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Christianity Better Than Islam?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
What is of extreme importance and makes one an actual Satanist, is to what extent one has deprogrammed from xianity, islam, and general abrahamism.

The roots in which the mentalities of the enemy can run into people, which have been drummed in nations, individuals, and souls for centuries, can be extremely deep. The poisonous tree of the teachings of the enemy have infested humanity, human minds, and life, for centuries.

There are people who are literally brainwashed at the deepest levels of the minds from the above.

A typical of this category is fools who say that "Christianity" is better than Islam. These types of brainwashed NPC's have not crossed the books side by side to see that actually, they are all the very same thing.

The whole difference between Islam and Christianity is that in Christianity, White Europeans and enlightened people of "Heathen" beliefs have fought more successfully Christianity for centuries, and spilled tons of blood to cast it aside. This has generated in the last centuries a 'breath' from Christianity for Europeans and other people, whom the enemy is trying to always bring back, or move forward to the antithetical end, so people swindle back into it.

Islam rising in Europe is just the second card of the jews up their sleeve to return their eternal destruction back to authority.

Mass slaughter, mass censorship, burning people, stoning people and capital punishment, engaging in "Holy wars", complete war against any form of science or intellectual thinking, denial of life and existence, are all common subjects in both these jewish faiths. Both in their logical extreme only will destroy the planet and flatten humanity on the level of animals now and for all eternity if allowed to.

Any form of life under any condition is detested, opposed, and put on as a task of sinful criminality. The only 'life' that can exist, is what serves the jew in the alien hive, and only insofar it follows the 'rules' imposed by the jewish filth. Only cattle can exist for the jews and "abrahamic authorities" in a state of perpetual servitude and slavery, with a yoke on the neck.

Christians are hypocritical, vicious, and above all, dumb creatures. You see many "Christians" complain about Pedophillia in "Islam", but they are all good with opening their "Brotherly arms for mankind" and accepting their sister religion into their midst, only to create grooming gangs later, as is usual in their loved regions of the "East" for a few centuries, thanks to jews.

What their book says is to not "Judge". The ability of "Judgement" of these people is clearly lacking, same as the IQ. At least, as this book says, the poor in spirit which is pnevma in Greek or intelligence in plain slang, will enter 'heaven'.

The only complaint of "Christians" when millions and millions of people who will eventually extinct them in some sort of demographic apocalypse, that is fine, granted, these people are "Christians". "Good Christians" fill the boats thousands by thousands daily in what is basically an invasion. After all, "Everyone is Equal In the Eyes of The Lord".

They both belong and were concocted by jewish sick and defiled mind. Jesus and Mohammed are both these archetypal jewish communists, that carry the same hammer and sickle, use the same preaching, and cause the same internal and external damage into a civilization.

The roots of the Talmud, the Torah basis, and all the tenets, are transferred directly to both. Both, in all historical incidents that they had power, completely obliterated humanity and retracted back all sorts of development. 3000 years ago people knew the earth was round, but 1000 years earlier, the majority of people thought it was flat, simply because the Church said so.

The only difference here is the people upon which these plagues fell, and how people reacted differently to them, times and circumstances, and nothing else. Both these poisons have had the same jewish aim, and that is to disable an once great people that were developed and advanced, and turn them into swine due to jewish hatred and spite.

Now that Arabs have the chance to opt-out of this madness, they are doing it. It took them centuries to be able to finally have the option to move away. In the same position that Arabs are today, Europeans were for about 17 centuries.

Anything meaningful ever generated to this planet, aside people working in fields like cattle slaves, was created by what is fundamentally "Anti-Jewish" or "Anti-Abrahamic" values. This includes any meaningful material object, any civilization, and anything that makes life meaningful for humans, and makes us 'humans' in contrast to cattle.

Apparently, the ability to understand that if you have two bags of M&M's and Smarties, and understanding it's fundamentally and in everyway, the same thing, is lacking in many people.

I will tell you what Islam and Christianity are: different smells, from the same jewish pile of dung. As for those who want to sit and divide the smells, I guess, some people are born to live in jewish filth, and there is nothing that can be done.

Then people who keep themselves at this level also make the million dollar question: HOW DO THE JEWS RUN THE WHOLE PLANET? WHY DO THE JEWS OWN EVERYTHING? Ask the christians as they divide jewish filth. I DO NOT KNOW BUT I HATE THESE JEWS, answers another muslim as they shower in the pile of cultural jewish dung. I REALLY HATE THESE JEWS, says the christian as he whines for his favorite Rabbi from the Levant, his "SAVIOR", his "GOD", his "PURPOSE" and everything else.

IQ at the level of donkeys here is an understatement.

Every time someone attacks their favorite Rabbi from the Levant or from the Middle East, the jews and muslims are ready to juke it out. Don't you dare touch their cultural excretions and clean these pigs from the swine, you heretic.

After all, this is where pigs are supposed to have their dwelling. Who are we or anyone else to say differently?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hi everyone, I have someone online asking me Whats your source on that? The church teaching that the earth is flat?

If anyone knows the answer, can you back me up?
It took me some time to realize there is no xianity, or pisslam, or judaism, or communism, but simply only jewish filth.

There is fundamentally no difference between any of these things, all are filthy jewish shit from the filthy alien jewish soul. It is the exact antithesis of our White Aryan ideologies and existence.

It is filled only with nastier and more odious forms of excrement, and any who engage in such in any form become insane as it is impossible to remain sane when showering your brain in such disgusting, nasty shit. Therefore the only solution is to reject it completely and totally, and fully destroy these so they may never exist in any form again whatsoever.

It is also useless to have sympathy for the dumb xian, as these elements in our society will relentlessly push their shit down everyones throats at any oppertunity no matter how you treat them and they cannot be "cured" from their disease in most cases as it has infested their minds so thoroughly there is nothing left to cure.

They become the disease themselves. They are assimilated into the disease, rather than simply carrying it, they turn into total zombies that once turned cannot be turned back into healthy living people.

Only those born later who begin to question the insanity that is perpetuated by their parents and families and manage to resist the disease before it assimilates them fully too can hope to cure themselves from this disease.

This is where Satanism comes in. People who find Satanism are lucky to have the chance to cure themselves from this most deadly disease, but if one comes from any of the abrahamic filths it can take years to fully clean out all the crap that has infected you.

This disease runs far more rampant than most people would think. It is everywhere, in subtle forms. In all forms of media, in most political movements, in most cultures.

Everywhere you look you can find abrahamic mongrelization and degeneracy, in subtle forms and often having taken a life of it's own, not directly connected to the origional source as the smell has wafted in the wind and spread thin in some cases, but is still very much there and can firmly take hold if it is not identified and rejected in time.

It is suprising how easy it is for such things to take hold in places, starting as subtle influences and growing rapidly into full blown abrahamism in a matter of a few years at most, or less and how easy it is for this to go unnoticed due to how it infests the mind and how the mind can come to accept it over time, starting with the smallest little thing that seems harmless, and growing into a deadly delusion before one even realizes anything has changed at all.

Even here this has happened and is happening.

Everyone needs to get better at recognizing abrahamic filth from Aryan Decency, as sometimes the line can appear thin on the surface level.

Reading about Aryan Decency and what it entails, and learning what the exalted traits we inherited from the Gods, both in mentality and wisdom actually are is key here, as knowing about these exalted things and understanding them, will help you identify the filth and reject it as these two simply do not mix, even if the line can appear thin sometimes on the surface level when one doesn't know.
ShermanTank said:
Hi everyone, I have someone online asking me Whats your source on that? The church teaching that the earth is flat?

If anyone knows the answer, can you back me up?

The Christians have spent centuries believing the earth was a square because in some place in the bible they debated about the earth having "corners" or "gonia" which means corner.

The bible reffers to Square and Circle in regards to the earth. So from these arose the belief of both the flat earth, and the disk earth.

Of course, only pastors and clergymen ever read the bible as the majority of people under xian rule were always totally illiterate anyway.

Gallileo was indicted for example because of heliocentricism and saying the earth orbits around the sun and not the other way around.
What the jews created in the form of let's say "religions" always had a further meta-political type of purpose.

For example, they woven the hatred for women. Then, this became social norms and normalized hatred.

Even after the initial cause is gone, which is "religion", its damage remained regardless, same as the children carry after the death of a parent, so the death of christianity carries on in the values it has sprang.

Eventually this fungus goes much deeper, and boils down into xianity and abrahamism.

This is why in Europe people still suffer from typical mental illnesses of xianity such as love for obvious enemies. Xianity may be put "on the side", but its fungal mental illness kids carry on.
VoiceofEnki said:
This disease runs far more rampant than most people would think. It is everywhere, in subtle forms. In all forms of media, in most political movements, in most cultures.
Very true, I have never been a xian and started hating xianity just after less than a year in a catholic bastard school and I have found in myself hangups that just that rotten filth xianity could put in me.
Christianity is Islam a Catholic Cardinal came out and admitted the Catholic Church created Islam and the record of this is in the Vatican archives. Islam has the gospels of the Bible in the Koran and holds Jesus as the virgin born messiah being. The Koran is another version of the Bible with a Mohammed who is another Jewish character as the main Messiah. The Muslim's believe that Jesus is going to return at the end of time and judge the world. The Jews couldn't get the Catholic Church further east due to the Persian Empire so they created a second version of the program to appeal to the Arab populations and then used them to attack outwards in all directions and take more ground. Islam was created in Medina the major Jewish-Catholic population center.
HP Mageson666 said:
Christianity is Islam a Catholic Cardinal came out and admitted the Catholic Church created Islam and the record of this is in the Vatican archives. Islam has the gospels of the Bible in the Koran and holds Jesus as the virgin born messiah being. The Koran is another version of the Bible with a Mohammed who is another Jewish character as the main Messiah. The Muslim's believe that Jesus is going to return at the end of time and judge the world. The Jews couldn't get the Catholic Church further east due to the Persian Empire so they created a second version of the program to appeal to the Arab populations and then used them to attack outwards in all directions and take more ground. Islam was created in Medina the major Jewish-Catholic population center.
Great,I have always wondered how Islam took over Arabs as Arabs were the first to convert to Islam,and they were so deeply into it and converted other nations,how were Arabs converted so easily and used drastically by Jews for their agenda
The situation with the abuses that go on in Islamic nations. Those nations are ruled over by Islamic law hence the justification for all this behaviour is in the Koran and Hadith's and the Islamic courts are built on such. The white washed version we get from the Muslim's over here is a joke. Thankfully for Muslim's due to cultural Marxism all they have to do is hide behind leftist identity politics' of the jews and scream Islamophobia, also equally funny now the Jews are paying for this as its turning on them in the Democratic Progressive's part of the party.
I'd like to note that the Furher spoke more favorably of Islam than that of christianity.

Not saying that he agreed with Islam, but he understood that Islam was the better of the two choices.
StraitShot47 said:
I'd like to note that the Furher spoke more favorably of Islam than that of christianity.

Not saying that he agreed with Islam, but he understood that Islam was the better of the two choices.

This is for the most part a hoax generated mainly by Hebrew Israelite and other Islamic groups without any substance in reality. Many Arabs liked Hitler as a political ally (Opposed to the jews) and of course had good relations over this basis, but Hitler did not 'praise' Islam, but the Arabs and their "militarism". This is far from blessing Islam. He also said that if the Europeans were like the Arabs in that regard, and also in other aspects such as birthrates, that would be beneficial to Germans. Also, Hitler was talking at some points on the relations between Germany and Turkey (they extend for a few centuries) and not talking positively of "Islam".

The above was drawn as deceptive parellel to again create more concoctions in regards to Hitler's beliefs. Statements based on hypothesis do not mean one is espousing something, nor do comments on the political reality.

I'd like to note that this is only disinformation, and the only thing he mentioned is that Mohammedanism aka Pisslam is better for birthrates than xianity, which is a fact, and not 'favorably talking' of the abrahamic jewish program, or calling it better in anyway, shape or form.

I wonder why so many people just assume that Hitler had the same IQ as them. He did not. Especially in christurds, this is really apparent. They believe that every great person thinks like they do, or has sentimental feelings about the same rabbi they love or something.

On one hand the Nazis started all the assault and replacement of the church, on the other, a fabricated quote from Hitler in 1921 or something proves he was a "Christian".

I guess you can put Good Clergymen of the Vatican in the funeral pyre, and have an annexation plan to destroy the Vatican in your table, but you can be a xian, LOL. They also let one Church run a service once with 10 people and a few SS officers holding guns, they were there to pray that's all. This must also be why the face of Jesus was cast out of every room, courthouse, and every important building, and replaced with the Swastika or Hitler. Just a little Deviation from the usual xianity.

Some churches also were accidentally burned flat. Upsies. So Christian of them.
The statements on Hitler and Islam come from dubious second hand sources and we don't have anything direct on it. It does not make however any sense Hitler who understood the destructive trash of Judaism and Christianity then would turn around and speak highly of the third in the round of such Tradition of the "Book".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
I'd like to note that the Furher spoke more favorably of Islam than that of christianity.

Not saying that he agreed with Islam, but he understood that Islam was the better of the two choices.

Some churches also were accidentally burned flat. Upsies. So Christian of them.
What a time to be alive!!
I guess it depends on which flavor of cancer you prefer: the that's european flavored or the one that has all that middle east in it.
The only thing Christianity has over Islam is that Christians don't walk into stadiums and blow themselves up, nor do they shout "God is great" after slaying 150 people with an AK47.

It doesn't mean that there is a potential for Christianity to return to its bloody ages from a thousand years ago. Besides, if someone is a Christian, they might well be a jew, and same goes for a muslim.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
