall be revealed white man took our history , black race again under Jewish spell .

*expect new crusaders ,the Jews need a new Army
HP Mageson666 said:
The runes were banned by the Jewish Catholic church as they are the power of the White racial soul and can break the chains of the Jewish spell of Christianity. Hitler and the Third Reich used the runes to wake up the White Germans to the Jews and defeat them. Remember the Hammer of Thor is the Thor rune these are the spiritual weapons of the Aryan Gods to smash the forces of the racial magic of the Jew which is Christianity in all its forms. The Thule Society destroyed the forces of Jewish power with runic magic this makes the enemy afraid.
What is your opinion on the popular method of divination with runes, "Rune Casting", the mixing them up in a bag and pulling them out to do readings?

I ask because I've practiced divination with tarot cards, ouija boards, lenormand cards, and pendulums, but I've never tried rune casting... Would it be the preferred method of divination for Aryans, perhaps? Or is rune casting just New Age corruption, and not particularly useful at all?
Black People did not create the mythology of White Privilege, Jewish people did as a weapon.

BLM is a wing of the Democratic Party and BLM is openly a violent Marxist organization and its other Democratic Party paramilitary unit is Anti-Fa. BLM has raised over a billion dollars that all go to the Democratic Party and all the donations given to them on their site go straight to the Democratic Party. And they are funded and directed by the Jewish oligarch Soros who is the major funder and oligarch of the Democratic regime. All the regions that BLM and Anti-Fa were able to take over and riot are major Democratic Party controlled areas. One of the leaders of BLM was on CNN openly stating the entire goal of the BLM movement is to unseat Trump in this the election year. The Democratic Party is run by racial Jews.

BLM is not about Black People, its about Jewish elites using Jewish money and Jewish Marxism to organize a handful of paid Marxists, criminals, junkies and mentality ill into a organized mob to cause problems as a psychological warfare program for political power and to push Jewish Marxist revolution.

You guys just keep getting pulled into this emotional state were you blame some Blacks for being lied to by Jews. Yet you fail to notice most people in BLM are White Liberals who have been lied to by Jews.

Why are you defending Jewish Christianity? White missionaries just spread the Jewish program to Africa. That including destroying the ancient Pagan cultures they had and erasing their history and identity. Then the White missionaries your praising so much decided to import the Blacks to the west by the thousands to love Jewsus the king of the Jews. The Christian churches your praising are one of the biggest organized platforms of the non-White immigration into the west. Do you enjoy being civilized by the churches I hope so you defend them.

Personal Growth said:
White missionaries went to Africa to xtianise the Bantu people. And in so doing civilised them. So the blacks benefit from whites as well because we brought development to Africa. Blacks were tribal before slaves under their King. Just watch Shaka Zulu movie to see how brutal they lived before white civilisation. Blacks have only multiplied in number after white civilisations increased their lifespans.

And to all those BLM sorry for white privilege beggars. Why don't they bugger off out of white Europe. Yes they should put skin in the game. Leave white lands and embrace poverty and lack of development in Africa.

These people are civilisation wrecking balls. Appreciate democracy or go and live away from where white privilege is.

But they won't go because they like the white privilege of white society.

Two faced scum bags.
HP Mageson666 said:
Black People did not create the mythology of White Privilege, Jewish people did as a weapon.

BLM is a wing of the Democratic Party and BLM is openly a violent Marxist organization and its other Democratic Party paramilitary unit is Anti-Fa. BLM has raised over a billion dollars that all go to the Democratic Party and all the donations given to them on their site go straight to the Democratic Party. And they are funded and directed by the Jewish oligarch Soros who is the major funder and oligarch of the Democratic regime. All the regions that BLM and Anti-Fa were able to take over and riot are major Democratic Party controlled areas. One of the leaders of BLM was on CNN openly stating the entire goal of the BLM movement is to unseat Trump in this the election year. The Democratic Party is run by racial Jews.

BLM is not about Black People, its about Jewish elites using Jewish money and Jewish Marxism to organize a handful of paid Marxists, criminals, junkies and mentality ill into a organized mob to cause problems as a psychological warfare program for political power and to push Jewish Marxist revolution.

You guys just keep getting pulled into this emotional state were you blame some Blacks for being lied to by Jews. Yet you fail to notice most people in BLM are White Liberals who have been lied to by Jews.

Why are you defending Jewish Christianity? White missionaries just spread the Jewish program to Africa. That including destroying the ancient Pagan cultures they had and erasing their history and identity. Then the White missionaries your praising so much decided to import the Blacks to the west by the thousands to love Jewsus the king of the Jews. The Christian churches your praising are one of the biggest organized platforms of the non-White immigration into the west. Do you enjoy being civilized by the churches I hope so you defend them.

Personal Growth said:
White missionaries went to Africa to xtianise the Bantu people. And in so doing civilised them. So the blacks benefit from whites as well because we brought development to Africa. Blacks were tribal before slaves under their King. Just watch Shaka Zulu movie to see how brutal they lived before white civilisation. Blacks have only multiplied in number after white civilisations increased their lifespans.

And to all those BLM sorry for white privilege beggars. Why don't they bugger off out of white Europe. Yes they should put skin in the game. Leave white lands and embrace poverty and lack of development in Africa.

These people are civilisation wrecking balls. Appreciate democracy or go and live away from where white privilege is.

But they won't go because they like the white privilege of white society.

Two faced scum bags.

Thanks Mageson for pointing that out. And not only that, its slightly annoying that some white people keep saying about poverty and lack of development in Africa. Africa is poor and lacks development because of Jewish authority and the stupid white and arab degenerate tools that did the jewish dirty work by helping to destroy Africa spiritually and physically.

Africa had resources that they traded with the Chinese and Arabs, Africa had civilizations that were destroyed and some buried and covered with vegetation. The book "Lost Cities of Africa" shows all of this. I never knew this because I had a negative perception of Africa being poor and undeveloped too but then I was showed that this wasnt the case. When one actually does thorough research, one can see. Like the ancient city of Benin which is a good one.

I am grateful and happy about white achievement and technology but all this talk about black gentiles living in poverty and development since forever and the beginning of our creation is dead wrong, insulting and only shows lack of knowledge of african history. Not that whites have to study or know it but im just pointing it out now.

Every black modern leader that showed that Africa can build, maintain and sustain itself was killed. Like Thomas Sankara and Patrice Lumumbe for example are among the few. Every time black gentiles actually try, they get taken out. Just like any white gentile tries to evolve, succeed and help their people, they get taken out.
HP Mageson666 said:
Black People did not create the mythology of White Privilege, Jewish people did as a weapon.

BLM is a wing of the Democratic Party and BLM is openly a violent Marxist organization and its other Democratic Party paramilitary unit is Anti-Fa. BLM has raised over a billion dollars that all go to the Democratic Party and all the donations given to them on their site go straight to the Democratic Party. And they are funded and directed by the Jewish oligarch Soros who is the major funder and oligarch of the Democratic regime. All the regions that BLM and Anti-Fa were able to take over and riot are major Democratic Party controlled areas. One of the leaders of BLM was on CNN openly stating the entire goal of the BLM movement is to unseat Trump in this the election year. The Democratic Party is run by racial Jews.

BLM is not about Black People, its about Jewish elites using Jewish money and Jewish Marxism to organize a handful of paid Marxists, criminals, junkies and mentality ill into a organized mob to cause problems as a psychological warfare program for political power and to push Jewish Marxist revolution.

You guys just keep getting pulled into this emotional state were you blame some Blacks for being lied to by Jews. Yet you fail to notice most people in BLM are White Liberals who have been lied to by Jews.

Why are you defending Jewish Christianity? White missionaries just spread the Jewish program to Africa. That including destroying the ancient Pagan cultures they had and erasing their history and identity. Then the White missionaries your praising so much decided to import the Blacks to the west by the thousands to love Jewsus the king of the Jews. The Christian churches your praising are one of the biggest organized platforms of the non-White immigration into the west. Do you enjoy being civilized by the churches I hope so you defend them.

Personal Growth said:
White missionaries went to Africa to xtianise the Bantu people. And in so doing civilised them. So the blacks benefit from whites as well because we brought development to Africa. Blacks were tribal before slaves under their King. Just watch Shaka Zulu movie to see how brutal they lived before white civilisation. Blacks have only multiplied in number after white civilisations increased their lifespans.

And to all those BLM sorry for white privilege beggars. Why don't they bugger off out of white Europe. Yes they should put skin in the game. Leave white lands and embrace poverty and lack of development in Africa.

These people are civilisation wrecking balls. Appreciate democracy or go and live away from where white privilege is.

But they won't go because they like the white privilege of white society.

Two faced scum bags.


And we dont need white gentiles to civilize black gentiles. We need satanic spiritual culture, a healthy and peaceful environment/up bringing and competent pagan black leaders. I know you're frustrated but please stop with that.
You're right I seem to be defending the xian missionaries which I wouldn't want to do. Sorry. I hate xian missionaries travelling to spread their poison. And churches are disgusting brainwashing and slave training stations.

I have been taught that the black population in SA has only swelled exponentially after leaving their tribes to thrive better in the cities. That it was a no brainer for them to leave their hard traditional lifestyle to earn money and buy modern necessities. Although the Zulu Kingdom may still have a King. Their tribal lifestyle is non existent and can only be seen as a tourist attraction now because everyone is relying on money nowadays.

BLM seems to have received donations from lots of large global organisations. Someone said that we all support BLM because we are using these organisations that give large donations to BLM.

HP Mageson666 said:
Black People did not create the mythology of White Privilege, Jewish people did as a weapon.

BLM is a wing of the Democratic Party and BLM is openly a violent Marxist organization and its other Democratic Party paramilitary unit is Anti-Fa. BLM has raised over a billion dollars that all go to the Democratic Party and all the donations given to them on their site go straight to the Democratic Party. And they are funded and directed by the Jewish oligarch Soros who is the major funder and oligarch of the Democratic regime. All the regions that BLM and Anti-Fa were able to take over and riot are major Democratic Party controlled areas. One of the leaders of BLM was on CNN openly stating the entire goal of the BLM movement is to unseat Trump in this the election year. The Democratic Party is run by racial Jews.

BLM is not about Black People, its about Jewish elites using Jewish money and Jewish Marxism to organize a handful of paid Marxists, criminals, junkies and mentality ill into a organized mob to cause problems as a psychological warfare program for political power and to push Jewish Marxist revolution.

You guys just keep getting pulled into this emotional state were you blame some Blacks for being lied to by Jews. Yet you fail to notice most people in BLM are White Liberals who have been lied to by Jews.

Why are you defending Jewish Christianity? White missionaries just spread the Jewish program to Africa. That including destroying the ancient Pagan cultures they had and erasing their history and identity. Then the White missionaries your praising so much decided to import the Blacks to the west by the thousands to love Jewsus the king of the Jews. The Christian churches your praising are one of the biggest organized platforms of the non-White immigration into the west. Do you enjoy being civilized by the churches I hope so you defend them.

Personal Growth said:
White missionaries went to Africa to xtianise the Bantu people. And in so doing civilised them. So the blacks benefit from whites as well because we brought development to Africa. Blacks were tribal before slaves under their King. Just watch Shaka Zulu movie to see how brutal they lived before white civilisation. Blacks have only multiplied in number after white civilisations increased their lifespans.

And to all those BLM sorry for white privilege beggars. Why don't they bugger off out of white Europe. Yes they should put skin in the game. Leave white lands and embrace poverty and lack of development in Africa.

These people are civilisation wrecking balls. Appreciate democracy or go and live away from where white privilege is.

But they won't go because they like the white privilege of white society.

Two faced scum bags.
Personal Growth said:
White missionaries went to Africa to xtianise the Bantu people. And in so doing civilised them. So the blacks benefit from whites as well because we brought development to Africa. Blacks were tribal before slaves under their King. Just watch Shaka Zulu movie to see how brutal they lived before white civilisation. Blacks have only multiplied in number after white civilisations increased their lifespans.

And to all those BLM sorry for white privilege beggars. Why don't they bugger off out of white Europe. Yes they should put skin in the game. Leave white lands and embrace poverty and lack of development in Africa.

These people are civilisation wrecking balls. Appreciate democracy or go and live away from where white privilege is.

But they won't go because they like the white privilege of white society.

Two faced scum bags.
Africa had thriving civilsations before colonisation one example Benin city The Guinness Book of Records (1974 edition) described the walls of Benin City and its surrounding kingdom as the world’s largest earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era. According to estimates by the New Scientist’s Fred Pearce, Benin City’s walls were at one point “four times longer than the Great Wall of China, and consumed a hundred times more material than the Great Pyramid of Cheops”. https://amp.theguardian.com/cities/...ia-mighty-medieval-capital-lost-without-trace they are also many other cities and nations prior to colonisation....colonisation if anything got in the way of these civilsations further developing "Oy Vey goyims what do you mean Blacks built high civilisations they where just monkeys in the bush eating bananas before colonisation (((civilised))) them....."
likman666 said:
Personal Growth said:
White missionaries went to Africa to xtianise the Bantu people. And in so doing civilised them. So the blacks benefit from whites as well because we brought development to Africa. Blacks were tribal before slaves under their King. Just watch Shaka Zulu movie to see how brutal they lived before white civilisation. Blacks have only multiplied in number after white civilisations increased their lifespans.

And to all those BLM sorry for white privilege beggars. Why don't they bugger off out of white Europe. Yes they should put skin in the game. Leave white lands and embrace poverty and lack of development in Africa.

These people are civilisation wrecking balls. Appreciate democracy or go and live away from where white privilege is.

But they won't go because they like the white privilege of white society.

Two faced scum bags.
Africa had thriving civilsations before colonisation one example Benin city The Guinness Book of Records (1974 edition) described the walls of Benin City and its surrounding kingdom as the world’s largest earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era. According to estimates by the New Scientist’s Fred Pearce, Benin City’s walls were at one point “four times longer than the Great Wall of China, and consumed a hundred times more material than the Great Pyramid of Cheops”. https://amp.theguardian.com/cities/...ia-mighty-medieval-capital-lost-without-trace they are also many other cities and nations prior to colonisation....colonisation if anything got in the way of these civilsations further developing "Oy Vey goyims what do you mean Blacks built high civilisations they where just monkeys in the bush eating bananas before colonisation (((civilised))) them....."

Not trying to be funny. But if it was so big and had walls going for 16 000 miles. How on earth did the British Army manage to obliterate every last trace of it. What kind of bombs did the British have those days to manage to make it all vanish.
Ors666 said:
I think doing RTRs on any deceased can actually help them. I've made a servitor (lesser soul) a few months ago that was bound to the enemy before SS and I recently did an RTR then invited to my astral temple. Then my servitor dedicated to Satan. Completely free from serving the enemy. To anyone thinking servitors are not souls, here's a link: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Advanced_Thoughtforms.html
The last part of the page tells it so. And even if someone says they're not after reading that page, my servitor LITERALLY dedicated to Satan. I forgot what my servitor looked like and as soon as the dedication was done I almost instantly remembered. It felt just about the same as a parent would after saving their child.
Interesting story my friend, thanks for sharing. Just my two cents, when it says they are lesser souls on the page, I do believe it means you are generally creating a lesser soul from scratch. But, your experience does make complete sense as well, as it is known that those that have advanced enough to achieve astral immortality, but not yet physical, will have their past live's astral bodies existing in the astral forever. And also of course even if astral immortality hasn't been achieved, upon death astral bodies will still exist in the astral planes for a time depending on the life force energy of the person during their life. So the soul you were working with could be from either of these two avenues, I would say.

And as an end note, if you did have one of these lesser souls' astral bodies that would eventually dissipate instead become your servitor, feeding them energy could potentially keep them in existence indefinitely, I'd imagine - quite interesting!
Ors666 said:
Bigot Boy said:
Ors666 said:
I think doing RTRs on any deceased can actually help them. I've made a servitor (lesser soul) a few months ago that was bound to the enemy before SS and I recently did an RTR then invited to my astral temple. Then my servitor dedicated to Satan. Completely free from serving the enemy. To anyone thinking servitors are not souls, here's a link: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Advanced_Thoughtforms.html
The last part of the page tells it so. And even if someone says they're not after reading that page, my servitor LITERALLY dedicated to Satan. I forgot what my servitor looked like and as soon as the dedication was done I almost instantly remembered. It felt just about the same as a parent would after saving their child.
Interesting story my friend, thanks for sharing. Just my two cents, when it says they are lesser souls on the page, I do believe it means you are generally creating a lesser soul from scratch. But, your experience does make complete sense as well, as it is known that those that have advanced enough to achieve astral immortality, but not yet physical, will have their past live's astral bodies existing in the astral forever. And also of course even if astral immortality hasn't been achieved, upon death astral bodies will still exist in the astral planes for a time depending on the life force energy of the person during their life. So the soul you were working with could be from either of these two avenues, I would say.

And as an end note, if you did have one of these lesser souls' astral bodies that would eventually dissipate instead become your servitor, feeding them energy could potentially keep them in existence indefinitely, I'd imagine - quite interesting!

Mine was made from scratch. I put a BIG load of positive love energy into making it. I can have normal conversations with it and the intelligence is very high. When I made it I had attached it to an orgone accumulator so I suppose that's where it got to feed and sustain itself from. I also submitted a new Witchcraft topic where I go more into detail about this, I'd recommend you to check it out if you're into such things.
Ah, nice! I created a servitor myself quite some time ago, and I agree the intelligence of these souls can be very high. I programmed mine to harvest energy from the moon in order to sustain itself, and it has always been active and talkative for months now without me having to manually feed it energy.
Personal Growth said:
likman666 said:
Personal Growth said:
White missionaries went to Africa to xtianise the Bantu people. And in so doing civilised them. So the blacks benefit from whites as well because we brought development to Africa. Blacks were tribal before slaves under their King. Just watch Shaka Zulu movie to see how brutal they lived before white civilisation. Blacks have only multiplied in number after white civilisations increased their lifespans.

And to all those BLM sorry for white privilege beggars. Why don't they bugger off out of white Europe. Yes they should put skin in the game. Leave white lands and embrace poverty and lack of development in Africa.

These people are civilisation wrecking balls. Appreciate democracy or go and live away from where white privilege is.

But they won't go because they like the white privilege of white society.

Two faced scum bags.
Africa had thriving civilsations before colonisation one example Benin city The Guinness Book of Records (1974 edition) described the walls of Benin City and its surrounding kingdom as the world’s largest earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era. According to estimates by the New Scientist’s Fred Pearce, Benin City’s walls were at one point “four times longer than the Great Wall of China, and consumed a hundred times more material than the Great Pyramid of Cheops”. https://amp.theguardian.com/cities/...ia-mighty-medieval-capital-lost-without-trace they are also many other cities and nations prior to colonisation....colonisation if anything got in the way of these civilsations further developing "Oy Vey goyims what do you mean Blacks built high civilisations they where just monkeys in the bush eating bananas before colonisation (((civilised))) them....."

Not trying to be funny. But if it was so big and had walls going for 16 000 miles. How on earth did the British Army manage to obliterate every last trace of it. What kind of bombs did the British have those days to manage to make it all vanish.
It's not all vanished what you think it was made up from thin air or it's just wishful thinking.........
And the issue about huts it's because of the Waring nomadic tribes so a hut was convinient for a nomadic lifestyle where tribes settled down we built cities the ruins are there and not just with sand with stone as well some with in door toilets and running water i am not trying to make this into a competition but the myth that Blacks can't be civilised and that they need Whites to do so is bullshit the point of existing is Self Realisation which is accomplished on a mass scale through Civilisation it's from Atman therefore if you exist you can be civilised.......
sonnenkraft said:
Same tactics since ancient times but in a different way, some blacks now is defending Jesus saying that he was black , and truth shall be revealed white man took our history , black race again under Jewish spell .

*expect new crusaders ,the Jews need a new Army

“revelations says jebus has bronze skin and hair like wool bro!”
Personal Growth said:
likman666 said:
Personal Growth said:
White missionaries went to Africa to xtianise the Bantu people. And in so doing civilised them. So the blacks benefit from whites as well because we brought development to Africa. Blacks were tribal before slaves under their King. Just watch Shaka Zulu movie to see how brutal they lived before white civilisation. Blacks have only multiplied in number after white civilisations increased their lifespans.

And to all those BLM sorry for white privilege beggars. Why don't they bugger off out of white Europe. Yes they should put skin in the game. Leave white lands and embrace poverty and lack of development in Africa.

These people are civilisation wrecking balls. Appreciate democracy or go and live away from where white privilege is.

But they won't go because they like the white privilege of white society.

Two faced scum bags.
Africa had thriving civilsations before colonisation one example Benin city The Guinness Book of Records (1974 edition) described the walls of Benin City and its surrounding kingdom as the world’s largest earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era. According to estimates by the New Scientist’s Fred Pearce, Benin City’s walls were at one point “four times longer than the Great Wall of China, and consumed a hundred times more material than the Great Pyramid of Cheops”. https://amp.theguardian.com/cities/...ia-mighty-medieval-capital-lost-without-trace they are also many other cities and nations prior to colonisation....colonisation if anything got in the way of these civilsations further developing "Oy Vey goyims what do you mean Blacks built high civilisations they where just monkeys in the bush eating bananas before colonisation (((civilised))) them....."

Not trying to be funny. But if it was so big and had walls going for 16 000 miles. How on earth did the British Army manage to obliterate every last trace of it. What kind of bombs did the British have those days to manage to make it all vanish.
They are also testimonials from Europeans about it read the link
likman666 said:
Personal Growth said:
likman666 said:
Africa had thriving civilsations before colonisation one example Benin city The Guinness Book of Records (1974 edition) described the walls of Benin City and its surrounding kingdom as the world’s largest earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era. According to estimates by the New Scientist’s Fred Pearce, Benin City’s walls were at one point “four times longer than the Great Wall of China, and consumed a hundred times more material than the Great Pyramid of Cheops”. https://amp.theguardian.com/cities/...ia-mighty-medieval-capital-lost-without-trace they are also many other cities and nations prior to colonisation....colonisation if anything got in the way of these civilsations further developing "Oy Vey goyims what do you mean Blacks built high civilisations they where just monkeys in the bush eating bananas before colonisation (((civilised))) them....."

Not trying to be funny. But if it was so big and had walls going for 16 000 miles. How on earth did the British Army manage to obliterate every last trace of it. What kind of bombs did the British have those days to manage to make it all vanish.
They are also testimonials from Europeans about it read the link

I believe you. High Priestess Shannon said Father Satan showed her an ancient civilisation that had streets with street lighting and great buildings. I'm sure some remains of such walls must still be around although maybe not discernible of what it is.
As the United States of America has been equated to the Roman Empire which fell thanks to jewish christianity they are looking forward to doing the very same but with this spiteful movement on America. The strategy is the same the jews are now inflicting guilt, shame and are looking to weaken the police, the armed forces and the middle class citizen with their disgusting words which can relate to those heinous words stated by the nefarious nazarane, words that advocated murder, rape and theft but sugarcoated to cheat gentiles. Once they feel humillated and guilty enough these barbarians can stab a knife at their backs while the jews take absolute control of the USA and abolish the rights of the Constitution. You must not let that happen fellow americans. What makes me see red the most is how envious people of the United States here on the south, Russia and China and enjoying it. It makes me sick to my stomach these arseholes who seek the destruction of America to impose their communist government worldwide. The last hope for every western civilization is the United States of America not any other country.
To make things worse, I have seen many videos of cowards blacks assaulting, battering and or provoking white people to make them angry and make them go ballistics to the point of pointing guns at them so they can play the victim's and racism's card As always the jews thrive on this. Allowing violence and crime perpetrated on white people will make these apes believe they are untouchable to do what ever they want.
Besides, I haven't seen any of these mother fuckers provoke or assault ashkenazi jews. Why? Because they are jewish pawns infiltrated and they have their targets given by their jewish bosses. The 80% of black owners were not white people but ashkenazi jews why don't these coward black savages attack and kill as much ashkenazi jews as possible? No, they will not do it because they are their owners. Not only does this prove moronic blacks are still slaves of the jews as they nod and do what the jews command them to do but also it shows how that filthy movement is infiltrated and ruled by the jews.
eternal666light said:
ANTIFA is also anti-white.

one of the San Diego head Antifa members posted this hate white speech, claiming people need to start killing white people. its fucking disgusting, i uploaded it in 2 different places for however u want to view it, feel free to upload to a better platform if u wish.



The guy looks retarded and brainwashed. They want to kill Whites but also want to have White wives? Oh, I see, to rape and interbreed, sick motherf***ers. If this dude is not a jew then this is pure jealousy which many non-whites have because of their pornified mentality. They can't get a white woman because now they see the real world is different from the porn world, so now they want to kill white men to get laid next to a white woman. This guy is jealous that he is not white and out of his jealousy and lustful desire, he is hating Whites, especially White men. this is jealousy talking out of his mouth.

Sick minds, I wish nothing but misery and painful death to these kinds of people :evil:
The problem is the Jew tells many lies. Firstly I don't believe the missionaries brought civilization to Africa. The whites of good intentions were out to bring civilization and explore the world. All the time great gentiles initiate anything the Jew living close to them jumps into action. The program in it starts running, first it tries to stop them. If it can't stop them it infiltrates to ensure that in the end it will benefit. So the Jew thought it would be a great time to spread it's sick Christian program. The Jew came to create conflict and ensure the Noble goals will not be achieved. Later the Jew wrote a history of lies.
It's also important to know that Africans did not accept Christianity as the Jew would like us to believe. The Jew took advantage of schools to poison children with Christianity. The older people could not be converted. Young people were told that their parents were very stupid to believe in the African gods this caused much conflict and destroyed families.
Pisces said:
sonnenkraft said:
Same tactics since ancient times but in a different way, some blacks now is defending Jesus saying that he was black , and truth shall be revealed white man took our history , black race again under Jewish spell .

*expect new crusaders ,the Jews need a new Army

“revelations says jebus has bronze skin and hair like wool bro!”



And now ye know the true meaning of "the meek shall inherit the Earth". This is the world of the meek. I just saw a video of a man being stabbed on a subway, and nobody helped him, but they filmed him getting stabbed. Standing there with their phones in their hands, caught in a bystander's trance. That is the true meaning of the meek. This is the world of the meek. Even the supposed evil tyrants are meek and ineffectual.

What separates me, and you, if you so desire it, is unconditional love. Unconditional love for all humanity, everything. All matter, all life. Whites are wise to these tricks (and they even out-Jew the Jews sometimes, who's Jewing who anymore?)! All but the worst dregs of humanity fire "All lives matter" right back to the bought and paid for Jewish slogans. And it's not just Whites too. Remember what Christ said? He who is without sin casts the first stone, and Christ casted his stone on all of humanity. Love him, hate him, but Chris is easily one of the most powerful entities this world has ever seen, and I respect him. I respect his followers. There is a reason for Christianity that I am still seeking, so that I may take Christ and add him to my symphony. I love a challenge! So did Bach. Christ is the "Musical Offering" bestowed to this Universe, the most egregious and pointless "anomaly", a challenge to be incorporated. Did Bach scoff and discard Frederick the Great's theme just because it was meant to frustrate and challenge him?

If there is something Christ said that I agree with, I will not dismiss it simply because Christ said it. I will use it and make it my own. I take everything that I need. Call me blasphemous if you'd like, but I am trying to cultivate the truest form of unconditional love that I can. I know many of you guys are too, and some are on the path. I am on the path, for hatred is a virus. Look how easily that virus spread. Why do we have two viruses going on at the same time? So you can see for yourself that no biological virus in the world can compete with the virus of hatred.

If you have hatred in your heart, then I curse you to be free, for freedom is the most terrifying thing in the world. Do you think "atheists" are free? No. They cry out for God, they yearn for God more than anyone else. Don't take people at face value, dig deeper! The only way to become more than man is to cut yourself off from God completely. The atheist doesn't do this, he yearns for evidence, he cries and whimpers at the mere thought of faith! Because he is meek. But is a newly born lamb not a thing of beauty? Because the existence of such a tender thing implies the existence of something strong that must protect it!

If anything I've said provides some sort of value to you, even something for you to dismiss, I could smile eternally.

PS: The easiest way to defeat Black Lives Matter is if you guys actually started using the slogan yourselves! They know you don' want to use it. HAHAHAHAAHAHA! Ain't that some shit. They only say it to draw a dividing line between them and you. Even by denying the slogan "Black Lives Matter", you're falling victim! Bwahahahahahahahhaha. Just imagine if a bunch of White Nationalists start saying Black Lives Matter. All they want is to keep on hating you! DO THE UNEXPECTED YOU FOOLS!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAA.

Do not be predictable. Always do the unexpected, or else you're just fucking cattle. BLM is the prod, meant to condition you, nothing else. It doesn't even need to be said, but the slogan BLM was made for you, not for Blacks. And they're even using it to align blacks with transgenders. How fucked and forceful. Don't give the enemy any excuse to hate you. They want to hate you, because they are meek. Don't let them hate you. Take it or leave it, but this is the best idea I could come up with right now. Teach them freedom, because they have a mind virus, an automatic condition, bred to hate you.

White man's burden is White man's blessing. Everyone is looking for Whites to fix the world, to be the messiah. Challenge accepted! Who doesn't want to be a fucking messiah? I don't know about you, but I sure do. I'm not waiting for anyone or anything. Have at me!

On an interesting side note, if you combine "Black Lives Matter" and "All Lives Matter" you get "Belial Lives Matter".
I have a quick question concerning the runes. I do have an affinity for the runes but I also have an affinity for the Ogham (which supposedly druid alphabet), from what I understand that Ogham is actually pronounced as AUM. What is the difference between these two alphabets? Can they both be used in power meditation?
Transviking said:
Ogham alphabet looks to be based on rune Is(ᛁ). I can see a Ogham letter, Oír(ᚖ), at the center of Web of Wyrd, who is the source of runes. Eabhadh(ᚕ) is related to Hagal(ᚼ). Muin(ᚋ) looks like Nauthiz(ᚾ). Beich(ᚁ) can be connected to Tiwaz(ᛏ)!
HP Mageson666 said:
Christianity The Anti-White Religion

Christianity was always anti-White its whole basis is the original White European spiritual expression of life is evil for not being Judaism and not worshipping Jewish people as god. And the ancestors of all Whites are in Christian Hell being punished by a foreign Semitic god for not being Jewish. And the original White God [Jupiter-Dionysus], is literally Satan as stated in the book of revelations. Hence the White racial soul is Satan.

So now Whites themselves must physically repent for being "The White Devil" just another day with the anti-White cult of Christianity in action. Just as the Christian SJW's of ancient Rome led on by Jews toppled the statues of the White ancestors of the Romans and Greeks now they are doing the same in America to Jefferson, Washington and others. The White Devil must go they chant.

However note the racial awakening ritual is paying off this is so obvious even mainstream news is noting this fact. The runes were banned by the Jewish Catholic church as they are the power of the White racial soul and can break the chains of the Jewish spell of Christianity. Hitler and the Third Reich used the runes to wake up the White Germans to the Jews and defeat them. Remember the Hammer of Thor is the Thor rune these are the spiritual weapons of the Aryan Gods to smash the forces of the racial magic of the Jew which is Christianity in all its forms. The Thule Society destroyed the forces of Jewish power with runic magic this makes the enemy afraid.


Among the reasons why this still-amorphous ‘movement’ became so widely popular with such break-neck speed is perhaps because in the eyes of many, it transcended mere politics. Many so-called protests took on features highly reminiscent of religion: collective worship, public confession and requests for salvation, devotional poses and gestures, group prayer, the creation of a new pantheon of martyr figures to revere, and the adoption of liturgical rites and rituals.

Children and teenagers have been encouraged to publicly repent for their sins, with the ‘original sin’ being ‘white privilege’. In the small town of Schwenksville, Pennsylvania, I witnessed a white teenager named Frankie, wearing a sleekly designed ‘Black Lives Matter’ t-shirt, nervously stand before the assembled crowd (also overwhelmingly white) and proclaim, ‘Every single white person here today benefits from white privilege’ to rousing applause. His solution for this alleged problem was heavily individualized: each white person in attendance must take the personal initiative ‘to learn’ about their privilege, and ‘ask themselves on a day by day basis how they can help’.

You known who you will not find at this anti-White, cuck church meeting to pray to a Jew to ask forgiveness for being born White. Anyone White who rolls with Satan.

Jewsus leaves you on your knees, Satan stands you on your feet, White Man.


Parishioners gathered at the Cuney Homes in the Third Ward in Houston, Texas where George Floyd played hoops and did community outreach
'Father God we asked for forgiveness from our black brothers and sisters for years and years of racism,' one man is heard saying on Sunday
'Pray for my white, black and brown brothers and sisters who have had the courage to expose blatant racism in my own heart,' a parishioner says on video
Catholics and Christians are brainwashed douche bags who need to wake up.
natalie_lion's_heart said:
Every night I've fallen asleep with the Óðal, Sól, and Óss runes above my bed and I've felt so much more conscious than ever about my roots.

I keep getting messages from my psyche, I'm way more open to receiving Racial messages, and I think the Gods have been leading me towards a greater an understanding of Nietzche's call for "historical awareness" when 'becoming' who you are:

"Direct self observation is not nearly sufficient for us to know ourselves: we need history, for the past flows on within us in a hundred waves." (Human All Too Human)

I've been a dedicated Satanist for the majority of my life now but only very recently, thanks to the RTRs and the Race Awakening Rituals, have I come to really appreciate my White Soul, being a White Woman, and really actualising INTO the Truth and not just "knowing" it.
When I love myself, when I love my White Men, I am loving my roots, culture, Racial religion and loving my direct genetically-related Gods and Father Satan - and that's the most natural thing for us.

Most people, myself previously included, live with very shallow realisations of (the truth about) themselves, what they are and where they want to be.
I've now come to sense more-or-less where the break is (in my mind) between the "web" that ensnares our planet and my own racially White heritage, and how aware I am of these; thanks to these rituals and the runes. I'm more tied in and more aware of how the runes directly influence my soul.

I'm so grateful for this post because it really validated how I've been feeling lately.
I was going to talk about the slave morality of today and how steeped in it those people are but this puts it most succinctly;

".. when a living organism is cut from its roots, it loses a connection with the foundation of its existence and must necessarily perish." (Carl Jung, Ation)

Beautifully said and wonderful to know. I suspect we will notice more and more women like you as we succeed will our race rituals.
:evil: enough is enough...I used to be a pushover to the Jews until I found my own proof that they fucked plump everything and everyone the jew has fucking nearly completely destroyed our people and our people’s ways with the inquisition but they failed. There are more satanists nowthen ever...but WE CANNOT MINIMIZE OUR HaTRED FOR THE JEWS seriously ....they cheated lied and wormed there way , tortured burned and murdered mass amounts of innocent gentiles PITY is a Christian sickness and they use it. Do not pity the jew....I say jew....as a whole entity...not Jews just jew....they are our sworn enemy, they have caused enough destruction of our society , it’s time for things to be taken up about a six hundred and sixty six notches....In the astral planes and the physical planes we must destroy them from within and without. Cleanse our earth of the ones who have sworn to destroy our people and our world . The jew. The alien. Like think of it like mars attacks the movie . A sect of there aliens have gained 50% ish of complete power over “big brother” I mean 50 percent of everything everyone everywhere’s is watched I’m not saying to anyone do crime but there was a guy I knew around here who has begun destroying big brothers cameras whenever he can and also doing many other interesting works that Satan insists upon all who know him to do. The real war on earth is about to begin. Stock up. Get ready. Protect yourself and your loved ones. May Satan and our Close Demon Friends help us with everything

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
